Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Taking care of conversion problem

Subj: Taking care of conversion problem
1. Ashok Chowgule wrote:
The whole debate about conversions has nothing to do with theology orwhatever. It has to do with the fact that conversions create socialtensions. Even aggressive proselytisers get upset (to put it mildly)when their flock leave to join another sect/religion. The issue thenbecomes is whether these proselytisers have a moral right to convertothers to their religion/sect. I think not.I have raised this issues at various academic forum. The academiciansrefuse to even accept that the issue is on table.
The so called Academicians in India have no courage to oppose any thing that is a fact of life.
Dr. Ambekar.
2. My Take:
Quote: The whole debate about conversions has nothing to do with theology orwhatever
COMMENT: Not true. Conversion has EVERYTHING to do with theology, the Christian theology. Hindus in general do not understand this constituent, because of their lack of knowledge of Christianity.
Quote: Even aggressive proselytisers get upset (to put it mildly) when their flock leave to join another sect/religion.
COMMENT: Getting Upset is a Mental Problem, about the only thing that the proselytisers can do, is to see a doctor. We Hindus do not want to stop, converting Christians to Hinduism, just because it is not good for the health of the Christian Missionaries.
Quote: The issue then becomes is whether these proselytisers have a moral right to convert others to their religion/sect.
COMMENT: That is not the issue at all. We Hindus do not want to lose Hindus to Christianity. In fact, we want to convert Christians to Hinduism, regardless of whether proselytisers have a moral right or not to convert. That is the issue.

Quote: The academiciansrefuse to even accept that the issue is on table.
COMMENT: This is because of their lack of knowledge of Christianity, and aggregate mis-apprehension of the conversion problem. This is a frightening ideological Hindu play.
3. But there is a bigger " point of debate ". During the last 1200 years, Hindu society has " Unwisely " Not ideologically-resisted either Islam or Christianity, consequently has been severely-punished. Even at this time, Victim Hindu society is not at all ideologically-prepared, to take on either Islam or Christianity.
Hindu will continue to bleed until, he understands precisely what he faces.
Surinder Paul Attri

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Narain Kataria
2. My Take:
The esxploding Moslem demography ( un-masked by this video ), in Europe, USA, and India, gives Islam a huge potential numbers excess over the Kafirs of the world, in an astonishingly short time.
3. Because of colossal threat to the Hindu, it will be a colossal-blunder to wait for the explosion to occur.
Present Hindu coping methods are Not in the right direction, big trouble ahead. Praveen Togadiya's advice for more Hindu children ( like asking the Hindu to abandon his selfishness), has less than zero chance.
4. Two factual elements:
a. Whether any Hindu realizes or not, Mullahs & Maulvies of Islam, knowing their potential demographic numbers, are preparing a trilogy of terror against the Idolatrous-Kafir Hindu, with deadly consequences, won't abandon Islamic-power or expansionism.
b. The selfishness of the Hindu, his total priority on his personal-welfare & zero prioirty on the welfare of his Hindu community, is here to stay. Hindu won't alter his priorities.
5. Regarding the question " CAN WE STOP THEM. IF YES, HOW ? " :
The answer is YES, but with different techniques, not with present modus operandi.
The Moslem can be " Knocked-Out " Completely, but not by fighting against, the two incurable factual elements ( listed above ), but by Outflanking both, making short work of Knock-Out procedure. For obvious reasons, I cannot put on the Internet, where it is visible to everybody ( friend & foe alike ). There are complexitites, I can give the general dictum of my approach, which is:
Hurl Hindu's areas of strength, agaisnt our adversaries's ( Islam & Christianity ) areas of weakness, using laws of science ( especially mathematics ), and Force-Multipliers ( available in our High-Tech age ).
Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Place John Dayal where he belongs — Dr. Mrs. Hilda Raja

Subj: Place John Dayal where he belongs — Dr. Mrs. Hilda Raja
1. from hilda rajadate Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 9:03 PMsubject clarificationSurinder Attri has generously bestowed headship of the Catholic Church on John Dayal! The monolithic structure is headed by the Pope in Vatican--he is also recognised as the Head of the State of Vatican. So political power and religious power is not mixed but combined. The hierarchy in the Catholic Church is graded--next in ladder comes the Cardinals, then Archbishops--bishops and last the priests. How much power each wields depends on the how they submit to the orders emanating from above! and of course strength and vigour of the Evengelisation. Why was Mother Theresa close to Rome and the Pope? Are there not thousands of nuns working for the poor as their claim? Where does John Dayal come—just like any other lay person—one of the 'flock'—only he is the President of the Union comprising of some Catholics. The church—hierarchical churches—uses this as its mouth piece very often. There have been at least one Catholic Union President who had a will of his own and functioned independently—George Menezes—he joined the BJP also. But then the church has ways and means to side-track such persons and to push them out. If you co-operate with the church and be its mouth piece then you have a lot to gain—money wise as well as status and prestige. How did John Dayal go to NY and organise rallies against the Hindus? Who funded him? One must not forget that the Catholic Church is a global organistion. This note is only to place John Dayal where he belongs— at the base of the church structure! So powerful is the hierarchy. It is similar to the political structure—if you are close to Mrs Sonia Gandhi, then you can gain a lot—though you may be just a Congress member! Same pattern.
2. My Take:
Dr. Hilda Raja's message titled " Place John Dayal where he belongs — Dr. Mrs. Hilda Raja, " opens a new window on the status of John Dayal.
Quote: The monolithic structure is headed by the Pope in Vatican--he is also recognised as the Head of the State of Vatican.
The hierarchy in the Catholic Church is graded--next in ladder comes the Cardinals, then Archbishops--bishops and last the priests. How much power each wields depends on the how they submit to the orders emanating from above! and of course strength and vigour of the Evengelisation.
COMMENT: Dr. Hilda Raj's astute observation is remarkably-true.
The Churchdom of the Catholic Church is, shackled in a harsh-hierarchy. It has a terrible odor and Catholic Church has lost its moral-bearings. This begs the question raised by Dr. Hilda Raj:
Quote: Where does John Dayal come ?
ANSWER: The Pope & his Cardinalls are sitting in the Catbird Seat, and John Dayal is their Gofer.
3. Quote: Surinder Attri has generously bestowed headship of the Catholic Church on John Dayal!
COMMENT: This is because I do not dislike John Dayal as a person. But I disagree vehemently with his picturization of the Hindu. He keeps going back into his polarised-corner of Hindu-Bashing. This is what I regard with displeasure.
4. John Dayal pushes for the rights of the Dalits. I am also an advocate for the rights, of the disadvantaged sections ( Dalits included ) of the Hindu society. I am not only opposed to Untouchability, but am totally against the Caste System itself, which is hierarchical and the social costs of this hierarchy are tremendous. If any one individual in Hinduism is diminished, we all Hindus are diminished. " Justice For All " is what I want to make. It is not an expectation or pipe-dream on my part, but a reality of my conviction.
I have been in opposition to Hierarchical-Corridors of Power & Privilege, for a long time. As early as 1970, I recommended " Integral-Hinduism ( totally casteless Hinduism ).
I want to shout out for the information of everyone ( Hindu & Non-Hindu alike, I want particulary to tell this to John Dayal ) that:
The Hindu is moving towards Integral-Hinduism, although very slowly at the moment. But the point of compass is Un-Mistakable.
5. A well-known Hindu leader, Uma Bharti ( Uma Bharti is not only a great leader, but is also extremely-smart ), says that:
" Hindu religion is a Reform-Religion. "
This is an extremely-accurate characterization of Hinduism. This is because Hinduism has two types of messages, Time-Dependent & Time-Independent, and caste-system is definitely Time-Dependent. There is no such differentiation in either Islam or Christianity. As a consequence, neither Islam nor Christianity can be reformed ( both are a conveyer-belt of lies & falsehood ).
Both Islam & Christianity are stationed on Mount-Misery, but Hinduism is located on Mount-Hope.
6. Consequently, the appropriate place for John Dayal, to push for the rights of the Dalits, is inside Hinduism, and not inside Christianity. The consequences of his efforts inside Hinduism are going to be Inclusive & Orderly. Corresponding consequences inside Christianity, are going to be Divisive & Chaotic.
John will be well-advised to stand up to the madness of Christianity, and walk out of it TOTALLY & embrace the religion of his forefathers ( Hinduism ). He should use his talents to, accelerate the speed of Integral-Hinduism. Inside Christianity, he is the biggest-loser. Inside Hinduism, he shall be the biggest-winner. In fact, it shall be a special adventure for him. He need not have any fears, we Hindus shall welcome him with open-arms.
7. This proposition is a challenge to the Moral-Imagination of John Dayal.
Surinder Paul Attri

Friday, April 24, 2009

Assessment of John Dayal's comments

Subj: Assessment of John Dayal's comments.
1. swamijyoti to me
show details Apr 22 (2 days ago) Reply
Please give your comments on John Dayal's posting given below. Thanks.
2. My Take:
When examining a report of the subject type, you have to question the source of the report, specifically who is the author of this report. The statements of a person say a lot about the person. The question then becomes:
Do John Dayal's comments have any credibility ?
From what he has written & is still touting, it becomes undeniably clear that he holds that, whatever the Hindu does is evil, immoral, & communal, but whatever the Christian ( or other minority such as the Moslem ) does, is virtuous & secular. John Dayal is giving Hell to the Hindu, while giving benefit of all doubt to his own creed of Christianity. His nasty Hindu-Confrotation sketches that:
Whatever is on the minority-side ( Moslems & Christians ) of the road, is automatically forgiven, but whatever is on the majority side ( the Hindu side ), must be punished to the limits of the law.
3 John Dayal talks about " the secular character of Indian Constitution ", but sides with the vested Christian interests in NE India, who openly talk about fully Christianizing all of NE India, and pulling out of India. Is this the kind of secularism that is on his mind ( Secularism under Christian control ) ? He also promotes alliances between Christians, Communists, and Moslems ( but totally excluding Hindus, the largest fraction of the population ). Does this kind of communal alliance fit John Dayal's description of secularism of Indian Constitution, for the simple reason that it is directed against the Hindu ?
4. John Dayal's hatred of the Hindu, is not anything new. Last year, he conducted a huge rally at the UN in New York, loudly dressing down the Hindus, as fascists & caste-supramacists, and responsible for violence against the Indian Christians, and for corrupting the Indian Democracy & Indian Constitution. Of course, John Dayal is conveniently forgetting the attacks on Non-Christian villages & communities in North-East India, by his co-religious Christians, in Christian-controlled states. There, the Non-Christians are told:
" This is a Christian state. Either convert to Christianity, or leave. Otherwise, you will be killed. "
It ia said that before the murder of Swami Laxmananda in the state of Orissa, John Dayal was in that area, and some suspect that he was in a meeting, where it was decided to do away with Swami Laxmananda.
5. John Dayal criticizes Advani for seeking support of Hindu Sadhus, in the oncoming elections, but makes no mention of the Phoney-Liberal politicians of India, who play the vote-bank politics, which is a communal act. He sees no evil in this kind of communalism, because it is directed against the Hindu.
He also accuses the BJP of castigating the expert opinion. There is no proof that BJP either has or is going to berate or disregard expert opinion, if voted to power. John Dayal engages in fear mongering & mis-directing the facts of the situation.
6. John Dayal constantly harps on the secularism of India. But what we have in India is Not secularism but pseudo-secularism ( Phoney-Liberalism ). Many examples can be cited to depict the hollowness of this claim :
a. The Prime Minister of the ruling UPA stated that:
" Moslems have the first claim to the resources of India."
This statement is menacingly-communal, it does not have the qualification of being even, remotely secular.
b. Hindu temples are controlled by the government, under " Hindu Religious Endowment Boards ". Hindu monies from these temples go to the government. But corresponding monies from churches & mosques are kept by the churches & mosques. If this is Not communal ( and disciminatory ), then what the hell is this ?
c. Many Hindu temples that need repair, are forced to close down for want of funds, but similar churches & mosques are allocated funds by the government, for their repair & renovation.
d. Moslems who want to travel to Mecca, are offered substantial Haj-Subsidy by the government. Similarly, Christians who want to travel to Jerusalem, receive subsidy in the same amount as the Moslems. But any Hindu who wants to travel to his sacred places of worship, does not get even a tinker's damn from the government.
e. Processions of minority communities are allowed free access, but similar Hindu processions are confronted with obstructions and labelled as communal.
f. And so on & on.
But these blatant acts of injustice meted out to the Hindu, do not distress or dismay John Dayal, because they are directed against the Hindu.
7. John Dayal does not miss his chance to talk about the demolition of Babri-Masjid, but makes no mention of Babar's aggression on the Hindu. John's total disregard of Hindu's feelings, exposes his lack of fair-mindedness.
Catholic Church of India which John heads, is notorious for the mis-treatment of nuns, several of whom have committed suicide, because the Catholic church did not do anythng about their complaints of sexual abuse by the priests. Why is John not jumping on the float of his Catholic church ?
8. To put it simply, John Dayal is flipping things upside down. He plays footsie with the enemies of Hinduism. He goes about knocking down the Hindu bridge. He is also an expert at fear-mongering.
Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Response to message of Dr. Koenraad Elst

Subj: Response to message of Dr. Koenraad Elst
1. This is not the first time that Seshadri Chari gets blown away on TV. At the time of the "attacks on Christians in Gujarat", in 2001 I believe, he was on TV with Father Dominic, who argued circles around him. A whole bunch of Christian converts had shown up to give an articulate defence of the right to convert, e.g. a formerly Jain couple, both university graduates, testified that converts are not all illiterate beggars hoping for tangible profits from conversion. Seshadri hadn't got the faintest idea of the Christian notion of conversion, where it is God who calls you and you who answers the call. He had no answer to the predictable argument that a ban on conversions would also prohibit "reconversions" to Hinduism. At the end he was reduced to stammering that he had no case against conversion, only to "conversion for political purposes". But that hardly exists. Which is why Father Dominic had no problem agreeing with Seshadri on that point. Missionaries are in the conversion business not because the CIA pays them but because they genuinely believe they are doing you the supreme service by converting you, i.e. by saving you from hellfire and setting you on course for eternal alvation in heaven. If you don't refute that belief, you simply have no chance against the conversion campaign.In several respects, Seshadri Chari's experience demonstrates a fatal flaw in the psychology of Hindu activists, viz. a disinclination to learn from experience and from feedback. After his total defeat back in 2001, he has not cared to prepare himself better this time around, preferring to sleepwalk into the arena to get smashed once more. Possibly he never even realized he had been defeated the first time around. It is like the Hindu textbook-rewriters. After a smashing defeat in India with MM Joshi's textbook reform, they repeated all their mistakes in California, where of course they got defeated again. Even then they didn't want to face the fact of their defeat and took out a hugely expensive trial to undo the damage (damage that they hadn't formally acknowledged, as they had been claiming victory!), in which of course they got defeated all over again. I wonder if Seshadri realizes that he has been defeated this time. If he behaves like the textbook-rewriters, he will now be attacking all you here who have evaluated his performance as a defeat, rather than to inquire from you what exactly you saw him do wrong and how he could improve it. But all the Hindus who don't come on TV have done no better than Seshadri regarding the understanding of the missionary challenge. On the Hindutva internet forums, I keep on reading all this arrant nonsense about how Christian conversions are a "neocolonial" or "imperialist" campaign by "white racist nations" who want to "break up India". Most missionaries in India today, and all Seshadri's opponents in the TV debate, are non-white. While there is still a white pope, in all churches non-whites are rising through the ranks. Christianity has crossed racial frontiers a number of times, from Levantine to South-European to North-European and on to Amerindian, African and Asian. The ancestors of the North-European-originated American Baptists once were open-minded Pagans who got converted under duress, just as now open-minded Hindus are getting converted into Christians to become fanatic missionaries in their turn. While you keep on living in an eternal 1947 or so, Christians have moved on and have turned "racism" from an allegation that you once could use against them into one that they now use to great effect against Hinduism with its "racial caste system". Christianity is not at all interested in breaking up India, it would rather have India as a whole on condition that it becomes Christian. What Christians are fanatical about, is not white skin or American imperialism or all those other superficial things that seem to be the highest a Hindutva mind can contain. What they are fanatical about is Christian belief, and the concomitant belief that Hinduism is doing enormous damage to the souls of the as yet unconverted Indians. If you can't face them down at that doctrinal level, Hinduism will soon be history.I have said all this many times, others have said it, but this seems not to make any difference. The Hindutva mind takes pride in being impervious to helpful feedback. As if it is taunting us: "Try to make me give up my loser's ways if you can, haha!"Kind regards,KE
My Take:
Dr. Koenraad Elst's message reveals a critical problem in Hindu's thinking, of the Missionaries conversion of the Hindu to Christianity in India.
1. Quote: Missionaries are in the conversion business not because the CIA pays them but because they genuinely believe they are doing you the supreme service by converting you, i.e. by saving you from hellfire and setting you on course for eternal alvation in heaven. If you don't refute that belief, you simply have no chance against the conversion campaign.
COMMENT: Conversion is part & parcel of Christianity, it is the nature of the beast ( the Christian-Beast ), and this beast is dangerous, it has slaughtered hundreds of millions of innocent Pagans/Heathens, during the process of Christianization. Yes, Christians sedulously believe that by converting us Heathen-Hindus to Christianity, they are saving us from going to Hell. ( their belief: Only a Christian can go to Heaven, all others go to Hell ).
NOTE: This belief is UTTER-NONSENSE, it is Not much of a trick, to expose & demolish it. In fact, this belief presents a great opportunity to the Hindu, to strike at the guts of Christianity, and incinerate it.
2. Quote: I keep on reading all this arrant nonsense about how Christian conversions are a "neocolonial" or "imperialist" campaign by "white racist nations" who want to "break up India". Most missionaries in India today, and all Seshadri's opponents in the TV debate, are non-white. While there is still a white pope, in all churches non-whites are rising through the ranks. Christianity has crossed racial frontiers a number of times, from Levantine to South-European to North-European and on to Amerindian, African and Asian. The ancestors of the North-European-originated American Baptists once were open-minded Pagans who got converted under duress, just as now open-minded Hindus are getting converted into Christians to become fanatic missionaries in their turn.
COMMENT: Because Conversion is the nature of the Christian-Beast, blaming it on Colonial, Imperial or white race factors ( these are Not the real reason of conversion ), is " Barking At The Wrong Tree. " It is a wrong diagnosis of the problem, and the results of this misguided Hindu effort are Zero. Hindus instead ought to hit at the SOFT-UNDERBELLY of Christianity. The soft-underbelly of Christianity, encloses a million weaknesses. Hindus need to hit " Precisely " at this soft-underbelly, and demolish it Solidly & Absolutely.

3. Quote: While you keep on living in an eternal 1947 or so, Christians have moved on and have turned "racism" from an allegation that you once could use against them into one that they now use to great effect against Hinduism with its "racial caste system". Christianity is not at all interested in breaking up India, it would rather have India as a whole on condition that it becomes Christian. What Christians are fanatical about, is not white skin or American imperialism or all those other superficial things that seem to be the highest a Hindutva mind can contain.
COMMENT: Quite true. Christians are Not interested in breaking up India. They are interested in nothing less than totally eradicating Hinduism from India, and replace it with Christianity. In fact, like the Moslems, Christians want to convert the whole world to Christianity. That is what is on their mind, that is what their aim is. It is just like a gunner's aim on the target.
It is a pity the Hindu does not understand this utterly-simple concept. It is a Damn-Shame that the Hindu is Not hitting the soft-underbelly of Christianity, and is letting this barbaric-beast go SCOTT-FREE.
4. Quote: What they are fanatical about is Christian belief, and the concomitant belief that Hinduism is doing enormous damage to the souls of the as yet unconverted Indians. If you can't face them down at that doctrinal level, Hinduism will soon be history.
COMMENT: That is EXACTLY-RIGHT. Christianity needs to be confronted head-on, ideologically ( at doctrinal-level ). It is Not much of a trick to do it because, Christianity is carrying an enormous baggage of faulty, fictitious, and spurious beliefs.
Sure, they believe that we Hindus are headed for Hell ( if we don't convert to Christianity ). But this belief is as false as their belief that:
a. You can go to Heaven by simply believing in Jesus Christ
b. Christian's belief in a totally Imaginary-Creature ( which they label as the Devil ), as the cause of all evil
c. Jesus Christ's belief ( delusion/illusion ) that he is the son of God. He was not at all the son of God. Jesus Christ was an imbecile and a Sickie ( sick in the head ).
d. Jesus Christ's acts of exorcism, and taking credit for driving out Imaginary-Devil out of Epileptic-Patients, was AS PHONEY AS A THREE-DOLLAR BILL. Attacks of epilepsy last " Only " a few minutes. No devil needs to be eradicated or done away with. The simple people during Jesus's time, could not see this through this foolishness of Jesus Christ.

e. Imbecile Jesus Christ also promised that he will return. But Jesus Christ is NOT returning, he cannot return any more than Harry Houdini can ( Harry Houdini also said that he is going to return ). Jesus Christ told a BIG FAT LIE. He is a Champion-Liar.
f. Christian-Bible is a BOOK OF FICTION. Stories like the story of Adam And Eve, have been making the rounds of Arabia, for thousands of years, they are Arabian Night Stories. Just because some Hill-Billy Christian Clergyman puts it in a book, and gives it a theological twang & twist, does not make it truthful or trusworthy.
g. Historical record of Christianity, stinks in the nostrils
h. Jesus Christ has told so many lies in the Bible. These can be ruptured & shreded to bits, one by one. And Hindus must undertake this Ideological-Surgery.
5. It is a DAMN-SHAME that Hindus so far, have not blasted the Hell out of Christianity. Christianity is neither reasonable nor respectable, it is a Devil's Religion, and a v ery Aggressive-Ideology. Non-Christian Pagans have been facing ideological-aggression, from this Christianity for over 2000 years. Hindus need to stage repeated rounds of ideological assaults against this barbaric-creed ( Christianity ), to expose its deception & false beliefs, and turn Christians away from their Fictitious-Religion.
Historically, Hindus have Not put forth any ideological confrontation against, either Islam or Christianity, and have suffered staggering losses as a consequence. How Foolish ! Hindus & Hinduism now need to undertake this Urgent-Task IMMEDIATELY.
6. Regarding Seshadri Chari::
Dr. Elst's quote: This is not the first time that Seshadri Chari gets blown away on TV. At the time of the "attacks on Christians in Gujarat", in 2001 I believe, he was on TV with Father Dominic, who argued circles around him. A whole bunch of Christian converts had shown up to give an articulate defence of the right to convert, e.g. a formerly Jain couple, both university graduates, testified that converts are not all illiterate beggars hoping for tangible profits from conversion. Seshadri hadn't got the faintest idea of the Christian notion of conversion, where it is God who calls you and you who answers the call. He had no answer to the predictable argument that a ban on conversions would also prohibit "reconversions" to Hinduism. At the end he was reduced to stammering that he had no case against conversion, only to "conversion for political purposes". But that hardly exists.
COMMENT: Very likely, Seshadri Chari has not bothered to educate himself on Christianity, is unaware of the colossal absurdities ( and falsehoods ) of Christianity, cannot tear apart the soft-underbelly of Christianity, and cannot stand up against even an imbecile like Father Dominic. Hindu Community as a whole has a responsibility to train a large number of Right Kind Of People ( RKOPs ). These are the people, who have in them what it takes the job of, pulling apart the soft-underbelly of Christianity. Hitting this soft-underbelly of Christianity, does the most damage to Christianity, and registers the true nature of Christianity, in the awareness of all people ( Hindus & Non-HIndus alike ), all over the world. Hindus would be very foolish, not to undetake this urgent task. It is worse than foolish, to let the barbaric-creed of Christianity, escape with its bundle of bull-sh**.
NOTE: A determined Hindu assault ( and exposure of Christianity's nonsense & absurdities ), cannot be countered by Christians, other than with a 2000 yards stare. Actions speak louder than words, and touting the historical record of Christianity, in Europe, Americas, and elsewhere, puts Christianity on the spot. This record is engraved on the pages of history, it cannot be concealed or defended by any Christian. Hindus need to tout this criticism, every day of the week.
Surinder Paul Attri

Friday, April 17, 2009

Response to message of Dr. Suseelan ( second message )

Subj: Response to message of Dr. Suseelan ( second message )
1. Namasivaya
Dear Surinderji,
Thanks for your critical comments and possible solutions.
The voting in Kerala and different parts of India is over. In Kerala, the percentage is very low (60%). In Trivandrum, the capital of Kerala where the Sonia chroni Sasi Tharoor is contesting, the percentage was 46. Educated and affluent Hindus who are pro BJP people did not vote. In constituencies where Muslim and Christian candidates are contesting voting percentage was higher. Muslims and Christians are united to elect their candidates. All over India, Hindu elites are still reluctant to participate in election process. They are very lethargic and indifferent. Hindu bureaucrats are busy serving their slave masters for good certificates.
It is a difficult task for their cognitive restructuring. The Islamic invasion, Christian colonialism and the Congress secularism have completely indoctrinated them with false ideas. They act like zombies without any reality orientation. Friendly counseling, information dissemination and unconditional positive regard will not be effective for altering their false cognition. We need to introduce a force continuum to eradicate their thinking errors. BJP, if elected to power need to reformulate our education, restructure our media policy and be forceful with anti national elements.
Dr. Babu Suseelan
2. My Take:
Dr. Suseelan Jee: Thanks for your message & Namasivaya to you as well.
3. Quote: In constituencies where Muslim and Christian candidates are contesting voting percentage was higher. Muslims and Christians are united to elect their candidates.
COMMENT: This is because the goal of both Islam & Christianity is to establish Allah's ( or Jehova's ) empire all over the world, by use of all means available, voting booth included. These rascals will vote just as readily, as they will conduct murder or brutality. It is a pillar of their political strength. Moslems & Christians know what they are doing. But the Hindus don't.
4. Quote: Educated and affluent Hindus who are pro BJP people did not vote.
COMMENT: Educated & Affluent Hindus of Kerala, have likely rationalized to themselves that, they don't have the time to go & vote. The likely explanation is:
" They don't see any personal profit in voting."
Because both groups ( Moslems/Christians & Hindus ) have the same voting chance, what separates them, is the choices they make for themselves in life.
5. Quote: All over India, Hindu elites are still reluctant to participate in election process. They are very lethargic and indifferent. Hindu bureaucrats are busy serving their slave masters for good certificates.
COMMENT: Very true. Sure they are reluctant to vote. Sure they are lethargic & indifferent as well, and again for the same reason:
" They don't see any personal-profit in voting."
Regarding Hindu Bureaucrats: They are likely conducting themselves as Dhimmies, touting and building up their masters.
6. Quote: It is a difficult task for their cognitive restructuring.
COMMENT: You can say that again.
7. Quote: The Islamic invasion, Christian colonialism and the Congress secularism have completely indoctrinated them with false ideas. They act like zombies without any reality orientation.
COMMENT: True, True, True. Centuries of immense & un-controllable blood-bath of the Hindu ( at the hands of Moslem/Christian over-lords ), the Hindu has a carry-over memory-burden of extreme-horror. Unconscious Fear & Anxiety are now a part of the Hindu's attitude. On top of this tragedy, the phoney-liberalism practised by the Congress in our time, has completely-eroded clear thinking of the Hindu, and disconnected him from reality, by teaching him to be too accommodative towards the Moslem & the Christian ( forgetting the horrors that they inflicted upon the Hindu for centuries ). As a result, many Hindus are even reluctant to criticize Islam & Christianity, however justified that criticism may be, for fear of being labelled as " communal " and not committed to composite-culture.
The selfishness of the Hindu that we see, is likely the result of fear & anxiety ( and concomitant insecurity ) as a consequence of the brutalities & barbarism, that the Hindu experienced at the hands of the Moslems, something that he had never run into before, until the Damn-Sullas intruded into our sacred Bharat-Varsha.
8. Quote:
We need to introduce a force continuum to eradicate their thinking errors
COMMENT: Yes, we need to create force-continuum, Hindus possess many assets to do this job.The educational, intellectual, skill-level, and financial resources of the Hindu, are far in excess of corresponding resources of either the Moslem or the Christian, not only in India, but in Diospora as well, making him the strong section of the society, and his adversaries the weak section.
Unfortunatley, because of his selfishness ( anxiety-ridden ). the Hindu is Not able to express his strength, By hitting at Hindu's selfishness, I do not mean to suggest that, Hindu is some kind of monster. Hindu is nothing of the sort, and Hindu has no monopoly on selfishness. I am using the term selfishness in a relativistic sense.
9. Finally, the selfishness of the Hindu makes him Predictable. The trick is to exploit this characteristic, for the defense & strength of our Hinduism. This is not an easy trick, but it can be pulled ( especially in the high-tech age in which we are living ). It does require a degree of commitment on the part of Hindus, to connect them to victory.
Surinder Paul Attri

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Response to message of Dr. Suseelan

Subj: Response to message of Dr. Suseelan
1. Namasivaya
Dear Surinder Paul Attriji,
As part of the election campaign, I have traveled the breadth of Bharat. BJP is very strong where RSS and VHP are effective. In Kerala and Tamil Nadu our chances are not very encouraging. Christians, Marxists, Muslims and treacherous regional parties like DMK, ADMK, PMK, Telugu Desam, BSP, NDF and PDP have made an unholy alliance against BJP and Hindus. These anarchist groups receive millions of dollar from western Christian and Islamic nations to destabilize India and deconstruct Hindu society. The entire media is in the hands of Christian, Muslim and foreign groups who have determined to spread lies and manufactured news about BJP and Hindus. BJP should have assertively promoted Hindutva and a strong nationalt policy for a vibrant and secure nation that can lead the world. BJP will come out as the largest single party with large number of parliamentary seats.
The bogus secular Hindus are trying to avoid major dangers by exposing Jihadi terrorism, Christian conversion, Corruption, looting of public wealth, black money and Pakistan inspired Islamic violence. And they are making compromises to appease Muslims, Christians and subversive groups. Congress, Marxist and regional political leaders are very hypocritical. They are in denial and easily give in to anti national pressure groups to protect themselves against injury and punishment. However, giving into this attitude leads to a loss of Hindu identity and self-esteem. The danger of assuming hypocritical behavior is a loss of Hindu identity. They wear a mask that pleases Muslims, Christians and their secular slave masters. However, they play the double role too well, compromising Hindu needs too much, the mask become a permanent fixture. Could this election help Hindus to expose these scoundrels and miscreants? These pseudo secularists are in a hurry to surrender to hate and to their slave masters.
During my trip to Mumbai by train, I had the opportunity to speak to a secular journalist about preferential treatment for Muslims and Christians, Indian Black Money in Swiss Banks, Coercive Religious Conversion, Jihadi terrorism, distribution of Pakistan printed Indian counterfeit currency by Muslims, foreign money flowing into India for subversive activities and for conversion, Christian and Muslim domination in government, in education, security and defense. The secular journalist responded: "You know you're making all this up, it isn't true. I certainly don't remember any of the things you are telling now". The speaker was a Congress party member and a journalist and he was telling me in no uncertain terms that he did not believe me. His amnesia is intact and strong protecting him from unpleasant facts. I decided to blast at his denial a little. My remarks made him uncomfortable, but it did not break his thick wall of denial.
In fact, majority Hindus are in deep denial. Denial is an unconscious coping mechanism that grants people to adjust to uncomfortable situations. But when denial goes too far, it can interfere with reality check or create obstacle to moving forward. Like the secular journalist, majority Hindus are not realistic. They are afraid of responsibility and taking bold action. When Hindus are in denial, they appear to be pretending that something is not happening or is not true. This deliberate denial prevent Hindus from effectively dealing with issues such as Jihadi terrorism, Christian inspired Mao mischief, missionary directed Naxalite anarchism, Congress corruption, Marxist subversive activities and regional party inspired separatism that require effective strategies. It is a roadblock to result oriented and goal directed action.
In its strictest sense, denial is considered to be an unconscious process. That is someone does not choose to be in denial. However, In India, educated and secular Hindus and psychopathic political leader's denial may be sometimes have a conscious component-they may deliberately choose to be in denial. In either case, they are in denial and the Indian media amplifies it. Indian secular politicians and the oppressed Hindus want to avoid pressing issues and threatening facts of the situation. They minimize the consequences of Jihadi terrorism, subversive activities, and coercive religious conversion.
During my interaction with common travelers, intellectuals and political leaders I have found that denial is not the only mechanism they use to escape from reality. Alienated intellectuals and phony secular Hindus use other types of defense mechanisms to escape from responsibility. They use rationalization to justify Jihadi terrorism, religious conversion, corruption, and Islamic violence. Irrational rationalization and phony explanations help them to hide the real reasons for Jihadi terrorism, religious conversion, and foreign inspired subversive activities. They justify anti national activities and disastrous Congress policies and deeds with elaborate and incorrect explanations.
It is strange that the media in India resorts to "Repression" in dealing with pressing and problematic situations. By banishing all awareness or painful situations, they enable citizens to avoid problematic issues from their thoughts and feelings-as if they never happened. Media Repression and Suppression confuses the majority about threatening issues and enable them from thinking about the problem.
Hindus need to join together and break the thick wall of denial. Hindus are faced with life threatening issues. When faced with an overwhelming turn of events-Hindus have to face the reality of the situation.
2. My Take:
Dr. Suseelan Jee: Thanks for your message and Namaste to you as well.
3. Quote: As part of the election campaign, I have traveled the breadth of Bharat. BJP is very strong where RSS and VHP are effective. In Kerala and Tamil Nadu our chances are not very encouraging. Christians, Marxists, Muslims and treacherous regional parties like DMK, ADMK, PMK, Telugu Desam, BSP, NDF and PDP have made an unholy alliance against BJP and Hindus. These anarchist groups receive millions of dollar from western Christian and Islamic nations to destabilize India and deconstruct Hindu society. The entire media is in the hands of Christian, Muslim and foreign groups who have determined to spread lies and manufactured news about BJP and Hindus. BJP should have assertively promoted Hindutva and a strong nationalt policy for a vibrant and secure nation that can lead the world. BJP will come out as the largest single party with large number of parliamentary seats.
COMMENT: It appears the anarchist groups that you have identified ( DMK, ADMK, PMK, Telgu Desam, BSP. NDF, PDP ) have decided to fraternize with the creeds of Islam & Christianity, to destabilize the Hindu. But whether they realize it or not, they are helping the creeds of Islam & Christianity, to force the message of Islam & Christianity, down the throats of Kafir-Hindus, to establish Dar-Ul-Islam not only in the South of India, but all over India. But that is Not the biggest threat to the Hindu. The biggest threat to the Hindu, is the attitude of the Hindu & the emotions that rule his heart & mind.
4. Quote: The bogus secular Hindus are trying to avoid major dangers by exposing Jihadi terrorism, Christian conversion, Corruption, looting of public wealth, black money and Pakistan inspired Islamic violence. And they are making compromises to appease Muslims, Christians and subversive groups. Congress, Marxist and regional political leaders are very hypocritical. They are in denial and easily give in to anti national pressure groups to protect themselves against injury and punishment. However, giving into this attitude leads to a loss of Hindu identity and self-esteem. The danger of assuming hypocritical behavior is a loss of Hindu identity. They wear a mask that pleases Muslims, Christians and their secular slave masters. However, they play the double role too well, compromising Hindu needs too much, the mask become a permanent fixture. Could this election help Hindus to expose these scoundrels and miscreants? These pseudo secularists are in a hurry to surrender to hate and to their slave masters.
COMMENT: Yes, the Phoney-Liberal Hindus ( bogus secular Hindus ) are appeasing the Moslems & Christians, to woo their votes. This makes the Moslems & Christians demand more concessions ( their appetite is insatiable ), and they are getting these. But whether the Phoney-Liberal Hindus realize it or not, Moslems are out to grab by any means possible, anything that belongs to the Kafir-Hindu.
Yes, the Congressites & Marxists ( as well as other Hindus ) are certainly in denial, but denial is the consequence, not the basic cause of the Hindu's Cognitive-Disorder.
Regarding the risk of loss of Hindu-Idenity: To all intents & purposes, the Phoney-Liberal Hindus have already unfastened themselves from Hindu identity. They have Hindu names but they are ashamed to be Hindus. They have No pride in being Hindus.
Regarding your question: Could this election help Hindus to expose these scoundrels and miscreants?
I doubt that very much. A period of one thousand years would be " Extremely-Short " to exterminate this disorder out of them.
5. Quote: During my trip to Mumbai by train, I had the opportunity to speak to a secular journalist about preferential treatment for Muslims and Christians, Indian Black Money in Swiss Banks, Coercive Religious Conversion, Jihadi terrorism, distribution of Pakistan printed Indian counterfeit currency by Muslims, foreign money flowing into India for subversive activities and for conversion, Christian and Muslim domination in government, in education, security and defense. The secular journalist responded: "You know you're making all this up, it isn't true. I certainly don't remember any of the things you are telling now". The speaker was a Congress party member and a journalist and he was telling me in no uncertain terms that he did not believe me. His amnesia is intact and strong protecting him from unpleasant facts. I decided to blast at his denial a little. My remarks made him uncomfortable, but it did not break his thick wall of denial.
COMMENT: I can relate to your experience with the Phoney-Liberals ( Most Congressites & so-called secular-journalists, are Phoney-Liberals ). Yes, they will tell you:
"You know you're making all this up, it isn't true. I certainly don't remember any of the things you are telling now".
You " Cannot " break their thick wall of denial. This wall is a monster of enormous proportions. You cannot convince these Phoneys with facts. You can try all you can, but you will not reach their inner chords, the end result will be Zero.
6. Quote: In fact, majority Hindus are in deep denial. Denial is an unconscious coping mechanism that grants people to adjust to uncomfortable situations. But when denial goes too far, it can interfere with reality check or create obstacle to moving forward. Like the secular journalist, majority Hindus are not realistic. They are afraid of responsibility and taking bold action. When Hindus are in denial, they appear to be pretending that something is not happening or is not true. This deliberate denial prevent Hindus from effectively dealing with issues such as Jihadi terrorism, Christian inspired Mao mischief, missionary directed Naxalite anarchism, Congress corruption, Marxist subversive activities and regional party inspired separatism that require effective strategies. It is a roadblock to result oriented and goal directed action.
COMMENT: Very True. Majority of Hindus are in " DEEP-DENIAL ." It is a " Tale Of Deep Hindu-Tragedy ."
Yes, the deliberate-denial of a problem ( the ideologies of Islam & Christianity, and their gospels of hate ) exhort them to make assumptions like:
" All religions are worthy of equal respect."
THIS IS PLAIN NON-SENSE and very dangerous. This is verbal jugglery of Phoney-Liberalism.
But I repeat:
" Denial is the consequence, not the basic cause of Hindu's Cognitive-Disorder."
7. Quote: During my interaction with common travelers, intellectuals and political leaders I have found that denial is not the only mechanism they use to escape from reality. Alienated intellectuals and phony secular Hindus use other types of defense mechanisms to escape from responsibility. They use rationalization to justify Jihadi terrorism, religious conversion, corruption, and Islamic violence. Irrational rationalization and phony explanations help them to hide the real reasons for Jihadi terrorism, religious conversion, and foreign inspired subversive activities. They justify anti national activities and disastrous Congress policies and deeds with elaborate and incorrect explanations.
COMMENT: You are right again.
Denial is " thoroughly-useless " for the defense & strength of the Hindu & of his Hindu Order, but it seves a handy-purpose to the Phoney-Liberal Hindus, it helps them to escape from reality ( as you have so nicely elaborated ). It is just like the case of a " WINO " who drinks wine profusely. Wine does not solve the problems of the WINO, but it calms down his Baichan-Nain ( turbulent-emotions ), and makes him feel that the problem does not exist.
8. Quote: Hindus need to join together and break the thick wall of denial. Hindus are faced with life threatening issues. When faced with an overwhelming turn of events-Hindus have to face the reality of the situation.
COMMENT: Denial is a prominent factor of Hindu's actions, but at the risk of repetition, I want to emphasize that:
Denial is the consequence, not the basic cause of Hindu's problems. Hindu's problems are deep-seated, they lie inside the deep recesses of his mind. Let me be totally frank.
We Hindus are selfish, damn selfish. We rate our priorities in terms of selfishness. What this means is that to us, our personal welfare & the welfare of our family, has the highest priority in our thinking. The welfare of other Hindus & that of the Hindu community, has no priority for us Hindus. Hindu claims to be " Individualistic," but this is just an excuse for his selfishness. What the Hindu asks himself is:
" What is in it for me. "
Because of the selfishness of the Hindu, the element of his Denial " Cannot " be cured or solved.
Also the factor of Hindu's selfishness is " totally-incurable. "
Butcher-Babar obseved this characteristic of the Hindu, some 500 years ago, and it still persists. It is a Lost-Cause.
9. Does it mean that Hindu's problems are in-curable ?
Not at all. Hindu's problems are " completely-curable, " but not by methods that have been tried so far. To solve Hindu's problems, you need to think " outside the box. "
Because of the reasons that are obvious, I cannot elaborate my " out of the box " technique on the internet, where it is visible to everybody ( friend & foe alike ).
Surinder Paul Attri

Monday, April 13, 2009

Advice to Ghulam Nabi Azad

Subj: Advice to Ghulam Nabi Azad
1. Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad's younger brother Ghulam Ali Azad, who recently joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), on Sunday justified the 1992 demolition of the Babri Masjid, saying no mosque ever existed in Ayodhya.
Ali Azad lambasted the Congress for accusing BJP senior leader LK Advani of being involved in the demolition of the 16th century mosque.
"There never was a mosque, nor it exists today nor it will ever," Ali Azad told reporters.
The mosque was constructed by first Mughal emperor Babur in Ayodhya in the 16th century. On Dec 6, 1992, it was destroyed by Hindu extremists who believe that Babur destroyed an existing temple at the site, built to commemorate the birthplace of Rama.
The demolition triggered widespread communal unrest in the entire country.
Babur, Ali Azad said, was an "invader. We cannot glorify him as a leader of Muslims in any sense of the word."
The brother of the former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister said Congress leaders were working against one another.
He said he had joined the BJP because it was a party of principles and an ideology rooted in keeping the nation together.
Hours after his younger brother's outburst, Ghulam Nabi Azad said that he had nothing to do with what Ali Azad had said.
"I disown him (Ali Azad). I have no dealing with him," Azad told a local TV channel.
2. My Take:
Quote: "I disown him (Ali Azad). I have no dealing with him," Azad told a local TV channel.
COMMENT: The heartburning of Ghulam Nabi Azad is understandable, he is singing in chorus with other Sullas. But Signor Ghulam Ali Azad should not take this sour-comment lying down, but set his ( Ghulam Nabi Azad's ) face against reality, and give him some hell of his own, by telling him flat out:
My dear Brother:
You can go to Hell ( Jhanam ).
Surinder Paul Attri

Free & Frank statement of Ghulam Ali Azad

Subj: Free & Frank statement of Ghulam Ali Azad
1. Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad's younger brother Ghulam Ali Azad, who recently joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), on Sunday justified the 1992 demolition of the Babri Masjid, saying no mosque ever existed in Ayodhya.
Ali Azad lambasted the Congress for accusing BJP senior leader LK Advani of being involved in the demolition of the 16th century mosque.
"There never was a mosque, nor it exists today nor it will ever," Ali Azad told reporters.
The mosque was constructed by first Mughal emperor Babur in Ayodhya in the 16th century. On Dec 6, 1992, it was destroyed by Hindu extremists who believe that Babur destroyed an existing temple at the site, built to commemorate the birthplace of Rama.
The demolition triggered widespread communal unrest in the entire country.
Babur, Ali Azad said, was an "invader. We cannot glorify him as a leader of Muslims in any sense of the word."
The brother of the former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister said Congress leaders were working against one another.
He said he had joined the BJP because it was a party of principles and an ideology rooted in keeping the nation together.
Hours after his younger brother's outburst, Ghulam Nabi Azad said that he had nothing to do with what Ali Azad had said.
"I disown him (Ali Azad). I have no dealing with him," Azad told a local TV channel.
2. My Take:
Signor Ghulam Ali Azad is " telling it like it is. " He is to be commended for his straightforward honesty & true-blue frankness.
3. Butcher-Babar had no business violating the sacred land of our Bharat-Varsha, and then stepping on the Ram Temple of Ayodhya. This kind of violation sets fire in the heart, of every Hindu who is dedicated to the sanctity of Hinduism.
4. Butcher-Babar violated the UN charter some 500 years ago. Hindus did the right thing, by kicking Babar's A** on 6 Dec 1992. It was an exalted act, and should put the Hindus in a rapturous mood.
Surinder Paul Attri

Reg: E-Mail greetings from Shri Narender Modi

1. Dear Our vote transformed GujaratLet us march ahead on 30th April for Strong and Secure IndiaStrong Leader and Decisive Government Jai HindManav
2. My Take:
Shri Manav Jee:
Thanks for your message to me.
3. Hindu & Hinduism can use all the help they can get, votes included. And we Hindus do need guys who have the heart & mind of Shri Narender Modi. Having said that, I hasten to assure you that, the problems of the Hindu are extremely complicated, and it is no picnic to find the answer. A smart-key can certainly un-riddle the conundrum of the Hindu.
4. The sagging & slumping boat of the Hindu, can be maneuvered to the harbor with " Smartness. " Otherwise, it will go under, for sure.
Surinder Paul Attri

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Dr. Babu Suseelan
The Catholic Pope Benedict has issued a statement requesting Catholics around the world to pray for Catholics against persecution of Christians in India. As usual, the Pope loves to claim falsely that Christians are persecuted. Catholics generally suffer from "Martyrdom Complex" and persecution complex. Phobia of Christians is an irrational and persistent fear of non Christians and their pluralistic way of life. Since Catholicism is a closed, totalitarian, rigid and reductionist dogma, the persistent irrational phobia almost invariably provokes an immediate anxiety response. Pope Benedict's statement against Hindus and prayer services for Christians to highlight perceived irrational fear of persecution is a futile attempt to invigorate Catholics around the world. Catholics are under severe pressure around the world due to Nun Running, atrocious news about coercive religious conversion, and Clergy sex abuse. In the west, Catholics are abandoning the Church. Several Catholics diocese in the US were forced to declare bankruptcy. The Church was forced to pay millions of dollar as compensation for sex abuse victims by Catholics priests. Pope's statement is quite obviously an attempt to boost morale during this trying times. During the day of Via Crucis, the Pope was trying to make too many biased statements as a diversionary tactic.
In fact, Christians in India have been colluding with foreign Christian colonialists to obtain undue advantages for hundreds of years. Christians in India have more constitutional privileges, quota system and financial incentives than the majority Hindus. Most of the educational institutions, Banks and political institutions are managed and controlled by Christians. India, in fact is ruled by the Italian Catholic Sonia and her Vatican gang. Keep in mind, Christianity in India represents totalitarianism, tyranny, and autocratic tendencies. The Pope's false statement of Christian persecution in India is part of Christian psychological warfare to mentally misguide and misdirect gullible Hindus.
The Vatican and the Catholic Church has, over the past several decades, played an important role in promoting conversion, subversive activities, terrorism, psychological warfare and social crisis in non Christian nations. It would be correct to paint the Catholic Church as a negative influence on world events. The Vatican promotes "Martyrdom Complex" and "Persecution Complex" as a defense mechanism to divert attention from Christian subversive activities in Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Timur, and South America. The Pope's deliberate ignorance on Vatican's complicity on Holocaust, Witch hunt, slaughter of the Native Indians and Africans is part of the Vatican's anti Hindu political strategy.
2. My Take:
I cannot swallow up humbug, no matter what the source is.
3. Yes, it is a complex ( persecution-complex ) alright, but it is not terribly concerned with veracity. In fact, it is as phoney as a three-dollar bill. It is a model of lies & fiction, it is the very image of Islamic persecution-complex:
“ Islam Khatrey Mein Hai. “
Of course, Islam is always “ Khatrey Mein “ except when it is the ruling chief, and lording over hateful-Kafirs, pitilessly slaughtering & humiliating them Kafirs ( the enemies of lunatic-Allah ).
4. Now here comes the Vatican, stealing a leaf from Islam’s book, and aping the Moslems hysteria & uncontrolled-fear:
“ Christianity Khatrey Mein Hai .”
It is a lousy way of practicing religion. Vatican is making a mess of religion.
5. Hell with these two debauched creeds.
Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Response to message of Swamijyoti

Subj: Response to message of Swamijyoti
1. For your comments
Hindu girl forced to marry Muslim rapist: Pink Chaddis
2. My Take:
Please read the following story of a Moslem woman:
Women in Islam: Bitter Laments of a Bengali Muslim Woman
by Jahanara Begum
06 April, 2007
"Allah Amader Kandte Dao!" (Allah, Please let us weep in peace!) — Jahanara Begum
Please, Allah, leave us alone to cry and weep in peace. From behind the veil, beyond public gaze we want to cry till we cannot cry any more. This is the only right you have left to us Muslim women, throughout the Islamic world, where your laws are meticulously followed. The world beyond is undergoing so many changes, so many evolutions over the ages; year after year, new discoveries are being made both in the sciences and philosophies, in the rest of the world, improving upon old ideas and beliefs. But we are tied forever to the rigid and immutable shackles of your laws, Allah. No one ever came forward for our emancipation. Unique is our society! Men like Raja Ram Mohun Roy or Swami Vivekananda are not born in this society. No Sharat Chandra comes forward in this society to write an account of the volumes of tears that flow from our eyes. Educated Muslim men like Badruddin Tyebji, Hamid Dalwai and others like them have written on measures to stop the killing of cows but have failed to utter a single word of sympathy for us, Muslim women. Abdut Jabbar can write a big fat volume on the eunuchs—and on the castrated in different Muslim societies—but he has nothing to say in our behalf. Syed Mustafa Siraj was at least honest when he said that the Hindus can fearlessly write on the injustices and other inadequacies of their social system, but we, the Muslims, are afraid to criticize the defects of the Islamic society. Nargis Sattar has started to write a few articles on the subject of Islamic marriage laws and we were so hopeful. But that hope too, once again, has been taken away from us. More than a hundred female lawyers had demanded women’s emancipation in the streets of Lahore in Islamic Pakistan. The ‘heroic’ Pakistani policemen attacked the female lawyers with sticks and batons. A Muslim female member of the ADMK party of India had raised the subject of the emancipation of India’s Muslim women in the nation’s parliament—but then, all the progressive members of parliament remained silent on the issue, for no one wanted to offend the fundamentalist mullahs and lose the Muslim votes.
3. My Comments:
The above story illustrates the great deal of suffering among Moslem women. Millions of other Moslem women similarly sob & bemoan in the mirky darkness of Islam. These Moslem women need to be assisted, to get out of Islam & escape from the experience of naked Islamic barbarism, and to laugh & rejoice. Millions of Moslem women can be snatched away from Islam, and converted to Kafir-religions such as Hinduism, if Hindu people manifest guts & imagination, and capture the opportunities that are waiting to be taken possession of. Make no mistake about it. It is one of the greatest Dharmic Duty of Hindus, to save the Moslem women from the dark barbarism of Islam. This Hindu action can translate into Deliverance of Moslem women from Slavery Of Islam. Moslem women have a clear choice between:
" Slavery of Islam & Freedom of Kafir-Religions, such as Hinduism. "
4. Let no body fail to understand that, this clash between Slavery Of Islam & Freedom Of Kafir-Religions, with respect to the treatment of Islamic women, will grow bigger as time marches on. Hindus need to develop techniques to demonstrate, to Moslem women what they can have by, walking out of Islam. Islam's treatment of its women, is the greatest weakness of Islam, it is also the greatest opportunity for the Hindus. Hindus ought to lead the charge against the greatest weakness of Islam. Islam is the bottless pit of barbarism, for the life of the Moslem women, particularly with the imposition of Sharia laws upon them. Moslem women cannot get out of Sharia laws, because that would be contrary to Allah's wishes. Islam is in chaos, and needs to be thrown into abyss. Hindus boys ought to go after the Moslem girls ( and women ), marry them & convert them to Hinduism, with full efforts.
5. So, Hindu Boys: What are you waiting for ?
If you need somebody's permission to pursue this Dharmic-Duty, you have my permission.
Surinder Paul Attri