Monday, May 28, 2007

Natural History and Monostrosity, Bible Style

Subj: Natural History and Monostrosity, Bible Style
1. Namaste,
No, Mr. Attri. The Bible is not fit for worship. The Old Testament, especially, is a chronicle to the cruelty, enviesness, jealousy, and war-like nature of their demonic god. The god of the Old Testament is not the God of Sanatana Dharma, but is rather a localized asuric desert divinity. And now, we need to stop being afraid to say so.
Hari Om,
Sri Dharma Parvartaka Acharya

2. Dr. Frank Morales:
Namaste to you also.
I am glad you and I agree that, Bible is unfit and un-qualified for worship. Bible’s God is sitting on the seat of cruelty. How many innocent men were put to the sword, in the name of Christian God ? Comparing the harrowing cruelty that was let loose, in the name of Christian God, the terrorism of Osama Ben Laden appears like picnic.

3. Yes, the Christian God is very much localized ( compared with Hindu God who is all across the Universe ), and is sitting in a localized place called Heaven, and no Christian knows the location of even this localized abode, where their God resides. As you observed, Christian God is also Asuric, and beats the Devil in foul and fiendish deeds.

Regarding :New versus Old Testament, the New Testament ( NT ) isn’t much better. A thousand years of barbarism let loose upon Europe, by followers of NT, throws a lurid light on the evil designs of the NT.

Surinder Paul Attri

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