Saturday, September 19, 2009

Phoney-Baloney of Islam

Subj: Phoney-Baloney of Islam
1. As a converted Muslim, Agha is required to learn all the verses in the Koran through rot learning. During Islamic indoctrination at Islamic religious schools, Muslims are forbidden from reasoning, critical thinking and logical analysis. As a result, when faced with real complex issues they show their intermittent explosive disorder and cognitive confusion. They are forced to abandon all their cultural roots and heritage and chained for ever in Islamic prisons. And they consider Islam as a perfect and perfected religion. As a converted Muslim, Agha is not expected to read Bhagavat Gita or quote from it. If it helps him to overcome intermittent explosive disorder it is good for him.

One may wish him to work for reform or revision of dangerous passages in the Koran instigating Muslims for Jihad war, murder, bombing and assassination. There are hundreds of passages in the Koran that he may be familiar with:
Koran 8:12 : "I shall terrorize the infidels. So would their bodies and incapacititate them. Because they oppose Allah and His apostle"
Koran 8:57 "If you gain mastery over them to battle, inflict such a defeat as would terrorize them, so they would learn a lesson and be warned."
Koran 8:67 "It is not fitting for any prophet to have prisoners until he has made a great slaughter in the land"
Koran 33:26 "Allah made the infidels leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. And Allah made you inherit their lands, their homes, and their wealth".

If Agha is sincere, genuine and a real humanist, he should work for the elimination of these destructive verses from the Koran. can he do it? I doubt. Do Muslims really care about Bhagavat Gita, pluralism, secularism and tolerance? Like in Gujarat, when Muslims are faced with tough choices desperation bubbling erupts. Agha's latest outburst as a point man for Jihadis is a futile attempt to make the gullible public submissive. As a member of the Islamic psychological warfare shock troops, he is quoting Gita for mental misdirection and for numbing effect. As a closed and stagnated political dogma, Islam will not allow Muslims including Agha to learn progressive ideas.

Quote: And they consider Islam as a perfect and perfected religion.
COMMENT: Islam, perfect foot. This is phoney-baloney.
In one of the Hadiths, prophet Hazrat Mohammad is reported, as saying:
" I have been created from the Divine Light. "
This again is phoney-baloney.
Putting faith in this kind of phoney-baloney or in Mafia-Don Hazrat Mohammad, Moslems cannot get out of the darkness of their soul. Madness is in abundance in Islam, serenity is in short supply.
Surinder Paul Attri

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