Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ban the Burqa ?...Comment on

Ban the Burqa ?...Comment on

By S.P. Attri ( USA )


1. At this point in time, voices are being raised all across Europe, to ban the perverse social custom of wearing the Burqa. To contrast this, there is not even one anti-Burqa voice, any where in India, where it is even a bigger problem. The phony-liberal politicians of India, prefer to shamelessly stay speechless, although in the opinion of many, it is an outrageous barbarity, a sub-culture of Bedouin monstrosity.

2. Burqa poses obvious & significant impediments in conducting security checks at airports, but it also aids & abets crimes of all shades & drapes. In Jordan, 50 Burqa-Clad persons have committed 170 crimes in the last 2 years. In UK, jewelry stores are Regularly targetted by Burqa-Clad thieves. In Afghanistan, Burqa-Clad persons conduct bombing attacks openly & confidently. The awning & canopy of Burqa easily conceals not only violent intentions, but lethal equipment as well. Burqa has becomes the weaponary of Islam.

3. These Burqa-assisted crimes & murders, horrible though they are, make no sensation in Islam. Islam believes that all life is expendable except, the life of Moslems. Islam considers all Moslems as innocent, but unflaggingly maintains that that no Kafir ( Non-Moslm ) is innocent. It does not hurt the feelings of Islam, therefore, if any Kafir is engulfed in Burqa-Clad crime. This is a terribly selfish approach, but that is what Islam is. Threrefore, pillage expeditions of Burqa-Clad mafia, against Kafirs, and succeeding in robbing the hateful-Kafirs, only pleases the Islamists.

4. Burqa-Wearing, besides being against basic human rights, also symbloizes the slavery of Moslem women. The modesty-based code of Burqa, is the product of customs of Bedouins of Arabia, from where it was exported to the outside. It is a visible symbol of Islam, it highlights the deprivation of human rights of Moslem women. But it is not difficult to understand when Islam's attitude towards its women, is viewed. Islam regards that women were created by Allah for man's pleasure. In other words, women are men's sex-objects. Mullas & Maulvies blatantly promote the wearing of Burqa, and its usage is being thunderously exported to Europe & USA. Islamic clergy regards Burqa as " WALKING-ISLAM " which it is. But Burqa is also Islam's A** & Islam's A** is showing. .

5. A complete inventory of woman's faults, as seen by Moslem men, includes deceit, guile, ingratitude, greed, insatiable lust, in short, a gateway to hell. Islam's forcing of Burqa-wearing, announces to the whole world that, entire community of Moslem males is corrupt & unjust. It is amazing that, Moslem women as a class have not revolted against the contempt that, Islam feels for its women. Islam has obviously relegated its women, to the status of inferior beings. Burqa-wearing is not only degradation of Moslem women, it is also a fatal blot on Islam itself. It is telling its women that:

" You are nothing, you are shame and need to be covered. "

6. In Islam, woman's sexuality is either denied or is represented as a work of the Devil. Still it is claimed that some Moslem women prefer to wear the Burqa ( the relentless Mullah propaganda that they shall be raped, if they don't wear the Burqa, has effect on some women ). Though some Moslem women have a neurotic-need to wear the Burqa, the vast majority of Moslem women, wear the Burqa out of fear, it is an imposition on them.

7. Inspite of the ridiculous nonsense of this ugly, mobile tarpaulin, I have felt that there is no need to ban the Burqa, because it would be ridiculed out of existence, but that has not happened. Some apologists for Islam also raise the modesty argument. What a Joke ! Modest people do not draw attention to themselves, by dressing up in a tent, just to rub it in the face of Kafir cultures, which the Moslems despise, but which the Moslems insist upon living in. There is certainly a good reason to ban the Burqa, because it would offend the Islamists, which is always a good idea.

8. Question: Why on earth are the Islamists determined to make their women wear this dehumanising shroud ? Reason: Burqa is a political statement of a determined separation, it is a powerful statement of status of Moslem women. It is an oppression of women for which Moslems ought to be ashamed of themselves. Moslem women who accommodate themselves to this injustice of Islam, are a fool to themselves.

9. Inspite of Islam's aggression on its woman, Islam calls itself a religion of equality. If Islam is a religion of equality , then it is a crack-pot religion of equality, it encases its women in a sartorial-prison. Still, I do not want to ban the Burqa. I want the Burqa to be made COMPULSORY for all Moslem males. That would be real equality, that Islam confidently claims for itself. It would make Islam a champion of equality.

Surinder Paul Attri


Shri Bhagavaandas Tyaagi Comment, on this article:



bhagavaandaas tyaagi

to me


1. all men and women should wear BURKHAA not just women

2. all men and women can divorce by saying 3 times TALAAK TALAAK TALAAK not just men

3. all men can have 4 wives and all women can have 4 husbands

4. 3 witnesses of men in case of if women is raped and if man is raped then 3 women witnesses

5. if men can have RAKHELS OPENLY then WOMEN ALSO can have RAKHELS OPENLY + ------

REFLECTION: This is an outstanding " Reparatory " to the recommendation in my article. Shri Bhagavaandaas Tyaagi's " FIVE " reparations, are all for the " Betterment " of Islam. The present Burqa system of Islam, for women only, is inconsiderate, unjust, and contemptible.

Regarding Shri Traagi quote--- ISLAAM RELIGION OF EQUALITY AND PEACE :

REFLECTION: What a Joke ! Please don't make me laugh.


Surinder Paul Attri

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