Saturday, September 24, 2011

Castration of a Kafir

Subj: Castration of a Kafir

1. Bal Chaudhari to Rajinder, me, bal, balraj, D, David, Kailash, Ram, Shri, smdave1940, Sudhakarji, suruchiprakash.

A news item appears as below in the Tribune newspaper:




This is another method of serving Islam.

Breed yourself and yourself only!


2. COMMENT: Yes, it is definitely a technique of building-up Moslem numbers ( and abridging Kafir numbers ). Reciprocity of this technique is also a valid approach, that is, castrating ten Moslems for each castrated-Kafirs. This approach is a turn for the better for human species, it will augment ratio of desirable specimens ( Kafirs ), and diminish proportion of undesirable specimens ( Moslems ).

3. It will pass on a strong password/signal to Sullas that, their barbaric action, shall be paid back in full.

Surinder Paul Attri

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

France bans street prayers

Subj: France bans street prayers

1. PARIS (Reuters) - A French ban on praying in the street came into force on Friday, driving thousands of Muslim worshippers in northern Paris into a makeshift prayer site in a disused fire brigade barracks, angering a small but vocal minority.

The street-prayer ban has highlighted France's problems assimilating its 5-million-strong Muslim community, which lacks prayer space, and follows a long-running controversy, fanned by far-right leader Marine Le Pen, over Muslims forced to lay their prayer mats on the streets in big cities.

Interior Minister Claude Gueant directed Muslims in Paris to temporary spaces made available pending the building of a huge new prayer space and warned that force would be used if necessary as police end their tolerance of street prayers.

Seven months before a presidential election, the ban has struck some in France as an attempt to rally far-right sympathizers to President Nicolas Sarkozy's center-right camp.

At the barracks, Cheik Mohammed Salah Hamza oversaw prayers for Muslims who had migrated from around the city. Worshippers streamed in, spreading their woven prayer mats over the floor of the hangar-like building and out into the courtyard.

"It's the beginning of a solution," Hamza told Reuters before the start of the service. "The faithful are very pleased to be here. The space, which holds 2,000, is full."

Many worshippers were also upbeat. "This will be better than rue Mryha," said one man, referring to a Paris street renowned for hosting street prayers. "Apparently, it shocked people."

Le Pen has described the growing phenomenon of praying on the streets and sidewalks as an "invasion."

"It's Marine Le Pen who started all this," a woman who gave her name as Assya said on her way into the former barracks on the outskirts of Paris. "Now the government has banned street prayers and sent us here so they can gather votes from the (far-right) National Front (party) -- that's all."


In France, where a strict separation of church and state has been in force for a century, public displays of religious activity are frowned upon.

Yet efforts by Sarkozy's conservative government to restrict religious displays, such as a ban on full-face veils, have drawn criticism as empty measures that unfairly single out Muslims.

France counts the largest Muslim minority of any European country. But only a portion -- about 10 percent, or the same proportion as among Catholics -- are practicing, according to Muslim associations.

As a rule, radical Muslim voices in France are rare, but Friday's prayers in northern Paris drew a small but angry protest from a radical minority more often seen in online posts.

An hour before the first prayer young men with beards, green headbands and banners gathered on rue Myrha to discourage worshippers from moving to the new site.

"No system in the universe can control us aside from Allah," shouted one young man. "There is more dignity in praying in the grass than in their false mosque," said another.

As the prayers began, dozens of young men belonging to a group called Forsane Alizza disrupted the service with shouts of "Allahu akbar" -- "God is greatest" -- and jostled with security.


This is the Right way to deal with the problem. Other European & Asian countries, India included, ought to follow the French example. It is crazy behavior, it blocks roads, and meddles with traffic. Moslems also use loudspeakers for their prayers. It creates noise & nuisance for every Non-Moslem Infidels around. Moslems must Not be allowed to stick their nose in street traffic.

Surinder Paul Attri

Friday, September 16, 2011

Comments on I have a question on use of temple money

1..Subj: Comments on I have a question on use of temple money

Poonam Abbi to me

Aadarneey Attri Ji,

You said, "It is not state property. If the money came from taxes, then it is state property, and belongs to the state. But temple offerings & contributions are not tax money. They do not belong in the state treasury. The temple money came from the devotees. " There is also the issue that much of the money that comes from the devotees is in form of the daily chadhawas etc. & that is the money the devotees have alerady paid the tax on. Does the state have the right to first collect the tax on the money, & then go & grab the money too?


Quote: There is also the issue that much of the money that comes from the devotees is in form of the daily chadhawas etc. & that is the money the devotees have alerady paid the tax on.

COMMENT: Yes, it is Net Income of the devotees ( that is, income after payment of the taxes ).

3. Quote: Does the state have the right to first collect the tax on the money, & then go & grab the money too?

COMMENT: Poonam Jee: The government has no such right/rights.

It measures up to a massive piece of swindle job. That is how pickpickets operate.

4. To put it in plain-spoken language: Government has no business sticking its nose, in temple business or in temple's money. Any body who believes otherwise, is really gullible.

Surinder Paul Attri

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Comment on I have a question on the use of temple money

Subj: Comment on I have a question on the use of temple money

1. Poonam Abbi to me:

Use it to fud a very aggressive campaign against the Anti-Hindu propaganda machine at home & abroad...that machine is made up of muslims, christians & Hindus who are eager to pretend being "logical" One of the problems is that Hindus have moved away from the basic & fundamentals of the Sanatan Dharm. They have forgotten that they follow the Sanatan Dharm & try very hard to fit into the mold of Hondu as defined by criminals like muslims & christians. We need to get back to the basic foundations of our Dharm, which is not synonymous for religion.


Quote: We need to get back to the basic foundations of our Dharm, which is not synonymous for religion.

COMMENT: Yes, we need to get back to the fundamental principles of Vedic Dharma...Dealing with Evil and Standing Up to it.

3. Quote: Use it to fud a very aggressive campaign against the Anti-Hindu propaganda machine at home & abroad...that machine is made up of muslims, christians & Hindus who are eager to pretend being "logical"

COMMENT: Yes, This is a very pragmatic & businesslike use of temple money.

It has been expressed that pen is mightier than sword, which it is. But there is one thing that, is mightier than either the pen or the sword, and that is Nakad-Narain ( that is, money, money, money ).

Yes, we could start a very aggressive crusade for the practice & propagation of Hinduism, with the use of temple money. In the world of today, money is the glue that binds societies & religions, more than anything else. The temple money could give a new lease on life, to our Hinduism. In short, there are a million things that can be done, with temple money.

Surinder Paul Attri

Comment of I have a question ....

Subj: Comment of I have a question ....
1. bk chaudhari to me

I wholr-heartedly agree with you, Attriji.

The treasure belongs to the Temple and furthermore, it is our inheritance.

The precious images with artistic engravings are meant for guiidance for

future generations. They are inspirations and piece of continued history.

People who ignore history, are doomed.



Quote: The treasure belongs to the Temple and furthermore, it is our inheritance.

The precious images with artistic engravings are meant for guiidance for

future generations.

COMMENT: Yes indeed. Those are accepted & established signs & symbols of our religion, expressed by words & engravings. They are our legacy too,and are etched into the minds of us Hindus. .

The temple money must Not be allowed to fall, into the hands of, good-for-nothing phony-liberal bunch ( secularists & leftists ). Hinduism could go to Hell, for all they care.

3. Quote: People who ignore history, are doomed.

COMMENT: We must Not forget the Hindu-Killing power of Islam's mercants of Kafir-death. We have first hand knowledge of Islam's barbarism, in India on the Kafir-Hindu stretching over 1200 years. This could happen again, Don't believe it cannot happen again. JIhadis now have guns, in place of swords.

Surinder Paul Attri.

I have got a question about use of temple money?

Subj: I have got a question about use of temple money?

1. Quite a few people want to get hold of temple money, and use it for purposes that are disingenuous and dishonest. Every one of them seems to want to distribute money that, does not belong to them, especially the secular & the leftist bunches. They argue furiously that this money is state property. The implication of this argument is that, it can be expropriated. I would take issue with it, it is an act of commandeering some one else's property. This approach is Anti-Temple, Anti-Hindu, and is thoroughly immoral & un-ethical.

2. But it is not only a moral question, it is a sacred question, it is also a substantial issue. It is not state property. If the money came from taxes, then it is state property, and belongs to the state. But temple offerings & contributions are not tax money. They do not belong in the state treasury. The temple money came from the devotees. How can the state lay claim to this money ? The correct approach is to hand over this money to a temple-trust, and use it for the welfare of the devotees.

3. The argument of the secularists & leftists is wishy-washy at best. What would they say if the money had been found, not at a temple, but in a church or in a mosque ? Would we be debating & arguing that this money ought to be used by the state ? The why this argument against the Hindu money ( temple-money ).? Clearly, the leftist argument is two-faced & wily.

4. Secular ought not to over-whelm the sacred. Temple-Money belongs to the temple and to its devotees. Let us respect our temples first, then argue about the money in these. The money belongs to the temples, and ought to be preserved there.

5. For the Hell of it, keep the Leftist & and the Phoney-Liberals, out of the temple money.

Surinder Paul Attri

Monday, September 12, 2011

We are passing through a greatordeal today...What is the Solution?-- Swami Ramdev

We are passing through a greatordeal today...What is the Solution?-- Swami Ramdev

2. COMMENT: Yes, we are confronting at least two harsh experiences:

a. Terrorism ( Islamic-Terrorism )

b. Corruption

3. The corrective procedure for both is entirely & explicitly one & the same. What is that solution ?

Answer: We have got to get tough with the perpetrators of these crimes.

4. How did we get rid of piracy on the high seas ?

Answer: Piracy disappeared when civilized countries started sending their Navies ( after pleading with pirates for decades & centuries ), and Navy Captains started hanging the pirates, right on the decks of their ships, rather than bringing them to the judicial courts of Surat or Mumbai.

5. This Quick & Dirty Technique, did the trick.

Surinder Paul Attri

We are passing through a greatordeal today...What is the Solution?-- Swami Ramdev

We are passing through a greatordeal today...What is the Solution?-- Swami Ramdev

2. COMMENT: Yes, we are confronting at least two harsh experiences:

a. Terrorism ( Islamic-Terrorism )

b. Corruption

3. The corrective procedure for both is entirely & explicitly one & the same. What is that solution ?

Answer: We have got to get tough with the perpetrators of these crimes.

4. How did we get rid of piracy on the high seas ?

Answer: Piracy disappeared when civilized countries started sending their Navies ( after pleading with pirates for decades & centuries ), and Navy Captains started hanging the pirates, right on the decks of their ships, rather than bringing them to the judicial courts of Surat or Mumbai.

5. This Quick & Dirty Technique, did the trick.

Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Islamic terror - Subramanian Swamy

1. Subj: Islamic terror - Subramanian Swamy


I condemn the blast in the Delhi High Court campus today which has led to the death of at-least nine innocent persons and 45 persons injured. I demand that as a first step the Union Home Minister Mr. P. Chidambaram resign for his utter incompetence in dealing with the issue of terrorism. The UPA Government has failed to formulate a counter terrorist strategy.

I have presented a blue print of what should be our counter terror strategy in my article in the DNA newspaper of July 16th. Terrorists have goals and these goals have to be nullified. We therefore have to prepare the nation for appropriate retaliation which nullifies the goals of these terrorists. What these goals are I have already stated in my article in the DNA newspaper referred to above.

I also demand that the Prime Minister cancel his visit to Bangladesh forthwith.,_.___

2. COMMENT: All civilized people & societies, wherever they might be, must denounce the barbaric-savagery of Islamic-Jihadis, in carrying out blasts against the innocent citizens, in the city of Delhi. Yes, the incompetent government officials ought to be fired ( dismissed ). They are Not fit to do the job of defeating or controlling the terrorists. One must be fit enough for the job, to keep his job. In addition, the phony-liberal politicians, at the top, who appease the Jihadis, must be voted out of power. People have a responsibility to take steps to protect their interests. They must display un-flinching resolve, to get rid of phony-liberal politicians,who have brought such a calamity on innocent people. Suvh politicians have no business, holding positions of power. They must be shown the door.

3. Indians in general, and Hindus in particular, are victims of tragic mistakes of politics of phoney-liberalism. The vain hope of the phony-liberal politicians that, we are moving towards a period of reduced Jihadic violence, has not happened. Jihadic violence keeps on taking new & dark turns, again & again, and change for the better remains elusive. The blame lies ENTIRELY on our system of phony-liberalism. Our phony-libeal politicians are preachers of secualrism, multiculturalism, and minority appeasement. The leader of the phony-liberals, Handy-Andy ( Manmohan Singh ) is more or less resigned to the politics of phony-liberalism. He is not the man, designed to make tough decisions, and fire the incompetents.

4. Jihadic violence & barbarism cannot be controlled or eliminated. It has raged for 1400 years, it is built into the system of Islam & is Allah-Ordained. Hindus, Jews, and other Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) are Not crying wolf about the terrorism & barbarism of Islamic Jihad. This barbarism is real & dire, and blood-bath of the Hindu shall continue, if we surrender to Jihad & Jihadis.

Phony-Liberal politicians of India & of the West:
Take your bloody blind-folds off, and take a good look at Islam as it really is, and not as you would like it to be. Wishful & Wishy-Washy thinking will not cut the mustard.

5. Hell with phony-Liberalism.

Surinder Paul Attri

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Vande Mataram

Subj: Vande Mataram

1. Quote; Rishi Bankim Chandra Chattopadhya created Vande Mataram on 7th Sept. 1882.

HS Media Centre: Rishi Bankim Chandra Chattopadhya created Vande Mataram on 7th Sept. 1882. This was mostly influenced the Indian Freedom Struggle against British as a lightening spirit of all inspiration of Nationalism in modern India. Vande Mataram was finally set in Bankim's most revolutionary novel Anandamath

COMMENT: Yes indeed he did it. The poem is the national metaphor of India, as India battled its way towards freedom. Vande Mataram means:
I bow to thee Mother

It was first sung by Rabindranath Tagore in 1890, it was translated into prose by Aurobindo Ghose in 1909. Vande Mataram was the national cry for freedom from the British rule. It was later given the status of " National Song " of the Republic Of India.

2. Quote: Though it is mother source of all patriotism and Indian Nationalism in modern time, the hymn of Vande Mataram has been truncated by the Congress betrayers for the cause o Muslim appeasement.

COMMENT: The phony-liberal politicians always give in, when confronted with opposition from minorities.
Question: Is the appeasement of enemy better than war ?

Question: Has there been any opposition to Vande Mataram from minorities ?

Yes, there has been. Several Moslem organizations have issued FATWAS against singing of Vande Mataram. Even though Vande Mataram means worshipping Mother India, Moslems regard it as Shirk ( Idolatry).

But if you bow at the feet of your Mother, it is not Shirk, it is only Respect. Moslems sure have a Screwed-Up interpretation of Shirk.

Some Islamic scholars admit that they are not sure, about the meaning of the term " Vande ." Does it mean Salutation or Worship ?

Christians also object to Vande Mataram. They claim they are not sure whether it means Veneration or Worship.

What Moslems & Christians have done, is to make the song Controversial, giving a perfect excuse to the phony-liberal politicians of India, to exclude/ban this song. .

3. In spite of minority opposition, this song has been set to a large number of tunes. Versions of this song, have also been visualized in a number of movies.

4. Regardless of the controversy, this song is and has always been a battle cry for the freedom of India.

Surinder Paul Attri

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Anthropomorphology of Congress

Subj: Anthropomorphology of Congress

The English language has some wonderfully

anthropomorphic collective nouns

for various groups of animals

We are all familiar with a Herd of cows, a Flock of chickens, a School of fish and a Gaggle of geese.

However, less widely known is a Pride of lions, aMurder of crows (as well as their cousins the rooks and ravens), an Exaltation of doves and, presumably, because they look so wise, a Parliament of owls.

Now consider a gathering of Baboons. They are the loudest, most dangerous, most obnoxious, most viciously aggressive and least intelligent of all primates.

And what is the proper collective noun for a group of baboons?

Believe it or not ....... a Congress!

I guess that pretty much explains the things that come out of our present government led by a party by that name, which has ruled our country for most of the 64 years since the British left us in their hands!

1. Quote: And what is the proper collective noun for a group of baboons?

Believe it or not ....... a Congress!

2. COMMENT: Around the year 1944, the bulldog-faced Prime Minister of England, Winston Churchill, referred to Congressites of India, as a bunch of rogues, rascals, and racketeers.

3. The siblings of those Congressic Naked-Apes ( Naked-Baboons ) have not eschewed from similar alliterative-alignment, by being corrupt, crooked, and culprit. It is quite an act of baboonery.

4. To regurgitate a corny-expression:
Letter C in the name Congress, stands for corruption.

Surinder Paul Attri