Monday, August 10, 2009

Sulla's honor-killing

Subj: Sulla's honor-killing
1. No 'honour' in killings
... and it's a bizarre way to describe a barbaric practice aimed at women
Why do they call it "honour killing"? It's anything but honourable.
Then again, it's like dictatorial tyrannies calling themselves "peoples' democracies" when they're neither for the people nor democratic.
The possible honour killings of four women found dead in a car in the Rideau Canal near Kingston would be only the latest manifestation of this obscenity.
The alleged perpetrators have been charged (including the father, mother and the girls' brother), and if found guilty will be due for a long stay in Canada ... in prison. Some "honour"!
So-called "honour killings" are a world-wide phenomenon, if not epidemic, peculiar mainly to the Mideast and Asia, where a family member (usually female) has supposedly brought dishonour to the family or clan that can only be expunged by the person's death.
Human rights and women's groups point out there's nothing in the Qur'an that dictates the murder of women for transgressions -- usually sexual, but not necessarily.
Often, under-age boys in the offended family are assigned to kill the female offender because as minors they will be treated more leniently.
Too often there's no penalty for the murderer(s). In some countries (Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iran, Iraq) men who "honour" kill their wives (or daughters or sisters) for adultery, may be "exempt" from penalty.
Thousands of women are killed every year for reasons ranging from refusal to wear head coverings, to having a love poem written in their name, to having arguments over clothes.
There have been bizarre cases where a husband dreamed his wife was unfaithful, and so was thought justified in killing her. A girl in Turkey had her throat cut when her name was mentioned in a love poem on the radio.
National Geographic recalls that a mentally retarded girl in Pakistan who was raped, was subsequently executed because she supposedly brought shame to the tribe. A conservative estimate has three women per day subjected to honour killings in Pakistan.
A characteristic of honour killings is that the accused has no right of defence. There is no need to prove guilt -- the accusation alone is enough to bring dishonour that can only be removed by execution.
According to UNICEF, some 5,000 brides in India are killed annually because their dowries are too small. In Latin America, when women are murdered in "crimes of passion," it often results in a lesser penalty for their killers compared to other murders.
The UN's Human Rights Commission has recorded "honour killings" in Britain, Canada, the U.S., throughout Europe, Bangladesh, Ecuador, Brazil, Egypt, Italy, Morocco, Sweden, Turkey, Uganda.
In some countries, honour killing is a cultural institution -- Iran, Afghanistan, parts of Pakistan (where 1,000 women a year are victims).
It's difficult to determine the number of honour killings, since they can be disguised and the community often closes ranks. In India, young women who have supposedly dishonoured their family have been set on fire.
In theory, honour killings also apply to men, but are much more rare. In sexual offences, women are usually blamed for tempting men, or provoking their illicit sexual behaviour.
Strangely, perhaps, it is often women themselves who justify honour killings.
Similarly, some defend the burka or hijab as a matter of choice, and not as a symbol of subjection, subservience or male dominance.
If the murders of the four women in the submerged car in the Rideau Canal, which shocked the nation, were indeed honour killings, they are neither unique nor unusual among those familiar with the despicable practice, which shows few signs of being curtailed
2. My Take:
Rather than saving Sulla's face, honor-killing shames ( blackens ) his face. So called honor-killing is Sulla's Jehad against his relatives, for the worship & grandeur of his Uncivilized Allah. This murderous-measure is totu. To call it honor-killing, is travesty of truth. Sulla cannot hide behind sham & synthetic explanations.
Behold: Sulla's arse is showing.
Surinder Paul Attri

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