Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lies & Damn Lies of Christianity

Subj: Lies & Damn Lies of Christianity
By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. Christians, especially their Missionaries, describe the spread of Christianity in different countries of the world, as the March Of Holy Ghost ( a totally imaginary-entity ). This claim is just as phoney as their Holy Ghost, or their Devil, or their Santa Claus. Neither of these entities are creatures of any existence. What has been marching is not the Holy-Ghost or any ghost, but the European armies that have been marching, defeating & occupying the Pagan/Heathen lands, massacring the hateful-heathens, and converting them by use of force, as well as with use of money & other allurements. It was an imperialist enterprise. Christianity did not prevail upon Pagan/Heathen religion, any where in the world, due to its moral, ethical, or spiritual superiority over the Pagan religions. The connotation of March Of Holy Ghost, is a Big, Fat Lie of Christianity.
2. The Christian Missionaries, do not even have the intelligence to recognize that:
“ Bible Is A Gospel Of Hate. “
Yet these same imbeciles sermonize that:
“ The Heathen-Hindu is inspired by the Devil, and is a Devil-Worshipper. “
These imbeciles do not even have the intellect to comprehend that:
Their Devil is a totally-imaginary creature, a creature of no-existence, and a creature of their own imagination, and creation.
3. The truth is exactly the reverse. It is not the Hindus who are Devil-Worshippers ( there is no such thing as the Devil in Hinduism ), it is the Christians who are Devil-Worshippers. Devil is not the enemy of Christianity, Devil is the Biggest-Friend of Christianity. If there had been no Devil, then Christianity would have disappeared centuries ago. If there had been no Devil, then there would have been no need for the services of Christianity ( that is, for the services of exorcism, which Christianity provides, to drive out the Devil, from people ). In fact, every ritual in Christianity is a ritual of exorcism. What this means is that:
Christianity is a religion of the Devil
To describe Devil as the enemy of Christianity, is another Big, Fat Lie of Christianity.
4. Even though the Devil is totally non-existent, the commitment of Christians to Devil, and to fighting the Devil is very serious. What is most striking is the scale of their commitment. Less than two hundreds years ago, the Christian Missionaries, used to proclaim with pride, how many Heathens they had killed or forced into the Prison-House of Christianity, how many Pagan temples they had demolished, how many Pagan idols they had smashed to bits. For all these brutalities of Christianity & its Missionaries, Jesus was thanked in thousands of churches across Europe. The success of the Christian Missionaries, in securing converts, was largely because their efforts were backed by the military power of the European nations. In other words, it was an imperialist-operation.
5. Has Christianity abandoned its imperialist approach to conversion ? Hardly ! We have just witnessed an imperialist Christian aggression in Orissa, where 30 well-armed Christians, murdered Swami Lakshmanananda & five of his disciples inside a temple, right in front of a crowd of horrified Hindus. The murder came right on the heels of a letter, warning him that he would suffer for, preventing the conversion of Hindus to Christianity. Swami Lakshmananada was not only preventing the conversion of Hindus to Christianity, but was also re-converting the converted-Christians back to Hinduism. Thus Swami Lakshamananada was a Double-Catastrophe to the Christian-Missionaries and was, a source of utter dismay & embarrassment to Christian-Missionaries. He had to be eliminated.
6. Initially, the administration suggested that, killers could be Maoists, but Hindu leaders vigorously refuted this, and accused Christians for this outrage. In any case, most Maoists in the area are recent converts to Christianity. Christians have murdered other Hindus also in Orissa.. Thus it can be seen that, aggressive evangelization of the type going on in Orissa, was hurting & harming the social fabric of Orissa. In addition, there were violent assaults of Christian goons on the Hindus of Orissa. So there was plenty of provocation to the Hindus of Orissa, and the Hindu counteraction that followed, was not without reason. It is a shameless pity that, the phoney-liberal media of India, described the post-Ashram reaction, as un-provoked assault by the Hindu community, totally ignoring the original-sin, and the violence that the Christians performed on the Hindus of Orissa.
Surinder Paul Attri


surinder attri said...


By S.P. Attri ( USA )


1. Pakistan has several claims to its fame, but Honor-Killing ( of women & girls ) is the biggest feather in the cap of Pakistan. This feather reveals the true extent of its madness for the honor of Islam, through the dis-honor of its women & lays bare its utter depravity & evil, through the degradation of its Moslem women. Some punishments meted out to women are even more cursed than death.

MULTAN, Pakistan July 2 — A Pakistani tribal council ordered an 18-year-old girl to be gang-raped in order to punish her family after her brother was seen walking with a girl from a higher class tribe, police said Tuesday.

2. It is not known to many that, the legal & social status of womankind in Al-Islam is Exceptionally-Low. Moslem wife has many disadvantages compared with her Non-Moslem sisters. A Moslem man treats his woman/women as if they were created by Allah, only for his pleasure, as his sex-objects. He carries no reverence, regard nor any respect for what she is, her worth as a vehicle of life or a vehicle of creation ( for which status the Hindus call her a goddess ). A Moslem man sees no such greatness in his woman/women, he only sees her as a source of danger to him.

Ibn Warraq quotes Shaykh & Abu Nuwas:

Women are demons and were born as such

No one can trust them as is known to all

If they love a man it is only out of caprice

And he to whom they are most cruel loves them most

Beings full of treachery & trickery, I aver

That man that loves you truly is a lost man

3. A complete inventory of a woman’s faults as seen by Moslem men & by their famous leader, Hazrat Mohammad ( such as deceit, guile, ingratitude, greed, insatiable lust, etc, in short a gateway to hell ) would fill a good sized book. It reveals the great contempt that a Moslem man feels for woman. It leaves no doubt at all that Islam relegates women to the status of inferior beings. That is why Islam degrades women.

4. To describe Islam as sex-positive, as is done by Moslems & some apologists for Islam, is huge Phoney-Baloney, it is the biggest insult to all Moslem women. Islam regards woman’s sexuality as something un-holy, something to be feared, something to be repressed, something that is a work of the Shaitaan (Devil ). That is why the Moslem man feels great contempt for the woman. It may seem incredible that Islam has been able to maintain such a terrible hold on the life of the Moslem people. But Islam’s control has been made easy because of its totalitarian nature. Islamic law controls the religious, social, and political life of all Moslems, without qualification. The all-embracing ( with total control ) Islamic law does not distinguish between ritual law, ethics, and good manners. It intrudes into every nook & corner of the believer’s life & of the Islamic community. In its simplicity, Islamic law is a doctrine of duties, these are the duties which are susceptible to control by human authority ( the Islamic Clergy ) instituted in the name of Allah.

5. Islam’s barbaric conquests, trampled under foot, and permanently destroyed many advanced cultures. Islam’s aggressiveness & its dark theology continue un-abated, cutting off generations of people from their rich cultural heritage, and destroying the well-being of the people, especially of the Moslem women, who are under its direct control.

Honor-Killing which is wide-spread in Pakistan is a by-product of the teachings of Islam, which prescribes male control of women. Most Moslem women accept the Prescribed ( Prescribed by Islam ) male control over every aspect of their life, their bodies, their speech & behavior, as part of their KISMET ( Fate ). But Moslem men regard their prescribed Islamic role as an established & un-impeachable proprietary right over women, and they exercise this right/control with violence.

6. A Moslem woman who has been subjected to rape, brings shame to her family, just as she would if she engaged in a consensual relationship, she is considered no damn good. The rapist often goes Scot-Free, largely because of the absence of male-witnesses to the rape (a queer code of Islamic Law ), a woman’s evidence does not account for anything. A woman raped shames the community, and dishonors her man ( her husband ) but does not dishonor the rapist. She has to be eliminated to restore the honor of the family, and of the community. But rape is not the only reason for honor-killing in Pakistan.

Honor-killing can occur during a divorce or during the choice of a marriage partner, or for a variety of other reasons. The perpetrators of honor-killing are seldom punished because the Moslem society, the police & the judges, have a well-marked gender-bias, in direct obedience to the teachings of Islam.

7. In civilized societies, both men & women are entitled to equal rights, but such is not the case in Islamic societies, and certainly not in Pakistan. In Pakistan, the right to life for women is “ conditional ,“ it depends upon Islamic rules, social norms & customs of Islamic societies. Women in Pakistan ( and in Islam in general ) are killed like hen, they neither have any say in what happens to them, nor have they any way of escaping. All kinds of violence & abuse are heaped upon the women of Pakistan, at the hands of male perpetrators, family members, and state agents. Violence include rape, domestic abuse, spousal murder, mutilation, burning, disfiguring faces by acid, beatings, custodial-torture, and HONOR-KILLING.

Hundreds of women of Pakistan are reportedly killed each year, in all parts of the country, all of them in the name of honor. Many more killings go un-reported. The teachings of Islam, which prescribes seclusion, and submission of women to men, bountifully contribute to the murder of Moslem women..

8. If women ever exert their own right, it leads to more repression & punishment. State indifference, Islamic teachings & Islamic laws, and gender bias of police & judiciary, ensure a total impunity for the perpetrators of honor-killing.

The use of the term “ Honor “ is as Dishonorable as can be. It is only a pretax to murder women & commit heinous crimes against them. Does anybody in Pakistan raise his voice when, women are openly sold in the market ? Is this an honorable thing to do ?

9. But in the Islamic system of Pakistan, the concepts of right & wrong are Basackward. The man to whom a woman belongs, whether a wife, sister or daughter, has to kill her, in order to restore his honor. In Pakistan, he becomes the victim, as he has suffered loss, first to his honor, and then of the woman he has to kill. Consequently, he becomes the aggrieved person, and the sympathies of the entire family ( tribe ) go with him. As a result, the killer ( the man who kills his woman ) becomes the GHAIRAT-MAAN ( one who possesses honor ), and he is supported morally & legally by all his relatives. On the other hand, a man who fails to kill a women of his household is considered BE-GHAIRAT ( one who is without honor ). As a result of this Basackward custom, honor-killings are not hidden away, but openly performed, often ritually & by spilling maximum blood.

The people who do these killings, take pride in their actions, when in fact they should be ashamed of their dishonorable act & not take pride.

The progressive brutalization of Pakistani society, over the past few decades, is partly responsible for increasing incidences of honor-killings.

10. The male control of woman in Islam, has turned woman into a commodity. This commodification of woman directly contributes to the honor killing. The woman is treated as a commodity or object, which can be exchanged, bought & sold ( as she is considered property of the males in the family ). A woman is thus equated with money. Even though the woman has monetary value, her worth is essentially that of a commodity, which means that she may be butchered if, she transgresses the conditions under which, she is bound to man for life. She may also be freely traded or given away, as part of a Karo-Kari settlement.

Surinder Paul Attri

surinder attri said...

FM: swamijyoti to me

Pl give your rejoinder for publication along with comment.

1. Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The conversion tactics of the Adventist Christian ...":

Regarding this posting: I think if you are going to quote the Bible, it's important that you quote ALL the Bible that deals with the topic at hand...for example, Matthew 5:21 & 44 which says, "Thou shalt not kill. You shouldn't even be angry with your brother without cause." And "Love your enemies and bless them that curse you!" Christianity is not a religion of violence, but of LOVE.

Also, Christ instructs us first to rescue our own sheep (the house of Israel) but THEN to go and share his love with the world. Matt 28:19,20. And John 15:12, "This is my commandment that ye love one another, as I have loved you."

Our God offers his love freely, and He bids us to share it....but He does nothing by force or fear!! He wants everyone to have the freedom to choose...He even tells us we can choose our own gods. (Josh 24:15) Why can't our Hindu brothers and sisters allow this love and freedom as well??

Your Friend,

2. My Take:
Signor Peace is defending his Christian faith, with an iron sense of duty., but he is Not well-informed about Christianity at all. If he explores Christianity seriously, he would discover that Christianity is Not a religion of LOVE, that he has been led to believe (and which he claims ). That Christianity is a religion of Love is, what the Christians want you to believe Christianity is, but Christianity is Not a religion of Love. Christianity is a Gospel Of Hate. Its hatred of Non-Christian religions is legendary.

3.Quote: Matthew 5:21 & 44 which says, "Thou shalt not kill. You shouldn't even be angry with your brother without cause." And "Love your enemies and bless them that curse you!" Christianity is not a religion of violence, but of LOVE.
COMMENT: Actions speak louder than words.
The historical record of Christianity neither supports this quote, nor Christianity’s claim of religion of Love.
Two-thirds of Pagan-Europe was murdered by the soldiers of Jesus Christi, during the Christianization of Europe, and 41 million Native-Americans ( the so-called American-Indians ) were murdered by the Christians in North & South America.
If Christianity is a religion of Love, then it has a singularly-queer way of showing its Love.

4. If you read and quote the entire Bible ( as Signor Peace recommends ), you would discover that Christianity is Absolutely-Terrible. Christian God gives orders to exterminate entire nations, people who had done nothing wrong, and he gives their country & their possessions to their murderers.

“ And thou shalt consume all the people which the LORD thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them. “

Read the whole Bible and learn, how the followers of this Christian God, executed this command to perform large-scale murder & plunder. They committed slaughter after slaughter. They exterminated town after town, region after region. Men, old people, women & children: they killed everybody.

5. You read the entire Bible, to learn how this Christian God, demands unconditional obedience, and threatens his followers, in case they should be disloyal to him, to oppress them in such a way, that they will be compelled to eat their own children.

Many more passages from the Bible can be cited, they are all just as terrible.
You also will learn how this Bible foretells that, one day in the future this Christian God will, destroy this planet Earth & all its inhabitants. You also read about the horrors that, will happen then.

6. Quote from Signor Peace:
Also, Christ instructs us first to rescue our own sheep (the house of Israel) but THEN to go and share his love with the world. Matt 28:19,20. And John 15:12, "This is my commandment that ye love one another, as I have loved you."

COMMENT: Christ also told them to spread his gospel, and that is what the Christians are doing. Christians are told to make disciples of all nations. In the Christian churches of India, Christians are not only saying that their God is better than the rest, but also abuse, ridicule, & denigrate Hindu religion, Hindu gods & goddesses, every day of the week. They also publish a series of Anti-Hindu magazines & pamphlets, calling Hindu religions, and its gods & goddesses absolutely horrible.
From kerala to Kashmir, the Christian missionaries are printing books in different names, denigrating Hinduism and Hindus so that they can carryout mass conversions.

7. Here is one example of Christian publications:
‘Haqeeqat’ 8. (For Hindus) men can be Gods, women can be Goddesses... animals are gods, snakes are gods... they (Hindu Gods) fight among themselves, marry among themselves, throw out their wives, run away with others' wives, they steal, get intoxicated, drink blood, are reincarnated as animals, fish and tortoise, some of them can lift mountains... Some Gods are in same-sex relationships and are yet able to produce babies. These Gods and Goddesses are always armed because they believe in killing and plunder. Some Gods think their penises are more powerful than nuclear bombs. Others like animals live naked among their followers. Some of them spend their time in yogic exercises, others are in samadhi and happy to see the number of blind followers swell... You can wash away your sins by worshipping the penises of Gods.

8. Quote:
Our God offers his love freely, and He bids us to share it....but He does nothing by force or fear!! He wants everyone to have the freedom to choose...He even tells us we can choose our own gods. (Josh 24:15) Why can't our Hindu brothers and sisters allow this love and freedom as well??

COMMENT: If Christian God tells them that we can choose our own gods, then why are the Christians bad-mouthing Hindu gods & goddesses so lavishly ? Is this the kind of Christian love that Signor Peace wants, Hindu brothers & sisters to embody ?

People in India & elsewhere do not hear about Christian aggressions & terrorism, because Christians control Congress, and the Christian Mafia owns the media.

Messages of this type, denigrating gods of other religions, can neither be printed in literature, nor broadcast on TV, they border on criminal activity, and there are laws in the Indian constitution, prohibiting such activity, but these laws are Not enforced. Christians take full advantage of slackness in the enforcement of Indian laws.

9. Christianity’s claim as a religion of peace, love, & brotherhood does not equate with its actions of hate, violence, & terrorism. Its spurious claim only perpetrates & perpetuates fraud. The cruelty & barbarism that Christianity imposes upon Non-Christian religions & people, remains a horrible vision of reality. A rational mind will have plenty of trouble, explaining the Christianity’s Gospel Of Hate.

10 Because Christianity is a Gospel Of Hate, corroborated by its barbaric record, engraved on the pages of history, it hardly qualifies as a religion of peace.

Surinder Paul Attri

surinder attri said...


By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. When you talk to a Moslem in the USA, he will profess a total-disconnect with violence & terrorism, and make a pretense of his religion of Islam, as being a creed & canon of Non-Violence, Peace, Love, & Brotherhood. He probably believes in peace too, but this is the peace in the Islamic sense, which is the peace of Dar-Ul-Islam ( the land of Peace: this is the land in which Islam rules ). All Non-Moslem/Kafir lands are Dar-Ul-Harb ( the battle-ground ). A Moslem must engage in battle, to bring all lands of the Dar-Ul-Harb, under the banner of Islam. This is the basic supposition of Islam, and no hypothesis or deduction, can be allowed to interfere with this basic assumption of Islam.

2. Where does the Moslem stand with respect to this basic presumption of Islam ? A Moslem remembers very well what, his Mullas & Maulvies don't let him forget, which is that Jehad is the agenda of Islam. It is disclosed to the Moslem that, whether Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) like it or not, Islam is coming to the USA, one way or the other, and that Islam will dominate the USA, with Islamic-Sharia taking the place of USA laws. It is made quite clear to the Moslems, at the very outset that, Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) have no rights in Islam.

As a diplomatic-deception, Moslems harp on the theme, all the time that, Jehad in Islam means, effort or struggle to control one's lusts, passion and desires & so on. But that is not what Jehad is. In the simplest language, Jehad is " Kill the Kafir, take his women as slaves or concubines, pillage & plunder his property. " Seventy-Two Houries & twenty-eight handsome boys, await a Jehadi in Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ) as rewards for his engangement in Jehad. That is the whole vocation of Jehad.

3. Jehad is the tool within Islam which, makes the Sulla fearless, not at all afraid to kill & get killed, and makes him believe that, Jehad is his primary & Islamic duty. The love of Jehad & love of Martyrdom go together in Islam. Mullahs & Maulvies go out of their way to, promote & perpetuate the Jehadic message, in all its forms, they try to get the Sullas to share the basics of Jehad, from one Moslem to another. Sullas are warned that, Jehad may not be delightful to them in the beginning, but eventually they will find it very attractive, and they would want to know more about it.

This is the method of the Islamic-Clergy, of making Un-Willing Jehadis into Willing-Jehadis converts. This is the real meaning & method of Islam, which the Kafirs never understood, and conducted themselves as blind-idiots, while the Sulla-Jehadi hordes slaughtered them.

4. It needs to be understood through & through that, Islam has no respect nor any sympathy, for any Kafir ( Non-Moslem Infidel ) religion. Sullas are constantly & sedulously warned that, that there is a need to defend Islam from those who, due to their ignorance & lack of understanding of Islam, may want to destory Islam ( as is their suspicion in the USA ). Sullas are alerted to the danger of humbling themselves out of existence, and advised to become strong enough & willing to engage in Jehad. Islam is in danger because of the actions of, those Moslems who are not willing to do Jehad.

5. Islamic-Clergy considers two ways of making USA Islamic. One is by attacking it militarily & then controlling it in all its spheres of activity. The second is by infiltrating it & destroying its culture, by developing propaganda & creating divisions within the USA society, enflame one side against the other, making them kill each other, create complete disunity amongst them ( that is amongst the Kafirs of the USA ), so they cannot gather strength, to fight the real enemy ( which is Islam ). Thus & then the USA would become vulnerable to domination by Islam. The Islamic clergy touts that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world & in the USA.

At least 25% of American Moslems condone suicidal missions. Some amongst them are thinking of attacks on the USA, larger than 9/11 attack.

6. One of the primary tactics of USA Moslems is Deception. When asked about terrorist groups ( Moslems ), Moslems are either silent or evasive. Many of the so-called moderate Moslems, cheer groups like Hamas. The agenda of the Moslem-Brotherhood is to establish Allah's religion in the USA. Some Moslems have been caught on tape, asking America to become Islamic.
About 18% of American prisons are Islamic, some amongst them are Islamo-fascists, who become united by a common identity. They want to impose their faith on the rest of the USA society. This is the kind of belief that, has kept the Moslems dedicated to Jehad, for 1400 years.

7. Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) fail to recognize that, Islam is a radical enemy, and that Kafirs are in a battle for the survival of their civilization, and that their freedom, libety, and security are all at stake, and that they must stand up to the evil of Islam.
Allah's warriors ( Jehadis ) believe that, Allah requires a bloody Jehadic war from a Moslem.
Hell-Boy, Hazrat Mohammad, was a scheming-hoodlum and a desperate-crook, with un-bridled greed & desire for dominance.

To deal with Hazrat Mohammad's Jehad: You either defeat Islam, or Islam will defeat you.

Surinder Paul Attri

surinder attri said...

By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. A kooky situation, largely un-heeded by majority of Hindus, seems to be in style in India, no rational person can fathom, the characteristics of this trendy-pattern. Hindus make up at least 80 % of the Indian population, and are labelled as the majority-community, but have neither the rights of the majority nor of the minority. Hindus have not been thrown out of India, but are at the bottom of the Indian Social Totem-Pole, in deadly-desperation & totally ill-equipped to deal with the social & legal abuse, that is being heaped upon them, by GOI ( Government Of Inddia ) & by the Phoney-Liberal politicians of India,who have the agenda of pushing & plugging in Secularism ( in reality Pseudo-Secularism ) & Composite culture in India. Of course, GOI vehemently denies any involvement with discrimination against the Hindu. How much truth is there in this assertion, can be un-earthed by examination of facts, which speak for themselves. An example would illustrate the way, in which secularism is practised in India.

2. Every year for decades, Moslems have been receiving a freehanded Haj-Subsidy, from the ungrudging hands of GOI, for travel to Saudi Arabia. This year's last batch of Hajis departs India, on 16 Nov 2008, with Indian Government's customary subsidy of Rs 20,000 each. A little more than a week after that event, on the 25th of Nov 2008, the first batch of Christian-Hajis ( Christian-Pilgrims ) flies out of India for Jerusalem, with exact-same subsidy-amount of Rs 20,000 each. GOI does not want to be accused of dishing out un-equal treatment, to either the Moslem or the Christian, or for not showing equal respect to either Islam or Christianity. Equality of treatment has been the biggest propaganda tool, in the hands of GOI, for broadcasting the merits of Secularism ( pernicious Pseudo-Secularism ) in India.

3. But when it comes to the subsidy for Hindu-Pilgrims ( the Undesirable Hindu Pilgrims ), the situation gets cold, the concept of " Equality Of Treatment " goes out of the window, and the Hindu-Pilgrim does not get a tinker's damn. One begins to wonder what the hell is wrong with the Hindu, why he gets such a step-motherly treatment from GOI & from the Phoney-Liberal Indian politicians, why he is viewed as a drag on the concept of Secularism ( and Composite Culture ). Why ?
Why has India become such a haven for the appeasement of minorities ( Moslems & Christians ) and for the persecution of the majority ( Hindus ) ? Why has the Hindu been denied his legitimate rights, and shoved to the undesirable-end, as a traitor to Secularism ( and Composite Culture ). Why every politician who wants to succeed, wants to join the bandwagon of secularists, and why the political atmosphere in India, is so supercharged with secularism ? No body dares to question the meaning, utility, or relevance of the concept of Phony-LIberalism that is practised in India, lest he be labelled as a communalist ( or a Hindu communalist ). Every secularist is following the other secularist, like the blind leading the blind, to the dark valley of Phoney-Liberalism.

4. While exploring reasons for this odd & outlandish situation, responsibility must be placed where it belongs, and not shifted to incidental or ancillary causes. Though Hindu has been the victim of Islamic & Christian aggession for at least 1200 years, and has been swindled out of his life, property, religion, and land, on a vast scale, it is well-known from records of history that, barbarians ( such as Islam & Christianity ), go where they can go with ease & without too much trouble, where there are areas of weakness & vulnerability. Consequently Hindu must check himself, and his methods of dealing with Islam & Christainity, how his own attitude has contributed to his ruin, and what role his commitment to Blind-Individualism has played in the defeat, disgrace, and degradation of the Hindu. To put it in a straightforward manner, Hindu is the prisoner of the mental-space in which he lives, his selfishness and his absolute priority on the welfare of his self & of his family, and his total disregard for the welfare of the Hindu community, puts him exponentially away from building any political or social strength of his Hindu Order. Under this kind of Hindu mental attitude, there is no way to plan for the consolidation of the Hindu community. All the individual merits of the Hindu, his smartness, his sacrifices, and his loyalties to Indian Nationalism, come to naught.

5. For centuries, Hindus have gone out of their way, to be nice to Non-Hindus ( Moslems & Christians ) with little or no reciprocation from either one of them. Instead, both Moslems & Christians have returned Hindu's compassion & large-heartedness, only by crediting him with cowardice. The Hindu is 100 % Indian and has been so for thousands of years. In fact, India & Hinduism have been one & the same thing. But such is neither the case with Islam, nor with Christianity, whose ambitions & loyalities are totally different & distinctive. Neither Islam nor Christianity recognizes any territorial-affinity. Their affinities are religious, ideological, social, & political, and, therefore, Extra-Territorial.

Both Islam & Christianity ( as well as their scriptures ) are Gospels Of Hate. Both of them regard Non-Moslems/Non-Christians as Hateful-Infidels, who have no future, who are headed only for Hell, and both of them want to replace these Infidel-Religions, with their own brand of religion. Power is much more important than spiritualisty, to both Islam & Christianity. The ambition & aggression of both Islam & Christianity, have paid huge dividends to both Islam & Christianity. Haj-Subsidy & Christian-Subsidy from GOI, are perfect-examples of this payoff.

6. It is the ambition & aggressiveness of Islam & Christainity ( which comes out loud & clear ), which leads every Moslem & Christian in India, to say that:
" He is a Moslem/Christian First & Indian Second. "

That is also precisely the reason why, the Moslem spends himself to exhaustion, to take up the cause of Moslem countries ( and Christians take up the cause of Christian countries ). India occupies a second place in the thoughts of both Indian Moslems & Indian Christians.

To put it in the simplest of terms, the allegiance of a Moslem/Christian, does not depend upon his domicile in the country, but on the faith to which he belongs. Wherever there is Dar-Ul-Islam ( where Islam rules ), that is the country of the Moslem ( Christianity is exact same way ). Because of this commonality, both Islam & Christianity, are two sides of the same coin.

7. You can never get either a Moslem or a Christian to admit, his lack of allegiance to the domicile of his country. Both will diplomatically lie that they are just like any body else, no more, no less. This is a bundle of jokes, both Moslems & Christians are shady-guys, they will lie through their teeth to conceal their belligerence & hatred of Non-Moslem/Non-Christian religions, and for good measure they would add lavish claims of their religions, as being religions of peace, love, and brotherhood. If their claim is valid, then how come their historical record does not, bear aloft their sheer-shady claim.

Let it be clearly understood by one & all that, the so-called Brotherhood Of Islam, is the Brotherhood of Moslems, By the Moslems, and For the Moslems only. Brotherhood of Christianity is exact-same way.

8. Veneration of the country ( India ) come naturally to a Hindu. Hindu worships idols for the powers that they represent. Veneration of the country is another idol to the Hindu, which is to be worshipped. Hindu's scriptures speak of worship of the Motherland. But neither Islam nor Christianity, permit the veneration of a single country, both of them are International religions ( in truth both of them are International-Ideologies ), both of them are Replacement-Religions, both of them want to decimate all religions, other than their own.

Both Islam & Christianity are ideologies of invaders & conquerors. Their shady-denials of aggressiveness, and phoney-claims of peace, love, and brotherhood, should be dismissed & debunked by all rational persons.

9. Faced with the aggesssive ideologies of Islam & Christianity, the Hindu cannot live as equal with either one of them. Hindu has been subject to the authority of his historical attitude, but it does not have to be that way. Hindu can get out of his self-created prison. It is not impossible for the Hindu, to discard his Blind-Individualism & his paramount commitment to the welfare of his self & his family, It is possible for Hindu to become community-minded, which benefits his own Mother-Faith of Hinduism.

A quote from Benjamin Franklin ( addressed to the American colonies ), is well-suited to re-tool the Hindu. Says Benjamin Franklin:
"We must hang together, gentlemen...else, we shall most assuredly hang separately."

Surinder Paul Attri