Sunday, January 3, 2010

Terrorists have no religion -- Shah Rukh Khan is not telling the truth

1. Subj:Terrorists have no religion -- Shah Rukh Khan is not telling the truth
Babu Suseelan:
Mike Ghouse is a Muslim attempting to hoodwink the gullible public and mentally misguide them to believe that Muslims are for peace. All Muslims are not committing terrorism for reasons. But all Muslims have the potential to become a Jihadi. Education, social status, social role and wealth has nothing to do with a Muslim to go amok and start killing innocent infidels while shouting Allah Akbar.

Criminals are born in every communities. In democratic countries, they are arrested, prosecuted and tried by the impartial judiciary and sentenced for rehabilitation if found guilty. If he is not happy living in Houston, why not he move to saudi Arabia, Pakistan or Afghanistan where Muslims are free to practice Islamic sharia.

Since islam is a closed, reductionist and violent dogma and violence and terrorism is a common occurrence in all Islamic societies, Muslims have developed what psychologists termed "Banner Blindness'. Just as the city dweller become inured to the noise, Muslims are habituated to violence and terrorism. Muslims are inoculated against the lasting islamic violence. And because these habituated muslims no longer condemn jihadi terrorism, does not mean Islam is peace.
overall, considering the violent behavior of Muslims as a lens, we are justified in blaming that all Muslims have the potential to become a Jihadi terrorist.

2. My Take:
Quote:Terrorists have no religion -- Shah Rukh Khan
COMMENT: Are you " Mucho Loco Kabesa " Signor SRK, or are you trying to conceal the guise of Jehad ?
3. Quote:Mike Ghouse, a Muslim, is attempting to hoodwink the gullible public and mentally misguide them to believe that Muslims are for peace.
COMMENT: Signor Mike Ghouse: We Kafirs have heard your kind of horse-sh**, in the face of killers like Babur, Jehangir, Shah Jehan, Aurangzeb, Suhrawardy, et al. Stop trying to pass on your " Stealthy-Jehad. "

4. Psychiatrists tell us that we humans are reasonable people, that is, we do not do anything without a reason. And terrorists & their blind animal courage, is Not an exception to this rule.The promise to followers of Islam, of wild sex with 72 HOURIS in Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ) is a highly-attractive reason & reward, to engage in Kafir-Killing. This act is Allah's Jehad, Allah's war against hateful-Kafirs, and Islam promises that Moslems are sure to win in this war.

5. Moslems are given NEARLY all plundered Kafir property, Kafir's women, and Kafir's children, to become Moslem's concubines, and slaves. These kinds of highly-charismatic rewards create the grand-climax of terrorism, and ideology of Islam is the one, which puts Moslems in the house of terrorism.
NOTE: brutalities committed by Allah's Soldiers, are without parallel in human history.

Surinder Paul Attri

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