Monday, June 27, 2011

Kafir Geert Wilders has been acquitted

Subj: Kafir Geert Wilders has been acquitted

1. Quote: Geert Wilders, the far-right Dutch Politician has been acquitted of all charges in his hate speech trial in Amsterdam. According to the Judge, comparing Islam to Nazism might be offensive, but it falls within the scope of free speech. Naturally, Geert stated, “It's not only an acquittal for me, but a victory for freedom of expression in the Netherlands”. The judge also pointed out that Geert Wilder’s comments are often “crude and denigrating”, however they are not illegal; they included racist remarks like “head rag tax”. Why the term “head rag”? It sounds like the pejorative racist term “rag-head”, frequently used by the Americans.

2. COMMENT: This news ought to be a heart-warming broadcast for every Kafir.

There is such a thing as " freedom of speech, " besides Geert is " telling it like it is. "

3. Of course, Sullas won't relish this verdict of the Dutch court, and we know why.
Islam has " Never " been accused of being tolerant or decent towards Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). Moslems have assigned to themselves the right to criticize/demonize Kafirs & Kafi-Religions, without limit. And they expect us Kafirs to accept this Islamic claim/right, as the claim of the " Only True Religion In The World. "

4. But it is difficult for a reasonable/logical guy to submit, to this kind of Unreasonable claim, and Islam's " Exclusive Right Of Kafir-Pounding. " of Exclusivity, A reasonable & logical guy would regard this submission, as a terrifying threat to human liberty.

But Islam thrives on this unreasonable & nonsensical claim. The bitter truth of Islam is that, a Moslem's devotion to Islam is judged, by how much he can insult Kafirs & Kafir-Religions.

5. Every logically person in the world must ask himself:

Why does Islam deserve special protection from criticism, while rest of the Kafir-Religions are fair-game ?

6. Note: This Dutch Has The Touch. We need more Kafir-guys like him ( like Geert Wilders ).

Surinder Paul Attri.

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