Tuesday, April 19, 2011

An Australian convert tells about his views on Democracy.

1. An Australian convert tells about his views on Democracy.

A knock-kneed, knuckle-head named Ibrahim Siddiq Colon ( formerly Shannon J. Colon ) of Australlia, is running a group called Sharia4Australlia, whose sworn raison d'etre is, to bring into existence an all-powerful Islamic State, inside the country of Australlia. To an average Joe Schmo, and rank & file of the population, he shows up as a repulsive, fanatic Islamist, whose utterance turns your stomach, but a careful reflection lays bare inside information about his faith and that, he is enunciating the basics of his faith ( Islam ).

2. He is ego-centric & self-righteous as Hell, but comes straight at you, and tells you flat out that:

a. He hates democracy, with his heart, speech, and hands.

b. Islam & Multi-Cultureism can Never coexist.

c. He hates all other faiths ( except Islam ) & aims at their destruction.

d. All true Moslems must adhere to the Islamist Law ( i.e. Sharia ).

e. The aim of every true Moslem, is to bring down Non-Moslem governments.

f. Every true Moslem is commanded to hate, all other systems except Islam.

g. All those not accepting the message of Muhammad ( that is, the Kafirs ), are condemned to Hell-Fire.

h. To annihilate the Kafirs & their places of worship, is Jehad and is the aim of all true Moslems.

3. To this knuckle-head:

a. Everything begins ( and ends ) with Muhammad's message, received directly from Allah, the only true God.

b. This knuckle-head is out to whip the butts of all Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ).

c. Humanity has only one option, which is to accept Islam. Humanity has no other option. Arguments to the contrary, are not going to convince any Moslem like Ibrahim Siddiq Colon. They don't wish us ( that is, the Kafirs ) well.

Surinder Paul Attri

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