Subj: Response to message of Dr. Koenraad Elst
1. This is not the first time that Seshadri Chari gets blown away on TV. At the time of the "attacks on Christians in Gujarat", in 2001 I believe, he was on TV with Father Dominic, who argued circles around him. A whole bunch of Christian converts had shown up to give an articulate defence of the right to convert, e.g. a formerly Jain couple, both university graduates, testified that converts are not all illiterate beggars hoping for tangible profits from conversion. Seshadri hadn't got the faintest idea of the Christian notion of conversion, where it is God who calls you and you who answers the call. He had no answer to the predictable argument that a ban on conversions would also prohibit "reconversions" to Hinduism. At the end he was reduced to stammering that he had no case against conversion, only to "conversion for political purposes". But that hardly exists. Which is why Father Dominic had no problem agreeing with Seshadri on that point. Missionaries are in the conversion business not because the CIA pays them but because they genuinely believe they are doing you the supreme service by converting you, i.e. by saving you from hellfire and setting you on course for eternal alvation in heaven. If you don't refute that belief, you simply have no chance against the conversion campaign.In several respects, Seshadri Chari's experience demonstrates a fatal flaw in the psychology of Hindu activists, viz. a disinclination to learn from experience and from feedback. After his total defeat back in 2001, he has not cared to prepare himself better this time around, preferring to sleepwalk into the arena to get smashed once more. Possibly he never even realized he had been defeated the first time around. It is like the Hindu textbook-rewriters. After a smashing defeat in India with MM Joshi's textbook reform, they repeated all their mistakes in California, where of course they got defeated again. Even then they didn't want to face the fact of their defeat and took out a hugely expensive trial to undo the damage (damage that they hadn't formally acknowledged, as they had been claiming victory!), in which of course they got defeated all over again. I wonder if Seshadri realizes that he has been defeated this time. If he behaves like the textbook-rewriters, he will now be attacking all you here who have evaluated his performance as a defeat, rather than to inquire from you what exactly you saw him do wrong and how he could improve it. But all the Hindus who don't come on TV have done no better than Seshadri regarding the understanding of the missionary challenge. On the Hindutva internet forums, I keep on reading all this arrant nonsense about how Christian conversions are a "neocolonial" or "imperialist" campaign by "white racist nations" who want to "break up India". Most missionaries in India today, and all Seshadri's opponents in the TV debate, are non-white. While there is still a white pope, in all churches non-whites are rising through the ranks. Christianity has crossed racial frontiers a number of times, from Levantine to South-European to North-European and on to Amerindian, African and Asian. The ancestors of the North-European-originated American Baptists once were open-minded Pagans who got converted under duress, just as now open-minded Hindus are getting converted into Christians to become fanatic missionaries in their turn. While you keep on living in an eternal 1947 or so, Christians have moved on and have turned "racism" from an allegation that you once could use against them into one that they now use to great effect against Hinduism with its "racial caste system". Christianity is not at all interested in breaking up India, it would rather have India as a whole on condition that it becomes Christian. What Christians are fanatical about, is not white skin or American imperialism or all those other superficial things that seem to be the highest a Hindutva mind can contain. What they are fanatical about is Christian belief, and the concomitant belief that Hinduism is doing enormous damage to the souls of the as yet unconverted Indians. If you can't face them down at that doctrinal level, Hinduism will soon be history.I have said all this many times, others have said it, but this seems not to make any difference. The Hindutva mind takes pride in being impervious to helpful feedback. As if it is taunting us: "Try to make me give up my loser's ways if you can, haha!"Kind regards,KE
My Take:
Dr. Koenraad Elst's message reveals a critical problem in Hindu's thinking, of the Missionaries conversion of the Hindu to Christianity in India.
1. Quote: Missionaries are in the conversion business not because the CIA pays them but because they genuinely believe they are doing you the supreme service by converting you, i.e. by saving you from hellfire and setting you on course for eternal alvation in heaven. If you don't refute that belief, you simply have no chance against the conversion campaign.
COMMENT: Conversion is part & parcel of Christianity, it is the nature of the beast ( the Christian-Beast ), and this beast is dangerous, it has slaughtered hundreds of millions of innocent Pagans/Heathens, during the process of Christianization. Yes, Christians sedulously believe that by converting us Heathen-Hindus to Christianity, they are saving us from going to Hell. ( their belief: Only a Christian can go to Heaven, all others go to Hell ).
NOTE: This belief is UTTER-NONSENSE, it is Not much of a trick, to expose & demolish it. In fact, this belief presents a great opportunity to the Hindu, to strike at the guts of Christianity, and incinerate it.
2. Quote: I keep on reading all this arrant nonsense about how Christian conversions are a "neocolonial" or "imperialist" campaign by "white racist nations" who want to "break up India". Most missionaries in India today, and all Seshadri's opponents in the TV debate, are non-white. While there is still a white pope, in all churches non-whites are rising through the ranks. Christianity has crossed racial frontiers a number of times, from Levantine to South-European to North-European and on to Amerindian, African and Asian. The ancestors of the North-European-originated American Baptists once were open-minded Pagans who got converted under duress, just as now open-minded Hindus are getting converted into Christians to become fanatic missionaries in their turn.
COMMENT: Because Conversion is the nature of the Christian-Beast, blaming it on Colonial, Imperial or white race factors ( these are Not the real reason of conversion ), is " Barking At The Wrong Tree. " It is a wrong diagnosis of the problem, and the results of this misguided Hindu effort are Zero. Hindus instead ought to hit at the SOFT-UNDERBELLY of Christianity. The soft-underbelly of Christianity, encloses a million weaknesses. Hindus need to hit " Precisely " at this soft-underbelly, and demolish it Solidly & Absolutely.
3. Quote: While you keep on living in an eternal 1947 or so, Christians have moved on and have turned "racism" from an allegation that you once could use against them into one that they now use to great effect against Hinduism with its "racial caste system". Christianity is not at all interested in breaking up India, it would rather have India as a whole on condition that it becomes Christian. What Christians are fanatical about, is not white skin or American imperialism or all those other superficial things that seem to be the highest a Hindutva mind can contain.
COMMENT: Quite true. Christians are Not interested in breaking up India. They are interested in nothing less than totally eradicating Hinduism from India, and replace it with Christianity. In fact, like the Moslems, Christians want to convert the whole world to Christianity. That is what is on their mind, that is what their aim is. It is just like a gunner's aim on the target.
It is a pity the Hindu does not understand this utterly-simple concept. It is a Damn-Shame that the Hindu is Not hitting the soft-underbelly of Christianity, and is letting this barbaric-beast go SCOTT-FREE.
4. Quote: What they are fanatical about is Christian belief, and the concomitant belief that Hinduism is doing enormous damage to the souls of the as yet unconverted Indians. If you can't face them down at that doctrinal level, Hinduism will soon be history.
COMMENT: That is EXACTLY-RIGHT. Christianity needs to be confronted head-on, ideologically ( at doctrinal-level ). It is Not much of a trick to do it because, Christianity is carrying an enormous baggage of faulty, fictitious, and spurious beliefs.
Sure, they believe that we Hindus are headed for Hell ( if we don't convert to Christianity ). But this belief is as false as their belief that:
a. You can go to Heaven by simply believing in Jesus Christ
b. Christian's belief in a totally Imaginary-Creature ( which they label as the Devil ), as the cause of all evil
c. Jesus Christ's belief ( delusion/illusion ) that he is the son of God. He was not at all the son of God. Jesus Christ was an imbecile and a Sickie ( sick in the head ).
d. Jesus Christ's acts of exorcism, and taking credit for driving out Imaginary-Devil out of Epileptic-Patients, was AS PHONEY AS A THREE-DOLLAR BILL. Attacks of epilepsy last " Only " a few minutes. No devil needs to be eradicated or done away with. The simple people during Jesus's time, could not see this through this foolishness of Jesus Christ.
e. Imbecile Jesus Christ also promised that he will return. But Jesus Christ is NOT returning, he cannot return any more than Harry Houdini can ( Harry Houdini also said that he is going to return ). Jesus Christ told a BIG FAT LIE. He is a Champion-Liar.
f. Christian-Bible is a BOOK OF FICTION. Stories like the story of Adam And Eve, have been making the rounds of Arabia, for thousands of years, they are Arabian Night Stories. Just because some Hill-Billy Christian Clergyman puts it in a book, and gives it a theological twang & twist, does not make it truthful or trusworthy.
g. Historical record of Christianity, stinks in the nostrils
h. Jesus Christ has told so many lies in the Bible. These can be ruptured & shreded to bits, one by one. And Hindus must undertake this Ideological-Surgery.
5. It is a DAMN-SHAME that Hindus so far, have not blasted the Hell out of Christianity. Christianity is neither reasonable nor respectable, it is a Devil's Religion, and a v ery Aggressive-Ideology. Non-Christian Pagans have been facing ideological-aggression, from this Christianity for over 2000 years. Hindus need to stage repeated rounds of ideological assaults against this barbaric-creed ( Christianity ), to expose its deception & false beliefs, and turn Christians away from their Fictitious-Religion.
Historically, Hindus have Not put forth any ideological confrontation against, either Islam or Christianity, and have suffered staggering losses as a consequence. How Foolish ! Hindus & Hinduism now need to undertake this Urgent-Task IMMEDIATELY.
6. Regarding Seshadri Chari::
Dr. Elst's quote: This is not the first time that Seshadri Chari gets blown away on TV. At the time of the "attacks on Christians in Gujarat", in 2001 I believe, he was on TV with Father Dominic, who argued circles around him. A whole bunch of Christian converts had shown up to give an articulate defence of the right to convert, e.g. a formerly Jain couple, both university graduates, testified that converts are not all illiterate beggars hoping for tangible profits from conversion. Seshadri hadn't got the faintest idea of the Christian notion of conversion, where it is God who calls you and you who answers the call. He had no answer to the predictable argument that a ban on conversions would also prohibit "reconversions" to Hinduism. At the end he was reduced to stammering that he had no case against conversion, only to "conversion for political purposes". But that hardly exists.
COMMENT: Very likely, Seshadri Chari has not bothered to educate himself on Christianity, is unaware of the colossal absurdities ( and falsehoods ) of Christianity, cannot tear apart the soft-underbelly of Christianity, and cannot stand up against even an imbecile like Father Dominic. Hindu Community as a whole has a responsibility to train a large number of Right Kind Of People ( RKOPs ). These are the people, who have in them what it takes the job of, pulling apart the soft-underbelly of Christianity. Hitting this soft-underbelly of Christianity, does the most damage to Christianity, and registers the true nature of Christianity, in the awareness of all people ( Hindus & Non-HIndus alike ), all over the world. Hindus would be very foolish, not to undetake this urgent task. It is worse than foolish, to let the barbaric-creed of Christianity, escape with its bundle of bull-sh**.
NOTE: A determined Hindu assault ( and exposure of Christianity's nonsense & absurdities ), cannot be countered by Christians, other than with a 2000 yards stare. Actions speak louder than words, and touting the historical record of Christianity, in Europe, Americas, and elsewhere, puts Christianity on the spot. This record is engraved on the pages of history, it cannot be concealed or defended by any Christian. Hindus need to tout this criticism, every day of the week.
Surinder Paul Attri
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