Tuesday, October 14, 2008


By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. Pakistan has several claims to its fame, but Honor-Killing ( of women & girls ) is the biggest feather in the cap of Pakistan. This feather reveals the true extent of its madness for the honor of Islam, through the dis-honor of its women & lays bare its utter depravity & evil, through the degradation of its Moslem women. Some punishments meted out to women are even more cursed than death.
MULTAN, Pakistan July 2 — A Pakistani tribal council ordered an 18-year-old girl to be gang-raped in order to punish her family after her brother was seen walking with a girl from a higher class tribe, police said Tuesday.
2. It is not known to many that, the legal & social status of womankind in Al-Islam is Exceptionally-Low. Moslem wife has many disadvantages compared with her Non-Moslem sisters. A Moslem man treats his woman/women as if they were created by Allah, only for his pleasure, as his sex-objects. He carries no reverence, regard nor any respect for what she is, her worth as a vehicle of life or a vehicle of creation ( for which status the Hindus call her a goddess ). A Moslem man sees no such greatness in his woman/women, he only sees her as a source of danger to him.
Ibn Warraq quotes Shaykh & Abu Nuwas:
Women are demons and were born as such
No one can trust them as is known to all
If they love a man it is only out of caprice
And he to whom they are most cruel loves them most
Beings full of treachery & trickery, I aver
That man that loves you truly is a lost man
3. A complete inventory of a woman’s faults as seen by Moslem men & by their famous leader, Hazrat Mohammad ( such as deceit, guile, ingratitude, greed, insatiable lust, etc, in short a gateway to hell ) would fill a good sized book. It reveals the great contempt that a Moslem man feels for woman. It leaves no doubt at all that Islam relegates women to the status of inferior beings. That is why Islam degrades women.
4. To describe Islam as sex-positive, as is done by Moslems & some apologists for Islam, is huge Phoney-Baloney, it is the biggest insult to all Moslem women. Islam regards woman’s sexuality as something un-holy, something to be feared, something to be repressed, something that is a work of the Shaitaan (Devil ). That is why the Moslem man feels great contempt for the woman. It may seem incredible that Islam has been able to maintain such a terrible hold on the life of the Moslem people. But Islam’s control has been made easy because of its totalitarian nature. Islamic law controls the religious, social, and political life of all Moslems, without qualification. The all-embracing ( with total control ) Islamic law does not distinguish between ritual law, ethics, and good manners. It intrudes into every nook & corner of the believer’s life & of the Islamic community. In its simplicity, Islamic law is a doctrine of duties, these are the duties which are susceptible to control by human authority ( the Islamic Clergy ) instituted in the name of Allah.
5. Islam’s barbaric conquests, trampled under foot, and permanently destroyed many advanced cultures. Islam’s aggressiveness & its dark theology continue un-abated, cutting off generations of people from their rich cultural heritage, and destroying the well-being of the people, especially of the Moslem women, who are under its direct control.
Honor-Killing which is wide-spread in Pakistan is a by-product of the teachings of Islam, which prescribes male control of women. Most Moslem women accept the Prescribed ( Prescribed by Islam ) male control over every aspect of their life, their bodies, their speech & behavior, as part of their KISMET ( Fate ). But Moslem men regard their prescribed Islamic role as an established & un-impeachable proprietary right over women, and they exercise this right/control with violence.
6. A Moslem woman who has been subjected to rape, brings shame to her family, just as she would if she engaged in a consensual relationship, she is considered no damn good. The rapist often goes Scot-Free, largely because of the absence of male-witnesses to the rape (a queer code of Islamic Law ), a woman’s evidence does not account for anything. A woman raped shames the community, and dishonors her man ( her husband ) but does not dishonor the rapist. She has to be eliminated to restore the honor of the family, and of the community. But rape is not the only reason for honor-killing in Pakistan.
Honor-killing can occur during a divorce or during the choice of a marriage partner, or for a variety of other reasons. The perpetrators of honor-killing are seldom punished because the Moslem society, the police & the judges, have a well-marked gender-bias, in direct obedience to the teachings of Islam.
7. In civilized societies, both men & women are entitled to equal rights, but such is not the case in Islamic societies, and certainly not in Pakistan. In Pakistan, the right to life for women is “ conditional ,“ it depends upon Islamic rules, social norms & customs of Islamic societies. Women in Pakistan ( and in Islam in general ) are killed like hen, they neither have any say in what happens to them, nor have they any way of escaping. All kinds of violence & abuse are heaped upon the women of Pakistan, at the hands of male perpetrators, family members, and state agents. Violence include rape, domestic abuse, spousal murder, mutilation, burning, disfiguring faces by acid, beatings, custodial-torture, and HONOR-KILLING.
Hundreds of women of Pakistan are reportedly killed each year, in all parts of the country, all of them in the name of honor. Many more killings go un-reported. The teachings of Islam, which prescribes seclusion, and submission of women to men, bountifully contribute to the murder of Moslem women..
8. If women ever exert their own right, it leads to more repression & punishment. State indifference, Islamic teachings & Islamic laws, and gender bias of police & judiciary, ensure a total impunity for the perpetrators of honor-killing.
The use of the term “ Honor “ is as Dishonorable as can be. It is only a pretax to murder women & commit heinous crimes against them. Does anybody in Pakistan raise his voice when, women are openly sold in the market ? Is this an honorable thing to do ?
9. But in the Islamic system of Pakistan, the concepts of right & wrong are Basackward. The man to whom a woman belongs, whether a wife, sister or daughter, has to kill her, in order to restore his honor. In Pakistan, he becomes the victim, as he has suffered loss, first to his honor, and then of the woman he has to kill. Consequently, he becomes the aggrieved person, and the sympathies of the entire family ( tribe ) go with him. As a result, the killer ( the man who kills his woman ) becomes the GHAIRAT-MAAN ( one who possesses honor ), and he is supported morally & legally by all his relatives. On the other hand, a man who fails to kill a women of his household is considered BE-GHAIRAT ( one who is without honor ). As a result of this Basackward custom, honor-killings are not hidden away, but openly performed, often ritually & by spilling maximum blood.
The people who do these killings, take pride in their actions, when in fact they should be ashamed of their dishonorable act & not take pride.
The progressive brutalization of Pakistani society, over the past few decades, is partly responsible for increasing incidences of honor-killings.
10. The male control of woman in Islam, has turned woman into a commodity. This commodification of woman directly contributes to the honor killing. The woman is treated as a commodity or object, which can be exchanged, bought & sold ( as she is considered property of the males in the family ). A woman is thus equated with money. Even though the woman has monetary value, her worth is essentially that of a commodity, which means that she may be butchered if, she transgresses the conditions under which, she is bound to man for life. She may also be freely traded or given away, as part of a Karo-Kari settlement.
Surinder Paul Attri

1 comment:

surinder attri said...

By S.P. Attri (USA)

1. Everything of significance that is undertaken in Islam, involves the
services of Islam's Greese-Monkeys. The greese-monkeys of Islam are:
Mullahs, Maulvies, Muftis, Qazis, and other members of Moslem-Clergy.
These monkeys are the only class of people in the whole of Islam, that is
educated in the doctrine of Islam and Quran (An average Moslem is neither
educated in Islam nor in Quran). The enormity of the role of Greese-Monkeys
cannot be judged from the look on their faces, but from the job that they do
on their Moslem-Followers.

Almost the entire job of indoctrinating (Educating in Islamic Law and Duty)
the Islamic-Followers is done by these humorless greese-monkeys, they are the
ones who produce the so-called heroes of Islam, the Jehadis. The Jehadis are
the Hit-Men and Mass-Killers of Islam, the greese-monkeys make sure that the
performance of Jehadis is upto standards of Islam. They do this by teaching
them how to fight in the ways of Allah, and how to establish Allah's Supremacy
over Non-Believers (Non-Moslem Kafirs/Infidels). They not only expose them to
the tenets of Islam, but also show them the green-gardens of Islam, tempting
them with after-death rewards that await a Jehadi in Janat (Moslem's
Paradise), this always includes choicest sex with 72 Houris. It is because of
such attractive rewards, shown to the Moslems by their Greese-Monkeys, that a
Moslem becomes ready to kill and get killed.

In both outcomes, the Moslem wins, he ends up in Janat. These rewards are sort
of "Eye For Eye" compensation for their sacrifices of undertaking Jehad in the
name of Allah, this Jehad always involves killing of Hateful-Kafirs (Non-
Moslem Infidels). In other words, the greese-monkeys teach Sullas, the gospel
of hate, the hate of Non-Moslems whom they label as Kafirs (Infidels).
And what is Jehad?

Jehad is the Perpetual-War that a Moslem engages against Kafirs, the Greese-
Monkeys convince the Moslem that:
"A person's biggest crime is to deny Allah and Mohammad's Exclusive Right To Be
Believed In And Adored."

2. It is from these greese-monkeys that a Moslem learns, his hatred of Non-
Moslem religions, and his attempts to deny Non-Moslems all rights, except the
right to serve their Moslem-Masters. There is little hatred that a Moslem can
learn, without the coachings from these Greese-Monkeys of Islam (That is why,
for practical purposes, breaking down these greese-monkeys is breaking down
Islam itself). This hatred is a sufficient factor, to inspire a Moslem to try
to raid and subjugate Non-Moslem territories (labelled as Dar-Ul-Harb/The
Battle-Ground). There is little that a Moslem can do without teachings and
services of these greese-monkeys, these greese-monkeys are the ones who keep
the Donkey-Engines of Islam going, and running at full blast. Essentially,
these greese-monkeys are the Sanctuaries of Islam. Eliminating this sanctuary
is eliminating Islam for practical purposes.

One Greese-Monkey influences the lives of at least 40,000 to 50,000 Sullas, at
least half of these Sullas are Potential-Jehadis.

Because of this ratio, disaster to greese-monkeys means catastrophe to Islam.
In other words, eliminating of Greese-Monkeys is sentencing Islam to death. In
fact, if 10,000 Greese-Monkeys of Islam are eliminated, then Islam wouldn't
last more than a week.

Why is Islam so fragile?

Answer: Because of the BASACKWARD-PYRAMID structure of Islam (as well as of
Christianity). This structure is stunning in its constitution and application.

NOTE: A full explanation of the BASACKWARD-PYRAMID of Islam/Christianity, is
beyond the scope of this message, which is intended to be kept short. I shall
write up a separate message to explain the Basackward-Structure of both

3. Given the absolute reality (fully backed by mathematical-probabilities)
that, you can NEVER completely eliminate Violence from the world, you can only
minimize it. A logical question becomes: Which is better, removal of 10,000
Greese-Monkeys of Islam or 140 million Sulla-Followers?

Why remove 140 million people later, if removing 10,000 now can accomplish the
same thing? Why expend more time, effort, and money than what is absolutely
necessary? Isn't it a smarter way of doing an effective, and more professional

4. In the fulfillment of his Karma, man has to do a wide variety of jobs. But
of all the jobs, the waging of war is the most unpleasant. If one can avoid
war, so much the better. But in the real world, situations arise in which
waging of wars becomes inevitable. In our world, in which there are always
aggressive people, who come to burn and loot your country and people, waging
of wars becomes inevitable and essential Karma of man, to defend his people
and the safety of his nation. The 1200 year long history of Muslim Rule in
India, is evidence of murder of hundreds of millions of Hindus by Barbarian-
Sullas, coached into action by these Greese-Monkeys of Islam. It is beyond
upsetting that we Hindus have learned neither any lesson of history, nor the
duty of our Karma, to defend our people. In defending his people, it becomes
the duty of a soldier, to wound and even to kill his enemy. There is an
absolute and essential need to implement that duty. That is the only way to
keep our Hindus people safe from assaults of career-barbarians (Sullas and

Isn't it obvious that instead of moaning and groaning, bitching and barking,
over tragedies of lost Hindu lives, we now need to figure ways to fend off
such tragedies in future.

5. We need to be aware that, our enemies (Sullas and Kharistas, together with
their Greese-Monkeys) are scarcely above the degree of savage life, their
respect for life is not very much, and violence comes natural to them,
murdering, looting, and raping Kafirs/Non-Moslem Infidels is their compulsive
trait. Their hatred of people of religions other than their own, is beyond
description. This hatred cannot be dissipated, because without this hatred,
there is no reason and no justification, for the existence of either Islam or
Christianity. If Islam and Christianity ever stopped hating other religions,
then that would be the end of both Islam and Christianity. It should be
obvious, that Moslems and Christians wouldn't choose to commit suicide, by
abandoning their hatred for other religions.

Consequently, this in-built hatred of other religions in both Islam and
Christianity, is guaranteed to continue, and their blood-thirsty violence
against these Kafir (Infidel) religions shall continue, it is foolish to
expect that Moslems and Christians shall abandon their well-established and
highly successful methods, just to be nice to other religions. In fact, this
kind of nicety towards other religions, does not come within the jurisdiction
of morality, as understood by Sullas and Kharistas. Much more likely is the
prospect that, colossal Sulla-Violence that occurred against Hindu during the
last 1200 years was just a skirmish, compared to what is yet to come. Sulla
Violence against Hindu is not over, it has not been defused, and it cannot be
defused. Instead of sleeping on the couch, we Hindus need to wake up, and
figure ways to beef up our security.

6. Can 10,000 Greese-Monkeys be replaced? Yes, some of them can certainly be,
no doubt there shall be serious attempts to replace all of them. But they
cannot be replaced much more often than once or twice. If we Hindus stay the
course and do the swift job of Greese-Monkey Elimination, then soon there
won't be many more Monkeys to go around, and that is the end of Islam, for
good. What Hindus are doing here is, to take the fight to the enemy, to the
site of Enemy's Power. They are eliminating the exporters of terror,
barbarism, and violence of Islam. They are eliminating the Sanctuary Of Islam.

7. Hindus must understand and understand it CLEARLY that, Sulla-Attacks
against Hindu are Not invited by Sulla-Strength, but by Perception Of Hindu-
Weakness, on the part of Sullas. We Hindus have been tested again and again by
Sullas (those Thugs, Terrorists, and Barbarians) for 1200 years, and dangers
to Hindus have not passed, in fact threats to Hindus have taken on a Nasty-
What this suggests is that:

It is an Act Of Absolute Decency (which involves absolute minimum loss of
human life), to remove 10,000 Greese-Monkeys now, rather than having to remove
140 millions Sullas later on (which shall surely be needed). The latter option
is a Dumber-Way of doing the same job, at much higher cost, with much greater
difficulty, and much greater loss of life.

8. It is a matter of common observation that, every job of significance
requires the right tool and right technique. We have made tremendous strides
in understanding the beast of Islam. We know where Islam is the weakest, we
know the location of the soft-underbelly of Islam. The soft-underbelly of
Islam is the class of Islam's Greese-Monkeys. For practical purposes, these
greese-monkeys are the Battle-Staff of Islam. These Monkeys have become too
big for their breeches, they need to be eliminated.

Hindus would be doing themselves a favor by hitting this soft-underbelly.
Immediately after we hit this soft-underbelly, something wonderful will happen
to Hinduism. War-Dance with Islam shall be over, and Islam shall be:
Out Of Circulation, For Good.

9. Hindus are smart people, they understand the value of time (you might have
heard that "time is money"). It behooves us Hindus to make Smart-Choices,
keep collateral damage to a minimum, apply focused and determined force, to
do the job that is required.

Hindus: Eliminate Greese-Monkeys Of Islam now.
Surinder Paul Attri