Sunday, June 3, 2007


By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. Is Islam a Supremacist-Ideology ? Give attention to all the facts, before reaching a conclusion.

2. First Question: Is Islam a religion ? No, it is not at all a religion, not even the tiniest-bit. Its leader, Hang-Man Hazrat, was not a priest or a missionary, to seek converts to Islam. He was a war-making military chief, who was seeking to conquer and subjugate the conquered people. His successors, the first four “ rightly-guided caliphs, “ were the tail-shadows of Hang-Man Hazrat, they walked in the steps of Hazrat, and continued his typical way of conquest, and putting the conquered people, through slavery and humiliation. During the first 30 years of their ( Caliphs ) control ( 632-661 A.D. ), they thrashed through and triumphed over Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, and Persia.

2. However, in spite of the war-like strategy of Islam, instead of slandering the reputation of Islam, as an ideology of war, in the eyes of Moslems, these military victories, validated Islam as the true religion. In fact, it represented a finishing touch to the promise that Hazrat made to his Moslem followers that, Islam is bolstered by the Power Of Allah, and Moslems cannot lose, as long as they follow Allah and his apostle Hang-Man Hazrat. Consequently, emulating Hazrat’s pattern, Moslems derived their livelihood from conquest, pillage and plunder, and not from honest hard work, or from production or trade. Majority of the Arabs are Bedouins. Robbery. Burglary, carry-off and cheating are not uncommon amongst the Bedouins. They depend upon these less than honorable ways, for their survival. It is because of this reason that, Islam got such a quick grip, on the minds of the Bedouin people.

3. Moslem Clergy and Moslem Apologists, refute the frequent criticism of Islam, that Islam was spread by the sword. Many Phoney-Liberals buy this perfidious and sham refutation, it makes sense to them that, before going to war, the Moslems do give a chance to Non-Moslems. What kind of a chance ( fate ), do the Moslems offer to the Non-Moslem Kafirs ?
Moslems say to the Kafirs “ we will make you an offer you cannot refuse:
“ Convert to Islam or die. “

4. In many instances, populations chose to accept this enormously great Islamic offer, rather than face the other alternative, of imminence of death. When the second alternative is so close at hand, and horrifyingly-threatening, the decision by many Kafirs is convincingly-quick.
The lessons of Islamic history of conquest, were very definitive and absolutely convincing. During the conquest of Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Cypress, Armenia, Tripoli, and Carthage etc etc, the massaquers of Non-Moslem Kafirs were very common. The memories of this brutality, made millions of Kafirs accept Islam’s great offer, rather than face death, and become history.

5. To elaborate further, initially Islam was very a racist and supremacist ideology, and Non-Arabs were excluded from power. This is because the Moslems believed that Allah spoke Arabic, and favored the Arabs. That is why Arabs were exempt from slavery. This status of Arabs and Non-Arabs continued during the first 100 years of Islam. About 750 A.D, Persians were included in the governing ranks, provided they stress Islamic ideology, and conform to Islamic laws.

6. Non-Moslem Kafirs in conquered lands, were treated as less than humans. They neither had any rights nor any privileges, their only job was to please the Moslem-Masters. Islamic system completely justified and re-affirmed the supremacist mindset of the Moslems, and the treatment of the Non-Moslem Kafirs, who were called Dhimmis. Dhimmis were constantly put through humiliation, disgrace, and dishonor.

Non-Moslem Kafirs, upon penalty of death, could not possess a weapon, raise a hand to a Moslem in defense, criticize Islam, convert to any religion other than Islam, marry a Moslem Woman, display Kafir religious symbols, or employ a Moslem. Non-Moslem Kafirs had no means of defense, neither physical nor legal. The history of India, bears witness to the utter reality, that Non-Moslem Hindu Kafirs, were obliged to live in a servile manner, and Hindus were reduced to an appearance of complete-contemptibility.

7. In spite of this magnitude of Violence, Barbarism, and Brutality of Islam, Moslems and Moslem Apologists openly-allege that, Islam is a religion of Peace, Love, and Brotherhood.
What kind of Horse-Garbage is this ?

Surinder Paul Attri


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