Subj: White people are more intelligent than the Indian people
Bharat Bhai this I heard from Bal Ram Singh. He is recognized
researcher in BOTULISM and Poison through food etc.
When they arrived at the New Delhi international airport, there were lot
of college employees who were sent to receive him, with garland flowers
etc, to receive him.
When people saw the white technician, with the professor they thought, he
must be the professor and the brown Indian the assistant.
So you guessed it right. The white man was garlanded. And the real
professor out of courtesy kept calm.
I was told about this incidence by a professor colleague of mine.
Our inferiority complex is deeper than we think, we do not recognize it.
Dr. Madhu Jhaveri.
University of Massachusetts.
1. My Take:
This story may appear Funny to some, but it is well-coated with tragedy.
2. This coating cannot conceal our Inferiority-Complex.
Surinder Paul Attri
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Response to message of Shri Chaudhari
Subj: Response to message of Shri Chaudhari
1. How sad and disgusting! But no body else is to be blamed. It is our Sanskars or values, which are poor.
It is our priority which is wrong.
Not many families know the true meanings of SWARVADHARMSAMBHVAY.
This invaluable inheritance does not mean any Adharm has any room in it.
We cannot even interpret our scriptures properly.
We are blackmailed that Sarvdharmasambhavay means we must accommodate Adharms too in it.
The least we can do it is :
1) Impart Hindu Values and not cowardice but pride in our Culture.
2)Our priorities should be spiritual first and material secondary.
3)Create an environment by decent and firm examplary character.
BK Chaudhari
2. My Take:
Quote: It is our priority which is wrong.
COMMENT: Absolutely True. Let us face it. We Hindus are selfish, too damn selfish. Our highest priority is on our personal welfare & on the welfare of our family. The welfare of the Hindu Community, has no priority in our thinking. This characteristic of the Hindu, has been a source of great mischief against the Hindu Community. There is No cure for this problem either.
3. Quote: Not many families know the true meanings of SWARVADHARMSAMBHVAY.
This invaluable inheritance does not mean any Adharm has any room in it.
We cannot even interpret our scriptures properly.
We are blackmailed that Sarvdharmasambhavay means we must accommodate Adharms too in it.
COMMENT: SWARVA DHARMA SAMBHVAY, which means equal respect for all religions, has blockaded Hindu's freedom of thought. SWARVA DHARMA SAMBHVAY can exist only among friends and equals. Communal-Amity, envisaged in SWARVA DHARMA SAMBHVAY, cannot exist among followers of hostile religions. Hindus, especially those of the Phoney-Liberal mind ( and 90 % of the Hindu Holy Men ) repeat this slogan Ad Nauseum, without questioning nature & character of religions ( Islam & Christianity ), to be befriended by the Hindu.
Do these religions ( Islam & Christianity ) respect religions other than their own, do they wish well of the Hindus, or are they working for the total destruction of Hindu religions ? The simple matter of fact is that:
The Hindu is faced with conscience-free violence conducted against him, in the name of Allah or Jehova. Both Moslems/Christians are seeking massacre, plunder, persecution, and paralysis of the Kafr/Heathen Hindu.
HENCE, advice of SWARVA DHARMA SAMBHVAY to the Hindu, is sheer hypocrisy. It is also a blackmail as Shri Chaudhari has observed. It is a naughty-scandal.
4. Quote: The least we can do it is :
1) Impart Hindu Values and not cowardice but pride in our Culture.
2)Our priorities should be spiritual first and material secondary.
3)Create an environment by decent and firm examplary character.
COMMENT: Hindu is Not coward at all. Hindu is selfish. Regardless of moral, ethical, and questions of right & wrong, Hindu is Not going to alter his priorities, it is a Lost cause.
A Smart Method Of Approach is one that works, or is going to work.
A Stupid Method Of Approach is one that won't work.
A Smart Method Of Approach Does exist. Hindu is plenty smart, in our High-Tech world ( with plenty of Force-Multipliers ), this method has adequate chance.
Otherwise if we HIndus contine to follow the advice of SWARVA DHARMA SAMBHVAY, we will end up as " Caspar Milquetoast "
COMMENT: Majority of Hindus are Phoney-Liberal to one degree or another, so are 90 % of the Hindu Holy Men. These people are born as Hindu, but have Zero Hindu Pride. To expect them to be Proud-Hindus, is expecting a lot.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. How sad and disgusting! But no body else is to be blamed. It is our Sanskars or values, which are poor.
It is our priority which is wrong.
Not many families know the true meanings of SWARVADHARMSAMBHVAY.
This invaluable inheritance does not mean any Adharm has any room in it.
We cannot even interpret our scriptures properly.
We are blackmailed that Sarvdharmasambhavay means we must accommodate Adharms too in it.
The least we can do it is :
1) Impart Hindu Values and not cowardice but pride in our Culture.
2)Our priorities should be spiritual first and material secondary.
3)Create an environment by decent and firm examplary character.
BK Chaudhari
2. My Take:
Quote: It is our priority which is wrong.
COMMENT: Absolutely True. Let us face it. We Hindus are selfish, too damn selfish. Our highest priority is on our personal welfare & on the welfare of our family. The welfare of the Hindu Community, has no priority in our thinking. This characteristic of the Hindu, has been a source of great mischief against the Hindu Community. There is No cure for this problem either.
3. Quote: Not many families know the true meanings of SWARVADHARMSAMBHVAY.
This invaluable inheritance does not mean any Adharm has any room in it.
We cannot even interpret our scriptures properly.
We are blackmailed that Sarvdharmasambhavay means we must accommodate Adharms too in it.
COMMENT: SWARVA DHARMA SAMBHVAY, which means equal respect for all religions, has blockaded Hindu's freedom of thought. SWARVA DHARMA SAMBHVAY can exist only among friends and equals. Communal-Amity, envisaged in SWARVA DHARMA SAMBHVAY, cannot exist among followers of hostile religions. Hindus, especially those of the Phoney-Liberal mind ( and 90 % of the Hindu Holy Men ) repeat this slogan Ad Nauseum, without questioning nature & character of religions ( Islam & Christianity ), to be befriended by the Hindu.
Do these religions ( Islam & Christianity ) respect religions other than their own, do they wish well of the Hindus, or are they working for the total destruction of Hindu religions ? The simple matter of fact is that:
The Hindu is faced with conscience-free violence conducted against him, in the name of Allah or Jehova. Both Moslems/Christians are seeking massacre, plunder, persecution, and paralysis of the Kafr/Heathen Hindu.
HENCE, advice of SWARVA DHARMA SAMBHVAY to the Hindu, is sheer hypocrisy. It is also a blackmail as Shri Chaudhari has observed. It is a naughty-scandal.
4. Quote: The least we can do it is :
1) Impart Hindu Values and not cowardice but pride in our Culture.
2)Our priorities should be spiritual first and material secondary.
3)Create an environment by decent and firm examplary character.
COMMENT: Hindu is Not coward at all. Hindu is selfish. Regardless of moral, ethical, and questions of right & wrong, Hindu is Not going to alter his priorities, it is a Lost cause.
A Smart Method Of Approach is one that works, or is going to work.
A Stupid Method Of Approach is one that won't work.
A Smart Method Of Approach Does exist. Hindu is plenty smart, in our High-Tech world ( with plenty of Force-Multipliers ), this method has adequate chance.
Otherwise if we HIndus contine to follow the advice of SWARVA DHARMA SAMBHVAY, we will end up as " Caspar Milquetoast "
COMMENT: Majority of Hindus are Phoney-Liberal to one degree or another, so are 90 % of the Hindu Holy Men. These people are born as Hindu, but have Zero Hindu Pride. To expect them to be Proud-Hindus, is expecting a lot.
Surinder Paul Attri
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Congress's concept of the Hindu
Subj: Congress's concept of the Hindu
1. Attriji
Sonia led Congress has a different agenda. It is least concerned about the plight of Hindus in Bangladesh or any where else, whether in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Malaya and or Fiji.
It is taking steps to regularise the stay of illegal infiltrators from Bangladesh in India. Acts after Acts are changing to accommodate the Bangladeshis in Assam and other places, and unscrplous means like enfrachising them, giving them Identity Cards/Ration Cards are being used. After aqll they are Congress's Vote Bank Assetts!
Attriji, some ill-fated Hindus on the Rajasthan border in Pakistan, ran for their lives into India during 1971 War. These ill-fated Hindus are under threat for retaliation in Pakistan. These poor souls thought India will embrace them, but GOI haunts them and asks them to go to Pakistan, because they are not Indian Citizens
Attriji, an infiltrator from Bangladesh/Pakistan goes scot-free, but not the maligned Hindu or Sikh in the Hindu majority India!
BK Chaudhari
2. My Take:
Chaudhari Sahib: Thanks for your message.
3. Quote: Sonia led Congress has a different agenda. It is least concerned about the plight of Hindus in Bangladesh or any where else, whether in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Malaya and or Fiji.
COMMENT: Congress agenda runs concurrent with the appeasement of minorities & superlative-stabbing of the HIndu, with no stab of remorse. Its agenda is selectively concentrating on one segement of the population, the minorities. This attitude is ubiquitous with repect to HIndus everywhere, whether they domicile in India or Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaya, Fiji et al. There is still the question:
Why ?
4. Quote: It is taking steps to regularise the stay of illegal infiltrators from Bangladesh in India. Acts after Acts are changing to accommodate the Bangladeshis in Assam and other places, and unscrplous means like enfrachising them, giving them Identity Cards/Ration Cards are being used. After aqll they are Congress's Vote Bank Assetts!
COMMENT: It is because of its incredibly-dishonest ways of doing things, that I have no use for Congress. Winston Churchil also had no use for Congressites. He affirmed that he did not want to turn over the machinery of Indian Government, to Gandhi-Capped Rogues, Rascals, & Racketeers ( Winston was not using alliteration either ). No doubt Winston's damn good intelligence agencies, kept him in exactly the right place.
5. Quote: Attriji, some ill-fated Hindus on the Rajasthan border in Pakistan, ran for their lives into India during 1971 War. These ill-fated Hindus are under threat for retaliation in Pakistan. These poor souls thought India will embrace them, but GOI haunts them and asks them to go to Pakistan, because they are not Indian Citizens
COMMENT: This is incredible evidence of the discriminatory & biased job, that Congress is doing on Hindu Refugees, who are grieving and fearing for their lives. It is so evil, it outweighs logic & science. And Hindus have no protection agianst this discriminatory treatment either. This is very disturbing, it would destroy the quiet of any rational person.
6. Quote: Attriji, an infiltrator from Bangladesh/Pakistan goes scot-free, but not the maligned Hindu or Sikh in the Hindu majority India!
COMMENT: Chaudhari Sahib: These examples speak for themselves. These acts ( of Congress ) are acts of hate of the Hindu. Congress is giving Hell to the Hindu, and perpetuating a pattern of Minority-Appeasement & treating Hindu as Inferior. This puts up the question:
How can the Hindu get custody of his rights ( his political rights ) ?
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Attriji
Sonia led Congress has a different agenda. It is least concerned about the plight of Hindus in Bangladesh or any where else, whether in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Malaya and or Fiji.
It is taking steps to regularise the stay of illegal infiltrators from Bangladesh in India. Acts after Acts are changing to accommodate the Bangladeshis in Assam and other places, and unscrplous means like enfrachising them, giving them Identity Cards/Ration Cards are being used. After aqll they are Congress's Vote Bank Assetts!
Attriji, some ill-fated Hindus on the Rajasthan border in Pakistan, ran for their lives into India during 1971 War. These ill-fated Hindus are under threat for retaliation in Pakistan. These poor souls thought India will embrace them, but GOI haunts them and asks them to go to Pakistan, because they are not Indian Citizens
Attriji, an infiltrator from Bangladesh/Pakistan goes scot-free, but not the maligned Hindu or Sikh in the Hindu majority India!
BK Chaudhari
2. My Take:
Chaudhari Sahib: Thanks for your message.
3. Quote: Sonia led Congress has a different agenda. It is least concerned about the plight of Hindus in Bangladesh or any where else, whether in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Malaya and or Fiji.
COMMENT: Congress agenda runs concurrent with the appeasement of minorities & superlative-stabbing of the HIndu, with no stab of remorse. Its agenda is selectively concentrating on one segement of the population, the minorities. This attitude is ubiquitous with repect to HIndus everywhere, whether they domicile in India or Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaya, Fiji et al. There is still the question:
Why ?
4. Quote: It is taking steps to regularise the stay of illegal infiltrators from Bangladesh in India. Acts after Acts are changing to accommodate the Bangladeshis in Assam and other places, and unscrplous means like enfrachising them, giving them Identity Cards/Ration Cards are being used. After aqll they are Congress's Vote Bank Assetts!
COMMENT: It is because of its incredibly-dishonest ways of doing things, that I have no use for Congress. Winston Churchil also had no use for Congressites. He affirmed that he did not want to turn over the machinery of Indian Government, to Gandhi-Capped Rogues, Rascals, & Racketeers ( Winston was not using alliteration either ). No doubt Winston's damn good intelligence agencies, kept him in exactly the right place.
5. Quote: Attriji, some ill-fated Hindus on the Rajasthan border in Pakistan, ran for their lives into India during 1971 War. These ill-fated Hindus are under threat for retaliation in Pakistan. These poor souls thought India will embrace them, but GOI haunts them and asks them to go to Pakistan, because they are not Indian Citizens
COMMENT: This is incredible evidence of the discriminatory & biased job, that Congress is doing on Hindu Refugees, who are grieving and fearing for their lives. It is so evil, it outweighs logic & science. And Hindus have no protection agianst this discriminatory treatment either. This is very disturbing, it would destroy the quiet of any rational person.
6. Quote: Attriji, an infiltrator from Bangladesh/Pakistan goes scot-free, but not the maligned Hindu or Sikh in the Hindu majority India!
COMMENT: Chaudhari Sahib: These examples speak for themselves. These acts ( of Congress ) are acts of hate of the Hindu. Congress is giving Hell to the Hindu, and perpetuating a pattern of Minority-Appeasement & treating Hindu as Inferior. This puts up the question:
How can the Hindu get custody of his rights ( his political rights ) ?
Surinder Paul Attri
Monday, May 11, 2009
By S.P. Attri ( U SA )
1. News from Bangladesh unveils clearly that, savage oppression of minority Kafir-Hindus continues unabated, with standard Islamic ferocity, creationg fear & grave unrest amongst the minority Hindus. The enormity of atrocities & crimes against Kafir-Hindus in Bangladesh, is in no way inferior to those committed by the Nazis against the Jewish citizens of Germany. Bangladesh's contempt for Kafirs ( Kafir-Hindus ) is aroused by teachings of Hazrat Mohammad, the Grand Master Of Kafir-Death, Bangladesh is on a head-on effort to damage, debilitate, and devastate the Kafir-Hindus of Bangladesh.
2. This is bad enough as it is, but additionally Bangladeshi Leaders, put the blame for economic problems of Bangladeshi Moslems, on the hateful Kafir-Hindus. This formula is a carbon copy of Nazi tactics against Jews of Germany. Hindu peoperty is forcibly taken over by Moslems, and there is no redress for illegal Moslem acts. Hindu women are abducted in large numbers, many are raped, again with no redress or recourse. The police & local authorities, who are supposed to secure & safeguard citizens, are in league with perpetrators of these crimes. As a result, arson, rape, murder of the Hindus, are ongoing common modus operandi, in the whole of Bangladesh.
3. Over the decades, millions of Hindus have been forced to leave their hearth & home, to migrate to India. Those Hindus who are left behind, live under constat fear for their life, property, & honor. Bangladeshi Government thrives, on its Islamic policy of Kafir-oppression. It stimulates Islamic fervor to annihilate Kafir-Hindus, as well as provides fire-arms to Moslems, to help decimate the Kafir-Hindus as fast as possible.
4. The Phoney-Liberal politicians of India, try to dilute description of Bangladesh oppression of HIndus, and instead of helping them, they try to confuse the population of India, regarding what is going on in Bangladesh. What a shame ?
The question then is:
Can we Hindus stay quiet, in the face of nefarious Anti-Hindu activities of Bangladeshi Moslems, and their barbarous onslaughts against the minority Hindus ?
Surinder Paul Attri
By S.P. Attri ( U SA )
1. News from Bangladesh unveils clearly that, savage oppression of minority Kafir-Hindus continues unabated, with standard Islamic ferocity, creationg fear & grave unrest amongst the minority Hindus. The enormity of atrocities & crimes against Kafir-Hindus in Bangladesh, is in no way inferior to those committed by the Nazis against the Jewish citizens of Germany. Bangladesh's contempt for Kafirs ( Kafir-Hindus ) is aroused by teachings of Hazrat Mohammad, the Grand Master Of Kafir-Death, Bangladesh is on a head-on effort to damage, debilitate, and devastate the Kafir-Hindus of Bangladesh.
2. This is bad enough as it is, but additionally Bangladeshi Leaders, put the blame for economic problems of Bangladeshi Moslems, on the hateful Kafir-Hindus. This formula is a carbon copy of Nazi tactics against Jews of Germany. Hindu peoperty is forcibly taken over by Moslems, and there is no redress for illegal Moslem acts. Hindu women are abducted in large numbers, many are raped, again with no redress or recourse. The police & local authorities, who are supposed to secure & safeguard citizens, are in league with perpetrators of these crimes. As a result, arson, rape, murder of the Hindus, are ongoing common modus operandi, in the whole of Bangladesh.
3. Over the decades, millions of Hindus have been forced to leave their hearth & home, to migrate to India. Those Hindus who are left behind, live under constat fear for their life, property, & honor. Bangladeshi Government thrives, on its Islamic policy of Kafir-oppression. It stimulates Islamic fervor to annihilate Kafir-Hindus, as well as provides fire-arms to Moslems, to help decimate the Kafir-Hindus as fast as possible.
4. The Phoney-Liberal politicians of India, try to dilute description of Bangladesh oppression of HIndus, and instead of helping them, they try to confuse the population of India, regarding what is going on in Bangladesh. What a shame ?
The question then is:
Can we Hindus stay quiet, in the face of nefarious Anti-Hindu activities of Bangladeshi Moslems, and their barbarous onslaughts against the minority Hindus ?
Surinder Paul Attri
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Dalit Christians feel left behind
1. Subj: Dalit Christians feel left behind Dalit Christians demand their own bishopsMay 4, 2009Bhopal , May 5, 2009 : Mr. R.L. Francis is the National President of the Dalit Christians organization known as ‘Poor Christian Liberation Movement’ (PCLM). On May 2, 2009, in Bhopal, Mr. R.L. Francis
India, Republic of (Press Release) May 4, 2009 --
Bhopal , May 5, 2009 : Mr. R.L. Francis is the National President of the Dalit Christians organization known as ‘Poor Christian Liberation Movement’ (PCLM). On May 2, 2009, in Bhopal, Mr. R.L. Francis along with his companions
, Rev. Fr. William Premdass Chaudhary and Mr. P.B. Lomeo (Editor of the Church Restoration, Bhopal, Monthly) toured to the Christians colonies in Bhopal and listened and discussed local / Dalit Christians’ problems. Mr. Francis says that the churches are responsible for the pathetic condition for Dalit Christians in India. Mr. Francis says that church authorities are spending cores of rupees in ord er to spread their kingdom through preaching. There are around two hundred (200) catholic dioceses, in India, which follow rules and regulation of Vatican and in the coming of fifty years (50) there will be more dioceses in India. Mr. Francis says that if Catholic Church spends more money for the development and enlistment rather than on preaching then the condition of Dalit Christians, who are wounded sheep of this fold, will improve their condition and they will have better opportunity in their lives. Mr. France says that the church authorities have best educational institutions in India. There are about four to five per cent Christian population in India but churches have hold on around twenty two per cent (22%) of educational institutions and thirty per cent (30%) of health care. Next to government, the churches are the biggest land owners in India. In spite of having enough facilities with the church yet Dalit Christians’ condition is deteriorating. There are fifteen per cent (15%) Dalit Christians in the cities and forty per cent (40%) Dalit Christians in the rural areas are illiterate in spite of having best convent schools in the church. Thousand of Tribal girls are forced to do the work as Aaya in the rich families. These girls are coming from Tribal areas where there are no job opportunities. These girls (Aayas) are physically molested and mentally tortured. source: FPRChurches are not taking enough care of these girls. In Madhya Pradesh (M.P.) alone, in spite of less Christians population, catholic church have cores of rupees and enough means to provide better education and job to Dalit Christians. In Madhya Pradesh the church have more then one hundred and fifty (150) High schools and half of them are convent schools. In Bhopal alone catholic church have the property, movable and unmovable, worth of more than six hundred crores (600) yet Christians’ condition is not improved. The church property and money are being used by the authorities as they wish. The members of Poor Christian Liberation Movement, Rev. Fr. William Predass Chaudhary and Mr. P.B. Lomio explained to the local Christians about Mr, Anand Benard’s, who is the only member of minority commission of Madhay Pradesh government, suggestion to the M.P. government to form like a Waqf bord. If the M. P. government forms such kind of bord, then we must.0A
2. My Take: I do not want to use heavy romantic language, to lay it on the line:
" Dalit-Christians have Not been left behind, they have been Screwed. "
Surinder Paul Attri Dalit Christians demand their own bishopsMay 4, 2009Bhopal , May 5, 2009 : Mr. R.L. Francis is the National President of the Dalit Christians organization known as ‘Poor Christian Liberation Movement’ (PCLM). On May 2, 2009, in Bhopal, Mr. R.L. Francis
India, Republic of (Press Release) May 4, 2009 --
Bhopal , May 5, 2009 : Mr. R.L. Francis is the National President of the Dalit Christians organization known as ‘Poor Christian Liberation Movement’ (PCLM). On May 2, 2009, in Bhopal, Mr. R.L. Francis along with his companions
, Rev. Fr. William Premdass Chaudhary and Mr. P.B. Lomeo (Editor of the Church Restoration, Bhopal, Monthly) toured to the Christians colonies in Bhopal and listened and discussed local / Dalit Christians’ problems. Mr. Francis says that the churches are responsible for the pathetic condition for Dalit Christians in India. Mr. Francis says that church authorities are spending cores of rupees in ord er to spread their kingdom through preaching. There are around two hundred (200) catholic dioceses, in India, which follow rules and regulation of Vatican and in the coming of fifty years (50) there will be more dioceses in India. Mr. Francis says that if Catholic Church spends more money for the development and enlistment rather than on preaching then the condition of Dalit Christians, who are wounded sheep of this fold, will improve their condition and they will have better opportunity in their lives. Mr. France says that the church authorities have best educational institutions in India. There are about four to five per cent Christian population in India but churches have hold on around twenty two per cent (22%) of educational institutions and thirty per cent (30%) of health care. Next to government, the churches are the biggest land owners in India. In spite of having enough facilities with the church yet Dalit Christians’ condition is deteriorating. There are fifteen per cent (15%) Dalit Christians in the cities and forty per cent (40%) Dalit Christians in the rural areas are illiterate in spite of having best convent schools in the church. Thousand of Tribal girls are forced to do the work as Aaya in the rich families. These girls are coming from Tribal areas where there are no job opportunities. These girls (Aayas) are physically molested and mentally tortured. source: FPRChurches are not taking enough care of these girls. In Madhya Pradesh (M.P.) alone, in spite of less Christians population, catholic church have cores of rupees and enough means to provide better education and job to Dalit Christians. In Madhya Pradesh the church have more then one hundred and fifty (150) High schools and half of them are convent schools. In Bhopal alone catholic church have the property, movable and unmovable, worth of more than six hundred crores (600) yet Christians’ condition is not improved. The church property and money are being used by the authorities as they wish. The members of Poor Christian Liberation Movement, Rev. Fr. William Predass Chaudhary and Mr. P.B. Lomio explained to the local Christians about Mr, Anand Benard’s, who is the only member of minority commission of Madhay Pradesh government, suggestion to the M.P. government to form like a Waqf bord. If the M. P. government forms such kind of bord, then we must.0A
2. My Take: I do not want to use heavy romantic language, to lay it on the line:
" Dalit-Christians have Not been left behind, they have been Screwed. "
Surinder Paul Attri
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Response to message of B.K. Chaudhari
Subj: Response to message of B.K. Chaudhari
1. bk chaudhari to me Attriji, did I spell Piolet (Toilet) correctly? BKC
2. My Take:
Chaudhari Sahib: I explored your spelling & find it " perfect ." Your spelling has rhyme as well as reason.
3. Piolet is Toilet by:
Switching places between i & o, and by substituting T for P ( they both rhyme ! ).
4. Yanks call it " Basackward-Switch, " but it tickles my funny-bone too.
5. Nevertheless, the name Piolet is deeply-imperilled.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. bk chaudhari to me Attriji, did I spell Piolet (Toilet) correctly? BKC
2. My Take:
Chaudhari Sahib: I explored your spelling & find it " perfect ." Your spelling has rhyme as well as reason.
3. Piolet is Toilet by:
Switching places between i & o, and by substituting T for P ( they both rhyme ! ).
4. Yanks call it " Basackward-Switch, " but it tickles my funny-bone too.
5. Nevertheless, the name Piolet is deeply-imperilled.
Surinder Paul Attri
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Anti-Islamic Rally in New York of 3 May 2009
Subj: Anti-Islamic Rally in New York of 3 May 2009
1. The Non-Moslem Kafirs of the world, owe a bundle of thanks to the organizers of the Big Anti-Islamic Rally held in New York on 3 May 2009, which exposed the Imperialist character of Islam. Some 300-500 people of various Non-Moslem faiths, who assembled at the rally despite miserable rainy weather, profiled the fiendish deeds of Islam over the last 14 centuries. They loud-voicedly related the gory deeds of murder, massacre, rape, pillage & plunder, indulged by Moslems against Non-Moslem Infidels ( Kafirs ). They chronicled Islamic raids & ravages in their countries, with un-paralleled terror & torture, subjecting their victims to abject atrocities, abducting their women, usurping their houses of worship, to be used as mosques, and considered it the sacred Islamic duty of every Moslem, earning for the Moslem tormentors the coveted title of Ghazi.
2. The cruelty perpetrated by Islam was & still is equally heinous & hideous. The beastly cruelty of Islam, which is deftly swept under the Islamic carpet, by the Islamic Clergy & by the Phoney-Liberal politicians ( and apologists for Islam ), needs to be thorougly stripped of its cover. Islam is the enemy of freedom, democracy, and secularism. In the countries that Islam has overrun & controls, even scholars have been made to believe, that there cannot be any history worth studying, in the Pre-Mohammad times.
The Moslem-Blinkers put on the scholastic world, need to be pulled out & spurned. All the Moslems need to be made aware that, they have a pre-Islamic history, and that they have no right to wipe out the history of their pre-Mohammad ancestors. They must be made to abandon the pretense, that they have no Pre-Mohammad history worth studying.
3. Islamic Clerics shamelessly represent Islam as a, religion of Peace, Love, and Brotherhood. Islam is no such thing. Islam's history of terror, torture, and tyranny, unleashed over the world, must be recounted in all its gory details, without restraint or reserve.
4. The speakers at the rally, emphatically & assertively exposed the barbarism of Islam. The speech of Arish Sahani was particularly telling & momentous.
The Kafirs of the world need to, hit Islam again & again, to convince Moslems that hatred, animosity, violence, and terror against Kafirs, do not pay, and that Jehad is no more valid. For this, the Kafirs need to be awake & aware.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. The Non-Moslem Kafirs of the world, owe a bundle of thanks to the organizers of the Big Anti-Islamic Rally held in New York on 3 May 2009, which exposed the Imperialist character of Islam. Some 300-500 people of various Non-Moslem faiths, who assembled at the rally despite miserable rainy weather, profiled the fiendish deeds of Islam over the last 14 centuries. They loud-voicedly related the gory deeds of murder, massacre, rape, pillage & plunder, indulged by Moslems against Non-Moslem Infidels ( Kafirs ). They chronicled Islamic raids & ravages in their countries, with un-paralleled terror & torture, subjecting their victims to abject atrocities, abducting their women, usurping their houses of worship, to be used as mosques, and considered it the sacred Islamic duty of every Moslem, earning for the Moslem tormentors the coveted title of Ghazi.
2. The cruelty perpetrated by Islam was & still is equally heinous & hideous. The beastly cruelty of Islam, which is deftly swept under the Islamic carpet, by the Islamic Clergy & by the Phoney-Liberal politicians ( and apologists for Islam ), needs to be thorougly stripped of its cover. Islam is the enemy of freedom, democracy, and secularism. In the countries that Islam has overrun & controls, even scholars have been made to believe, that there cannot be any history worth studying, in the Pre-Mohammad times.
The Moslem-Blinkers put on the scholastic world, need to be pulled out & spurned. All the Moslems need to be made aware that, they have a pre-Islamic history, and that they have no right to wipe out the history of their pre-Mohammad ancestors. They must be made to abandon the pretense, that they have no Pre-Mohammad history worth studying.
3. Islamic Clerics shamelessly represent Islam as a, religion of Peace, Love, and Brotherhood. Islam is no such thing. Islam's history of terror, torture, and tyranny, unleashed over the world, must be recounted in all its gory details, without restraint or reserve.
4. The speakers at the rally, emphatically & assertively exposed the barbarism of Islam. The speech of Arish Sahani was particularly telling & momentous.
The Kafirs of the world need to, hit Islam again & again, to convince Moslems that hatred, animosity, violence, and terror against Kafirs, do not pay, and that Jehad is no more valid. For this, the Kafirs need to be awake & aware.
Surinder Paul Attri
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Response to message of Mukund Apte
Subj: Response to message of Mukund Apte
1. Mukund Apte to me
Dear sir,
I am not in a position to understand what the INTER-FAITH dialogue will achieve? Muslim say (and act to support it) that non believers means non-muslims or Hindus & Christians are going to hail in a burning situation entirely. They have no hopes for them that is why they should be killed. The Christian say that all others (except Christians i.e. Hindus & Muslims) cannot save their souls because of their false God/s and beliefs so it is incumbant on them to convert them to Christianity. They are doing this with gusto.
What exactly are anybody going to DISCUSS with Muslims & Christians in an inter-faith dialog? All hog-wash of (so called) intellectuals!
I am enclosing my article "Response to Terrorism" for Bhaarateey people to change the mental base of others to Bhaarateey one (back). This mental effect (Maharishi Effect) is a scientific way by means of Transcendental Meditation as brought out by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. For this to have effect at 15 million Bhaarateey have to start this technology (in their own locations in Bhaarat). After a period the foreign terrorists will be denied any help from local Bhaarateey people. We do have to take direct actions against the terrorist attacks in Bhaarat till then.
First and foremost, every man in Bhaarat must call this Country only Bhaarat (and not something meaningless like India).
Kindly let me have your comments on the article.
With regards to all,
------Mukund Apte
2. My Take:
I am not in a position to understand what the INTER-FAITH dialogue will achieve? Muslim say (and act to support it) that non believers means non-muslims or Hindus & Christians are going to hail in a burning situation entirely. They have no hopes for them that is why they should be killed. The Christian say that all others (except Christians i.e. Hindus & Muslims) cannot save their souls because of their false God/s and beliefs so it is incumbant on them to convert them to Christianity. They are doing this with gusto.
COMMENT: The Interfaith dialogue will bring to pass nothing more, than what it did during the last 1200 years, which adds up to Exact Zero ( Goose Egg ).
Quote: What exactly are anybody going to DISCUSS with Muslims & Christians in an inter-faith dialog? All hog-wash of (so called) intellectuals!
COMMENT: Discussion is between Equals. How can you have discussion with someone ( such as a Moslem ) who says:
a. I do not tolerate you
b. Who discards the rest of humanity, other than his own kind
c. Whose religion teaches him to murder those, who do not subscribe to his religion
d. And so on & on ?
No similarity or likeness of this group exists, with anything that we Hindus hold sacred.
No discussion or agreement is possible with such a person, unless you agree to set up a social order in India, that is in consonance with the principles of his Islam ( Christianity is exact same way ). But the fate & future of hundreds of millions of Hindus, cannot be allowed to be at the discretion of Moslems ( or of Christians ). A discussion or dialogue under these conditions, will only create trouble for the Hindu. The suggestion of a dialogue with either Moslems or Christians, is a Pervasive-Fraud. It can only end up in collapse of the Hindu.
Hinduism has already suffered colossal losses. We don't need more flattery of this type.
3. Quote: I am enclosing my article "Response to Terrorism" for Bhaarateey people to change the mental base of others to Bhaarateey one (back). This mental effect (Maharishi Effect) is a scientific way by means of Transcendental Meditation as brought out by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. For this to have effect at 15 million Bhaarateey have to start this technology (in their own locations in Bhaarat). After a period the foreign terrorists will be denied any help from local Bhaarateey people.
COMMENT: Neither Transcedental Meditation ( TM ) is all that scientific, nor TM is what we need for the Defense & Strength of the Hindu.
Quote: We do have to take direct actions against the terrorist attacks in Bhaarat till then.
COMMENT: Yes, but TM is NOT the way to do it.
What we need to do:
a. Use Doctrine Of Reciprocity
b. Quickly organize Ideological-Defense of Hindu & Hinduism.
Instead of tolerating the aggression & hatred of Islam & Christianity ( which we have been doing for 1200 Years ), we need to start hitting back at the ideology of Islam & Christianity, and punch big holes into it.
4. Quote: First and foremost, every man in Bhaarat must call this Country only Bhaarat (and not something meaningless like India).
COMMENT: Rather than Slogan-Shouting, we Hindus need to immerse ourselves into solid ( and smart ) action, and slit the Soft-Underbellies ( Ideological-Underbellies ) of both Islam & Christianity.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Mukund Apte to me
Dear sir,
I am not in a position to understand what the INTER-FAITH dialogue will achieve? Muslim say (and act to support it) that non believers means non-muslims or Hindus & Christians are going to hail in a burning situation entirely. They have no hopes for them that is why they should be killed. The Christian say that all others (except Christians i.e. Hindus & Muslims) cannot save their souls because of their false God/s and beliefs so it is incumbant on them to convert them to Christianity. They are doing this with gusto.
What exactly are anybody going to DISCUSS with Muslims & Christians in an inter-faith dialog? All hog-wash of (so called) intellectuals!
I am enclosing my article "Response to Terrorism" for Bhaarateey people to change the mental base of others to Bhaarateey one (back). This mental effect (Maharishi Effect) is a scientific way by means of Transcendental Meditation as brought out by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. For this to have effect at 15 million Bhaarateey have to start this technology (in their own locations in Bhaarat). After a period the foreign terrorists will be denied any help from local Bhaarateey people. We do have to take direct actions against the terrorist attacks in Bhaarat till then.
First and foremost, every man in Bhaarat must call this Country only Bhaarat (and not something meaningless like India).
Kindly let me have your comments on the article.
With regards to all,
------Mukund Apte
2. My Take:
I am not in a position to understand what the INTER-FAITH dialogue will achieve? Muslim say (and act to support it) that non believers means non-muslims or Hindus & Christians are going to hail in a burning situation entirely. They have no hopes for them that is why they should be killed. The Christian say that all others (except Christians i.e. Hindus & Muslims) cannot save their souls because of their false God/s and beliefs so it is incumbant on them to convert them to Christianity. They are doing this with gusto.
COMMENT: The Interfaith dialogue will bring to pass nothing more, than what it did during the last 1200 years, which adds up to Exact Zero ( Goose Egg ).
Quote: What exactly are anybody going to DISCUSS with Muslims & Christians in an inter-faith dialog? All hog-wash of (so called) intellectuals!
COMMENT: Discussion is between Equals. How can you have discussion with someone ( such as a Moslem ) who says:
a. I do not tolerate you
b. Who discards the rest of humanity, other than his own kind
c. Whose religion teaches him to murder those, who do not subscribe to his religion
d. And so on & on ?
No similarity or likeness of this group exists, with anything that we Hindus hold sacred.
No discussion or agreement is possible with such a person, unless you agree to set up a social order in India, that is in consonance with the principles of his Islam ( Christianity is exact same way ). But the fate & future of hundreds of millions of Hindus, cannot be allowed to be at the discretion of Moslems ( or of Christians ). A discussion or dialogue under these conditions, will only create trouble for the Hindu. The suggestion of a dialogue with either Moslems or Christians, is a Pervasive-Fraud. It can only end up in collapse of the Hindu.
Hinduism has already suffered colossal losses. We don't need more flattery of this type.
3. Quote: I am enclosing my article "Response to Terrorism" for Bhaarateey people to change the mental base of others to Bhaarateey one (back). This mental effect (Maharishi Effect) is a scientific way by means of Transcendental Meditation as brought out by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. For this to have effect at 15 million Bhaarateey have to start this technology (in their own locations in Bhaarat). After a period the foreign terrorists will be denied any help from local Bhaarateey people.
COMMENT: Neither Transcedental Meditation ( TM ) is all that scientific, nor TM is what we need for the Defense & Strength of the Hindu.
Quote: We do have to take direct actions against the terrorist attacks in Bhaarat till then.
COMMENT: Yes, but TM is NOT the way to do it.
What we need to do:
a. Use Doctrine Of Reciprocity
b. Quickly organize Ideological-Defense of Hindu & Hinduism.
Instead of tolerating the aggression & hatred of Islam & Christianity ( which we have been doing for 1200 Years ), we need to start hitting back at the ideology of Islam & Christianity, and punch big holes into it.
4. Quote: First and foremost, every man in Bhaarat must call this Country only Bhaarat (and not something meaningless like India).
COMMENT: Rather than Slogan-Shouting, we Hindus need to immerse ourselves into solid ( and smart ) action, and slit the Soft-Underbellies ( Ideological-Underbellies ) of both Islam & Christianity.
Surinder Paul Attri
Monday, May 4, 2009
Response to message of B.K, Chaudhari
Subj: Response to message of B.K, Chaudhari
1. Priya and Maanyog Attriji
Sachin Piolet is a Congress MP. He is the son of the late Rajesh Piolet and son-in-law of Farooq Abdullah.
He is campaigning in Ajmer for election. He is accompanied by Sara, his wife. He says it gives him pleasure to have her with him. In fact he is doing so for political mileage, because his opponent is a BJP Candidate and who is a female (the Istree Dhan of the Hindus).
Incidentally, his wife from Muslim parentage and now married to a Hindu does not wear any Sindoor or Bindi and her Mangal Suttra is not visible, which is a matter of pride and dignity for a lady married to a Hindu. Yet Sachin is proud to display her with him in his public appearances.
Perhaps it is a fitting tribute to the Secularism of his party! Whaqt a service to his ancestral faith?
2. My Take:
Chaudhari Sahib: Thanks for your message.
Quote: He is campaigning in Ajmer for election. He is accompanied by Sara, his wife. He says it gives him pleasure to have her with him. In fact he is doing so for political mileage, because his opponent is a BJP Candidate and who is a female (the Istree Dhan of the Hindus).
COMMENT: Very True. Sachin Piolet is trying to engender, as much political mileage as he can. And his wife Sara is his Political-Pedometer.
3. Quote: Incidentally, his wife from Muslim parentage and now married to a Hindu does not wear any Sindoor or Bindi and her Mangal Suttra is not visible, which is a matter of pride and dignity for a lady married to a Hindu. Yet Sachin is proud to display her with him in his public appearances.
COMMENT: This likely reflects Sara's reasoning. She likely feels she is a Sulli ( Moslem ), and not a Kafir-Hindu. Why should she look like one ( by wearing Bindi or Mangal Suttra ) ? It is bad enough to marry a Kafir-Hindu, but it is too much to wear Kafir-Examplars,
Regarding dignity or pride in wearing Kafir-Symbols: Sullis likely regard this as Un-dignified & Demeaning procedure.
Same rationale prevails among Moslem men too.
Most Kafir-Hindu men wear moustaches, and shave off beards, Moslem men reverse the procedure. They shave off moustaches, but keep beards. Why should they look like Kafirs, when they are Not one ? That is the Sulla reasoning.
A True Follower Of Islam, cannot tread a path that, a Kafir-HIndu would. It is just that simple.
4. Quote: Perhaps it is a fitting tribute to the Secularism of his party! Whaqt a service to his ancestral faith?
COMMENT: The Secularism of India is Pseudo-Secularism. The sermon of this secularism is:
As far as Moslems are concerned, a Moslem who calls himself secular, ceases to be a Moslem. Verily, Islm is the anti-thesis of secularism.
I do not know what kind of nut Signor Sachin Piolet is. My guess is that, though born of Hindu parents, his diabolical hunger for power, pushes him to play vote-bank politics, and likely has an animous towards his Hinduism.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Priya and Maanyog Attriji
Sachin Piolet is a Congress MP. He is the son of the late Rajesh Piolet and son-in-law of Farooq Abdullah.
He is campaigning in Ajmer for election. He is accompanied by Sara, his wife. He says it gives him pleasure to have her with him. In fact he is doing so for political mileage, because his opponent is a BJP Candidate and who is a female (the Istree Dhan of the Hindus).
Incidentally, his wife from Muslim parentage and now married to a Hindu does not wear any Sindoor or Bindi and her Mangal Suttra is not visible, which is a matter of pride and dignity for a lady married to a Hindu. Yet Sachin is proud to display her with him in his public appearances.
Perhaps it is a fitting tribute to the Secularism of his party! Whaqt a service to his ancestral faith?
2. My Take:
Chaudhari Sahib: Thanks for your message.
Quote: He is campaigning in Ajmer for election. He is accompanied by Sara, his wife. He says it gives him pleasure to have her with him. In fact he is doing so for political mileage, because his opponent is a BJP Candidate and who is a female (the Istree Dhan of the Hindus).
COMMENT: Very True. Sachin Piolet is trying to engender, as much political mileage as he can. And his wife Sara is his Political-Pedometer.
3. Quote: Incidentally, his wife from Muslim parentage and now married to a Hindu does not wear any Sindoor or Bindi and her Mangal Suttra is not visible, which is a matter of pride and dignity for a lady married to a Hindu. Yet Sachin is proud to display her with him in his public appearances.
COMMENT: This likely reflects Sara's reasoning. She likely feels she is a Sulli ( Moslem ), and not a Kafir-Hindu. Why should she look like one ( by wearing Bindi or Mangal Suttra ) ? It is bad enough to marry a Kafir-Hindu, but it is too much to wear Kafir-Examplars,
Regarding dignity or pride in wearing Kafir-Symbols: Sullis likely regard this as Un-dignified & Demeaning procedure.
Same rationale prevails among Moslem men too.
Most Kafir-Hindu men wear moustaches, and shave off beards, Moslem men reverse the procedure. They shave off moustaches, but keep beards. Why should they look like Kafirs, when they are Not one ? That is the Sulla reasoning.
A True Follower Of Islam, cannot tread a path that, a Kafir-HIndu would. It is just that simple.
4. Quote: Perhaps it is a fitting tribute to the Secularism of his party! Whaqt a service to his ancestral faith?
COMMENT: The Secularism of India is Pseudo-Secularism. The sermon of this secularism is:
As far as Moslems are concerned, a Moslem who calls himself secular, ceases to be a Moslem. Verily, Islm is the anti-thesis of secularism.
I do not know what kind of nut Signor Sachin Piolet is. My guess is that, though born of Hindu parents, his diabolical hunger for power, pushes him to play vote-bank politics, and likely has an animous towards his Hinduism.
Surinder Paul Attri
Response to message of Shree Vinekar
Subj: Response to message of Shree Vinekar
1. Writes Shree Vinekar
Thanks Atri ji for giving counter points. Regardless, conversion has become a political tool and we can argue ad infinitum as to whether the chicken or the egg came first. One has to recognize that Christians became politically powerful after the support they received from Emperor Constantine. Since then the imperialistic motives have been intertwined with religious motives indistinguishably. The academics can be influenced consciously and unconsciously but arguing about the motives of academics is also futile. The fact remains that those that publicize the view that, scriptural justification for conversion give a religion a licence to go on a conversion rampage in foreign land and is part and parcel of their right to practice religion granted by democracy, are ignoring the fact that such activity is a demographic assault on other religions. I do not think polemics will solve the problems and tensions created by unrestricted conversions in India, especially mass conversions, those too under coercion, allurements, and deceipt. This response is not intended to oppose your views not to start new polemics. Thanks for reading. -SSV
2. My Take: Shri Vinekar Jee: Thanks for your message.
Quote: Regardless, conversion has become a political tool and we can argue ad infinitum as to whether the chicken or the egg came first.
COMMENT: The " Chicken & Egg " analogy does not apply here. Christianity is & has been Evangelistic from Day One of its existence.
" And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
That is what their leader ( Jesus Christ ) told them, and that is EXACTLY what they are doing.
3. Quote: One has to recognize that Christians became politically powerful after the support they received from Emperor Constantine.
COMMENT: True. But it Must be remembered that, Christianity was Evangelistic long before, Emperor Constantine became a Christian.
4. Quote: The fact remains that those that publicize the view that, scriptural justification for conversion give a religion a licence to go on a conversion rampage in foreign land and is part and parcel of their right to practice religion granted by democracy, are ignoring the fact that such activity is a demographic assault on other religions
COMMENT: Evangelism is the nature of the beast, the Christian-Beast. Having a license or not having one, has nothing to do with it.
Regarding Demographic-Assault or Political Power of Christianity: That is Condition-Subsequent.
This distinction & discernment Must be kept in mind, for the good of Hindu Order.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Writes Shree Vinekar
Thanks Atri ji for giving counter points. Regardless, conversion has become a political tool and we can argue ad infinitum as to whether the chicken or the egg came first. One has to recognize that Christians became politically powerful after the support they received from Emperor Constantine. Since then the imperialistic motives have been intertwined with religious motives indistinguishably. The academics can be influenced consciously and unconsciously but arguing about the motives of academics is also futile. The fact remains that those that publicize the view that, scriptural justification for conversion give a religion a licence to go on a conversion rampage in foreign land and is part and parcel of their right to practice religion granted by democracy, are ignoring the fact that such activity is a demographic assault on other religions. I do not think polemics will solve the problems and tensions created by unrestricted conversions in India, especially mass conversions, those too under coercion, allurements, and deceipt. This response is not intended to oppose your views not to start new polemics. Thanks for reading. -SSV
2. My Take: Shri Vinekar Jee: Thanks for your message.
Quote: Regardless, conversion has become a political tool and we can argue ad infinitum as to whether the chicken or the egg came first.
COMMENT: The " Chicken & Egg " analogy does not apply here. Christianity is & has been Evangelistic from Day One of its existence.
" And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
That is what their leader ( Jesus Christ ) told them, and that is EXACTLY what they are doing.
3. Quote: One has to recognize that Christians became politically powerful after the support they received from Emperor Constantine.
COMMENT: True. But it Must be remembered that, Christianity was Evangelistic long before, Emperor Constantine became a Christian.
4. Quote: The fact remains that those that publicize the view that, scriptural justification for conversion give a religion a licence to go on a conversion rampage in foreign land and is part and parcel of their right to practice religion granted by democracy, are ignoring the fact that such activity is a demographic assault on other religions
COMMENT: Evangelism is the nature of the beast, the Christian-Beast. Having a license or not having one, has nothing to do with it.
Regarding Demographic-Assault or Political Power of Christianity: That is Condition-Subsequent.
This distinction & discernment Must be kept in mind, for the good of Hindu Order.
Surinder Paul Attri
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Response to message of Saratchandra Panda
Subj: Response to message of Saratchandra Panda
Writes "Saratchandra Panda"
1. Dear Surinder ji,
Namaskar. Regarding conversion of Hindus to Islam and Christianity, may I pose two questions:
1. Does Islam respect Hinduism?
2. Does Christianity respect Hinduism?
A threadbare debate on the above will greatly contribute to the solution of conversion problem faced by Hindus.
S.C.Panda, Bhubaneswar (India)
Shri S.P.Attri
2. My Take:
Namaskar to you as well, Shri Saratchandra Panda Jee. Thanks for your two good questions. Every Hindu ought to ponder on these cardinal-questions.
Quote: 1. Does Islam respect Hinduism?
2. Does Christianity respect Hinduism?
ANSWER: No. They do not respect Hinduism at all. What they do is:
" Disrespect & Demonize Hinduism Royally."
Both view Hinduism as a Fiend, as a Work of the Shaitaan ( Devil ).
Armed with lethal doctrine, Islam & Christianity have done colossal damage to humanity ( Hindus included ).
3. Islam & Christianity invaded India, to convert Kafir-Hindus ( and Heathen-Hindus ) to the true faith of Islam ( or of Christianity ), to purify the land of India from filth of Kufr ( or Heathenism ).
4. Most Hindus have no clue about Hindu ideological defense. Consequently, savage-ideologies of Islam & Christianity, freely hunt for converts, and Hindu continues to bleed.
Surinder Paul Attri
Writes "Saratchandra Panda"
1. Dear Surinder ji,
Namaskar. Regarding conversion of Hindus to Islam and Christianity, may I pose two questions:
1. Does Islam respect Hinduism?
2. Does Christianity respect Hinduism?
A threadbare debate on the above will greatly contribute to the solution of conversion problem faced by Hindus.
S.C.Panda, Bhubaneswar (India)
Shri S.P.Attri
2. My Take:
Namaskar to you as well, Shri Saratchandra Panda Jee. Thanks for your two good questions. Every Hindu ought to ponder on these cardinal-questions.
Quote: 1. Does Islam respect Hinduism?
2. Does Christianity respect Hinduism?
ANSWER: No. They do not respect Hinduism at all. What they do is:
" Disrespect & Demonize Hinduism Royally."
Both view Hinduism as a Fiend, as a Work of the Shaitaan ( Devil ).
Armed with lethal doctrine, Islam & Christianity have done colossal damage to humanity ( Hindus included ).
3. Islam & Christianity invaded India, to convert Kafir-Hindus ( and Heathen-Hindus ) to the true faith of Islam ( or of Christianity ), to purify the land of India from filth of Kufr ( or Heathenism ).
4. Most Hindus have no clue about Hindu ideological defense. Consequently, savage-ideologies of Islam & Christianity, freely hunt for converts, and Hindu continues to bleed.
Surinder Paul Attri
Response to message of Dr. Gautam Sen
Subj: Response to message of Dr. Gautam Sen
1. My Take:
Quote: I find mystifying the insistence on convincing highly motivated evangelists of the error of their ways by pointing to Christian superstitions and the contrasting nobility of the Vedic espousal of truth.
COMMENT: We don't need to convince Evangelists at all. We only need to Expose & Demolish Christianity's absurdities ( lies & superstitions ).
2. Quote:. Firstly, I know of no Hindu within the fold who has the intellectual capacity to engage in debate with Christian (or indeed Muslim) missionaries on theology since they cannot even comprehend the basics of their own history, all of which are available in standard texts.
COMMENT: Hindu does not lack intelligence. What he lacks is knowledge of weaknesses of Christianity. Tutored via a FAM-Course ( Familiarization Course ), Hindu can shoot holes in the Soft-Underbelly of Christianity. He can do it every day of the week, without let-up or remiss.
3. Quote: I do not think contemporary Hindus, who mostly despise intellectual endeavour and prefer to read mediocre and error-prone texts by the uneducated, will be able to deal with the likes Hans Kung (whose outstanding book on religion I suggested to the Hindu, allegedly in-charge of Hindu educational programmes in the UK, and which he instantly and arrogantly rejected). The Hindutva movement as a whole regards intellectual activity with deep animosity
COMMENT: These slip-ups are the outcome of our Non-Ideological defense of Hinduism. This method is Not working. We must upgrade our method.
4. Quote: Secondly, evangelists are socialised emotionally and intellectually in societies that are already the products of the Enlightenment. Religion in these societies today pertains mainly to observance of ritual, shared with others to bind inter-personal relationships and has little to do with belief in a god, i.e. and even unbelievers acquiesce in Christian rituals on marriage, birth, death, etc.
COMMENT: Evangelists Primarily are Evangelically & Ideologically committed. Rituals & social relations are subordinate & secondary. To kill the snake, you must batter his head. Evangelists MUST be slugged ideologically & smashed.
5. Quote: The vast evangelical empires of the US, which are really business corporations and political organisations, are an adverse reaction to black empowerment and ethnic demographic change that has dis-empowered a numerically significant section of the white population - white collar, skilled blue collar working and lower middle classes of the South. Those who take to Christian evangelical activity, despite this unpropitious Enlightenment background, are highly unlikely to listen to pagan sermons on Christian superstition and concede the superiority of Sanatana Dharma as a result.
COMMENT: Without doubt, Christianity in the US is Big-Business. However, the distinction between Primary & Secondary components of Christianity, must be kept in mind. We must Not be color-blind. Christianity is Primarily Evangelist & Religious-Crusader. The business part is lower & secondary part of Christianity. We do not need to convince the Evangelists. We need to punch & whack the Soft-Underbelly of Christianity, slit big holes into it, and make Christianity land on the toilet.
6. Quote: Thirdly, I cannot fathom why there is such resistance to accepting that Christianity is primarily a political ideology, regardless of what the individual Christian believes. And I have no doubt that most true believing evangelists are personally sincere and many are unusually decent human beings as a result of their belief in Christ.
COMMENT: This is because Christianity is Not primarily a political ideology. Christianity primarliy is & has been from Day One Of its existence, an Evangelist religion. We must call a spade a spade.
Sure, most evangelist are true believing evangelists. But they are SCREWED-UP & GOOFY. It would be the pinnacle of Hindu stupidity, to let their absurdities & nonsense go un-challenged, and let them convert massive number of Hindus to Christianity, despite their drivel & falsehood.
7. Quote: Is there any doubt about the venal political agenda of low life like John Dayal (please read what he has to say about Hinduism before suggesting I moderate my language) and Professor Raju Thomas of Marquette, someone who testifies in the US that the situation of Christians in India today is akin to the situation of Jewry in 1930s Germany - yes, such are the vicious lies and untruths propagated. And these people will be persuaded to re-think their strategies of imperial conquest when Seshadri Chari learns a little theology and corners them on the matter of Christian superstition? Please, don't make me laugh!
COMMENT: Our Hindu Boys, after they are coached via a FAM-COURSE, are more than capable of routing hill-billies like Prof Raju Thomas & John Dayal.
Picking on Seshadri Chari Trivilizes the Hindu's problem, because there are millions of Hindus out there, who are no more knowledgeable on Christianity, than Seshadri Chari is.
8. Quote: Evangelists have to be stopped on the ground by all means, since they are preparing the ground for total subjugation of Hindus and Swami Lakshmananda has already shown us the way and paid with his life in doing so. And please, no more inter-faith dailogue, a matter I have dealt with at length in the two recent issues of the Organiser.
COMMENT: Agreed. But Evangelists need not only to be stopped but smashed. It is our Hindu Duty, to train tens of thousands of our Hindu Boys, via FAM-COURSES, to smack the SOFT-UNDERBELLY of Christianity ( as well as of Islam ), to clobber & stagger the ideology of Christianity.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. My Take:
Quote: I find mystifying the insistence on convincing highly motivated evangelists of the error of their ways by pointing to Christian superstitions and the contrasting nobility of the Vedic espousal of truth.
COMMENT: We don't need to convince Evangelists at all. We only need to Expose & Demolish Christianity's absurdities ( lies & superstitions ).
2. Quote:. Firstly, I know of no Hindu within the fold who has the intellectual capacity to engage in debate with Christian (or indeed Muslim) missionaries on theology since they cannot even comprehend the basics of their own history, all of which are available in standard texts.
COMMENT: Hindu does not lack intelligence. What he lacks is knowledge of weaknesses of Christianity. Tutored via a FAM-Course ( Familiarization Course ), Hindu can shoot holes in the Soft-Underbelly of Christianity. He can do it every day of the week, without let-up or remiss.
3. Quote: I do not think contemporary Hindus, who mostly despise intellectual endeavour and prefer to read mediocre and error-prone texts by the uneducated, will be able to deal with the likes Hans Kung (whose outstanding book on religion I suggested to the Hindu, allegedly in-charge of Hindu educational programmes in the UK, and which he instantly and arrogantly rejected). The Hindutva movement as a whole regards intellectual activity with deep animosity
COMMENT: These slip-ups are the outcome of our Non-Ideological defense of Hinduism. This method is Not working. We must upgrade our method.
4. Quote: Secondly, evangelists are socialised emotionally and intellectually in societies that are already the products of the Enlightenment. Religion in these societies today pertains mainly to observance of ritual, shared with others to bind inter-personal relationships and has little to do with belief in a god, i.e. and even unbelievers acquiesce in Christian rituals on marriage, birth, death, etc.
COMMENT: Evangelists Primarily are Evangelically & Ideologically committed. Rituals & social relations are subordinate & secondary. To kill the snake, you must batter his head. Evangelists MUST be slugged ideologically & smashed.
5. Quote: The vast evangelical empires of the US, which are really business corporations and political organisations, are an adverse reaction to black empowerment and ethnic demographic change that has dis-empowered a numerically significant section of the white population - white collar, skilled blue collar working and lower middle classes of the South. Those who take to Christian evangelical activity, despite this unpropitious Enlightenment background, are highly unlikely to listen to pagan sermons on Christian superstition and concede the superiority of Sanatana Dharma as a result.
COMMENT: Without doubt, Christianity in the US is Big-Business. However, the distinction between Primary & Secondary components of Christianity, must be kept in mind. We must Not be color-blind. Christianity is Primarily Evangelist & Religious-Crusader. The business part is lower & secondary part of Christianity. We do not need to convince the Evangelists. We need to punch & whack the Soft-Underbelly of Christianity, slit big holes into it, and make Christianity land on the toilet.
6. Quote: Thirdly, I cannot fathom why there is such resistance to accepting that Christianity is primarily a political ideology, regardless of what the individual Christian believes. And I have no doubt that most true believing evangelists are personally sincere and many are unusually decent human beings as a result of their belief in Christ.
COMMENT: This is because Christianity is Not primarily a political ideology. Christianity primarliy is & has been from Day One Of its existence, an Evangelist religion. We must call a spade a spade.
Sure, most evangelist are true believing evangelists. But they are SCREWED-UP & GOOFY. It would be the pinnacle of Hindu stupidity, to let their absurdities & nonsense go un-challenged, and let them convert massive number of Hindus to Christianity, despite their drivel & falsehood.
7. Quote: Is there any doubt about the venal political agenda of low life like John Dayal (please read what he has to say about Hinduism before suggesting I moderate my language) and Professor Raju Thomas of Marquette, someone who testifies in the US that the situation of Christians in India today is akin to the situation of Jewry in 1930s Germany - yes, such are the vicious lies and untruths propagated. And these people will be persuaded to re-think their strategies of imperial conquest when Seshadri Chari learns a little theology and corners them on the matter of Christian superstition? Please, don't make me laugh!
COMMENT: Our Hindu Boys, after they are coached via a FAM-COURSE, are more than capable of routing hill-billies like Prof Raju Thomas & John Dayal.
Picking on Seshadri Chari Trivilizes the Hindu's problem, because there are millions of Hindus out there, who are no more knowledgeable on Christianity, than Seshadri Chari is.
8. Quote: Evangelists have to be stopped on the ground by all means, since they are preparing the ground for total subjugation of Hindus and Swami Lakshmananda has already shown us the way and paid with his life in doing so. And please, no more inter-faith dailogue, a matter I have dealt with at length in the two recent issues of the Organiser.
COMMENT: Agreed. But Evangelists need not only to be stopped but smashed. It is our Hindu Duty, to train tens of thousands of our Hindu Boys, via FAM-COURSES, to smack the SOFT-UNDERBELLY of Christianity ( as well as of Islam ), to clobber & stagger the ideology of Christianity.
Surinder Paul Attri
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Response to messages of Radha Rajan & Ashok Chowgule1
Subj: Response to messages of Radha Rajan & Ashok Chowgule
1. Writes "Radha Rajan" <> : How many of you are prepared to stomach the idea that Hindus will have to pick up sticks stones and the sword to stop the missionaries and the jihadis? Aurobindo was not just intellect; he was also sticks stones and the sword. RR
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Ashok Chowgule <> wrote:Re: "But what are the methods you or anyone here has in mind to achievethis?"
This is exactly what the Hindus want to know than merely saying theSheshadriji should not go on TV.
NamasteAshok Chowgule
2. My Take: Namaste to both Radha Rajan & Ashok Chowgule Jee.Quote (Radha Rajan ) : How many of you are prepared to stomach the idea that Hindus will have to pick up sticks stones and the sword to stop the missionaries and the jihadis?Quote: ( Ashok Chowgule ) : This is exactly what the Hindus want to know COMMENT: Both quotes incorporate appropriate questions, and get into the Nitty-Gritty of Hinduism-Defense Conundrum.Answer: The number of Hindus willing to defray cost of Hinduism Defense is Not Zero, but is Mighty-Small. Number is Unknown, but realisticslly, it is pretty close to zero.
3. To elaborate in a Round-About Way:On the Internet, Hindus cry to the High-Heavens, about Bad Things happening to Hindu & his Hinduism. Its Significance ? Answer: It is a Cry For Help, not an Offer For Help.Hindus are bothered about setbacks to Hinduism, want it rectified, but have no desire to fund rectification. They want someone else to fund it. In other words, they desire a Free-Lunch. But no free-lunch in life. Period.
Why this Hindu attitude ? Because we Hindus are selfish, too damn selfish. Our personal welfare has our top priority, our Hindu community has zero priority. This Hindu-Attitude ( Hindu selfishness ) is Incurable.
4. Another conundrum gets back to leadership. Every community needs leaders to keep it alive & moving. During last 1200 years, our Hindu Leadership has been ROTTEN. Even now, in the year of 2009, our Hindu Leadership is ROTTEN. The Rotten Hindu Leadership is Not doing a Damn-Thing, to prepare Hindu society to ideologically take on, either Islam or Christianity. Nonsense they are uttering about Hindu's problem, is mind-boggling.
5. Next our Hindu Holy Men ( HHMs: Sadhus, Sants, Shankaracharyas, Swamis et al ) ? Ninety percent are Nakame ( Useless or worse than Useless ). They have no clue on either Islam or Christianity, cannot prepare Hindu society to confront them. The Omni-Directional Nonsense issuing from their mouths, is appalling.Remaning ten percent of Hindu Holy Men are truly Hindu-minded, but have no Directional-Vector. They are plenty-smart, but lack know-how on weakness of Islam & Christianity. We can give them a FAM-COURSE ( Familiarization-course ) on Islam & Christianity, They can explode into the Soft-Underbelly of Islam & Christianity, wrecking their credibility & disgorging practising numbers.
6. Our present methods cannot accomplish this. Differnt methods certainly can.
Can this be done ?Answer: Absolutey Yes.
I have explained a few dictums of my method on the Internet. Further explanation on the Internet, is deleterious to our Hindu Order.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Writes "Radha Rajan" <> : How many of you are prepared to stomach the idea that Hindus will have to pick up sticks stones and the sword to stop the missionaries and the jihadis? Aurobindo was not just intellect; he was also sticks stones and the sword. RR
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Ashok Chowgule <> wrote:Re: "But what are the methods you or anyone here has in mind to achievethis?"
This is exactly what the Hindus want to know than merely saying theSheshadriji should not go on TV.
NamasteAshok Chowgule
2. My Take: Namaste to both Radha Rajan & Ashok Chowgule Jee.Quote (Radha Rajan ) : How many of you are prepared to stomach the idea that Hindus will have to pick up sticks stones and the sword to stop the missionaries and the jihadis?Quote: ( Ashok Chowgule ) : This is exactly what the Hindus want to know COMMENT: Both quotes incorporate appropriate questions, and get into the Nitty-Gritty of Hinduism-Defense Conundrum.Answer: The number of Hindus willing to defray cost of Hinduism Defense is Not Zero, but is Mighty-Small. Number is Unknown, but realisticslly, it is pretty close to zero.
3. To elaborate in a Round-About Way:On the Internet, Hindus cry to the High-Heavens, about Bad Things happening to Hindu & his Hinduism. Its Significance ? Answer: It is a Cry For Help, not an Offer For Help.Hindus are bothered about setbacks to Hinduism, want it rectified, but have no desire to fund rectification. They want someone else to fund it. In other words, they desire a Free-Lunch. But no free-lunch in life. Period.
Why this Hindu attitude ? Because we Hindus are selfish, too damn selfish. Our personal welfare has our top priority, our Hindu community has zero priority. This Hindu-Attitude ( Hindu selfishness ) is Incurable.
4. Another conundrum gets back to leadership. Every community needs leaders to keep it alive & moving. During last 1200 years, our Hindu Leadership has been ROTTEN. Even now, in the year of 2009, our Hindu Leadership is ROTTEN. The Rotten Hindu Leadership is Not doing a Damn-Thing, to prepare Hindu society to ideologically take on, either Islam or Christianity. Nonsense they are uttering about Hindu's problem, is mind-boggling.
5. Next our Hindu Holy Men ( HHMs: Sadhus, Sants, Shankaracharyas, Swamis et al ) ? Ninety percent are Nakame ( Useless or worse than Useless ). They have no clue on either Islam or Christianity, cannot prepare Hindu society to confront them. The Omni-Directional Nonsense issuing from their mouths, is appalling.Remaning ten percent of Hindu Holy Men are truly Hindu-minded, but have no Directional-Vector. They are plenty-smart, but lack know-how on weakness of Islam & Christianity. We can give them a FAM-COURSE ( Familiarization-course ) on Islam & Christianity, They can explode into the Soft-Underbelly of Islam & Christianity, wrecking their credibility & disgorging practising numbers.
6. Our present methods cannot accomplish this. Differnt methods certainly can.
Can this be done ?Answer: Absolutey Yes.
I have explained a few dictums of my method on the Internet. Further explanation on the Internet, is deleterious to our Hindu Order.
Surinder Paul Attri
Response to message of Shri Ashok Chowgule
Subj: Response to message of Shri Ashok Chowgule
Ashok Chowgule wrote:
1. I personally hold the view that religious conversions are a plitical act and have nothing to do with saving the souls of the person converted. The intention is to increase the number of one's sect so that the leaders can be influential in the society.Re academics not recognising that the issue of whether conversions create social tensions or not. Here again a big amount of politics is involved. There are many instances of conversions creating tensions, that no further proof is reuquired. If the academics were to accept this evidence, then the logical conclusion would be that such conversions should be actively discouraged by the state, whose one of the primary purpose is to maintain harmony. If the academics were to do this, then they will have one less issue on which they can indulge in spending their time.NamasteAshok Chowgule
2. My Take: Namaste to you as well, Ashok Chowgule Jee.
Quote: I personally hold the view that religious conversions are a plitical act and have nothing to do with saving the souls of the person converted.
COMMENT: Not true. Like Islam, Christianity is an Evangelical Religion, Ideology, Racket or whatever other label you want to put on it. Christianity is Evangelically-Bound. Evangelism is the Sword as well as the scabbard of Christianity. Christian theology makes it crystal-clear that Christianity is the only true religion, only Christians enter Heaven, the Non-Christian Infidels ( labelled as Pagans/Heathens ) will burn in Hell-Fire. Therefore, there is sufficient cause for Christians ( God's Party ) to convert Pagans/Heavens ( Devil's Party ), to save them from going to Hell. And all disgusting acts ( during conversion ), torture, trickery, murder, arson, rape etc, are treated as piety ( as the Flag Of Divinity ).
Quote: The intention is to increase the number of one's sect so that the leaders can be influential in the society.
COMMENT: Increase in the number of Christians ( increases the capacity of Christianity to control things in the world ) is the consequence of conversion, not the cause. This cold logic of relationship between Cause & Effect, must be CLEARLY kept in mind
3. Quote: Re academics not recognising that the issue of whether conversions create social tensions or not. Here again a big amount of politics is involved. There are many instances of conversions creating tensions, that no further proof is reuquired.
COMMENT: Not True.
Creation of social tension is neither the reason for Christians going in for conversion, nor it is the reason for us Hindus opposing conversion. We Hindus do not want to lose Hindus to Christianity. It is just that simple.
Regarding Politics: Politics is the consequence, not the cause of conversion. The greater the number of Christians ( having lost the Hindu-converts to Christianity, there are that many fewer remaining Hindus). the greater is their physical as well as politicial power. If Hindus don't understand this equation, Hinduism will be history.
4. Quote: If the academics were to accept this evidence, then the logical conclusion would be that such conversions should be actively discouraged by the state, whose one of the primary purpose is to maintain harmony. If the academics were to do this, then they will have one less issue on which they can indulge in spending their time.COMMENT: The defense of Hinduism, is the job of the Hindu ( Hindu academics included ), it is not the job of the state. The academics need to understand the nature of Christianity & Christian challenge, and register it clearly, in their awareness, and then figure ways of dealing with it. They ought to stay out of irrelevent factors, which have little to do with the challenge from Christianity.
Surinder Paul Attri
Ashok Chowgule wrote:
1. I personally hold the view that religious conversions are a plitical act and have nothing to do with saving the souls of the person converted. The intention is to increase the number of one's sect so that the leaders can be influential in the society.Re academics not recognising that the issue of whether conversions create social tensions or not. Here again a big amount of politics is involved. There are many instances of conversions creating tensions, that no further proof is reuquired. If the academics were to accept this evidence, then the logical conclusion would be that such conversions should be actively discouraged by the state, whose one of the primary purpose is to maintain harmony. If the academics were to do this, then they will have one less issue on which they can indulge in spending their time.NamasteAshok Chowgule
2. My Take: Namaste to you as well, Ashok Chowgule Jee.
Quote: I personally hold the view that religious conversions are a plitical act and have nothing to do with saving the souls of the person converted.
COMMENT: Not true. Like Islam, Christianity is an Evangelical Religion, Ideology, Racket or whatever other label you want to put on it. Christianity is Evangelically-Bound. Evangelism is the Sword as well as the scabbard of Christianity. Christian theology makes it crystal-clear that Christianity is the only true religion, only Christians enter Heaven, the Non-Christian Infidels ( labelled as Pagans/Heathens ) will burn in Hell-Fire. Therefore, there is sufficient cause for Christians ( God's Party ) to convert Pagans/Heavens ( Devil's Party ), to save them from going to Hell. And all disgusting acts ( during conversion ), torture, trickery, murder, arson, rape etc, are treated as piety ( as the Flag Of Divinity ).
Quote: The intention is to increase the number of one's sect so that the leaders can be influential in the society.
COMMENT: Increase in the number of Christians ( increases the capacity of Christianity to control things in the world ) is the consequence of conversion, not the cause. This cold logic of relationship between Cause & Effect, must be CLEARLY kept in mind
3. Quote: Re academics not recognising that the issue of whether conversions create social tensions or not. Here again a big amount of politics is involved. There are many instances of conversions creating tensions, that no further proof is reuquired.
COMMENT: Not True.
Creation of social tension is neither the reason for Christians going in for conversion, nor it is the reason for us Hindus opposing conversion. We Hindus do not want to lose Hindus to Christianity. It is just that simple.
Regarding Politics: Politics is the consequence, not the cause of conversion. The greater the number of Christians ( having lost the Hindu-converts to Christianity, there are that many fewer remaining Hindus). the greater is their physical as well as politicial power. If Hindus don't understand this equation, Hinduism will be history.
4. Quote: If the academics were to accept this evidence, then the logical conclusion would be that such conversions should be actively discouraged by the state, whose one of the primary purpose is to maintain harmony. If the academics were to do this, then they will have one less issue on which they can indulge in spending their time.COMMENT: The defense of Hinduism, is the job of the Hindu ( Hindu academics included ), it is not the job of the state. The academics need to understand the nature of Christianity & Christian challenge, and register it clearly, in their awareness, and then figure ways of dealing with it. They ought to stay out of irrelevent factors, which have little to do with the challenge from Christianity.
Surinder Paul Attri
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