Saturday, April 2, 2011

Buffoonery of Quran

Subj: Buffoonery of Quran
Dear Dr. Elst:

A rational approach to make sense of all ancient literature in the Indian context as well as other world religions is an absolute necessity. The task is stupendous. Most religions are full of baffoonery if the words are taken literally but some do have poetic significance but others are simply rooted in primitive thinking and primitive knowledge. Example may be Eve made from the ribs of Adam. God creating the Universe (world) in seven days. But who wants to argue with Islam any more? Saint Gabriel revealed something to some one, so it goes. This is not any different than Moses bringing the tablets from God. Mythology is mythology and not history for one religion and mythology for others. At least we should agree on this for any rational approach.

Thanks for your insightful comments.



1. Buffoonery certainly it is. Don't count upon this silly-billy stuff going away real soon, In fact, it is ever ready to mock the scientific stuff. This buffoonery crosses the line from embarrassing to dangerous, it is extremely dangerous. But we don't need to prove that we are progressive, by condemning foolishness. Fools don't care what we think. That is what makes them fools.

2. Islamic scholars say that lying means to slander the omnipotence of Allah, the creator, and disbelief in Allah, exhibited by Un-Believers ( Kafirs ) is deception about everything. This kind of self-righteousness is buffoonery & hypocrisy, a form of lying. It is brutal murder of truth, and wrongful conviction of Kafirs.

3. Quran is the invention of a schizophrenic Bedouin HM ( Half-Mad/Hazrat Mohammad ), who memorized the words, from his imaginary friend, Allah. Quran's buffoonery conveys the ingenious absurdity of it all.

Surinder Paul Attri

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