Thursday, January 31, 2008

Perplexities of Hinduism Defense

Subj: Perplexities of Hinduism Defense
Dear Surinder Ji: Thanks for the trouble you have taken to analyze the thoughts expressed by me in my letter on restoration Hindutva in India. As you have put it correctly it is a too complex problem requiring attack and finding sulutions in multiple ways. It is as difficult as dealing witha patient with sepsis, heart failure, liver failure and kindney failure and has anoxic encepahalopaty of the brain besides hypotention refractory to vassopreser agents. The biggest hurdle is the attitudes and mentality of our own hindus today and in fact it is it is as dificult as as trying to milk a bull.For eight hundred years we had a common cause of elimination the influence of muslim's rule on us and then we had another common cause to remove the british and christianity out our country and noe we dont have a commn cause except busy fighting among ourselves how to please the muslims and christians who destroyed national culture and character. These Indian muslims and Indian christians who are none otehr than Indians with foreign gods in their brains with perverted minds. Anyway I will know more about myself about what I can do and cannot do when I return to India. Until then whatever I say and not say will be meaningless and will not have any impact on anything. With Regards,
Rao2. My Take:Dr. Subbarao Kuchibhotla Jee:Thanks for your message.3. You & I can easily agree that Hinduism Defense ( and Propagation ), is a complex problem. If it had not been complex, it would have been resolved centuries ago.4. Quote:It is as difficult as dealing witha patient with sepsis, heart failure, liver failure and kindney failure and has anoxic encepahalopaty of the brain besides hypotention refractory to vassopreser agents. MY COMMENT: This is medical stuff, even though it is way over my head, still I can make out that it is intricate, except that Hinduism-Defense ( and Propagation ) is even more perplexing. We Hindus have suffered tremendously from the Brutal-Blast of Islamic Brutality & Barbarism, for over 1200 years. I am not sure if this kind of experience has given us Hindus, some inferiority-complex, but I do see signs of “ Stockholm-Syndrome “ amongst some Hindus, especially those who are of the Phoney-Liberal type ( and there are lots of those in India ). Why else would they utter Non-Sense such as:“ Islam is good, some Moslems are misguided, who are becoming suicide-bombers ” And“ Hindu-Muslim Bhai Bhai ?”5. Islam good, my foot. Islam is no good. Islam is a Gospel of Hate, whose Allah calls Jehadic-atrocities & pillage and plunder of Kafirs, as lawful & good. Allah claims to be Merciful, but creates an Islamic-Hell, which He is committed to fill with Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). How self-contradictory this Allah of Islam is !
How can a Moslem & a Hindu be Bhai-Bhai ?How can a Butcher & his Victim be Bhai-Bhai ?How can a Sinner & a Saint be Bhai-Bhai ?How can a Bank-Robber & a Bank-Manager be Bhai-Bhai ?How can a Knuckle-Head & a Nice-Guy be Bhai-Bhai ?
Those Hindus who tout this kind of non-sense, are totally off the wall, they are all-wet. They are unable to see Hazrat Mohammad’s plan of building an Islamic-Empire ( it is an empire that is neither lawful nor good, it is bad to the bone ).If you do not call Islam Bad, then you will surely be Mis-Naming it.
6. Quote: The biggest hurdle is the attitudes and mentality of our own hindus today and in fact it is it is as dificult as as trying to milk a bull.MY COMMENT: My friend, Shri Baljit Rai of Chandigarh, tells me the same trueness:“ Eighty percent of the problems of the Hindus, are Hindus themselves. “
Both yours and Shri Baljit Rai Jee’s observations are very striking, and I concur whole-heartedly with both.
7. Quote: .For eight hundred years we had a common cause of elimination the influence of muslim's rule on us and then we had another common cause to remove the british and christianity out our country and noe we dont have a commn cause except busy fighting among ourselves how to please the muslims and christians who destroyed national culture and characterMY COMMENT:Yes, it was a common cause for the past 1200 years, but it is still a common cause, even though it is not perceptible to majority of Hindus, because of the Phoney-Liberalism, that has been going on in India, for the last 60 years. In fact, the eradication of Islam & Christianity from India, is even more important now, than it was 1200 years ago. If no brakes are applied, Moslems will number 50 % of the population of India, within 50 more years, and there will be millions more of Christians, who would want to flood India with crosses.
8. Quote: Anyway I will know more about myself about what I can do and cannot do when I return to India. MY COMMENT: Dr. Sobbarao Jee: You can do plenty. Hinduism-Defense requires people who have what it takes to do the job. We need guys like you. There are lots of smart Hindus out there. At least some of them are committed to Hinduism-Defense. We need to find them, and get them on-board.
Surinder Paul Attri

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Slow INVASION of calm and decent British "way of life" in Oxford

1.Slow INVASION of calm and decent British "way of life" in Oxford. Church bells will have to give SPACE to Mullah's "Azaan" (Loud ear shattering Cry to Prayer).
First they asked for 'once a day'. Now it is three times a day. Next it will be FIVE times a day. Finally it will be from EVERY MOSQUE in the county five times a day. One ought to know of the "Encroaching Arab Camel" who started from Mecca, advanced up to Jerusalem and now OCCUPIES the earth on all continents so that the "Sun never sets on Mohammed's Women-Crushing, Infidel-Killing Dictatorial Separatist Empire" of Intolerance, Slaughter (of the Innocent), Loot & Arson and Molestation of women.
If permitted to broadcast Azan over Oxford, they will soon go for higher decibel levels than church bells around.
The shrill “Azan” (Call to Prayer) may be soothing to Muslim ears, it sends a shiver of fear down the spine of non Muslims most of whom have strong recollection of Islamic barbarities in own countries of birth. It’s an unnerving reminder of the potential Killers, abductors, rapists, arsonists and suicide bombers in their midst. Which Armenian, Hindu or Sikh listens to Azan with equanimity? Rather, under the weight of Muslim conquests and bloodshed throughout history it sounds like Call to War. The frightful imagery is reinforced when no female is seen among the all-male worshippers who stand in linear formations in mosques like army formations on drill square. Can a non Muslim dare stand among them? He would be turned away from their “House of Allah” if seen entering the door.
It is definitely not the case with the Church bells or the music from Buddhist, Hindu and Sikh places of worship where we see families together enjoying their presence in the House of God. Here one sees the sign “All are welcome”.
In earlier times while the "Believers" (in Global Islam) were busy in chores, the Mullah kept an eye on the sun and determined the time to call them to prayer FIVE TIMES a day to maintain his own central authoritative position. People were MADE TO come five times so that the Imam had FIVE occasions to collect their small change. Believers could also leave their cattle, fields and pastures to turn up in mosque even umpteen times to listen to the same Allah Hu Akbar a million times in raw yelling male voice. Men were the 'army of Mohammed' for his constant warfare. Seeing them on their way to gather in mosque was frightening sight to the non Muslims around and also sign of separation and subjugation to the women and girls.
The two things missing from the Prayer thereafter were conceding EQUALITY to women and tolerating the NON MUSLIMS and their places of worship. These were often the target of ALL-MALE MUSLIM MOBS returning from mosques. The rate of loot, arson, abduction and rape soared high on Fridays during the days of Partition of India when the indigenous Muslims were suddenly given one third of the country, now Pakistan. But the Muslim lives in the time of Mohammed.
The Muslim is a BEAST when it comes to "consideration for the others". DO they think of the hurt to Christians when they throw bombs and grenades at church congregations in Pakistan? Do they show any regret over the massacre of millions of fellow humans? Why do they not feel the hurt they cause to the SIKHS by flying their ISLAMIC flag over the birth place of Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikh Faith? Why don't they notice the DEGRADATION of all the Non Muslims when they call a country ISLAMIC?
The TOLERANT British are beginning to see the INTOLERANT monster growing in their midst who uses Christian values, Criminal, Penal and Political system & legislation to advance on new TERRITORY. When it suits them they do not mention or follow either their Koran or the Sharia Law.
Who will grab the ISLAMIC BULL by its horns before the word “UNITED” in the United Kingdom comes under more visible threat?
January 26, 2008.
2. My Take:
Quote: Who will grab the ISLAMIC BULL by its horns before the word “UNITED” in the United Kingdom comes under more visible threat?
COMMENT: This is the job of John Bull ( English-Man ).
Question: Are the Tommies ( English-Soldiers ) going to start loading their Tommy-Guns, or are they going to play Limees ?
3. Quote: One ought to know of the "Encroaching Arab Camel" who started from Mecca, advanced up to Jerusalem and now OCCUPIES the earth on all continents so that the "Sun never sets on Mohammed's Women-Crushing, Infidel-Killing Dictatorial Separatist Empire" of Intolerance, Slaughter (of the Innocent), Loot & Arson and Molestation of women.
COMMENT: Yes, but what UK & other Western countries are importing, are not the Arabian-Camels, but Camel-Jockeys, who kill Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) with great glee, gusto, and Islamic-Pride. The Western countries ( UK included ) are needlessly exposing themselves, to Islam’s Barbarism, and its Systematic Plunder Machine. There should be no doubt that UK will be mutilated by the Camel-Jockeys, if left un-leashed, they will take UK into a haunting new spot.
4. Quote: The frightful imagery is reinforced when no female is seen among the all-male worshippers who stand in linear formations in mosques like army formations on drill square. Can a non Muslim dare stand among them? He would be turned away from their “House of Allah” if seen entering the door.
COMMENT: There is not a diddly-squat of surprise here.
Regarding Moslem Women: Quran clearly states that Men are superior to women. Secondly, Islam instructs that a man should control his women through brutal violence and fear.
IV/15: (For women) If any one of your women is guilty of lewdness ...confine them until death claims them.
IV/16: (For Men) If two men among you commit indecency (sodomy) punish them both. If they repent and mend their ways, let them be. Allah is forgiving and merciful.
As you can see, for women any sort of sexual exploration is punishable by death. Whereas for a man, any form of perversion is pardoned by the all merciful Allah.
XXIV/6-7: As for those who accuse their wives but have no witnesses except themselves , let the testimony of one of them be four testimonies...
Here we see, that a husband can easily accuse his wife (or wives) and eventually sentence her to death by merely declaring four times that the accusation is true. On the other hand, women have no such right in Islam.
Regarding Non-Moslem Infidels ( Kafirs ): Muslims are sedulously taught that ''Everyone who does not embrace Islam is an unbeliever and must be called an unbeliever. One who does not call the Jews, Christians, and other Non-Moslem unbelievers, is himself an unbeliever." ''Whoever believes that churches/temples are houses of God, is an infidel.
5. Quote:
The Muslim is a BEAST when it comes to "consideration for the others".
COMMENT: Yes, the Moslem is a Beast, but he is a Knuckle-Headed Beast. He cannot think for himself, he tries to emulate the great personality of Casanova Hazrat Mohammad. Hazrat Mohammad’s Kafir-Hatred and lust for their Kafir-Blood, was gigantic and horrifying. It is sickening to read the despicable actions of the Evil Beast, Hazrat Mohammad.
6. Quote:
The TOLERANT British are beginning to see the INTOLERANT monster growing in their midst who uses Christian values, Criminal, Penal and Political system & legislation to advance on new TERRITORY. When it suits them they do not mention or follow either their Koran or the Sharia Law.
COMMENT: Let us not be silly.
I doubt very much if the British are seeing or even want to see the Intolerant Monster of Islam ( The Evil Ideology Of Islam ). Why else would they apologize or find excuses for Islam ? Why else do they pass the buck on to a few misguided Moslems ( completely absolving the majority of Moslems, many amongst whom support the actions of their co-religious terrorists ), for terrorism in UK, rather than putting the responsibility where it belongs, squarely on Islam and its evil teachings ?
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Namsivaya,
Respected Surinderji,Namaskar
Thank you your critical and valuable comments on Christian aggression on India. I was in India for six months. I have traveled most of the states. First hand observation reveals that India is under seige from within and without. Hindus are on constant attack from every side. Christians have taken over the central government and several states. In Kerala and the North East, they are are under complete control. In Kerala, the land of Sankaracharya, Hindus will become a minority within the next ten years. The media, (TV and Print) academicians, intellectuals, phony secularists, and corrupt politicians, Marxists, Muslims and the Christians have made an unholy alliance against Hindus. Their goal is to destroy the social fabric of India and take our our sacred land. They attack from within and without. Hindu organizations are suffering from psychological war by the media. They are working for few bread crumbs from foreign countries.Unless checked and dismantled, these inimical groups will slowly destroy the country.Again thanks for your sharp observation and critical comments.Dr. Babu Suseelan
2. My Take:
Dr. Suseelan Jee:
Namsivaya to you also.
A glance at the dishonorable actions of following one Islamic Hero ( Mahmud Ghaznavi ), unlocks the criminal ideology ( Islam ) that underlies these actions of Moslems.
Mahmud of Gaznavi
(From the accounts of arikh-i-Yamini of Utbi the secretary of Mahmud of Gaznavi)
At Thaneshwar.
"The blood of the infidels flowed so copiously at Thanesar that the stream was discolored, not withstanding its purity, and people were unable to drink it. The Sultan returned with plunder which is impossible to count. Praise be to Allah for the honor he bestows on Islam and Muslims."
At Somnath
"The Muslims paid no regard to the booty till they had satiated themselves with the slaughter of the infidels and worshipers of sun and fire.... The number of infidels killed exceeded 50,000"
At Mathura
"The infidels...deserted the fort and tried to cross the foaming river...but many of them were slain, taken or drowned... Nearly fifty thousand men were killed."

Above example lays bare the un-paralleled terror, torture, and barbarism of Islam ( Christianity is just as bad ) of centuries, the gory details of which are engraved on the pages of history, for all time to come. It ought to have been considered the sacred duty of Every Hindu, to dislodge these evil ideologies, and put them completely out of business.
3. But such was not the case, instead we Hindus have been sleeping in our closets, while the knuckle-heads of Islam & Christianity, have been taking over large chunks of our Hindu population, our Hindu territory, and our Hindu money. Now we Hindus find our grave, close to our front gate. Something needs to be done in a hurry, or we are history.
I completely coincide with you that, we Hindus are under siege, internally & externally. In the garb of composite culture and secularism ( actually Pseudo-Secularism ), minorities ( Moslems & Christians ) wield disproportionate and much larger influence in State as well as Central government, at the cost of the Hindu. I agree with you that, the Hindu is under strong pressure every where in India. This Corrupt & Un-Ethical Influence has to be totally dismantled.
4. Because majority of our Hindus are Phoney-Liberal to one degree or another, any idea of action against the evil ideologies of Islam & Christianity, becomes a hard-sledding. Hindus are also not united, nor organized, and there is not a single charismatic Hindu Leader, who can put the Hindu Act together.
But Hindu has many strengths. It is said that:
And indeed it is.
But now-a-days :
5. Fortunately, the Hindu is ahead of both Sullas & Kharistas, in both Pen & Money. We are also living in an age of :
And the Hindu is Pretty-Good in both these areas.
Even though there is not a single charismatic Hindu Leader, there are lots of smart Hindus out there. It is a safe bet to assume that, some of them are strongly committed to the good of our Hindu Order. We have got to find them.
6. There has to be some way of organizing the areas of Hindu Strength, to put both Islam & Christianity out of business in India, and to make India:
Islam-Free & Christianity-Free.
Surinder Paul Attri

Monday, January 28, 2008


By S.P. Attri ( USA )--------------------------------------------------------------
1. At this point in time, quite a few Hindus have their eyes vectored toward Kashmir, where slaughter of Hindus by Sullas, has been underway for some time, but they have totally shut their eyes on NE India, where the Christians are giving plenty of Hell to Hindus. The power-balance has definitely shifted in favor of Barbaric-Christians, largely due to the Hindu neglect of NE India, to what is going on over there. It is worth pointing out that we Hindus have a fundamental problem, that is more than 1200 years old. We have forgotten how to defend ourselves. We Hindus are more interested in making money, and military service ( Kashatriya Duty of a Hindu ) is being disdained. Whether we realize it or not, this attitude is a path of total disaster for the Hindu, and is responsible for the predicament that we now have in NE India.
2. How did the large scale assault of Christians against the Hindus of NE India get started ?As the Christian Missionaries arrived in NE India ( during the British Regime ), they started altering it completely. They started converting tribal-Hindus in remote parts of NE India, and succeeded in converting large parts of NE India to Christianity, while we Hindu slept. Soon they started asking the rest of NE India for Christ, and for his religion of peace, love, and brotherhood. This religion of peace, love, and brotherhood is raising plenty of Hell in NE India. Christian Missionaries are sending Christian Goondas and terrorist organizations ( whom they are supporting ) like NLFT ( National Liberation Front Of Tripura ), to spread terror in the Hindu-Tribal villages of NE India, asking them at gun point to either convert or get killed.
3. They have already converted large masses of people in Nagaland, and are now asking for greater Nagaland ( which they call Nagalim ), by conquering several districts of other Indian states for Christ. They are openly warning the Hindus in Hindu-Tribal villages, to either convert or receive capital punishment. NFLT is dominated by Baptist-Missionaries, they forcefully enter tribal villages, order them to stay away from Durga Pooja & other Hindu Rituals, or they will be instantly killed. Many tribal Hindus have succumbed to this threat. In its public official statement, NLFT has stated that it wants all tribals in Tripura to become Christians, and they it would eliminate anyone, who dares come in the way of converting all of Tripura to Christianity.
4. Given the pattern of hate, crime, and violence against the Hindu, conducted by the Christians of NE India, does it surprise anyone, why Hindus in the rest of India, are outraged and angry. How much SH** can the Hindu take from the Christian. Unfortunately, the Phoney-Liberal India Media, reports the retaliatory Hindu action, but never mentions the barbarism of Christians, that is practiced widely against the Hindus, all across NE India. What kind of secularism is being practiced in India ?
5. Christianity is an ideology with Satanic-Elements. It will be utterly foolish for the Hindu, not to confront it, and not try to put it out of business.
Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rajinder Sachar ( son of Bhimsen Sachar, and brother-in-law of Kuldip Nayar )

Subj: Rajinder Sachar ( son of Bhimsen Sachar, and brother-in-law of Kuldip Nayar )
On Jan 27, 2008 1:16 AM, N.S.Rajaram <> wrote:
1. Rajinder Sachar is is the son of Bhimsen Sachar and the brither-in-law of Kuldip Nayar. I know the family. They wanted to stay in Pakistan after the Partition but were kicked out.
2. My Take:Isn't he the same Gandhi-Capped Bhimsen Sachar, who was advising Hindus and Sikhs, to stay in West Panjab, while the Moslem Goondas ( assisted by Moslem Police ) were crashing down on them, slaughtering them, abducting & raping their women, looting the shops, bazaars and banks of the Hindus and Sikhs? Do I need to recite the Rape Of Rawalpindi, Sargoda, or Lahore ?
3. Signor Bhimsen Sachar himself quietly escaped to India ( East Panjab ), not wearaing a Gandhi-Cap, but probably putting on a Muslim dress, and acting as a vegetable vendor, as some Hindus did. It was a matter of survival, no doubt. Surinder Paul Attri


1. Sh. Surrinderji, Do you know this Rajinder Sachar. This man seems to be a big idiot. i even did not read the article when he said that Holy Quran proclaims, "All the created ones belong to the family of God... so, an Arab has no precedence over a non-Arab, a White over a Black." And Christ said succinctly, "All are children of God." looks nobody has suffered in his family due to Muslims.This man seems to be cpmpletely blind person. Not only that all door of his brain has tiny opening where light from Muslim world goes.Mohan 2. My Take:Shri Mohan Gupta Jee:I don’t know this cat named Rajinder Sachar, but he appears to be a Liar. I do not buy his fabricated stories on Quran. Here is my analysis of Quran & Islam.
Surinder Paul Attri------------
By S.P. Attri ( USA )----------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Belief in Islam is held by lots of people in the world, but that does not mean that, Islam is not absurd, or that Islam is not downright silly. Islam is not all that old either. We have lots of stories and records of history, which provide a glimpse into the mind of Hazrat Mohammad, who founded Islam, and claimed to be the Prophet, and Apostle of the Merciful Allah. Yet the records of history show Hazrat Mohammad to be anything but holy, and his Allah to be anything but merciful.
2. Hazrat Mohammad slaughtered all the Jews of Arabia, and roused hatred between his Moslems and the Jews. Before the arrival of Hazrat Mohammad, Jews and Arabs had lived in peace and harmony, for hundreds of years. Hazrat Mohammad murdered anyone who questioned his holiness. He killed Jewish men, and raped Jewish women, that he captured in raids. He looted peaceful caravans, killed the men, usurped their properties, and sold their wives and daughters as slaves.
3. Hazrat Mohammad was also an opportunist. He married an affluent lady named Khadija, who was fifteen years his senior. This opportune action enabled him to become rich in a jiffy, and to banish poverty for ever. After his affluent wife died, he bade goodbye to any decorum or modesty, and had sex with 20 plus women. Casanova Hazrat Mohammad had sex with slave-women & maid-servants, that he captured in wars. He even lusted the pretty wife of his adopted son. These exploits are more than enough to irradiate the sexual-misdeeds of libidinous Hazrat Mohammad.
4. Does Hazrat Mohammad’s Islam, has any quality of being decent ?No, it does not.Hazrat Mohammad’s Islam has brought nothing but hatred, between Moslems and Non-Moslem Infidels ( the so-called Kafirs ). Hundreds of millions of Kafirs, have been knifed by the sword of Islam. Killing of Kafirs is still going on, in various parts of the world. Islam preaches and promotes a doctrine that, rears terrorists.Hazrat Mohammad thwarted the rights of Moslem women, and subjected them to slavery & domestic abuse. Women in Arabia were far better off before Islam, than after Islam.
5. Moslems and Apologists For Islam, prefer to engage in denial. They condemn fundamentalists amongst the Moslems, for mis-interpreting Quran. Yet the truth is that it is the apologists are the ones, who are mis-interpreting Quran, and are not willing to let go of Quran, a book that promotes war, hatred, and mistreatment of Kafirs, and Islamic women.
6. Conclusion: Do not buy the fiction of Hazrat Mohammad’s holiness, or the mercifulness of his Allah.
Surinder Paul Attri


1. Sh. Surrinderji, Do you know this Rajinder Sachar. This man seems to be a big idiot. i even did not read the article when he said that Holy Quran proclaims, "All the created ones belong to the family of God... so, an Arab has no precedence over a non-Arab, a White over a Black." And Christ said succinctly, "All are children of God." looks nobody has suffered in his family due to Muslims.This man seems to be cpmpletely blind person. Not only that all door of his brain has tiny opening where light from Muslim world goes.Mohan 2. My Take:Shri Mohan Gupta Jee:I don’t know this cat named Rajinder Sachar, but he appears to be a Liar. I do not buy his fabricated stories on Quran. Here is my analysis of Quran & Islam.
Surinder Paul Attri------------

By S.P. Attri ( USA )----------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Belief in Islam is held by lots of people in the world, but that does not mean that, Islam is not absurd, or that Islam is not downright silly. Islam is not all that old either. We have lots of stories and records of history, which provide a glimpse into the mind of Hazrat Mohammad, who founded Islam, and claimed to be the Prophet, and Apostle of the Merciful Allah. Yet the records of history show Hazrat Mohammad to be anything but holy, and his Allah to be anything but merciful.
2. Hazrat Mohammad slaughtered all the Jews of Arabia, and roused hatred between his Moslems and the Jews. Before the arrival of Hazrat Mohammad, Jews and Arabs had lived in peace and harmony, for hundreds of years. Hazrat Mohammad murdered anyone who questioned his holiness. He killed Jewish men, and raped Jewish women, that he captured in raids. He looted peaceful caravans, killed the men, usurped their properties, and sold their wives and daughters as slaves.
3. Hazrat Mohammad was also an opportunist. He married an affluent lady named Khadija, who was fifteen years his senior. This opportune action enabled him to become rich in a jiffy, and to banish poverty for ever. After his affluent wife died, he bade goodbye to any decorum or modesty, and had sex with 20 plus women. Casanova Hazrat Mohammad had sex with slave-women & maid-servants, that he captured in wars. He even lusted the pretty wife of his adopted son. These exploits are more than enough to irradiate the sexual-misdeeds of libidinous Hazrat Mohammad.
4. Does Hazrat Mohammad’s Islam, has any quality of being decent ?No, it does not.Hazrat Mohammad’s Islam has brought nothing but hatred, between Moslems and Non-Moslem Infidels ( the so-called Kafirs ). Hundreds of millions of Kafirs, have been knifed by the sword of Islam. Killing of Kafirs is still going on, in various parts of the world. Islam preaches and promotes a doctrine that, rears terrorists.Hazrat Mohammad thwarted the rights of Moslem women, and subjected them to slavery & domestic abuse. Women in Arabia were far better off before Islam, than after Islam.
5. Moslems and Apologists For Islam, prefer to engage in denial. They condemn fundamentalists amongst the Moslems, for mis-interpreting Quran. Yet the truth is that it is the apologists are the ones, who are mis-interpreting Quran, and are not willing to let go of Quran, a book that promotes war, hatred, and mistreatment of Kafirs, and Islamic women.
6. Conclusion: Do not buy the fiction of Hazrat Mohammad’s holiness, or the mercifulness of his Allah.
Surinder Paul Attri

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Subj: Bloody Ashura-Ritual Of Islam ( Shiite-Islam )1. Dear brotherYoum-e-Hashura is observed predominantly by the Shiates. This year we could see processions on the streets of Britain. One can appreciate the psyche behind,. but displaying shirt-less bodies, beating them with rytham of songs and the music. Also using other weapons to damage one's own back and other parts of the body cannot simply just be a mourning activity. One of the spokesman observed that even the very revered authority of Islam also wept at the gruesome murder of Hazarat Hussain. He was martyred mercilessly and a homage is paid to him this way. But that authority did not resort to these methods. There are far better ways of expressing sympathy, sorrow and regrets rather than making a show of this nature. Is it a quest for identity or recognition and recording oneupmanship in this way? Many sensible people mourn the dears and nears quietly, through repentance, respects, prayers observing silence and even going without food and other luxuries, also by penance and austerity. Is there a thinking that this is the only best and only way in modern days for recording one's homage? BK CHAUDHAQRI 2. My Take:Read below the illustration of the Bloody Ashura-Ritual of Islam ( Shiite-Islam ). Moslems claim that it is a ritual of piety. It is hardly pious, in fact it is violent and involves Sullas flagging themselves with chains, and slicing their scalps with knives and swords, to express remorse and guilt, for not saving Hussein, the Grandson Of Casanova Hazrat Mohammad. It is a strange way to express guilt. 3. What about the hundreds of millions of Non-Moslem Infidels ( Kafirs ), murdered by Sullas. Sullas do not even shed a tear for them, in exprssion of guilt or remorse. That tells you what kind of people they are. 4. Casanova Hazrat Mohammad, has put his Sullas & Sullies, in a Death-Trap, without conscience. Surinder Paul Attri Islamic Blood RitualTue, Mar 2, 2004 at 8:41:17 am PSTShiite Muslim child Mahmoud Slieman after his mother cut him with a sword during the annual ritual to mark Ashoura Day in the southern Lebanese town of Nabatiyeh, Tuesday March 2, 2004. Ashoura day marks the Shiite Muslim's commemoration of the 7th century killing of their most revered Saint Imam Hussein. Al Hussein was a grandson of Islam's prophet Mohammed and is a symbol of martyrdom for Shiites. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)
Shiite Muslim Mohammed Jomahaa cuts the head of his son with a sword during the annual ritual to mark Ashoura Day in the southern Lebanese town of Nabatiyeh, Tuesday March 2, 2004.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Hindu Slaughter by Ibn Iblis

Subj: Hindu Slaughter by Ibn Iblis
Here is an interesting article by Ibn Iblis
The great God says in the Qur'an: 'O true believers, when you encounter the disbelievers, strike off their heads 3. The above command of the Great God is a great command and must be respected and followed. You should not be so fond of showing mercy, as to nullify the virtue of the act. Henceforth grant pardon to no one of the enemy and spare none of them, or else all will consider you a weak-minded man.4
After his conquests of Varanasi, Ujjain, Maheshwar, Jwalamukhi, and Dwarka, not one temple was left standing. In Kangra, besides over 10,000 other temples destroyed by Mahmud: In the middle of the city there was a temple larger and finer than the rest, which can neither be described nor painted. The Sultan [Mahmud] was of the opinion that 200 years would have been required to build it. The idols included "five of red gold, each five yards high," with eyes formed of priceless jewels. The Sultan gave orders that all the temples should be burnt with naphtha and fire, and leveled with the ground. 8

My Take:
1. Hundreds of Millions of Hindus, were savagely and brutally murdered by the Sullas.

2. That Moslems could get away with such atrocities for so long, without Hindu counteraction, is most astonishing.

Surinder Paul Attri

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Muslim American women confront domestic abuse

Muslim American women confront domestic abuse Neil Macfarquhar -1/7/08
Chicago- After enduring seven years of beatings from her husband, a young Yemeni-American woman recently fled to a local shelter, only to find that the heavy black head scarf she wore as an observant Muslim provoked disapproval. The shelter brought in a hairdresser, whose services she accepted without any misgivings. But once her hair was styled, administrators urged her to throw off her veil, saying it symbolized the male oppression native to Islam that she wanted to escape. Instead the woman, who asked for anonymity because she feared further violence from her relatives, decamped to the Hamdard Center for Health and Human Services in suburban Chicago, a shelter that caters mainly to Muslim women by not serving pork and keeping prayer rugs handy. Such shelters are extremely rare nationwide, activists say, because Muslim Americans only recently began confronting the issue of spousal abuse. Domestic violence among Muslims has long straddled a blurry line between culture and religion, but now scattered organizations founded by Muslim American women are creating a movement to define it as an unacceptable cultural practice. The problem occurs among American Muslims at the same rate as other groups, activists say, but is even more sensitive because raising the issue is considered an attack on the faith. “The Muslim community is under a lot of scrutiny, so they are reluctant to look within to face their problems because it will substantiate the arguments demonizing them,” said Rafia Zakaria, a political science graduate student at Indiana University who is starting a legal defense fund for Muslim women. “It puts Muslim women in a difficult position because if they acknowledge their rights, they are seen as being in some kind of collusion with all those who are attacking Muslim men. So the question is how to speak out without adding to the stereotype that Muslim men are barbaric, oppressive, terrible people.” The answer, she and other activists have concluded, is to show that Muslim Americans are tackling the problem. “Domestic violence is an issue we can deal with as a community, and not by saying we don’t have this problem, which is obviously a lie,” Zakaria said. Some activists describe being expelled from mosques and holiday fairs when they first tried to broach the topic five years ago, but they have achieved a wider audience by allying themselves with sympathetic clerics.The Yemeni-American woman sought advice from several imams after her Yemeni husband of just a few months started to slap, punch and degrade her. The clerics offered marriage counseling, but only if the husband came, too, a condition she knew doomed the idea. Her sister suggested she lose weight and be more obedient. Her father encouraged obedience, too, while her husband hit her through three pregnancies. After she filed for divorce, she said, her father hauled her home and hit her, too, for shaming him. “Both my dad and my husband told me that women don’t talk back,” said the 29-year-old woman. “They told me the Koran said I had to be obedient, and I answered that it does not say beat up your wife.” At Hamdard, calls for help come from Muslim women as far afield as Wisconsin, Kentucky and Louisiana, shelter workers said, far more than they can accommodate with just 11 beds. They turned away 647 women and children in 2007, said Maryam Gilani, the director of Hamdard’s domestic violence program, noting that about 55 percent of the women the center helped were Muslim. Some large, wealthy Muslim communities, like the one in the San Francisco area, have been unable to raise money for a shelter, which activists attribute to the wish to label the problem as foreign to Islam. “There was resistance, and there still is,” said Gilani, adding that opponents dismissed shelters as some kind of brothel. “There are some who say what we do is not right, you have to stay with your husband and make it work. They try to turn it either into a religious thing, or they say that it is just a normal thing that happens in the family.” The challenge for most organizations is getting accurate legal information to women who are often closeted at home and may not speak English. Hamdard developed several novel solutions. Briefing area grocery store owners and hairdressers that cater to Muslims produced numerous referrals. More often, it organizes mosque seminars about breast cancer, then slips in a few minutes about domestic violence. Activists describe mosques as the most effective way to reach Muslims because immigrant societies remain heavily patriarchal and because American mosques serve as community centers. The latter also means that immigrant imams ill-equipped to deal with social problems are prone to give battered women advice like “Read the Koran more,” or will try couples counseling, which can bring disastrous consequences at home.