Friday, September 24, 2010

Pictures From London - This is Beyond Scary

Subj: Pictures From London - This is Beyond Scary
1. Pictures From London - This is Beyond Scary
by Wes Penre, March 02, 2008
2. What do the announcements on the placards say ?:

Behead those who insult Islam.
Islam will dominate the world.
Slay those who insult Islam.
Europe you will pay.
Europe is the cancer. Islam is the answer.
Exterminate those who slander Islam.
Freedom go to hell.
Europe take some lessons from 9/11.
Europe you will pay. Your 9/11 is on its way.
Massacre those who insult Islam.
Europe: Be prepared for the real holocaust.
And so on & on.
3. My Take:
This is how peaceful Islam ( Allah's religion ), claimed by Moslems to be the most perfect religion, takes Moslems as well as Non-Moslems ( the Kafirs ) to their doom. This is Islam's idea of peace. Islam teaches its followers that, all religions except Islam are false & darkness ( Jahaliyat ). Islam has its own definitions of good & bad. In Islam, fair is foul, and foul is fair. Islam has been systematically & successfully practising this nomenclature for 1400 years. Why should it change its modus operanda now, particularly when so many phoney-liberal politicians of the democracies, are ready to buy this phoney-baloney of Islam ?
4. There are so many horror stories of Islam, the horror stories of Islam are beyond description, in ferocity, brutality, and barbarism.
5. To put it succinctly:
Gar Jhanum Bruey Zamin Ast, Islam Ast, Islam Ast, Islam Ast
( If there is hell on earth, Islam is that, Islam is that, Islam is that )
Surinder Paul Attri
Subj: Pictures From London - This is Beyond Scary
1. Pictures From London - This is Beyond Scary
by Wes Penre, March 02, 2008
2. What do the announcements on the placards say ?:

Behead those who insult Islam.
Islam will dominate the world.
Slay those who insult Islam.
Europe you will pay.
Europe is the cancer. Islam is the answer.
Exterminate those who slander Islam.
Freedom go to hell.
Europe take some lessons from 9/11.
Europe you will pay. Your 9/11 is on its way.
Massacre those who insult Islam.
Europe: Be prepared for the real holocaust.
And so on & on.
3. My Take:
This is how peaceful Islam ( Allah's religion ), claimed by Moslems to be the most perfect religion, takes Moslems as well as Non-Moslems ( the Kafirs ) to their doom. This is Islam's idea of peace. Islam teaches its followers that, all religions except Islam are false & darkness ( Jahaliyat ). Islam has its own definitions of good & bad. In Islam, fair is foul, and foul is fair. Islam has been systematically & successfully practising this nomenclature for 1400 years. Why should it change its modus operanda now, particularly when so many phoney-liberal politicians of the democracies, are ready to buy this phoney-baloney of Islam ?
4. There are so many horror stories of Islam, the horror stories of Islam are beyond description, in ferocity, brutality, and barbarism.
5. To put it succinctly:
Gar Jhanum Bruey Zamin Ast, Islam Ast, Islam Ast, Islam Ast
( If there is hell on earth, Islam is that, Islam is that, Islam is that )
Surinder Paul Attri

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