Sunday, October 31, 2010

Deporting Millions Of Muslims May Be Necessary - Geert Wild...

1. Subj: Deporting Millions Of Muslims May Be Necessary - Geert Wild...

2. COMMENT: Deporting millions of Moslems ( out of Europe, USA, and India ) is Not a " may be necessary " item, it is Imperative.

3. Neither Europe, nor USA, nor India, are the habitat of Islam. Islam is an imposition, a barbaric-thrust on all these places, and needs to be resolutely-booted out.

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Comment on Guy Fawkes Day

Subj: Comment on Guy Fawkes Day
1. Very thoughtful and interestingly explained, Attriji!

Hope you are keeping well.



2. My Take:

Thanks Chaudhari Sahib.

3. An average Tommy ( Englishman ) says he does not care too much about political questions ( fear & distrust of politicians perhaps ). That may be true. But he loves to Shish-Kabbab Guy Fawkes.

Surinder Paul Attri

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri's Powerful Speech at GPU | Minhaj-ul-Quran International

Subj: Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri's Powerful Speech at GPU | Minhaj-ul-Quran International

1. Sent By: On: Oct 10/30/10 3:09 AM

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri's Powerful Speech at GPU 2010
Jihad: Perception and Reality - Global Peace and Unity Conference 2010

Islam stands for peace, love and human dignity and there is no room for terrorism in Islam. This was stated by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, in a powerful speech to a gathering of thousands of British Muslims at the Global Peace & Unity event on 24 October 2010.
Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri started his passionate and powerful speech by declaring that Islam stands for peace, love, compassion, human dignity and mercy. He said “Islam does not stand for any kind of violence, militancy, terrorism, and brutality.”
He said “This is Islam which came at a time when the dignity of mankind was lost, there was brutality, violence and people were cutting their necks. At that time there was racial, religious and tribal discrimination and there was no respect for slaves. At that time Islam stood up for the poor and oppressed people, orphans, and women and gave respect and dignity to the mankind irrespective of their race, religion and culture. This is Islam which came for promotion of global peace and mercy and dignity.”
He said “I want to communicate this message of Islam to the whole mankind. People have misled the youth by wrong perceptions and interpretations of Islam.”
“Jihad: Perception and reality”
Speaking about “Jihad: Perception and reality”, Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said that the perception that Jihad is a holy war is completely wrong and younger generation has been misled on this count. It is due to various reasons. Jihad is seen as an act of violence which is against the concept of jihad.
Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri clarified that “the literal meaning of jihad is exertion, struggling, striving, and putting extreme efforts according to extreme abilities, to counter evil, to achieve good for sake of Allah.”
He added that “The defensive struggle against your enemy, defensive struggle against your lower-self, hatred, arrogance, corruption is one dimension of Jihad. And this is for the Safety of the mankind, not for killing of mankind."
Dr Qadri said “he wants to address the Muslim audience who are misguided or mislead and to the western world that there is NO verse which advocates killing, brutality and terrorism.”
“There are two ways of determining the meaning of a verse, either through its actual text or context (a verse which comes before or after). There are in total 35 verses in the Holy Qur’an which mention the word ‘jihad’. There is no single verse in the Holy Qur’an which has both words i.e. jihad and ‘qitaal’ (fighting) in the text of the same verse. There are only 4 verses which mention jihad (in the sense of lawful defensive fighting) in the context of qitaal; qitaal is mentioned in some verses either before or after, but not in the same verse. This means that jihad and qital (fighting) have not been mentioned together in the whole of the Quran from Al-Fatiha (first chapter) to An-Nas (last chapter). This means that Jihad does not necessarily mean fighting”.
Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said "Let me make it very clear and sound, let me remove any ambiguity that no leader or a group has any authority to declare Jihad. If any leader or a group does that, it is terrorism and not jihad."
He also made it clear that “it is solely the prerogative of a state authority to declare Jihad and only as a matter of last resort when diplomacy and all other efforts to make peace have failed.”
Declaration against terrorism

Finally he asked the audience to support a declaration against terrorism and to raise their hands and stand up against the suicide bombing and terrorism. The whole crowd stood up and agreed with Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri.
Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has been promoting the anti-extremism message in the UK since he issued his 600-page fatwa on terrorism. Last summer he spoke at the 3-day residential anti-terror camp. He will be speaking to a Washington DC audience next month.

2. COMMENT: Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri is lying about Islam, as well as about Quran.
4. Islam directs death & viiolence on a daily basis.
5. His double-entendre ( gobbledygook mumbo-jumbo ) is utter non-sense.
Surinder Paul Attri

Guy Fawkes Day

Subj: Guy Fawkes Day:
1.Quote: At this time of the year, those of us living in England hear loud fireworks going off in the evening and see children coming round to collect "penny for the Guy". They are about to celebrate the "Guy Fawkes" Day on 5th of November when bonfires are lit everywhere. Who was Guy Fawkes?

2. COMMENT: Guy Fawkes Day:
It ought to be called Guy Fawkes Night, because during the day, the English do next to nothing for Guy Fawkes, but at night the scene & setting significantly changes. The twang & reverberation of bonfires all over, carries the celebration of Guy Fawkes, to mad heights. Guy Fawkes plot was discovered & Guy Fawkes was made Guy Fakes.

2. Regardless, however, Guy Fawkes was not dissuaded by incessant empty words, he took the matter into his own hands, and did his best to slaughter, what he regarded as the Protestant-Animals, for the common good of the Catholics.

Surinder Paul Attri

Monday, October 11, 2010

Comments on Pakistani break-up

Subj: Comments on Pakistani break-up
1. Surinder ji:

I salute you for your clear and concise view. Regards.

Narain Kataria

2. My Take:
Kataria Jee: Thanks for your awesome compliment.

3. I am glad you consider my description clear & concise. This should help people understand the true nature of the problem.
I do not know where Pakistanis ( who die on the streets of Pakistan ) go, to Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ) or to Jhanam ( Islam's Hell ), the land of the Shaitaan ( Satan/Devil )... a totally-imaginary object, a creature of no-existence.

4. I do know this that, Islam " Does Not Confront Evil at all. " It blames all evil on a Totally-Imaginary creature, the Shaitaan. Hinduism on the other hannd, confronts evil head-on. Hinduism places man in the Driver's Seat, and holds him responsible for all his actions, good as well as bad. Hindu rises by good actions ( good Karma ) and drops by bad actions ( bad Karma ). There is Complete accountability in Hinduism. There is no accountability in Islam, none whatsoever.

5. Islam's failure to deal with evil, and its utterly-absurd approach, robs it of any claim to call itself a moral, logical, or rational postulate. Still Islam wants to look important, and resorts to violent-Jehad to gain imperial power.

Rather than being Bossy, Islam needs to be put out on the spot.

Surinder Paul Attri

Friday, October 8, 2010

Break Up Of Pakistan

Subj: Break Up Of Pakistan

1. Mohan Gupta

to me

show details Sep 29 (8 days ago)

Sh. Surrinder attriji,

Since the formation of Pakistan I keep hearing that Pakistan will break up any time after 50 years of it's formation. Arvind Ghosh predicted it on 15 August 1947.

I recently read two different newspapers. in one newspaper it was mentioned that by year 2015 Pakistan will break up in 4 parts while in other it was written it will happen by year 2016.

The question is when Pakistan breaks up and eventually merge with Bhaarat, then will Hindus encourage Muslims to reconvert to Hinduism and would Hindus accept converted Muslims in Hindu Samaj. is there any Yojna for reconversion of Muslims and adoption of reconverted Muslim?

All man made religions like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism etc. are called TIME RELIGIONS. These religions have got limited life and would die down eventually. Any religion which is associated with one man or based only on book cannot survive.

It is said that most of the religions will die down or their followers will reduce to a great extent by year 2020 and only Hinduism and Jew religion would survive.

By year 2020 there would be great change in religious matters

It is only up to Hindus to make use of the predicted change by proper planning and devotion.


2. My Take:

Shri Mohan Gupta Jee:

What lies in the womb of time, requires eyes of doom to figure out. It is a daunting task.


3. President Obama's expert, Bruce Riedel, describes Pakistan as a complex & combustible society. He elaborates:

" If we don't help Pakistan now, we may have to deal with a Jihadist-Pakistan. "

These two Johnnies have no clue on Pakistan nor on how it will steer in future. Pakistan is seething with massive heterogenous ethnic strife. Pakistan is falling apart but no Pakistani politician has a key or clue on, how to " keep Pakistan from blowing apart. " Separatism, " a chip of Islam itself., has a commanding presence in Pakistan, it is pushing Pakistan to the limit, but Pakistani breakup date, is a big conjecture.


4. Quote: Since the formation of Pakistan I keep hearing that Pakistan will break up any time after 50 years of it's formation. Arvind Ghosh predicted it on 15 August 1947.

COMMENT: Shri Rajagopal Achari, the first governor-general of India, after Lord Louis Mountainbatten, stated that:

" Union of West & East Pakistan ( Bangladesh now ) is an artificial-amalgam, it won't last beyond 25 years. "

It actually lasted 24 1/2 years.


Taking Shri Rajagopal's number & multiplying it by two, to come out with 50 years hence, as the date of Pakistani breakup, satisfies our postulates based on commonsense, and they sound good. But commonsense can lead you to wrong conclusions. Pakistan did not break-up in the year of 1997. It is a perfect example of the " washout " of commonsense pre-suppositions.


5. Quote: I recently read two different newspapers. in one newspaper it was mentioned that by year 2015 Pakistan will break up in 4 parts while in other it was written it will happen by year 2016.

COMMENT: These two dates are just as speculative, not very trustworthy.


6. Quote: The question is when Pakistan breaks up and eventually merge with Bhaarat, then will Hindus encourage Muslims to reconvert to Hinduism and would Hindus accept converted Muslims in Hindu Samaj. is there any Yojna for reconversion of Muslims and adoption of reconverted Muslim?

COMMENT: Pakistan may breakup, but Islam will likely continue to be around. The Moslems of Pakistani-Panjab will still keep the Kafir-Hindu within their cross-hairs. They will still regard Kafir-Hindu as " Islam's Enemy Number One. " The breakup of Pakistan does not mean merger with Bharat nor the end of permanent anti-Kafir malevolence of Islam.


Regarding the re-conversion of Moslems to Hinduism, subsequent to Pakistani breakup: This is Certainly possible, but Not likely. Reason: Our Rotten Hindu Leadership & our worm-eaten Hindu Holy Men ( HHMs ), the hornet's nest of Hindu stupidity. Neither of these two groups have in them, what it takes to either defend or propagate Hinduism....And Hindus will not kick these two rotten groups out of the way.


7. Regarding Man-Made Religions:

Quote: All man made religions like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism etc. are called TIME RELIGIONS. These religions have got limited life and would die down eventually. Any religion which is associated with one man or based only on book cannot survive.

COMMENT: Man-Made religions come into being & continue to exist and endure because of certain factors of human life. Human life is not free from all worry. Humans are plenty scared of the unknown ( that is what is going to happen in furute, what is going to happen after death ), there is plenty of insecurity in life, plenty of worry regarding where your breakfast & lunch tomorrow will come from.

Man-Made religions are pushing the limits of logic, they pack a bundle of promises ( albeit absurd in the extreme ), and their deliverables are ALWAYS in the future. That is why their absurdity cannot be challenged in the present. Thus even though Man-Made religions are Time-Dependent ( and Not Timeless ), they continue to have existence not because of their exactness, but because of the inexactness of human life, because of man's fear of the unknown, and because of the insecurity that is prevalent in all life.


8. Quote: It is said that most of the religions will die down or their followers will reduce to a great extent by year 2020 and only Hinduism and Jew religion would survive.

By year 2020 there would be great change in religious matters

COMMENT: Why 2020 ? There are Enormous changes relating to religious matters, taking place in the world, right now.

Islam is on its onward-march in the democracies of Europe & North America, also in places like India. Christianity has a high-speed march in the continent of Africa, six million Moslems are leaving Islam & embracing Christianity, every year. A few thousand Moslems are leaving Islam & embracing Hinduism every month, in the country of Indonesia.

More than abundant conversion opportunities of the same type, are available to Hindus as well. Unfortunatley, Hindus are unable to take advantage of these enormous opportunities, because of the rotten-ness of Hindu Leadership, and because of Worse-Than-Useless Hindu Holy Men, These two Incompetent groups, do not have in them, what it takes to do the job of either Hinduism-Defense or of Hinduism-Propagation. They are Hinduism-Killers par-excellence.

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, October 2, 2010


1. Without question, Islam is an imposition on the entire Kafir ( Non-Moslem Infidel ) world. But Islam is also a Wacko, a show-case of death. Its leader Hazrat Mohammad, a Bedouin-Goonda, was a pitiless-butcher. His believers have been sabre-rattling for 1400 years, murdering hundreds of millions of innocent-Kafirs,who refused to accept Islam. This refusal is a high-crime in Islam. LIke Adolf Hitler, Islam prefers peaceful-victories and ardently desires that Kafirs peacefully convert to Islam, but does not hesitate to employ violence, if war is foisted upon it, by Kafir's refusal to accept Islam. This war is Islam's Jehad ( holy war against Kafirs ). labelled by Allah as lawful & good. Allah offers Janat ( Moslem's paradise ), as a reward for Jehad. Because of Islam's preference for peaceful conversion to Islam, Islam passionately believes that it is the religion of peace.
2. Because of Islam's calamitous terror & barbarism, to preserve his religious & cultural identity, Hindu must be prepared to fight Islam, and defy death, in defense of his culture & dharma. To do this, Hindu must cope with his own situation, which is Not particularly good, in fact it is pretty damn-bad. The entire Hindu society of India, is in the grip of phoney-liberal politicians, who are taking the Hindu to the cleaners, while the Hindu engages in a long drawn-out struggle against Islamic imperialism in India.

3. The basic assumption of phoney-liberalism is secularism/multiculturism, as well as Hindu-Muslim unity, as the governing principle of Indian society. Those who propagate this principle, are totally ignorant of the real nature of Islam, or about the behavior pattern of followers of Islam, towards those whom they denounce as Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). Idea of Hindu-Muslim unity is not new. It was attempted before the partition, and ever since then. In fact for 1200 years, we have been seeking to achieve Hindu-Muslim unity, with totally calamitous results. All such attempts have made Hindu-Muslim unity, dependent on the mercy of Muslims, and to the Muslims, Hindus are their " enemy number one. " As a consequence, Hindus are finding it more difficult to co-exist in peace with Moslems, whose aim is the destruction of Kafir-Hindu. And the Hindu-Muslim unity remains as elusive as ever before.

4. The attempt at Hindu-Muslim unity has always met with disastrous results, it has always been an endless chase for water, in the sandy deserts of Arabia or elsewhere. It is about time, that we stop chasing this absurd concept of Hindu-Muslim unity. Moslems claim that Islam believes in the universal brotherhood of mankind. Islam does not believe in any such universal brotherhood. Islam divides mankind into two enemy camps viz Moslems who are Allah's party & the Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) who are the party of Shaitaan ( Satan's Party ). Moslems are the privileged children of Allah, and entitled to all his blessings. Kafirs are not Allah's children, they are a wretched lot in this world, and doomed to be thrown into hell fire after death. Thus Islam is Not for unity, but is for disunity.

5. Allah commands Moslems not to befriend followers of any other religion. He directs Moslems to make war agaisnt all Kafirs, be they be Christians, Jews, Hindus, or any other Kafir group, and this war is to continue till doom's day. But the phoney-liberal politicians of India ( and of elsewhere as well ) ignore all this Kafir hatred of Islam, and practise toleration & non-discrimination, in a queer way. They also practise what is known as vote-bank politics. To get Islamic votes, they put less-skilled Moslem ( belonging to minority community ) workers ahead of more-skilled Hindu ( belonging to majority community ) workers. This approach of unsound economics, must eventually attenuate the economic growth of India. The phoney-liberal politicians justify this foolish economic approach by stating:
" We must not discriminate against the beliefs & culture of Muslim minority. "
They are quite comfortable punishing the majority Hindu, while trying to protect the minority Muslim community. All this fiddle-faddle is being done in the name of Hindu-Muslim unity, which in fact is a giant fraud against the Hindu.

6. Every secular politician in India is expected to follow this principle. It is called the principle of political correctness. Thus though the Moslems have plenty of compulsive aggression & anti-Kafir profanity, they are not alone in their game. They have friends in the phoney-liberal bunch of India.Thus Islam's Imposition & Imperialism is being emboldened, they are walking away with precious parts of Hindu's wealth, consolidating their aggression. Wherever in India, the Moslems are in majority, the life of the Kafir-Hindu is horribly-miserable like hell. Islam regards these brutal acts as acts of piety, for letting the Kafir-Hindu live, and fully justifying calling Islam the religion of peace.

Surinder Paul Attri