Monday, May 31, 2010



1. Namaste Attri Ji,
As per the psychological theory that the west, both islam & christianity use to evaluate & describe Hindu Dharm, the Freudian theory, both christianity & islam are stuck in the oral-anal-phallic phase. They cannot see, understand, perceive & relate to nothing beyond what they can do with their mouths, anuses, & genitals. None of these require the involvement of the brain, the intellect or the spiritual consciousness. That is why their methods of "developing" their religions are obsessive involvement with food, & sex. Their rewards of prayers too are a heaven where food & sex is in plenty.
Poonam. More over they are so near sighted, that they cannot see past the tips of their own noses.

2. My Take:
Poonam Jee: Namaste to you also.
First, let me state categorically, without fear of contradiction that, both Islam & Christianity are:
" Two sides of the same coin, both are Abrahamic, both are Jahaliyat ( Ignorance ), and both are Barbaric. "
So what I say about Islam, applies equally well to Christianity.

The Un-cultured barbarians of Islam, have a clear-cut culture of their own, it is reflective of the Bedouin tribal culture. It is nothing like our Hindu culture. Wherever conquering Bedouin Islamic armies went, they destroyed local civilizations, imposed their Islamic tribal medievalism, recklessly murdering men, degrading women to perpetual sexual slavery.

3. Islamic plunderers ( Allah's Soldiers ) & looters, murdered hundreds of millions of our Hindus, demolished tens of thousands of Hindu temples, millions of Hindu women & children were taken into custody, and sent to Arabic Islamic Slave markets. This was the beginning of the destruction of the great Hindu civilization, and the start of Islamic darkness in India.

4. Mullahs, Maulvies, Muftis, Kazis, Imams, et al, stationed in mosques, control the minds of Moslem followers, describing Non-Moslem ( Kafir ) religions as Jahaliyat ( ignorance ). Actually, it is Islam itself that is Jahaliyat, in the holy garb of Islam. Islam is a continuation of the tribal, barbarian Bedouin culture. Its leader, Hazrat Mohammad ( SBUH: SH** be upon him ) was the Biggest Idiot Bedouin Chief.

5. Multiplication of Harems ( residential places for the female sex-slaves ), institutionalizaed under Islam, emphasized the degradation of women under Islam.
Is it any wonder that:

" Not being allowed to learn, or think for herself, there are hardly any outstanding women in 1400 years of Islamic history. Islam's violent anti-feminism, is the most scandalous & shocking observation of Islamic history. "

6. In fact, Islam's treatment of its women is:


Unfortunately, the ROTTEN Hindu Leadership does not have the Smarts, to recognize this Un-Mistakable Reality, let alone take advantage of this Islamic Weakness.


Surinder Paul Attri

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hindus should protest/ Nothing to protest need our head examined

1. Subj: Hindus should protest/ Nothing to protest need our head examined
There is nothing to protest
Our cow who we worship
has God will not be able to drive
the car in a million years.
Our Shiva did not satisfied the physical needs of our Godess Paravati
and we are still worshipping
Shiv ling(male organ of Shiva).
All over India.
It is time to get our head examined.
jai Ganesha Jai Ganesha Mata jati
Parvati Pita Mahadeva
Jai Ram Ji ki

Kamal Mustafa

2. My Take:
Before we Hindus get stimulated, we need to examine the source of this message. The source of this message is a Sulla, who distorts truth without check-point. His mis-representation of facts, twists the reality completely out of shape, and gives it a one-sidede meaning, suitably appropriate & aggressive to condemn the hateful-Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) & their Kafir icons & rituals. It is a totlly ridiculous representation of Shiva-Linga, which is a mark & sign ( iconic-symbolism ) of Shiva. It has nothing to do with Phallicism or Male generative power.

3. This mis-representation cannot be appreciated or understood, without exposing Islam, which is not a religion, but an ideology, a political agenda, camouflaged as a religion, with zero spirituality. Its objectives are Kafir-Elimination & Kafir-Subjugation, it has been Imperialistic from Day One of its existence. It has been engaged in falsification of Kair ( Non-Moslem ) religions, their icons & symbols, Shiv-Ling included, as well as interpreatation of what is right & wrong. That is what makes ISLAM. Withouit this, Islam would lose a major part of its power & raison de etre.

4. Kamal Mustafa is talking about sex, which his Islam provides in abundance to its male followers, both on earth & in hereafter, for the act of murdering Kafirs. HIs Islam regards sex for its female followers, as something Unclean & Immoral. That is why Islam covers its women in Tents ( Burqas ) , saying that:
" You women are sin, you women are unclean, you women are nothing, you women are shame, you women need to be covered. "

5. Islam calls itself as the religion of peace, love, and brotherhood. WHAT A JOKE ?
This is the hypocrisy of Islam to the core. Every Moslem ought to be ashamed of his Islam. There is no justification for what Islam has done & what it is still doing.
Before Islam came, Arabs were polytheistic & very tolerant people. Their primary deity, in nearly all cases was a Mother-Goddess. We Hindus know Mother-Goddess as SHAKTI.

6. But for desert-barbarians of Arabia, the Bedouins, of which Hazrat Mohammad was a member, they had to have an aggressive mindset, particularly when you have a Dominance-Urge ( which Hazrat Mohammad had in plenty ). Hazrat Mohammad was a Sickie ( a sick man ). He was wrathful, jealous, angry, pedophillic, and Kafir-Killer. And there began the Imperialism of Islam;;;that is, Kill all Kafirs, who stand in your way. That is what Islam has been up to.

7. To that Islamic-end, it is necessary for Moslems to revile & discredit Kafir icons & rituals, Shiv-Ling included. This barbarism of Islam, began with the murder of jews of Arabia, of Mecca & Medina, but was executed identically across all continents of this earth. Islam is equal-opportunity, trans-national barbarism. This appearance of Islam was followed in every case, with the dark age of Islam.

8. All the civilizations of Arabia, MIddle East, Europe, & Asia, were tolerant & civilized people, as we Hindus are today. All these civilization fell to the brutal viciousness of Islam & Christianity. We Hindus must Never forget this. We Must recognize Islam & Christianity, for what they are;;;something Evil. We must fight these evils to the bitter end & must uphold the grandeur & glory of our Pagan-Humanism.

9. To repeat: Some Idiots, like Kamal Mustafa, translate Linga as penis, which is wrong, which is a myth, & which is spread by Missionaries & Moslems. The actual word for penis is " Shishna " in Sanskrit, which is totally different.

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ban the Burqa ?...Comment on

Ban the Burqa ?...Comment on

By S.P. Attri ( USA )


1. At this point in time, voices are being raised all across Europe, to ban the perverse social custom of wearing the Burqa. To contrast this, there is not even one anti-Burqa voice, any where in India, where it is even a bigger problem. The phony-liberal politicians of India, prefer to shamelessly stay speechless, although in the opinion of many, it is an outrageous barbarity, a sub-culture of Bedouin monstrosity.

2. Burqa poses obvious & significant impediments in conducting security checks at airports, but it also aids & abets crimes of all shades & drapes. In Jordan, 50 Burqa-Clad persons have committed 170 crimes in the last 2 years. In UK, jewelry stores are Regularly targetted by Burqa-Clad thieves. In Afghanistan, Burqa-Clad persons conduct bombing attacks openly & confidently. The awning & canopy of Burqa easily conceals not only violent intentions, but lethal equipment as well. Burqa has becomes the weaponary of Islam.

3. These Burqa-assisted crimes & murders, horrible though they are, make no sensation in Islam. Islam believes that all life is expendable except, the life of Moslems. Islam considers all Moslems as innocent, but unflaggingly maintains that that no Kafir ( Non-Moslm ) is innocent. It does not hurt the feelings of Islam, therefore, if any Kafir is engulfed in Burqa-Clad crime. This is a terribly selfish approach, but that is what Islam is. Threrefore, pillage expeditions of Burqa-Clad mafia, against Kafirs, and succeeding in robbing the hateful-Kafirs, only pleases the Islamists.

4. Burqa-Wearing, besides being against basic human rights, also symbloizes the slavery of Moslem women. The modesty-based code of Burqa, is the product of customs of Bedouins of Arabia, from where it was exported to the outside. It is a visible symbol of Islam, it highlights the deprivation of human rights of Moslem women. But it is not difficult to understand when Islam's attitude towards its women, is viewed. Islam regards that women were created by Allah for man's pleasure. In other words, women are men's sex-objects. Mullas & Maulvies blatantly promote the wearing of Burqa, and its usage is being thunderously exported to Europe & USA. Islamic clergy regards Burqa as " WALKING-ISLAM " which it is. But Burqa is also Islam's A** & Islam's A** is showing. .

5. A complete inventory of woman's faults, as seen by Moslem men, includes deceit, guile, ingratitude, greed, insatiable lust, in short, a gateway to hell. Islam's forcing of Burqa-wearing, announces to the whole world that, entire community of Moslem males is corrupt & unjust. It is amazing that, Moslem women as a class have not revolted against the contempt that, Islam feels for its women. Islam has obviously relegated its women, to the status of inferior beings. Burqa-wearing is not only degradation of Moslem women, it is also a fatal blot on Islam itself. It is telling its women that:

" You are nothing, you are shame and need to be covered. "

6. In Islam, woman's sexuality is either denied or is represented as a work of the Devil. Still it is claimed that some Moslem women prefer to wear the Burqa ( the relentless Mullah propaganda that they shall be raped, if they don't wear the Burqa, has effect on some women ). Though some Moslem women have a neurotic-need to wear the Burqa, the vast majority of Moslem women, wear the Burqa out of fear, it is an imposition on them.

7. Inspite of the ridiculous nonsense of this ugly, mobile tarpaulin, I have felt that there is no need to ban the Burqa, because it would be ridiculed out of existence, but that has not happened. Some apologists for Islam also raise the modesty argument. What a Joke ! Modest people do not draw attention to themselves, by dressing up in a tent, just to rub it in the face of Kafir cultures, which the Moslems despise, but which the Moslems insist upon living in. There is certainly a good reason to ban the Burqa, because it would offend the Islamists, which is always a good idea.

8. Question: Why on earth are the Islamists determined to make their women wear this dehumanising shroud ? Reason: Burqa is a political statement of a determined separation, it is a powerful statement of status of Moslem women. It is an oppression of women for which Moslems ought to be ashamed of themselves. Moslem women who accommodate themselves to this injustice of Islam, are a fool to themselves.

9. Inspite of Islam's aggression on its woman, Islam calls itself a religion of equality. If Islam is a religion of equality , then it is a crack-pot religion of equality, it encases its women in a sartorial-prison. Still, I do not want to ban the Burqa. I want the Burqa to be made COMPULSORY for all Moslem males. That would be real equality, that Islam confidently claims for itself. It would make Islam a champion of equality.

Surinder Paul Attri


Shri Bhagavaandas Tyaagi Comment, on this article:



bhagavaandaas tyaagi

to me


1. all men and women should wear BURKHAA not just women

2. all men and women can divorce by saying 3 times TALAAK TALAAK TALAAK not just men

3. all men can have 4 wives and all women can have 4 husbands

4. 3 witnesses of men in case of if women is raped and if man is raped then 3 women witnesses

5. if men can have RAKHELS OPENLY then WOMEN ALSO can have RAKHELS OPENLY + ------

REFLECTION: This is an outstanding " Reparatory " to the recommendation in my article. Shri Bhagavaandaas Tyaagi's " FIVE " reparations, are all for the " Betterment " of Islam. The present Burqa system of Islam, for women only, is inconsiderate, unjust, and contemptible.

Regarding Shri Traagi quote--- ISLAAM RELIGION OF EQUALITY AND PEACE :

REFLECTION: What a Joke ! Please don't make me laugh.


Surinder Paul Attri

Ban the Burqa ?

Ban the Burqa ?
By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. At this point in time, voices are being raised all across Europe, to ban the perverse social custom of wearing the Burqa. To contrast this, there is not even one anti-Burqa voice, any where in India, where it is even a bigger problem. The phony-liberal politicians of India, prefer to shamelessly stay speechless, although in the opinion of many, it is an outrageous barbarity, a sub-culture of Bedouin monstrosity.
2. Burqa poses obvious & significant impediments in conducting security checks at airports, but it also aids & abets crimes of all shades & drapes. In Jordan, 50 Burqa-Clad persons have committed 170 crimes in the last 2 years. In UK, jewelry stores are Regularly targetted by Burqa-Clad thieves. In Afghanistan, Burqa-Clad persons conduct bombing attacks openly & confidently. The awning & canopy of Burqa easily conceals not only violent intentions, but lethal equipment as well. Burqa has becomes the weaponary of Islam.
3. These Burqa-assisted crimes & murders, horrible though they are, make no sensation in Islam. Islam believes that all life is expendable except, the life of Moslems. Islam considers all Moslems as innocent, but unflaggingly maintains that that no Kafir ( Non-Moslm ) is innocent. It does not hurt the feelings of Islam, therefore, if any Kafir is engulfed in Burqa-Clad crime. This is a terribly selfish approach, but that is what Islam is. Threrefore, pillage expeditions of Burqa-Clad mafia, against Kafirs, and succeeding in robbing the hateful-Kafirs, only pleases the Islamists.
4. Burqa-Wearing, besides being against basic human rights, also symbloizes the slavery of Moslem women. The modesty-based code of Burqa, is the product of customs of Bedouins of Arabia, from where it was exported to the outside. It is a visible symbol of Islam, it highlights the deprivation of human rights of Moslem women. But it is not difficult to understand when Islam's attitude towards its women, is viewed. Islam regards that women were created by Allah for man's pleasure. In other words, women are men's sex-objects. Mullas & Maulvies blatantly promote the wearing of Burqa, and its usage is being thunderously exported to Europe & USA. Islamic clergy regards Burqa as " WALKING-ISLAM " which it is. But Burqa is also Islam's A** & Islam's A** is showing. .
5. A complete inventory of woman's faults, as seen by Moslem men, includes deceit, guile, ingratitude, greed, insatiable lust, in short, a gateway to hell. Islam's forcing of Burqa-wearing, announces to the whole world that, entire community of Moslem males is corrupt & unjust. It is amazing that, Moslem women as a class have not revolted against the contempt that, Islam feels for its women. Islam has obviously relegated its women, to the status of inferior beings. Burqa-wearing is not only degradation of Moslem women, it is also a fatal blot on Islam itself. It is telling its women that:
" You are nothing, you are shame and need to be covered. "
6. In Islam, woman's sexuality is either denied or is represented as a work of the Devil. Still it is claimed that some Moslem women prefer to wear the Burqa ( the relentless Mullah propaganda that they shall be raped, if they don't wear the Burqa, has effect on some women ). Though some Moslem women have a neurotic-need to wear the Burqa, the vast majority of Moslem women, wear the Burqa out of fear, it is an imposition on them.
7. Inspite of the ridiculous nonsense of this ugly, mobile tarpaulin, I have felt that there is no need to ban the Burqa, because it would be ridiculed out of existence, but that has not happened. Some apologists for Islam also raise the modesty argument. What a Joke ! Modest people do not draw attention to themselves, by dressing up in a tent, just to rub it in the face of Kafir cultures, which the Moslems despise, but which the Moslems insist upon living in. There is certainly a good reason to ban the Burqa, because it would offend the Islamists, which is always a good idea.
8. Question: Why on earth are the Islamists determined to make their women wear this dehumanising shroud ? Reason: Burqa is a political statement of a determined separation, it is a powerful statement of status of Moslem women. It is an oppression of women for which Moslems ought to be ashamed of themselves. Moslem women who accommodate themselves to this injustice of Islam, are a fool to themselves.
9. Inspite of Islam's aggression on its woman, Islam calls itself a religion of equality. If Islam is a religion of equality , then it is a crack-pot religion of equality, it encases its women in a sartorial-prison. Still, I do not want to ban the Burqa. I want the Burqa to be made COMPULSORY for all Moslem males. That would be real equality, that Islam confidently claims for itself. It would make Islam a champion of equality.
Surinder Paul Attri

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pakistan can never be India’s friend

1. Submitted by Mr. Rizwan Patanwala (India), May 12, 2010 at 06:40
It was Manichaeus, the third century founder of the religion that bears his name, who announced his ministry with the statement that he would write his beliefs down himself, in contrast to previous religions, which were riven by internal divisions because their founders never did so. He was right, of course. The great religions – Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam itself – all suffered from the fact that their followers had to rely on second-hand texts, often written centuries after. The Gospels, the Torah, the Buddhist sutra and the hadith of the Prophet Mohammed were all bedevilled not only by problems, and fierce arguments, over interpretation but also authenticity. On the one hand it opened the way to constant re-interpretation of religious lore as each generation looked at its guiding texts in a different light. On the other hand it equally opened itself to exclusive demands for orthodoxy based on literal interpretation of the texts. Not that writing down a set text saved the Manichean religion or its founder. Manichaeus, protected by one Persian ruler, was thrown to the Zoroastrian establishment by the next, to die in prison or, in some accounts, by crucifixion. His religion, which had spread rapidly along the Silk Route, collapsed under the pressure of Islam to the West and Chinese state religion to the east, to be recalled only in the madder flights of George Bush and Tony Blair's vision of a world caught in a battle between good and evil. Despite Manichaeus's insight into the fundamental weakness of established religions, it was they that survived and thrived in an endless redefinition of their texts. The lack of precision that was their weakness also proved to be their strength. This background is important when considering the latest news about Turkey's attempt to update the hadith, or sayings of Mohammed, on which much of Islamic sharia law is based. Sharia is too easily taken as peculiarly Islamic and particularly absolute. It isn't. As in other religions, Islamic law and the hadith on which it is based has been subject of constant revision by scholars seeking to understand what was a true reflection of the Prophet's views and what were the product of the customs and social mores written down a century and more after the event. What is different with Islam at this time is the extent to which there has been a rise in orthodoxy and a return to a conservative interpretation of Islam in the Muslim world, largely for political reasons. A resort to faith, and the narrower interpretation of it, has become a means for Muslims to regain self-esteem at a time when they see themselves swamped by western values and betrayed by corrupt western-supported rulers. For the middle class as well as poor Muslims, faith has become a route to dignity. And the trend to orthodoxy has been given added edge by the petrodollar-funded spread of the extremist Wahhabi sect in Saudi Arabia. What is different about Turkey's move to liberalise the more oppressive tenets of the hadith is not so much what it is doing but that it is a state department of religious affairs which is doing it, at the behest of a governing party of Islamist origin elected to power in a secular country. That opens up the intriguing possibility that Turkey, an eager applicant for joining the EU, could bring with it an Islam redefined to become acceptable to a liberal west. It equally arouses fear that this is just the start of bringing Islamic law and values to a country that has been secular in constitution and culture since Ataturk turned it into a republic over 80 years ago. It is easy to exaggerate the particular significance of the Turkish move. Turkey is no longer a centre of Islamic thought. Since the growth of orthodoxy is in itself partly a reaction against the west, anything that smacks of making Islam more westernised will tend to bring an immediate counter-reaction. The diktats of a department of religious affairs of a secular state is hardly the place where a reformation of a religion is going to start. And yet the question of religious reformation in Islam is of profound importance to the West and to Europe in particular. The battle against extremism, in so far as it is a "battle", is not in Iraq and Afghanistan. Those have become problems of our own making. The challenge comes from within Europe itself, and how we respond to the resurgence of faith within the Muslim community. Dismissing Islam as an intrinsically oppressive and even barbarous relic of medievalism, as some do, isn't going to help. We need to understand it as a living religion which has its impulses of reform as its drive to orthodoxy. Much like Christianity and Judaism in fact.
2. My Take:
Many people are busy trying to win over Moslems, through attempts at encouragement of reform. It is a slippery-slope, there is no point in knocking at Moslem doors. Reform is NOT Islam's number, at least not for a Long Long Time.

3. Islam will Not compromise with anything, that is Not in the Quran ( and in Hadiths ). It regards any reform as threatening its very existence.

4. Islam has Only one aim: Establishment of Dar-Ul-Islam & TOTAL annihilation of all KAFIRS ( Non-Moslem Infidels ).

5. Slogans are NOT going to convince any Moslems, but will misguide many Hindus.

Surinder Paul Attri

Friday, May 7, 2010

New Age Islam

Subj: New Age Islam
1. The Term New Age Islam is a contradiction. Muslims claim that the desert originated sixth century Islamic dogma is a perfect and perfected religion and it needs no revision or reform. The title New Age Islam is for mental misdirection and compel innocent public to ignore brutalities committed in the name of Islamic desert God Allah. Some Indian bureaucrats and phony secular politicians are scared. And why not? jihadi terrorists could strike at any moment. Public consciousness has been torqued by Jihadi terrorism, Islamic "kill for thrill" game and killing of innocent people.

While walking through New York streets, I have seen signs in front of shops "under New Management" and "new and improved products". We know they are trying to sell the same consumer items under the old management and products are the same; nothing is improved. These are meant for transforming our behaviors, our expectations and buying habits.

Of all tyrannies of the world, Islam is still the worst. Would any infidel like to feel safe living in any Islamic country? If the answer is "yes", then, the mislabel "New Age Islam" will add more to their private crisis and future life.

2. My Take:
Quote: While walking through New York streets, I have seen signs in front of shops "under New Management" and "new and improved products". We know they are trying to sell the same consumer items under the old management and products are the same; nothing is improved. These are meant for transforming our behaviors, our expectations and buying habits.

COMMENT: That is exactly what they are doing to Islam, by inventing new terms for Islam. It is the same phony-baloney ( of Islam ). It is the same old wine ( or poison ) in a new bottle.

3. Quote:
Some Indian bureaucrats and phony secular politicians are scared. And why not? jihadi terrorists could strike at any moment. Public consciousness has been torqued by Jihadi terrorism, Islamic "kill for thrill" game and killing of innocent people.

COMMENT: Not only bureaucrats, but Hindus themselves are living as hostages to Islamic terror. Islamic-Jehad makes Islam even more terrifying to Hindus, especially when Hindus ponder over in their mind, that Hinduism could be destroyed by Islam & its Jehadi-Terror.

4. Quote: Of all tyrannies of the world, Islam is still the worst.

COMMENT: Truer words have never been spoken.

5. Quote: Would any infidel like to feel safe living in any Islamic country?

COMMENT: Would any Kafir ( Non-Moslem Infidel ) survive in a country controlled by Hazrat Mohammad & his Pit-Bulls ( Sullas ). These deranged Sullas will not let any Kafir subsist or survive inside their Dar-Ul-Islam. Hazrat Mohammad was a borderline schizophrenic, a delusional, and a pathological-liar. His Islam is brutally-barbaric, it stinks. It is dangerous for the existence & survival of Kafirs, both in Islamic & Non-Islamic countries.

Surinder Paul Attri