Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dog-Gone Doniger

1. Namaste Attri Ji,
Does it not seem that the western people are in arrested development mentally & psychologically? If measured by their oh so favorite Freud who they use so "intelligently" to discredit us, they (the entire "western christian (especially white) culture" is stuck in the Oral-Anal-Phallic phase of development, &c are so happy there that they don't want to move forward? For moving forward to the next level will mean accepting their own fallacies & deceptions.


2. My Take:
Namaste Poonam Jee:
Quote: they (the entire "western christian (especially white) culture" is stuck in the Oral-Anal-Phallic phase of development.

COMMENT: This is Freudian stuff. They refer to it as the Oedipal phase. Un-successful resolution of this phase, is said to result in several mental diseases. Individuals who have unsuccessful resolution of this phase are said, to be afflicted with Oedipus-Complex.

The West does seem to have a run-in with the Freudian-Complex. Possibly, that is why there is so much unconscious guilt in the West.

3. Quote: If measured by their oh so favorite Freud who they use so "intelligently" to discredit us,

COMMENT: I do not want to play psychiatry, but it might not be too far-fetched to suspect that, they ( that is, the West ) by running down others ( throwing them in the dumpster ), might provide them with some measure of relief, from the painful memories of their childhood ( the oedipal-phase ), when emotions are running high.

4. Quote: are so happy there that they don't want to move forward? For moving forward to the next level will mean accepting their own fallacies & deceptions.

COMMENT: It is not easy to move forward when, individuals are in the clutches of Oedipus-Comples. That possibly undermines the capacity to move forward.

Surinder Paul Attri

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