Thursday, July 30, 2009
Christianity's degradation of environment
1. Of course Christianity's contribution to the degradation of environment, oppression of non-believers, colonialism, imperialism, Holocaust, Inquisition, slavery, Witch Hunt, and World Wars cannot be ignored. Christianity, as a closed, rigid, reductionist system amplify Man and his relationship with the Church and their only high way to GOd. In genesis there is clear statement that GOD created Man and created birds, fish, animals and the world for Man to exploit. Christians have been exploiting nature since its inception. Historically Christianity has influenced the thought that Man is the center of the universe and ignored relations among living entities and between entities and other aspects of their environments.
Obviously, Newtonian Physics has enabled westerns to focus on science, industry and technology. But Newtonian physics has completely ignored human beings and their continuous transactions with the environment. Christianity and Newtonian physics have even influenced helping professions. The moral theory Christianity has developed has completely dehumanized the victims, the sick and the elderly. Even the professionals start blaming the victims labeling them as immoral. Early treatment for mental patients was teaching bible and Christian morality.
Hindu thought, on the other hand is ecological, systemic and concerned with relationship with living and non-living beings. Our Vedas were concerned with the growth, development, and potentialities of human beings and with the properties of their environments that support the expression of human potential. For us, rivers, mountains, valleys and hills are sacred and are part and parcel of God's creation.
By clarifying the structure of our relationship with the nature and its influence on our life, Hinduism is admirably suited to the task of developing concepts and action principles for intervening environments and helping human beings in need.
Dr. Babu Suseelan
2. My Take: Undeniably, Christianity is responsible for the degradation of the environment it is guilty as charged ( by Dr. Suseelan ). But Christianity is also answerable for the degradation of its followers.
3. Quote: Christianity's contribution to the degradation of environment, oppression of non-believers, colonialism, imperialism, Holocaust, Inquisition, slavery, Witch Hunt, and World Wars cannot be ignored.
COMMENT: That is Christianity's Biggest-Claim to fame.
Soldiers of Jesus Christ not only, raped, murdered, and plundered Non-Chrisitan Pagans, but also eliminated entire cultures, religions, and the good people of this earth. Undeniably, Christianity is the Killer, and has gooten away with murder.
4. Quote: In genesis there is clear statement that GOD created Man and created birds, fish, animals and the world for Man to exploit.
My Take: That is why the Christians believe that we are the children of this God, the Christian-God. But we are Not the childredn of this Repulsive Christian-God. This Christian-God is our Child, and he is a BAD-BOY.
Notice how this BAD-BOY ( the Christian-God ) gives orders, to exterminate entire nations & people who had done nothing wrong, and gives their country & their possessions, to their murderes. Notice also how his followers executed his command, and conducted large-scale murder & robbery. They commit slaughter after slaugter, they exterminate town after town. Men, old people, women & children, they kill everybody.
One of the Churchills ( relative of Winston Churchill ) who read the description of this Christian-God was absolutely-appalled by this Christian-God, and said " This God is SH**. " And Churchills have Never been accused of being Bashful.
5. Quote: Early treatment for mental patients was teaching bible and Christian morality.
My Take: What a cruel hoax ?
Bible, the book of Fiction, is the Devil's Book. Bible is Not the cure, Bible is the Disease.
Question: What sort of perverse-pleasure does this Christian-God derive, from butchering people ? This swindler ( Christian-God ) is surely going to Hell, if there is any justice in the Universe.
Surinder Paul Attri
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
RE Role Of Urdu
1. Bhai Sahib
I overlooked one very salient point.
Any philosopher of standing and principles always remains faithful to his thoughts, come what may!
Bertrand Russell never deviated from his stand on the nuclear weapons, George Bernard Shaw stood by his ideas upto the last breath. They never compromised with their principles. In India, Arvindji, Radhakrishnanji and others firmly stood by, what they thought was right.
Now compare and contrast an opportunist "Urdu philosopher", who sang with one breath SARE JAHAN SE ACHHA HINDUSTAN HAMARA,
but licked his own spit and declared through another brath that he has dreamt for a separate country: Pakistan for the Muslims.
What else Urdu could and can do for India?
BK Chaudhari
2. My Take:
Quote: What else Urdu could and can do for India?
My Reaction: Chaudhri Sahib: Urdu cannot offer anything more than that to India. But it can offer oceans to Pakistan, and royally-inspire another resemblance:
Surinder Paul Attri
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Pat Condell's graceful kick
1. Pat Condell from Britain has been quite vocal and has spoken quite frequently against what he sees as a problem in Britain. Here is another link!
Only a Brit can say it so gracefully - what a great video ~~ Very Interesting
2. My Take:
Sweet-Tempered Pat Condell is certainly delivering it gracefully, but no body should fall short of taking notice that, he is delivering Islam:
" A Kick In The Pants. "
3. A Vulgar, Barbaric, & Sick Islam, sorely needs this Salubrious-Kick.
Surinder Paul Attri
Friday, July 17, 2009
Humanity Assassinated: Ethnic Cleansing of Minorities in Islamic Bangladesh by Sujit Das
1. Sahaniji has suggested specific action plan in the search for the new pragmatic strategies in the process of developing meaninful solution for our denial, apathy, indifference, and irrational intellectualization of the deadly issues Hindus are facing around the world. Atrocities, brutal massacres, and coercive religious conversion, oppression and discrimination against Hindus are not properly presented to the public without distortion. Changing the context is not always feasible without action strategies. Hinduism is never short of abstract ideas, functional concepts and action strategies. Unfortunately our bogus secular politicians, alienated intellectuals and academicians with limited values have been mentally misdirecting Hindus to act like Zombies. Some religious leaders who live in luxury, and politicians who lead a five star life style use complex and sophisticated array of psychological defense mechanisms aimed at protecting our tormentors. They are successful in minimizing the cognitive dissonance they experience as a result of their progressively irrational thinking, denial and irrational intellectualization. They are unable to break the thick wall of their denial. They are successful in denying the reality of deadly Jihadi terrorism, coercive religious conversion by the missionary mafia and outright oppression of Hindus. The hard reality is suppressed or eclipsed and the unreality and passivity is installed in its place.
we need specific action strategies to overcome their denial, public apathy and cognitive distortions. Specific positive, assertive and violent actions are within our power. The things within our power are are by nature free, unrestricted, and unhindered. Fellow Hindus, we are now in a position to know what is real, what is unreal, what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong. Let us not hide behind our denial and defective thoughts. Let us join together and act now
2. My Take:
We Hindus have known the problems mentioned in this message, for a long long time. The bogus secular politicians, alienated intellectuals, and academicians with limited values ( cited in this message ), also emerge largely, from wintin our own Hindu Community.
To speak with exactness, and to tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth:
" Hindu's problems are Entirley of Hindu's own creation, we Hindus better recognize this ( for our own good ). "
3. To come out with a specific action plan, as suggested by Sahani Jee, in theory is good, but on a practical level, the plan would find itself confronted with Three Fundamental Factors of the Hindu. These factors ( problems ) are totally-incurable. In other words, there are Three Striles against the Hindu.
a. Strike # 1. We Hindus are selfish, damn-selfish. What this means is that:
" To us Hindus, our personal welfare & that of our family, carries the highest priority. We Hindus Really don't give two hoots about, what happens to the rest of the Hindu Community. "
b. Strike # 2. Our Hindu Leadership during the last 1200 years, has been Rotten. It Still is Rotten. Our Hindu Leadership does not have, what it takes to do the job of Hinduism-Defense.
c. Strike # 3. Ninety percent of our Hindu Holy Men ( HHMs ) are Rotten. The TOMMYROT that issues forth, from their mouths is mind-boggling. It is a bunch of brain-dead bull. Our HHMs are throwing stones in their own garden, in the Hindu Garden. They Cannot cut the mustard. They are Totally-Unfit to lead the Hindu masses, for the glory & victory of our Hinduism.
4. Question: Is there a way around the Hindu's Cardinal Problems ?
Answer: There Most Certainly is a solution. The solution is not only Specific, but Special, and Smart as well. In stead of beating our head, against the problem, it requires Working Around The Problem.
5. If we Hindus do not want to replicate our craziness of the last 1200 years, then we better think hard, on the cardinal problems of the Hindu.
Surinder Paul Attri
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Eating bread and drinking wine: Cannibalism in Christianity
The Christian practise of eating bread and drinking wine represents the body and blood of Christ. This macabre ritual encouraged by Jesus himself and is called communion, supposedly to give everlasting life. Here is corspe god Jesus in his own words encouraging cannibalism:
2. My Take:
Every reader ought to sit down & ponder over, this far-out crazy Christian ritual. This Christian practice is a communion alright, but it is:
3. Humanity, civility, and decency, are totally missing, from this savage, inhuman ritual.
Cursed are those who participate in this barbaric & susperstitious Christian ritual. Such a ritual belongs in the realm of the Devil, proving conclusively & compellingly that:
Surinder Paul Attri
Friday, July 10, 2009
13 yr old Hindu girl speaks out against Anti-India forces
2. My Take:
This 13 year old girl is Certainly a Live-Wire. She is more than capable ( after a short-training ), of hitting the soft underbelly of both Islam & Christianity.
3. But the problem of the Hindu is Hindu selfishness. The problem is way too deep, it is in his genes. Hindu will not abandon it, just because somebody tells him to do so.
4. Working around the problem ( Smartly ) is the Only way, to build Hindu-Power.
Surinder Paul Attri
2. My Take:
COMMENT: Pretty cute, but highly true.
COMMENT: Right again.
4. The ULLOO here is the Selfish-Hindu, and there is No cure for the selfishness of the Hindu.
COMMENT: Swami Dayanand has no cure for Hindu's selfishness. It is an incurable problem.
6. A perceptible individual is one who, does not butt his head against the problem, but works around it.
Surinder Paul Attri
Response to the message of Mr. James Treibert
1. Hello Surinder Paul Attri
Thanks for your comments. It seems as I grow older I am realizing that Chrisitianity especially Protestant sect is not what it seems to be. Too much dogmatic principles and I heard of scams in Christian Charity organizations. I wish to learn more about Hinduism and possible to grow with it. Zoroastrianism predates Chrisitainity and it seems Christianity either borrowed or stolen its principles. I am actually confused following the readings of Chrisitanity. I am a educated man. Hope to hear more from you on this group
2. My Take:
Hello to you also, Mr. James Treibert, and thanks for your good message to me.
3. Quote: It seems as I grow older I am realizing that Chrisitianity especially Protestant sect is not what it seems to be.
COMMENT: Jim: This is the type of cognizance that is needed, for the emancipation of Christians of the world. This cognizance is also mandatory, to challenge the church's established-authority. Yes, Sir, you are absolutely correct that, Christianity is Not what it seems, or what it claims to be.
Regarding themselves as Jehova's Army ( Christian-God's army ), Christians are out to straighten out the Non-Christian Infidels, who they regard as Devil's Troops, and whom they label as the Pagans & Heathens.
4. Quote: Too much dogmatic principles and I heard of scams in Christian Charity organizations.
COMMENT: Jim: Like Islam, Christianity is also a religion ( ideology ) of Exclusivity . It believes that it alone has the truth, all other religons are false & flawed, it wants to exterminate all Non-Christian religions from this world.
What can be more dogmatic or domineering than that ?
It bears emphasizing that like Islam, Christianity is a gospel of hate. It also needs to be noted that, Islam & Christianity are two sides of the SAME coin.
5. Quote: I wish to learn more about Hinduism and possible to grow with it.
COMMENT: Jim: Hinduism is Exact-Opposite of Islam & Christianity. Hinduism is a religion of Inclusivity. Hinduism NEVER NEVER says that, any body who is not a Hindu, is headed for Hell.
This also should establish for you, Hinduism's spirit of Tolerance & Hospitality.
6. Quote: Zoroastrianism predates Chrisitainity and it seems Christianity either borrowed or stolen its principles.
COMMENT: Yes, Zorastrianism definitely predates Christianity.
Regarding Borrowing & Stealing: Jim: Christianity both borrowed & stole plenty of Zorastrianism, but Not directly, but via Judaism.
Prophet Zarathushtra ( AKA Zoroaster ) of Zoroastrianism was the first to conceive the idea of two entities, A Good-Guy/God ( Ahur Mazda ) and a Bad-Guy/Devil ( Ahriman ). Zoroastrianism was the dominant religion of Iran, and Iran ruled over several parts of Arabia, for centuries. The Jews living in Arabia ( as slaves ), pondered quite a bit, about their evil-fate. Their prophet Moses had told them that they ( the Jews ) are:
" God's Chosen People. "
How can this kind of calamity befall God's Chosen People ?
When the Jews of Arabia came in contact with the Zoroastrians over there, the idea of Ahriman as a causative factor for their tough luck & hard times, made a lot of sense to the Jews. In other words, the Jews were READY for the idea of Ahriman.
NOTE: Before this event, there was no such thing as the Devil in Judaism.
7. Now comes Christianity, and it swallows wholesale the idea of Ahriman. In fact, Jesus Christ becomes the Biggest-Racteer of Exorcism ( driving out the Devil from people ). Of course, Jesus Christ did Not know what the hell he was doing. He had no notion that, he was driving out a Totally-Imaginary creature out of people.
8. Even now Christian-Clergy expends considerable time & effort, whip-lashing this Imaginary creature ( Devil/Satan ), so much so that Christianity now is:
Not only that,
Christian-Clergy regards Devil as the biggest enemy of Christianity. Actually, Devil is the Biggest Friend of Christianity. If there had been no Devil, Christianity would have disappeared centuries ago.
9. The preponderance of Devil ( a creature of no-existence ) in Christianity, clearly-corroborates that:
Surinder Paul Attri
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Marseille Memorial ( for Veer Savarkar )
1. July 8, 2010 will mark the centenary of the attempt by Veer Savarkar to escape from S.S. Morea when the ship was anchored at Marseille (France)for refuelling. I understand plans were devised to erect a suitable memorial in Marseille to mark this event some years ago but that the current federal givernment in India is dragging its feet from actively supporting the project. As a result, it is not certain if the memorial will come up on July 8, 2010. Are there any private plans to mark this event?
2. My Take:
To carve & chisel a memorial at Marseille, France, in honor of Great ( and Gutsy ) Veer Savarkar, is a most Fitting Idea. It is very decent & decorous to all those amongst us, who love liberty & dignity.
Surinder Paul Attri
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Madam Ayeshah married Prophet Muhammad when she was 19 years old and not 9
FFI received this email from Zaid, a lover of Zakir Naik – a top contestants for “Idiot of the year” award. Here is his email:
Hello all
I would like to inform you about this research, which will lead you to remove the misinformed historical notes from your website.
Madam Ayeshah married Prophet Muhammad when she was 19 years old and not 9.
This investigation shows that the nikah of Aishah to the Prophet of Islam took place when she was around 16-17 years old, and not 6; and her marriage was solemnized when she was 19 and not 9. The Prophet died when she was 28, not 18; and she became one of the leading scholars and teachers of Islam, giving aid and advice to the subsequent Caliphs. Read this investigation:
This book/investigation is authored by an ex-Chrisitian Muslim, Dr Ruqayyah from United Kingdom.
2. My Take:
Signor Zaid is full of SH**.
Surinder Paul Attri
Friday, July 3, 2009
Confronting the conversion problem
Each Friday night after work, Santa Singh would fire up his outdoor grill and cook a tandoori chicken and some meat kebabs.
But, all of his neighbours were strict Catholics ... and since it was Lent, they were forbidden from eating chicken and meat on a Friday.
The delicious aroma from the grilled meats was causing such a problem for the Catholic faithful that they finally talked to their Priest.
The Priest came to visit Santa, and suggested that he become a Catholic. After several classes and much study, Santa attended
Mass ... and as the priest sprinkled holy water over him, he said, "You were born a Sikh, and raised a Sikh, but now dear, you are a Catholic."
Santa's neighbors were greatly relieved, until Friday night arrived.
The wonderful aroma of tandoori chicken and meat kebabs filled the neighborhood. The Priest was called immediately by the neighbors and, as he rushed into Santa's backyard, clutching a rosary and prepared to scold him, he stopped and watched in amazement.
There stood Santa, holding a small bottle of holy water which he carefully sprinkled over the grilling meats and chanted:
"Oye, you waz born a chicken, and you waz born a lamb,
you waz raised a chicken, and you waz raised a lamb
but now dears.... you are a potato and tomato"!!!
-- Singh is King...
If you want to confront the straight-out shameless-hypocrisy of Christianity, then that is the way to do it.
Surinder Paul Attri
Response to the message of Shri Buju
1. dylan thomas
to me
Follow up message
Okay but i do not wish to sit on my hands. I have tried in vain for so long to make contact and now finally i made contact, by pure luck, with you.
let us do something again. HU was the only true forum for us. and so much has happened to us since it disappeared.
what do you think?
2. My Take:
Shri Buju Jee:
Hindu Unity.Org is out of existence.
But Hindu's present status is Not conincidental, it is a product of our actions/inactions, during the last 1200 years.
3. To put it in context, there are three strikes against the Hindu:
Strike # 1: We Hindus are very selfish. Our highest priority is on our personal welfare & on the welfare of our family. The welfare of the rest of the Hindu community, has zero priority for us Hindus.
Strike # 2. Our Hindu leadership during the last 1200 years, has been Rotten, it still is Rotten. It does not have what it takes, to do the job of Hinduism-Defense, let alone the job of strengthening Hinduism. It:
Cannot Cut The Mustard
Strike # 3: Ninety percent of our Hindu Holy Men ( HHMs ) are Nakame ( worse than useless ). They have no idea of what, is going on in the world. They:
Do Not Know Which End Is Up
4. Yanks say:
Three Striles And You Are Out.
But there is a Fourth-Strike because, there are Hindus out there, who are willing to do for Hinduism, what has never been done before. Conventional methods ( that is, methods that have been tried during the last 1200 years, have not worked for us Hindus.). Un-Conventional methods need to roll out, not only to save Hinduism, but also to buttress it.
5. I am making myself ready, to go to any city any where in the world ( New York, Boston, San Francisco, London, Paris, Berlin, New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkatta, or any other city ), where I can find at least 50 Hindus who are " Determined " to defend & buttress Hinduism, to explain my Un-Conventional technique, and get it going Immediately. That is my goal.
6. Shri Buju Jee:
I am somewhat mystified by your name. Is your name Buju or Dylan Thomas ?
Surinder Paul Attri
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Hindu-Christian counterpoint
1. From: James Treibert
It seems that the Christian stand point is more arrogant and dogmatic than the Hindu view.
Also Hinduism seems to have hope and more good deeds.
This is just my opionion.
2. My Take:
Jim: The Christian view point is more arrogant because, Christianity is over-loaded with ideology. In fact, Christianity is an ideology, not a religion at all. But it is so well-disguised as a religion, that most people do not notice it.
3. Christianity cannot succumb to the fairness-doctrine of a dialogue, it would rather have a monologue. This is because it ( Christianity ) is convinced that it has a monopoly on truth. Consequently, it is in no meed to hold a dialogue, with any type of Paganism, and Hinduism certainly is a Pagan religion.
4. Because Christianity believes that Hindu view point is false, it is not at all interested in knowing, the other side of the argument, the Hindu argument, no matter how legitimate the Hindu argument is, Christianity wants to completely shut down all Pagan Values, Hinduism included.
5. It can be correctly deduced that, this Christian attitude is intolerant, and highly-hypocritical. There is nothing open-minded about it.
Surinder Paul Attri