Saturday, August 30, 2008


By S.P. Attri (USA )----------------------------------------------------------
1. Why are the Christians of Orissa ( and of elsewhere ) so riled up ?Because they thirst for their converts, which Swami Lakshamananda took away from them, by re-converting them back to Hinduism. These scum-bags of the earth do not even have decency. They gaze upon conversion, as a one-way street, where only they have rights & Hindus have none, where only they make the rules, Hindus simply obey their rules, and congratulate them on their conversion success. Since Swami Lakshmananda did not follow this line, he was marked for elimination, and was driven out of existence, right in front of a horrified crowd of Hindus. The account of their story, makes one’s flesh creep.
2. This riffraff ( Christian Missionaries ) is facing challenges on two fronts. The first is doctrinal, based on their belief in an imaginary creature, which they label as the Devil. Because they focus on this creature, it brings out in them, a totally ridiculous conclusion, that the Heathen-Hindu is possessed by the Devil, and is headed for Hell, and must be saved from his awful fate. The second challenge is, the increasing resistance & confrontation of the Hindu, which comes face to face with, the Christian aggressive non-sense, which the Christian scum-bags find difficult to deal with.
3. When confronted with this kind of resistance, the Christians take on the Persecution-Complex, and start complaining of victimization & oppression. When they are converting the Heathens ( Pagans ), they are Fat, Dumb, & Happy and take to bullying & hounding the Heathen-Hindus. But when they start losing their converts, they cry “ Foul .” It is a creepy-attitude, but is s widely practiced stratagem, by these no-good convert-seekers. Some of these scum-bags use this technique, as a ploy to lure more converts to Christianity. But when this fraud does not work, and the stream of converts stops coming, it comes as a shock to them. The confidence, security, & stability of Christianity, depends upon the continuance of the project of conversion, and on the propagation of their absurd superstition.
4. Desperate measures taken by the Christian Missionaries, such as shutting down Christian schools, running to GOI or to UN, or seeking help of Vatican are not going to redeem or rescue their spurious doctrinal world. The rights of plundering & pillaging of the Heathen-World, that they have enjoyed for centuries, are not going to be at their disposal. They might as well accept this destiny. It is a product of their evil Karma. They have been on a crusade to destroy the Hindu religion & Hindu culture in India, and it is not going to be permitted. The assault of Christianity on the Hindu, is going to be confronted by the Hindu of New India, who is not going to allow the Christians to destroy his ancient culture. He is very aware of the assault of Christianity, that happened to Greek civilization some 1500 years ago, that completely wiped out the ancient Greek culture. The Hindu is going to make sure, that does not happen to his Hinduism in India.
5. Christianity is losing in the West & is trying to make up its losses, with new converts in countries like India, who they consider as more vulnerable. Regardless of their past successes & acting aggressively ( like a wounded predator, due to their losses in the West ), the Hindu of India is waking up. He is going to lick Christianity in India. Whether the Missionaries like it or not, their time is up. No matter how many new ploys they use, their past success is not going to be repeated, any more than the return of Jesus, in the year of 2000. Jesus has no more chance of returning, than Harry Houdini ( who also promised to his admirers that he is going to return ) has. Christians would be smart to recognize the reality of life, in the new world of today, and stop pushing their non-sense & stop defending their absurd notions, in the name of Christ. Their stupidity & balderdash-baloney is not going to bestow success or too many new converts. Missionaries: Give up your devious ploys, & start earning your livelihood with honest means.
Surinder Paul Attri

1 comment:

surinder attri said...

Subj: Lies & Damn Lies of Christianity

By S.P. Attri ( USA )


1. Christians, especially their Missionaries, describe the spread of Christianity in different countries of the world, as the March Of Holy Ghost ( a totally imaginary-entity ). This claim is just as phoney as their Holy Ghost, or their Devil, or their Santa Claus. Neither of these entities are creatures of any existence. What has been marching is not the Holy-Ghost or any ghost, but the European armies that have been marching, defeating & occupying the Pagan/Heathen lands, massacring the hateful-heathens, and converting them by use of force, as well as with use of money & other allurements. It was an imperialist enterprise. Christianity did not prevail upon Pagan/Heathen religion, any where in the world, due to its moral, ethical, or spiritual superiority over the Pagan religions. The connotation of March Of Holy Ghost, is a Big, Fat Lie of Christianity.

2. The Christian Missionaries, do not even have the intelligence to recognize that:

“ Bible Is A Gospel Of Hate. “

Yet these same imbeciles sermonize that:

“ The Heathen-Hindu is inspired by the Devil, and is a Devil-Worshipper. “

These imbeciles do not even have the intellect to comprehend that:

Their Devil is a totally-imaginary creature, a creature of no-existence, and a creature of their own imagination, and creation.

3. The truth is exactly the reverse. It is not the Hindus who are Devil-Worshippers ( there is no such thing as the Devil in Hinduism ), it is the Christians who are Devil-Worshippers. Devil is not the enemy of Christianity, Devil is the Biggest-Friend of Christianity. If there had been no Devil, then Christianity would have disappeared centuries ago. If there had been no Devil, then there would have been no need for the services of Christianity ( that is, for the services of exorcism, which Christianity provides, to drive out the Devil, from people ). In fact, every ritual in Christianity is a ritual of exorcism. What this means is that:

Christianity is a religion of the Devil

To describe Devil as the enemy of Christianity, is another Big, Fat Lie of Christianity.

4. Even though the Devil is totally non-existent, the commitment of Christians to Devil, and to fighting the Devil is very serious. What is most striking is the scale of their commitment. Less than two hundreds years ago, the Christian Missionaries, used to proclaim with pride, how many Heathens they had killed or forced into the Prison-House of Christianity, how many Pagan temples they had demolished, how many Pagan idols they had smashed to bits. For all these brutalities of Christianity & its Missionaries, Jesus was thanked in thousands of churches across Europe. The success of the Christian Missionaries, in securing converts, was largely because their efforts were backed by the military power of the European nations. In other words, it was an imperialist-operation.

5. Has Christianity abandoned its imperialist approach to conversion ? Hardly ! We have just witnessed an imperialist Christian aggression in Orissa, where 30 well-armed Christians, murdered Swami Lakshmanananda & five of his disciples inside a temple, right in front of a crowd of horrified Hindus. The murder came right on the heels of a letter, warning him that he would suffer for, preventing the conversion of Hindus to Christianity. Swami Lakshmananada was not only preventing the conversion of Hindus to Christianity, but was also re-converting the converted-Christians back to Hinduism. Thus Swami Lakshamananada was a Double-Catastrophe to the Christian-Missionaries and was, a source of utter dismay & embarrassment to Christian-Missionaries. He had to be eliminated.

6. Initially, the administration suggested that, killers could be Maoists, but Hindu leaders vigorously refuted this, and accused Christians for this outrage. In any case, most Maoists in the area are recent converts to Christianity. Christians have murdered other Hindus also in Orissa.. Thus it can be seen that, aggressive evangelization of the type going on in Orissa, was hurting & harming the social fabric of Orissa. In addition, there were violent assaults of Christian goons on the Hindus of Orissa. So there was plenty of provocation to the Hindus of Orissa, and the Hindu counteraction that followed, was not without reason. It is a shameless pity that, the phoney-liberal media of India, described the post-Ashram reaction, as un-provoked assault by the Hindu community, totally ignoring the original-sin, and the violence that the Christians performed on the Hindus of Orissa.

Surinder Paul Attri