Monday, November 30, 2009
Response to comments of Shri Avinash
1. Submitted by Avinash (India), Nov 27, 2009 at 14:45
Muslims have always proved harmful to other faith followers. They feel that people who follow Islam are very great and others are all Kaffirs. Muslims think that they can dominate on Hindus and repeat history. Hindus too have to learn their lessons from their past history, how Muslim rulers forced so many innocent Hindus to get converted "Hindus were given only two options either accept Islam else get killed.
Its high time for all Hindus to wake up from their deep sleep and protect yourselves from getting dominated by Muslims.
1) Please do no rent/lease your properties to Muslims
2) Do not sell any of your properties to Muslims
3) Please do not buy anything from Muslims
4) Don't let Muslims/ Christains to dominate on any of the Hindus
5) Hindus are requested to dwell with unity fight together to protect your age old Dharma
2. My Take:
Quote: Muslims have always proved harmful to other faith followers.
COMMENT: You can say that again. The list of atrocities committed by Moslems, in the name of Islam, is very very long.
3. Quote: They feel that people who follow Islam are very great and others are all Kaffirs.
COMMENT: Moslems are great in stupidity, ignorance, barbarism, cruelty, and savagery.
4. Quote: Muslims think that they can dominate on Hindus and repeat history.
COMMENT: Moslems can dominate Hindus & repeat history, only if Hindus let them do it. Moslems cannot accomplish anything of this sort, due to their bravery, intelligence, organization, or the competence of their Lunatic-Allah, Quran, or Jehad.
5. Quote: Its high time for all Hindus to wake up from their deep sleep and protect yourselves from getting dominated by Muslims.
COMMENT: Hindus should not let the lessons of their history slip by, and face the reality of life squarely, organize themselves to confront the demented-morons of Islam squarely. A firm Hindu response will convince Sullas, that their barbaric-barbarism is no longer valid, and will not pay.
6. Quote:
1) Please do no rent/lease your properties to Muslims
2) Do not sell any of your properties to Muslims
3) Please do not buy anything from Muslims
4) Don't let Muslims/ Christains to dominate on any of the Hindus
5) Hindus are requested to dwell with unity fight together to protect your age old Dharma
COMMENT: Because of the bottomless-barbarism committed by Moslems, against the Non-Moslem Kafirs for centuries, a counteraction of this type, is suitably-sound.
Surinder Paul Attri
Cultural Program in NJ to Save Temples in India
With the mercy of Ishwar and blessings of PM Shri P.V. Narsimharao and CM Shri Kalyan Singh, I got demolished Babri structure on Dec. 06, 1992. Nay! I have submitted 6 affidavits in various courts, including Librhan Commission that I got demolished Babri structure. I pledge to demolish all mosques on the earth.
2. My Take:
Quote: I pledge to demolish all mosques on the earth.
COMMENT: Demolishing all mosques in India ( because they were built upon Hindu temples demolished by Moslems ), would be a superb-start.
Jehad is the activity of choice of millions of Moslems, it is the command of Allah, to destroy all Non-Moslem ( Kafir ) nations. It is a Dirty & Despicable command.
SHAME on those Kafirs, who foolishly accept the right of Moslems ( and command of Lunatic-Allah ) to murder Kafirs & to plunder Kafir property. The Correct-Kafir approach is to cut the teeth of empty-headed Sullas, and convince them that not only their Allah's commands are false, but will, henceforth, not succeed in any part of our Bharat Varsha.
3. Sullas will quickly learn the price to tea in China, and grasp that they are lost in the cyclone of stupidity ( in the blizzard of Jehad ), and that their best option is, to disconnect themselves from their urge to Jehad.
Surinder Paul Attri
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Swiss ban mosque minarets in surprise vote
Quote: Muslim groups in Switzerland and abroad condemned the vote as biased and anti-Islamic. Business groups said the decision hurt Switzerland's international standing and could damage relations with Muslim nations and wealthy investors who bank, travel and shop there.
COMMENT: Moslem groups in Switzerland & abroad do not believe in democracy. They are smacking Swiss voters, who overwhelmingly approved a constitutional ban on minarets on Sunday, As far as they are concerned, it is alright to bash Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Atheism, et al, but Islam is Off-Limits. They want a Preferential treatment for Islam. In other words, they want to be the ones, who call the shots, while shouting the nonsense, that Islam is a peaceful religion. The record speaks for itself.
Islam has committed every crime in the book, in the name of Islam, slaughtering innocent men, women, & children, while shouting Allah-Ho-Akbar.
2. Quote: "The Swiss have failed to give a clear signal for diversity, freedom of religion and human rights," said Omar Al-Rawi, integration representative of the Islamic Denomination in Austria, which said its reaction was "grief and deep disappointment."
COMMENT: Signor Omar Al-Rawi is being Phoney. Does his Islam give a Tinker's Damn about diversity, freedom of religion, & human rights ? Not at all !
His Islam says:
Prophet: Make war on the Un-Believers ( Hateful Non-Moslem Kafirs ), deal rigorously with them ( that is, with the Ho Polloi of Kafirs ), Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.
So much for Islam's interest in Diversity, Freedom Of Religion, & Human Rights. Signor Oman Al-Rawi is full of baloney.
3. Quote: "The minaret is a sign of political power and demand, comparable with whole-body covering by the burqa, tolerance of forced marriage and genital mutilation of girls," the sponsors said. They noted that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has compared mosques to Islam's military barracks and called "the minarets our bayonets."
COMMENT: Islam's treatment of Non-Moslem Infidels ( Kafirs ) & of its women, mandated by Quran, is Abysmal & Psychotic. It is Not anything to write home about. The horrid mis-treatment of boys within the Moslem community, is revolting. Through demographic expansion, Moslems are encroaching upon Non-Moslem cultures. You cannot blame civilized societies for taking protective measures.
4. Quote: Anxieties about growing Muslim minorities have rippled across Europe in recent years, leading to legal changes in some countries. There have been French moves to ban the full-length body covering known as the burqa. Some German states have introduced bans on head scarves for Muslim women teaching in public schools.
COMMENT: If permitted to continue their merry ways, Sullas will eat their way through Europe, at break-neck speed. Europeans need to take some counter-actions & FAST. Otherwise, Europe shall be a wreck, a chamber of death.
5. NOTE: Europeans ought to kick out the Phoney-Liberal politicians, who created this Moslem problem in the first place. Further, they ought to stop the immigration of Moslems into Europe, and deport the trouble-makers ( particularly those Sullas, who are the root of crime, felony & villainy in their adopted European lands ).
Surinder Paul Attri
Dr. Babu Suseelan
For centuries Hindus have been on the receiving end. While we were throwing flowers and bouquets at our enemies, we were receiving Bricks and bullets. Muslims alone have murdered more than 65 million Hindus. Will Durant, one of the greatest cultural historians of the 20th century said "Islamic Invasion of India is one of Brutal Histories of the World". Millions of our mothers, sisters and girls were raped, slaughtered and sold as slaves for the Arab Muslims. During Partition Muslims have been killing thousands of innocent Hindus, Sikhs and Jains while our leaders were fasting and chanting. During India's partition, more than 35 percent of Pakistan's population was Hindus. Muslims have killed most of them or converted them. Now only 1 percent of the Pakistan population is Hindus. In Bangladesh Hindus were reduced from 45 percent to 9 percent now. In Kashmir, the entire Hindus were kicked out or killed by Jihadis. Our excessive preoccupation with Ahimsa, peace, chanting, non-interference and tolerance is against our HinduDharma. Sri Krishna did not tolerate Khamsa, Sri Rama did not tolerate Ravana. They killed them. Why? Asuras should not be tolerated. By annihilating, Asuras, Sri Krishna and Sri Rama did not murder them. They have liberated the lower soul of these asuras to the higher level.
Criminals, vagabonds, murderers, miscreants and robbers have criminal minds. They do heinous crimes without fear, guilt, remorse or empathy for the victims. Like alcoholics and drug addicts, they are in deep denial. They blame the victims for their crimes and inability to control their whimsical acts. We can not change their behavior or alter their thinking by unconditional positive regard, non directive counseling or preaching. They should be cornered, contained and a force continuum shall be applied to save them from their lower self and save the family and community from these murderers. Throwing a flower at them is a mockery. In return you get bricks and bullets. They want to die, and you want to live. Can you tolerate death or accept death from a murderer. We want to live. Criminals wants to die. There is a conflict between their death instinct and our life instinct.
Hindus need to rethink about our irrational tolerance and our exclusive preoccupation with pacifism. There is no easy separation or escape mechanism from disastrous conditions facing Hindus. Until we confront them and face them head on, there will be no peace (Shanti). Remember Shanti always comes from Shakthi.
Hindus are dogged in persistent escapism, apathy, denial and indifference. It is time for Hindus to face the predicament and challenges and we cannot bury the many issues in a single narrative like "All Religions Are the Same". This claim has become a cliche. One is reminded of an old wisdom "Everything is what it is and not another thing". There is a moral " ESONO ESONO NA ESONO SOSONO" which reads " THE ELEPHANT IS ONE THING AND THE WORM IN ANOTHER".
Still Hindus are brainwashed to believe in pacifism, tolerance and compromise. without realizing the consequences, they keep on towing the line. A compromise is an adjustment of conflicting claims by mutual concessions. This means that both parties to a compromise have some valid claim and some value to offer each other.
A burglar at your house, a jihadi with a sword on your neck, a rapist with a knife on your throat have no valid claim or values. Do we have to tolerate them, compromise with them? Once the principle of unilateral concessions is accepted, or tolerate intolerant demands, it is only a matter of time before the burglar, jihadi terrorist, rapist or car thief would seize the rest.
There can be no tolerance of intolerant ideology, there can be no compromise between life and death, between a burglar and your property. How can one compromise between life and a rapist with a knife on the throat?. What would you regard as a compromise between life and death or between truth and falsehood? or between reason and irrationality?
Leaders who want us to throw a basket of flowers to wicked men who throws a hard rock at you are morally bankrupt people. Only a morally coward man can suggest such suicidal acts. They want us to tolerate Jihadi terrorists roaming our street with bombs in hand. They are not presenting a clear, correct and constructive philosophy for protecting our limb, life and liberty. They are the typical product of philosophical default-of the intellectual bankruptcy that has produced irrational tolerance and moral grayness. what they seek is profoundly irrational, a fluid, elastic morality. They are advocating selling of our souls to the devil.
2. My Take:
This account is a roster of truth.
3. Quote: For centuries Hindus have been on the receiving end.
COMMENT: Yes, indeed.
We Hindus have taken plenty of sh** from both Sullas & Kharistas, especially from Sullas. The sword of Islam has been thrusting into the body of the Hindu, for at least 1200 years.
4. Quote: . While we were throwing flowers and bouquets at our enemies, we were receiving Bricks and bullets.
COMMENT: Yes, we followed that foolish-procedure. But we are still at it ( offering them coffee & donuts ! ), to be considered nice. How foolish ?
5. Quote: Will Durant, one of the greatest cultural historians of the 20th century said "Islamic Invasion of India is one of Brutal Histories of the World".
COMMENT: This is an account from the Islamic rule of India ( when Sullas were lording over the Kafir-Hindu ). Will Durant has impeccable-credentials. His account is un-impeachable.
6. Quote: Millions of our mothers, sisters and girls were raped, slaughtered and sold as slaves for the Arab Muslims.
COMMENT: See the daring of this Inferior, barbaric, demonic Sulla. We Hindus have been submitting to the shameful-domination of this rattlebrained Sulla, who is a Jerk.
7. Quote: During India's partition, more than 35 percent of Pakistan's population was Hindus. Muslims have killed most of them or converted them. Now only 1 percent of the Pakistan population is Hindus. In Bangladesh Hindus were reduced from 45 percent to 9 percent now.
COMMENT: These are the fruits of a " peaceful religion ( Islam !). " Millions of Sullas, foaming-at-mouth, shouting Allah-Ho-Akbar, killing & threatening Kafir-Hindus, and we are offering flowers to this hideous & repulsive beast. It is a brush with suicide. How crazy can we Hindus be ? Can anything be more bizarre, more kooky ?
When are we Hindus going to rise up & face the reality ?
8. Quote: Criminals, vagabonds, murderers, miscreants and robbers have criminal minds.
COMMENT: This assessment is without error.
9. Quote: They should be cornered, contained and a force continuum shall be applied to save them from their lower self and save the family and community from these murderers.
COMMENT: To put it in Yankeez:
Kick their A** to sever their connenction with criminality. Very effective method & very reliable.
10. Quote: we cannot bury the many issues in a single narrative like "All Religions Are the Same". This claim has become a cliche.
COMMENT: It is a cliche alright, but it ain't true. It is Bull-Sh**
Let us Hindus get away from the fallacies that, Islam is peaceful, or that All Religions Are The Same.
11. Quote: Until we confront them and face them head on, there will be no peace (Shanti).
COMMENT: A true-er statement has not been said.
12. Quote: Remember Shanti always comes from Shakthi.
COMMENT: And Shaaster & Shuster go together ( hand-in-hand ).
13. Quote: Leaders who want us to throw a basket of flowers to wicked men who throws a hard rock at you are morally bankrupt people.
COMMENT: Leaders who recommend this course of action are Phoney-Liberals, they do not engender any behavior change in the criminals, they only fashion them as " Testers . "
The wickeds keep coming at us, again & again, to see how far they can push us ( Hindus ).
14. Quote: what they seek is profoundly irrational, a fluid, elastic morality. They are advocating selling of our souls to the devil.
COMMENT: Not only irrational, but completely phoney.
Let us Hindus get smart, and get off the Bull-Sh** of the Phoney-Liberals.
Note: Phoney-Liberalism has been underway in India, for at least 60 years. In Europe, Phoney-Liberalism has been making waves for the last 20 years. With headlong increase in Moslem population, Europe will be up to a SH**-Creek very soon. Believe you me !
Surinder Paul Attri
A Book on Love Jihad coming soon. Publisher : Sree Rama Sena.
2. My Take:
1. More books of this order are needed.
2. Islam is an arrogant piece of sh**. It is a totalitarian concept, that defecates upon free speech.
Surinder Paul Attri
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Christians drinking the blood & eating the body of Jesus Christ
1. It is a beastly-barbaric ritual of Christianity.
Because Jesus himself commanded Christians to do so, it is consecrated-cannibalism. But instead of conferring grace on Christians, it diminishes their status as rational human beings. It credits them as practitioners of psychotic teachings of the Bible.This aspect of Christianity should not be let slip by, as it is a revolting-ritual, befitting demented-morons, not a civilized society.
2. It has a bad smell. Christianity is skunked.
Surinder Paul Attri
Killing of Non-Muslims is Legitimate (British Mullah)
Namaste Attri Ji,
You say that little has been done by the Hindu leaders. My question is, are there any Hindu leaders? I have yet to see any. Just because they call themselves leaders does not make them leaders...they are not doing anything that someone who is a leader is supposed to do. And we, the non-leaders do mostly nothing...we "outsource" the doing part. In my opinion, we too have a responsibility towards ensuring the security of ourlives, neighborhood, neighbors, nation & culture.
2. My Take:
Namaste to you also, Poonam Jee. And thanks for your razor-sharp questions ( I wish other Hindus interest themselves with such fervent questions ).
3. Quote: You say that little has been done by the Hindu leaders.
COMMENT: Yes, that is exactly & explicitly what I said.
4. Quote: My question is, are there any Hindu leaders? I have yet to see any.
COMMENT: Poonam Jee: The reason why you are Not seeing any is, because this species ( Hindu-Leaders ) does not exist in India.
5. Quote: Just because they call themselves leaders does not make them leaders...they are not doing anything that someone who is a leader is supposed to do.
COMMENT: One must be fit enough for the job. There is no shortage of pretenders ( big-whigs, kingpins etc etc ). But none amongst them is Superior Commander or Conductor. They Do Not have what it takes to do the job. Consequently, they cannot cut the mustard.
To put it un-complicatedly, our Hindu Leadership is Totally-Rotten, exactly as it has been during the last 1200 years.
6. Quote: And we, the non-leaders do mostly nothing...we "outsource" the doing part.
Truth always hits home, where the Hindu hangs his hat. Hindu does want to defend his Hinduism, but he does Not want to pay the price of it, he wants some one else to pay this price. In other words, he desires a Free-Lunch. That is his Outsourcing part.
But there is no free lunch in life.
Then why his search ( or gamble ) for this item of No-Existence ?
This is becaue we Hindus are too damn selfish. Our highest priority is on our personal-welfare. The welfare of the rest of our Hindu community, has zero priority.
Hindu's selfishness is Not without cause either. Hindu's agonizing & excruciating experience of 1200 years, during the Islamic rule in India, has made him damn-defensive & terribly-selfish.
7. My friend, Dr. Suseelan tells me that, selfishness can be an asset. Yes, it most certainly can.
I plan on exploring it further, to converge on our problem.
Surinder Paul Attri
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Kasab's treatment
1. Kasab should be hanged from a lamp post: Major Unnikrishnan's father
2. My Take:
Jerks like Kasab bug the deuce out of me.
3. Kasab is a piece of garbage. How long are we going to carry this garbage around, and make him fat as a pig ?
4. Hurry up ( get your gun out of the holster & beat the snout out of him...cowboy justice ! ). Better yet, turn a Junk-Yard Dog loose on him, then hang this hideous-creature, from the highest tree in the center of down-town. That shall be a sturdy-warning to his Jehadi-chums.
Very effective method !
Surinder Paul Attri
Oak & his followers
1. Don't blame Oak, blame his 'followers' today who quote him as authority.
N.S. Rajaram
2. My Take:
Yes of course, these hill-billies ( Oak's devoted followers ) delineate an image of stupidity. But can't pass over the Ace Of Synthetic-Nonsense, Signor P.N. Oak. The Arranged-Disarrangement of Oak's mind, stacks him up, as the Biggest Goof-Ball. It comes to precisely that.
Surinder Paul Attri
P.N. Oak's cock-and-bull story
1. It troubles me to comment on the sad case of P.N. Oak. P.N. Oak was a seriously-deluded dude, who had barricaded himself inside boneless-myths, and was wedded to them with joy & kindred soul. He had gone out of his possession, and was putting saddle on the wrong horse. But Bert Blunt ( Herbert Blunt ) must tell it like it is, and blow his legs off. P.N. Oak has no legs to stand upon.
2. In 2000, P.N. Oak tried to bull-sh** his way through the Supreme Court of India. Supreme Court judges laughed him out of the court room. India's Supreme Court dismissed P.N. Oak's petition to declare that a Hindu king built the Taj Mahal. Oak claimed that origins of the Taj, together with other historic structures in the country currently ascribed to Muslim sultans pre-date Muslim occupation of India and thus, have a Hindu origin. But Supreme Court of India, refused to buy his BS.
3. Taj Mahal is a prominent Iranian architectural work ( outside Iran ). We have extensive accounts of architects, workers, materials & their transportation to Taj site, moneys expended ( including monthly salaries of workers ), Firmans issued, and travelogues of persons, including Europeans ( impartial foreigners ) who visited Taj during its contruction period ( 1631-1653 A.D. ).
4. Mumtaz died in 1631 AD. Construction of Taj was started soon after that. The principal mausoleum was completed in 1648, and the surrounding buildings and garden were finished five years later. Taj Mahal was not designed by a single person. Project demanded talent from many people. Persians, Turks, sculptors from Bukhara ( central Asia ), calligraphers from Syria, stonecutters from Baluchistan et al, lent their efforts. A labor force of 20,000 was recruited from across Northern India.
5. Dr. Elst is confronting P.N. Oak's made-up stories. If he had not done that, then some Hindus might believe Oak's BS as truth.
It does Hinduism no good to pass on, fantasized & fictitious stories, however, fascinating they might be.
Surinder Paul Attri
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Shameful term of " All Religions are the same "
Dear colleagues/supporters
If any Hindu political leader/Shankaracharya/Mahamandleshwar/Guru/Baba makes any such uninformed statement that "All Religions are the same", please request him to watch the full day conference on Radical Islam.
Narain Kataria'
2. My Take:
Quote: All Religions are the same
COMMENT: This expression is Plain Nonsense. Any body who utters this absurdity, is walking on a shoe-mine, presumably to all probability, will have his leg blown off, below the knee.
Yes, he needs to watch this all-day conference, to be cured of his mental darkness.
Proud Kafir
Surinder Paul Attri
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Kuldip Nayar
1. poonam abbi
to me
When people of word, like Kuldip Nayar & many others are ashamed of their own identity & talk against their national & religious origins & identity, it confuses me. I believe that it is understandable that a donkey pretends to pass off as a horse. But I fail to understand why a horse would want to be like a donkey? May be a downward trend is also evolution.
2. My Take:
Poonam Jee: Thanks for your good question.
Quote: I believe that it is understandable that a donkey pretends to pass off as a horse. But I fail to understand why a horse would want to be like a donkey? May be a downward trend is also evolution.
COMMENT: Poonam Jee: It is not at all obscure why a horse would act like a donkey.
A horse acts like a donkey when he does not know any better, particularly when he reaps the benefits of his stupidity. Psychiatrists call it " The Pay-Off . " Phillip-Sober then becomes Phillip-Drunk. It is a problem in the head, in the area of intellect & psychology.
Evolution ( Mutation, Metamorphosis etc ) has nothing to do with this mental-retrogression ( march backward ).
Surinder Paul Attri
Monday, November 16, 2009
P.N. Oak's humbug
1. Quote: Will you please stop exposing a worthy cause/website like faithfreedom to ridicule by tainting it with PN Oak nonsense? Hindu tradition has handbooks on temple-building, and none contain the groundplan and features of the Taj Mahal. Nor is there any Hindu temple past or present that looks like the Taj Mahal. The building may well stand on the site of a Rajput pavilion, but it never ever was a Shiva temple.
2. My Take:
P.N. Oak's argument has been denounced by nearly every Hindu activity in India. Every reputable writer ( Anwar Shaikh, Dr. Rajaram, Dr. Elst, Sita Ram Goel et al ) have deprecated his flimflam observations. Sita Ram Goel calls P.N. Oak as the biggest disaster for Hinduism. Sita Ram Goel tells me that as early as 1955, he had warned P.N. Oak in person, to cease & desist from twisting & mis-representing " words " and " events, " but P.N. Oak won't suspend his Bull-Sh**,
3. P.N. Oak had a fancy for " twisting " and " mis-construing " the meaning of words and events of history. He was the biggest bull-sh**er, and that is not an exaggeration either.
4. But what bothers me is Not so much as P.N. Oak, but P.N. Oak-ism, because several Hindus believe his Bull-Sh**, and Oak's copy-cats are expanding & enlarging Oak-ism to more words & events, which have absolutely no basis in truth or fact. This ruins the reputation of Hindus & Hinduism. It diminishes Hindu arguments on such issues as Ram Janam Bhoomi, because if Hindus can lie about Taj Mahal, then they can lie about Ram Janam Bhoomi as well.
Surinder Paul Attri
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Kuldip Nayar's Hindu-Berating tactics
1. bk chaudhari
to me
Dear Attriji
Kindly peruse Kuldip Nayar's article in the Tribune of 13th Nov. It is captioned under !"India is a plural socuiety - Why Can't RSS understand this simple truth?
Opinion Column
BK Chaudhari
2. My Take:
Chaudhari Sahib: Thanks for drawing my attention to Kuldip Nayar's Hindu-demoralising observations.Guys like Kuldip Nayar, being ashamed of being Hindus, cannot see what the sign says:
Colossal Ideological & physical aggression ( from Islam & Christianity ) suffered by Hinduism, with staggering losses in terms of population, territory, morale, and mental attitude.
It is a pity they are double-crossing their Hinduism,
3. Writes Signor Kuldip Nayar:
India is a plural society.
Why can't RSS understand this simple truth ?
by Kuldip Nayar
The Rashtriyaswyam Sewak Sang ( RSS ) is bad enough, to represent an antediluvian philosophy, which has injected the poison of parochialism into the body politics of India. But when the organisation continues to pursue the same agenda, by digging up old controversies, it harms the country's integrity.
COMMENT: I don't think much of Kuldip Nayar's practice of demagoguery, his lies & resistance to reasoning. Numskulls like Kuldip Nayar are Not only ignorant of Hindu Spirituality & History, but are totally unable to grasp the true character & magnitude of Islamic ( as well as Christian ) aggression. They have been trained to look at the Hindu society, through the eyes of Leftist & Phoney-Liberal ideologies. Almost always they side with Phoney-Liberal politicians, who are vote-hungry, sloganised, short-sighted, and barely Hindu.
I do a laugh in the middle of their tub-thumper demagoguery.
4. Having said the above, I must bring to the attention of Hindus, that RSS is Not what its founder intended it to be ( as RRS: Rashtriya Rakshak Sang ). Dr, Hedgewar founded RSS during the British Regime in India, and theorised that RSS would modify itself, with the march of time ( and needs of the time ). But RSS has Not refashioned nor reworked itself, even though decades have elapsed since its inception, and like a machine-driven robot, displays & transports its song of service ( as a Sewak-Sang ). But what is so great about service ? Even a mule can do service, in fact a donkey can do plenty of service. But can a mule defend Hinduism or strengthen it ? Not by a long shot !
Because of this prevarication, the S in RSS that stands for Service, has always bothered me.
5. RSS would be much more powerful & respected to its account, when it becomes what its founder had intended it to be.
Surinder Paul Attri
Thursday, November 12, 2009
American Govewrnment move to seize Mosques and Islamic Education Center Supporting Terrorism
Subj: American Govewrnment move to seize Mosques and Islamic Education Center Supporting Terrorism
1. American Govewrnment move to seize Mosques and Islamic Education Center Supporting Terrorism
2. My Take:
The mosques & Islamic Centers supporting terrorism, are Despicable. We know what is inside them...lots of potential bad-guys, contemptible, and out-and-out detestable.
3. Let us hope the forfeiture case makes headway quickly, and the mosques & Islamic Centers, are given the gate.
4. When that happens, that will be the EUREKA moment.
Surinder Paul Attri
American Govewrnment move to seize Mosques and Islamic Education Center Supporting Terrorism
Subj: American Govewrnment move to seize Mosques and Islamic Education Center Supporting Terrorism
1. American Govewrnment move to seize Mosques and Islamic Education Center Supporting Terrorism
2. My Take:
The mosques & Islamic Centers supporting terrorism, are Despicable. We know what is inside them...lots of potential bad-guys, contemptible, and out-and-out detestable.
3. Let us hope the forfeiture case makes headway quickly, and the mosques & Islamic Centers, are given the gate.
4. When that happens, that will be the EUREKA moment.
Surinder Paul Attri
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Devil & God of Islam & Christianity
1. Hello,
I simply am amused to read, Pakistan se zinda bhaag"...How tragic...all at the same time...what a wonderful result of the "white western enlightenment" & their "crusade to improve the world with the peace that is christianity",w, please don't tell me christians are not key players in the current violence accross the planet, violence that can be traced back to several centuries....all in the name of getting every one a piece of heaven...look at the hell it has created...Did the christians have to do this just to illustrate the truth of their saying, "road to hell is paved with good intentions?"
2. My Take:
People generally don't believe me when I enunciate that, there is No difference between Islam & Christianity. They cogitate that, I am pulling their leg. But I am Not pulling their leg or pushing their foot, I am serious as heart-attack. Both Islam & Christianity are two sides of the same coin, even though it appears un-believable.
3. Both Islam & Christianity ( as well as Judaism ) are Abrahamic religions ( Father Abraham was the First-Fascist & the First-Barbarian ). Judaism is getting away from being Devil-Centered, but both Islam & Christianity are devoted to the scoundrel-Devil. Both are diabolic and want to induct large bodies of Kafir/Heathen troops, into their own camps of servitude, subjugation, and slavery. They are Totally convinced that, Kafirs/Heathens are headed for Hell, and they only want to save them from going to Hell ( This is the Biggest-Bullsh** ).
4. To be completely equitable & even-handed, the Fiend of Islam & Christianity is far more civilized & refined than their condemnable-God ( who ought to be sentenced to Hell ). One of the Churchill's looked at the Christian-God & commented:
" This God is SH**. "
5. Given the choice between Islamic & Christian Devil & their God, I would Cuddle their Blue-Dog Devil, any day of the week.
Surinder Paul Attri
Friday, November 6, 2009
Slogan " Pakistan Zindabad "
1. *In view of the current situation " Pakistan Zindabad " slogan has been
changed to " Pakistan se Zinda Bhaag . "*
2. Pakistan is packed with slogans. But the bona fide slogan that the Pakis must shout is:
Why did we hurry so much, to set out for Pakistan ?
Surinder Paul Attri
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Wendy Doniger's entourage
Shri Dewanad Jee:
1. Here is Wendy Doniger's entourage:
Tel: (773) 702-8239
Fax: (773) 702-8223
* Divinity School | The University of Chicago
* 1025 E. 58th St. | Chicago, IL 60637
2. Now you can give her the boot, counter her nauseous lies about Hinduism, and disclose the moral & intellectual deficiencies of her thinking,
Surinder Paul Attri