Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Illusions and Disillusions of the Muslim Youth

The Illusions and Disillusions of the Muslim Youth

A Legendary Fleet Street Foreign Correspondent, who has spent much of her life reporting,
gives her views about the Muslim youth.

1. Muslim boys are told by their mothers that they are Princes of the Universe; told by their
school teachers that their culture is History's First Flower, told by the Koran that they are
God's chosen Warriors, told by their Imams that they are Torch-bearers of the Divine
Light, told by their Political Leaders that theirs are the Greatest Nations on Earth........
And what awaits them? Emptiness, Unemployment,Corruption, Broken Economies and no sex.
Nothing has turned out like they have been promised. It must be profoundly Bewildering!

(Perhaps JANNAT may compensaTE THEM FOR ALL THIS!)

2. Quote: Muslim boys are told by their mothers that they are Princes of the Universe; told by their
school teachers that their culture is History's First Flower, told by the Koran that they are
God's chosen Warriors, told by their Imams that they are Torch-bearers of the Divine
Light, told by their Political Leaders that theirs are the Greatest Nations on Earth

COMMENT: These kinds of martial illusions of the Moslem youth are,result of echoes upon echoes of teaching, preaching, and brain-washing, of Moslem kids inside box of Islam. This box is Islamic-Trap, but Moslem youth are not aware of it. They are in the grip of Ulema, the Islamic clergy, who strike at the evils of " un-orthodox belief " or " heresy ." They mind-control & brain-wash Moslem youth, and keep them inside camp of Islam.

3. Quote: And what awaits them? Emptiness, Unemployment,Corruption, Broken Economies and no sex.
Nothing has turned out like they have been promised. It must be profoundly Bewildering!

COMMENT: This is really no surprise. Instead of teaching skills & expertise of work & jobs, needed by society, Islamic teachers prepare Moslem youth to confront Kafris. Result: Moslem youth grow up, with very little mastery or competence of skills that society needs. .

Islam's young followers claw their way up, in doctrines of Islam, being exhorted to fight enemies of Allah. In return they are promised a place in Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ), if they die, or all the material possessions of the Kafir ( Non-Moslem Infidel ) victim, if they survive in Jihad. Islam misguides & mis-directs Moslem youth.

4. Quote: Nothing has turned out like they have been promised.

COMMENT: Nothing can transform according to Islamic-Assurance, because what Moslem youth have been promised, is something False.

5. Quote: It must be profoundly Bewildering!

COMMENT: Not really, if the Moslem youth think plainly & clearly. If Moslem youth renounce, Islam, they will become tolerant, will not only regain their cultural grandeur, but also jobs & skills that society needs.

Surinder Paul Attri

Monday, April 25, 2011

Slavery-Scourge imposed by Islam

Subj: Slavery-Scourge imposed by Islam

1. A lot has been written about European Slave-Trade ( Trans-Atlantic slave-trade ), but hardly anything about slavery-nightmare of Islam, across Sahara, Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and other places. European slave-trade lasted three centuries, Islamic slave trade held sway over 14 centuries, and still exists.

" If sh** ( that is, slavery ) happens, it is the will of Allah.," so say Moslems.

Islam is champion of slavery, due to Allah's will. Moslems brought Islam ( and Islamic-slavery ) to Africa in 7th century, and alongside came Islamic-slavery over Africans. Islam & slavery have meeting of minds.

2. Captivity-Contrast:

There is dissimilarity between European-Slavery & Islamic-Slavery. Two out of three Trans-Atlantic slaves were men. Two out of three slaves, in Islamic slave-trade, were women. Whereas Trans-Atlantic Slave-Mortality rate was 10%, Islamic Slave-Mortality rate was 80-90 %. Almost all Trans-Atlantic slaves were for agricultural work, all Islamic-slaves were for concubinage ( in harems ) & military service.

Many children were born to American slaves, their offspring survive in USA & South America. Very few Islamic-slaves survive, most were castrated, most children born to slave women were killed at birth.

3. Another striking contrast is the Total Absence Of Arab Abolitionists. While Europeans spearheaded slavery-abolishism movement, in Europe & North America ( British Navy intercepted slave-ships & set slaves free ), there was no comparable slavery-opposition, any where in the Islamic world.

Britain outlawed slave-trade in 1807, but despite British Naval activity, Moslem slave-trade & slave-abuse continued. Big boys of Islam were up to no good, during 14 centuries, their slave-trade exceeded 180 million African slaves.

Saudi-Arabia & Yemen in 1962, and Mauritania in 1980, begrudgingly removed Legalized-Slavery from their statutes. International organizations document that slavery still continues in these & other Moslem countries.

4. Reason for above contrast in captivity:

European people, even though they followed the Intolerant & Self-Righteous Abrahamic religion of Christianity, they were also the children of renaissance. They could see clearly that slavery is a relation of inequality, they set out to abolish it, as quickly as they could manage it.

Moslems, on the other hand, were sons of Bedouins, they were primitive, savages, and uncouth.They followed the teachings of Islam, which is based on the customs & rituals of uncivilized Bedouins. Their treatment of slaves was far far worse than the comparable treatment of European slaves. That is why all Hell broke loose on Islamic-slaves. About 80% of those captured by Muslim slave raiders died before reaching the slave markets.

The death toll from 14 centuries of the Muslim slave trade in Africa is estimated at over 112 million.

5. Castration of Islam's Black Male Slaves was common place.

Islamic teachers throughout the centuries consistently defended slavery: "For there must be masters and slaves." Islamists of Arabia & North Africa, were racists. Why else would they disallow Black-Slaves from having children ? Islamic teachers throughout the centuries consistently defended slavery:

Ibn Khaldun (1332 - 1406) the preeminent Muslim medieval historian and social thinker wrote: "The Negro nations are as a rule submissive to slavery because they have attributes that are quite similar to dumb animals."

6. Even as late as the 19th Century, in the city of Mecca there are few families that did not keep slaves, they also kept mistresses in common with their lawful wives."

When the Fatimids came to power, they slaughtered all tens of thousands of black military slaves and raised an entirely new slave army. Some of these slaves were conscripted into the army at age ten. From Persia to Egypt to Morocco, slave armies from 30,000 to up to 250,000 were commonplace.

7. The above contrast in captivity, between European-Slavery & Islamic-Slavery, unearths that:

" Islam is something evil. "

It is Not obvious, but slavery is the Mission Of Islam. Whosoever refused to accept Islam, was deported as a slave to the Moslem world. Many passages in the Quran, encourage enslavement of Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). Not a Single Islamist-Intellectual, has advocated the cause of Black-Africans.

These are possibly some of the reasons, why 6 millions black-African Moslems are converting to Christianity, every year.

8. Religion is a competitive activity. Both Islam & Christianity, carry the baggage & impediments of slavery of Africans. Hinduism has no such drawback. Because of this, Hinduism has a real chance in the continent of Africa.

Inside areas of Western civilization, Christianity is disappearing FAST, and fear of Islam is terrifying. Hinduism is a logical choice for the West. West may be willing to give Hinduism a break.

But Hinduism needs to do things, that are fundamentally different from what it has done in the past. Hinduism needs to make a solid investment in the Missionary-Activity, particularly in the continent of Africa, but also in the West.

At the present time, Hinduism is moving towards Integral-Hinduism ( totally caste-less Hinduism ), but speed of this movement is slow, it needs to be accelerated.

A Real opportunity for Hinduism exists, in the continent of Afrca, to replace both Islam & Christianity.

Surinder Paul Attri











Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Moneymasters controlling, causing wars, dividing world for resources - 8.5 trillion US Dollars disappeared

Subj: Moneymasters controlling, causing wars, dividing world for resources - 8.5 trillion US Dollars disappeared - see in OBAMA deception (LINKS PROVIDED)

1. Hanuman-Singh Chodhry
to bcc: me

On 13 Apr 2011, at 21:03, culturalbridgesact2002 wrote:

Brothers and sisters: Please forward the following to News-media of India, friends and loved ones and save them from a bigger ugly game plan. India must take its own stand against Islamic Militants now. A small nation like France can strike in Libya and Ivory Coast why India has not yet taken any action against Islamic terrorists in occupied Kashmir and other hiding places. Thank you.



India has only one option - strike the militants, Islamic criminals straight, wherever they are hiding, without looking towards those who are playing games with India through Pakistan. File a case in the UNITED NATION AGAINST THESE MONEY EXCHANGERS INCLUDING THE USA’s DUBIOUS GAME PLANS. IT IS TIME INDIA RISE ABOVE THEIR INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY AND SAVE THEIR 1.2 BILLION HUMANS living in peace.

Please study the material provided through many valuable links, analyze and act. Taking no stand against Pakistan's Islamic insurgency and funding over 21 billion US Dollars in last 9-10 years are well planned strategies - it is not at all accidental. THEY HAVE KEPT PAKISTAN AS THE STALEMATE AGAINST INDIA - 4 countries are working together under the Shadow Government. They are: USA, PAKISTAN, ISRAEL AND SAUDI ARABIA - somewhere Turkey name also pops up. Please study and use better international understanding than just simply discuss India & Pakistan. Underhand methods of the Shadow Government are: A) Selling weapons of Mass destruction, 2) Creating on going wars through Pakistan, etc. These are their deeper interests.

2. Quote: 8.5 trillion US Dollars disappeared

COMMENT: This is shocking, staggering, and shameful, but true. The shady & wicked people who are pulling this immoral money-machine, are not amateurs, but are Pro's ( professionals ). They know what they are doing, and are one step ahead of the law.

3. Quote: A small nation like France can strike in Libya and Ivory Coast why India has not yet taken any action against Islamic terrorists in occupied Kashmir and other hiding places. Thank you.

COMMENT: That is a good question. Why is India hesitating, even after Grave-Provocations, like Mumbai terrorist attacks ( against Taj Mahal et al ), why is India not hitting POK ( Pakistan Occupied Kashmir ), and doing a proper job of terrorist-removal ?

The reason is certainly not that India is scared. India is more than capable of rubbing out the terrorist-camps inside POK, but that India Always seeks the approval of big-boys ( USA, Russia, China et all ), before starting a big-bonfire, even to flush out the terrorists. That is why India is not punching into the underbelly of the terrorists.,


COMMENT: Yes, that is what ought to be done, but that is not what is being done.

Chodhry Sahib: The problem with 1.2 Billion humans of India ( most of them are Hindus ) is their selfishness & self-centered-ness. Their highest priority is on personal-welfare, and lowest on the welfare of the rest of the community. They are Not willing to make any investment in the well-being or benefit of the whole-community.

Surinder Paul Attri

Delusional nonsense of Islam, comment on

Subj: Delusional nonsense of Islam, comment on
1. Poonam Abbi
to me

Whatever may be said about islam, this woman is no better either. She is so full of herself, & her attitude is that she feels she has all the rights in the world to insult & denigrade every one & everything in the world. Give her half a chance & she will say the same thing about the Jews & the Hindus. as for her saying, "I will certainly not go to a mosque, crawl on my knees, raise my rear-end, and pray like an idiot." she says. But there isn't anything that she does except insult people & eulogize herself. She is not the type who should be paid any attention to, for she herself is no better than those she's ranting against in this video.


Quote: as for her saying, "I will certainly not go to a mosque, crawl on my knees, raise my rear-end, and pray like an idiot."

Comment: Poonam Jee: That is Not what she ( Ann Barnhardt ) is saying. That is what I am saying.

You can blame Me for this remark. I am the rugged-author of this assertion.

Please don't rebuke Ann Barnhardt, for what she did not say.

Surinder Paul Attri

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Delusional Nonsense of Islam

Subj: Delusional Nonsense of Islam

1. bhagavaandaas tyaagi to me very true --- but non-muslims will never wake up and will loose the whole world to muslims and whole humanity will live under ''ISLAAMIC SHARIA LAW''

2. COMMENT: Thanks.

3. Ann Barnhardt says: " Allah is not All-Knowing & Wise. Allah is son of a bitch. "

4. Ann's assessment is beyond dispute. That is why this Kafir does not buy the supernatural authority & nonsense of that stupid Allah, that son of a beech, that Moslems are trying so hard to push on us Kafirs. I am going to Hell for sure, for rejecting Allah, according to the Grease-Monkeys ( Islamic Clergy ) of Islam, who have acquired such a vise-like hold over the hearts & minds, of simple & ignorant Moslems. If I have to go to Hell, for exposing this conflated God of Fraud, Fakeness, Phoniness, and Phony-Baloney, then so be it.

5. Allah is pure invention, almost useless, and horrible monster entity of Islam. But the lethal edge, ascribed to the utterances of this fictional, psychopath of the desert, is a major threat to the freedom of civilized societies of the world.

Civilized societies of Europe, USA, and of elsewhere, are doing their damn best, to accommodate Moslems & their loathsome Islam, but are discovering that it is very hard ( if not impossible ) to integrate Moslems inside their societies.

6. Islam is a Godless-Tragedy of Moslems. People living under Islam, especially Islamic women, are worn down by ignorance, obsolense, and miserable living conditions, imposed on them, by the religious-fascism of Islam. I will not be caught dead, following the heinous teachings of Islam. I Totally reject the Arrogant & Exclusivist teachings of Islam & its Stupid Allah. I have no comradeship or company, with the delusional nonsense of Islam.

7. I will certainly not go to a mosque, crawl on my knees, raise my rear-end, and pray like an idiot.

Surinder Paul Attri

An Australian convert tells about his views on Democracy.

1. An Australian convert tells about his views on Democracy.

A knock-kneed, knuckle-head named Ibrahim Siddiq Colon ( formerly Shannon J. Colon ) of Australlia, is running a group called Sharia4Australlia, whose sworn raison d'etre is, to bring into existence an all-powerful Islamic State, inside the country of Australlia. To an average Joe Schmo, and rank & file of the population, he shows up as a repulsive, fanatic Islamist, whose utterance turns your stomach, but a careful reflection lays bare inside information about his faith and that, he is enunciating the basics of his faith ( Islam ).

2. He is ego-centric & self-righteous as Hell, but comes straight at you, and tells you flat out that:

a. He hates democracy, with his heart, speech, and hands.

b. Islam & Multi-Cultureism can Never coexist.

c. He hates all other faiths ( except Islam ) & aims at their destruction.

d. All true Moslems must adhere to the Islamist Law ( i.e. Sharia ).

e. The aim of every true Moslem, is to bring down Non-Moslem governments.

f. Every true Moslem is commanded to hate, all other systems except Islam.

g. All those not accepting the message of Muhammad ( that is, the Kafirs ), are condemned to Hell-Fire.

h. To annihilate the Kafirs & their places of worship, is Jehad and is the aim of all true Moslems.

3. To this knuckle-head:

a. Everything begins ( and ends ) with Muhammad's message, received directly from Allah, the only true God.

b. This knuckle-head is out to whip the butts of all Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ).

c. Humanity has only one option, which is to accept Islam. Humanity has no other option. Arguments to the contrary, are not going to convince any Moslem like Ibrahim Siddiq Colon. They don't wish us ( that is, the Kafirs ) well.

Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, April 17, 2011




Ann Barnhardt's explanation of Quran, is a very shrewd-discernment ( of Quran ). She is burning the Quran, she is doing something that will bring good results. She is on the Right Track. I agree with Ann that:

" Allah is not all-knowing & wise. Allah is son of a bitch. "

Surinder Paul Attri

Demographic-Aggression of Islam in India

Subj: Demographic-Aggression of Islam in India

1. The Census in India has been accomplished and some figures regarding
total population and its ratio of increase, sex-ratio etc. have also been provided to the public.
As has been the practice, particularly since the last census, figures about religious
communities have been withheld and when these are declared, they are twisted and "Corrigenda"
after corrigendum follows

There is a visible hint that Muslim Population in India has considerably increased proportionately
as compared with Sikh, Hindu and other faiths, but secularists agenda is inhibiting the exposure
of the truth.

The turncated India, shrinking India is unfortunately being deHinduised!


2. COMMENT: This is a strong warning to the Hindus of India, and to the Hindus of Diospora.

3. Question: What is the problem ?
Answer: The storm of Islamic Demographic-Aggression in India, is being CONCEALED.

3. What is happening in India, is tragic for India, especially for its Hindu population. The thinking behind this horrible-scheme ( of concealment ), is to fashion the country of India, with the robes of secularism. India's political leadership & its bureaucratic elite, are doing their best to push the problem under the carpet.

4. Withholding of information about demographic disaster, caused by increase of Moslem population ( revealed by census ), ought to be an unforgivable crime, but it is not. Islam is headed for take over of India, demographically & democratically, pushing the Kafir-Hindu population of India, into the dark dungeons of Islam, from which there is no retrieval.

Surinder Paul Attri

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Subj: Donkey-Ride


Years of opression and loss of dignity is being glorified
by these women in the name of freedom and tradition.,
Human Rights and liberties!



COMMENT: Very true. One must be fit enough for the job. A Donkey-Jockey ( rider ) cannot be an Elephant-Jockey. Different skills are required. An elephant-jockey has to stay one step ahead of the elephant, he is an elephant-chauffeur, not a hobo.

3. Paki habits & behavior, are based in Indian Culture, but practice of Islam is forcing them to imitate culture of Uncivilized-Bedouins ( Islam ). This is a perilous come-down for Pakis. In fact, it is a donkey-ride for Pakistanis. Practice of Bedouin culture & its objectification in life of Paki people, has made Pakistan what it is now:
" an epicenter of terrorism, and center of all kinds of crime, turpitude, and perversion. "

Pakistan has been slipping ever since its creation, it is now just a slip;

Pakis can now sing a very befitting song ( with apologies to Doctor, Sir Muhammad Iqbal, the biggest turn-coat ) :

Sare Jahan Se Badtar Hai Pakistan Hamara
Hum Gadhe Hai Uske, Woh Astbal Hamara

( Of all the countries in the world, Pakistan is the worst. We ( Pakistanis ) are its Donkeys, and it ( Pakistan ) is our Stable.

Surinder Paul Attri

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Destructive influence of Buddhism

Subj: Destructive influence of Buddhism
1. Dear Surinder Paul Attri Jee
Namaskar and regards. Thanks for your response.
I agree with you mostly but do not in a few issues. Let me underline a few of them. I have given my views in general in the articles provided.
Dharma is not religion. Dharma is about ‘Satya’ and ‘Yoga.’ Religion is about social control.
Hinduism is a collection of Dharmas and Paramparas evolved in the Indian sub-continent and Tibetan plateau. It is a geographical definition. It contains the Dharmas like – Shaiva, Vaishnav, Baudha, Tantra, Jain etc.
Some Dharma like Shaiva and Vaishnav uses the divine revelations. Baudha and Jaina do not. They remain empirical. On the other hand, Shaiva and Baudha both uses Gnan yoga and Raj yoga mostly. The difference being – Shaiva uses ‘Brahma’ as revealed, Baudha does not use any beliefs and remains empirical.
Caste system is a social not Dharmic issue. The social issues are economic and human motivations. They are not about Satya and Yoga. Buddism as any other Dharma is aout internal discipline, nothing do with social or caste issue.
Ahimsa as taught by any Dharma including Buddha dharma is about internal aggression. Buddha does not tell you not to be aggressive but merely gives you a analysis of aggression. External aggression and wars are separate issue. It is the job of Kings\politicians to face such aggression.
Evils and aggressions need to be recognized and opposed. However, it must be dealt in social and political levels. It need not be confused with Dharma, which is about Satya and Yoga.
Tilak Shrestha, Ph.D.

2. COMMENT: GENERAL; Namaskar to you as well, Tilak Jee.

Everybody is entitled to his opinion. I do not expect any body to agree with me.

3. Quote: Dharma is not religion. Dharma is about ‘Satya’ and ‘Yoga.’ Religion is about social control.
Hinduism is a collection of Dharmas and Paramparas evolved in the Indian sub-continent and Tibetan plateau. It is a geographical definition. It contains the Dharmas like – Shaiva, Vaishnav, Baudha, Tantra, Jain etc.
Some Dharma like Shaiva and Vaishnav uses the divine revelations. Baudha and Jaina do not. They remain empirical. On the other hand, Shaiva and Baudha both uses Gnan yoga and Raj yoga mostly. The difference being – Shaiva uses ‘Brahma’ as revealed, Baudha does not use any beliefs and remains empirical.

COMMENT: This Mumbo Jumbo is of academic-interest, it is ivory-towered, but not related to subject under discussion ( destructive influence of Buddhism ).

4. Quote: Caste system is a social not Dharmic issue. The social issues are economic and human motivations. They are not about Satya and Yoga. Buddism as any other Dharma is aout internal discipline, nothing do with social or caste issue.

COMMENT: Regardless, Hinduism gets bad publicity for it, because Hindus practice it. I do not support caste system, I denounce it. I support Integral-Hinduism ( totally caste less Hinduism. )

5. Quote: Ahimsa as taught by any Dharma including Buddha dharma is about internal aggression. Buddha does not tell you not to be aggressive but merely gives you a analysis of aggression. External aggression and wars are separate issue. It is the job of Kings\politicians to face such aggression.

COMMENT: This is very amusing, farcically-funny, because it is the same explanation ( of Internal-Jehad ) that Islam, the crackpot religion of peace, offers. But there is no concern for truth in it ( Yanke label for it is bull-sh** ). Jehad, which is obligatory on a Moslem, is all about massacre, murder, misery of Kafirs, and there is a direct connection between Jehad ( murdering Kafirs ) and Janat ( Moslem's.Paradise ).

Islam teaches that:
Whatever wrong a Moslem might have done, once he kills a Kafir ( i.e engages in Jehad ), he ensures that he shall never be in Jhanam ( Islam's Hell ).

5. Quote: Evils and aggressions need to be recognized and opposed. However, it must be dealt in social and political levels. It need not be confused with Dharma, which is about Satya and Yoga.

COMMENT: Evil needs to be confronted at fundamental level, not at a secondary or subordinate level.

Surinder Paul Attri

France detains two women as burqa ban takes effect

1. France detains two women as burqa ban takes effect

London: Two Muslim women were arrested in Paris Monday for wearing face veils or burqa as France moves to enforce a ban on full face coverings, a media report said.
Kenza Drider, 32, travelled to Paris from her home in Provence to force a confrontation with police, and was one of those arrested, The Telegraph reported.
There were minor scuffles as officers apprehended her outside Notre Dame Cathedral together with another niqab-wearer staging an illegal demonstration against the new law.
The women could now face fines of 150 euros, or 132 pounds, as well as citizenship lessons, the daily said on its website.
But Alexis Marsan, a public order official, said they were given warnings for taking part in an illegal gathering.
Five men and another women were also held for taking part in the demonstration.
After her brief detention, Drider said she hoped she would eventually be prosecuted so that she could take her case to the European Court of Human Rights.
'This measure is illegal - it is solely designed to oppress women in my position,' she said.
Police admitted they were enforcing the ban 'extremely cautiously' because of fears of provoking violence.
Police have already been warned not to arrest women in or around mosques, and 'citizen's de-veilings' are also banned.
The strict instructions, from Interior Minister Claude Guent, are contained in a nine page circular issued to officers, according to the newspaper.
Al Qaeda terrorist group has issued warnings that it would attack the country following the introduction of the ban.

2. COMMENT: What the hell are these two women trying to prove, by wearing this ridiculous outfit ?
That they don't agree with any body around them, in the population, that they don't give a damn about the law of the land, that they are breaking the law, to make it a human rights issue. But it is not a human rights issue at all, it is a human-oppression issue..These women are encouraging the oppression of other women on this planet, for which they ought to be ashamed They are manifesting & propagating the custom of a primitive culture..

3. It is not difficult to visualize that some women have a neurotic need to wear this horrible garment. Why else would they walk around every where in camouflage, wearing this cloak of death ? These women are a fool to themselves, and a traitor to their daughters. This outfit should be ridiculed out of existence.

4. The cardinal cause of this prison imposed on women is Islam, the crackpot religion of peace, love, and brotherhood...what peace, what love, what brotherhood, what a joke !

Unquestionably, the emancipation of women in Islam, is the most important human rights issue, in the world.
To put the shoe on the other foot, it would be a darn good idea, to make it compulsory, for all Islamic men, to wear the Burqua...let them see for themselves, how they like it.

Surinder Paul Attri

Monday, April 11, 2011

Destructive influence of Buddhism

Subj: Destructive influence of Buddhism
1. Namaste Surinder atri Ji,
It was very refreshing to read your mail. I personally have held this view from the very beginning, that buddhist approach is a very escapist & passive approach. Historically if you see, the disintegration of India began only after Asoka moved away from his Kshatriya Dharm of protecting & defending his land & his people by converting to Buddhism & preaching "total non violence" to the point of self destructive behavior. Any religion that is a hinderance in us discharging our duties can never be something that will in any way lead to any kind of progress. The decision to resort to violence or not is the ethical dilemma that only Hindu scriptures deal with at length providing us with the appropriate ways to reach that decision. That is what Bhagwadgita summarizes so beautifully. In no way does it condone violence, but it recognizes the need for the use of force in desperate situations. It also provides a sort of a detailed checklist that can be used to decide the path of action.
I will not go into why I don't consider Buddha to be a good, or even an average role model for any one at any time.
Thanks once again.

2. Quote: I personally have held this view from the very beginning, that Buddhist approach is a very escapist & passive approach
COMMENT: Very much so, Poonam Jee. Buddhism is up to no good. Its morbid fear of violence ( Ahimsa-Parmo-Dharma ), is very destructive to society. It is a convenient excuse for young men of our society to dodge draft & avoid military service. I would kick the preachers of this non-sense, down a flight of stairs ( the way they do in Bollywood movies ).

3. Quote: Historically if you see, the disintegration of India began only after Asoka moved away from his Kshatriya Dharm of protecting & defending his land & his people by converting to Buddhism & preaching "total non violence" to the point of self destructive behavior.
COMMENT: Emperor Ashoka was a traitor to his Kashatriya-Dharam. We don't need need guys like Ashoka, in Defense Services, whose job is to defend societies. They ruin the morale of Defense forces. and lead the country to destruction. They ought to be screened out through psychological testing.

4. Quote: The decision to resort to violence or not is the ethical dilemma
COMMENT: Not at all. In fact, we prefer to settle our disputes through negotiation ( peaceful means ). We do our damn best to avoid use of lethal force. But situations can arise where, war becomes inevitable. Could black hearted Duryodan be talked out of his evil ways, through negotiation ?. Not a chance !

5. Quote: Hindu scriptures deal with at length providing us with the appropriate ways to reach that decision.
COMMENT: Hindu scriptures do their damn best to avoid use of force, but do not hesitate to serve notice on the aggressor, that his evil shall be resisted. Nonsense of Ahimsa-Parmo-Dharma,turns the aggressor into a tester, to determine how far he can push his innocent-victims.Buddhism multiplies violence in the world, Hindu Dharma reduces it, which is what our objective ought to be.

6. Quote: That is what Bhagwadgita summarizes so beautifully. In no way does it condone violence, but it recognizes the need for the use of force in desperate situations
COMMENT: Always armed with Bow & Arrow, Lord Ram, is an eternal symbol of Kashatriya-Duty. Lord Ram is Kashatriy-Dharma ( Vedic Dharma ) at its best. His eternal-message of Kashatriya-Duty, is repeated by Lord Krishna, at the event of Mahabharta, by telling Prince-Arjuna that:

" In the fight against evil, no body is your Father, nobody is your Mother, no body is your Brother, and no body is your Sister. "

Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Buddhism is Not what it appears to be

Subj: Buddhism is Not what it appears to be
1. Dear Surinder Attri Jee
You bring is interesting but sad reality. The first thing we need to do is to know the reality.
Here are a few articles for your perusal. Please do forward them to interested friends.
Tilak Shrestha, Ph.D.
1. Dharma and Religion: It is about defining Dharma. And why Buddhism is a part of Hinduism. Dharma is not religion. Dharma is about search of truth (Satya) and spirituality (Yoga). Religion is social control through brain washing. Let us have a clear understanding of the foreign challenge and uneducated propaganda to divide Nepalese society. Let us have intellectual honesty to differentiate between politics and Dharma. (6 pages)
2. Truth and Christianity: I had the dubious honor of meeting a few Nepalese missionaries claiming to be theology scholars. This article is in response to our conversation on Christianity. Missionaries are not interested about mutual respect and understanding each other’s views. We have to know and tell about Christianity. Let us have courage to speak plain truth. (15 pages)
3. Way of Knowledge (Gnan Yoga): A brief introductions of the way of knowledge and other Yogas. Our culture is strong in Bhakti yoga. However, we have to stress on Gnan yoga now for our own survival and progress, in any sense of the word. (12 pages)
4. Karma Cola: On the doctrine of Karma and related issues. Our new generations are taught mostly science in English medium. Thus, the format of educating them about our roots and Dharma must also follow similar route. Otherwise they cannot make any sense of the universal truth (Sanatana). Please note the format of presenting ‘truth.’ (10 pages)

Quote: The first thing we need to do is to know the reality.
COMMENT: Yes, especially reality about Buddhism. Buddhism is Not what it appears to be.

3. Quote: Religion is social control through brain washing.
COMMENT: Because of coercive persuasion, mind control, and mind abuse in religion, regardless of what label you put on it, religion is largely a matter of training.

4. Quote: It is about defining Dharma. And why Buddhism is a part of Hinduism.
COMMENT: Both Hinduism and Buddhism originated in Indian subcontinent and share a long, somewhat peculiar/ uncomfortable relationship. Buddhism does have similarities with Hinduism, but whether part of Hinduism, is unclear. On the other hand, Buddhism appears more similar to Jainism. Hinduism is Vedic/Vidya-based. Buddhism & Jainism, are both Shramanas ( wandering monks.) based, they are two branches of Shramana tradition. Theoretically, both are Anti-Intellectual,. Both are Anti-Vedic.

5. Whereas Hinduism is pestered with a hierarchical caste system, Buddhism is totally caste-less, and appears noble, but it is Not. This scoundrel is very deceptive & despicable ( Yanke terminology for it is " Phony ").

Colossal-consequences of Buddhist notion of Ahimsa-Parmo-Dharma ( concept of non-injury & compassion towards all living beings ) and their mean capacity, are colossally-overlooked by nearly everybody.. Centuries of practice of Ahimsa-Parmo-Dharma, under Buddhist kings of India, completely broke the Kashatriya-Shield of the Hindu. Hinduism received a severe battering from Islam, when Islam invaded India. Hinduism survived, though barely, but Buddhism passed out of India in less than six months.

6. Destruction & despoiling, subsequent to Buddhist-thinking, are Not restricted to India alone. Many more examples can be cited. Europe, after WWI is a perfect example.

Buddhist-thinking generally starts in the Army, subsequent to a war. At least 10% of European Veterans of WWI, regarded war as something evil, something to be avoided. Majority of European nations, "completely " disarmed, while. Germany & Italy, infuriatingly armed themselves. WWII followed, as a " Condition-Subsequent " to Buddhist-Thinking, 55 million people were killed.

7. Subsequent to battle of Kalinga, Emperor Ashoka turned a Buddhist, ( he did not have the temper or toughness to be a soldier any more ). Like a European Ex-Soldier of WWI, he became a turncoat..

Buddhist-Thinking engulfed Pandva-Prince Arjuna as well, right at the even of war, he refused to fight, refused to kill his own relatives. Lord Krishna straightened him out, of his Buddhist-Nonsense, by telling him FLAT-OUT that:

" In the fight against evil, no body is your Father, no body is your Mother, no body is your Brother, and no body is your Sister. "

What Lord Krishna was citing, is the Vedic principle. Lord Ram fought Rakshishas ( evil persons ) all his life, He warned that there will always be Evil in this world, that evil does not take a holiday. This Vedic-Truth is well-understood by Older religions, not understood by Newer religions. Jainism & Buddhism, are newer than Hinduism, have not enlightened themselves about evil. Islam & Christianity, are even newer, both are totally-ignorant about the nature of evil. They " DO NOT " deal with evil at all, they blame all evil, on an imaginary creature, which they label as the Devil ( Satan ). Satan is the song-leader of Islam & Christianity, and their turpitude of evil. Consequences-Subsequent: Wherever Islam & Christianity go, evil multiplies.

8. To put it simply: Newer religions demonstrate their ignorance of evil, due to their Immaturity.

Surinder Paul Attri

Friday, April 8, 2011


Subj: Integral-Hinduism
bhagavaandaas tyaagi
to me
yes, you are very right but hinduus will never wake up because we are ruled by anti hinduus ---for about 600 years by muslims and 300 years by british christians hinduus were ruled --- now after independence for about 64 years we hinduus are ruled by christians and muslims together , therefore there is no way hinduus will wake up , slaves can not wake up , hinduus are still slaves to christians and muslims ---

1. Quote: yes, you are very right but hinduus will never wake up because we are ruled by anti hinduus ---for about 600 years by muslims and 300 years by british christians hinduus were ruled --- now after independence for about 64 years we hinduus are ruled by christians and muslims together , therefore there is no way hinduus will wake up , slaves can not wake up , hinduus are still slaves to christians and muslims ---

Comment: Yes, we Hindus are some type of slaves. Sure, Moslems & Christians have had lots of influence in the social life of the Hindu, and this influence is getting out of control. The results is that besides being Kafirs ( Infidels ), we Hindus are also Kafir-Slaves ( Infidel-Slaves ), and are acting like slaves.

During the 600 years of Allah's rule in India, the Moslems have murdered freedom & self-respect of the Hindu. Subsequently, Christianity shot the Hell out of the Hindu, destroying his sovereignty, liberty, and self-determination. Net outcome of Islamic & Christian Slavery, has been dissenting & demurring for the Hindu.

2. The trick for the Hindu now is how to, shake loose the slavish influence of Islam & Christianity, and adapt to new life. This would require change in Hindu thinking to move away from present hier-archical system ( our caste-ridden system of inequality ) to a system of Integral-Hinduism ( totally casteless Hinduism ), a system of total social-equality, The Hindu will have to open up his gates to every Tom, Dick, and Harry ( every caste & creed ) within Hinduism, not only to survive but to beat the theological-competition of the world. There is no other alternative for the Hindu, if he wants to survive.

Hindu is basically very smart, his Hindu religion is a reform-religion by definition, as it is Vedas or Vidya-Based ( Knowledge ). Many educated Hindus in India state that, our caste system is not only obsolete, but Obsolete-Obsolete, and needs to be kicked by the tire.

3. Islam is based on the customs of Uncivilized-Bedouins, Wherever Islam goes, ignorance & poverty follows. it is a religion of the slave. Christianity is the step-sister of Islam. Hinduism is different, it is a religion of the Free, it is a religion of Vidya, it is a Boarding-Pass to Integral-Hinduism.

Surinder Paul Attri

Christian assault on the Sikhs of Panjab

Subj: Christian assault on the Sikhs of Panjab

1. The basic problem is our poor attitude towards the disadvantaged sections of our society. Christian assault is undeniably there, but worse than that is our inaction, towards our own safety. It is a pity that heat of this assault in Panjab, has not waken up either the people of Panjab, or the Panjabi Leaders. In fact, like muddle-heads, both are following:

" the path of least assistance "

towards our disadvantaged Mazbhi-Sikhs.

2. We are not prepared to face the reality of our problem, but are inventing dark fantasies towards this problem. We are going to extremes in complaining ( bitching & barking about the problem ), but are going to extremities of inaction ( towards our disadvantaged brothers & sisters ).
Our dark fantasies and make-believe explanations, are not going to make this problem go away.

3. It is a self-made problem, we Hindus/Sikhs are too selfish. It is a hellish-journey, but we have no one to blame but ourselves.

When these Mazbhi-Sikhs are in trouble, somebody has to turn up, to assist them, to take the edge of their pains. But what happens at times like this, who turns up to assuage & alleviate the harshly-ruled & exploited Mazbhi-Sikhs ? Not their coreligionists, the high-caste Sikhs & Hindus, but the Christians & Christian Missionaries.

4. The Christian-Missionaries loudly proclaim:

" We treat them ( the Mazbhi-Sikhs ) better. "

There is No protective cage around the Mazbhi-Sikhs. The outcome is predictable.

Even though, the Mazbhi-Sikhs are converted, the rest of us Sikhs & Hindus are also affected. In fact,we are terribly-affected. Whether we like it or not, we cannot get out of the line of fire, with our make-believe attitude & explanation of a very grave problem. Christian Missionaries are on the loose in Panjab. We need to mobilize our efforts to strike back, and resist & reverse the Christian assault. Like the Reconversion to Hinduism, a parallel effort of Reconversion to Sikhism, is Immediately-Needed.

Surinder Paul Attri

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pakistani actress Veena Malik confronts Mufti Sahib

Subj: Pakistani actress Veena Malik confronts Mufti Sahib

1. Pakistani actress Veena Malik confronted Pakistani cleric, Mufti Sahib. Mufti Sahib accused her of immoral behavior, and identified her on the potent register of insulting Pakistan & insulting Islam.

2. Veena Malik stood up to him, and won't let him bull-sh** her with the rules of Islam. Besides being brave, Veena Malik is also erudite. She told Mufti Sahib the price of tea in China, advised him that instead of picking on her, his eyes ought to be on numerous other wicked & vexing wrongs in Pakistan, including clerical sex against kids in Islam & in Pakistan.

3. What exactly is bugging Mufti Salhib ? Mufti Sahib is trying to impose customs & rules of uncivilzed Bedouins ( customs & rituals of Bedouins form the basis of Islam;;;Hazrat Mohammad was a Bedouin chief ) on Veena Malik ( and on the rest of humanity ), and Veena Malik would have none of it.

4. She told Mufti Sahib flat out that, she is an entertainer and asked him:

Who the Devil are you to judge me & how are my actions any of your business ?

It is a valid argument, and it makes perfect sense.

5. Islamic Clerics like Mufti Sahib, are living in the dark age of Islam. They can start climbing fences, yell at gals like Veena Malik, but they cannot stop them from challenging the restrictions of Islam. We need more brave gals like Veena Malik.

Surinder Paul Attri

Is Prathiba Muslim?? Let her explain in her own words.

to arsv0002, prathibasam, saavitripundit, nmdas17, kpvhp7, psabhlok, truthbliss, me, bhakta711, rvchitnis, waldo, hinduvoice, durgashakti1892, ar_sudhirkumar, amritasyaputra, milap_choraria, anis90242, Msa40

Is Prathiba Muslim?? Let her explain in her own words.
1. How can you trust a dual face, dual name, dual personality. ?!
If Prathiba is a Muslim, then, Mullah must have changed her name, to any Muslim name, first. Obviously, Prathiba is a Hindu name, not a Muslim name.
Many Muslims play this game of name, I know such Muslim character, SUNIL LYRATH, a Muslim, in Hindu name. !
Those are Muslim tactics, to deceive, in different names.

2. Quote: Is Prathiba Muslim?? Let her explain in her own words.
COMMENT: Don't count upon her to do any kind of admitting. You cannot stop a personality like Pratibha Sundaram from rationalizing her behavior, she will not come straight out.

3.. Quote: How can you trust a dual face, dual name, dual personality. ?!
COMMENT: You can't. Pratibha Sundaram is not only a dual face & dual name, but a dual personaltity as well, embodying false-self as well as true self,objective being to deceive the Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). She has a lasting friendship with Al Taqquia. Al Taqquia has had Islamic presence, since Day One of Islam.

4. While going towards a mosque to pray, she most likely tells Moslems:
" We respect Islam, but we don't like radicalism associated with it. "
But take a peek at how she jumps up & down, giving Hell to Hinduism, but bids sayonara to Islam's centuries of barbarism against the Kafirs of the world. This is what tells who she really is.

5. Regarding her Hindu name. She is not the only Moslem doing this stylish con-job. Bollywood movie star Yusuf Khan, calls himself Dilip Kumar. Incidentally, Signor Dilip Kumar married ( Nilawed ) Saira Banu, who is 22 years younger than him, and is like his daughter. Nikaw really is not a sacrament, it is a contract for services. It is because of such temporal-teachings of Islam, that Moslem women like Pratibha Sundaram, watch their husbands rape 72 Houris in Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ).

Surinder Paul Attri

Monday, April 4, 2011

Contradictions of Quran

Subj: Contradictions of Quran

1. Actually Quran is full of Contradiction. So in few ayats you can get just the opposite idea. From the Islamic point of view, both of them are true, otherwise Allah will become liar.

Shrimanthan Arya

2. COMMENT: The list of contradictions of Quran is large. But there are many more reasons for rejecting Quran, and for not believing Quran to be from one true God.

Sadly, many Muslims become unnecessarily aggravated because they do not understand these contradictions. In fact, many Muslims try to evade a discussion of the real issues regarding the truth of Islam.

There are all kinds of contradictions in Quran. Quran is floating on very thin ice.
There are verses that contradict each other. There are verses that contradict the facts of history & science. Then there are verses that contradict earlier revelations.

3. Moslems are totally unable to resolve the contradictions of Quran.

Surinder Paul Attri

Mohammad, the last prophet...cont'd

Subj: Mohammad, the last prophet
1. For Muslims, Mohammad is the last prophet and Quran is the last revelation from God. So, it seems that for 1400 years God is in hibernation.

To call Mohammad as the last prophet is just insane. I put him at par with Chairman Mao of China who killed millions in China and Tibet. In Tibet alone thousands of monastries were destroyed. In addition to destruction of peace loving people of Tibet, he went on looting spree, depriving natural wealth like yaks and trees in Tibet. There were at least 1.5 million Yaks in Tibet, and now they number 15,000. Every day hundreds of trucks of timber are taken from Tibet leaving the mountains bare which have cause huge floods. Mao had also ordered all the graves of Confucious and his descendants dug and all the remains were dumped into trash cans. In China, several hundred Buddhist temples were destroyed and millions of Chinese were slaughtered. What a radical person!

2. Quote: For Muslims, Mohammad is the last prophet and Quran is the last revelation from God. So, it seems that for 1400 years God is in hibernation.

COMMENT: Hibernation or Dormancy is found among some animals ( bears, squirrels, groundhogs,racoons, oppossums, bats, and of course skunks ) who sleep through winter. This is a survival mechnanis, during winter food is scarce. There is no need for God to go into hibernation.

3. Quote: To call Mohammad as the last prophet is just insane.


It would simply be an insance usurpation of the rights & privileges of, rational & logical ones amongst us. He is more likely an insance person, and insane person is not subject to legal accountability.

4. Quote: I put him at par with Chairman Mao of China who killed millions in China and Tibet. In Tibet alone thousands of monastries were destroyed. In addition to destruction of peace loving people of Tibet, he went on looting spree, depriving natural wealth like yaks and trees in Tibet. There were at least 1.5 million Yaks in Tibet, and now they number 15,000. Every day hundreds of trucks of timber are taken from Tibet leaving the mountains bare which have cause huge floods. Mao had also ordered all the graves of Confucious and his descendants dug and all the remains were dumped into trash cans. In China, several hundred Buddhist temples were destroyed and millions of Chinese were slaughtered. What a radical person!

COMMENT: Yes, Mohammad is at par ( he is neither at a discount nor at a premium ) with Mao Tse Tung. He murdered hundreds of milliions of innocent Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) who did him nor his Moslems, any harm
But Mohammad had an added contribution of sex for his faithful followers.

Islamic Paradise or Jannat which was invented by Prophet Mohammed to bribe the Arabs into committing hedious crimes by promising them materialistic things which they couldn't obtain in the harsh desert. The paradise contains six important items: beautiful virgins ( the Houries ), young boys, water, wine, fruits and wealth.

It is hardly necessary for me, to quote verses from Quran or Hadiths, to prove my point.

Surinder Paul Attri

Mohammad, the last prophet

Subj: Mohammad, the last prophet

1. Quote: Dear Prathiba is making some progress and that is a good sign. But I can not understand why she keeps on saying that Mohammad was the last prophet. It devalues the contribution of all those who came after him, and preached universal love unlike Mohammad who was involved in torturing, killing, looting and slaving of thousands of others.

COMMENT: It is not necessary to analyze the muddle & turmoil of Pratibha Sundaram's mind, to see that Mohammad was not the last prophet. He was the Supreme Commander of the Moslems, was a caravan-robber, and a murderer of hundreds of millions of innocent Kafirs. But Mohammad is not the last prophet, nor is he the one who seals up prophet-hood. Quran teaches that Mohammad is the seal of prophets, the implication here is that he is the last prophet. This is bogus on a wide front. There is not the slightest evidence that, Mohammad has such a status.

2. The real question is why Moslems keep on saying that, Mohammad is the last prophet. The objectve of this propaganda is to make war against the Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) and to emphasize that Moslems will overcome, and whosoever are left, will be Allah's chosen & faithful followers, the Moslems.

3. The readers should ask themselves why Moslems offer such explanations, which are convenient but bogus. Their objective is to emphasize that, Islam is a true religion ( which it certainly not ).

Whatever the case may be, the Moslems explanation does not provide an adequate proof, that Mohammad is the last prophet.

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Adam & Eve story

Subj: Adam & Eve story
Dear Dr. Elst:
A rational approach to make sense of all ancient literature in the Indian context as well as other world religions is an absolute necessity. The task is stupendous. Most religions are full of baffoonery if the words are taken literally but some do have poetic significance but others are simply rooted in primitive thinking and primitive knowledge. Example may be Eve made from the ribs of Adam. God creating the Universe (world) in seven days. But who wants to argue with Islam any more? Saint Gabriel revealed something to some one, so it goes. This is not any different than Moses bringing the tablets from God. Mythology is mythology and not history for one religion and mythology for others. At least we should agree on this for any rational approach.
Thanks for your insightful comments.

2. Quote: Example may be Eve made from the ribs of Adam. God creating the Universe (world) in seven days. But who wants to argue with Islam any more?

COMMENT: We have already established that Islam is a piece of cr**. But Christianity is not squeaky-clean either. Christianity has wicked attraction to its " Adam & Eve " story.

Make a note of this that, stories like the Adam & Eve story, have made rounds of Arabia, for thousands of years. Like other Arabian Night stories, they have entertained and amazed Arabian people for thousands of years. Their content of adventure, imagination, fairly tales, fables, and farces, is captivating, and their authors revel in the art of story-telling.

Just because somebody puts this story in a book, and puts a religious/Biblical twist on it, does not make it any more valid, than other Arabian Night stories.

Simply put, Adam & Eve story, is just as phony & sham, as other Arabian Night stories,. To attach reality to it is Dumb.

Surinder Paul Attri

Buffoonery of Quran

Subj: Buffoonery of Quran
Dear Dr. Elst:

A rational approach to make sense of all ancient literature in the Indian context as well as other world religions is an absolute necessity. The task is stupendous. Most religions are full of baffoonery if the words are taken literally but some do have poetic significance but others are simply rooted in primitive thinking and primitive knowledge. Example may be Eve made from the ribs of Adam. God creating the Universe (world) in seven days. But who wants to argue with Islam any more? Saint Gabriel revealed something to some one, so it goes. This is not any different than Moses bringing the tablets from God. Mythology is mythology and not history for one religion and mythology for others. At least we should agree on this for any rational approach.

Thanks for your insightful comments.



1. Buffoonery certainly it is. Don't count upon this silly-billy stuff going away real soon, In fact, it is ever ready to mock the scientific stuff. This buffoonery crosses the line from embarrassing to dangerous, it is extremely dangerous. But we don't need to prove that we are progressive, by condemning foolishness. Fools don't care what we think. That is what makes them fools.

2. Islamic scholars say that lying means to slander the omnipotence of Allah, the creator, and disbelief in Allah, exhibited by Un-Believers ( Kafirs ) is deception about everything. This kind of self-righteousness is buffoonery & hypocrisy, a form of lying. It is brutal murder of truth, and wrongful conviction of Kafirs.

3. Quran is the invention of a schizophrenic Bedouin HM ( Half-Mad/Hazrat Mohammad ), who memorized the words, from his imaginary friend, Allah. Quran's buffoonery conveys the ingenious absurdity of it all.

Surinder Paul Attri