Thursday, February 19, 2009


By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. It is often narrated that God is love. If God is love, then on the heels of this statement, it follows that fear or terror of God ( such as Allah ) is a tort. Islam says that there is no God but Allah, and belief in Allah is imperative, and that Allah is “ All Merciful. “ If Allah is “ All Merciful, “ then why have the Moslems blessed the whole world with, their Kafir-slaughter ( slaughter of Non-Moslem Infidels ), Kafir terror, torture, loot, plunder, & inhuman rapes of Kafirs in the name of “ All Merciful “ Allah ? And why are the Moslem Jihadis, who have killed many Kafirs, in the name of their “ All Merciful “ Allah, regarded as such honorable warriors of Islam ? Doesn’t this “ All Merciful “ Allah feel the least bit of pity, for these Kafirs ?
Hundreds of millions of Kafirs have been butchered, in the name of “ All Merciful “ Allah, even though Islam claims to be a religion of peace. The raids undertaken & methods followed, by camel-jockey Hazrat Mohammad, became the model for other leaders who followed Hazrat Mohmmad. Kafirs were put to the sword, the surviving Kafirs were sold as slaves.
2. The pattern of Kafir terror & torture is written down in the Quran, and was practised, perfected, and prescribed by the prophet, in his own life time. This pattern has been closely followed by the Caliphs later. Even in present time, this pattern is followed by all Muslim leaders, who aspire to acquire name and fame in this life, and houris (beautiful virgin women) in the next life.
Does this not prove that, instead of preaching love of God & brotherhood of man, Islam injects hatred, alienation, prejudice & barbaric-violence, into the hearts of Moslems ?
The religion of Islam, which is all about killing ( of Kafirs ), cannot be a religion of peace. Islam has nothing to do with the love of God. Islam has created a race of ignorant & barbaric Moslems, who can kill humans faster than wild hungry cats. Moslems need to kill Kafirs, to protect their evil religion of Islam. Islam’s ideology is absolutely evil & damn-dirty. Islam is a religion of devil, and Mohammad is its Devil-Prophet.
3. Because Moslems define their identity in terms of Islam, they are unable to live in harmony with Non-Moslem Kafirs, much less play an effective role as citizens of a modern state. Their psyche & spirit of separatism & chauvinism, has continued for centuries, and shall continue in future as well. Nationalism is totally-incompatible with Islam, because the goal of Islam is to, establish Allah’s Empire all over the world. Moslems are deep & downward in darkness, because Hazrat Mohammad & his Quran, removed the possibility of thinking, reasoning, and reflection, away from them. The only thing that Hazrat Mohammad has given to the Moslems is, belief & false pride that as Moslems, they are the best thing that has happened to humanity. If Moslems have any smarts, they would throw Quran as a worthless piece of trash & foolishness, because Quran has made Moslems, blind to truth & away from the love of God & his humanity.
4. Moslem societies instead of ameliorating, try to purify their societies, by returning to its origin, in the hope that Hazrat Mohammad’s message, would provide the answer as it did in the golden era. But it does not provide the answer because Hazrat Mohammad, does not solve the problem, Hazrat Mohammad is part of the problem. Moslem’s misery is caused by his belief in Hazrat Mohammad & in the religion of Islam, which is a devil’s religion. But Moslems point their finger at others ( Kafirs ), as the cause of their problems, and their destruction ( of Kafirs ) as the solution.
Because Islam is based on fear, if the Moslem know that they can hit & hide, or hit & destroy the Kafirs, they would go for it. Kafirs need to be aware of the astonishing-brutality, shown by Islam through the centuries, it has not wavered or diminished its brutality. Islam constantly seeks blood & revenge against the Kafirs, and against anyone who thinks even in the privacy of his mind, that Hazrat Mohammad was munching dates, sitting in a cave, and hearing voices ( a kind of sickness ).
5. How dreadful are the curses which Islam imposes upon the Kafirs ? Here below is an invocation that an American heard in a Mosque in one of the Arab countries, that he visited recently:
“O Allah, perish America, Christians and all their allies! O Allah, destroy their homes, widow their women and make their children orphans! O Allah, destroy all the Jews and Christians!”
Any rational person would be shocked to hear, such curses poured upon the Americans, the Jews & the Christians, without any distinction. Is chanting of such invocations on all Jews & on all Americans acceptable ? It is acceptable to Moslems because Allah’s curse is upon, those who debar men from the path of Allah. Therefore, it is Islamically-Acceptable.
6.The fanatical frenzy of Islam is as dangerous in man, as hydrophobia is in a dog. The fanatics of Islam want all of us Kafirs dead. Islam is based on the teachings of Hazrat Mohammad who taught his Moslems that, it is Moslem’s duty to murder all Kafirs, that a Moslem can divorce his wife by simply speaking “ I divorce you “ three times, and that raping of concubines is A-O.K. and that all of this is revealed truth, from the one and only true God, Allah. In reality, there is no truth in Islam, it is all a bunch of evil-nonsense.
Islam’s truth & record are documented in blood ( the blood of Kafirs ).
Surinder Paul Attri

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