Sunday, May 3, 2009

Response to message of Saratchandra Panda

Subj: Response to message of Saratchandra Panda
Writes "Saratchandra Panda"

1. Dear Surinder ji,
Namaskar. Regarding conversion of Hindus to Islam and Christianity, may I pose two questions:
1. Does Islam respect Hinduism?
2. Does Christianity respect Hinduism?
A threadbare debate on the above will greatly contribute to the solution of conversion problem faced by Hindus.
S.C.Panda, Bhubaneswar (India)
Shri S.P.Attri
2. My Take:
Namaskar to you as well, Shri Saratchandra Panda Jee. Thanks for your two good questions. Every Hindu ought to ponder on these cardinal-questions.
Quote: 1. Does Islam respect Hinduism?
2. Does Christianity respect Hinduism?
ANSWER: No. They do not respect Hinduism at all. What they do is:
" Disrespect & Demonize Hinduism Royally."
Both view Hinduism as a Fiend, as a Work of the Shaitaan ( Devil ).
Armed with lethal doctrine, Islam & Christianity have done colossal damage to humanity ( Hindus included ).
3. Islam & Christianity invaded India, to convert Kafir-Hindus ( and Heathen-Hindus ) to the true faith of Islam ( or of Christianity ), to purify the land of India from filth of Kufr ( or Heathenism ).
4. Most Hindus have no clue about Hindu ideological defense. Consequently, savage-ideologies of Islam & Christianity, freely hunt for converts, and Hindu continues to bleed.
Surinder Paul Attri

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