Thursday, August 20, 2009

Shah Rukh Khan

Subj: Shah Rukh Khan
1. Chaudhari Sahib:
Shah Rukh Khan's ( SRK ) problems at New York:airpot:

SRK ought to face the facts as they are, and not hit out at adventitious factors. US Immigration Officials and Airport employees, have no reason to either harass or hound SRK. There were at least six other persons in the same room, waiting check-up procedures. Every one of them has to wait his turn. Why should SRK be put ahead of anybody ? Who does SRK think he is, to be put ahead of anybody ? In the US airports, everybody is equal, he is in the same pot, and has to wait his check-out turn, That is about the size of it.

2. Airport employees did not mis-treat SRK. They only followed SOPs ( standard operation procedures ), designed for public protection.

SRK brought problems on himself, by his poor answers to simple questions. His Karma and the Karma of his Evil Islam caught up with him.

Laws of Karma tell us that, results & consequences follow, the actions done previously. No body can defy the laws of Karma.

3. Airport procedures have been refined repeatedly. Airport computers & Airport employees have been programmed & trained to look for suspicious persons & suspicious, slippery & ambiguous activities in the airport area. Of course the name Khan would alert airport computers immedietly
( there are too many Khans out there, whose claim to fame is, terrorism & suicide bombings ).

4. To an average Yank, the name Khan does not mean much, except the name Khan phonetically sounds like the name Con. To a Yank, Khan-Man sounds like Con-Man. He would sense potential trouble, and the Yank would say to himself : Watch out for this Bullet-Head.

Surinder Paul Attri.

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