Friday, March 20, 2009


By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. One does not have to be a rocket-scientist to figure out that, Islam is ridiculous & the nth degree. Anybody who uses even a little bit of his brain, can gain knowledge of this materiality. It is really a sad thing that, even some smart people ( who are Moslems ) have blind-folded themselves, and have accepted the sham & spurious premises, uttered by Hazrat Mohammad in Quran. Moslems believe ( blindly ) that, whatever non-sense Hazrat Mohammad said in Quran, is the word of God ( Allah ). But Quran is " Not " the word of God at all. There is not a snippet of truth in Quran, and there is not a shred of proof, to buttress this claim of Islam. But we have plenty of proof contrary to the shenanigans of Islam.2. Quran contains so many damn lies, scientifiec errors, botches & boo-boos. Quran is devoid of scientific, mathematical, logical, historical, linguistic accuracy or thinking. Leaving aside ( temporarily ) the question of existence or non-existence of Janat ( Moslem's Paradise, the Whore-House Of Islam ) and of Jhanam ( Islam's Hell, an appalling & repulsive place, a tribute to the misconception & misunderstanding of Hazrat Mohammad's moronic-mind ), it is not difficult to see that Moon is not above the stars, as Hazrat Mohammad says in Quran, mountains are not pegs to hold the earth from shaking, and sky is not a dome sustained by invisible pillars. By making such assinine statements in Quran, Hazrat Mohammad is making our smartest scientists, geologists, and astronomers, look like idiots. But our scientists are not idiots, it is Hazrat Mohammad who is an idiot. Let us not be irrational or irresponsible, to lend credence to Hazrat Mohammad's nonsensical prattle & babble, extensivley scattered in Quran. 3. If Quran is the word of God ( as Moslems claim ), how can God make so many mistakes & crystalline-miscalculations, blatantly visible in Quran. But Moslems completely shut their eyes to the blatant-bullsh** of Hazrat Mohammad, and accept the book of Quran as a miracle, because Hazrat Mohammad said it is. Quran is nothing of the sort, instead of being a miracle, Quran is the most idiotic, most-moronic & thoughtless book ever written.Judge for yourself. Actions speak louder than words, especially actions of Hazrat Mohammad. He raided caravans & villages, slaughtered innocent people, looted them, enslaved their women & children, raped them, and committed the kind of atrocities that, even the biggest gangsters are reluctant to undertake. Instead of decrying & denouncing the censorious actions of this hideous villain ( Hazrat Mohammad ), Moslems put their faith in this lynch-pin of barbarism. 4. Moslems often tout that world is a deception, and the only reality is what Hazrat Mohammad preached & promised. What Bull-Sh** ? We have shown above that Quran is a book of lies and " Cannot " be revelations from God, who is supposedly the maker of this universe. A robber, murderer, and sexually-pervert like Hazrat Mohammad ( who told his followers to lie if, truth does not achieve their goals ), cannot be trusted. To pin one's faith on a gangland-criminal like Hazrat Mohammad, is the most stupid-selection.Hazrat Mohammad's fairy tales make even less sense. It is fanciful-nonsense. He talks about Moslem's Janat, which is jam-packed with, more than abundant carnal delights, food, wine, and wildest sex with 72 houris ( for each Moslem ). This is another Hazrat Mohammad Bull-Sh**, because our bodies start decomposing after we die. If it is the soul that survives & goes to Janat, that soul has no need for such lecherous pleasures. It is obvious that Hazrat Mohammad's fairy tales about Janat & Jhanam, are laughable & ludicrous, and ought to be dismiised as superstition & rank miscomputation.5. Hazrat Mohammad also talks about body, being resurrected, with all bones & flesh coming together to form the body, which goes to Janat or Jhanam. This reveals Hazrat Mohammad's utter poverty of intellect. The atoms & molecules of our body change continuously, they have been parts of other entities, fruits, vegetables or other animals. The atoms of our body of ten years ago, are hardly the ones that we have now. Which body would be resurrected, to be sent to Janat or Jhanam ? Hazrat Mohammad's postulates are damn muddle-headed.Hazrat Mohammad's Janat is the whore-house of his Islam, the opulence of which would make the Madam of an Amsterdam whore-house blush. It is a luxury-brothel that beats the Playboy mansion, it is a place of orgies & debauchery, it is disgusting.6. Hazrat Mohammad lived the life of a gangland criminal, engaged in wide slaughter, genocide, rape, theft, deception, and all kinds of crooked & felonious deeds. He had sex with a 9-year old child ( Ayesha ), had sex with his own daughter-in-law, raped young women that he captured in his raids. These are all ungodly activities. It is Hazrat Mohammad who ought to be burning in Jhanam, and not the innocent Kafirs, who he hates with passion. By having faith in an evil character of this sort, Moslems are saying that foolishness is good, that they do not want to examine critically or think rationally.How can God choose a despicable man like Hazrat Mohammad, to guide mankind ?7. Moslems also repeat that it is a matter of faith. How can we have this kind of faith ( that Moslems expect us to have ) ? By being stupid ? Why do you have to be stupid to go to Janat ? The cruel & crooked shape of Islam's stupidity & glaring-barbarism, needs to be exposed, and put out of business.Surinder Paul Attri

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