1. Terrorists have no religion---Shah Rukh Khan
Submitted by Mike Ghouse (United States), Jan 8, 2010 at 21:23
It is your choice to believe what the recycled hate material has been passed on for generations
Freedom of speech is one of the most important rights of humans which is valued by Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Jews and others who form over 95% of the people in their respective groups ([2:256]CC. There shall be no compulsion in religion: the right way is now distinct from the wrong way. Anyone who denounces the devil and believes in GOD has grasped the strongest bond; one that never breaks. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient. (My note to those with range of faith - devil broadly means evilness, God broadly means Goodness, balance and Harmony)
If you are talking about Necons (http://hatesermons.blogspot.com/2008/03/neocons.html ), they are a different breed, there is no freedom for them. A Muslim Neocon will pound another Muslim if he criticizes Sharia, but the majority has no problems. A Jewish man will be pounded and even declared a self-hating Jew if he criticizes Israel, but the majority of Jews have no problems. A Hindu will be pounded by the Hindutva Brigade if they criticize India or their hate policies…. I am talking about good to the bone Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Christians and others.
Think and write independently free from hate and bias. It is your choice to be full of hate and live the life or free yourselves from hate, ill will, malice, anger and enjoy the God given life.
2. My Take:
Quote: It is your choice to believe what the recycled hate material has been passed on for generations.
Advice on " freedom of speech , " plus " affection & amity, " coming from a Moslem such as you, whose workbook ( Quran ) is the Biggest Gospel Of Hate, is hollow & hypocritical howl. Fourteen hundred years of Islamic murder, mutilation, & demolition of Kafirs, speak oceans. Disgusting & distasteful to civilized nations, these acts are pretty & pleasing to Allah, in reward a Moslem gets seventy-two Houris ( doe-eyed maidens ), to satisfy his wildest sexual reveries.
3. Quote: Go sit with a few Muslim, join some discussion groups, join one of the largest Muslim groups that I run worldMuslimcongress-subscribe@yahoogroups.com .
COMMENT: I eschewed many such invitations in the past, because.
More I know Islam, Less I like it.
4. Quote: Freedom of speech is one of the most important rights of humans which is valued by Muslims.
COMMENT: Freedom Of Speech " DOES NOT BELONG IN ISLAM. " Islam views Democracy ( Freedom Of Speech included ), as an assault on Islam. Your contrary-claim is wide of the mark.
Numerous Islamic scholars, who deliberated on this, admitted incompatibility of Islam with Democracy. Their conclusion:
" The Democratic system that is prevalent in world, is not suitable, for our religion or our people. "
5. Quote: There shall be no compulsion in religion: the right way is now distinct from the wrong way.
COMMENT: Islam does not acknowledge, veracity of any other faith. It ardently desires to decimate all other faiths, along with their followers. Compulsion to convert Kafirs to Islam is " Profuse " in Islam. Nothing could be more off the mark, than your claim to the contrary.
" Brutalities committed by Moslems on Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), who refused to accept Islam, are without parallel in human history. "
6. Quote: Anyone who denounces the devil and believes in GOD has grasped the strongest bond; one that never breaks.
COMMENT: Devil, a totally-imaginary entity, exists in & is denounced only by Abrahamic-Religions ( Islam, Christianity, & Judaism ). There is no Devil in Hinduism. Why should a Hindu hit at imaginary entities ? That is the specialty of Islam ( and other similar cults, who have received bum-dope ).
Contrasting Islamic-Devil ( Shaitaan ) against Islamic-God ( Allah ), Shaitaan comes out smelling like a rose. The blood-thirsty tribal chief, Allah, commands permanent slaughter, rape, pillage & plunder of Kafirs, for only crime of not believing in Him. Shaitaan, a totally dis-similar entity, does no such thing.
7. Quote: If you are talking about Necons(http://hatesermons.blogspot.com/2008/03/neocons.html ), they are a different breed, there is no freedom for them. A Muslim Neocon will pound another Muslim if he criticizes Sharia, but the majority has no problems.
COMMENT: Islam has distinction without Jehadic-Difference ( Kafir-Murder ), between Necons & Olcons. Both Necons & Olcons get to enjoy, choicest-sex after death.
A Moslem who criticizes Sharia ( laws on true way of life ) is a Heretic in Islam, and suffers the fate of a Hateful-Kafir, buttressing Equal Opportunity Barbarism of butcher- Islam.
8. Quote: A Jewish man will be pounded and even declared a self-hating Jew if he criticizes Israel, but the majority of Jews have no problems. A Hindu will be pounded by the Hindutva Brigade if they criticize India or their hate policies.
COMMENT Don't lump Hinduism, Judaism, & Islam together. they are not the same. Hinduism is Dharma and Islam certainly is not. Islam is something evil, its imperialist & political doctrine is lethal, it has done much damage to humanity. Its Quran-Sanctioned Kafir-Killing will continue, unless stopped.
9. Quote: I am talking about good to the bone Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Christians and others.
COMMENT: Good to the bone tenets of Islam are, bad & bigoted.
Islam is like Rooster-Cogburn:
" Bad to the Bone. "
Surinder Paul Attri
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
Terrorists have no religion...Shah Rukh Khan
Subj: Terrorists have no religion...Shah Rukh Khan
1. Surinder ji: Namaskar to you
No body except you can proffer such a cogent and logical argument. No rational person can stand before your argument. You have completely demolished the guy who is masquerading as secularists while hiding his real identity. Thanks again.
Narain Kataria
2. My Take:
Kataria Jee: Namaskar to you & thanks.
Right you are !
Signor Mike Ghouse's statements though addressed to Mr. Daniel Pipes, were meant for me, to bull-sh** me.
3. Mike Ghourse, a Moslem, whose religion/ideology rejects freedom of speech outright, is using " The Big Lie Technique. " Playing A Mean Fiddle, " he is attempting to hoodwink us Kafirs. Truth is exact opposite.
4. Recors of Islam's murder machine, of its mutilation, misery, & brutality on Kafirs, engraved on the pages of history, cannot be camouflaged. These expose Islam's Pitiless Prescription, which is that:
" Islam is the only true way of life: the rest ( that is, the Kafir/Non-Moslem religions ) are fake & foul, these must be eliminated, and Kafirs must be murdered or enslaved. "
A person cannot be a Moslem, without believing these commands of Islam.
5. . The unquestioned truth is that:
" Islam is the ideology of champion-barbarians." .
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Surinder ji: Namaskar to you
No body except you can proffer such a cogent and logical argument. No rational person can stand before your argument. You have completely demolished the guy who is masquerading as secularists while hiding his real identity. Thanks again.
Narain Kataria
2. My Take:
Kataria Jee: Namaskar to you & thanks.
Right you are !
Signor Mike Ghouse's statements though addressed to Mr. Daniel Pipes, were meant for me, to bull-sh** me.
3. Mike Ghourse, a Moslem, whose religion/ideology rejects freedom of speech outright, is using " The Big Lie Technique. " Playing A Mean Fiddle, " he is attempting to hoodwink us Kafirs. Truth is exact opposite.
4. Recors of Islam's murder machine, of its mutilation, misery, & brutality on Kafirs, engraved on the pages of history, cannot be camouflaged. These expose Islam's Pitiless Prescription, which is that:
" Islam is the only true way of life: the rest ( that is, the Kafir/Non-Moslem religions ) are fake & foul, these must be eliminated, and Kafirs must be murdered or enslaved. "
A person cannot be a Moslem, without believing these commands of Islam.
5. . The unquestioned truth is that:
" Islam is the ideology of champion-barbarians." .
Surinder Paul Attri
Terrorists have no religion---Shah Rukh Khan is not telling the truth
Subj: Terrorists have no religion---Shah Rukh Khan is not telling the truth
1. Daniel,
I am for freedom of speech and that gives others the
freedom to say whatever they want, whether you said it or not.
YOu cannot stop any one from WMDing
Mike Ghouse
2. My Take:
Quote: I am for freedom of speech.
COMMENT: But if you are for freedom of speech, then why are you still in Islam. There is no freedom of speech in Islam. Islam is the Islam of Quran, a Brutal Gospel Of Hate ( Hatred Of Kafirs/Non-Moslem Infidels ). There neither is nor can there ever, be a freedom of speech in Quran.
3. By pledging freedom of speech, you will lose your identity as a Moslem. Worse yet, you may earn a Fatwa against you. Mullahs & Maulvies ( M & Ms ) will never recognize your right to substitute a Man-Made concept ( such as freedom of speech ), for Allah-Commanded book of Quran.
4. Quran does permit Taqiyya to a Moslem. Quran is against believers ( Moslems ) deceiving ( lying to ) other believers ( Moslems ), but deception ( lying ) directed at Non-Moslems ( Kafirs ), known as Taqiyya, is O.K. and has Quranic support.
5. Other than Quran-commanded Taqiyya, Moslems have no freedom of speech. Their lie to Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), is Diligent-Jehad in the name of Allah.
Total-collapse of freedom of speech in Islam, is obligatory on a Moslem.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Daniel,
I am for freedom of speech and that gives others the
freedom to say whatever they want, whether you said it or not.
YOu cannot stop any one from WMDing
Mike Ghouse
2. My Take:
Quote: I am for freedom of speech.
COMMENT: But if you are for freedom of speech, then why are you still in Islam. There is no freedom of speech in Islam. Islam is the Islam of Quran, a Brutal Gospel Of Hate ( Hatred Of Kafirs/Non-Moslem Infidels ). There neither is nor can there ever, be a freedom of speech in Quran.
3. By pledging freedom of speech, you will lose your identity as a Moslem. Worse yet, you may earn a Fatwa against you. Mullahs & Maulvies ( M & Ms ) will never recognize your right to substitute a Man-Made concept ( such as freedom of speech ), for Allah-Commanded book of Quran.
4. Quran does permit Taqiyya to a Moslem. Quran is against believers ( Moslems ) deceiving ( lying to ) other believers ( Moslems ), but deception ( lying ) directed at Non-Moslems ( Kafirs ), known as Taqiyya, is O.K. and has Quranic support.
5. Other than Quran-commanded Taqiyya, Moslems have no freedom of speech. Their lie to Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), is Diligent-Jehad in the name of Allah.
Total-collapse of freedom of speech in Islam, is obligatory on a Moslem.
Surinder Paul Attri
Thursday, January 7, 2010
in response to reader comment: Joys of A Muslim Woman
1. in response to reader comment: Joys of A Muslim Woman
Submitted by ellie (United States), Jan 5, 2010 at 20:42
I understand all this. What I don't understand is how all the liberals in this country are picking on the Jews, and not on what the Arabs do. I also find it interesting that the women are not rebelling and not escaping, unless they are, and we aren't hearing about it?
2. My Take:
Quote: What I don't understand is how all the liberals in this country are picking on the Jews, and not on what the Arabs do.
COMMENT: The so-called Liberals are in reality Phoney-Liberals. Beneath the claim of Secularism, what they practise is Pseudo-Secularism. Amongst these Phonies are Leftists, academicians, media-moghuls, peaceniks, bleeding-heart liberals, et al. Even though they have opportunities to educate themselves about Islam & Jehadi terrorism, they rarely do, and hold half-a** ideas about why Moslems conduct terrorism. Because of their distorted ideas about Islam, they start constructing theories to explain away Islamic terrorism, such as economic disadvantage, lack of opportunities, poverty, ignorance, amongst the Moslems ( in reality, these have nothing to do, with Islamic terrorism ). They fail to understand that, it is not Jehad, but the religion that sanctions Jehad, which is the real culprit. Consequently, they hit at wrong targets.
3. Quote: I also find it interesting that the women are not rebelling and not escaping, unless they are, and we aren't hearing about it?
COMMENT: Some Moslem women are rebelling, but majority are not. Many rebels have already have migrated to Europe, Australlia, and the USA. Majority of Moslem women, have to put up with savage Islamic abuse, honor-killing, forced-burqua ( forced veiling ), child-marriage, regular-beating from husbands, lashing for adultery, child marriage, polygamy, etc etc
They don't protest for fear of inviting more savage punishment.
Islam's brain-washing that in Allah's eyes, the primary role of a Moslem woman is, to obey husband, bear his children, wear a Burqua, and so on, works like gang-busters. This brain-washing, prevents Moslem women, from focussing on Islam.s barbarism on its women..
Surinder Paul Attri.
Submitted by ellie (United States), Jan 5, 2010 at 20:42
I understand all this. What I don't understand is how all the liberals in this country are picking on the Jews, and not on what the Arabs do. I also find it interesting that the women are not rebelling and not escaping, unless they are, and we aren't hearing about it?
2. My Take:
Quote: What I don't understand is how all the liberals in this country are picking on the Jews, and not on what the Arabs do.
COMMENT: The so-called Liberals are in reality Phoney-Liberals. Beneath the claim of Secularism, what they practise is Pseudo-Secularism. Amongst these Phonies are Leftists, academicians, media-moghuls, peaceniks, bleeding-heart liberals, et al. Even though they have opportunities to educate themselves about Islam & Jehadi terrorism, they rarely do, and hold half-a** ideas about why Moslems conduct terrorism. Because of their distorted ideas about Islam, they start constructing theories to explain away Islamic terrorism, such as economic disadvantage, lack of opportunities, poverty, ignorance, amongst the Moslems ( in reality, these have nothing to do, with Islamic terrorism ). They fail to understand that, it is not Jehad, but the religion that sanctions Jehad, which is the real culprit. Consequently, they hit at wrong targets.
3. Quote: I also find it interesting that the women are not rebelling and not escaping, unless they are, and we aren't hearing about it?
COMMENT: Some Moslem women are rebelling, but majority are not. Many rebels have already have migrated to Europe, Australlia, and the USA. Majority of Moslem women, have to put up with savage Islamic abuse, honor-killing, forced-burqua ( forced veiling ), child-marriage, regular-beating from husbands, lashing for adultery, child marriage, polygamy, etc etc
They don't protest for fear of inviting more savage punishment.
Islam's brain-washing that in Allah's eyes, the primary role of a Moslem woman is, to obey husband, bear his children, wear a Burqua, and so on, works like gang-busters. This brain-washing, prevents Moslem women, from focussing on Islam.s barbarism on its women..
Surinder Paul Attri.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
1. On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 10:11 AM, wrote:
Please copy and paste the following URL into the www. column to see the pictures of welcoming ceremony
Dear Family/Colleagues/Supporters:
On Sunday, December 27th, 2009, Steve Revera, a young Spanish speaking American boy who is getting married on Feb. 6th, 2010 to my niece AMBIKA KATARIA, was initiated and welcomed in the presence of 200 persons, amidst chanting of mantras, into Vedic Hindu traditions as OM KUMAR at Maharishi Dayanand Gurukul, 93-37, 150th Street, Jamaica, NY by Dr. Satish Prakash, Founder Acharya of Maharishi Dayanand Gurukul.
We are very pleased and express our gratitude to all those present on the solemn occasion and to those whose good wishes were with us.
We also offer our congratulations to the entire Hindu Samaj!
Narain Kataria
2. My Take:
Congratulations Indeeed, Kataria Jee.
3. I reckon this as an act of piety, and in keeping with the spirit of Hinduism Defense & Strength. And what could be better than that ?
4. Several years ago, during a meeting of the European-Pagans ( Non-Christian Infidels ), I stated that:
" At least ten million Gypsies ( of Europe & USA ) can be converted to Hinduism. "
I explained my conversion-technique, during this meeting.
Every single European-Pagan nodded his head in the affirmative. When I asked them:
" What are the success-chances of my technique ?"
Every single European-Pagan answered:
" One Hundred Percent. "
Not A Single Hindu in the audience, reacted one way or the other.
5. I also explained my tecknique ( via E-Mail ) to a well-known Hindu-Leader ( Shri Ashok Chowgule ), who replied to me:
" This is too big a job. "
6. This Hindu attitude confirms a big problem with us Hindus. Impact of this Hindu attitude is Large.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 10:11 AM,
Please copy and paste the following URL into the www. column to see the pictures of welcoming ceremony
Dear Family/Colleagues/Supporters:
On Sunday, December 27th, 2009, Steve Revera, a young Spanish speaking American boy who is getting married on Feb. 6th, 2010 to my niece AMBIKA KATARIA, was initiated and welcomed in the presence of 200 persons, amidst chanting of mantras, into Vedic Hindu traditions as OM KUMAR at Maharishi Dayanand Gurukul, 93-37, 150th Street, Jamaica, NY by Dr. Satish Prakash, Founder Acharya of Maharishi Dayanand Gurukul.
We are very pleased and express our gratitude to all those present on the solemn occasion and to those whose good wishes were with us.
We also offer our congratulations to the entire Hindu Samaj!
Narain Kataria
2. My Take:
Congratulations Indeeed, Kataria Jee.
3. I reckon this as an act of piety, and in keeping with the spirit of Hinduism Defense & Strength. And what could be better than that ?
4. Several years ago, during a meeting of the European-Pagans ( Non-Christian Infidels ), I stated that:
" At least ten million Gypsies ( of Europe & USA ) can be converted to Hinduism. "
I explained my conversion-technique, during this meeting.
Every single European-Pagan nodded his head in the affirmative. When I asked them:
" What are the success-chances of my technique ?"
Every single European-Pagan answered:
" One Hundred Percent. "
Not A Single Hindu in the audience, reacted one way or the other.
5. I also explained my tecknique ( via E-Mail ) to a well-known Hindu-Leader ( Shri Ashok Chowgule ), who replied to me:
" This is too big a job. "
6. This Hindu attitude confirms a big problem with us Hindus. Impact of this Hindu attitude is Large.
Surinder Paul Attri
Monday, January 4, 2010
Reply to points raised by Poonam
Subj: Reply to points raised by Poonam
1. does that mean that those brits are no christians, thereby bringing down the number of christians in britain? Was this not one of the croterion on which the british gobermint & courts had disqualified Hinduism as a religion? Because hindus do not have to attend a roll call in front of a divine warden who is the parole officer appointed by jesus, the son of god, in a church, that is built from the money bilked out of poor people who either truly believe that giving money to build these buildings will buy them a good seat in heaven, or give because of the dire consequences of not giving?
2. My Take:
Quote:does that mean that those brits are no christians, thereby bringing down the number of christians in britain?
COMMENT: It means exactly what the numbers reflect, that only 7 % of the Britains are Confirmed-Christians ( Bible-Banging Christians: who are under the strong control of church, its doctrine & ideology ). The other 93 % are either Non-Christians or Jack-Christians ( whose beliefs most likely, embrace ideas of " New Age Of Enlightenment ).
4. Quote: Was this not one of the croterion on which the british gobermint & courts had disqualified Hinduism as a religion?
COMMENT: I have not heard that, British Governemt or any of its courts, has disqualified Hinduism as a religion. You can send me a copy of the report, which says so, and I will try to sort it further.
5. Quote: Because hindus do not have to attend a roll call in front of a divine warden who is the parole officer appointed by jesus, the son of god, in a church, that is built from the money bilked out of poor people who either truly believe that giving money to build these buildings will buy them a good seat in heaven, or give because of the dire consequences of not giving?
COMMENT: Hindus do Not practise these rituals, nor do they subscribe to the attendant-accessory, absurd promises of deliverance, nor do they dread the consequences ( fires of Christian- Hell ), because this Non-Sense is Not part of the Hindu System. This is the paraphernalia of a dark age, of the apparatus of Christianity. It is the same Christianity through which, Europe entered the DarK Ages, centuries ago. It has been the foulest crime, and deepest shame of Western Civilization.
6. But we Hindus should not allow ourselves to be impaired or diverted, by these irrational & asinine rituals of Christianity, because they are ancillary problems of the Hindu.
Hindu's primary problem is Hindus themselves. We Hindus are too damn selfish. We Hindus want to defend Hinduism, but do not want to pay the price of it, we want someone else to pay the price. In other words, we Hindus desire a Free-Lunch, but there is No free lunch in life.
If Hindus did not have that problem ( handicap ), then we Hindus could take up basic beliefs/tenets of Christianity, one by one, and Tear Them Down, with Irrefutable Arguments, and Proof.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. does that mean that those brits are no christians, thereby bringing down the number of christians in britain? Was this not one of the croterion on which the british gobermint & courts had disqualified Hinduism as a religion? Because hindus do not have to attend a roll call in front of a divine warden who is the parole officer appointed by jesus, the son of god, in a church, that is built from the money bilked out of poor people who either truly believe that giving money to build these buildings will buy them a good seat in heaven, or give because of the dire consequences of not giving?
2. My Take:
Quote:does that mean that those brits are no christians, thereby bringing down the number of christians in britain?
COMMENT: It means exactly what the numbers reflect, that only 7 % of the Britains are Confirmed-Christians ( Bible-Banging Christians: who are under the strong control of church, its doctrine & ideology ). The other 93 % are either Non-Christians or Jack-Christians ( whose beliefs most likely, embrace ideas of " New Age Of Enlightenment ).
4. Quote: Was this not one of the croterion on which the british gobermint & courts had disqualified Hinduism as a religion?
COMMENT: I have not heard that, British Governemt or any of its courts, has disqualified Hinduism as a religion. You can send me a copy of the report, which says so, and I will try to sort it further.
5. Quote: Because hindus do not have to attend a roll call in front of a divine warden who is the parole officer appointed by jesus, the son of god, in a church, that is built from the money bilked out of poor people who either truly believe that giving money to build these buildings will buy them a good seat in heaven, or give because of the dire consequences of not giving?
COMMENT: Hindus do Not practise these rituals, nor do they subscribe to the attendant-accessory, absurd promises of deliverance, nor do they dread the consequences ( fires of Christian- Hell ), because this Non-Sense is Not part of the Hindu System. This is the paraphernalia of a dark age, of the apparatus of Christianity. It is the same Christianity through which, Europe entered the DarK Ages, centuries ago. It has been the foulest crime, and deepest shame of Western Civilization.
6. But we Hindus should not allow ourselves to be impaired or diverted, by these irrational & asinine rituals of Christianity, because they are ancillary problems of the Hindu.
Hindu's primary problem is Hindus themselves. We Hindus are too damn selfish. We Hindus want to defend Hinduism, but do not want to pay the price of it, we want someone else to pay the price. In other words, we Hindus desire a Free-Lunch, but there is No free lunch in life.
If Hindus did not have that problem ( handicap ), then we Hindus could take up basic beliefs/tenets of Christianity, one by one, and Tear Them Down, with Irrefutable Arguments, and Proof.
Surinder Paul Attri
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Terrorists have no religion -- Shah Rukh Khan is not telling the truth
1. Subj:Terrorists have no religion -- Shah Rukh Khan is not telling the truth
Babu Suseelan:
Mike Ghouse is a Muslim attempting to hoodwink the gullible public and mentally misguide them to believe that Muslims are for peace. All Muslims are not committing terrorism for reasons. But all Muslims have the potential to become a Jihadi. Education, social status, social role and wealth has nothing to do with a Muslim to go amok and start killing innocent infidels while shouting Allah Akbar.
Criminals are born in every communities. In democratic countries, they are arrested, prosecuted and tried by the impartial judiciary and sentenced for rehabilitation if found guilty. If he is not happy living in Houston, why not he move to saudi Arabia, Pakistan or Afghanistan where Muslims are free to practice Islamic sharia.
Since islam is a closed, reductionist and violent dogma and violence and terrorism is a common occurrence in all Islamic societies, Muslims have developed what psychologists termed "Banner Blindness'. Just as the city dweller become inured to the noise, Muslims are habituated to violence and terrorism. Muslims are inoculated against the lasting islamic violence. And because these habituated muslims no longer condemn jihadi terrorism, does not mean Islam is peace.
overall, considering the violent behavior of Muslims as a lens, we are justified in blaming that all Muslims have the potential to become a Jihadi terrorist.
2. My Take:
Quote:Terrorists have no religion -- Shah Rukh Khan
COMMENT: Are you " Mucho Loco Kabesa " Signor SRK, or are you trying to conceal the guise of Jehad ?
3. Quote:Mike Ghouse, a Muslim, is attempting to hoodwink the gullible public and mentally misguide them to believe that Muslims are for peace.
COMMENT: Signor Mike Ghouse: We Kafirs have heard your kind of horse-sh**, in the face of killers like Babur, Jehangir, Shah Jehan, Aurangzeb, Suhrawardy, et al. Stop trying to pass on your " Stealthy-Jehad. "
4. Psychiatrists tell us that we humans are reasonable people, that is, we do not do anything without a reason. And terrorists & their blind animal courage, is Not an exception to this rule.The promise to followers of Islam, of wild sex with 72 HOURIS in Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ) is a highly-attractive reason & reward, to engage in Kafir-Killing. This act is Allah's Jehad, Allah's war against hateful-Kafirs, and Islam promises that Moslems are sure to win in this war.
5. Moslems are given NEARLY all plundered Kafir property, Kafir's women, and Kafir's children, to become Moslem's concubines, and slaves. These kinds of highly-charismatic rewards create the grand-climax of terrorism, and ideology of Islam is the one, which puts Moslems in the house of terrorism.
NOTE: brutalities committed by Allah's Soldiers, are without parallel in human history.
Surinder Paul Attri
Babu Suseelan:
Mike Ghouse is a Muslim attempting to hoodwink the gullible public and mentally misguide them to believe that Muslims are for peace. All Muslims are not committing terrorism for reasons. But all Muslims have the potential to become a Jihadi. Education, social status, social role and wealth has nothing to do with a Muslim to go amok and start killing innocent infidels while shouting Allah Akbar.
Criminals are born in every communities. In democratic countries, they are arrested, prosecuted and tried by the impartial judiciary and sentenced for rehabilitation if found guilty. If he is not happy living in Houston, why not he move to saudi Arabia, Pakistan or Afghanistan where Muslims are free to practice Islamic sharia.
Since islam is a closed, reductionist and violent dogma and violence and terrorism is a common occurrence in all Islamic societies, Muslims have developed what psychologists termed "Banner Blindness'. Just as the city dweller become inured to the noise, Muslims are habituated to violence and terrorism. Muslims are inoculated against the lasting islamic violence. And because these habituated muslims no longer condemn jihadi terrorism, does not mean Islam is peace.
overall, considering the violent behavior of Muslims as a lens, we are justified in blaming that all Muslims have the potential to become a Jihadi terrorist.
2. My Take:
Quote:Terrorists have no religion -- Shah Rukh Khan
COMMENT: Are you " Mucho Loco Kabesa " Signor SRK, or are you trying to conceal the guise of Jehad ?
3. Quote:Mike Ghouse, a Muslim, is attempting to hoodwink the gullible public and mentally misguide them to believe that Muslims are for peace.
COMMENT: Signor Mike Ghouse: We Kafirs have heard your kind of horse-sh**, in the face of killers like Babur, Jehangir, Shah Jehan, Aurangzeb, Suhrawardy, et al. Stop trying to pass on your " Stealthy-Jehad. "
4. Psychiatrists tell us that we humans are reasonable people, that is, we do not do anything without a reason. And terrorists & their blind animal courage, is Not an exception to this rule.The promise to followers of Islam, of wild sex with 72 HOURIS in Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ) is a highly-attractive reason & reward, to engage in Kafir-Killing. This act is Allah's Jehad, Allah's war against hateful-Kafirs, and Islam promises that Moslems are sure to win in this war.
5. Moslems are given NEARLY all plundered Kafir property, Kafir's women, and Kafir's children, to become Moslem's concubines, and slaves. These kinds of highly-charismatic rewards create the grand-climax of terrorism, and ideology of Islam is the one, which puts Moslems in the house of terrorism.
NOTE: brutalities committed by Allah's Soldiers, are without parallel in human history.
Surinder Paul Attri
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