Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Response to message of Shri Chaudhari

Subj: Response to message of Shri Chaudhari
1. How sad and disgusting! But no body else is to be blamed. It is our Sanskars or values, which are poor.
It is our priority which is wrong.
Not many families know the true meanings of SWARVADHARMSAMBHVAY.
This invaluable inheritance does not mean any Adharm has any room in it.
We cannot even interpret our scriptures properly.
We are blackmailed that Sarvdharmasambhavay means we must accommodate Adharms too in it.
The least we can do it is :
1) Impart Hindu Values and not cowardice but pride in our Culture.
2)Our priorities should be spiritual first and material secondary.
3)Create an environment by decent and firm examplary character.
BK Chaudhari
2. My Take:
Quote: It is our priority which is wrong.
COMMENT: Absolutely True. Let us face it. We Hindus are selfish, too damn selfish. Our highest priority is on our personal welfare & on the welfare of our family. The welfare of the Hindu Community, has no priority in our thinking. This characteristic of the Hindu, has been a source of great mischief against the Hindu Community. There is No cure for this problem either.
3. Quote: Not many families know the true meanings of SWARVADHARMSAMBHVAY.
This invaluable inheritance does not mean any Adharm has any room in it.
We cannot even interpret our scriptures properly.
We are blackmailed that Sarvdharmasambhavay means we must accommodate Adharms too in it.
COMMENT: SWARVA DHARMA SAMBHVAY, which means equal respect for all religions, has blockaded Hindu's freedom of thought. SWARVA DHARMA SAMBHVAY can exist only among friends and equals. Communal-Amity, envisaged in SWARVA DHARMA SAMBHVAY, cannot exist among followers of hostile religions. Hindus, especially those of the Phoney-Liberal mind ( and 90 % of the Hindu Holy Men ) repeat this slogan Ad Nauseum, without questioning nature & character of religions ( Islam & Christianity ), to be befriended by the Hindu.
Do these religions ( Islam & Christianity ) respect religions other than their own, do they wish well of the Hindus, or are they working for the total destruction of Hindu religions ? The simple matter of fact is that:
The Hindu is faced with conscience-free violence conducted against him, in the name of Allah or Jehova. Both Moslems/Christians are seeking massacre, plunder, persecution, and paralysis of the Kafr/Heathen Hindu.
HENCE, advice of SWARVA DHARMA SAMBHVAY to the Hindu, is sheer hypocrisy. It is also a blackmail as Shri Chaudhari has observed. It is a naughty-scandal.
4. Quote: The least we can do it is :
1) Impart Hindu Values and not cowardice but pride in our Culture.
2)Our priorities should be spiritual first and material secondary.
3)Create an environment by decent and firm examplary character.
COMMENT: Hindu is Not coward at all. Hindu is selfish. Regardless of moral, ethical, and questions of right & wrong, Hindu is Not going to alter his priorities, it is a Lost cause.
A Smart Method Of Approach is one that works, or is going to work.
A Stupid Method Of Approach is one that won't work.
A Smart Method Of Approach Does exist. Hindu is plenty smart, in our High-Tech world ( with plenty of Force-Multipliers ), this method has adequate chance.
Otherwise if we HIndus contine to follow the advice of SWARVA DHARMA SAMBHVAY, we will end up as " Caspar Milquetoast "
COMMENT: Majority of Hindus are Phoney-Liberal to one degree or another, so are 90 % of the Hindu Holy Men. These people are born as Hindu, but have Zero Hindu Pride. To expect them to be Proud-Hindus, is expecting a lot.
Surinder Paul Attri

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