Thursday, June 7, 2007


By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. Christian ideology which describes the Christian doctrine, and which determines the attitude of most Christians, alleges over and over again that, Christian conquest is decreed in the Gospels. Consequently, the Christians cannot possibly lose. Therefore, it is not only appropriate but, the sacred duty of a Christian, to convert this doctrine into a fact of reality, by harvesting as many Non-Christian souls, as he possibly can. It is because of this doctrine that, Christians are always greedy about grabbing Non-Christian infidels ( Pagans, Heathens ), and trapping them inside the slave camp of Christianity. Christian appetite for Non-Christian souls is piggish and devouring.

2. In pursuit of this venture ( in which Christian victory is guaranteed in the Gospels ), Christians follow many techniques, but all their techniques can be grouped into two basic categories, hard and soft.
In the first approach ( the hard approach ), Christians use an aggressive approach, and carry out combative-crusades, for the furtherance of Christian ideology. In the second approach ( the soft approach ), Christians adopt a soft-approach, or softly-soft, chocolaty-chocolate technique, to gain upon the Non-Christian crowd, to have them come close or move towards Christianity. But this chocolaty-chocolate approach is not passive, it is only a low-intensity form of combative-Christianity.

3. Regardless of which technique they employ, the Christians are always attempting to send their ideology forward. The result of both these Christian approaches is always Inter-Religious tension, and plenty of trouble for both Non-Christians as well as for Christians. The evidence of this consequence is prominent in the records of history. The entire history of Christianity bears witness to the combative and warlike nature of Christianity.

Two-thirds of Pagan-Europe was murdered during the Christianization of Europe, 41 million Native Americans were slaughtered by the soldiers of Jesus Christ in North and South America. The record of Christians of NE India, is no better. In fact, some of the Christians of NE India, surpass the European-Christians in savagery. Christian gangs of NE India, regularly raid Non-Christian villages, and tell them flat out:
“ This is a Christian state. Either convert to Christianity, or get out, or be killed. “

4. Suffice it to say that, Christianity is tarred with barbarism-brush. There is no denying the fact that, historical record of Christianity is real-ugly, it stinks in the nostrils. It is worth observing that, in recent times, there has been an enormous increase in the use of the media, by the Grease-Monkeys of Christianity ( the Christian Clergy ), in support of aggressive Christian-crusade.

5. It is an important paradox of our time that, we are told repeatedly that, we are living in an age of enlightenment, which is characterized by brotherhood, globalization, togetherness, and peace. This is essentially the conclusion of the Phoney-Liberal crowd. What these phoneys do not realize is that, this new landscape of the world, is home to lots and lots of Christian-crusaders, who are determined to establish the primacy of Christianity, every where in the world. They will never settle for anything short of that.

6. Hindus of the world: Arise and Awake. Be tuned to the fact of reality that:
We Hindus cannot deal with Christianity ( or with Islam ), by being Casper Milquetoasts I.e. by being namby-pamby, and sissy-pants. For our safety and for our very survival, we have no option but, to resolutely confront both Islam and Christianity.

Surinder Paul Attri


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