Subj: Second US Tour of Tapan Ghosh, President, Hindu Samhati.
1. Islam is barbarism, but Islam is also slavery, embodying slavish devotion to Allah & Hazrat Mohammad ( a Sicki who was hearing voices & did not really understand what they mean ). Islamic Doctrine frees up the worst in Sullas ( followers of Islam ). It labels Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) as the worst of beasts, and admonishes Sullas to go after them in real earnest, to slaughter them if they refuse to convert to Islam, the only true religion and the religion of Allah. No other religion is acceptible to Islam or to their Allah. Islamic clergy ( Mullahs, Maulvies et al ) claims that Islam is a religion of peace, love, and brotherhood. This is a Big Fat Lie. Islam is nothing of the sort. Islam is a religion of war, hate, disgust & detestation.
2. Jehad ( Islam's Holy War against Kafirst ) is the basic doctrine of Islam. But an average Hindu's knowledge of Jehad, is less than zero. To most Hindus, war is Dharamyuddha based on Dharamshastras, and fought according to rules laid down in Dharamshastras, such as:
a. Not attacking a person who does not have a weapon or has dropped it
b. Not hurting an adversary who has surrendered
c. Not pursuing a defeated enemy who has run away
d. Not attacking non-combatants in enemy's camp
e. Not harming women, holy men, holy places in enemy's territory
And so on & on.
3. Hindus have never known Religious-War or Holy-War, such as Jehad, which is characteristic of Islam. An average Hindu is Totally-Ignorant of the concept of Jehad, which is a Holy-War, and is a Total-War against Kafirs. He has no idea that Jehad could burst upon him suddenly, and offer him no choice other than to convert to Islam or die at the hands of a Jehadi-Sulla. Without this knowledge of Jehad, it is impossible or extremely-difficult for a Hindu, to take a stand against Jehadi soldiers of Islam, who are worse than hard-core criminals. Without a clear understanding of Jehad, Hindu does not have much a chance, to protect his life, property, or the honor of his women-folk.
4. Hindu needs to understand the consequences of Jehad, which are:
a. Forcible Expansion of Islam
b. Destruction of Kafirs
c. Imposition of Jiziyah ( Non-Moslem Tax ) upon Kafir populations
d. Plunder the properties of Kafirs
e. Plunder in the form of enslaved female & child populations, of defeated Kafirs
And so & on.
5. Hindus need to comprehend clearly that, Islam's war against Kafirs is Total-War, and the danger to the Kafir-Hindu is real. Hindu needs to abandon Immediately and once and for all, his colossal & collective non-sense of Individualism. Hindus ought to consider it criminal, if members of the Hindu-Society refuse, to participate in the collective-defense of the Entire Hindu-Society. That was the rule in the Russian-Army during World War 11. Cowardice was Not tolerated in the Russian-Army. Stalin once told Chuirchill that, you have to be pretty-brave to be a coward in the Russian-Army. This approach of Russian-Army broke the back of the technologically-superior German Army.
6. While discussing the problem of Jehad & Islam's barbarism, all components of the problem must be described. And responsibility must be placed where it properly belongs, particularly the question if we Hindus have brought Islam's barbarism, upon ourselves. Yes, we have, and it is futile to avoid our responsibility, and to look for ways to pin the blame entirely, on someone else. Reason: Sullas are barbarians, and like all other barbarians, they go where they can go real easily. They always back off where Kafirs stand up to them, and make them pay a high price, for their Jehad. Sullas are and have always been Testers. They indulge in probing attacks, and are always on the lookout for places where there are weaknesses in the local defense system. They do a Risk-Reward analhysis, before embarking upon a Jehadic adventure.
7. Sullas do not need nor deserve a Kid-Glove treatment. They need a Strong Kick-In-The-Pants. Dealing with Sullas does not require space-age technology. Hindu needs to get his head straight, and take care of his Dignity & Honor, with a Stout-Kick in Sullas A**. Hindus need to organize competently, to stand up as a Collective Hindu-Force ( just like the Russians of World War 11 ), and stand ready to use his gun, to cut the teet of the barbarian Sulla, and to teach him the lesson of his life. It can be done & must be done.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Islam is barbarism, but Islam is also slavery, embodying slavish devotion to Allah & Hazrat Mohammad ( a Sicki who was hearing voices & did not really understand what they mean ). Islamic Doctrine frees up the worst in Sullas ( followers of Islam ). It labels Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) as the worst of beasts, and admonishes Sullas to go after them in real earnest, to slaughter them if they refuse to convert to Islam, the only true religion and the religion of Allah. No other religion is acceptible to Islam or to their Allah. Islamic clergy ( Mullahs, Maulvies et al ) claims that Islam is a religion of peace, love, and brotherhood. This is a Big Fat Lie. Islam is nothing of the sort. Islam is a religion of war, hate, disgust & detestation.
2. Jehad ( Islam's Holy War against Kafirst ) is the basic doctrine of Islam. But an average Hindu's knowledge of Jehad, is less than zero. To most Hindus, war is Dharamyuddha based on Dharamshastras, and fought according to rules laid down in Dharamshastras, such as:
a. Not attacking a person who does not have a weapon or has dropped it
b. Not hurting an adversary who has surrendered
c. Not pursuing a defeated enemy who has run away
d. Not attacking non-combatants in enemy's camp
e. Not harming women, holy men, holy places in enemy's territory
And so on & on.
3. Hindus have never known Religious-War or Holy-War, such as Jehad, which is characteristic of Islam. An average Hindu is Totally-Ignorant of the concept of Jehad, which is a Holy-War, and is a Total-War against Kafirs. He has no idea that Jehad could burst upon him suddenly, and offer him no choice other than to convert to Islam or die at the hands of a Jehadi-Sulla. Without this knowledge of Jehad, it is impossible or extremely-difficult for a Hindu, to take a stand against Jehadi soldiers of Islam, who are worse than hard-core criminals. Without a clear understanding of Jehad, Hindu does not have much a chance, to protect his life, property, or the honor of his women-folk.
4. Hindu needs to understand the consequences of Jehad, which are:
a. Forcible Expansion of Islam
b. Destruction of Kafirs
c. Imposition of Jiziyah ( Non-Moslem Tax ) upon Kafir populations
d. Plunder the properties of Kafirs
e. Plunder in the form of enslaved female & child populations, of defeated Kafirs
And so & on.
5. Hindus need to comprehend clearly that, Islam's war against Kafirs is Total-War, and the danger to the Kafir-Hindu is real. Hindu needs to abandon Immediately and once and for all, his colossal & collective non-sense of Individualism. Hindus ought to consider it criminal, if members of the Hindu-Society refuse, to participate in the collective-defense of the Entire Hindu-Society. That was the rule in the Russian-Army during World War 11. Cowardice was Not tolerated in the Russian-Army. Stalin once told Chuirchill that, you have to be pretty-brave to be a coward in the Russian-Army. This approach of Russian-Army broke the back of the technologically-superior German Army.
6. While discussing the problem of Jehad & Islam's barbarism, all components of the problem must be described. And responsibility must be placed where it properly belongs, particularly the question if we Hindus have brought Islam's barbarism, upon ourselves. Yes, we have, and it is futile to avoid our responsibility, and to look for ways to pin the blame entirely, on someone else. Reason: Sullas are barbarians, and like all other barbarians, they go where they can go real easily. They always back off where Kafirs stand up to them, and make them pay a high price, for their Jehad. Sullas are and have always been Testers. They indulge in probing attacks, and are always on the lookout for places where there are weaknesses in the local defense system. They do a Risk-Reward analhysis, before embarking upon a Jehadic adventure.
7. Sullas do not need nor deserve a Kid-Glove treatment. They need a Strong Kick-In-The-Pants. Dealing with Sullas does not require space-age technology. Hindu needs to get his head straight, and take care of his Dignity & Honor, with a Stout-Kick in Sullas A**. Hindus need to organize competently, to stand up as a Collective Hindu-Force ( just like the Russians of World War 11 ), and stand ready to use his gun, to cut the teet of the barbarian Sulla, and to teach him the lesson of his life. It can be done & must be done.
Surinder Paul Attri
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