By S.P. Attri (USA )----------------------------------------------------------
1. Why are the Christians of Orissa ( and of elsewhere ) so riled up ?Because they thirst for their converts, which Swami Lakshamananda took away from them, by re-converting them back to Hinduism. These scum-bags of the earth do not even have decency. They gaze upon conversion, as a one-way street, where only they have rights & Hindus have none, where only they make the rules, Hindus simply obey their rules, and congratulate them on their conversion success. Since Swami Lakshmananda did not follow this line, he was marked for elimination, and was driven out of existence, right in front of a horrified crowd of Hindus. The account of their story, makes one’s flesh creep.
2. This riffraff ( Christian Missionaries ) is facing challenges on two fronts. The first is doctrinal, based on their belief in an imaginary creature, which they label as the Devil. Because they focus on this creature, it brings out in them, a totally ridiculous conclusion, that the Heathen-Hindu is possessed by the Devil, and is headed for Hell, and must be saved from his awful fate. The second challenge is, the increasing resistance & confrontation of the Hindu, which comes face to face with, the Christian aggressive non-sense, which the Christian scum-bags find difficult to deal with.
3. When confronted with this kind of resistance, the Christians take on the Persecution-Complex, and start complaining of victimization & oppression. When they are converting the Heathens ( Pagans ), they are Fat, Dumb, & Happy and take to bullying & hounding the Heathen-Hindus. But when they start losing their converts, they cry “ Foul .” It is a creepy-attitude, but is s widely practiced stratagem, by these no-good convert-seekers. Some of these scum-bags use this technique, as a ploy to lure more converts to Christianity. But when this fraud does not work, and the stream of converts stops coming, it comes as a shock to them. The confidence, security, & stability of Christianity, depends upon the continuance of the project of conversion, and on the propagation of their absurd superstition.
4. Desperate measures taken by the Christian Missionaries, such as shutting down Christian schools, running to GOI or to UN, or seeking help of Vatican are not going to redeem or rescue their spurious doctrinal world. The rights of plundering & pillaging of the Heathen-World, that they have enjoyed for centuries, are not going to be at their disposal. They might as well accept this destiny. It is a product of their evil Karma. They have been on a crusade to destroy the Hindu religion & Hindu culture in India, and it is not going to be permitted. The assault of Christianity on the Hindu, is going to be confronted by the Hindu of New India, who is not going to allow the Christians to destroy his ancient culture. He is very aware of the assault of Christianity, that happened to Greek civilization some 1500 years ago, that completely wiped out the ancient Greek culture. The Hindu is going to make sure, that does not happen to his Hinduism in India.
5. Christianity is losing in the West & is trying to make up its losses, with new converts in countries like India, who they consider as more vulnerable. Regardless of their past successes & acting aggressively ( like a wounded predator, due to their losses in the West ), the Hindu of India is waking up. He is going to lick Christianity in India. Whether the Missionaries like it or not, their time is up. No matter how many new ploys they use, their past success is not going to be repeated, any more than the return of Jesus, in the year of 2000. Jesus has no more chance of returning, than Harry Houdini ( who also promised to his admirers that he is going to return ) has. Christians would be smart to recognize the reality of life, in the new world of today, and stop pushing their non-sense & stop defending their absurd notions, in the name of Christ. Their stupidity & balderdash-baloney is not going to bestow success or too many new converts. Missionaries: Give up your devious ploys, & start earning your livelihood with honest means.
Surinder Paul Attri
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Response to Nishe Jee: 1
Subj: Response to Nishe Jee: 1
1. Submitted by Nishi (India), Aug 27, 2008 at 23:20
Mahamahim Dear Sri S P Attri Ji Maharaj,
You wrote
"What I am saying is that:
Islam is evil
2. What I am saying is the Anti-thesis of Bush's dictum. I am not hiding behind political double-talk, but stating flat out that:
Islam is an Imperialist political ideology ( doctrine ). It is a lethal doctrine that has done colossal damage to innocent Kafir-Humanity, and will do more damage, as long as it survives.
The 1400 year old record of Islam, fully endorses my assertion."
Instead of saying much I only reitrate again that you are very deeply affected by 'Islamophobia'. You appear to be bigger threat to World Peace, because of your extremist & terrorising thoughts than Bush.
You appear to be an apologist belonging to the "Gang" which is treating Muslims & Islam as threat to their criminal Ideology of Hate, suppression of thoughts of Peace & equality etc.
May the Satan, in which you believe so immensly, leave your body & soul, to ALLOW YOU to return to the Path of love, peace, humanity, equality amongst all the people, as early as possible.
We all hope for the best of you in life, despite your criminal intent towards humanity & peace.
Submitted by Nishi (India), Aug 27, 2008 at 23:20
Mahamahim Dear Sri S P Attri Ji Maharaj,
You wrote
"What I am saying is that:
Islam is evil
2. What I am saying is the Anti-thesis of Bush's dictum. I am not hiding behind political double-talk, but stating flat out that:
Islam is an Imperialist political ideology ( doctrine ). It is a lethal doctrine that has done colossal damage to innocent Kafir-Humanity, and will do more damage, as long as it survives.
The 1400 year old record of Islam, fully endorses my assertion."
Instead of saying much I only reitrate again that you are very deeply affected by 'Islamophobia'. You appear to be bigger threat to World Peace, because of your extremist & terrorising thoughts than Bush.
You appear to be an apologist belonging to the "Gang" which is treating Muslims & Islam as threat to their criminal Ideology of Hate, suppression of thoughts of Peace & equality etc.
May the Satan, in which you believe so immensly, leave your body & soul, to ALLOW YOU to return to the Path of love, peace, humanity, equality amongst all the people, as early as possible.
We all hope for the best of you in life, despite your criminal intent towards humanity & peace.
2. My Take:
I generally ignore messages, where the disposition is on personal attacks or deal with them only, when I have nothing better to do.
Nishi Jee: You are transmitting mixed-signals.
One day you put me at the back of the bus, and call me Gadha.
Next day you place me at the front of the bus, and label me as Mahamahim.
3. Quote: Instead of saying much I only reitrate again that you are very deeply affected by 'Islamophobia'.
COMMENT: Nishi Jee: Read my previous message, where I elucidated my total-disconnect with Islamophobia.
4. Quote: You appear to be bigger threat to World Peace, because of your extremist & terrorising thoughts than Bush.
COMMENT: Nishi Jee: I expose Islam’s criminal wave of barbarism ( backed by 1400 years of Islamic history ), and its hostility to the Kafir humanity of the world. My objective is to protect innocent civilized Kafir-humanity of the world. Your description is completely-basackward.
5. Quote: You appear to be an apologist belonging to the "Gang" which is treating Muslims & Islam as threat to their criminal Ideology of Hate, suppression of thoughts of Peace & equality etc.
COMMENT: Nishi Jee: It is Islam that is conducting its Holy-War ( Jehad ), against Kafir-Humanity, to engender conquest of Kafir territories, & capture of Kafir property including Kafir women et al. Islam assigns to Moslems, a duty to conduct Jehad, to lead Islamic political revolution to final victory. It is Islam that is suppressing peace, equality, democracy or civilized treatment of humanity, including Islam’s degrading treatment of its women. I am only stripping Islam of its camouflage of peace, love, and brotherhood . Islam is exact-opposite.
6. Nish Jee: Do I need to describe the genocides that, Moslems have conducted in the name of Allah ? Or should I describe the degradation of women & the inferior position imposed on the women, by Islamic law ? Or should I describe the life of Hazrat Mohammad, to illustrate what kind of “ champion of feminism “
Hazrat Mohammad was ? Or should I relate that in Islam, in terms of inheritance, a woman has half the share of a man, and her vote counts for half that of a woman ?
If you examine Islam, with an open & relaxed mind, you will have hell of a time, warming up to Islam.
7. Quote: May the Satan, in which you believe so immensly, leave your body & soul, to ALLOW YOU to return to the Path of love, peace, humanity, equality amongst all the people, as early as possible.
COMMENT: Nishi Jee: Please don’t make me laugh. Satan ( Shaitaan ) is a totally-imaginary creature ( it is a creature of no-existence ). It is a creature of the imagination of Moslems. It is a self-created catastrophe & a self-created prison of the Moslems. Even your Allah cannot exorcise this imaginary creature, out of you or your co-religionists. Satan ( Shaitaan ) sizzles in Islam, all day long. If Moslems stopped believing in Shaitaan, it will change their life, and will take that much away, from their belief in Islam
I am certainly not a Moslem, and I have no connect with your Satan ( Shaitaan ).
8. Quote: We all hope for the best of you in life, despite your criminal intent towards humanity & peace.
COMMENT: No Nishi Jee: I have no evil intent toward humanity, not even you. I have nothing but warm regards for you.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Submitted by Nishi (India), Aug 27, 2008 at 23:20
Mahamahim Dear Sri S P Attri Ji Maharaj,
You wrote
"What I am saying is that:
Islam is evil
2. What I am saying is the Anti-thesis of Bush's dictum. I am not hiding behind political double-talk, but stating flat out that:
Islam is an Imperialist political ideology ( doctrine ). It is a lethal doctrine that has done colossal damage to innocent Kafir-Humanity, and will do more damage, as long as it survives.
The 1400 year old record of Islam, fully endorses my assertion."
Instead of saying much I only reitrate again that you are very deeply affected by 'Islamophobia'. You appear to be bigger threat to World Peace, because of your extremist & terrorising thoughts than Bush.
You appear to be an apologist belonging to the "Gang" which is treating Muslims & Islam as threat to their criminal Ideology of Hate, suppression of thoughts of Peace & equality etc.
May the Satan, in which you believe so immensly, leave your body & soul, to ALLOW YOU to return to the Path of love, peace, humanity, equality amongst all the people, as early as possible.
We all hope for the best of you in life, despite your criminal intent towards humanity & peace.
Submitted by Nishi (India), Aug 27, 2008 at 23:20
Mahamahim Dear Sri S P Attri Ji Maharaj,
You wrote
"What I am saying is that:
Islam is evil
2. What I am saying is the Anti-thesis of Bush's dictum. I am not hiding behind political double-talk, but stating flat out that:
Islam is an Imperialist political ideology ( doctrine ). It is a lethal doctrine that has done colossal damage to innocent Kafir-Humanity, and will do more damage, as long as it survives.
The 1400 year old record of Islam, fully endorses my assertion."
Instead of saying much I only reitrate again that you are very deeply affected by 'Islamophobia'. You appear to be bigger threat to World Peace, because of your extremist & terrorising thoughts than Bush.
You appear to be an apologist belonging to the "Gang" which is treating Muslims & Islam as threat to their criminal Ideology of Hate, suppression of thoughts of Peace & equality etc.
May the Satan, in which you believe so immensly, leave your body & soul, to ALLOW YOU to return to the Path of love, peace, humanity, equality amongst all the people, as early as possible.
We all hope for the best of you in life, despite your criminal intent towards humanity & peace.
2. My Take:
I generally ignore messages, where the disposition is on personal attacks or deal with them only, when I have nothing better to do.
Nishi Jee: You are transmitting mixed-signals.
One day you put me at the back of the bus, and call me Gadha.
Next day you place me at the front of the bus, and label me as Mahamahim.
3. Quote: Instead of saying much I only reitrate again that you are very deeply affected by 'Islamophobia'.
COMMENT: Nishi Jee: Read my previous message, where I elucidated my total-disconnect with Islamophobia.
4. Quote: You appear to be bigger threat to World Peace, because of your extremist & terrorising thoughts than Bush.
COMMENT: Nishi Jee: I expose Islam’s criminal wave of barbarism ( backed by 1400 years of Islamic history ), and its hostility to the Kafir humanity of the world. My objective is to protect innocent civilized Kafir-humanity of the world. Your description is completely-basackward.
5. Quote: You appear to be an apologist belonging to the "Gang" which is treating Muslims & Islam as threat to their criminal Ideology of Hate, suppression of thoughts of Peace & equality etc.
COMMENT: Nishi Jee: It is Islam that is conducting its Holy-War ( Jehad ), against Kafir-Humanity, to engender conquest of Kafir territories, & capture of Kafir property including Kafir women et al. Islam assigns to Moslems, a duty to conduct Jehad, to lead Islamic political revolution to final victory. It is Islam that is suppressing peace, equality, democracy or civilized treatment of humanity, including Islam’s degrading treatment of its women. I am only stripping Islam of its camouflage of peace, love, and brotherhood . Islam is exact-opposite.
6. Nish Jee: Do I need to describe the genocides that, Moslems have conducted in the name of Allah ? Or should I describe the degradation of women & the inferior position imposed on the women, by Islamic law ? Or should I describe the life of Hazrat Mohammad, to illustrate what kind of “ champion of feminism “
Hazrat Mohammad was ? Or should I relate that in Islam, in terms of inheritance, a woman has half the share of a man, and her vote counts for half that of a woman ?
If you examine Islam, with an open & relaxed mind, you will have hell of a time, warming up to Islam.
7. Quote: May the Satan, in which you believe so immensly, leave your body & soul, to ALLOW YOU to return to the Path of love, peace, humanity, equality amongst all the people, as early as possible.
COMMENT: Nishi Jee: Please don’t make me laugh. Satan ( Shaitaan ) is a totally-imaginary creature ( it is a creature of no-existence ). It is a creature of the imagination of Moslems. It is a self-created catastrophe & a self-created prison of the Moslems. Even your Allah cannot exorcise this imaginary creature, out of you or your co-religionists. Satan ( Shaitaan ) sizzles in Islam, all day long. If Moslems stopped believing in Shaitaan, it will change their life, and will take that much away, from their belief in Islam
I am certainly not a Moslem, and I have no connect with your Satan ( Shaitaan ).
8. Quote: We all hope for the best of you in life, despite your criminal intent towards humanity & peace.
COMMENT: No Nishi Jee: I have no evil intent toward humanity, not even you. I have nothing but warm regards for you.
Surinder Paul Attri
Friday, August 29, 2008
Murder of Swami Lakshmanananda & four others
Subj: Murder of Swami Lakshmanananda & four others
1. Jelaspota (Orissa), August 28: While violence rages across Kandhamal district, in the ashram, where its spark was lit when Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati and four others were killed on August 24, the adults are angry, the children traumatised. Many of the 130 girls in the Kanya Ashram, a residential school on the campus, were eyewitnesses to the killing of the VHP leader and that incident has burnt memories they will never forget. "First, we thought someone is bursting crackers and so we ran towards the main gate. Then we saw and heard people screaming and running. There was blood all over the place. Swamiji and Mataji and others were lying in blood. I shouted and ran away, we all started running here and there," said 15-year old Anita Pradhan. She is from Raikia and has been in the ashram for three years. According to Anita, it was around 7 in the evening, prayer time in the students' quarters. Swamiji and Mataji Bhaktimoyee, head of the girls hostel, were inside Swamiji's room adjacent to the main entrance. According to eyewitnesses, 10 to 15 men climbed the wall and started firing indiscriminately. They first shot dead Amritanandji, a disciple of Swamiji. The attackers then entered a small room, home to Prabhati Ganta, the guardian of one of the students who was living there. They shot him, too. Later, Kishore Baba, a resident of Boudh, was shot just outside this room. It was then that they broke open Saraswati's room. "Swamiji ran into the toilet to save himself and shut the door. Mataji, who hid behind the door, was shot first. The miscreants then broke open the toilet door and sprayed bullets," said an eyewitness. Vijaylaxmi Mullick, a Class X student at the ashram, is too traumatised to narrate the incident. Her voice trembles and falters as she remembers. "I rushed towards the main gate along with others only to see some men running around and loud cracking noise. I heard the cries of Swamiji and others. I saw other Swamijis running here and there. I was scared and ran inside the hostel room with another girl. We sat huddled together. Until after a long time, one of the Swamijis came and escorted us out of the room." Kusum Pradhan, a Class 6 student, could not venture out of her hostel room after dark following the incident. "I too rushed out after hearing the noise. I saw bodies lying in blood. I touched Swamiji's feet, who was lying in the bathroom. It was still warm but he did not move. Nor did Mataji, who lay inside the room," was all Kusum could say. The 130 girls, who now reside inside the hostels of the sprawling ashram, now cannot venture out. The ashram is guarded by CRPF and Orissa police constables. The girls' relatives are unable to visit the ashram and take them home because of the violence and the ongoing curfew in the district. Brahmachari Shankar Chaitanya, who is now in charge of the ashram and is always escorted by police constables and CRPF personnel, seethes with anger against both Christians and the state government. "We had written 30 times to the state government that Swamiji's and our lives were at stake, that we were being threatened by Christian leaders. Before the incident, we got a letter threatening to kill Swamiji. We formally complained to the police and district authorities. They sent only four baton-wielding constables," said Shankar Chaitanya. "Not a single minister visited us after the incident, not even of our BJP. The Collector comes sometimes. He gave us rice, dal and sugar for the children." Chaitanya alleged that it was Christians, not Maoists, who were responsible for the incident. "The Maoists can never do this. It is Christians who threaten us everyday and they did this," he said. He alleged that the ashram has been kept out of the peace process. "No one called us for any meeting or to take part in any peace process. As long as are kept out, the violence will continue."
2. My Take:Yes, it is the Christians who murdered Swami Lakshmanananda & four others, and not the Maoists. There are strong dogmatic reasons for this, based on the belief system of Christianity.Behind the long-time Christian-Aggression , against the Hindus of Orissa ( and of elsewhere ), is their traditional belief that, Non-Christian Heathens ( Hindus included ) are gong to Hell, to meet the Devil. Their reason for wanting to convert the Hindus to Christianity, is to save the Hindus from being sucked down to Hell. Since the Hindus have sinned repeatedly, they are on a fast track, to the subterranean domain of fire & brimstone.
3. What crimes have the Hindus committed that, the Christians should be riled to the old-impure thought, of murdering the Hindus ? Besides, the Devil is a totally-imaginary creature ( a creature of existence ), but the Christians have never been accused of being, either logical or terribly smart. Regardless, of being terribly illogical, they are sincerely concerned about saving the Heathen-Hindu, from the clutches of an imaginary-creature ( the Devil ), a creature of their own imagination. It proves a successful ruse to support, the Christian’s Barbarism, against the Heathen-Hindu.
4. There is no peaceful way for the Hindu, to deal with this kind of mindless hatred, of the Christian against the Hindu. Hindus really have no option but, to confront the barbarism of the Christian & devise appropriate counter-measures. On its part, the government ought to investigate the murder of Swami Lakshmananada, and instead of making politically-correct statements ( which are designed for vote-bank politics ), should go after those who murdered the Swami & four others. That is about the only thing, that will remove the terror that, is presently gripping the mind of the Hindu community.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Jelaspota (Orissa), August 28: While violence rages across Kandhamal district, in the ashram, where its spark was lit when Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati and four others were killed on August 24, the adults are angry, the children traumatised. Many of the 130 girls in the Kanya Ashram, a residential school on the campus, were eyewitnesses to the killing of the VHP leader and that incident has burnt memories they will never forget. "First, we thought someone is bursting crackers and so we ran towards the main gate. Then we saw and heard people screaming and running. There was blood all over the place. Swamiji and Mataji and others were lying in blood. I shouted and ran away, we all started running here and there," said 15-year old Anita Pradhan. She is from Raikia and has been in the ashram for three years. According to Anita, it was around 7 in the evening, prayer time in the students' quarters. Swamiji and Mataji Bhaktimoyee, head of the girls hostel, were inside Swamiji's room adjacent to the main entrance. According to eyewitnesses, 10 to 15 men climbed the wall and started firing indiscriminately. They first shot dead Amritanandji, a disciple of Swamiji. The attackers then entered a small room, home to Prabhati Ganta, the guardian of one of the students who was living there. They shot him, too. Later, Kishore Baba, a resident of Boudh, was shot just outside this room. It was then that they broke open Saraswati's room. "Swamiji ran into the toilet to save himself and shut the door. Mataji, who hid behind the door, was shot first. The miscreants then broke open the toilet door and sprayed bullets," said an eyewitness. Vijaylaxmi Mullick, a Class X student at the ashram, is too traumatised to narrate the incident. Her voice trembles and falters as she remembers. "I rushed towards the main gate along with others only to see some men running around and loud cracking noise. I heard the cries of Swamiji and others. I saw other Swamijis running here and there. I was scared and ran inside the hostel room with another girl. We sat huddled together. Until after a long time, one of the Swamijis came and escorted us out of the room." Kusum Pradhan, a Class 6 student, could not venture out of her hostel room after dark following the incident. "I too rushed out after hearing the noise. I saw bodies lying in blood. I touched Swamiji's feet, who was lying in the bathroom. It was still warm but he did not move. Nor did Mataji, who lay inside the room," was all Kusum could say. The 130 girls, who now reside inside the hostels of the sprawling ashram, now cannot venture out. The ashram is guarded by CRPF and Orissa police constables. The girls' relatives are unable to visit the ashram and take them home because of the violence and the ongoing curfew in the district. Brahmachari Shankar Chaitanya, who is now in charge of the ashram and is always escorted by police constables and CRPF personnel, seethes with anger against both Christians and the state government. "We had written 30 times to the state government that Swamiji's and our lives were at stake, that we were being threatened by Christian leaders. Before the incident, we got a letter threatening to kill Swamiji. We formally complained to the police and district authorities. They sent only four baton-wielding constables," said Shankar Chaitanya. "Not a single minister visited us after the incident, not even of our BJP. The Collector comes sometimes. He gave us rice, dal and sugar for the children." Chaitanya alleged that it was Christians, not Maoists, who were responsible for the incident. "The Maoists can never do this. It is Christians who threaten us everyday and they did this," he said. He alleged that the ashram has been kept out of the peace process. "No one called us for any meeting or to take part in any peace process. As long as are kept out, the violence will continue."
2. My Take:Yes, it is the Christians who murdered Swami Lakshmanananda & four others, and not the Maoists. There are strong dogmatic reasons for this, based on the belief system of Christianity.Behind the long-time Christian-Aggression , against the Hindus of Orissa ( and of elsewhere ), is their traditional belief that, Non-Christian Heathens ( Hindus included ) are gong to Hell, to meet the Devil. Their reason for wanting to convert the Hindus to Christianity, is to save the Hindus from being sucked down to Hell. Since the Hindus have sinned repeatedly, they are on a fast track, to the subterranean domain of fire & brimstone.
3. What crimes have the Hindus committed that, the Christians should be riled to the old-impure thought, of murdering the Hindus ? Besides, the Devil is a totally-imaginary creature ( a creature of existence ), but the Christians have never been accused of being, either logical or terribly smart. Regardless, of being terribly illogical, they are sincerely concerned about saving the Heathen-Hindu, from the clutches of an imaginary-creature ( the Devil ), a creature of their own imagination. It proves a successful ruse to support, the Christian’s Barbarism, against the Heathen-Hindu.
4. There is no peaceful way for the Hindu, to deal with this kind of mindless hatred, of the Christian against the Hindu. Hindus really have no option but, to confront the barbarism of the Christian & devise appropriate counter-measures. On its part, the government ought to investigate the murder of Swami Lakshmananada, and instead of making politically-correct statements ( which are designed for vote-bank politics ), should go after those who murdered the Swami & four others. That is about the only thing, that will remove the terror that, is presently gripping the mind of the Hindu community.
Surinder Paul Attri
Monday, August 18, 2008
Kashmiri Muslims protesting in Bangalore
Subj: Kashmiri Muslims protesting in Bangalore
1. Quote: Chori aur upar se seena JoriCOMMENT: Nuts !These Kashmirir-Sullas are traitors, and ought to be treated like traitors.Just because they are Sullas, they are not doing any favor to the Hindus of Bangalore.Hindus of Bangalore ought to do, what the Hindus of Mumbai are already doing, that is, refuse to sell or rent any land or house to the Sullas. Even stronger measures are available to the Hindus of Bangalore ( and to the Hindus of other places as well ), but this step would be a good start. It would get the attention of the Sullas.
2. Hindus need to get tough with the Sullas, who are Laaton Ke Bhoot. And:“ Laaton Ke Bhoot, Baaton Se Nahin Maante. “
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Quote: Chori aur upar se seena JoriCOMMENT: Nuts !These Kashmirir-Sullas are traitors, and ought to be treated like traitors.Just because they are Sullas, they are not doing any favor to the Hindus of Bangalore.Hindus of Bangalore ought to do, what the Hindus of Mumbai are already doing, that is, refuse to sell or rent any land or house to the Sullas. Even stronger measures are available to the Hindus of Bangalore ( and to the Hindus of other places as well ), but this step would be a good start. It would get the attention of the Sullas.
2. Hindus need to get tough with the Sullas, who are Laaton Ke Bhoot. And:“ Laaton Ke Bhoot, Baaton Se Nahin Maante. “
Surinder Paul Attri
Kashmiri Muslims protesting in Bangalore
Subj: Kashmiri Muslims protesting in Bangalore
1. Quote: Chori aur upar se seena JoriCOMMENT: Nuts !These Kashmirir-Sullas are traitors, and ought to be treated like traitors.Just because they are Sullas, they are not doing any favor to the Hindus of Bangalore.Hindus of Bangalore ought to do, what the Hindus of Mumbai are already doing, that is, refuse to sell or rent any land or house to the Sullas. Even stronger measures are available to the Hindus of Bangalore ( and to the Hindus of other places as well ), but this step would be a good start. It would get the attention of the Sullas.
2. Hindus need to get tough with the Sullas, who are Laaton Ke Bhoot. And:“ Laaton Ke Bhoot, Baaton Se Nahin Maante. “
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Quote: Chori aur upar se seena JoriCOMMENT: Nuts !These Kashmirir-Sullas are traitors, and ought to be treated like traitors.Just because they are Sullas, they are not doing any favor to the Hindus of Bangalore.Hindus of Bangalore ought to do, what the Hindus of Mumbai are already doing, that is, refuse to sell or rent any land or house to the Sullas. Even stronger measures are available to the Hindus of Bangalore ( and to the Hindus of other places as well ), but this step would be a good start. It would get the attention of the Sullas.
2. Hindus need to get tough with the Sullas, who are Laaton Ke Bhoot. And:“ Laaton Ke Bhoot, Baaton Se Nahin Maante. “
Surinder Paul Attri
Friday, August 15, 2008
Shri Ravi Shankar
Subj: Shri Ravi Shankar
1. A large majority ( 80 to 90 % ) of the Hindu Holy Men ( HHMs: Sadhus, Sants, Sanyasis, Sanyasins, Priest, Shankaracharys et al ), are Phoney-Liberal to one degree or another. The true character & dimension of Islamic & Christian aggression against the Hindu, does not register in their awareness. It is an enormous problem, almost night-marish. These HHMs are “ totally unfit “ to either defend Hinduism or to strengthen, reform, and revitalize the Hindu Society. By howling & hooting their Phoney-Liberal & Namby-Pamby statements, they have thrown the Hindu Society, on the defensive, and made them more vulnerable to further aggression by Islam & Christianity. These are the WKOP ( Wrong Kind Of People ) to organize a potent & ideological defense & strength of the Hindu. We Hindus have absolutely no need for these WKOP, we do not need them any more than, we need a hole in our head.
2. Shri Ravi Shankar, though he is Phoney-Liberal, is still just one person. Picking on Shri Ravi Shankar ( as some Hindus have been doing ), has the risk of trivializing the problem of Phoney-Liberalism, which in materiality is a colossal-conundrum.
We Hindus ought to expend our energies on finding the RKOP ( Right Kind Of People ) & the RHHM ( Right Kind Of Hindu Holy Men ), who are smart, ready, and able to shoulder the responsibility of Hinduism Defense & Strength. Their job is to organize the Hindu Society, to cut the teeth of the aggressor societies of Islam & Christianity. There is no reason at all to think even for a moment that, the aggressive ideologies of Islam & Christianity, have either changed their agenda or their intention.
3. We Hindus must confront both Islam & Christianity, and adopt a Forward Policy. For this to succeed, the Hindu needs to wake up pretty-damn fast.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. A large majority ( 80 to 90 % ) of the Hindu Holy Men ( HHMs: Sadhus, Sants, Sanyasis, Sanyasins, Priest, Shankaracharys et al ), are Phoney-Liberal to one degree or another. The true character & dimension of Islamic & Christian aggression against the Hindu, does not register in their awareness. It is an enormous problem, almost night-marish. These HHMs are “ totally unfit “ to either defend Hinduism or to strengthen, reform, and revitalize the Hindu Society. By howling & hooting their Phoney-Liberal & Namby-Pamby statements, they have thrown the Hindu Society, on the defensive, and made them more vulnerable to further aggression by Islam & Christianity. These are the WKOP ( Wrong Kind Of People ) to organize a potent & ideological defense & strength of the Hindu. We Hindus have absolutely no need for these WKOP, we do not need them any more than, we need a hole in our head.
2. Shri Ravi Shankar, though he is Phoney-Liberal, is still just one person. Picking on Shri Ravi Shankar ( as some Hindus have been doing ), has the risk of trivializing the problem of Phoney-Liberalism, which in materiality is a colossal-conundrum.
We Hindus ought to expend our energies on finding the RKOP ( Right Kind Of People ) & the RHHM ( Right Kind Of Hindu Holy Men ), who are smart, ready, and able to shoulder the responsibility of Hinduism Defense & Strength. Their job is to organize the Hindu Society, to cut the teeth of the aggressor societies of Islam & Christianity. There is no reason at all to think even for a moment that, the aggressive ideologies of Islam & Christianity, have either changed their agenda or their intention.
3. We Hindus must confront both Islam & Christianity, and adopt a Forward Policy. For this to succeed, the Hindu needs to wake up pretty-damn fast.
Surinder Paul Attri
Shri Ravi Shankar
Subj: Shri Ravi Shankar
1. A large majority ( 80 to 90 % ) of the Hindu Holy Men ( HHMs: Sadhus, Sants, Sanyasis, Sanyasins, Priest, Shankaracharys et al ), are Phoney-Liberal to one degree or another. The true character & dimension of Islamic & Christian aggression against the Hindu, does not register in their awareness. It is an enormous problem, almost night-marish. These HHMs are “ totally unfit “ to either defend Hinduism or to strengthen, reform, and revitalize the Hindu Society. By howling & hooting their Phoney-Liberal & Namby-Pamby statements, they have thrown the Hindu Society, on the defensive, and made them more vulnerable to further aggression by Islam & Christianity. These are the WKOP ( Wrong Kind Of People ) to organize a potent & ideological defense & strength of the Hindu. We Hindus have absolutely no need for these WKOP, we do not need them any more than, we need a hole in our head.
2. Shri Ravi Shankar, though he is Phoney-Liberal, is still just one person. Picking on Shri Ravi Shankar ( as some Hindus have been doing ), has the risk of trivializing the problem of Phoney-Liberalism, which in materiality is a colossal-conundrum.
We Hindus ought to expend our energies on finding the RKOP ( Right Kind Of People ) & the RHHM ( Right Kind Of Hindu Holy Men ), who are smart, ready, and able to shoulder the responsibility of Hinduism Defense & Strength. Their job is to organize the Hindu Society, to cut the teeth of the aggressor societies of Islam & Christianity. There is no reason at all to think even for a moment that, the aggressive ideologies of Islam & Christianity, have either changed their agenda or their intention.
3. We Hindus must confront both Islam & Christianity, and adopt a Forward Policy. For this to succeed, the Hindu needs to wake up pretty-damn fast.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. A large majority ( 80 to 90 % ) of the Hindu Holy Men ( HHMs: Sadhus, Sants, Sanyasis, Sanyasins, Priest, Shankaracharys et al ), are Phoney-Liberal to one degree or another. The true character & dimension of Islamic & Christian aggression against the Hindu, does not register in their awareness. It is an enormous problem, almost night-marish. These HHMs are “ totally unfit “ to either defend Hinduism or to strengthen, reform, and revitalize the Hindu Society. By howling & hooting their Phoney-Liberal & Namby-Pamby statements, they have thrown the Hindu Society, on the defensive, and made them more vulnerable to further aggression by Islam & Christianity. These are the WKOP ( Wrong Kind Of People ) to organize a potent & ideological defense & strength of the Hindu. We Hindus have absolutely no need for these WKOP, we do not need them any more than, we need a hole in our head.
2. Shri Ravi Shankar, though he is Phoney-Liberal, is still just one person. Picking on Shri Ravi Shankar ( as some Hindus have been doing ), has the risk of trivializing the problem of Phoney-Liberalism, which in materiality is a colossal-conundrum.
We Hindus ought to expend our energies on finding the RKOP ( Right Kind Of People ) & the RHHM ( Right Kind Of Hindu Holy Men ), who are smart, ready, and able to shoulder the responsibility of Hinduism Defense & Strength. Their job is to organize the Hindu Society, to cut the teeth of the aggressor societies of Islam & Christianity. There is no reason at all to think even for a moment that, the aggressive ideologies of Islam & Christianity, have either changed their agenda or their intention.
3. We Hindus must confront both Islam & Christianity, and adopt a Forward Policy. For this to succeed, the Hindu needs to wake up pretty-damn fast.
Surinder Paul Attri
Shri Ravi Shankar
Subj: Shri Ravi Shankar
1. A large majority ( 80 to 90 % ) of the Hindu Holy Men ( HHMs: Sadhus, Sants, Sanyasis, Sanyasins, Priest, Shankaracharys et al ), are Phoney-Liberal to one degree or another. The true character & dimension of Islamic & Christian aggression against the Hindu, does not register in their awareness. It is an enormous problem, almost night-marish. These HHMs are “ totally unfit “ to either defend Hinduism or to strengthen, reform, and revitalize the Hindu Society. By howling & hooting their Phoney-Liberal & Namby-Pamby statements, they have thrown the Hindu Society, on the defensive, and made them more vulnerable to further aggression by Islam & Christianity. These are the WKOP ( Wrong Kind Of People ) to organize a potent & ideological defense & strength of the Hindu. We Hindus have absolutely no need for these WKOP, we do not need them any more than, we need a hole in our head.
2. Shri Ravi Shankar, though he is Phoney-Liberal, is still just one person. Picking on Shri Ravi Shankar ( as some Hindus have been doing ), has the risk of trivializing the problem of Phoney-Liberalism, which in materiality is a colossal-conundrum.
We Hindus ought to expend our energies on finding the RKOP ( Right Kind Of People ) & the RHHM ( Right Kind Of Hindu Holy Men ), who are smart, ready, and able to shoulder the responsibility of Hinduism Defense & Strength. Their job is to organize the Hindu Society, to cut the teeth of the aggressor societies of Islam & Christianity. There is no reason at all to think even for a moment that, the aggressive ideologies of Islam & Christianity, have either changed their agenda or their intention.
3. We Hindus must confront both Islam & Christianity, and adopt a Forward Policy. For this to succeed, the Hindu needs to wake up pretty-damn fast.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. A large majority ( 80 to 90 % ) of the Hindu Holy Men ( HHMs: Sadhus, Sants, Sanyasis, Sanyasins, Priest, Shankaracharys et al ), are Phoney-Liberal to one degree or another. The true character & dimension of Islamic & Christian aggression against the Hindu, does not register in their awareness. It is an enormous problem, almost night-marish. These HHMs are “ totally unfit “ to either defend Hinduism or to strengthen, reform, and revitalize the Hindu Society. By howling & hooting their Phoney-Liberal & Namby-Pamby statements, they have thrown the Hindu Society, on the defensive, and made them more vulnerable to further aggression by Islam & Christianity. These are the WKOP ( Wrong Kind Of People ) to organize a potent & ideological defense & strength of the Hindu. We Hindus have absolutely no need for these WKOP, we do not need them any more than, we need a hole in our head.
2. Shri Ravi Shankar, though he is Phoney-Liberal, is still just one person. Picking on Shri Ravi Shankar ( as some Hindus have been doing ), has the risk of trivializing the problem of Phoney-Liberalism, which in materiality is a colossal-conundrum.
We Hindus ought to expend our energies on finding the RKOP ( Right Kind Of People ) & the RHHM ( Right Kind Of Hindu Holy Men ), who are smart, ready, and able to shoulder the responsibility of Hinduism Defense & Strength. Their job is to organize the Hindu Society, to cut the teeth of the aggressor societies of Islam & Christianity. There is no reason at all to think even for a moment that, the aggressive ideologies of Islam & Christianity, have either changed their agenda or their intention.
3. We Hindus must confront both Islam & Christianity, and adopt a Forward Policy. For this to succeed, the Hindu needs to wake up pretty-damn fast.
Surinder Paul Attri
Shri Ravi Shankar
Subj: Shri Ravi Shankar
1. A large majority ( 80 to 90 % ) of the Hindu Holy Men ( HHMs: Sadhus, Sants, Sanyasis, Sanyasins, Priest, Shankaracharys et al ), are Phoney-Liberal to one degree or another. The true character & dimension of Islamic & Christian aggression against the Hindu, does not register in their awareness. It is an enormous problem, almost night-marish. These HHMs are “ totally unfit “ to either defend Hinduism or to strengthen, reform, and revitalize the Hindu Society. By howling & hooting their Phoney-Liberal & Namby-Pamby statements, they have thrown the Hindu Society, on the defensive, and made them more vulnerable to further aggression by Islam & Christianity. These are the WKOP ( Wrong Kind Of People ) to organize a potent & ideological defense & strength of the Hindu. We Hindus have absolutely no need for these WKOP, we do not need them any more than, we need a hole in our head.
2. Shri Ravi Shankar, though he is Phoney-Liberal, is still just one person. Picking on Shri Ravi Shankar ( as some Hindus have been doing ), has the risk of trivializing the problem of Phoney-Liberalism, which in materiality is a colossal-conundrum.
We Hindus ought to expend our energies on finding the RKOP ( Right Kind Of People ) & the RHHM ( Right Kind Of Hindu Holy Men ), who are smart, ready, and able to shoulder the responsibility of Hinduism Defense & Strength. Their job is to organize the Hindu Society, to cut the teeth of the aggressor societies of Islam & Christianity. There is no reason at all to think even for a moment that, the aggressive ideologies of Islam & Christianity, have either changed their agenda or their intention.
3. We Hindus must confront both Islam & Christianity, and adopt a Forward Policy. For this to succeed, the Hindu needs to wake up pretty-damn fast.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. A large majority ( 80 to 90 % ) of the Hindu Holy Men ( HHMs: Sadhus, Sants, Sanyasis, Sanyasins, Priest, Shankaracharys et al ), are Phoney-Liberal to one degree or another. The true character & dimension of Islamic & Christian aggression against the Hindu, does not register in their awareness. It is an enormous problem, almost night-marish. These HHMs are “ totally unfit “ to either defend Hinduism or to strengthen, reform, and revitalize the Hindu Society. By howling & hooting their Phoney-Liberal & Namby-Pamby statements, they have thrown the Hindu Society, on the defensive, and made them more vulnerable to further aggression by Islam & Christianity. These are the WKOP ( Wrong Kind Of People ) to organize a potent & ideological defense & strength of the Hindu. We Hindus have absolutely no need for these WKOP, we do not need them any more than, we need a hole in our head.
2. Shri Ravi Shankar, though he is Phoney-Liberal, is still just one person. Picking on Shri Ravi Shankar ( as some Hindus have been doing ), has the risk of trivializing the problem of Phoney-Liberalism, which in materiality is a colossal-conundrum.
We Hindus ought to expend our energies on finding the RKOP ( Right Kind Of People ) & the RHHM ( Right Kind Of Hindu Holy Men ), who are smart, ready, and able to shoulder the responsibility of Hinduism Defense & Strength. Their job is to organize the Hindu Society, to cut the teeth of the aggressor societies of Islam & Christianity. There is no reason at all to think even for a moment that, the aggressive ideologies of Islam & Christianity, have either changed their agenda or their intention.
3. We Hindus must confront both Islam & Christianity, and adopt a Forward Policy. For this to succeed, the Hindu needs to wake up pretty-damn fast.
Surinder Paul Attri
Shri Ravi Shankar
Subj: Shri Ravi Shankar
1. A large majority ( 80 to 90 % ) of the Hindu Holy Men ( HHMs: Sadhus, Sants, Sanyasis, Sanyasins, Priest, Shankaracharys et al ), are Phoney-Liberal to one degree or another. The true character & dimension of Islamic & Christian aggression against the Hindu, does not register in their awareness. It is an enormous problem, almost night-marish. These HHMs are “ totally unfit “ to either defend Hinduism or to strengthen, reform, and revitalize the Hindu Society. By howling & hooting their Phoney-Liberal & Namby-Pamby statements, they have thrown the Hindu Society, on the defensive, and made them more vulnerable to further aggression by Islam & Christianity. These are the WKOP ( Wrong Kind Of People ) to organize a potent & ideological defense & strength of the Hindu. We Hindus have absolutely no need for these WKOP, we do not need them any more than, we need a hole in our head.
2. Shri Ravi Shankar, though he is Phoney-Liberal, is still just one person. Picking on Shri Ravi Shankar ( as some Hindus have been doing ), has the risk of trivializing the problem of Phoney-Liberalism, which in materiality is a colossal-conundrum.
We Hindus ought to expend our energies on finding the RKOP ( Right Kind Of People ) & the RHHM ( Right Kind Of Hindu Holy Men ), who are smart, ready, and able to shoulder the responsibility of Hinduism Defense & Strength. Their job is to organize the Hindu Society, to cut the teeth of the aggressor societies of Islam & Christianity. There is no reason at all to think even for a moment that, the aggressive ideologies of Islam & Christianity, have either changed their agenda or their intention.
3. We Hindus must confront both Islam & Christianity, and adopt a Forward Policy. For this to succeed, the Hindu needs to wake up pretty-damn fast.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. A large majority ( 80 to 90 % ) of the Hindu Holy Men ( HHMs: Sadhus, Sants, Sanyasis, Sanyasins, Priest, Shankaracharys et al ), are Phoney-Liberal to one degree or another. The true character & dimension of Islamic & Christian aggression against the Hindu, does not register in their awareness. It is an enormous problem, almost night-marish. These HHMs are “ totally unfit “ to either defend Hinduism or to strengthen, reform, and revitalize the Hindu Society. By howling & hooting their Phoney-Liberal & Namby-Pamby statements, they have thrown the Hindu Society, on the defensive, and made them more vulnerable to further aggression by Islam & Christianity. These are the WKOP ( Wrong Kind Of People ) to organize a potent & ideological defense & strength of the Hindu. We Hindus have absolutely no need for these WKOP, we do not need them any more than, we need a hole in our head.
2. Shri Ravi Shankar, though he is Phoney-Liberal, is still just one person. Picking on Shri Ravi Shankar ( as some Hindus have been doing ), has the risk of trivializing the problem of Phoney-Liberalism, which in materiality is a colossal-conundrum.
We Hindus ought to expend our energies on finding the RKOP ( Right Kind Of People ) & the RHHM ( Right Kind Of Hindu Holy Men ), who are smart, ready, and able to shoulder the responsibility of Hinduism Defense & Strength. Their job is to organize the Hindu Society, to cut the teeth of the aggressor societies of Islam & Christianity. There is no reason at all to think even for a moment that, the aggressive ideologies of Islam & Christianity, have either changed their agenda or their intention.
3. We Hindus must confront both Islam & Christianity, and adopt a Forward Policy. For this to succeed, the Hindu needs to wake up pretty-damn fast.
Surinder Paul Attri
The Disgraceful Life of Brides of Christ ( Christian Nuns )
Subj: The Disgraceful Life of Brides of Christ ( Christian Nuns )
1. For centuries, Roman Catholic church has been patting itself on the back, as the paragon of family life & values. For all this time, it has been persuading women that, celibacy is much more desirable than marriage & child-bearing. But the consequences of Rome’s “ forbidding to marry “ doctrine, and the magnitude of its horror, are not known to many people, and they certainly are not acknowledged by Rome. Lots of innocent girls, in the arcade of nunnery, have been emotionally & sexually abused. Rome certainly knows ( but rarely admits ) the lust of its Catholic Priests, and the resultant degradation of women in the nunnery, are nothing short of scandal & shame.
2. The choice for Rome is between openly admitting, how the convents operate, and hypocrisy. Rome has chosen the latter, and dares to put up its phoney-face of piety & purity.
Not only that, at this point in time, Europe’s disadvantaged women, and women from less-developed countries, are swallowed up wholesale into convents. It is a quarry of pure gold, for the lusty & lecherous priests of Catholicism. The protests of angry & incarcerated nuns, seldom reach the outside world, and the scale of this large scale forced imprisonment, remains well protected & hidden.
Reports that do manage to get out, show that many nuns tried to be virtuous, but found themselves at the mercy of the sex-hungry priests, who took advantage of them, and depraved them. Rome’s propaganda of superiority of celibacy, in the face of the lust of its priests, is just about the biggest hypocrisy & two-facedness, that there is.
3. Will Rome ever face the reality, and get its preying-priests, of the backs of victim-nuns ? I doubt it. Rome has gotten along fine for centuries, without the necessity of solving this problem. Why should it change its settled & secure system ? It is a safe bet that Rome will continue to give a Nelson’s Eye, to the abuse of nuns. It is a well-known fact that, the vast majority of the sexual partners of the nuns, are the priests of the Catholic church. It is no exaggeration that Rome, willingly or unwillingly, has converted convents into “ public bordellos. “
4. No doubt, there are some good women amongst the nuns, but they are forced to live a disgraceful life. The blame for all this disgrace & shame, gets back to Rome itself, who has enshrined the desirability of celibacy in canon law. The absurdity of this skewed law, has downgraded marriage & family life, and proves the rottenness of the Catholic doctrine.
A similarity may be drawn between prostitutes & nuns. Both are independent of their parents & family. In fact, in many cases reformed or needy prostitutes are swallowed into nunneries.
5. Rome’s “ forbidding to marry “ doctrine has brought nothing but shame, to victim nuns and to Catholicism itself. It is pathetic that in spite of the depravity of the institution of nunnery, Rome maintains its deceit and phoney-face, by pronouncing that “ unmarried virgins “ are spiritually superior, to wives & mothers and that marriage is a debased state, as compared with the life of, the Brides Of Christ ( Christian Nuns ).
Surinder Paul Attri
1. For centuries, Roman Catholic church has been patting itself on the back, as the paragon of family life & values. For all this time, it has been persuading women that, celibacy is much more desirable than marriage & child-bearing. But the consequences of Rome’s “ forbidding to marry “ doctrine, and the magnitude of its horror, are not known to many people, and they certainly are not acknowledged by Rome. Lots of innocent girls, in the arcade of nunnery, have been emotionally & sexually abused. Rome certainly knows ( but rarely admits ) the lust of its Catholic Priests, and the resultant degradation of women in the nunnery, are nothing short of scandal & shame.
2. The choice for Rome is between openly admitting, how the convents operate, and hypocrisy. Rome has chosen the latter, and dares to put up its phoney-face of piety & purity.
Not only that, at this point in time, Europe’s disadvantaged women, and women from less-developed countries, are swallowed up wholesale into convents. It is a quarry of pure gold, for the lusty & lecherous priests of Catholicism. The protests of angry & incarcerated nuns, seldom reach the outside world, and the scale of this large scale forced imprisonment, remains well protected & hidden.
Reports that do manage to get out, show that many nuns tried to be virtuous, but found themselves at the mercy of the sex-hungry priests, who took advantage of them, and depraved them. Rome’s propaganda of superiority of celibacy, in the face of the lust of its priests, is just about the biggest hypocrisy & two-facedness, that there is.
3. Will Rome ever face the reality, and get its preying-priests, of the backs of victim-nuns ? I doubt it. Rome has gotten along fine for centuries, without the necessity of solving this problem. Why should it change its settled & secure system ? It is a safe bet that Rome will continue to give a Nelson’s Eye, to the abuse of nuns. It is a well-known fact that, the vast majority of the sexual partners of the nuns, are the priests of the Catholic church. It is no exaggeration that Rome, willingly or unwillingly, has converted convents into “ public bordellos. “
4. No doubt, there are some good women amongst the nuns, but they are forced to live a disgraceful life. The blame for all this disgrace & shame, gets back to Rome itself, who has enshrined the desirability of celibacy in canon law. The absurdity of this skewed law, has downgraded marriage & family life, and proves the rottenness of the Catholic doctrine.
A similarity may be drawn between prostitutes & nuns. Both are independent of their parents & family. In fact, in many cases reformed or needy prostitutes are swallowed into nunneries.
5. Rome’s “ forbidding to marry “ doctrine has brought nothing but shame, to victim nuns and to Catholicism itself. It is pathetic that in spite of the depravity of the institution of nunnery, Rome maintains its deceit and phoney-face, by pronouncing that “ unmarried virgins “ are spiritually superior, to wives & mothers and that marriage is a debased state, as compared with the life of, the Brides Of Christ ( Christian Nuns ).
Surinder Paul Attri
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Dreadful Dracula Houses of Kerala
The Dreadful Dracula Houses of Kerala
The Catholic Christian Convents of Central Kerala
Dr. C. I. IssacThe Central Kerala, particularly, the Kottayam district is the highest Christian populated [8, 95,000 or 45.83%] area and is the Vatican of India. It is the bastion of Christian vested interests also. In the recent Assembly elections also this Christian upper hand reflected well, and to a certain extent it helped to save the face of Congress led front [UDF]. A sizable number of priests and nuns works all over India are haling from this particular area. So it is the nuclei of India’s Christian conversion programme [India for Christ Programme]. Above all, the contemporary European Church is facing spiritual crisis due to its youths reluctance to ordain as priests and nuns and the Churches of Central Kerala solves that through the export of the same. Through this thumbnail sketch of the present-day Kerala Church, this article is intended to draw the attention of the esteemed readers on the malady of those Christian girls who destined to be as nuns or ‘bride of the Jesus’, within the four walls of the convents.
For the last two decades the disastrous end of young girls who embraced the nun-hood turned to be a news item in the column of the vernacular newspapers of Kerala. So far a dozen such news catches the headings of the press. Of the first is the pathetic end of 19 year old student cum nun Sr. [Sister] Abhaya of Pius X Convent in the heart of the town, Kottayam. She belongs to a lower middle class Catholic family of Kottayam district. On 1992 March 27th, her body was found in the well of the said convent. Her father Thomas Areekkara and mother Leelamma raised serious doubts about the death of their daughter Beena [changed her name in to Sr. Abhaya after taking the veil]. They categorically say that her daughter has any raison d'être to commit suicide.
The dawn of 27th March was a sad day to the students and teachers of BCM college of Kottayam, where Sr. Abhaya was a student, who met disastrous end in the Pius X convent. The Christian police officer who rushed to the spot was given priority to destroy the evidences, instead of collecting evidences related to her suspicious death. No doubt it was with the political blessings from above. Later ups and downs in the investigations are much evident to justify this doubt. The growing economic and political power of Christians [particularly the Church] in Kerala considerably influenced the course of its investigation. The parents of the deceased nun and the philanthropists of Kottayam continued their legal battle to book the culprit, miserably failed. The Christian CBI officer who was in charge of investigation resigned from the office while investigation was in progress. The suspected priest and the mother of the convent who ought to be the prime witness in the case were sent to Vatican by the Church authorities and subsequently they became the citizens of the Papal State. Even though the government of India has a healthy diplomatic relation with Vatican, the investigating agencies miserably failed to extradite them for interrogation.
The story of the disastrous deaths of nuns in the convents of Kerala not ends with the mysterious death of Sr. Abhaya. It was the beginning of a new turn in the history of church sponsored criminalism in Kerala. Subsequently, after two weeks, another nun called Sr. Mercy found dead in a waterless pond in the compound of the convent at Mukkootuthara in the Kottayam district. The all-powerful church hierarchy was able to manipulate the course of investigation from its bud and write-off the death as an accident of drowning. The story of the disastrous death coming out from the convents of Central Kerala is shrouded in mystery and equal or more than that in the 19th century detective novel Dracula of Bram Stocker.
Another scapegoat of the ‘convent-death’ is Sr. Paulcy of the Snehagiri [Hill of Love] Convent of Palai near Kottayam. It was on 17th May 2000. She died of the consumption of poisoned meet food. No other inmates of the convent is affected with food poison, is the paradox to be answered. But the convent authorities had given obituary advertisement in leading vernacular newspaper that Sr. Paulcy [35] died of heart attack. Even though she lost her life in the night of 17th May, the matter was informed to her parents who reside very near to the convent only after eight O’clock in the morning of the next day. Parents of the unfortunate nun raised doubts about the death and the police intervened. The post-mortem report negated the Convent hierarchy’s argument of the ‘heart attack’. The sister and mother of the deceased nun recollected the story which told her a few weeks back that, “a lot of foreign remittance is flowing to the Convent and she happened to see the details of the remittance caused the wrath of the Mother superior of the Convent and she scolded a lot her”. [2nd largest circulated daily of Kerala; Matrubhoomi Daily, Kottayam, 25th June 2000]. Any way the story of mysterious deaths of nuns clearly giving some clue that most of the convents in the Central Kerala are not only the abodes nuns but also the seat of mysterious transactions including the violation of the Commandments 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th. [For the details of the quoted Commandments, see Exodus, Chapter XIX, Aphorisms 2 – 17].
After a couple of months, Sr. Sofi, a 27 year old nun of Velliyappally Valakkattu Convent of Palai became the next victim of “Convent Tragedy”. Her body found in the well of the convent. As usual police has registered an FIR. But the investigation not yet reached any shore of conclusion. It is quite natural that a prominent leader of Kerala politics and his party is the product of the Catholic Church and he belongs to Palai. So in all the church/priest/nun related criminal offences are always shrouding in obscurity. Hence the unnatural death of Sr. Sofi also got the same destiny.
The story of the destiny of Sr. Anjo has yet another dimension. A 22 year old nun found solace in suicide on 29th December 2003. She was an intelligent and smart girl who opt the path of “Bride-ship of the Christ” owing to the compulsion of the family and parents. She was the inmate of SH Convent, Chanjodi near Kottaym. To the Anjo the life in the monotonous convent was boring and she thought about the deliverance. The parents and the Convent authorities insisted her to continue in veil. She lost all hopes of deliverance and finally she fond solace in hanging on the fan. [Feature from Keralasabdham Weekly,- a prominent Malayalam news weekly - 19th January 2003, pp 12, 13].
The tragic death Sr. Ancy, 32, of Bethany Convent of Ranny-Perunnadu was the story of yet another unfortunate who found [it is said] her destiny in the well of the convent. She was a teacher of the school run by the church. Her dead body found in the well in the early morning. But the convent authorities informed the police only after 10’O clock in the morning. This response of the convent authorities was doubtful. The police investigation lost its momentum elsewhere in the deluge of time. Once again the name of one more nun, Sr. Ancy, was also written in the list of Christ’s Brides, which appears, on the walls of paradise.
Now the story of unnatural deaths in the convents is not at all news to an ordinary Malayalee. Even though, it is genuine to bring the news of the tragic end of the last but not least nun. On 23rd June 2006 Sr. Lisa of Saint Francis Clarist Convent of Iravuchira, a hamlet near Kottayam, who ends her life in the convent by consuming poison. The relatives and guardians of the deceased Sr. Lisa strongly believe that her decision of ending life is the outcome of the torture and humiliation that met by her from the convent authorities. [Janmabhoomi Daily – a prominent Hindu news paper - Kottayam, 26th June 2006].
The above mentioned are only some identical incidents from a dozen convent tragedies that took place in the recent past. Those politicians who cast their covetous eyes on the vote banks of the Church have no sufficient will to ensure justice to the souls of the ill-fated women who forced to take veil. The parents of the unfortunate Sr. Abhaya’s fight for justice not yet produced any fruits. The power seeking politician’s interference in the investigation turned down as the stumbling block behind the way to ensure justice to the soul of Sr. Abhaya.
The wretched girls who fettered in the convents are hailing from economically poor Christian families of Kerala. The wealth and religion are not traveling together in the practical experience/case of Christianity in the west. The contemporary European Christian experience substantiates this universal truth. The rich European region is now reluctant to contribute priests and nuns to cater the demands of the Church. Now this gap is filled from less prosperous countries of Asia and Africa. The Church in Kerala is booking profit out of the economic backwardness that still exists amongst the Christian families and thus recruits girls from such families as nuns. Usually girls are enrolled in to the bandwagon of nunnery at the tender ages. The compulsions of the parents who are allured by the Church are grazing its lass to the ‘heavenly prisons’ [convents]. One cannot deny the role of convents schools to motivate young and innocent girls to the ‘slaughter houses’ [convents].
The Syrian Christian community with immense wealth, celebrating their marriage ceremonies with the pomp of “Maha Kumba Melas”, is the real culprit behind the plight of poor girls behind the bars of convents. The seven-digit dowry and celebration turned as a nightmare to the poor Christian families. So the economically weak in the Christian community can’t imagine marriage of their daughters. Kottayam, a small town of 25 lakhs of people and five Cathedrals with Christian economic dominance, has one and a half dozen ‘five star jewelers’ shows the extent of the pompous of richness of Syrian Christians. Now money is a deciding factor in this community. So, economically weak Christians are gearing to compete with the rest through acquiring money. As a result they are compelling their lasses to opt either to nursing or to nunnery. The convent is dam cheap as compared to nursing. So the economically too poor parents are forced to herd their damsels to the convents. Therefore, the Kerala’s Syrian Christian Church is the chief contributor of the 95% of nuns required for the proselytism activities of the Churches in India.
The allegations both moral and material are the universal ghost haunting the Christendom all over the world. One Catholic Priest from India [Kerala] got four months jail term for sexually abusing a twelve year old laity girl in USA. The convicted Rev. Francis X Nelson [38] hailing from Kerala served as the Confidential Secretary Kottar [Tamilnadu] Bishop Leon Tharmaraj. [The New Indian Express, Kochi, 28 March 2003]. Broklyn [USA] Diocese Bishop has forced to transfer 42 files related to sexual abuses involved by twenty five Catholic priests to the authorities during the trial of the Rev. Nelson’s case. [Janmabhoomi Daily, Kochi, 28 March 2003]. The Vatican recently confessed that priests and nuns under the Roman Catholic Church in several countries including India and Italy involving in sexual relations. La Republica daily of Italy reports that priests and nuns involved rape, conception and abortion are frequently reported from various regions. [Janmabhoomi Daily, Kochi, 22 March 2001]. Priests involvements in murder and other subversive activate are increasing at a high rate.
It is believed that the Catholic Priests and Nuns are chronic bachelors and chronic spinsters respectively who practices Bramachariay/Sanyasaa Ashram/life of hermit are using high calorie fat food is one among several reasons of the increase of sexual appetite. This is the main reason for the sex related crimes also. If the church is interested to maintain the purity of the concept of hermit life amongst its soldiers of proselytism, it is better to follow Hindu practices of vegetarianism and yoga. Otherwise papal effort to maintain hermitage in the Church order will be a futile effort.
Let us return to Kerala scenario. In September 2001 St. Alphonsa Church at Kolayad near Kannur was ransacked by some [the discontented laity] people. Those who are lamenting of Sanga Parivar attack on churches in other states followed lukewarm attitude towards this attack. This was happened so, because of the frustration that brewing inside the church. Fr. Job Chittilappally, a 71 year old padre of St. Varaprasada Matha Church, near Chalakudi in Trichur district found dead with stab injuries in August 2004. The Church has shown no enthusiasm in booking the culprit, is noteworthy. Earlier for petty problems nuns and priests along with laity display their might in the street. But in this case there were no such road shows. All these are the signs of the ever-deteriorating morale space of the Church and Christianity all over.
So here comes the question of social justice. The ill-fated girls who destined to the hellish suffering within the four walls of convents have the right to live. The government and constitution has moral and legal right to ensure the right of life of them. So the practice of recruiting girls to the convents before the growth of ‘wisdom teeth’ must go. The recruitment to the profession of nunnery at the tender age is not different from girl-foeticide. So it must be treated as criminal act and those who involve, with out considering the social status of person, must brought before the law. If criminal laws are not sufficient to deal with, it should make further laws to book the culprits. If we fail to do something in this direction it may lead to severe social problems similar to that generated by the rotten Devdadasi system of medieval South India.
The Catholic Christian Convents of Central Kerala
Dr. C. I. IssacThe Central Kerala, particularly, the Kottayam district is the highest Christian populated [8, 95,000 or 45.83%] area and is the Vatican of India. It is the bastion of Christian vested interests also. In the recent Assembly elections also this Christian upper hand reflected well, and to a certain extent it helped to save the face of Congress led front [UDF]. A sizable number of priests and nuns works all over India are haling from this particular area. So it is the nuclei of India’s Christian conversion programme [India for Christ Programme]. Above all, the contemporary European Church is facing spiritual crisis due to its youths reluctance to ordain as priests and nuns and the Churches of Central Kerala solves that through the export of the same. Through this thumbnail sketch of the present-day Kerala Church, this article is intended to draw the attention of the esteemed readers on the malady of those Christian girls who destined to be as nuns or ‘bride of the Jesus’, within the four walls of the convents.
For the last two decades the disastrous end of young girls who embraced the nun-hood turned to be a news item in the column of the vernacular newspapers of Kerala. So far a dozen such news catches the headings of the press. Of the first is the pathetic end of 19 year old student cum nun Sr. [Sister] Abhaya of Pius X Convent in the heart of the town, Kottayam. She belongs to a lower middle class Catholic family of Kottayam district. On 1992 March 27th, her body was found in the well of the said convent. Her father Thomas Areekkara and mother Leelamma raised serious doubts about the death of their daughter Beena [changed her name in to Sr. Abhaya after taking the veil]. They categorically say that her daughter has any raison d'être to commit suicide.
The dawn of 27th March was a sad day to the students and teachers of BCM college of Kottayam, where Sr. Abhaya was a student, who met disastrous end in the Pius X convent. The Christian police officer who rushed to the spot was given priority to destroy the evidences, instead of collecting evidences related to her suspicious death. No doubt it was with the political blessings from above. Later ups and downs in the investigations are much evident to justify this doubt. The growing economic and political power of Christians [particularly the Church] in Kerala considerably influenced the course of its investigation. The parents of the deceased nun and the philanthropists of Kottayam continued their legal battle to book the culprit, miserably failed. The Christian CBI officer who was in charge of investigation resigned from the office while investigation was in progress. The suspected priest and the mother of the convent who ought to be the prime witness in the case were sent to Vatican by the Church authorities and subsequently they became the citizens of the Papal State. Even though the government of India has a healthy diplomatic relation with Vatican, the investigating agencies miserably failed to extradite them for interrogation.
The story of the disastrous deaths of nuns in the convents of Kerala not ends with the mysterious death of Sr. Abhaya. It was the beginning of a new turn in the history of church sponsored criminalism in Kerala. Subsequently, after two weeks, another nun called Sr. Mercy found dead in a waterless pond in the compound of the convent at Mukkootuthara in the Kottayam district. The all-powerful church hierarchy was able to manipulate the course of investigation from its bud and write-off the death as an accident of drowning. The story of the disastrous death coming out from the convents of Central Kerala is shrouded in mystery and equal or more than that in the 19th century detective novel Dracula of Bram Stocker.
Another scapegoat of the ‘convent-death’ is Sr. Paulcy of the Snehagiri [Hill of Love] Convent of Palai near Kottayam. It was on 17th May 2000. She died of the consumption of poisoned meet food. No other inmates of the convent is affected with food poison, is the paradox to be answered. But the convent authorities had given obituary advertisement in leading vernacular newspaper that Sr. Paulcy [35] died of heart attack. Even though she lost her life in the night of 17th May, the matter was informed to her parents who reside very near to the convent only after eight O’clock in the morning of the next day. Parents of the unfortunate nun raised doubts about the death and the police intervened. The post-mortem report negated the Convent hierarchy’s argument of the ‘heart attack’. The sister and mother of the deceased nun recollected the story which told her a few weeks back that, “a lot of foreign remittance is flowing to the Convent and she happened to see the details of the remittance caused the wrath of the Mother superior of the Convent and she scolded a lot her”. [2nd largest circulated daily of Kerala; Matrubhoomi Daily, Kottayam, 25th June 2000]. Any way the story of mysterious deaths of nuns clearly giving some clue that most of the convents in the Central Kerala are not only the abodes nuns but also the seat of mysterious transactions including the violation of the Commandments 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th. [For the details of the quoted Commandments, see Exodus, Chapter XIX, Aphorisms 2 – 17].
After a couple of months, Sr. Sofi, a 27 year old nun of Velliyappally Valakkattu Convent of Palai became the next victim of “Convent Tragedy”. Her body found in the well of the convent. As usual police has registered an FIR. But the investigation not yet reached any shore of conclusion. It is quite natural that a prominent leader of Kerala politics and his party is the product of the Catholic Church and he belongs to Palai. So in all the church/priest/nun related criminal offences are always shrouding in obscurity. Hence the unnatural death of Sr. Sofi also got the same destiny.
The story of the destiny of Sr. Anjo has yet another dimension. A 22 year old nun found solace in suicide on 29th December 2003. She was an intelligent and smart girl who opt the path of “Bride-ship of the Christ” owing to the compulsion of the family and parents. She was the inmate of SH Convent, Chanjodi near Kottaym. To the Anjo the life in the monotonous convent was boring and she thought about the deliverance. The parents and the Convent authorities insisted her to continue in veil. She lost all hopes of deliverance and finally she fond solace in hanging on the fan. [Feature from Keralasabdham Weekly,- a prominent Malayalam news weekly - 19th January 2003, pp 12, 13].
The tragic death Sr. Ancy, 32, of Bethany Convent of Ranny-Perunnadu was the story of yet another unfortunate who found [it is said] her destiny in the well of the convent. She was a teacher of the school run by the church. Her dead body found in the well in the early morning. But the convent authorities informed the police only after 10’O clock in the morning. This response of the convent authorities was doubtful. The police investigation lost its momentum elsewhere in the deluge of time. Once again the name of one more nun, Sr. Ancy, was also written in the list of Christ’s Brides, which appears, on the walls of paradise.
Now the story of unnatural deaths in the convents is not at all news to an ordinary Malayalee. Even though, it is genuine to bring the news of the tragic end of the last but not least nun. On 23rd June 2006 Sr. Lisa of Saint Francis Clarist Convent of Iravuchira, a hamlet near Kottayam, who ends her life in the convent by consuming poison. The relatives and guardians of the deceased Sr. Lisa strongly believe that her decision of ending life is the outcome of the torture and humiliation that met by her from the convent authorities. [Janmabhoomi Daily – a prominent Hindu news paper - Kottayam, 26th June 2006].
The above mentioned are only some identical incidents from a dozen convent tragedies that took place in the recent past. Those politicians who cast their covetous eyes on the vote banks of the Church have no sufficient will to ensure justice to the souls of the ill-fated women who forced to take veil. The parents of the unfortunate Sr. Abhaya’s fight for justice not yet produced any fruits. The power seeking politician’s interference in the investigation turned down as the stumbling block behind the way to ensure justice to the soul of Sr. Abhaya.
The wretched girls who fettered in the convents are hailing from economically poor Christian families of Kerala. The wealth and religion are not traveling together in the practical experience/case of Christianity in the west. The contemporary European Christian experience substantiates this universal truth. The rich European region is now reluctant to contribute priests and nuns to cater the demands of the Church. Now this gap is filled from less prosperous countries of Asia and Africa. The Church in Kerala is booking profit out of the economic backwardness that still exists amongst the Christian families and thus recruits girls from such families as nuns. Usually girls are enrolled in to the bandwagon of nunnery at the tender ages. The compulsions of the parents who are allured by the Church are grazing its lass to the ‘heavenly prisons’ [convents]. One cannot deny the role of convents schools to motivate young and innocent girls to the ‘slaughter houses’ [convents].
The Syrian Christian community with immense wealth, celebrating their marriage ceremonies with the pomp of “Maha Kumba Melas”, is the real culprit behind the plight of poor girls behind the bars of convents. The seven-digit dowry and celebration turned as a nightmare to the poor Christian families. So the economically weak in the Christian community can’t imagine marriage of their daughters. Kottayam, a small town of 25 lakhs of people and five Cathedrals with Christian economic dominance, has one and a half dozen ‘five star jewelers’ shows the extent of the pompous of richness of Syrian Christians. Now money is a deciding factor in this community. So, economically weak Christians are gearing to compete with the rest through acquiring money. As a result they are compelling their lasses to opt either to nursing or to nunnery. The convent is dam cheap as compared to nursing. So the economically too poor parents are forced to herd their damsels to the convents. Therefore, the Kerala’s Syrian Christian Church is the chief contributor of the 95% of nuns required for the proselytism activities of the Churches in India.
The allegations both moral and material are the universal ghost haunting the Christendom all over the world. One Catholic Priest from India [Kerala] got four months jail term for sexually abusing a twelve year old laity girl in USA. The convicted Rev. Francis X Nelson [38] hailing from Kerala served as the Confidential Secretary Kottar [Tamilnadu] Bishop Leon Tharmaraj. [The New Indian Express, Kochi, 28 March 2003]. Broklyn [USA] Diocese Bishop has forced to transfer 42 files related to sexual abuses involved by twenty five Catholic priests to the authorities during the trial of the Rev. Nelson’s case. [Janmabhoomi Daily, Kochi, 28 March 2003]. The Vatican recently confessed that priests and nuns under the Roman Catholic Church in several countries including India and Italy involving in sexual relations. La Republica daily of Italy reports that priests and nuns involved rape, conception and abortion are frequently reported from various regions. [Janmabhoomi Daily, Kochi, 22 March 2001]. Priests involvements in murder and other subversive activate are increasing at a high rate.
It is believed that the Catholic Priests and Nuns are chronic bachelors and chronic spinsters respectively who practices Bramachariay/Sanyasaa Ashram/life of hermit are using high calorie fat food is one among several reasons of the increase of sexual appetite. This is the main reason for the sex related crimes also. If the church is interested to maintain the purity of the concept of hermit life amongst its soldiers of proselytism, it is better to follow Hindu practices of vegetarianism and yoga. Otherwise papal effort to maintain hermitage in the Church order will be a futile effort.
Let us return to Kerala scenario. In September 2001 St. Alphonsa Church at Kolayad near Kannur was ransacked by some [the discontented laity] people. Those who are lamenting of Sanga Parivar attack on churches in other states followed lukewarm attitude towards this attack. This was happened so, because of the frustration that brewing inside the church. Fr. Job Chittilappally, a 71 year old padre of St. Varaprasada Matha Church, near Chalakudi in Trichur district found dead with stab injuries in August 2004. The Church has shown no enthusiasm in booking the culprit, is noteworthy. Earlier for petty problems nuns and priests along with laity display their might in the street. But in this case there were no such road shows. All these are the signs of the ever-deteriorating morale space of the Church and Christianity all over.
So here comes the question of social justice. The ill-fated girls who destined to the hellish suffering within the four walls of convents have the right to live. The government and constitution has moral and legal right to ensure the right of life of them. So the practice of recruiting girls to the convents before the growth of ‘wisdom teeth’ must go. The recruitment to the profession of nunnery at the tender age is not different from girl-foeticide. So it must be treated as criminal act and those who involve, with out considering the social status of person, must brought before the law. If criminal laws are not sufficient to deal with, it should make further laws to book the culprits. If we fail to do something in this direction it may lead to severe social problems similar to that generated by the rotten Devdadasi system of medieval South India.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. Major cause of the present crisis in Jammu, is the separate status of the state, of Jammu & Kashmir. Maharaja Hari Singh, ruler of Jammu & Kashmir ( J & K ), acceded to India legally, without any conditions, just like 500 other states of Princely-India. But Jammu & Kashmir was handled differently by the Government Of India ( GOI ). The accession was declared temporary. Restrictions were placed on travel, to & from J & K, and permit system was introduced, which was not used in any other state of India. The state of J & K was kept under the Ministry of External Affairs, rather than the Ministry of Home Affairs.
2. Besides this, GOI gave special powers to the state government of J & K. The J & K state was given powers to frame its own constitution, and to hoist National Conference Flags, instead of Indian National Flag, on government buildings. GOI set radio stations in J & K, and named these Radio Kashmir Srinagar & Radio Kashmir Jammu, instead of naming these as All India Radio.
The state of J & K has a weird status, due to Article 370, which allows Kashmir Valley to dominate constituent Assembly, to dominate & dictate terms to minority Jammu & Ladakh citizens. All persons who are not permanent residents of J & K, are considered second class citizens, even though they are citizens of India, they do not have equal rights, in several areas of life.
3. Jammu is predominantly Hindu & Ladakh is Buddhist. Even though Jammu has more people & land than the valley, the Lion’s share of benefits & rights, has always gone to the Valley. The GOI has always focused its eyes & privileges on the valley, and has pampered the Sulla people & leaders of the Valley. The dirty game of vote-bank politics, has been played in J & K, for over 60 years. The his encouraged the cultivation & augmentation of anti-national forces in J & K.
GOI has always tried to placate, the Hurriyat & other Muslim outfits in the Valley, while butchering the rights of the Hindus of J & K. The injustices of the last 60 years, have intensified the disillusionment of the Hindu, and cancellation of the transfer of 800 Kanals of land, to Shri Amarnath Shrine Board ( SASB ), has exhausted the Hindu’s patience.
4. The political environment of J & K, has been potently influenced by the policies & attitudes of GOI, which has favored the Moslem population of J & K, at the cost of the J & K Hindu. Whenever GOI finds itself in a tight corner against the Moslem of J & K, it has always opted for appeasing the Sulla. GOI has been a sucker in its attitude toward, the Sullas of J & K.
Nehru had unbounded faith in Sheikh Abdullah, a traitor to the core. Sheikh was arrested in 1953 & jailed. He remained in jail for 11 years, during which time he delivered objectionable speeches. When released in 1964, he told a massive rally in Jammu that, our accession to India, is temporary, and it has ceased. We demand right of self-determination.
5. Separatist attitude of the Sullas of J & K, is not the result of poverty & backwardness. If poverty had been the cause, then it should have spread to Jammu & Ladakh, these two areas have been kept backward, under a definite plan of the GOI.
Separatism is ingrained in the religious attitude of the Sullas of J & K, who want to send the Kafir-Hindus of J & K, to the fires of Hell. That is the reason for the Jehadi-attacks of the Sullas on the Kafirs Hindus of J & K. That is the reason for the eviction of 4,000,000 Kashmiri Pandits from their homes. Allah has demanded that evil & sinful Kafirs ( Hindu Kafirs included ) be sent to Hell-Fire. Moslems of J & K kill the Kafir-Hindus, under a clear conscience, without any pangs of guilt.
6. Hindus cannot hide in their homes, and escape from the terror of Islam. Hindus must deal with Islamic-terror with determination. Hindus must not make the mistake of thinking, that there are only a few misguided Moslems among Islam. Hindus of J & K have bent over backward, during the last 60 years, not to offend the Sullas. But the Sullas of J & K have done everything, in their power, to exterminate the Kafir-Hindu.
Hindus of J & K have no option but to fight Islam. If is time for the Kafir-Hindus of J & K, to arm himself, and let the Sullas know that, we Hindus shall not let the Sullas rule either Jammu or Kashmir, or assault any Hindu, any where in J & K, and that any assault on the Hindu, shall be swiftly retorted with a bloody nose of the Sulla.
Surinder Paul Attri
By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. Major cause of the present crisis in Jammu, is the separate status of the state, of Jammu & Kashmir. Maharaja Hari Singh, ruler of Jammu & Kashmir ( J & K ), acceded to India legally, without any conditions, just like 500 other states of Princely-India. But Jammu & Kashmir was handled differently by the Government Of India ( GOI ). The accession was declared temporary. Restrictions were placed on travel, to & from J & K, and permit system was introduced, which was not used in any other state of India. The state of J & K was kept under the Ministry of External Affairs, rather than the Ministry of Home Affairs.
2. Besides this, GOI gave special powers to the state government of J & K. The J & K state was given powers to frame its own constitution, and to hoist National Conference Flags, instead of Indian National Flag, on government buildings. GOI set radio stations in J & K, and named these Radio Kashmir Srinagar & Radio Kashmir Jammu, instead of naming these as All India Radio.
The state of J & K has a weird status, due to Article 370, which allows Kashmir Valley to dominate constituent Assembly, to dominate & dictate terms to minority Jammu & Ladakh citizens. All persons who are not permanent residents of J & K, are considered second class citizens, even though they are citizens of India, they do not have equal rights, in several areas of life.
3. Jammu is predominantly Hindu & Ladakh is Buddhist. Even though Jammu has more people & land than the valley, the Lion’s share of benefits & rights, has always gone to the Valley. The GOI has always focused its eyes & privileges on the valley, and has pampered the Sulla people & leaders of the Valley. The dirty game of vote-bank politics, has been played in J & K, for over 60 years. The his encouraged the cultivation & augmentation of anti-national forces in J & K.
GOI has always tried to placate, the Hurriyat & other Muslim outfits in the Valley, while butchering the rights of the Hindus of J & K. The injustices of the last 60 years, have intensified the disillusionment of the Hindu, and cancellation of the transfer of 800 Kanals of land, to Shri Amarnath Shrine Board ( SASB ), has exhausted the Hindu’s patience.
4. The political environment of J & K, has been potently influenced by the policies & attitudes of GOI, which has favored the Moslem population of J & K, at the cost of the J & K Hindu. Whenever GOI finds itself in a tight corner against the Moslem of J & K, it has always opted for appeasing the Sulla. GOI has been a sucker in its attitude toward, the Sullas of J & K.
Nehru had unbounded faith in Sheikh Abdullah, a traitor to the core. Sheikh was arrested in 1953 & jailed. He remained in jail for 11 years, during which time he delivered objectionable speeches. When released in 1964, he told a massive rally in Jammu that, our accession to India, is temporary, and it has ceased. We demand right of self-determination.
5. Separatist attitude of the Sullas of J & K, is not the result of poverty & backwardness. If poverty had been the cause, then it should have spread to Jammu & Ladakh, these two areas have been kept backward, under a definite plan of the GOI.
Separatism is ingrained in the religious attitude of the Sullas of J & K, who want to send the Kafir-Hindus of J & K, to the fires of Hell. That is the reason for the Jehadi-attacks of the Sullas on the Kafirs Hindus of J & K. That is the reason for the eviction of 4,000,000 Kashmiri Pandits from their homes. Allah has demanded that evil & sinful Kafirs ( Hindu Kafirs included ) be sent to Hell-Fire. Moslems of J & K kill the Kafir-Hindus, under a clear conscience, without any pangs of guilt.
6. Hindus cannot hide in their homes, and escape from the terror of Islam. Hindus must deal with Islamic-terror with determination. Hindus must not make the mistake of thinking, that there are only a few misguided Moslems among Islam. Hindus of J & K have bent over backward, during the last 60 years, not to offend the Sullas. But the Sullas of J & K have done everything, in their power, to exterminate the Kafir-Hindu.
Hindus of J & K have no option but to fight Islam. If is time for the Kafir-Hindus of J & K, to arm himself, and let the Sullas know that, we Hindus shall not let the Sullas rule either Jammu or Kashmir, or assault any Hindu, any where in J & K, and that any assault on the Hindu, shall be swiftly retorted with a bloody nose of the Sulla.
Surinder Paul Attri
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
1. Dear Surinderji,
We should not belive in majic or on providence either. Only one good sign I am seeing is that, young and educated Muslims are leaving Islam. 6 million Muslims are deserting Islam every year in Africa and in the last one year, one lakh British Muslims have left Islam. I take the trouble of writing on Islam so that Hindus, most of whom do not know even a b c of Islam, may have some understanding about Islam. No one finds pleasure in loitering in a gutter.
Many many thanks for your valued commentsRegards,
Dr R Brahmachari,
Aug 12, 2.15 PM
2. My Take:
Dr. Brahmachari Jee:
Agreed. We Hindus cannot rely on magic nor upon providence, for either our defense or our survival. The business of life is conducted through courage & bravery, and not through magic or trickery.
3. A compromise solution is between equals. Sullas regard us Kafir-Hindus as evil & sinful, fit only to be killed & sent to Islamic Hell. It is a dumb-idea to try to compromise or reason with Sullas. We have been chanting peace for centuries & getting killed.
4. Yes, Moslems do leave Islam, but Moslems are also picking up new converts to Islam. We Hindus shall have to rely entirely on our own resources. We shall have to become deadly-enemies of cowardice, becoming daring as well as daunting. We shall have to hit Islam really hard. So far we have not done anything like that, but it is mandatory to plan on it. It is a crying-shame that, we have not pursued this idea before.
Surinder Paul Attri.
1. Dear Surinderji,
We should not belive in majic or on providence either. Only one good sign I am seeing is that, young and educated Muslims are leaving Islam. 6 million Muslims are deserting Islam every year in Africa and in the last one year, one lakh British Muslims have left Islam. I take the trouble of writing on Islam so that Hindus, most of whom do not know even a b c of Islam, may have some understanding about Islam. No one finds pleasure in loitering in a gutter.
Many many thanks for your valued commentsRegards,
Dr R Brahmachari,
Aug 12, 2.15 PM
2. My Take:
Dr. Brahmachari Jee:
Agreed. We Hindus cannot rely on magic nor upon providence, for either our defense or our survival. The business of life is conducted through courage & bravery, and not through magic or trickery.
3. A compromise solution is between equals. Sullas regard us Kafir-Hindus as evil & sinful, fit only to be killed & sent to Islamic Hell. It is a dumb-idea to try to compromise or reason with Sullas. We have been chanting peace for centuries & getting killed.
4. Yes, Moslems do leave Islam, but Moslems are also picking up new converts to Islam. We Hindus shall have to rely entirely on our own resources. We shall have to become deadly-enemies of cowardice, becoming daring as well as daunting. We shall have to hit Islam really hard. So far we have not done anything like that, but it is mandatory to plan on it. It is a crying-shame that, we have not pursued this idea before.
Surinder Paul Attri.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Reply to an idiotic enemy of the Hindu1
Subj: Reply to an idiotic enemy of the Hindu
1. Dont' write too many lines and with so many colours. I am not interested in your stupid islamic theories and pipe dram of making india muslim. Very soon your mother land Pakistan will cease to exist. Only tead the news papers and you will see. These are the very few last years of muslims in this world. Several hundred landas will be killed all over the world. So good bye !!
2. My Take:Sullas have committed plenty of Zullum on Non-Moslem Kafir Humanity. The colossal evil, barbarity, brutality, and Zullum, that Sullas have committed on Non-Moslem Kafir societies of the world, are going to be paid back to the Sullas, in full measure.
3. What goes around, comes around, and Sullas are not going to be spared , from the operation of this law.Stupes like Hussain S. Ahmad, need to understand that the Kafirs of the world, are not going to hide in ther houses, to esape Sulla-Terror, nor would they tie therir hands behind their back, they will kick the Sulla's A**. They will not allow the Sullas to take over the world. They would have kicked their A** ( may even liquidate them ) long before that.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Dont' write too many lines and with so many colours. I am not interested in your stupid islamic theories and pipe dram of making india muslim. Very soon your mother land Pakistan will cease to exist. Only tead the news papers and you will see. These are the very few last years of muslims in this world. Several hundred landas will be killed all over the world. So good bye !!
2. My Take:Sullas have committed plenty of Zullum on Non-Moslem Kafir Humanity. The colossal evil, barbarity, brutality, and Zullum, that Sullas have committed on Non-Moslem Kafir societies of the world, are going to be paid back to the Sullas, in full measure.
3. What goes around, comes around, and Sullas are not going to be spared , from the operation of this law.Stupes like Hussain S. Ahmad, need to understand that the Kafirs of the world, are not going to hide in ther houses, to esape Sulla-Terror, nor would they tie therir hands behind their back, they will kick the Sulla's A**. They will not allow the Sullas to take over the world. They would have kicked their A** ( may even liquidate them ) long before that.
Surinder Paul Attri
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Appeasement is never good for a nation
Subj: Appeasement is never good for a nation
1. Appeasement never works, especially when it comes to dealing with the Moslems. Appeasement of the Sullas of Kashmir, does not have ghost of a chance, for any Hindu politician. Moslems are taught ( indoctrinated ) that Islam is superior to all other religions, as a consequence Moslems are superior to all others ( Kafirs or Non-Moslem Infidels ), and are destined to rule over the world, and that it is the duty of every Moslem to spread the sway of Islam. Mullahs & Maulvi constantly harp on the theme that, the cowardly Hindu can never win in a battle against the Islamist forces, and that the flag of Islam must be hoisted on this Kafir-Land ( that is, Hindustan/India ).
2. The origin of the Kashmiri-Moslem’s separatism was in the setting up, of All Jammu & Kashmir National Conference, with Sheikh Abdullah as its president. In its thinking & objectives, it was exactly like the Moslem League of India, and was committed to the overthrow of the Dogra rule of Kashmir. Neither Nehru nor the Indian National Congress realized the separatist/traitorous nature of Sheikh Abdullah, and displayed deplorable lack of clarity of thinking. Abdullah continued to harp on the theme of, unique nature of Kashmir, and the right of Kashmiri people to freedom on withdrawl of British power from India.
3. Both Nehru & the Congress continued to pamper this good-for-nothing Kashmiri-Sulla ( Sheikh Abdullah ), and we now know the Frankenstein’s monster that has grown out of it, in the state of Kashmir, with a prescription for disaster written for the Hindus of Kashmir, by quack-politicians, who were ruling the roast at that point in time. Behind the craftiness of Abdullah was his dream of an independent Islamic-Sheikdom for himself. He found the Islamic-Clergy & Madrassa teachers, as invaluable allies in securing the frenzied support of the Moslem masses of Kashmir, with strong indoctrination in every mosque, every maktab, every madrassa, & every Islamic institution, for instruction in the teachings of Quran. In this way, Abdullah prepared a firm foundation for the separation of Kashmir from India.
4. Many years have gone by since the days of traitor Sheikh Abdullah, but we have let things go on as usual, and learned nothing. Hindus by & large have not realized that, Sullas of Kashmir are loyal only to their Islam, and the Phoney-Liberal Hindu politicians are loyal only to their pockets. As a consequence, the malignant tumor of subversion and secession has invaded every part of the Kashmir valley.
5. In spite of all these disasters of the past, the Hindus of Kashmir can still win, but only if they can muster up enough courage & determination to win. The intellectual, educational, job-skills, and financial resources of the Hindu, are far superior to corresponding resources of the Sullas. Hindu has lot of power, but is not using his enormous power, because of the habit of passivity & defensiveness, sanctioned only by customs of the past. Most important thing that the Hindu has to do, is to stop thinking of insurgents as Moslems, but to regard them as traitors, who must be eliminated. Hindu has no other choice. Kashmir is the Hindu’s land, and it is the duty of the Hindu, to defend his homeland. In this war, there is no room for leniency or compassion for the traitorous Sullas of Kashmir. Hindu must lick his enemies in Kashmir. Hindus of the rest of India, cannot abandon their Kashmiri Hindu Brethren, and must come out with open support, to defend their kith & kin living in Kashmir.
6. Can this be done ? Absolutely yes. We are living in the world of high-technology & force-multipliers. In these areas, the Hindu is way ahead of his Sulla-Counterpart. Hindu only needs RKOPs ( right kind of people ), to lead his battle of destiny. Such RKOPs do exist, and can be put to use in the service of Hindu Order.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Appeasement never works, especially when it comes to dealing with the Moslems. Appeasement of the Sullas of Kashmir, does not have ghost of a chance, for any Hindu politician. Moslems are taught ( indoctrinated ) that Islam is superior to all other religions, as a consequence Moslems are superior to all others ( Kafirs or Non-Moslem Infidels ), and are destined to rule over the world, and that it is the duty of every Moslem to spread the sway of Islam. Mullahs & Maulvi constantly harp on the theme that, the cowardly Hindu can never win in a battle against the Islamist forces, and that the flag of Islam must be hoisted on this Kafir-Land ( that is, Hindustan/India ).
2. The origin of the Kashmiri-Moslem’s separatism was in the setting up, of All Jammu & Kashmir National Conference, with Sheikh Abdullah as its president. In its thinking & objectives, it was exactly like the Moslem League of India, and was committed to the overthrow of the Dogra rule of Kashmir. Neither Nehru nor the Indian National Congress realized the separatist/traitorous nature of Sheikh Abdullah, and displayed deplorable lack of clarity of thinking. Abdullah continued to harp on the theme of, unique nature of Kashmir, and the right of Kashmiri people to freedom on withdrawl of British power from India.
3. Both Nehru & the Congress continued to pamper this good-for-nothing Kashmiri-Sulla ( Sheikh Abdullah ), and we now know the Frankenstein’s monster that has grown out of it, in the state of Kashmir, with a prescription for disaster written for the Hindus of Kashmir, by quack-politicians, who were ruling the roast at that point in time. Behind the craftiness of Abdullah was his dream of an independent Islamic-Sheikdom for himself. He found the Islamic-Clergy & Madrassa teachers, as invaluable allies in securing the frenzied support of the Moslem masses of Kashmir, with strong indoctrination in every mosque, every maktab, every madrassa, & every Islamic institution, for instruction in the teachings of Quran. In this way, Abdullah prepared a firm foundation for the separation of Kashmir from India.
4. Many years have gone by since the days of traitor Sheikh Abdullah, but we have let things go on as usual, and learned nothing. Hindus by & large have not realized that, Sullas of Kashmir are loyal only to their Islam, and the Phoney-Liberal Hindu politicians are loyal only to their pockets. As a consequence, the malignant tumor of subversion and secession has invaded every part of the Kashmir valley.
5. In spite of all these disasters of the past, the Hindus of Kashmir can still win, but only if they can muster up enough courage & determination to win. The intellectual, educational, job-skills, and financial resources of the Hindu, are far superior to corresponding resources of the Sullas. Hindu has lot of power, but is not using his enormous power, because of the habit of passivity & defensiveness, sanctioned only by customs of the past. Most important thing that the Hindu has to do, is to stop thinking of insurgents as Moslems, but to regard them as traitors, who must be eliminated. Hindu has no other choice. Kashmir is the Hindu’s land, and it is the duty of the Hindu, to defend his homeland. In this war, there is no room for leniency or compassion for the traitorous Sullas of Kashmir. Hindu must lick his enemies in Kashmir. Hindus of the rest of India, cannot abandon their Kashmiri Hindu Brethren, and must come out with open support, to defend their kith & kin living in Kashmir.
6. Can this be done ? Absolutely yes. We are living in the world of high-technology & force-multipliers. In these areas, the Hindu is way ahead of his Sulla-Counterpart. Hindu only needs RKOPs ( right kind of people ), to lead his battle of destiny. Such RKOPs do exist, and can be put to use in the service of Hindu Order.
Surinder Paul Attri
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Muslims warn Pandits not to return to Kashmir
Subj: Muslims warn Pandits not to return to Kashmir
1. Thank you, Surender ji,
Only one comment.
We know from Rajput history, that Pirthvi Raj Chawhan forgave Mohammad Gori, seven times, with the promise, that he will never return to his kingdom again.
The fraudulent Gori came back 8 th time, deceived Pirthvi, captured him, and blinded him. !!
God Bless Bharat. Lal
2. My Take:
Quote: Muslims warn Pandits not to return to Kashmir
COMMENT: Who the Hell are the Moslems to warn the Pundits ? Is Kashmir their Papa’s land ? Moslems have committed plenty of Zullum in Kashmir & at other places. Sullas have no moral-claim or legal-title to Kashmir, let alone to tell the Pandits what they should do.
3. Quote: We know from Rajput history, that Pirthvi Raj Chawhan forgave Mohammad Gori, seven times, with the promise, that he will never return to his kingdom again.
The fraudulent Gori came back 8 th time, deceived Pirthvi, captured him, and blinded him.
COMMENT: Regardless of the grit, that Prithvi Raj Chauhan is credited with, his operation & performance against Mohammad Gauri, were awful-dumb & in total violation of the Vedic principles. Did Mohammad Gauri undergo any behavior change, as a result of Prithvi Raj letting him escape repeatedly ? Not at all. Prithvi Raj only helped Mohammad Gauri become a Tester, to figure out how far he could push Prithvi Raj. Prithvi Raj was also pushing his luck, forgetting that results in warfare are nearly always uncertain.
Lord Ram knocked the hell out of Lanka & Ravana ( his entire family was wiped out ). What would have happened if Lord Ram had let Ravana slip away eight times ?
What would have happened if Lord Krishna had let Duryodhan escape eight times ?
Vedic canons instruct us not only to destroy Adharma, but Adharmi also.
4. On the contrary, Mohammad Gauri’s executed the advice of Quran consummately. Quran admonishes Moslems that, a Moslems does not have to abide with any contract with a Kafir ( such as Prithvi Raj Chauhan ).
COMMENT: This statement is fully supported by the history of the snake.
Sulla is also a snake, a Bedouin-Bandit, a ferocious & savage serpent. He ought to be flogged down & eliminated. It is an outrage to let him slip by.
COMMENT: Yes, should have put Gauri to death, first time.
A Sulla is trained to kill & get killed. He does not deserve any mercy or leniency. He should be smacked dead, first time.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Thank you, Surender ji,
Only one comment.
We know from Rajput history, that Pirthvi Raj Chawhan forgave Mohammad Gori, seven times, with the promise, that he will never return to his kingdom again.
The fraudulent Gori came back 8 th time, deceived Pirthvi, captured him, and blinded him. !!
God Bless Bharat. Lal
2. My Take:
Quote: Muslims warn Pandits not to return to Kashmir
COMMENT: Who the Hell are the Moslems to warn the Pundits ? Is Kashmir their Papa’s land ? Moslems have committed plenty of Zullum in Kashmir & at other places. Sullas have no moral-claim or legal-title to Kashmir, let alone to tell the Pandits what they should do.
3. Quote: We know from Rajput history, that Pirthvi Raj Chawhan forgave Mohammad Gori, seven times, with the promise, that he will never return to his kingdom again.
The fraudulent Gori came back 8 th time, deceived Pirthvi, captured him, and blinded him.
COMMENT: Regardless of the grit, that Prithvi Raj Chauhan is credited with, his operation & performance against Mohammad Gauri, were awful-dumb & in total violation of the Vedic principles. Did Mohammad Gauri undergo any behavior change, as a result of Prithvi Raj letting him escape repeatedly ? Not at all. Prithvi Raj only helped Mohammad Gauri become a Tester, to figure out how far he could push Prithvi Raj. Prithvi Raj was also pushing his luck, forgetting that results in warfare are nearly always uncertain.
Lord Ram knocked the hell out of Lanka & Ravana ( his entire family was wiped out ). What would have happened if Lord Ram had let Ravana slip away eight times ?
What would have happened if Lord Krishna had let Duryodhan escape eight times ?
Vedic canons instruct us not only to destroy Adharma, but Adharmi also.
4. On the contrary, Mohammad Gauri’s executed the advice of Quran consummately. Quran admonishes Moslems that, a Moslems does not have to abide with any contract with a Kafir ( such as Prithvi Raj Chauhan ).
COMMENT: This statement is fully supported by the history of the snake.
Sulla is also a snake, a Bedouin-Bandit, a ferocious & savage serpent. He ought to be flogged down & eliminated. It is an outrage to let him slip by.
COMMENT: Yes, should have put Gauri to death, first time.
A Sulla is trained to kill & get killed. He does not deserve any mercy or leniency. He should be smacked dead, first time.
Surinder Paul Attri
How to uproot Islam
Subj: How to uproot Islam
1. 5-8-08 Thanks for reply. Reciprocal retaliation is best. After post-Godhra Hindus in Jammu are showing some guts. But it is simmply not possible to remove Islam from India. Islam has penetarted deep into subconscious of Hindu mindset.In many areas difference is visible only when one goes to Mosque and other go to Temple. CURB irrational zonoon of Muslims is best answer. Ramesh Jhalla 000000000
2. My Take:Quote: Reciprocal retaliation is best. COMMENT: Yes, very much so.
Quote: After post-Godhra Hindus in Jammu are showing some guts. COMMENT: Very likely it is so. Godhra has had productive effect on both Hindus & Moslems. Godhra many very well have been a shot ( of spunk ) in the arm of the Hindus of Jammu. Godhra has also been productive for the Sullas of Gujerat. Evern now, hundreds of thousands of Gujerati-Sullas have sh** in their pants. Godhra-type Hindus do not exist in Gujerat only.
3. Quote: But it is simmply not possible to remove Islam from India. Islam has penetarted deep into subconscious of Hindu mindset.COMMENT: Not so. It is absolutely possible to eradicate Islam out of India. It is strictly up to the Hindu, and is a function of the degree of his determination. Sure, it requires the services of Smart-Hindus, the RKOPs, but there are lots of those amongst the Hindus. It is time to play hard-ball.
4. Quote: CURB irrational zonoon of Muslims is best answer. COMMENT: When there is no Islam in India, then the Janoon of the Moslem, is an item of No-Existence.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. 5-8-08 Thanks for reply. Reciprocal retaliation is best. After post-Godhra Hindus in Jammu are showing some guts. But it is simmply not possible to remove Islam from India. Islam has penetarted deep into subconscious of Hindu mindset.In many areas difference is visible only when one goes to Mosque and other go to Temple. CURB irrational zonoon of Muslims is best answer. Ramesh Jhalla 000000000
2. My Take:Quote: Reciprocal retaliation is best. COMMENT: Yes, very much so.
Quote: After post-Godhra Hindus in Jammu are showing some guts. COMMENT: Very likely it is so. Godhra has had productive effect on both Hindus & Moslems. Godhra many very well have been a shot ( of spunk ) in the arm of the Hindus of Jammu. Godhra has also been productive for the Sullas of Gujerat. Evern now, hundreds of thousands of Gujerati-Sullas have sh** in their pants. Godhra-type Hindus do not exist in Gujerat only.
3. Quote: But it is simmply not possible to remove Islam from India. Islam has penetarted deep into subconscious of Hindu mindset.COMMENT: Not so. It is absolutely possible to eradicate Islam out of India. It is strictly up to the Hindu, and is a function of the degree of his determination. Sure, it requires the services of Smart-Hindus, the RKOPs, but there are lots of those amongst the Hindus. It is time to play hard-ball.
4. Quote: CURB irrational zonoon of Muslims is best answer. COMMENT: When there is no Islam in India, then the Janoon of the Moslem, is an item of No-Existence.
Surinder Paul Attri
Usage of Tit for Tat
Subj: Usage of Tit for Tat
1. Satyagrah2 or any such movement is like day dreaming.The only way to face this is by tat for tat. This is the only language the MuslimJihadis understand.We have no leader so people are running like headless chiken.This is a very sad,distressing and disgusting situation for Hindus.sharma
2. My Take:
Quite True.
Satyagrah or kindred-techniques such as Fasting Unto Death, besides being soft & subdued, are also contradictory & screwy. You have to eat before you can say, you are fed up.
The use of Satyagrah or Fasting Unto Death, against Jehadic-Ideology like Islam, which murders Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), is the biggest shaggy-dog story, it is the joke of the town.
3. We are in a war between Jehadic-Islam ( Jehad prescribed jointly by Allah & Mohammad ) & Hindu Dharma. It is us against them, it can end in two ways. Either we Hindus win or the Sullas triumph. If the Sullas win the day, the massacre, mutilation, & systematic elimination of Kafir-Hindu, shall be carried out in real earnest.
But if the Hindu uses his enormous-power, he can not only defeat the Moslem’s designs, not only can create ( among Moslems ) a sense of dis-faith in the invincibility of Islam & in the Quranic concepts, but can also totally eradicate Islam from India ( the land of the Hindu ).
4. It is true that Hindus have no leader, who has in him, what it takes to do the job of Hinduism-Defense. But right kind of leader/leaders can be found, with effort. It is Not At All An Impossible Task. These Right-Leaders can cut the mustard.
5. There is Absolutely no need for the Hindu to be apologetic. What he needs to do is to feel proud to be Hindu, and take action that is required.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Satyagrah2 or any such movement is like day dreaming.The only way to face this is by tat for tat. This is the only language the MuslimJihadis understand.We have no leader so people are running like headless chiken.This is a very sad,distressing and disgusting situation for Hindus.sharma
2. My Take:
Quite True.
Satyagrah or kindred-techniques such as Fasting Unto Death, besides being soft & subdued, are also contradictory & screwy. You have to eat before you can say, you are fed up.
The use of Satyagrah or Fasting Unto Death, against Jehadic-Ideology like Islam, which murders Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), is the biggest shaggy-dog story, it is the joke of the town.
3. We are in a war between Jehadic-Islam ( Jehad prescribed jointly by Allah & Mohammad ) & Hindu Dharma. It is us against them, it can end in two ways. Either we Hindus win or the Sullas triumph. If the Sullas win the day, the massacre, mutilation, & systematic elimination of Kafir-Hindu, shall be carried out in real earnest.
But if the Hindu uses his enormous-power, he can not only defeat the Moslem’s designs, not only can create ( among Moslems ) a sense of dis-faith in the invincibility of Islam & in the Quranic concepts, but can also totally eradicate Islam from India ( the land of the Hindu ).
4. It is true that Hindus have no leader, who has in him, what it takes to do the job of Hinduism-Defense. But right kind of leader/leaders can be found, with effort. It is Not At All An Impossible Task. These Right-Leaders can cut the mustard.
5. There is Absolutely no need for the Hindu to be apologetic. What he needs to do is to feel proud to be Hindu, and take action that is required.
Surinder Paul Attri
Monday, August 4, 2008
US Catholic church paid 615 mln dlrs for abuse cases in 2007
1. US Catholic church paid 615 mln dlrs for abuse cases in 2007: reportby Karin Zeitvogel Fri Mar 7, 2008 6:42 PM ET WASHINGTON (AFP)
- The Roman Catholic church in the United States paid out 615 million dollars (400 million euros) last year for child sex abuse cases involving members of the clergy, or 54 percent more than the previous year, an official report showed Friday. Of the monies paid out by the church, 526 million dollars went to settling cases -- almost double the amount paid out in 2006, the annual report on how well the church is implementing a charter to protect youngsters said.
2. My Take: This does not surprise me at all. There is an abundant quota of reporting, on the sexual abuse of women & children by Clergy. There is a large parcel of pedophile priest in the Catholic Church. The figures on the Protestant Church are even worse. An estimated 4 % of Catholic Priests have been accused of being sexual abusers. Actual numbers could be much higher.
3. It has been reported that two-thirds of the nation’s bishops, have allowed priests accused of sexual abuse, to continue working. During a recent visit to the US, Pope Benedict admitted that:“ He is deeply ashamed of the clergy sexual abuse scandal, that has devastated the American church. “
He pledged that “ pedophiles “ would not be priests in the Catholic church.
But pedophiles continue to gallivant inside the Catholic church.
4. About half of the accused priests had only one allegation them. Nearly 25 % had two or three allegations against them. Almost 13 % had four to nine allegations against them. Nearly 3 % had ten or more allegations against them.But victims ( those abused by the Priests ) do not believe the results of this survey. They say:Bishops have tried to hide this problem for years, there is no reason to believe, all of a sudden they would change their ways.
5. It has also come to light that, majority of reported cases of sexual abuse, were not investigated by Catholic church, for a variety of reasons. Some of the accused priests had died, by the time the allegations were made…and so on & on.
6. This is how the so-called men of God, carry out their devotional-duties in Christianity.
Surinder Paul Attri
- The Roman Catholic church in the United States paid out 615 million dollars (400 million euros) last year for child sex abuse cases involving members of the clergy, or 54 percent more than the previous year, an official report showed Friday. Of the monies paid out by the church, 526 million dollars went to settling cases -- almost double the amount paid out in 2006, the annual report on how well the church is implementing a charter to protect youngsters said.
2. My Take: This does not surprise me at all. There is an abundant quota of reporting, on the sexual abuse of women & children by Clergy. There is a large parcel of pedophile priest in the Catholic Church. The figures on the Protestant Church are even worse. An estimated 4 % of Catholic Priests have been accused of being sexual abusers. Actual numbers could be much higher.
3. It has been reported that two-thirds of the nation’s bishops, have allowed priests accused of sexual abuse, to continue working. During a recent visit to the US, Pope Benedict admitted that:“ He is deeply ashamed of the clergy sexual abuse scandal, that has devastated the American church. “
He pledged that “ pedophiles “ would not be priests in the Catholic church.
But pedophiles continue to gallivant inside the Catholic church.
4. About half of the accused priests had only one allegation them. Nearly 25 % had two or three allegations against them. Almost 13 % had four to nine allegations against them. Nearly 3 % had ten or more allegations against them.But victims ( those abused by the Priests ) do not believe the results of this survey. They say:Bishops have tried to hide this problem for years, there is no reason to believe, all of a sudden they would change their ways.
5. It has also come to light that, majority of reported cases of sexual abuse, were not investigated by Catholic church, for a variety of reasons. Some of the accused priests had died, by the time the allegations were made…and so on & on.
6. This is how the so-called men of God, carry out their devotional-duties in Christianity.
Surinder Paul Attri
Gilani wants Moslems to stay in Jammu1
Subj: Gilani wants Moslems to stay in Jammu
2. My Take:
I know that, but I don't know if he ( Gilani ) knows that.
Surinder Paul Attri
2. My Take:
I know that, but I don't know if he ( Gilani ) knows that.
Surinder Paul Attri
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Islam’s Jehad
Subj: Islam’s Jehad
1. Musalman will repeat the lie thousand times, to sound it like truth. Lie, deceive, and cheat, is the tradition and seed of Muslaman. !! ALLAH, ALLAH, JAPNA PARAYA MAAL, APNA Lal
2. My Take:Allah, Allah, JapnaParaya Maal, Apna( Repeating Allah’s name, and capturing property of Kafirs/ Non-Moslem Infidels ). This couplet has rhyme as well as reason ( H. Mohammad’s Bull-Sh** ). That is what his Islam ( as well as Jehad ) is, and Jehad is an important pillar of Islam. A Jehadi is required not only to slaughter the un-believers ( Kafirs ), but also to loot, pillage, & plunder his property, and rape the Kafir women. Jehad is the system of the creed ( Islam ), that the Perverted Bedouin-Bandit & Pedophile ( H. Mohammad ) started.
3. This banditry has the sanction & blessings of Allah. Says Quran:“ Eat of what you have taken as booty, such as is lawful & good for you. “So great is the sanctity of this loot & spoil, that Quran declares:“ The spoils belong to God ( Allah ), and to the Messenger ( Bandit H. Mohammad ). “
Moslems are extremely eager to capture Kafir-Property, but this capture is not possible without resorting to terror. This is why the Moslem slaughters the Kafirs, and plunders his property. Idolatrous Hindu Kafirs are amongst the worst of Kafirs. That is why the Moslem has been slaughtering the Hindu, and plundering Hindu’s money & property. Hindu has been earning & the Moslem has been eating. This has been going on for 1200 years plus.
4. Islam has justified Jehad against Kafirs, by saying that:“ All Kafirs are headed for Hell. “ Quran says:“ We ( Allah ) shall cast terror into the hearts of those who dis-believe ( that is, Kafirs ). Their habitation is fire ( Hell ), and hapless is the abode of wrong-doers ( that is, of Kafirs ). “
H. Mohammad has justified the slaughter of Kafirs, as well as the taking over of Kafir women & Kafir property, and the insulting & humiliating of Kafirs, as acts that please Allah.
5. Notice this: The Sullas are not fighting for survival, they are fighting for conquest, they are foreign-invaders. Sullas go into Kafir-lands, for the purpose of eradicating Kufr & Kafirs. They are entering foreign lands, for the purpose of changing the nature of these lands, to change them into Dar-Ul-Islam ( Islamic land of Peace ) from Dar-Ul-Harb ( the Battle-Ground ).
6. Islam is a Bassackward-System. All the moral outrages of Moslems, are reckoned as acts of piety by Allah. Instead of punishing these atrocious-bandits, the Stupid-Allah rewards these bandits with 72 Houris in Janat ( Moslem’s Paradise ). The reverse nature of Islam’s morality, treats vice as virtue, and virtue as vice, and calls it Jehad, which is a process that is fully-committed to robbing & murdering Kafirs. Islam calls this as:“ Defensive Struggle Against Un-Believers ( Kafirs ).”
What Bull-Sh** ?
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Musalman will repeat the lie thousand times, to sound it like truth. Lie, deceive, and cheat, is the tradition and seed of Muslaman. !! ALLAH, ALLAH, JAPNA PARAYA MAAL, APNA Lal
2. My Take:Allah, Allah, JapnaParaya Maal, Apna( Repeating Allah’s name, and capturing property of Kafirs/ Non-Moslem Infidels ). This couplet has rhyme as well as reason ( H. Mohammad’s Bull-Sh** ). That is what his Islam ( as well as Jehad ) is, and Jehad is an important pillar of Islam. A Jehadi is required not only to slaughter the un-believers ( Kafirs ), but also to loot, pillage, & plunder his property, and rape the Kafir women. Jehad is the system of the creed ( Islam ), that the Perverted Bedouin-Bandit & Pedophile ( H. Mohammad ) started.
3. This banditry has the sanction & blessings of Allah. Says Quran:“ Eat of what you have taken as booty, such as is lawful & good for you. “So great is the sanctity of this loot & spoil, that Quran declares:“ The spoils belong to God ( Allah ), and to the Messenger ( Bandit H. Mohammad ). “
Moslems are extremely eager to capture Kafir-Property, but this capture is not possible without resorting to terror. This is why the Moslem slaughters the Kafirs, and plunders his property. Idolatrous Hindu Kafirs are amongst the worst of Kafirs. That is why the Moslem has been slaughtering the Hindu, and plundering Hindu’s money & property. Hindu has been earning & the Moslem has been eating. This has been going on for 1200 years plus.
4. Islam has justified Jehad against Kafirs, by saying that:“ All Kafirs are headed for Hell. “ Quran says:“ We ( Allah ) shall cast terror into the hearts of those who dis-believe ( that is, Kafirs ). Their habitation is fire ( Hell ), and hapless is the abode of wrong-doers ( that is, of Kafirs ). “
H. Mohammad has justified the slaughter of Kafirs, as well as the taking over of Kafir women & Kafir property, and the insulting & humiliating of Kafirs, as acts that please Allah.
5. Notice this: The Sullas are not fighting for survival, they are fighting for conquest, they are foreign-invaders. Sullas go into Kafir-lands, for the purpose of eradicating Kufr & Kafirs. They are entering foreign lands, for the purpose of changing the nature of these lands, to change them into Dar-Ul-Islam ( Islamic land of Peace ) from Dar-Ul-Harb ( the Battle-Ground ).
6. Islam is a Bassackward-System. All the moral outrages of Moslems, are reckoned as acts of piety by Allah. Instead of punishing these atrocious-bandits, the Stupid-Allah rewards these bandits with 72 Houris in Janat ( Moslem’s Paradise ). The reverse nature of Islam’s morality, treats vice as virtue, and virtue as vice, and calls it Jehad, which is a process that is fully-committed to robbing & murdering Kafirs. Islam calls this as:“ Defensive Struggle Against Un-Believers ( Kafirs ).”
What Bull-Sh** ?
Surinder Paul Attri
Gilani wants Muslims to stay in Jammu
Subj: Gilani wants Muslims to stay in Jammu
2. My Take: Should we kick them Moslems out ? Answer: Absolutely Yes. Those of them who do not depart, convert them to Hinduism ( by Strong-Persuasions et al ). This step is " Winner One, " it would require courage & bravery, but needs to be carried out.
3. Hopes, Dreams, and Aspirations of the Great Hindu People, absolutely dictate this urgent step.
4. Regarding Gilani's advice to Moslems to stay in Jammu: Hell with Gilani. All he does is mouth pompous bull-sh**.
Surinder Paul Attri
2. My Take: Should we kick them Moslems out ? Answer: Absolutely Yes. Those of them who do not depart, convert them to Hinduism ( by Strong-Persuasions et al ). This step is " Winner One, " it would require courage & bravery, but needs to be carried out.
3. Hopes, Dreams, and Aspirations of the Great Hindu People, absolutely dictate this urgent step.
4. Regarding Gilani's advice to Moslems to stay in Jammu: Hell with Gilani. All he does is mouth pompous bull-sh**.
Surinder Paul Attri
Mis-representation of Islam by Phoney-Liberals
Subj: Mis-representation of Islam by Phoney-Liberals
1 Islam approves, practices and promotes killing of Kafirs, polygamy, child marriage, oppression of women, genital mutilation, beheading, limb amputation, stoning, dishonorable killing of women, homicide bombing and jihadi terrorism. These inhuman and cruel acts are nothing new. It is as old as Islam and it will continue until Islam is revised or abolished. Phony intellectuals, bogus secularists, subversive media agents and gullible public think that Islam is a religion. Islam is an Arab political dogma for looting, plunder, invasion and oppression. Islam is paraded as a religion sprinkled with few ecclesiastical terms to fool the public. Jihadi terrorism, Islamic violence, homicide bombing and plane hijacking are Islamic techniques for a major goal of establishing Allah's world where dhimmis will be treated as slaves and to collect Jizzia for promoting Jihadi terrorism. Make no mistake. Islam is not peace. Is there any Islamic country living in peace, practicing democracy, promoting peace, religious freedom and tolerance in the world?
2. My Take:Quote: These inhuman and cruel acts are nothing new. It is as old as Islam and it will continue until Islam is revised or abolished. COMMENT: Quite true. Jehadi-Terrorism of Islam is as old as Islam, it dates back to Day One Of Islam. Terrorizing, Coercing, & Intimidating of Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), is part of the Islamic system.Regarding Revising or Reforming Islam: Don’t hold your breath on this. It is not going to happen. It is totally out of question. It is a lost cause. Why ?Because if Islam ever revises or reforms, that will the end of Islam. No Mullah or Maulvi or any other Moslem Clergy, would stand for it. They will shout & scream choruses & choruses of:“ Islam Is In Danger. “
3. They will foster & foment extreme insecurity among the Moslems, and would present every reformation, as an assault & onslaught on Islam.
4. Quote: Phony intellectuals, bogus secularists, subversive media agents and gullible public think that Islam is a religion. Islam is an Arab political dogma for looting, plunder, invasion and oppression. COMMENT: True again. The phoney-liberals are giving a false & fictitious coloring to the deadly-terror & plunder of Islam ( Sanctioned by Allah ). This fallacious-coloring is very mischievous, misleading, and deceptive to the Kafir Hindu public. Death, destruction, & plunder of the Kafir-Hindu, by Allah’s Moslems, does not evoke any sensation in these Phoneys. Why ? Because there is no political capital in it for them. But Moslem vote could get them elected & re-elected.Is Islam a political dogma for the pillage, plunder, and oppression of Kafirs ? You better believe it. Islam dooms Moslems to a life of barbaric-violence, terror, treachery, and murder of Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), to kill & get killed. Quran says clearly:“ Eat of what you have taken as booty, such is lawful & good for you. “So great is the sanctity of plunder, that Quran declares:“ The spoils belong to Allah & his Messenger. “
Islam can never outgrow nor forget these nutty-commands of Quran, which the Moslems regard as gracious-commands ( gracious my foot, they are totally graceless ).
5. Quote: Make no mistake. Islam is not peace. Is there any Islamic country living in peace, practicing democracy, promoting peace, religious freedom and tolerance in the world?
COMMENT: Right again.In its entire history of 1400 years, Islam has never been for peace or pacification. Why should it be any different now ? Islam & its Quran declare repeatedly that:“ All Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) are headed for Hell. “Because Allha wants to save people ( including the hateful-Kafirs ) from going to Hell, he has appointed every Moslem as a crusader/Jehadi, to convert Kafirs to Islam, by word of mouth or by Jehad or Holy-Terror. No wonder Moslems regard themselves as Allah’s Police Force On Earth.
Because of these barbaric-beliefs of Islam, the attitude of Phoneys, to act as apologists for Moslems & Islam, is Organized-Hypocrisy. These Phoneya are playing fast & loose with the fortunes of the Hindu.
6. Hell with these Phoneys.
Surinder Paul Attri
1 Islam approves, practices and promotes killing of Kafirs, polygamy, child marriage, oppression of women, genital mutilation, beheading, limb amputation, stoning, dishonorable killing of women, homicide bombing and jihadi terrorism. These inhuman and cruel acts are nothing new. It is as old as Islam and it will continue until Islam is revised or abolished. Phony intellectuals, bogus secularists, subversive media agents and gullible public think that Islam is a religion. Islam is an Arab political dogma for looting, plunder, invasion and oppression. Islam is paraded as a religion sprinkled with few ecclesiastical terms to fool the public. Jihadi terrorism, Islamic violence, homicide bombing and plane hijacking are Islamic techniques for a major goal of establishing Allah's world where dhimmis will be treated as slaves and to collect Jizzia for promoting Jihadi terrorism. Make no mistake. Islam is not peace. Is there any Islamic country living in peace, practicing democracy, promoting peace, religious freedom and tolerance in the world?
2. My Take:Quote: These inhuman and cruel acts are nothing new. It is as old as Islam and it will continue until Islam is revised or abolished. COMMENT: Quite true. Jehadi-Terrorism of Islam is as old as Islam, it dates back to Day One Of Islam. Terrorizing, Coercing, & Intimidating of Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), is part of the Islamic system.Regarding Revising or Reforming Islam: Don’t hold your breath on this. It is not going to happen. It is totally out of question. It is a lost cause. Why ?Because if Islam ever revises or reforms, that will the end of Islam. No Mullah or Maulvi or any other Moslem Clergy, would stand for it. They will shout & scream choruses & choruses of:“ Islam Is In Danger. “
3. They will foster & foment extreme insecurity among the Moslems, and would present every reformation, as an assault & onslaught on Islam.
4. Quote: Phony intellectuals, bogus secularists, subversive media agents and gullible public think that Islam is a religion. Islam is an Arab political dogma for looting, plunder, invasion and oppression. COMMENT: True again. The phoney-liberals are giving a false & fictitious coloring to the deadly-terror & plunder of Islam ( Sanctioned by Allah ). This fallacious-coloring is very mischievous, misleading, and deceptive to the Kafir Hindu public. Death, destruction, & plunder of the Kafir-Hindu, by Allah’s Moslems, does not evoke any sensation in these Phoneys. Why ? Because there is no political capital in it for them. But Moslem vote could get them elected & re-elected.Is Islam a political dogma for the pillage, plunder, and oppression of Kafirs ? You better believe it. Islam dooms Moslems to a life of barbaric-violence, terror, treachery, and murder of Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), to kill & get killed. Quran says clearly:“ Eat of what you have taken as booty, such is lawful & good for you. “So great is the sanctity of plunder, that Quran declares:“ The spoils belong to Allah & his Messenger. “
Islam can never outgrow nor forget these nutty-commands of Quran, which the Moslems regard as gracious-commands ( gracious my foot, they are totally graceless ).
5. Quote: Make no mistake. Islam is not peace. Is there any Islamic country living in peace, practicing democracy, promoting peace, religious freedom and tolerance in the world?
COMMENT: Right again.In its entire history of 1400 years, Islam has never been for peace or pacification. Why should it be any different now ? Islam & its Quran declare repeatedly that:“ All Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) are headed for Hell. “Because Allha wants to save people ( including the hateful-Kafirs ) from going to Hell, he has appointed every Moslem as a crusader/Jehadi, to convert Kafirs to Islam, by word of mouth or by Jehad or Holy-Terror. No wonder Moslems regard themselves as Allah’s Police Force On Earth.
Because of these barbaric-beliefs of Islam, the attitude of Phoneys, to act as apologists for Moslems & Islam, is Organized-Hypocrisy. These Phoneya are playing fast & loose with the fortunes of the Hindu.
6. Hell with these Phoneys.
Surinder Paul Attri
Mis-representation of Modi & Gujerat
This is called CHORI AUR SEENA ZORI !!
2. My Take:
COMMENT: Is this " Chori Aur Seena Zori ? "
Yes, that is exactly what this Chirag-Deen ( Dr. Muqtedar Khan ) is trying to pull off.
3. Though he cleverly-conceals his Islamic-Fraud, he cannot dodge those Hindus who are alert, and who are aware of Islam's history of beastly-cruelty, starting with Arabia itself.
4. No matter how shamelessly, this Chriag-Deen tries to mis-represent, the accounts of Gujerat, there are enough alert Hindus out there, who are determined to bring these Islamic criminals to justice, and have them in their gun-sights.
Surinder Paul Attri
This is called CHORI AUR SEENA ZORI !!
2. My Take:
COMMENT: Is this " Chori Aur Seena Zori ? "
Yes, that is exactly what this Chirag-Deen ( Dr. Muqtedar Khan ) is trying to pull off.
3. Though he cleverly-conceals his Islamic-Fraud, he cannot dodge those Hindus who are alert, and who are aware of Islam's history of beastly-cruelty, starting with Arabia itself.
4. No matter how shamelessly, this Chriag-Deen tries to mis-represent, the accounts of Gujerat, there are enough alert Hindus out there, who are determined to bring these Islamic criminals to justice, and have them in their gun-sights.
Surinder Paul Attri
Friday, August 1, 2008
Muslim terrorists and the U.S.A
Muslim terrorists and the U.S.A.
Dr. Vernon Chong, Major General, USAF, Retired
1. Quote: To get out of a difficulty, one usually must go through it. Our country is now facing the most serious threat to its existence, as we know it, that we have faced in your lifetime and mine (which includes WWII).
COMMENT: Yes, the threat that we face is very grim & grave. The threat is inflated because 95% of the Americans, have no idea at all whether Islam is a religion, or an ideology, or a method of deceptive-disguise. Moslems go out of their way to tell you, that Islam means peace, and that is what they want you to believe Islam is, but actually Islam is exactly the reverse. Islam is a deadly-type of terror. Worse yet, Islam grades terror as Jehad or Holy-War against Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). To put it correctly:Islam is a cruel scheme of terror.
2. Quote: So who are we at war with?
There is no way we can honestly respond that it is anyone other than the Muslim terrorists.
COMMENT: This is the assessment of some of us, but this conclusion needs rectification, because we are at war with Islam itself. It is Islam that goads its followers ( with promise of paradise ) to carry out acts of barbarity as holy-deeds, against Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ).
3. Quote: What losing really means is:
We would no longer be the premier country in the world. The attacks will not subside, but, rather, will steadily increase. Remember, they want us dead, not just quiet If they had just wanted us quiet, they would not have produced an increasing series of attacks against us over the past 18 years. The plan was, clearly, for terrorists to attack us until we were neutered and submissive to them.
COMMENT: Yes, we shall be emaciated seriously. But this terror against us Kafirs ( Kafir-Americans ) is not just 18 years old. This terror goes back to Day One Of Islam. Islam was born in blood, it survives through blood ( that is through blood-letting ), and it shall also die through blood.Why is this so ?Because Islam ( as well as Moslems ) consider Jehad as the most sacred-violence, and the most sacred-duty of a Moslem. Of course, Moslems deny it completely & claim that, Jehad does not mean violence or murder or mutilation. But this is a Big-Fat Lie ( and a Big-Fat Joke ), to make Moslems as well as Kafirs believe that, Fire is cold, lamb is cruel, but the wolf is kind & courteous.
4. Quote: They will pick off the other non-Muslim nations, one at a time. It will be increasingly easier for them.
COMMENT: How can it be different for other Non-Moslem nations ? Islam is an equal-opportunity barbarism, It treats all Kafirs alike, all Kafirs are the enemies of Islam’s Allah. Quran openly declares that:God ( Allah ) is the enemy to un-believers ( that is Kafirs/Non-Moslem Infidels ).
5. Quote: So, how can we lose the war?
Again, the answer is simple. We can lose the war by 'imploding.' That is, defeating ourselves by refusing to recognize the enemy and their purpose and failing to dig in and lend full support to the war effort.
COMMENT: To understand the nature of the challenge that we are facing, it is absolutely-urgent that we recognize the factual-nature of Islam, and not buy the phoney-explanations offered to us by Moslems, who want the victory of Islam, and the defeat of Hateful-Kafirs, and desire nothing less than the total destruction of Kufr & Kafirs.
6. Quote: Do I blame President Bush or President Clinton before him? No, I blame us for blithely assuming we can maintain all of our Political Correctness and all of our civil rights during this conflict and have a clean, lawful, honorable war. None of those words apply to war. Get them out of your head.
COMMENT: I blame not only us, but President Bush & President Clinton as well. Why ? Because both Bush & Clinton stated that terror is, the work of some misguided-Moslems, and that Islam in reality is good. This is a make-believe statement, it is a statement of political-correctness, but is bogus and as phoney as a three-dollar bill.
7. Quote: And, finally, name any Muslim countries throughout the world that allow freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, equal rights for anyone -- let alone everyone, equal status or any status for women, or that have been productive in one single way that contributes to the good of the world.
COMMENT: This goes with the life-style of Islam. Islam & its practice are based on Quran & Hadiths, both of which are binding on every Moslem. Says the Hadith:Leaving for Jeahd in the way of Allah in the morning or in the evening, will merit a reward better than the world, and all that is in it.Paradise lies under the shades of swords.
Islam has no use for, nor can ever have any creature like, democracy, freedom of speech or of thought or of religion. All these structure are Anti-Allah, and Islam would have none of it.
8. Quote: Democracies don't have their freedoms taken away from them by some external military force. Instead, they give their freedoms away, politically correct piece by politically correct piece.
COMMENT: Democracies lose their freedoms by their ignorance of the nature of the enemy that, they are confronting, and by their opting for softer approaches, than going for tough choices, which require confrontation. Political-correctness is a family of soft-approaches.
Surinder Paul Attri
Dr. Vernon Chong, Major General, USAF, Retired
1. Quote: To get out of a difficulty, one usually must go through it. Our country is now facing the most serious threat to its existence, as we know it, that we have faced in your lifetime and mine (which includes WWII).
COMMENT: Yes, the threat that we face is very grim & grave. The threat is inflated because 95% of the Americans, have no idea at all whether Islam is a religion, or an ideology, or a method of deceptive-disguise. Moslems go out of their way to tell you, that Islam means peace, and that is what they want you to believe Islam is, but actually Islam is exactly the reverse. Islam is a deadly-type of terror. Worse yet, Islam grades terror as Jehad or Holy-War against Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). To put it correctly:Islam is a cruel scheme of terror.
2. Quote: So who are we at war with?
There is no way we can honestly respond that it is anyone other than the Muslim terrorists.
COMMENT: This is the assessment of some of us, but this conclusion needs rectification, because we are at war with Islam itself. It is Islam that goads its followers ( with promise of paradise ) to carry out acts of barbarity as holy-deeds, against Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ).
3. Quote: What losing really means is:
We would no longer be the premier country in the world. The attacks will not subside, but, rather, will steadily increase. Remember, they want us dead, not just quiet If they had just wanted us quiet, they would not have produced an increasing series of attacks against us over the past 18 years. The plan was, clearly, for terrorists to attack us until we were neutered and submissive to them.
COMMENT: Yes, we shall be emaciated seriously. But this terror against us Kafirs ( Kafir-Americans ) is not just 18 years old. This terror goes back to Day One Of Islam. Islam was born in blood, it survives through blood ( that is through blood-letting ), and it shall also die through blood.Why is this so ?Because Islam ( as well as Moslems ) consider Jehad as the most sacred-violence, and the most sacred-duty of a Moslem. Of course, Moslems deny it completely & claim that, Jehad does not mean violence or murder or mutilation. But this is a Big-Fat Lie ( and a Big-Fat Joke ), to make Moslems as well as Kafirs believe that, Fire is cold, lamb is cruel, but the wolf is kind & courteous.
4. Quote: They will pick off the other non-Muslim nations, one at a time. It will be increasingly easier for them.
COMMENT: How can it be different for other Non-Moslem nations ? Islam is an equal-opportunity barbarism, It treats all Kafirs alike, all Kafirs are the enemies of Islam’s Allah. Quran openly declares that:God ( Allah ) is the enemy to un-believers ( that is Kafirs/Non-Moslem Infidels ).
5. Quote: So, how can we lose the war?
Again, the answer is simple. We can lose the war by 'imploding.' That is, defeating ourselves by refusing to recognize the enemy and their purpose and failing to dig in and lend full support to the war effort.
COMMENT: To understand the nature of the challenge that we are facing, it is absolutely-urgent that we recognize the factual-nature of Islam, and not buy the phoney-explanations offered to us by Moslems, who want the victory of Islam, and the defeat of Hateful-Kafirs, and desire nothing less than the total destruction of Kufr & Kafirs.
6. Quote: Do I blame President Bush or President Clinton before him? No, I blame us for blithely assuming we can maintain all of our Political Correctness and all of our civil rights during this conflict and have a clean, lawful, honorable war. None of those words apply to war. Get them out of your head.
COMMENT: I blame not only us, but President Bush & President Clinton as well. Why ? Because both Bush & Clinton stated that terror is, the work of some misguided-Moslems, and that Islam in reality is good. This is a make-believe statement, it is a statement of political-correctness, but is bogus and as phoney as a three-dollar bill.
7. Quote: And, finally, name any Muslim countries throughout the world that allow freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, equal rights for anyone -- let alone everyone, equal status or any status for women, or that have been productive in one single way that contributes to the good of the world.
COMMENT: This goes with the life-style of Islam. Islam & its practice are based on Quran & Hadiths, both of which are binding on every Moslem. Says the Hadith:Leaving for Jeahd in the way of Allah in the morning or in the evening, will merit a reward better than the world, and all that is in it.Paradise lies under the shades of swords.
Islam has no use for, nor can ever have any creature like, democracy, freedom of speech or of thought or of religion. All these structure are Anti-Allah, and Islam would have none of it.
8. Quote: Democracies don't have their freedoms taken away from them by some external military force. Instead, they give their freedoms away, politically correct piece by politically correct piece.
COMMENT: Democracies lose their freedoms by their ignorance of the nature of the enemy that, they are confronting, and by their opting for softer approaches, than going for tough choices, which require confrontation. Political-correctness is a family of soft-approaches.
Surinder Paul Attri
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