By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. Jihad ( Holy War ) is the religious duty of Moslems, it appears frequently in Quran, and means fighting in Allah's way. From early age, through Quranic education, a Moslem gets taught that Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), refuse to obey Allah & acknowledge Mohammad as the last prophet of God ( Allah ). Because Islam does not recognize any God other than Allah any where, it conducts Jihad to eliminatede all Kafirs. Jihadic-Duty is " obligatory " on a Moslems, it is Islam's sixth pillar, and one of ten great Islamic duties.
Question: Is Islamic-Jihad defensive or offensive warfare ?
Neither Quran nor Sunna ( prophet's example ) answers this question. However in Islam, only form of warfare permitted is Jihadic-Warfare.
Still Islamic Clergy denies, that Jihad is war against Kafirs. This is a Lie, and ought to be taken, with a bucket of salt.
2. Quran explicitly states: Because Kafirs do not believe ( in Islam ), they are Infidels, and must be converted, murdered, or enslaved. That is why, Jihad aims at:
a. Extermination of Kufr, by converting Kafirs to Islam
b. Expansion of Islam
3. Excuses of Islamists are in abundance:
Some Islamists apologize for Islam by quoting some Hadiths, which talk about greater-Jihad ( spiritual-Jihad ) and lesser-Jihad ( physical-warfare ). But these Hadiths are considered un-authentic.
Other Islamists excuse Islam, by describing Jihad as struggle ( warfare ), to establish just & moral social order. Because in Islam, the only just & moral social order is Islam, all Kafir systems are on Islam's hit list, to be annihilated.
Hazrat Mohammad himself & his followers after him, conducted massive Jihadic wars, they forced Kafirs to convert to Islam. Because all Islamic-Jihad has been Jihad of the sword, excuses of Islamists do not pan out.
4. Hazrat Mohammad divided world into two groups :
a. Dar-Ul-Islam ( House of Peace: where Islam rules )
b. Dar-Ul-Harb ( House of War: where Kafirs rule )
Hazrat Mohammad proclaimed that, these two groups will war, until entire Dar-Ul-Harb converts to Islam. Jihadi-Moslems will receive rewards of both worlds---treasures in this one, and Janat ( Moslem's Paradise, with lots of Houris ) in the next.
These highly attractive rewards, have enabled Islam to recruit extremely large number of volunteers, ready to kill & get killed in the name of Allah.
5. Quran's specific admonitions to Moslems are:
a Fight in the name of Allah
b. Fight in the way of Allah
c. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah
d. Make it a Holy War
e Fight those who hold not-forbidden, which has been forbidden by Allah, and by the Messenger
f. Fight those who acknowledge not the religion of truth ( Islam )
g. Fight Kafirs, until they pay Jaziya with submission, and feel themselves subdued.
h. In war, a Moslem either becomes a Ghazi ( Soldier of Islam ) if he wins, or a Shaheed ( Martyr of Islam ) if he loses
6. To put it simply:
Jihad is all about murdering & mutilating Kafirs, and there is a Direct connection between Kafir murder and, provision of choicest after-death sex in Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ), in the most pleasurable settings. Jihad is guaranteed by Allah & Allah is honor-bound to offer Janat, as a gift to a Moslem. Since Jihad is a sure gateway to Janat, it is extremely popular amongst Moslems. It is supported by both Quran & Hadiths:
According to a Hadith in Sahih Al-Bukhari:
Jihad is the third best deed for a Moslem, after offering prayers at stated times, and being dutiful to parents.
Another Hadith in Sahih Al-Bukhari states:
Jihad is the second best deed for a Moslem, after belief in Allah & Mohammad
Another Hadith says:
No deed equals Jihad in reward, and that Mujahid ( a Moslem who does Jihad ) is rewarded even for the footsteps of his horse, while it wanders about.
7. Jihad has been prescribed for Moslems, by Mohammad and Allah, and not by Allah alone.
From Day One of its existence, Islam has been a Military-Ideology, and Kafirs have been on its SH**-List. It still is " An Implacable Foe Of The Kafirs. " Spirituality is non-existent in Islam & Islam does not qualify as a religion. But its Jihad is " Top Of The Line Barbarism. "
Surinder Paul Attri
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. Holy-Warfare ( Jihad ) against Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) is " Islam Ki Aksari Zindagi. " It is total war against Kafirs, and Moslems are supposed to be Kafir-Annihilationists. Because it is war in Allah's way, Moslems are expected to die, rather than retreat.
2. A Moslem leader named Muhammad Inayat Ali Khan, with a pen-name of Al-Mashriqi, who founded the Khaksar Movement, stated in the 1920's:
" We Muslims have to dominate the whole world, and become its conquerors & rulers."
His pamphlet " Islam Ki Aksari Zindagi " declares:
" Quran proclaims: Prophet was sent the true religion with instructions, to make all other religions subservient to Islam. "
3. Al-Mashriqi estimates that, within a decade of Prophet's death, Moslems conquered 36,000 castles in 9 years, or 12 per day, three-quarters Jihad-related.
Asserts Al-Mashriqi: " Quran promises Hell-Fire to those who do not do Jihad Bi-L-Saif ( Jihad with Sword ). Jihad for Islam's cause is sufficient for Moslem's salvation, no other good deed is needed. "
Moslems cannot hide that, Jihad is entire world's Islamization, and extermination of all Kafirs.
4. Declares Al-Mashriqi;
a. Moslems must pronounce all worldly gains, for military revival
b. Haj, alms giving, fast during Ramadan, are parts of military exercise
c. Prayer is a form of military drill
d. Haj is a Moslem soldiers counsel, to plan Kafir-extermination
e. Fast is preparation for siege warfare deprivation
f. Alms-giving is to raise funds, for Moslem Re-Armament
Thus, Kafir-Hate & Kafir-Extermiantion, are Islam's only cause & core.
5. Says Al-Mashriqi:
" Leaving Martial-way of life, is leaving Islam. "
After talking with Adolf Hitler in 1926, Al-Mashriqi elucidates in " Tazrikah: "
" A true, persistent action application, is " Fitness, " per Darwinian principle of " Survival Of The Fittest. "
A community of people, which carries action to extreme limit, becomes predominant, & rules the world.
When a nation loses these qualites, she is not Fit, other Fitter people take her place, under law of " Natural Selection. "
6. Albert Speer ( Hitler's Armaments Minister ) during prison, explains Hitler's effusive praise for Islam---a religion that spreads & subjugates all nations to its faith, and that it is suited to German temperament.
Hitler told Dr. Herman Neubacher ( First Nazi Mayor Of Vienna ):
Islam is a Male religion. Germans with Islam in Middle Ages, would have conquered far far more.
A smiling Hitler tells General Alexandar Loehr:
Islam: I desire it to become official SS religion.
7. Hitler viewed Islam as a handy-tool, for genocidal war
During 19th century, Ottoman Empire launched Jihad & slaughtered Bulgarian & Armenian Christians en masse.
Heinrich Himmler ( SS chief: Nazi Secret Service ), was great champion of Islam's Jihadic-Bellicosity.
In fact, National-Socialism was New Islam, with New Allah,and Hitler as Allah's New Prophet.
8. To Islam, Terror is synonymous with Power. Many Moslems admire Nazi Germany. Some Moslems desire a Caliphate under Allah's vicegerant, Caliph ruling by Sharia ( Islamic law ), imposing rigid subservience & sacrilized discrimination, against Kafirs & Moslem women, without conscience.
9. Unless, Moslems acknowledge the ugliness of Islam & its Jihad, they cannot get the respect of civilized ( Kafir ) societies. Instead, Moslems continue to insist that:
Islam is a religion of peace, love, and Brotherhood.
Of course, Moslems are lying like crazy.
Jihad ( Holy War ) is the conquest of all Kafir ( Non-Moslem ) territories. It is a barbaric custom of a barbaric creed.
10. Geert Wilders ( a Dutch politician ) equates Quran with Hitler's Mein Kamph. Geert's observation is very keen.
Surinder Paul Attri
By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. Holy-Warfare ( Jihad ) against Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) is " Islam Ki Aksari Zindagi. " It is total war against Kafirs, and Moslems are supposed to be Kafir-Annihilationists. Because it is war in Allah's way, Moslems are expected to die, rather than retreat.
2. A Moslem leader named Muhammad Inayat Ali Khan, with a pen-name of Al-Mashriqi, who founded the Khaksar Movement, stated in the 1920's:
" We Muslims have to dominate the whole world, and become its conquerors & rulers."
His pamphlet " Islam Ki Aksari Zindagi " declares:
" Quran proclaims: Prophet was sent the true religion with instructions, to make all other religions subservient to Islam. "
3. Al-Mashriqi estimates that, within a decade of Prophet's death, Moslems conquered 36,000 castles in 9 years, or 12 per day, three-quarters Jihad-related.
Asserts Al-Mashriqi: " Quran promises Hell-Fire to those who do not do Jihad Bi-L-Saif ( Jihad with Sword ). Jihad for Islam's cause is sufficient for Moslem's salvation, no other good deed is needed. "
Moslems cannot hide that, Jihad is entire world's Islamization, and extermination of all Kafirs.
4. Declares Al-Mashriqi;
a. Moslems must pronounce all worldly gains, for military revival
b. Haj, alms giving, fast during Ramadan, are parts of military exercise
c. Prayer is a form of military drill
d. Haj is a Moslem soldiers counsel, to plan Kafir-extermination
e. Fast is preparation for siege warfare deprivation
f. Alms-giving is to raise funds, for Moslem Re-Armament
Thus, Kafir-Hate & Kafir-Extermiantion, are Islam's only cause & core.
5. Says Al-Mashriqi:
" Leaving Martial-way of life, is leaving Islam. "
After talking with Adolf Hitler in 1926, Al-Mashriqi elucidates in " Tazrikah: "
" A true, persistent action application, is " Fitness, " per Darwinian principle of " Survival Of The Fittest. "
A community of people, which carries action to extreme limit, becomes predominant, & rules the world.
When a nation loses these qualites, she is not Fit, other Fitter people take her place, under law of " Natural Selection. "
6. Albert Speer ( Hitler's Armaments Minister ) during prison, explains Hitler's effusive praise for Islam---a religion that spreads & subjugates all nations to its faith, and that it is suited to German temperament.
Hitler told Dr. Herman Neubacher ( First Nazi Mayor Of Vienna ):
Islam is a Male religion. Germans with Islam in Middle Ages, would have conquered far far more.
A smiling Hitler tells General Alexandar Loehr:
Islam: I desire it to become official SS religion.
7. Hitler viewed Islam as a handy-tool, for genocidal war
During 19th century, Ottoman Empire launched Jihad & slaughtered Bulgarian & Armenian Christians en masse.
Heinrich Himmler ( SS chief: Nazi Secret Service ), was great champion of Islam's Jihadic-Bellicosity.
In fact, National-Socialism was New Islam, with New Allah,and Hitler as Allah's New Prophet.
8. To Islam, Terror is synonymous with Power. Many Moslems admire Nazi Germany. Some Moslems desire a Caliphate under Allah's vicegerant, Caliph ruling by Sharia ( Islamic law ), imposing rigid subservience & sacrilized discrimination, against Kafirs & Moslem women, without conscience.
9. Unless, Moslems acknowledge the ugliness of Islam & its Jihad, they cannot get the respect of civilized ( Kafir ) societies. Instead, Moslems continue to insist that:
Islam is a religion of peace, love, and Brotherhood.
Of course, Moslems are lying like crazy.
Jihad ( Holy War ) is the conquest of all Kafir ( Non-Moslem ) territories. It is a barbaric custom of a barbaric creed.
10. Geert Wilders ( a Dutch politician ) equates Quran with Hitler's Mein Kamph. Geert's observation is very keen.
Surinder Paul Attri
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. Islamist-Di**-Heads, those dumb-dogs of Islam, Mullahs, Maulvies, Muftis, Kazis, Imams et al: What do they have in common ?
They issue words of fire & sword to their fanatic-Jihadis, to carry out raids on Kafirs, their eternal-enemies. Kafir-attack is their principle business & they tell their Jihadis:
" If a Jihadi kills a Kafir ( Non-Moslem Infidel ), or gets killed during Jihad, he goes to Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ). But if he goes against Islam's teachings, he goes to Jhanam ( Islam's Hell ) "
Using this black-mail, these Islamist Di**-Heads, are perpetuating & propagating Islam's shameful system. These Di**-Heads are experts at telling the Moslem youth that:
" Jihad is the right call for them. "
2. The over-whelming majority of Islamist Di**-Heads are united on one thing. They are steadfast Islamist. They loot & plunder Kafir property, sincerely believing that they are taking, what is rightfully theirs. They are doing what Hazrat Mohammad told them, and they are doing exactly what Hazrat Mohammad taught them.
They are also Wind-Bags, they have very big mouths, and some very harsh opinions about how we Kafris should be allowed to live our lives. These fuzzy-faced Di**-Heads have the spunk to tell us Kafirs what a corrupt society we Kafirs have, and that flag of Allah ought to be flying over all our Kafir lands.
3. They are medieval pin-heads. They ( and their Islam ), are extreme nut-cases. To call them ignorant-pigs, is an insult to the pigs. They are as welcome in any Kafir land, as a fly in kitchen, and they serve the same purpose, as a barbaric nuisance. They ought to be dropped in the middle of a desert, where they rightfully belong .
4. We can also hope that these fuzzy-faced idiots will come to their senses, shave off their beards, and drop their scythe & sword.
Surinder Paul Attri
By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. Islamist-Di**-Heads, those dumb-dogs of Islam, Mullahs, Maulvies, Muftis, Kazis, Imams et al: What do they have in common ?
They issue words of fire & sword to their fanatic-Jihadis, to carry out raids on Kafirs, their eternal-enemies. Kafir-attack is their principle business & they tell their Jihadis:
" If a Jihadi kills a Kafir ( Non-Moslem Infidel ), or gets killed during Jihad, he goes to Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ). But if he goes against Islam's teachings, he goes to Jhanam ( Islam's Hell ) "
Using this black-mail, these Islamist Di**-Heads, are perpetuating & propagating Islam's shameful system. These Di**-Heads are experts at telling the Moslem youth that:
" Jihad is the right call for them. "
2. The over-whelming majority of Islamist Di**-Heads are united on one thing. They are steadfast Islamist. They loot & plunder Kafir property, sincerely believing that they are taking, what is rightfully theirs. They are doing what Hazrat Mohammad told them, and they are doing exactly what Hazrat Mohammad taught them.
They are also Wind-Bags, they have very big mouths, and some very harsh opinions about how we Kafris should be allowed to live our lives. These fuzzy-faced Di**-Heads have the spunk to tell us Kafirs what a corrupt society we Kafirs have, and that flag of Allah ought to be flying over all our Kafir lands.
3. They are medieval pin-heads. They ( and their Islam ), are extreme nut-cases. To call them ignorant-pigs, is an insult to the pigs. They are as welcome in any Kafir land, as a fly in kitchen, and they serve the same purpose, as a barbaric nuisance. They ought to be dropped in the middle of a desert, where they rightfully belong .
4. We can also hope that these fuzzy-faced idiots will come to their senses, shave off their beards, and drop their scythe & sword.
Surinder Paul Attri
Respense to Reader's comment
Subj: Respense to Reader's comment
1. Dear s.p. attri,
Your comments at danielpipes.org received a response, which can be seen at: http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/170572
Daniel Pipes' staff
2. Reader comment on item: In Mideast, Bet on a Strong Horse
in response to reader comment: Ideology of Islam
3. My Take:
Islam is not a conundrum for Mid-East only. It is flexing its muscle & menace ( it is not just horsing around ) across every country & continent.
4. Its fuzzy-faced di**-heads ( Mullahs, Maulvies, Muftis, Kazis, Imams et al ) are shrieking their seedy squalid hate messages into our ears, telling us Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) how we should live our lves. Islam's Jihadi troops are trying to fly Allah's flag over all Kafir lands. Islam is stretching & spreading its barbarism all over, it is threatening our survival.
5. Instead of depending on one option of " strong horse, " we ought to use all our Kafir-capbilities, to defeat & crush aggressor Islam.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Dear s.p. attri,
Your comments at danielpipes.org received a response, which can be seen at: http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/170572
Daniel Pipes' staff
2. Reader comment on item: In Mideast, Bet on a Strong Horse
in response to reader comment: Ideology of Islam
3. My Take:
Islam is not a conundrum for Mid-East only. It is flexing its muscle & menace ( it is not just horsing around ) across every country & continent.
4. Its fuzzy-faced di**-heads ( Mullahs, Maulvies, Muftis, Kazis, Imams et al ) are shrieking their seedy squalid hate messages into our ears, telling us Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) how we should live our lves. Islam's Jihadi troops are trying to fly Allah's flag over all Kafir lands. Islam is stretching & spreading its barbarism all over, it is threatening our survival.
5. Instead of depending on one option of " strong horse, " we ought to use all our Kafir-capbilities, to defeat & crush aggressor Islam.
Surinder Paul Attri
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
A. Teesta,Anand,Javed Akhtar, Shabana Azmi,and Shabnam Hashmi,
Is it true abiut Quran as given below?
Bhagwat Goel,,,
♦Find out what is the inspiration behind the
hate and violence in Islamic terrorism?
♦Quran’s Teachings: With regards to the
non-believers like the Hindus and Parsees
♦The following is the essence of the
Quran, the rest are fairy tales:
Quran Surah 2: The Cow
1. Don't bother to warn the disbelievers. Allah has blinded them. Theirs will be an awful doom. 6
2. Allah has sickened their hearts. A painful doom is theirs because they lie. 10
3. A fire has been prepared for the disbelievers, whose fuel is men and stones. 24
4. Disbelievers will be burned with fire. 39,90
5. For disbelievers is a painful doom. 104
6. For unbelievers: ignominy in this world, an awful doom in the next. 114
7. Allah will leave the disbelievers alone for a while, but then he will compel them to the doom of Fire. 126
8. The doom of the disbelievers will not be lightened. 162
9. They will not emerge from the Fire. 167
10. Those who hide the Scripture will have their bellies eaten with fire. Theirs will be a painful doom. 174
11. How constant are they in their strife to reach the Fire! 175
12. Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kil them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. 191
13. War is ordained by Allah. 216
14. Those who die in their disbelief will burn forever in the Fire. 217
15. Disbelievers worship false gods. They will burn forever in the Fire. 257
16. Allah does not guide disbelievers. 264
17. "Give us victory over the disbelieving folk." 286
Quran Surah 3: The Family of Imran
1. Those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, theirs will be a heavy doom. 4
2. Those who disbelieve will be fuel for the Fire. 10
3. Those who disbelieve shall be overcome and gathered unto Hell. 12
4. Those who disbelieve, promise them a painful doom. 21
5. Theirs will be a painful doom. 77
6. All non-Muslims will be rejected by Allah after they die. 85
7. Disbelievers will have a painful doom. And they will have no helpers. 91
8. Disbelievers will have their faces blackened on the last day. They will face an awful doom. 105-6
9. Those who disbelieve will be burnt in the Fire. 116
10. The Fire is prepared for disbelievers. 131
11. We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Their habitation is the Fire 151
12. Theirs will be an awful doom. 176
13. Disbelievers do not harm Allah, but will have a painful doom. 177
14. Disbelievers will have a shamful doom. 178
15. Disbelievers will go to Hell. 196
Quran Surah 4: Women
1. Those who disobey Allah and his messenger will be burnt with fire and suffer a painful doom. 14
2. For the disbelievers, We have prepared a painful doom. 18
3. For disbelievers, We prepare a shameful doom. 37
4. Hell is sufficient for their burning. 55
5. Unbelievers will be tormented forever with fire. When their skin is burned off, a fresh skin will be provided. 56
6. Allah will bestow a vast reward on those who fight in religious wars. 74
7. Believers fight for Allah; disbelievers fight for the devil. So fight the minions of the devil. 76
8. Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them. 89
9. If the unbelievers do not offer you peace, kill them wherever you find them. Against such you are given clear warrant. 91
(Offering peace in Islam means surrendering. All 67 out of 68 wars of Muhammad were offensive. They are called qazwah [raid, ambush, sudden attack] and that is how Muhammad waged his wars. He raided, massacred and looted civilians with no warning. The one defensive war, 'ditch' was not fought. That is why the Islamic terrorism 'jihad' will continue until the West "offers peace". This was made clear by Bin Laden.)
10. Those who oppose the messenger and become unbelievers will go to hell. 115
11. Those who believe, then disbelieve, then believe and disbelieve again will never be forgiven by Allah. 137
12. For the hypocrites there will be a painful doom. 138
13. Allah will gather hypocrites and disbelievers into hell. 140
14. The hypocrites will be in the lowest part of hell and no one will help them there. 145
15. You must believe everything Allah and his messengers tell you. Those who don't are disbelievers and will face a painful doom. 150-151
16. For the disbelievers, Allah has prepared a painful doom. 161
17. God will guide disbelievers down a road that leads to everlasting hell. 168-169
Quran Surah 5: The Table Spread
1. Those who deny Islam will be losers in the Hereafter. 5
2. Disbelievers are the rightful owners of Hell. 10
3. Those who make war with Allah and his messenger will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. That is how they will be treated in this world, and in the next they will have an awful doom. 33
(Anyone who resist Islam is deemed to be making war with Allah)
4. Disbelievers will have a painful doom. 36
5. Disbelievers will want to come out of the Fire, but will not. Theirs will be a lasting doom. 37
6. Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, and tooth for tooth. Non-Muslims are wrong doers. 45
7. Christians will be burned in the Fire. 72
8. Christians are wrong about the Trinity. For that they will have a painful doom. 73
9. Disbelievers will be owners of hell-fire. 86
Quran Surah 6: The Cattle
1. Many generations have been destroyed by Allah. 6
2. Allah will torment those who deny his revelations. 49
3. Those who disbelieve will be forced to drink boiling water, and will face a painful doom. 70
4. When nonbelievers die, the angels will deliver to them doom and degradation. 93
5. Allah chooses to lead some astray, and he lays ignominy on those who disbelieve. 125
6. Allah will send everyone the Fire, except those he chooses to deliver. 128
Quran Surah 7: The Heights
1. How many a township have We destroyed! As a raid by night, or while they slept at noon, Our terror came unto them. 4-5
2. Allah has made devils the protecting friends of disbelievers. 27
3. Disbelievers choose devils as protecting friends and believe they are rightly guided. 30
4. Only believers go to heaven. 32
5. Disbelievers are the rightful owners of the Fire. 36
6. Entire nations have entered the Fire. Some get a double torment. 38
7. Disbelievers will be excluded from heaven. Theirs will be a bed of hell. 40-41
8. Those in the Fire will cry out to those in heaven, saying: "Pour water on us." But Allah has forbidden that to disbelievers. 50
9. Those who deny Muhammad's revelation are evil. 177
Quran Surah 8: The Spoils of War
1. Allah will throw fear into the hearts of the disbelievers, and smite their necks and fingers. 12
2. Disbelievers will be tormented in the Fire. 14
3. When you fight with disbelievers, do not retreat. Those who do will go to hell. 15-16
4. Taste of the doom because ye disbelieve. 35
5. Those who disbelieve will be gathered into hell. 36
6. The angels smite the face and backs of disbelievers, saying: "Taste the punishment of burning!" 50
7. The worst beasts in Allah's sight are the disbelievers. 55
8. Exhort the believers to fight. They will win easily, because disbelievers are without intelligence. 65
9. A prophet may not take captives until he has made a slaughter in the land. 67
Quran Surah 9: Repentance
1. Give tidings (O Muhammad) of a painful doom to those who disbelieve. 3
2. Slay the idolaters wherever you find them. 5
3. Don't let idolaters tend the sanctuaries. Their works are in vain and they will be burned in the Fire. 17
4. Give tiding of a painful doom to Christians and Jews. 34
5. If you refuse to fight, Allah will afflict you with a painful doom. 39
6. Disbelievers go to hell. 49
7. Those who vex the Prophet, for them there is a painful doom. 60
8. Those who oppose Allah and His messenger will burn in the fire of hell. 63
9. Allah promises hypocrites and disbelievers the fire of hell. Allah curses them. They will have a lasting torment. 68
10. Fight the disbelievers and hypocrites. Be harsh with them. They are all going to hell anyway. 73
11. Allah will afflict disbelievers with a painful doom in this world and the Hereafter. 74
12. For disbelievers there will be a painful doom. 90
13. Don't pray for idolaters (not even for your family) after it is clear they are people of hell-fire. 113
14. Fight disbelievers who are near you, and let them see the harshness in you. 123
Quran Surah 10: Jonah
1. Disbelievers will have a boiling drink and a painful doom. 4
2. Those who neglect Allah's revelations will make their home in the Fire. 7-8
3. Allah has destroyed entire generations. 13
4. Those who disbelieved will face a dreadful doom. 70
5. Allah drowned those who disbelieved his revelations. 73
6. Moses asked Allah to harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they would not believe until they saw the painful doom. 88
Quran Surah 11: Hud
1. Disbelievers wil1 end up in the Fire. 17
2. Those who oppose Islam and disbelieve in the Hereafter are guilty of the greatest wrong. 18-19
3. Those in the Fire will suffer as long as the heavens and earth endure. 106-7
4. Allah will fill hell with humans and jinn. 119
Quran Surah 13: The Thunder
1. Disbelievers are the rightful owners of the Fire 5
2. Allah does not hear the prayer of disbelievers. 14
3. Those who do not answer Allah's call will go to hell. 18
4. Disbelievers will be tormented in this life, and suffer even more pain in the Hereafter. 33-34
5. The reward for disbelievers is the Fire. 35
Quran Surah 14: Abraham
1. Woe unto the disbelievers. Theirs will be an awful doom. 2
2. Allah sends some people astray. 4
3. Those who are in hell will be forced to drink festering water which they can hardly swallow. They will want to die, but they will not be able to. Theirs is a harsh doom. 16-17
4. Allah sends wrong-doers astray. He does whatever he likes. 27
5. Those in hell will be chained together. Their clothing will be made of pitch and fire will cover their faces. 49-50
Quran Surah 15: The Rock
1. Let the disbelievers enjoy life and let false hope beguile them. They will come to know! 2-3
2. Iblis will lead humans astray. Only perfect Muslims will be safe from him. The rest will go to hell. 39-43
3. Allah's doom is a dolorous doom. 50
Quran Surah 16: The Bee
1. Allah could have led everyone to the truth, but he chose not to. 9
2. Those who don't believe in the Hearafter are proud. 22
3. Disbelievers are evil and will dwell in hell forever. 27-29
4. Disbelievers are liars. 39
5. Allah will add doom to doom for those who disbelieve. 88
6. Those who oppose Islam will face an awful doom. 94
fast.B. My Take:
1. Quote: Is it true abiut Quran as given below?
Comment: Yes, it is a very accurate narration of Quran. Quran is a " Gospel Of Hate ( Kafir-Hate ) ." Its Stand-Off Blast has slaughtered hundreds of millions of innocent Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). There is nothing puzzling about Quran. Quran is a terrestrial Kafir-Killer.
2. Why ask the nincompoops, listed in your message ? They don't know which end is up.
The big question is:
How are we Kafirs going to deal with this Gospel Of Abomination ?
How are we going to detonate this Rogue's Gospel, in the face of Islam itself ?
3. This Quran is enormously dangerous to the Kafir-Hindu. We need to dispatch it to Hell...and
Surinder Paul Attri
Is it true abiut Quran as given below?
Bhagwat Goel,,,
♦Find out what is the inspiration behind the
hate and violence in Islamic terrorism?
♦Quran’s Teachings: With regards to the
non-believers like the Hindus and Parsees
♦The following is the essence of the
Quran, the rest are fairy tales:
Quran Surah 2: The Cow
1. Don't bother to warn the disbelievers. Allah has blinded them. Theirs will be an awful doom. 6
2. Allah has sickened their hearts. A painful doom is theirs because they lie. 10
3. A fire has been prepared for the disbelievers, whose fuel is men and stones. 24
4. Disbelievers will be burned with fire. 39,90
5. For disbelievers is a painful doom. 104
6. For unbelievers: ignominy in this world, an awful doom in the next. 114
7. Allah will leave the disbelievers alone for a while, but then he will compel them to the doom of Fire. 126
8. The doom of the disbelievers will not be lightened. 162
9. They will not emerge from the Fire. 167
10. Those who hide the Scripture will have their bellies eaten with fire. Theirs will be a painful doom. 174
11. How constant are they in their strife to reach the Fire! 175
12. Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kil them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. 191
13. War is ordained by Allah. 216
14. Those who die in their disbelief will burn forever in the Fire. 217
15. Disbelievers worship false gods. They will burn forever in the Fire. 257
16. Allah does not guide disbelievers. 264
17. "Give us victory over the disbelieving folk." 286
Quran Surah 3: The Family of Imran
1. Those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, theirs will be a heavy doom. 4
2. Those who disbelieve will be fuel for the Fire. 10
3. Those who disbelieve shall be overcome and gathered unto Hell. 12
4. Those who disbelieve, promise them a painful doom. 21
5. Theirs will be a painful doom. 77
6. All non-Muslims will be rejected by Allah after they die. 85
7. Disbelievers will have a painful doom. And they will have no helpers. 91
8. Disbelievers will have their faces blackened on the last day. They will face an awful doom. 105-6
9. Those who disbelieve will be burnt in the Fire. 116
10. The Fire is prepared for disbelievers. 131
11. We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Their habitation is the Fire 151
12. Theirs will be an awful doom. 176
13. Disbelievers do not harm Allah, but will have a painful doom. 177
14. Disbelievers will have a shamful doom. 178
15. Disbelievers will go to Hell. 196
Quran Surah 4: Women
1. Those who disobey Allah and his messenger will be burnt with fire and suffer a painful doom. 14
2. For the disbelievers, We have prepared a painful doom. 18
3. For disbelievers, We prepare a shameful doom. 37
4. Hell is sufficient for their burning. 55
5. Unbelievers will be tormented forever with fire. When their skin is burned off, a fresh skin will be provided. 56
6. Allah will bestow a vast reward on those who fight in religious wars. 74
7. Believers fight for Allah; disbelievers fight for the devil. So fight the minions of the devil. 76
8. Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them. 89
9. If the unbelievers do not offer you peace, kill them wherever you find them. Against such you are given clear warrant. 91
(Offering peace in Islam means surrendering. All 67 out of 68 wars of Muhammad were offensive. They are called qazwah [raid, ambush, sudden attack] and that is how Muhammad waged his wars. He raided, massacred and looted civilians with no warning. The one defensive war, 'ditch' was not fought. That is why the Islamic terrorism 'jihad' will continue until the West "offers peace". This was made clear by Bin Laden.)
10. Those who oppose the messenger and become unbelievers will go to hell. 115
11. Those who believe, then disbelieve, then believe and disbelieve again will never be forgiven by Allah. 137
12. For the hypocrites there will be a painful doom. 138
13. Allah will gather hypocrites and disbelievers into hell. 140
14. The hypocrites will be in the lowest part of hell and no one will help them there. 145
15. You must believe everything Allah and his messengers tell you. Those who don't are disbelievers and will face a painful doom. 150-151
16. For the disbelievers, Allah has prepared a painful doom. 161
17. God will guide disbelievers down a road that leads to everlasting hell. 168-169
Quran Surah 5: The Table Spread
1. Those who deny Islam will be losers in the Hereafter. 5
2. Disbelievers are the rightful owners of Hell. 10
3. Those who make war with Allah and his messenger will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. That is how they will be treated in this world, and in the next they will have an awful doom. 33
(Anyone who resist Islam is deemed to be making war with Allah)
4. Disbelievers will have a painful doom. 36
5. Disbelievers will want to come out of the Fire, but will not. Theirs will be a lasting doom. 37
6. Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, and tooth for tooth. Non-Muslims are wrong doers. 45
7. Christians will be burned in the Fire. 72
8. Christians are wrong about the Trinity. For that they will have a painful doom. 73
9. Disbelievers will be owners of hell-fire. 86
Quran Surah 6: The Cattle
1. Many generations have been destroyed by Allah. 6
2. Allah will torment those who deny his revelations. 49
3. Those who disbelieve will be forced to drink boiling water, and will face a painful doom. 70
4. When nonbelievers die, the angels will deliver to them doom and degradation. 93
5. Allah chooses to lead some astray, and he lays ignominy on those who disbelieve. 125
6. Allah will send everyone the Fire, except those he chooses to deliver. 128
Quran Surah 7: The Heights
1. How many a township have We destroyed! As a raid by night, or while they slept at noon, Our terror came unto them. 4-5
2. Allah has made devils the protecting friends of disbelievers. 27
3. Disbelievers choose devils as protecting friends and believe they are rightly guided. 30
4. Only believers go to heaven. 32
5. Disbelievers are the rightful owners of the Fire. 36
6. Entire nations have entered the Fire. Some get a double torment. 38
7. Disbelievers will be excluded from heaven. Theirs will be a bed of hell. 40-41
8. Those in the Fire will cry out to those in heaven, saying: "Pour water on us." But Allah has forbidden that to disbelievers. 50
9. Those who deny Muhammad's revelation are evil. 177
Quran Surah 8: The Spoils of War
1. Allah will throw fear into the hearts of the disbelievers, and smite their necks and fingers. 12
2. Disbelievers will be tormented in the Fire. 14
3. When you fight with disbelievers, do not retreat. Those who do will go to hell. 15-16
4. Taste of the doom because ye disbelieve. 35
5. Those who disbelieve will be gathered into hell. 36
6. The angels smite the face and backs of disbelievers, saying: "Taste the punishment of burning!" 50
7. The worst beasts in Allah's sight are the disbelievers. 55
8. Exhort the believers to fight. They will win easily, because disbelievers are without intelligence. 65
9. A prophet may not take captives until he has made a slaughter in the land. 67
Quran Surah 9: Repentance
1. Give tidings (O Muhammad) of a painful doom to those who disbelieve. 3
2. Slay the idolaters wherever you find them. 5
3. Don't let idolaters tend the sanctuaries. Their works are in vain and they will be burned in the Fire. 17
4. Give tiding of a painful doom to Christians and Jews. 34
5. If you refuse to fight, Allah will afflict you with a painful doom. 39
6. Disbelievers go to hell. 49
7. Those who vex the Prophet, for them there is a painful doom. 60
8. Those who oppose Allah and His messenger will burn in the fire of hell. 63
9. Allah promises hypocrites and disbelievers the fire of hell. Allah curses them. They will have a lasting torment. 68
10. Fight the disbelievers and hypocrites. Be harsh with them. They are all going to hell anyway. 73
11. Allah will afflict disbelievers with a painful doom in this world and the Hereafter. 74
12. For disbelievers there will be a painful doom. 90
13. Don't pray for idolaters (not even for your family) after it is clear they are people of hell-fire. 113
14. Fight disbelievers who are near you, and let them see the harshness in you. 123
Quran Surah 10: Jonah
1. Disbelievers will have a boiling drink and a painful doom. 4
2. Those who neglect Allah's revelations will make their home in the Fire. 7-8
3. Allah has destroyed entire generations. 13
4. Those who disbelieved will face a dreadful doom. 70
5. Allah drowned those who disbelieved his revelations. 73
6. Moses asked Allah to harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they would not believe until they saw the painful doom. 88
Quran Surah 11: Hud
1. Disbelievers wil1 end up in the Fire. 17
2. Those who oppose Islam and disbelieve in the Hereafter are guilty of the greatest wrong. 18-19
3. Those in the Fire will suffer as long as the heavens and earth endure. 106-7
4. Allah will fill hell with humans and jinn. 119
Quran Surah 13: The Thunder
1. Disbelievers are the rightful owners of the Fire 5
2. Allah does not hear the prayer of disbelievers. 14
3. Those who do not answer Allah's call will go to hell. 18
4. Disbelievers will be tormented in this life, and suffer even more pain in the Hereafter. 33-34
5. The reward for disbelievers is the Fire. 35
Quran Surah 14: Abraham
1. Woe unto the disbelievers. Theirs will be an awful doom. 2
2. Allah sends some people astray. 4
3. Those who are in hell will be forced to drink festering water which they can hardly swallow. They will want to die, but they will not be able to. Theirs is a harsh doom. 16-17
4. Allah sends wrong-doers astray. He does whatever he likes. 27
5. Those in hell will be chained together. Their clothing will be made of pitch and fire will cover their faces. 49-50
Quran Surah 15: The Rock
1. Let the disbelievers enjoy life and let false hope beguile them. They will come to know! 2-3
2. Iblis will lead humans astray. Only perfect Muslims will be safe from him. The rest will go to hell. 39-43
3. Allah's doom is a dolorous doom. 50
Quran Surah 16: The Bee
1. Allah could have led everyone to the truth, but he chose not to. 9
2. Those who don't believe in the Hearafter are proud. 22
3. Disbelievers are evil and will dwell in hell forever. 27-29
4. Disbelievers are liars. 39
5. Allah will add doom to doom for those who disbelieve. 88
6. Those who oppose Islam will face an awful doom. 94
fast.B. My Take:
1. Quote: Is it true abiut Quran as given below?
Comment: Yes, it is a very accurate narration of Quran. Quran is a " Gospel Of Hate ( Kafir-Hate ) ." Its Stand-Off Blast has slaughtered hundreds of millions of innocent Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). There is nothing puzzling about Quran. Quran is a terrestrial Kafir-Killer.
2. Why ask the nincompoops, listed in your message ? They don't know which end is up.
The big question is:
How are we Kafirs going to deal with this Gospel Of Abomination ?
How are we going to detonate this Rogue's Gospel, in the face of Islam itself ?
3. This Quran is enormously dangerous to the Kafir-Hindu. We need to dispatch it to Hell...and
Surinder Paul Attri
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Ideology of Islam
Subj: Ideology of Islam
1. Dear s.p. attri,
Your comments at danielpipes.org received a response, which can be seen at: http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/170442
Daniel Pipes' staff
2. - A reply to s.p. attri
Thank you for your feedback and further comments. I can't say that I disagree on one single point - but you wide out the perspective of this urgent matter. And that is to see how things are related, and not at all that atomized that certain people wish you to believe.
To the apologetes of Islam you ought to believe, that the jihad is a brand new revolutionary concept - especially tailor-made for the poor and unfortunate in the socalled Third World. No! It's not so. We have had Communism, Fascism, and Nazism. Now we all should believe, that Islamism is something else. It's actual quadrennial, the fourth edition of an old model to terrorize humanity. And the ShariaState Iran is the primus inter pares in this devil-bent ride towards apocalypse. The Mullah-state is behind nearly all of the Islamic terror today, Hamas, Hezbollah, branches of al-Queda, al-Shabab, and the newest pupil in the terror-class Lashkar-e-Taiba. The latter has done its bloody work in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. Lashkar-e-Taiba means something like the clean army or the righteous army. Like their predesessor, the National Socialists, they are obsessed with everything "clean". Clean of infidels, capitalists, Jews or everybody percieved as not belonging.
Iran's building up to "High Noon" in the region with the Ayatollas' nuclear ambition is a dangerous situation. It demands firmness - not appeasement. Can President Obama deliver the goods? I doubt!
Kiel Hesselmann
3. My Take:
Quote: Thank you for your feedback and further comments.
COMMENT: You are welcome, Mr. Hesselmann.
4. Quote: To the apologetes of Islam you ought to believe, that the jihad is a brand new revolutionary concept - especially tailor-made for the poor and unfortunate in the socalled Third World. No! It's not so.
COMMENT: No, Jihad is not new, it is 1400 years old.
It is the biggest crime in the world. Its meaning has been distorted by Moslems ( and apologists for Islam ) to conceal its crookedness, they don't want to be embarrassed with its truth.
Regarding helping the poor & unfortunate: That is not what Jihad is. Jihad is a Holy War against Kafirs ( Non-Moslems ) of the world, to compel them to convert to Islam. That is what Jihad is.
Regarding revolutionary concept: Jihad is not about dialogue & respect. Islam does not have a shred of tolerance for Kafirs. Jihad is about overthrowing Kafir civilizations, by slaughtering Kafirs, raping Kafir women, pillaging & plundering Kafir property. It is beyond disgusting, it is a rotten ideology.
Jihadists have the morality of a tick, they are embarrassing the living as well as the dead.
5. Quote: We have had Communism, Fascism, and Nazism. Now we all should believe, that Islamism is something else. It's actual quadrennial, the fourth edition of an old model to terrorize humanity.
COMMENT: No, Islam is not the fourth edition of any old ideology.
Islam has an ideological fervor that, matches corresponding fervor of Communism, Fascism, and Nazism.
All four of these ideologies want to change things in the world, and ruthlessly acquire what does not belong to them. Communists murder bourgeoisie. Fascists did their killing on a retail scale, Nazis did theirs wholesale. Moslems do their killing in Allah's way. The similarity ends there. Fascism ended with the death of Benito Mussolini, Nazism breathed its last with the expiry of Adolf Hitler, but Islam continues beyond the grave of Hazrat Mohammad. A Moslem requires no particular reason to attack a Kafir, he has Allah's sanction.
Hazrat Mohammad advised his Moslems:
When you meet a Kafir, give him three choices:
a. Invite him to embrace Islam
b. If he does not accept the proposal, then he must surrender & pay tribute
c. If he rejects both alternatives, then fight him mercilessly
6. Quote: The Mullah-state ( Iran ) is behind nearly all of the Islamic terror today, Hamas, Hezbollah, branches of al-Queda, al-Shabab, and the newest pupil in the terror-class Lashkar-e-Taiba. The latter has done its bloody work in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. Lashkar-e-Taiba means something like the clean army or the righteous army
COMMENT: Absolutely True.
Islam & Terrorism are one & the same thing. Like the Siamese-Twins, nothing could be more similar.
Moslems & Phoney-Liberal politicians of Europe,USA, & India, would deny this. But let us be clear they ( Phony-Liberals ) are lying through their teeth. They are willing to chop up truth, to pursue their Phony-Liberal agenda. They have no anchor.
7. Quote: Like their predesessor, the National Socialists, they are obsessed with everything "clean". Clean of infidels, capitalists, Jews or everybody percieved as not belonging.
COMMENT: Yes, Moslems have a quirk on " clean " and Islam has prescribed the course of action for them. An example: The word Pakistan has two parts: Pak means Pure, and Isthan means a place to live. Moslems consider Pakistan a pure land, all the Dirty-Kafirs have been cleaned out of there. In reality, Pakistan is a gutter. It is the rectum of the universe.
7. Quote; Iran's building up to "High Noon" in the region with the Ayatollas' nuclear ambition is a dangerous situation. It demands firmness - not appeasement. Can President Obama deliver the goods? I doubt!
COMMENT: Moslems live on the earnings of Kafirs, and despise Kafirs at the same time. They are stupid enough to shout against Kafirs who feed them.
Islam has fake righteousness & noxious Jihad.
Islam serves no good purpose, it is a menace to civilization
Hell with the appeasement-lobby of the Phony-Liberal politicians.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Dear s.p. attri,
Your comments at danielpipes.org received a response, which can be seen at: http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/170442
Daniel Pipes' staff
2. - A reply to s.p. attri
Thank you for your feedback and further comments. I can't say that I disagree on one single point - but you wide out the perspective of this urgent matter. And that is to see how things are related, and not at all that atomized that certain people wish you to believe.
To the apologetes of Islam you ought to believe, that the jihad is a brand new revolutionary concept - especially tailor-made for the poor and unfortunate in the socalled Third World. No! It's not so. We have had Communism, Fascism, and Nazism. Now we all should believe, that Islamism is something else. It's actual quadrennial, the fourth edition of an old model to terrorize humanity. And the ShariaState Iran is the primus inter pares in this devil-bent ride towards apocalypse. The Mullah-state is behind nearly all of the Islamic terror today, Hamas, Hezbollah, branches of al-Queda, al-Shabab, and the newest pupil in the terror-class Lashkar-e-Taiba. The latter has done its bloody work in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. Lashkar-e-Taiba means something like the clean army or the righteous army. Like their predesessor, the National Socialists, they are obsessed with everything "clean". Clean of infidels, capitalists, Jews or everybody percieved as not belonging.
Iran's building up to "High Noon" in the region with the Ayatollas' nuclear ambition is a dangerous situation. It demands firmness - not appeasement. Can President Obama deliver the goods? I doubt!
Kiel Hesselmann
3. My Take:
Quote: Thank you for your feedback and further comments.
COMMENT: You are welcome, Mr. Hesselmann.
4. Quote: To the apologetes of Islam you ought to believe, that the jihad is a brand new revolutionary concept - especially tailor-made for the poor and unfortunate in the socalled Third World. No! It's not so.
COMMENT: No, Jihad is not new, it is 1400 years old.
It is the biggest crime in the world. Its meaning has been distorted by Moslems ( and apologists for Islam ) to conceal its crookedness, they don't want to be embarrassed with its truth.
Regarding helping the poor & unfortunate: That is not what Jihad is. Jihad is a Holy War against Kafirs ( Non-Moslems ) of the world, to compel them to convert to Islam. That is what Jihad is.
Regarding revolutionary concept: Jihad is not about dialogue & respect. Islam does not have a shred of tolerance for Kafirs. Jihad is about overthrowing Kafir civilizations, by slaughtering Kafirs, raping Kafir women, pillaging & plundering Kafir property. It is beyond disgusting, it is a rotten ideology.
Jihadists have the morality of a tick, they are embarrassing the living as well as the dead.
5. Quote: We have had Communism, Fascism, and Nazism. Now we all should believe, that Islamism is something else. It's actual quadrennial, the fourth edition of an old model to terrorize humanity.
COMMENT: No, Islam is not the fourth edition of any old ideology.
Islam has an ideological fervor that, matches corresponding fervor of Communism, Fascism, and Nazism.
All four of these ideologies want to change things in the world, and ruthlessly acquire what does not belong to them. Communists murder bourgeoisie. Fascists did their killing on a retail scale, Nazis did theirs wholesale. Moslems do their killing in Allah's way. The similarity ends there. Fascism ended with the death of Benito Mussolini, Nazism breathed its last with the expiry of Adolf Hitler, but Islam continues beyond the grave of Hazrat Mohammad. A Moslem requires no particular reason to attack a Kafir, he has Allah's sanction.
Hazrat Mohammad advised his Moslems:
When you meet a Kafir, give him three choices:
a. Invite him to embrace Islam
b. If he does not accept the proposal, then he must surrender & pay tribute
c. If he rejects both alternatives, then fight him mercilessly
6. Quote: The Mullah-state ( Iran ) is behind nearly all of the Islamic terror today, Hamas, Hezbollah, branches of al-Queda, al-Shabab, and the newest pupil in the terror-class Lashkar-e-Taiba. The latter has done its bloody work in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. Lashkar-e-Taiba means something like the clean army or the righteous army
COMMENT: Absolutely True.
Islam & Terrorism are one & the same thing. Like the Siamese-Twins, nothing could be more similar.
Moslems & Phoney-Liberal politicians of Europe,USA, & India, would deny this. But let us be clear they ( Phony-Liberals ) are lying through their teeth. They are willing to chop up truth, to pursue their Phony-Liberal agenda. They have no anchor.
7. Quote: Like their predesessor, the National Socialists, they are obsessed with everything "clean". Clean of infidels, capitalists, Jews or everybody percieved as not belonging.
COMMENT: Yes, Moslems have a quirk on " clean " and Islam has prescribed the course of action for them. An example: The word Pakistan has two parts: Pak means Pure, and Isthan means a place to live. Moslems consider Pakistan a pure land, all the Dirty-Kafirs have been cleaned out of there. In reality, Pakistan is a gutter. It is the rectum of the universe.
7. Quote; Iran's building up to "High Noon" in the region with the Ayatollas' nuclear ambition is a dangerous situation. It demands firmness - not appeasement. Can President Obama deliver the goods? I doubt!
COMMENT: Moslems live on the earnings of Kafirs, and despise Kafirs at the same time. They are stupid enough to shout against Kafirs who feed them.
Islam has fake righteousness & noxious Jihad.
Islam serves no good purpose, it is a menace to civilization
Hell with the appeasement-lobby of the Phony-Liberal politicians.
Surinder Paul Attri
Indian Phony-Liberalism
Subj: Indian Phony-Liberalism
1. European Phony Liberalism is fast spreading to India. Phony Liberals, Dummy Secularists and Marxists have made an unholy alliance to destroy our traditional, tolerant, all inclusive, systemic culture and they are trying to introduce closed, rigid, fundamentalist dogmas in India. The government at the Centre is colluding with these anti-National elements for deconstructing our educational system and tinkering with our culture. We have reason to think that they are in alliance with Jihadis and our enemies are attempting to destroy India. Judging by the mediocrity of India's political leaders and alienated intellectuals and by the glumness of many of our organizations, it natural for common hindus to forget the enemies knocking at our door. Many hindus have a dim idea of our enemies and their tricks. Presumably they have no clearer idea of how the media is manipulating them and certainly they have no passion for fighting against our enemies. Nevertheless there are many organizations fighting sturdily, sweating it out and marching ahead. As ordinary Hindus, they have a toughness of spirit that carries them through crises while phony liberal intellectuals indulge in luxury. The insensitiveness or simple coarseness, apathy and indifference of citizens is mindboggling.
Bogus secularists, phony liberal and Jihadis want to ensure our democracy to degenerate into anarchy and tyranny. National resources, military and the police are not utilized to annihilate Maoists, Naxalists, hooligans, Jihadi terrorists and violent Marxists. Bogus secular leader's spiritual slackness , or incapacity for flaming Hindu idealism is real. They have little zeal for making India safe for Hindus.
For the long run we need more sober, assertive, responsible leaders with convictions about the kind of Hindus we have been , and will have to be. Hindus need to join together and propagate assertive, strong Hindutva by conscious effort. In this world of media manipulation, Jihadi terrorism, Maoist violence our dhimmi Hindus cannot survive indefinitely. We need to embark on an endless adventure of creative ideas and put the ideas to work without fear.
Dr. Babu Suseelan
2. My Take:
Quote: European Phony Liberalism is fast spreading to India. Phony Liberals, Dummy Secularists and Marxists have made an unholy alliance to destroy our traditional, tolerant, all inclusive, systemic culture and they are trying to introduce closed, rigid, fundamentalist dogmas in India.
COMMENT: Yes, European Phoney-LIberalism has been making its way in India. Right now, our Indian Phony-Liberals are champions of Phony-Liberalism. They are bad-mouthing Hinduism and preaching tolerance of barbaric Islam. It is too much to expect them to clean up their act.
3. Quote: We have reason to think that they are in alliance with Jihadis and our enemies are attempting to destroy India. Judging by the mediocrity of India's political leaders and alienated intellectuals and by the glumness of many of our organizations, it natural for common hindus to forget the enemies knocking at our door
COMMENT: Yes Phony-LIberals have alliance partners. This is because they have no concept of the equality of individual rights, that exist under the Hindu system, but are totally absent in the Islamic system. Hinduism bestows these rights properly & profusely, Islam does not. Equating Hinduism with Islam, is the most absurd thing that one can imagine.
As a consequence of non-sense speeches of Phony-Liberals, an average Hindu " forgets the enemies, that are knocking at our door.":
4. Quote: Many hindus have a dim idea of our enemies and their tricks. Presumably they have no clearer idea of how the media is manipulating them and certainly they have no passion for fighting against our enemies.
COMMENT: By attitude & custom, Hindu has shown no interest in judging other ( Non-Hindu ) religions. By not judging other religions, we Hindus have created the monster of Islam in India, that we are dealing with now.
The media is just as bad as are the Phony-Liberal politicians. Any Hindu who voices his or her opinion contrary to " politically correct think, " is immediately labelled a " casteist, " or " bigot, " or " communal " or worse.
5. Quote: Bogus secularists, phony liberal and Jihadis want to ensure our democracy to degenerate into anarchy and tyranny. National resources, military and the police are not utilized to annihilate Maoists, Naxalists, hooligans, Jihadi terrorists and violent Marxists. Bogus secular leader's spiritual slackness , or incapacity for flaming Hindu idealism is real. They have little zeal for making India safe for Hindus.
COMMENT: It is really wretched & awful. Moslems have made no secret of their intentionsl. They want to realize their global conquest for Islam. We Kafir Hindus need to realize the danger, that we are in. It is a danger that threatens to murder and enslave us Kafirs.
Bogus secularists tout bogus concepts such as Composite-Culture, Rainbow-Culture, Multi-Culture. By appeasing Islam, they are not getting rainbow-culture. Islam is what they are getting, and that is all they are getting. They want to make it a crime to criticize Islam. This is absurd & illogical. Criticism of Islam is just as valid, as criticism of any other faith.
Criticism of Islam, including life of Hazrat Mohammad, morality of Quran, question of treatment of Kafirs, and of Islamic women, are valid topics of discussion. Islam cannot be given preferential treatment, and cannot be excluded from assessment.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. European Phony Liberalism is fast spreading to India. Phony Liberals, Dummy Secularists and Marxists have made an unholy alliance to destroy our traditional, tolerant, all inclusive, systemic culture and they are trying to introduce closed, rigid, fundamentalist dogmas in India. The government at the Centre is colluding with these anti-National elements for deconstructing our educational system and tinkering with our culture. We have reason to think that they are in alliance with Jihadis and our enemies are attempting to destroy India. Judging by the mediocrity of India's political leaders and alienated intellectuals and by the glumness of many of our organizations, it natural for common hindus to forget the enemies knocking at our door. Many hindus have a dim idea of our enemies and their tricks. Presumably they have no clearer idea of how the media is manipulating them and certainly they have no passion for fighting against our enemies. Nevertheless there are many organizations fighting sturdily, sweating it out and marching ahead. As ordinary Hindus, they have a toughness of spirit that carries them through crises while phony liberal intellectuals indulge in luxury. The insensitiveness or simple coarseness, apathy and indifference of citizens is mindboggling.
Bogus secularists, phony liberal and Jihadis want to ensure our democracy to degenerate into anarchy and tyranny. National resources, military and the police are not utilized to annihilate Maoists, Naxalists, hooligans, Jihadi terrorists and violent Marxists. Bogus secular leader's spiritual slackness , or incapacity for flaming Hindu idealism is real. They have little zeal for making India safe for Hindus.
For the long run we need more sober, assertive, responsible leaders with convictions about the kind of Hindus we have been , and will have to be. Hindus need to join together and propagate assertive, strong Hindutva by conscious effort. In this world of media manipulation, Jihadi terrorism, Maoist violence our dhimmi Hindus cannot survive indefinitely. We need to embark on an endless adventure of creative ideas and put the ideas to work without fear.
Dr. Babu Suseelan
2. My Take:
Quote: European Phony Liberalism is fast spreading to India. Phony Liberals, Dummy Secularists and Marxists have made an unholy alliance to destroy our traditional, tolerant, all inclusive, systemic culture and they are trying to introduce closed, rigid, fundamentalist dogmas in India.
COMMENT: Yes, European Phoney-LIberalism has been making its way in India. Right now, our Indian Phony-Liberals are champions of Phony-Liberalism. They are bad-mouthing Hinduism and preaching tolerance of barbaric Islam. It is too much to expect them to clean up their act.
3. Quote: We have reason to think that they are in alliance with Jihadis and our enemies are attempting to destroy India. Judging by the mediocrity of India's political leaders and alienated intellectuals and by the glumness of many of our organizations, it natural for common hindus to forget the enemies knocking at our door
COMMENT: Yes Phony-LIberals have alliance partners. This is because they have no concept of the equality of individual rights, that exist under the Hindu system, but are totally absent in the Islamic system. Hinduism bestows these rights properly & profusely, Islam does not. Equating Hinduism with Islam, is the most absurd thing that one can imagine.
As a consequence of non-sense speeches of Phony-Liberals, an average Hindu " forgets the enemies, that are knocking at our door.":
4. Quote: Many hindus have a dim idea of our enemies and their tricks. Presumably they have no clearer idea of how the media is manipulating them and certainly they have no passion for fighting against our enemies.
COMMENT: By attitude & custom, Hindu has shown no interest in judging other ( Non-Hindu ) religions. By not judging other religions, we Hindus have created the monster of Islam in India, that we are dealing with now.
The media is just as bad as are the Phony-Liberal politicians. Any Hindu who voices his or her opinion contrary to " politically correct think, " is immediately labelled a " casteist, " or " bigot, " or " communal " or worse.
5. Quote: Bogus secularists, phony liberal and Jihadis want to ensure our democracy to degenerate into anarchy and tyranny. National resources, military and the police are not utilized to annihilate Maoists, Naxalists, hooligans, Jihadi terrorists and violent Marxists. Bogus secular leader's spiritual slackness , or incapacity for flaming Hindu idealism is real. They have little zeal for making India safe for Hindus.
COMMENT: It is really wretched & awful. Moslems have made no secret of their intentionsl. They want to realize their global conquest for Islam. We Kafir Hindus need to realize the danger, that we are in. It is a danger that threatens to murder and enslave us Kafirs.
Bogus secularists tout bogus concepts such as Composite-Culture, Rainbow-Culture, Multi-Culture. By appeasing Islam, they are not getting rainbow-culture. Islam is what they are getting, and that is all they are getting. They want to make it a crime to criticize Islam. This is absurd & illogical. Criticism of Islam is just as valid, as criticism of any other faith.
Criticism of Islam, including life of Hazrat Mohammad, morality of Quran, question of treatment of Kafirs, and of Islamic women, are valid topics of discussion. Islam cannot be given preferential treatment, and cannot be excluded from assessment.
Surinder Paul Attri
Sub: (1) Declare Pakistan a Terrorist State
(2) Seize Pakistan’s Nuclear Facilities immediately
(3) Break up Pakistan into four Independent States
Dear Colleagues/Supporters:
Enclosed herewith please find a copy of the Memorandum which we submitted to Mr. Donn Titus, In-charge of India Desk at the U.S. Department of State in Washington.
In fact, we had been asked to come to Washington last week to meet with Mr. Titus and explain our viewpoint in person. But due to sudden change in the program, Mr. Titus had to leave for India. Hence he requested us to send the memorandum to him. He also told us that he would share the contents of this memo with his senior colleagues.
Narain Kataria
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20520
Attn: Mr. Donn Titus March 1, 2010
Sub: (1) Declare Pakistan a Terrorist State
(2) Seize Pakistan’s Nuclear Facilities immediately
(3) Break up Pakistan into four Independent States
Dear Mr. Titus:
On behalf of Indian American Intellectuals Forum (IAIF), I am very happy to present this Memorandum to you. IAIF is an advocacy group organized and established under the laws of the State of New York since 1999. Our objectives are to strengthen the Indo-American relations and create awareness among our citizens about the menace of terrorism.
In this connection, we would like to state that in 1999, we were given an opportunity by the State Department to meet their staff and present our viewpoint about what action should be taken against Pakistan to save the globe from the curse of terrorism. In the past eleven years since then, the world situation has not just gone from bad to worse but it has actually assumed alarmingly dangerous proportions.
In that period of time, Pakistan has literally become a hub of Islamic fundamentalists. There are more than one million Taliban studying in Pakistani Madrasas (Islamic religious schools). Pakistani society by now has been completely radicalized. Pakistan has become not only a nuclear power but also a nuclear proliferating country. Since no serious attention was paid to our similar plea in 1999 regarding declaring Pakistan a terrorist state then, the world had to pay a very heavy price for creating this Frankenstein.
Pakistan is using terrorism as a tool for its foreign policy to accomplish its political objectives. Notorious terrorists – Syed Salahuddin, the head of United Jihad Council, Hafiz Abdur Rahman Makki, the leader of terror amalgam Jamaat-ul-Dawah and brother-in-law of Lashkar-e-Taiba founder Hafiz Saeed; Dowd Ibrahim, chief of the dreaded Company D; Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar; LeT terrorists Azam Cheema, chief Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, Qari Saifullah Akhtar, Ilyas Kashmiri – and other terror groups are working at the beck and call of Pakistan. All the above individuals and groups are notorious for ruthlessly murdering innocent people in the name of Allah. The dastardly beheading of two Sikhs in Pakistan by Taliban is the latest instance of that policy.
Most terror training camps in Pakistan are running under the nose of and in close collaboration with Pakistan’s spy agency ISI. Pakistan authorities have turned a blind eye to the 6.5 acre terror training base, in the south of Punjab province. Here, the outlawed terror group Jaishe-e-Mohammad, linked with 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament and then beheading of US journalist Daniel Pearl, is setting up a large new base just outside the Bahawalpur town in Pakistan's Punjab province with anti-India inscriptions on its walls, The Sunday Telegraph had reported.
It is alleged that massacre of seven CIA agents at a Forward Operating Base in Afghanistan was masterminded by Ilyas Kashmiri, a Pakistani commando-turned-jihadist. Again, this is the same Ilyas Kashmiri, the Commander of another terror outfit HuJi, who has issued a global warning to the Cricket players against visiting and playing in India.
Lashkar-e-Taiba al-Alami, an unknown terrorist group which has claimed responsibility for the Pune blasts near Mumbai (in India) in which 17 people were killed is following an al-Qaida agenda of targeting the US and its allies, such as Israel and India.
It is reported that David Coleman Headley (Daood Gilani) and Mohammad Amjad Khwaja who were arrested by the FBI in Chicago in October last year have told their American interrogators that ISI in collaboration with HuJi and Lashkar-e-Toiba has put together a team of Indian Jihadists in Karachi for sending them back into India on another terror project.
In an interview to Indian Express dated Feb. 5, 2010, Pulitzer Prize-winner Steve Coll who is the author of two defining books: Ghost Wars and The Bin Ladens,said that “India’s security problems are graver than America’s in relation to the Jihadi terrorism.”
Ironically, the US has given Pakistan $15 billion dollars to fight the Al Qaida in Pakistan. In the meantime, Pakistan has only been dilly dallying and fooling us; many Taliban groups actually provide shelter to Al Qaida. US Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair has said that “Islamabad’s conviction that militant groups are an important part of its strategic arsenal to counter India’s military and economic advantages will continue to limit Pakistan’s incentive to pursue an across-the-board effort against extremism.”
One biggest difficulty we face is our ignorance of the tenets of Koran, Hadith and Sira. As such we formulate our policies on assumption that there are two sets of Muslims: moderates and radicals. In reality, contrary to the popular perception, every mainstream Islamic school teaches the necessity to subjugate unbelievers, by force or by any means and bring them under the hegemony of Islamic law.
Last Month, US Vice President Joe Biden said in Washington that his greatest concern was not Afghanistan nor threat of Iran turning nuclear. His biggest worry was Pakistan, which he said had a significant radicalized population and only a “functional democracy.” Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has also stated that Iran was not as great a threat to the global security as other nuclear-proliferating countries such as North Korea and Pakistan.
Expressing concern over the increasing Taliban threat in Pakistan, Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Israel considers Pakistan as its biggest strategic threat than Iran. U.S. intelligence officials also believe that the homicide bomb attack that killed seven CIA officers in Afghanistan last month was planned with the help of Osama bin Laden's close allies. It is well to remember that Al Qaida jihadists are fully protected by Taliban who in turn are hands in glove with Pakistan.
Intelligence inputs received by Indian officials indicate that Pakistan-based terror outfit Lashkar-e-Toiba has acquired as many as 50 para-gliding equipments from China for the potential use to launch suicide attacks in India. This, obviously, could not be accomplished without Pakistan’s active connivance, complicity and tactical support.
Amid political turbulence in Pakistan, and heightened fears about the Taliban and other extremist groups seizing the country’s nuclear assets, there has been a rapid expansion of Islamabad’s nuclear armaments. US Joint Chief of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen, in a confidential briefing, told members of Congress that some reports have confirmed that Islamabad is rapidly adding to its nuclear arsenal. President of the Institute for Science and International Security, David Albright has said that Pakistan was scaling up its centrifuge facilities. This could destabilize the entire South Asia.
Even though it is clearly acknowledged that Pakistan has become an epicenter of terrorism, the US Congress is still considering proposals to spend 3 billion dollars over the next five years to train and equip Pakistan’s military for counter-insurgency warfare. This is in addition to 7.5 billion dollars that the Capitol Hill has already promised in civilian assistance.
We should also take a serious note of Pakistan’s disgraced scientist A.Q. Khan’s statement that Pakistan helped Iran acquire the nuclear technology with an objective to jointly emerge as a “strong block” in the region so that they can effectively counter the international pressure and ‘neutralize’ Israel’s power. Imagine the situation when the Islamic Pakistan and Islamic Iran will jointly challenge and blackmail the civilized world.
It is also a well known fact that Dawood Ibrahim’s D Company is a “5,000-member criminal syndicate operating mostly in Pakistan, India, and the United Arab Emirate.” This company has a “strategic alliance” with Pakistan’s ISI and has “forged relationships with Islamists, including Lashkar-e-Taiba and al-Qaida.”
Some press accounts further report that Ibrahim’s underworld network may have provided a boat to the 10 terrorists who killed 178 people in Mumbai (India) on 26/11 and record that the “US government contends that D-Company has found common cause with Al Qaida and shares its smuggling routes with that terrorist group.”
The US Department of Treasury has already designated Ibrahim as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) in 2006 and President Bush designated him as a Significant Foreign Narcotics Trafficker under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act. It is a matter of disgust and shame that Pakistan shelters Dawood Ibrahim but denies his presence in the country in order to prevent his prosecution or extradition to India or US.
According to India's National Security Advisor, there are over 800 terror cells operating in India with "external support." Nuclear physicist and author Dr. Moorthy Muthuswamy has elucidated in his new book how passionately this jihadist infrastructure was developed in a span of over twenty years, aided by funding from the Middle East. The desire to conquer India violently for Islam is an aspiration of many nations and is seen in many a Muslim quarter as a must for creating an Islamic caliphate.
Instead of penalizing Pakistan for its support to the notorious terrorists and spreading global terrorism, US, unfortunately, is rewarding this country with the deadly weapons and billions of dollars of hard cash. We believe it is inappropriate for US to prop up Pakistan and balance its strategic partnership with India by selling deadly F-16 to Pakistan Air Force (the total number of F-16 in 2010 will be 54 as per Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses) together with other advanced weapons and avionics for air-to-air combat that appear to us unnecessary for counter-insurgency operations in mountainous area against Taliban. This is being done in spite of the admission by General Musharraf’s that Pakistan is modifying the arms, which are meant to fight the terrorists, for use against India.
Let us understand and recognize that Pakistan is a failed state. Its economy is in shambles. Fissiparous forces are pulling the country in different directions to tear it apart. Nationalist movements in Balochistan, Sind and Baltistan are gaining momentum. In Karachi, Sunni and Shi’a, Mohajirs and Sindhis, Pathans and Mohajirs are flying at each other’s throat. Murder and mayhem is the order of the day all around. Thousands of young Sindhi Muslims are joining Jiye Sind movement. Balochisthan Liberation Army is working strenuously to gain freedom from the Punjabi domination. Minority Balti Shi’a in Baltistan feel suffocated and subjugated under Punjabi army in Pakistan. In nutshell, there is turmoil all over Pakistan.
We should recognize in unambiguous terms that Pakistan is the root cause of terror and instability in that region. In order to win the war in Afghanistan it is essential that American war strategy should be focused on Pakistan. In the next 18 months, American troops will be leaving Af-Pak region. Hence, it is incumbent on us to divide Pakistan into four states before Pakistani army and Islamic fundamentalists take over Afghanistan again.
In view of the above, we believe, it is absolutely necessary that US devise appropriate measures to: (a) Declare Pakistan a terrorist state, (bi) Seize Pakistan’s nuclear facilities immediately, and (c) Break up Pakistan into four Independent States to weaken its terror-producing capacity.
Very truly yours,
Narain Kataria
2. My Take:
Quote: In the past eleven years since then, the world situation has not just gone from bad to worse but it has actually assumed alarmingly dangerous proportions.
COMMENT: Quite True ! Pakistan is now the hub of terrorism. Lunatic Bearded Pigs ( Mullahs, Maulvies, Imams et al ) are going hoarse, preaching hate, praising terrorism, elevating their backward & deeply intolerant religion of Islam, and condemning civilized Kafir societies of the world.. It is beyond disgraceful & beyond disgusting.
3. Quote:
Pakistan is using terrorism as a tool for its foreign policy to accomplish its political objectives. Notorious terrorists – Syed Salahuddin, the head of United Jihad Council, Hafiz Abdur Rahman Makki, the leader of terror amalgam Jamaat-ul-Dawah and brother-in-law of Lashkar-e-Taiba founder Hafiz Saeed; Dowd Ibrahim, chief of the dreaded Company D; Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar; LeT terrorists Azam Cheema, chief Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, Qari Saifullah Akhtar, Ilyas Kashmiri – and other terror groups are working at the beck and call of Pakistan. All the above individuals and groups are notorious for ruthlessly murdering innocent people in the name of Allah. The dastardly beheading of two Sikhs in Pakistan by Taliban is the latest instance of that policy.
COMMENT: Absolutely true. Who needs these crazy bastards, who are raising hell all over Pakistan. Pakistan is taking our money, but letting these lunatics shout in the mosques, preach hate, and prepare schemes to eradicate Kafirs from this world. Pakistan is now a huge problem. .
4. Quote: Most terror training camps in Pakistan are running under the nose of and in close collaboration with Pakistan’s spy agency ISI. Pakistan authorities have turned a blind eye to the 6.5 acre terror training base, in the south of Punjab province. Here, the outlawed terror group Jaishe-e-Mohammad, linked with 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament and then beheading of US journalist Daniel Pearl, is setting up a large new base just outside the Bahawalpur town in Pakistan's Punjab province with anti-India inscriptions on its walls, The Sunday Telegraph had reported.
COMMENT: These terrorist-camps have the active support of Pakistan government, especially of its ISI. GOI ( government of India ) and USA are well aware of these camps, but so far have not done a didly about them.
5. Quote: Ironically, the US has given Pakistan $15 billion dollars to fight the Al Qaida in Pakistan. In the meantime, Pakistan has only been dilly dallying and fooling us; many Taliban groups actually provide shelter to Al Qaida. US Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair has said that “Islamabad’s conviction that militant groups are an important part of its strategic arsenal to counter India’s military and economic advantages will continue to limit Pakistan’s incentive to pursue an across-the-board effort against extremism.”
COMMENT: This is absolutely scandalous. We are subsidizing terrorism, aren't we ? How much more stupid can we get ?
5. Quote: One biggest difficulty we face is our ignorance of the tenets of Koran, Hadith and Sira. As such we formulate our policies on assumption that there are two sets of Muslims: moderates and radicals. In reality, contrary to the popular perception, every mainstream Islamic school teaches the necessity to subjugate unbelievers, by force or by any means and bring them under the hegemony of Islamic law.
COMMENT: We are relying on the fools for advice, who are telling us that we are misunderstanding different types of Islam, political Islam, militant Islam, radical Islam, wahabi Islam. We are not misunderstanding Islam. Islam has never been misunderstood, Islam is the problem. It needs to be eradicated & crushed.
6. Quote: Instead of penalizing Pakistan for its support to the notorious terrorists and spreading global terrorism, US, unfortunately, is rewarding this country with the deadly weapons and billions of dollars of hard cash.
COMMENT: Yes indeed. We are rewarding the bandit.
Pakistan's reputation as an epicenter of terrorism, cannot be elevated any higher. It is a mystery, we are still subsidizing terrorism & barbarism of Pakistan. It is quite insane.
7. Quote: Let us understand and recognize that Pakistan is a failed state. Its economy is in shambles. Fissiparous forces are pulling the country in different directions to tear it apart. Nationalist movements in Balochistan, Sind and Baltistan are gaining momentum. In Karachi, Sunni and Shi’a, Mohajirs and Sindhis, Pathans and Mohajirs are flying at each other’s throat. Murder and mayhem is the order of the day all around. Thousands of young Sindhi Muslims are joining Jiye Sind movement. Balochisthan Liberation Army is working strenuously to gain freedom from the Punjabi domination. Minority Balti Shi’a in Baltistan feel suffocated and subjugated under Punjabi army in Pakistan. In nutshell, there is turmoil all over Pakistan.
COMMENT: Pakistan as an entity was an artificial state, from its very beginning. Its founder, Mohammad Ali Jinnah never understood the veracity of it. There are ethnic & cultural connections that are, far more powerful than religiopus connectivity ( of Islam ). Jinnah & his fanatic-cohorts never perceived the reality that, they cannot fly the coop. Sullas like Jinnah interpret truth in entirely different ways. The truth, however, is that only one truth exists.
Neither the Sindhis, nor the Balochs, nor the Pushtos, want to live under, the estate & dominance of Pakistani-Punjabis. It is no more complex than that !
8. Quote: American troops will be leaving Af-Pak region. Hence, it is incumbent on us to divide Pakistan into four states before Pakistani army and Islamic fundamentalists take over Afghanistan again.
COMMENT: Dividing Pakistan into four states, is a logical solution. It is not only totally consistent with the ethnic reality of the region, but is a Tremendous & Formidable device. Sindhis, Balochs, & Pushtos, shall be eternally grateful to us for this most down-to-earth solution. It shall also deliver democracy to Pakistan & Afghanistan, and choke off Al-Qaeda.
Surinder Paul Attri
Sub: (1) Declare Pakistan a Terrorist State
(2) Seize Pakistan’s Nuclear Facilities immediately
(3) Break up Pakistan into four Independent States
Dear Colleagues/Supporters:
Enclosed herewith please find a copy of the Memorandum which we submitted to Mr. Donn Titus, In-charge of India Desk at the U.S. Department of State in Washington.
In fact, we had been asked to come to Washington last week to meet with Mr. Titus and explain our viewpoint in person. But due to sudden change in the program, Mr. Titus had to leave for India. Hence he requested us to send the memorandum to him. He also told us that he would share the contents of this memo with his senior colleagues.
Narain Kataria
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20520
Attn: Mr. Donn Titus March 1, 2010
Sub: (1) Declare Pakistan a Terrorist State
(2) Seize Pakistan’s Nuclear Facilities immediately
(3) Break up Pakistan into four Independent States
Dear Mr. Titus:
On behalf of Indian American Intellectuals Forum (IAIF), I am very happy to present this Memorandum to you. IAIF is an advocacy group organized and established under the laws of the State of New York since 1999. Our objectives are to strengthen the Indo-American relations and create awareness among our citizens about the menace of terrorism.
In this connection, we would like to state that in 1999, we were given an opportunity by the State Department to meet their staff and present our viewpoint about what action should be taken against Pakistan to save the globe from the curse of terrorism. In the past eleven years since then, the world situation has not just gone from bad to worse but it has actually assumed alarmingly dangerous proportions.
In that period of time, Pakistan has literally become a hub of Islamic fundamentalists. There are more than one million Taliban studying in Pakistani Madrasas (Islamic religious schools). Pakistani society by now has been completely radicalized. Pakistan has become not only a nuclear power but also a nuclear proliferating country. Since no serious attention was paid to our similar plea in 1999 regarding declaring Pakistan a terrorist state then, the world had to pay a very heavy price for creating this Frankenstein.
Pakistan is using terrorism as a tool for its foreign policy to accomplish its political objectives. Notorious terrorists – Syed Salahuddin, the head of United Jihad Council, Hafiz Abdur Rahman Makki, the leader of terror amalgam Jamaat-ul-Dawah and brother-in-law of Lashkar-e-Taiba founder Hafiz Saeed; Dowd Ibrahim, chief of the dreaded Company D; Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar; LeT terrorists Azam Cheema, chief Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, Qari Saifullah Akhtar, Ilyas Kashmiri – and other terror groups are working at the beck and call of Pakistan. All the above individuals and groups are notorious for ruthlessly murdering innocent people in the name of Allah. The dastardly beheading of two Sikhs in Pakistan by Taliban is the latest instance of that policy.
Most terror training camps in Pakistan are running under the nose of and in close collaboration with Pakistan’s spy agency ISI. Pakistan authorities have turned a blind eye to the 6.5 acre terror training base, in the south of Punjab province. Here, the outlawed terror group Jaishe-e-Mohammad, linked with 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament and then beheading of US journalist Daniel Pearl, is setting up a large new base just outside the Bahawalpur town in Pakistan's Punjab province with anti-India inscriptions on its walls, The Sunday Telegraph had reported.
It is alleged that massacre of seven CIA agents at a Forward Operating Base in Afghanistan was masterminded by Ilyas Kashmiri, a Pakistani commando-turned-jihadist. Again, this is the same Ilyas Kashmiri, the Commander of another terror outfit HuJi, who has issued a global warning to the Cricket players against visiting and playing in India.
Lashkar-e-Taiba al-Alami, an unknown terrorist group which has claimed responsibility for the Pune blasts near Mumbai (in India) in which 17 people were killed is following an al-Qaida agenda of targeting the US and its allies, such as Israel and India.
It is reported that David Coleman Headley (Daood Gilani) and Mohammad Amjad Khwaja who were arrested by the FBI in Chicago in October last year have told their American interrogators that ISI in collaboration with HuJi and Lashkar-e-Toiba has put together a team of Indian Jihadists in Karachi for sending them back into India on another terror project.
In an interview to Indian Express dated Feb. 5, 2010, Pulitzer Prize-winner Steve Coll who is the author of two defining books: Ghost Wars and The Bin Ladens,said that “India’s security problems are graver than America’s in relation to the Jihadi terrorism.”
Ironically, the US has given Pakistan $15 billion dollars to fight the Al Qaida in Pakistan. In the meantime, Pakistan has only been dilly dallying and fooling us; many Taliban groups actually provide shelter to Al Qaida. US Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair has said that “Islamabad’s conviction that militant groups are an important part of its strategic arsenal to counter India’s military and economic advantages will continue to limit Pakistan’s incentive to pursue an across-the-board effort against extremism.”
One biggest difficulty we face is our ignorance of the tenets of Koran, Hadith and Sira. As such we formulate our policies on assumption that there are two sets of Muslims: moderates and radicals. In reality, contrary to the popular perception, every mainstream Islamic school teaches the necessity to subjugate unbelievers, by force or by any means and bring them under the hegemony of Islamic law.
Last Month, US Vice President Joe Biden said in Washington that his greatest concern was not Afghanistan nor threat of Iran turning nuclear. His biggest worry was Pakistan, which he said had a significant radicalized population and only a “functional democracy.” Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has also stated that Iran was not as great a threat to the global security as other nuclear-proliferating countries such as North Korea and Pakistan.
Expressing concern over the increasing Taliban threat in Pakistan, Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Israel considers Pakistan as its biggest strategic threat than Iran. U.S. intelligence officials also believe that the homicide bomb attack that killed seven CIA officers in Afghanistan last month was planned with the help of Osama bin Laden's close allies. It is well to remember that Al Qaida jihadists are fully protected by Taliban who in turn are hands in glove with Pakistan.
Intelligence inputs received by Indian officials indicate that Pakistan-based terror outfit Lashkar-e-Toiba has acquired as many as 50 para-gliding equipments from China for the potential use to launch suicide attacks in India. This, obviously, could not be accomplished without Pakistan’s active connivance, complicity and tactical support.
Amid political turbulence in Pakistan, and heightened fears about the Taliban and other extremist groups seizing the country’s nuclear assets, there has been a rapid expansion of Islamabad’s nuclear armaments. US Joint Chief of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen, in a confidential briefing, told members of Congress that some reports have confirmed that Islamabad is rapidly adding to its nuclear arsenal. President of the Institute for Science and International Security, David Albright has said that Pakistan was scaling up its centrifuge facilities. This could destabilize the entire South Asia.
Even though it is clearly acknowledged that Pakistan has become an epicenter of terrorism, the US Congress is still considering proposals to spend 3 billion dollars over the next five years to train and equip Pakistan’s military for counter-insurgency warfare. This is in addition to 7.5 billion dollars that the Capitol Hill has already promised in civilian assistance.
We should also take a serious note of Pakistan’s disgraced scientist A.Q. Khan’s statement that Pakistan helped Iran acquire the nuclear technology with an objective to jointly emerge as a “strong block” in the region so that they can effectively counter the international pressure and ‘neutralize’ Israel’s power. Imagine the situation when the Islamic Pakistan and Islamic Iran will jointly challenge and blackmail the civilized world.
It is also a well known fact that Dawood Ibrahim’s D Company is a “5,000-member criminal syndicate operating mostly in Pakistan, India, and the United Arab Emirate.” This company has a “strategic alliance” with Pakistan’s ISI and has “forged relationships with Islamists, including Lashkar-e-Taiba and al-Qaida.”
Some press accounts further report that Ibrahim’s underworld network may have provided a boat to the 10 terrorists who killed 178 people in Mumbai (India) on 26/11 and record that the “US government contends that D-Company has found common cause with Al Qaida and shares its smuggling routes with that terrorist group.”
The US Department of Treasury has already designated Ibrahim as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) in 2006 and President Bush designated him as a Significant Foreign Narcotics Trafficker under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act. It is a matter of disgust and shame that Pakistan shelters Dawood Ibrahim but denies his presence in the country in order to prevent his prosecution or extradition to India or US.
According to India's National Security Advisor, there are over 800 terror cells operating in India with "external support." Nuclear physicist and author Dr. Moorthy Muthuswamy has elucidated in his new book how passionately this jihadist infrastructure was developed in a span of over twenty years, aided by funding from the Middle East. The desire to conquer India violently for Islam is an aspiration of many nations and is seen in many a Muslim quarter as a must for creating an Islamic caliphate.
Instead of penalizing Pakistan for its support to the notorious terrorists and spreading global terrorism, US, unfortunately, is rewarding this country with the deadly weapons and billions of dollars of hard cash. We believe it is inappropriate for US to prop up Pakistan and balance its strategic partnership with India by selling deadly F-16 to Pakistan Air Force (the total number of F-16 in 2010 will be 54 as per Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses) together with other advanced weapons and avionics for air-to-air combat that appear to us unnecessary for counter-insurgency operations in mountainous area against Taliban. This is being done in spite of the admission by General Musharraf’s that Pakistan is modifying the arms, which are meant to fight the terrorists, for use against India.
Let us understand and recognize that Pakistan is a failed state. Its economy is in shambles. Fissiparous forces are pulling the country in different directions to tear it apart. Nationalist movements in Balochistan, Sind and Baltistan are gaining momentum. In Karachi, Sunni and Shi’a, Mohajirs and Sindhis, Pathans and Mohajirs are flying at each other’s throat. Murder and mayhem is the order of the day all around. Thousands of young Sindhi Muslims are joining Jiye Sind movement. Balochisthan Liberation Army is working strenuously to gain freedom from the Punjabi domination. Minority Balti Shi’a in Baltistan feel suffocated and subjugated under Punjabi army in Pakistan. In nutshell, there is turmoil all over Pakistan.
We should recognize in unambiguous terms that Pakistan is the root cause of terror and instability in that region. In order to win the war in Afghanistan it is essential that American war strategy should be focused on Pakistan. In the next 18 months, American troops will be leaving Af-Pak region. Hence, it is incumbent on us to divide Pakistan into four states before Pakistani army and Islamic fundamentalists take over Afghanistan again.
In view of the above, we believe, it is absolutely necessary that US devise appropriate measures to: (a) Declare Pakistan a terrorist state, (bi) Seize Pakistan’s nuclear facilities immediately, and (c) Break up Pakistan into four Independent States to weaken its terror-producing capacity.
Very truly yours,
Narain Kataria
2. My Take:
Quote: In the past eleven years since then, the world situation has not just gone from bad to worse but it has actually assumed alarmingly dangerous proportions.
COMMENT: Quite True ! Pakistan is now the hub of terrorism. Lunatic Bearded Pigs ( Mullahs, Maulvies, Imams et al ) are going hoarse, preaching hate, praising terrorism, elevating their backward & deeply intolerant religion of Islam, and condemning civilized Kafir societies of the world.. It is beyond disgraceful & beyond disgusting.
3. Quote:
Pakistan is using terrorism as a tool for its foreign policy to accomplish its political objectives. Notorious terrorists – Syed Salahuddin, the head of United Jihad Council, Hafiz Abdur Rahman Makki, the leader of terror amalgam Jamaat-ul-Dawah and brother-in-law of Lashkar-e-Taiba founder Hafiz Saeed; Dowd Ibrahim, chief of the dreaded Company D; Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar; LeT terrorists Azam Cheema, chief Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, Qari Saifullah Akhtar, Ilyas Kashmiri – and other terror groups are working at the beck and call of Pakistan. All the above individuals and groups are notorious for ruthlessly murdering innocent people in the name of Allah. The dastardly beheading of two Sikhs in Pakistan by Taliban is the latest instance of that policy.
COMMENT: Absolutely true. Who needs these crazy bastards, who are raising hell all over Pakistan. Pakistan is taking our money, but letting these lunatics shout in the mosques, preach hate, and prepare schemes to eradicate Kafirs from this world. Pakistan is now a huge problem. .
4. Quote: Most terror training camps in Pakistan are running under the nose of and in close collaboration with Pakistan’s spy agency ISI. Pakistan authorities have turned a blind eye to the 6.5 acre terror training base, in the south of Punjab province. Here, the outlawed terror group Jaishe-e-Mohammad, linked with 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament and then beheading of US journalist Daniel Pearl, is setting up a large new base just outside the Bahawalpur town in Pakistan's Punjab province with anti-India inscriptions on its walls, The Sunday Telegraph had reported.
COMMENT: These terrorist-camps have the active support of Pakistan government, especially of its ISI. GOI ( government of India ) and USA are well aware of these camps, but so far have not done a didly about them.
5. Quote: Ironically, the US has given Pakistan $15 billion dollars to fight the Al Qaida in Pakistan. In the meantime, Pakistan has only been dilly dallying and fooling us; many Taliban groups actually provide shelter to Al Qaida. US Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair has said that “Islamabad’s conviction that militant groups are an important part of its strategic arsenal to counter India’s military and economic advantages will continue to limit Pakistan’s incentive to pursue an across-the-board effort against extremism.”
COMMENT: This is absolutely scandalous. We are subsidizing terrorism, aren't we ? How much more stupid can we get ?
5. Quote: One biggest difficulty we face is our ignorance of the tenets of Koran, Hadith and Sira. As such we formulate our policies on assumption that there are two sets of Muslims: moderates and radicals. In reality, contrary to the popular perception, every mainstream Islamic school teaches the necessity to subjugate unbelievers, by force or by any means and bring them under the hegemony of Islamic law.
COMMENT: We are relying on the fools for advice, who are telling us that we are misunderstanding different types of Islam, political Islam, militant Islam, radical Islam, wahabi Islam. We are not misunderstanding Islam. Islam has never been misunderstood, Islam is the problem. It needs to be eradicated & crushed.
6. Quote: Instead of penalizing Pakistan for its support to the notorious terrorists and spreading global terrorism, US, unfortunately, is rewarding this country with the deadly weapons and billions of dollars of hard cash.
COMMENT: Yes indeed. We are rewarding the bandit.
Pakistan's reputation as an epicenter of terrorism, cannot be elevated any higher. It is a mystery, we are still subsidizing terrorism & barbarism of Pakistan. It is quite insane.
7. Quote: Let us understand and recognize that Pakistan is a failed state. Its economy is in shambles. Fissiparous forces are pulling the country in different directions to tear it apart. Nationalist movements in Balochistan, Sind and Baltistan are gaining momentum. In Karachi, Sunni and Shi’a, Mohajirs and Sindhis, Pathans and Mohajirs are flying at each other’s throat. Murder and mayhem is the order of the day all around. Thousands of young Sindhi Muslims are joining Jiye Sind movement. Balochisthan Liberation Army is working strenuously to gain freedom from the Punjabi domination. Minority Balti Shi’a in Baltistan feel suffocated and subjugated under Punjabi army in Pakistan. In nutshell, there is turmoil all over Pakistan.
COMMENT: Pakistan as an entity was an artificial state, from its very beginning. Its founder, Mohammad Ali Jinnah never understood the veracity of it. There are ethnic & cultural connections that are, far more powerful than religiopus connectivity ( of Islam ). Jinnah & his fanatic-cohorts never perceived the reality that, they cannot fly the coop. Sullas like Jinnah interpret truth in entirely different ways. The truth, however, is that only one truth exists.
Neither the Sindhis, nor the Balochs, nor the Pushtos, want to live under, the estate & dominance of Pakistani-Punjabis. It is no more complex than that !
8. Quote: American troops will be leaving Af-Pak region. Hence, it is incumbent on us to divide Pakistan into four states before Pakistani army and Islamic fundamentalists take over Afghanistan again.
COMMENT: Dividing Pakistan into four states, is a logical solution. It is not only totally consistent with the ethnic reality of the region, but is a Tremendous & Formidable device. Sindhis, Balochs, & Pushtos, shall be eternally grateful to us for this most down-to-earth solution. It shall also deliver democracy to Pakistan & Afghanistan, and choke off Al-Qaeda.
Surinder Paul Attri
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Wendy Doniger's book on HInduism
Subj: Wendy Doniger's book on HInduism
1. Hindus in New York denounce Doniger’s book “Hindus: An Alternative History”
Narain Kataria in New York
2. My Take:
This Mem-Sahib ( Wendy Doniger ) is something else.
BBC speaks of Wendy Doniger as follows:
" Wendy Doniger is very Rude, Crude, and very Lewd, in the hallowed portals of Sanskrit Academics.
3. She claims to be a scholar of Sanskrit. She is hardly that, because her knowledge of Sanskrit is so poor. But she is a scholar of pornography. She goes all out inserting titillating pornography on Hindu traditions, rituals, and history.
Her book contains numerous errors on dates, events, details of history, and so forth. She is not terribly-concerned with the veracity of descriptions, because her intention seems to be, to embarrass Hindus with Un-Truth. And she is more than ready to be nasty to Hindus.
4. To put it simply: She is no scholar, she is a Lewd-Lunatic, and a Rotten-Author. If she had not been a Lewd-Lunatic, this protest march in New York, would not have taken place.
5. It is a shame that her kind of description, passes for authorship these days.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Hindus in New York denounce Doniger’s book “Hindus: An Alternative History”
Narain Kataria in New York
2. My Take:
This Mem-Sahib ( Wendy Doniger ) is something else.
BBC speaks of Wendy Doniger as follows:
" Wendy Doniger is very Rude, Crude, and very Lewd, in the hallowed portals of Sanskrit Academics.
3. She claims to be a scholar of Sanskrit. She is hardly that, because her knowledge of Sanskrit is so poor. But she is a scholar of pornography. She goes all out inserting titillating pornography on Hindu traditions, rituals, and history.
Her book contains numerous errors on dates, events, details of history, and so forth. She is not terribly-concerned with the veracity of descriptions, because her intention seems to be, to embarrass Hindus with Un-Truth. And she is more than ready to be nasty to Hindus.
4. To put it simply: She is no scholar, she is a Lewd-Lunatic, and a Rotten-Author. If she had not been a Lewd-Lunatic, this protest march in New York, would not have taken place.
5. It is a shame that her kind of description, passes for authorship these days.
Surinder Paul Attri
Mayawati: Dalit-Beti or Daulat-Beti ?
Mayawati: Dalit-Beti or Daulat-Beti ?
In a message dated 17/03/2010 10:59:36 GMT Standard Time, bk_chaudhari@hotmail.com writes:
Dear Sir
Several million rupees are spent on Mayawati's rally and with pride
she accepts to be garlanded with currency notes. What an exhibition
of her "standing and power". She heads a State starved of funds and
recently she even refused to compensate the stampede victims, because
of the paucity of funds. She is too blinded to realise that she is
playing into the hands of those, who still do not think that certain
Dalit Leaders have matured with political brilliance. Baba Sahib
Ambedkar would have outrightly rejected such artificial
honourings and would have ordered the funds to be channelled
for the downtrodden people's welfare.
Indeed Mayawati has become billionaire, but ethically and
professionally; this poor soul, is bankrupt now.
Yours faithfully
BK Chaudhari
Royal W. Cresc
The Oakalls
B60 2TJ
2. My Take:
Q, Is Mayawati Dalit-Beti or Daulat-Beti ?
A. She is Both, but likely prefers the latter.
Because Maya ( Wealth ) is also part of her name, her ambition is in accordance with her signature.
3. She does seem to have some quirk on garlands, first garlands of flowers, now garlands of cash.
What is next ?
Surinder Paul Attri
In a message dated 17/03/2010 10:59:36 GMT Standard Time, bk_chaudhari@hotmail.com writes:
Dear Sir
Several million rupees are spent on Mayawati's rally and with pride
she accepts to be garlanded with currency notes. What an exhibition
of her "standing and power". She heads a State starved of funds and
recently she even refused to compensate the stampede victims, because
of the paucity of funds. She is too blinded to realise that she is
playing into the hands of those, who still do not think that certain
Dalit Leaders have matured with political brilliance. Baba Sahib
Ambedkar would have outrightly rejected such artificial
honourings and would have ordered the funds to be channelled
for the downtrodden people's welfare.
Indeed Mayawati has become billionaire, but ethically and
professionally; this poor soul, is bankrupt now.
Yours faithfully
BK Chaudhari
Royal W. Cresc
The Oakalls
B60 2TJ
2. My Take:
Q, Is Mayawati Dalit-Beti or Daulat-Beti ?
A. She is Both, but likely prefers the latter.
Because Maya ( Wealth ) is also part of her name, her ambition is in accordance with her signature.
3. She does seem to have some quirk on garlands, first garlands of flowers, now garlands of cash.
What is next ?
Surinder Paul Attri
Friday, March 19, 2010
Phoney-Liberalism & concomitant Dhimmitude.
Subj: Phoney-Liberalism & concomitant Dhimmitude.
1. R.K. Ohri
to me
Well said Surinder Ji. Hindu society is seized with a death wish. We are in he same boat as the demographically challenged Europeans are.
2. My Take:
Shri Ohri Jee: Regarding death-wish: I had a sneaky-suspicion that you & I would agree or could agree on that.
Yes, Europe is confronting demographic aggression ( Big Time ) from Islam.
Europe is not getting a rainbow of cultures. Islam is what Europe is getting, and that is all it is getting. This is the product of decades of Phoney-Liberalism.
3. You can see this in UK. Some short while ago, Geert Wilders was refused entry into Britain. A few loud-mouthed Mullahs & Maulvies, raised a ruckus, loud enough to alter government policy.
What about the Schmidts ( the Germans ) ?
Schmidt thinks that anything a Tommy ( the Englishman ) can do, he can do, Better. So Schmidt is traveling full steam ahead, on the road to Multiculturalism, or Dhimmitude.
4. What about the Dutch, do they have better Touch ? Not by a long shot !
The Dutch are conducting a trial of the century, prosecuting one of their elected Parliamentarian ( Geert Wilders ). They can't refute his truth, so they are hitting him with accusation of being " divisive & inflammatory. "
It is Not justice when justice drifts in the direction of political correctness. ( Geert Wilders is not a criminal, he is a Hero ).
5. Disease of political correctness is stretched out in Europe, as in India, setting us all up for Dhimmitude.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. R.K. Ohri
to me
Well said Surinder Ji. Hindu society is seized with a death wish. We are in he same boat as the demographically challenged Europeans are.
2. My Take:
Shri Ohri Jee: Regarding death-wish: I had a sneaky-suspicion that you & I would agree or could agree on that.
Yes, Europe is confronting demographic aggression ( Big Time ) from Islam.
Europe is not getting a rainbow of cultures. Islam is what Europe is getting, and that is all it is getting. This is the product of decades of Phoney-Liberalism.
3. You can see this in UK. Some short while ago, Geert Wilders was refused entry into Britain. A few loud-mouthed Mullahs & Maulvies, raised a ruckus, loud enough to alter government policy.
What about the Schmidts ( the Germans ) ?
Schmidt thinks that anything a Tommy ( the Englishman ) can do, he can do, Better. So Schmidt is traveling full steam ahead, on the road to Multiculturalism, or Dhimmitude.
4. What about the Dutch, do they have better Touch ? Not by a long shot !
The Dutch are conducting a trial of the century, prosecuting one of their elected Parliamentarian ( Geert Wilders ). They can't refute his truth, so they are hitting him with accusation of being " divisive & inflammatory. "
It is Not justice when justice drifts in the direction of political correctness. ( Geert Wilders is not a criminal, he is a Hero ).
5. Disease of political correctness is stretched out in Europe, as in India, setting us all up for Dhimmitude.
Surinder Paul Attri
Thursday, March 18, 2010
£90,000 to MUSLIM police
Subj: £90,000 to MUSLIM police
1. Sab kuch luta ke bhi Hosh mein na aaye to kiya keeya?
Great Britain has a good experience of the consequences
of being partisan and appeasement, yet it has not learnt
any lessons.
Ab to apne hi paoon par Kulhari marne ko uttaru ho gaya hai!
2. My Take:
Quote: Sab kuch luta ke bhi Hosh mein na aaye to kiya keeya?
COMMENT: Chaudhari Sahib: This Ashok Kumar song tells our Hindu story.
3. Quote: Great Britain has a good experience of the consequences
of being partisan and appeasement, yet it has not learnt
any lessons.
COMMENT: It is no chance that Tommies ( the English ) are not any smarter than us Hindus. We ( HIndus ) have been shooting ourselves in the foot for 1200 years plus, our tactics have not changed. In fact, this craft has become a symbol of our doggedness. No end is in sight.
We must be either bereft of good sense or oppressed with some kind of death wish.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Sab kuch luta ke bhi Hosh mein na aaye to kiya keeya?
Great Britain has a good experience of the consequences
of being partisan and appeasement, yet it has not learnt
any lessons.
Ab to apne hi paoon par Kulhari marne ko uttaru ho gaya hai!
2. My Take:
Quote: Sab kuch luta ke bhi Hosh mein na aaye to kiya keeya?
COMMENT: Chaudhari Sahib: This Ashok Kumar song tells our Hindu story.
3. Quote: Great Britain has a good experience of the consequences
of being partisan and appeasement, yet it has not learnt
any lessons.
COMMENT: It is no chance that Tommies ( the English ) are not any smarter than us Hindus. We ( HIndus ) have been shooting ourselves in the foot for 1200 years plus, our tactics have not changed. In fact, this craft has become a symbol of our doggedness. No end is in sight.
We must be either bereft of good sense or oppressed with some kind of death wish.
Surinder Paul Attri
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Accomplices to the evil ( of Islam )
Subj: Accomplices to the evil ( of Islam )
1. Dear s.p. attri,
Your comments at danielpipes.org received a response, which can be seen at: http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/169948
Daniel Pipes' staff
Submitted by Kiel Hesselmann (Denmark), Mar 10, 2010 at 16:24
As s.p. attri rightly stated:
"Islam, as an ideology ( mis-construed as a religion ) is an expression of man's aggressive behavior."
I can follow up by saying, that nazism, as a religion (mis-contrued as an ideology) is an expression of man's aggressive behavior.
In many details one can see the overwhelming similarities between the two ideologies. If you read political analyst Michael A. Ledeen's "Accomplice to Evil" about fascism in the 20th. century and today, you see details on the verbal level (hate-speech, vulgar analogues, scatological utterances), and postures in outer behavior. Add to this terror, torture, and the one-eyed outlook. All this and much more comprise fascism in all its vulgar garment.
2. My Take: Mr. Hesselmann:I agree with you that, both Islam & Nazism, have un-concealed & un-mistakable resemblance. Both are dangerous & go to the top of barbarism-ladder.
3. Hazrat Mohammad preached that Islam is the only true way of life, the rest are all fake. Non-Moslems are not Believers, they are Infidels ( whom he identified as Kafirs ). They Must be murdered or enslaved. This may explain why so many Moslems take to Kafir-Slaughter. The evil of Islam is in its teachings.
4. I respect the views of Michael Ledeen. The world is simmering in the rhetoric of Phoney-Liberal leaders, especially those of Europe, USA, and India. These Phoneys refuse to see Islam as an evil, even though Islam is openly dedicated to the destruction of us Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). They refuse to recognize the evil of Islam and are, therefore, accomplices to the evil ( of Islam ).
5. The Phoney-L iberals accomplices to evil allege, that Islam has been misunderstood. This is Not true.
Islam has Never been mis-understood, Islam is the problem, mesmerizing & deadly. Islam is a gigantisized Kafir-Killer.
6. For the survival of the civilized Kafir world, Islam needs to be crushed.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Dear s.p. attri,
Your comments at danielpipes.org received a response, which can be seen at: http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/169948
Daniel Pipes' staff
Submitted by Kiel Hesselmann (Denmark), Mar 10, 2010 at 16:24
As s.p. attri rightly stated:
"Islam, as an ideology ( mis-construed as a religion ) is an expression of man's aggressive behavior."
I can follow up by saying, that nazism, as a religion (mis-contrued as an ideology) is an expression of man's aggressive behavior.
In many details one can see the overwhelming similarities between the two ideologies. If you read political analyst Michael A. Ledeen's "Accomplice to Evil" about fascism in the 20th. century and today, you see details on the verbal level (hate-speech, vulgar analogues, scatological utterances), and postures in outer behavior. Add to this terror, torture, and the one-eyed outlook. All this and much more comprise fascism in all its vulgar garment.
2. My Take: Mr. Hesselmann:I agree with you that, both Islam & Nazism, have un-concealed & un-mistakable resemblance. Both are dangerous & go to the top of barbarism-ladder.
3. Hazrat Mohammad preached that Islam is the only true way of life, the rest are all fake. Non-Moslems are not Believers, they are Infidels ( whom he identified as Kafirs ). They Must be murdered or enslaved. This may explain why so many Moslems take to Kafir-Slaughter. The evil of Islam is in its teachings.
4. I respect the views of Michael Ledeen. The world is simmering in the rhetoric of Phoney-Liberal leaders, especially those of Europe, USA, and India. These Phoneys refuse to see Islam as an evil, even though Islam is openly dedicated to the destruction of us Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). They refuse to recognize the evil of Islam and are, therefore, accomplices to the evil ( of Islam ).
5. The Phoney-L iberals accomplices to evil allege, that Islam has been misunderstood. This is Not true.
Islam has Never been mis-understood, Islam is the problem, mesmerizing & deadly. Islam is a gigantisized Kafir-Killer.
6. For the survival of the civilized Kafir world, Islam needs to be crushed.
Surinder Paul Attri
Monday, March 15, 2010
Rejoinder to Kiel Hesselmann
Subj: Rejoinder to Kiel Hesselmann
Dear s.p. attri,
Your comments at danielpipes.org received a response, which can be seen at: http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/169896
Daniel Pipes' staff
1. Submitted by Kiel Hesselmann (Denmark), Mar 9, 2010 at 15:20
By following the continous stream of learned books about Islamofascism and how it is related to general fascism in the thirties and fourties in Europe, one can hardly understand that non-muslim apologetes of Islam - in Europe and elsewhere - don't see the jihadis intent. Their holy book, the Koran, is their Mein Kampf. Their vocabular is filled with hatred for Kafirs, and the jihadis eternal cry are always "death to America", "death to the Jews". They even don't use the shadow silk screen any longer, called "Israel", to illustrate their contempt for Jews. Nowadays the expression is flat out "Jews".
The various groups of jihadi warriors have a lot in common with old days fascism, especially that branch called Nazism. Anti-Semitism is the most outspoken. But there are other components first and foremost the contempt for democracy, their devaluation of female traits in society, and maybe the most outspoken to all fascist movements their death-cult. The fascists of the Spanish Civilwar used the war-cry "Viva la Muerte" (Long live the Death).
Just listen to Ahmadinejad's tirades against the West in general and the Jews exclusively: "We, the true believers, love death more than you love life". This pocket-dictator, whos idol is another little dark man, who vanished from the surface of the earth more than sixty years ago, make semilar threaths to mankind. Like his predesessor he believes in the nessescity of the eradication of the Jews. He believes in the great clash between Allah's warriors and the infidels. In Iran in the fourties jihadis believed, that Hitler was the long awaited 13. imam, who was going to safe Iran's muslims from earthbound sufferings.
The civilized world must wake up and answar firmly to present days menace. An American general in Iraq said, that the U.S. warmachine is a mighty hammer - but not all problems are nails. - Well, I think, that the ShariaState Iran is such a nail.
2. My Take:
Quote: Islamofascism and how it is related to general fascism in the thirties and fourties in Europe, one can hardly understand that non-muslim apologetes of Islam - in Europe and elsewhere - don't see the jihadis intent.
COMMENT: Parallels exist between Islam & Nazism. Fascism in Europe was running untamed in the thirtiees & forties, but fascism in Islam has existed for 1400 years. Also, Nazism was a seculoar dogma, and drew the last breath, as soon as Adolf Hitler kicked the bucket, whereas Islamic-Nazism has a religious twist to it, and continues beyond the grave of Hazrat Mohammad.
3. Quote: Their holy book, the Koran, is their Mein Kampf. Their vocabular is filled with hatred for Kafirs, and the jihadis eternal cry are always "death to America", "death to the Jews". They even don't use the shadow silk screen any longer, called "Israel", to illustrate their contempt for Jews. Nowadays the expression is flat out "Jews".
COMMENT: Hitler's idea that other races or nations are inferior to the German race, has a robust parallel in Islam. Hazrat Mohammad divided mankind into two groups: The Superior Ones ( the Believers ) & the Inferior Ones ( the Unbelievers ). The Superior Ones are Allah's Party & Inferior Ones are Shaitaan's ( Satan's ) Party. The Superior Ones are headed for Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ), the Inferior Ones are headed for Jhanam ( Islam's Hell ).
4. Quote: The various groups of jihadi warriors have a lot in common with old days fascism, especially that branch called Nazism. Anti-Semitism is the most outspoken. But there are other components first and foremost the contempt for democracy, their devaluation of female traits in society, and maybe the most outspoken to all fascist movements their death-cult. The fascists of the Spanish Civilwar used the war-cry "Viva la Muerte" (Long live the Death).
COMMENT: Like the fascists, they are trying to take over the world, with combination of religion, Kafir-Hatred, Intimidation, and Military Power, without being least bit concerned about democracy, civility, political correctness, or religious beliefs of Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). What a stamina for barbarism these dumb-ass Sullas ( Moslems ) have got ?
Regarding the statement " Viva La Muerte " ( Long Live The Death ):
Hazrat Mohammad advises his Moslems that:
" Paradise lies under the shades of sword. "
5. Quote: Just listen to Ahmadinejad's tirades against the West in general and the Jews exclusively: "We, the true believers, love death more than you love life". This pocket-dictator, whos idol is another little dark man, who vanished from the surface of the earth more than sixty years ago, make semilar threaths to mankind. Like his predesessor he believes in the nessescity of the eradication of the Jews. He believes in the great clash between Allah's warriors and the infidels. In Iran in the fourties jihadis believed, that Hitler was the long awaited 13. imam, who was going to safe Iran's muslims from earthbound sufferings.
COMMENT: An Un-ending war has been ordered between these two groups by Hazrat Mohammad & by the Holy book of the Moslems, the Quran.
In this war ( Labelled as Jihad or Holy War ), there is No acceptable conduct, anything goes. Jihad is a Holy War against the Kafirs, in the way of Allah. Moslems kill & get killed. After death, the Moslem gets choicest sex in Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ). Hazrat Mohammad advises his Moslems that:
He who murders another, property of the murdered, becomes the propeerty of the murderer. Moslem keeps 80 % of the Kafir's property, 20% goes to the Islamist clergy. Kafir's women, children become Moslem's concubines & slaves. All this booty is lawful & good for the Moslem.
Regarding Ahmadinejad's tirade against the West & the Jews:
Hazrat Mohammad laid down the following rule for his Moslems:
When you meet a Kafir ( Non-Moslem Infidel ), give him three choices:
a. Invite him to become a Moslem
b. If he does not accept your proposal, then he must surrender & pay tribute
c. If he rejects both proposals, then fight him mercilessly
This is how Hazrat Mohammad unleashed the fury of Jihad on the world.
6. Quote: The civilized world must wake up and answar firmly to present days menace. An American general in Iraq said, that the U.S. warmachine is a mighty hammer - but not all problems are nails. - Well, I think, that the ShariaState Iran is such a nail.
COMMENT: Islam is an arrogant, exclusivist, and Imperialistic Ideology. It ardently desires to eliminate all Kafir beliefs from this world. We Kafirs need to take care of these savage beasts ( Moslems ), before they do more harm in this world. The most stupid thing to do is, to tolerate & appease them, to enable them to continue their barbaric & heinous crimes of Islamic Ideology.
Surinder Paul Attri
Dear s.p. attri,
Your comments at danielpipes.org received a response, which can be seen at: http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/169896
Daniel Pipes' staff
1. Submitted by Kiel Hesselmann (Denmark), Mar 9, 2010 at 15:20
By following the continous stream of learned books about Islamofascism and how it is related to general fascism in the thirties and fourties in Europe, one can hardly understand that non-muslim apologetes of Islam - in Europe and elsewhere - don't see the jihadis intent. Their holy book, the Koran, is their Mein Kampf. Their vocabular is filled with hatred for Kafirs, and the jihadis eternal cry are always "death to America", "death to the Jews". They even don't use the shadow silk screen any longer, called "Israel", to illustrate their contempt for Jews. Nowadays the expression is flat out "Jews".
The various groups of jihadi warriors have a lot in common with old days fascism, especially that branch called Nazism. Anti-Semitism is the most outspoken. But there are other components first and foremost the contempt for democracy, their devaluation of female traits in society, and maybe the most outspoken to all fascist movements their death-cult. The fascists of the Spanish Civilwar used the war-cry "Viva la Muerte" (Long live the Death).
Just listen to Ahmadinejad's tirades against the West in general and the Jews exclusively: "We, the true believers, love death more than you love life". This pocket-dictator, whos idol is another little dark man, who vanished from the surface of the earth more than sixty years ago, make semilar threaths to mankind. Like his predesessor he believes in the nessescity of the eradication of the Jews. He believes in the great clash between Allah's warriors and the infidels. In Iran in the fourties jihadis believed, that Hitler was the long awaited 13. imam, who was going to safe Iran's muslims from earthbound sufferings.
The civilized world must wake up and answar firmly to present days menace. An American general in Iraq said, that the U.S. warmachine is a mighty hammer - but not all problems are nails. - Well, I think, that the ShariaState Iran is such a nail.
2. My Take:
Quote: Islamofascism and how it is related to general fascism in the thirties and fourties in Europe, one can hardly understand that non-muslim apologetes of Islam - in Europe and elsewhere - don't see the jihadis intent.
COMMENT: Parallels exist between Islam & Nazism. Fascism in Europe was running untamed in the thirtiees & forties, but fascism in Islam has existed for 1400 years. Also, Nazism was a seculoar dogma, and drew the last breath, as soon as Adolf Hitler kicked the bucket, whereas Islamic-Nazism has a religious twist to it, and continues beyond the grave of Hazrat Mohammad.
3. Quote: Their holy book, the Koran, is their Mein Kampf. Their vocabular is filled with hatred for Kafirs, and the jihadis eternal cry are always "death to America", "death to the Jews". They even don't use the shadow silk screen any longer, called "Israel", to illustrate their contempt for Jews. Nowadays the expression is flat out "Jews".
COMMENT: Hitler's idea that other races or nations are inferior to the German race, has a robust parallel in Islam. Hazrat Mohammad divided mankind into two groups: The Superior Ones ( the Believers ) & the Inferior Ones ( the Unbelievers ). The Superior Ones are Allah's Party & Inferior Ones are Shaitaan's ( Satan's ) Party. The Superior Ones are headed for Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ), the Inferior Ones are headed for Jhanam ( Islam's Hell ).
4. Quote: The various groups of jihadi warriors have a lot in common with old days fascism, especially that branch called Nazism. Anti-Semitism is the most outspoken. But there are other components first and foremost the contempt for democracy, their devaluation of female traits in society, and maybe the most outspoken to all fascist movements their death-cult. The fascists of the Spanish Civilwar used the war-cry "Viva la Muerte" (Long live the Death).
COMMENT: Like the fascists, they are trying to take over the world, with combination of religion, Kafir-Hatred, Intimidation, and Military Power, without being least bit concerned about democracy, civility, political correctness, or religious beliefs of Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). What a stamina for barbarism these dumb-ass Sullas ( Moslems ) have got ?
Regarding the statement " Viva La Muerte " ( Long Live The Death ):
Hazrat Mohammad advises his Moslems that:
" Paradise lies under the shades of sword. "
5. Quote: Just listen to Ahmadinejad's tirades against the West in general and the Jews exclusively: "We, the true believers, love death more than you love life". This pocket-dictator, whos idol is another little dark man, who vanished from the surface of the earth more than sixty years ago, make semilar threaths to mankind. Like his predesessor he believes in the nessescity of the eradication of the Jews. He believes in the great clash between Allah's warriors and the infidels. In Iran in the fourties jihadis believed, that Hitler was the long awaited 13. imam, who was going to safe Iran's muslims from earthbound sufferings.
COMMENT: An Un-ending war has been ordered between these two groups by Hazrat Mohammad & by the Holy book of the Moslems, the Quran.
In this war ( Labelled as Jihad or Holy War ), there is No acceptable conduct, anything goes. Jihad is a Holy War against the Kafirs, in the way of Allah. Moslems kill & get killed. After death, the Moslem gets choicest sex in Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ). Hazrat Mohammad advises his Moslems that:
He who murders another, property of the murdered, becomes the propeerty of the murderer. Moslem keeps 80 % of the Kafir's property, 20% goes to the Islamist clergy. Kafir's women, children become Moslem's concubines & slaves. All this booty is lawful & good for the Moslem.
Regarding Ahmadinejad's tirade against the West & the Jews:
Hazrat Mohammad laid down the following rule for his Moslems:
When you meet a Kafir ( Non-Moslem Infidel ), give him three choices:
a. Invite him to become a Moslem
b. If he does not accept your proposal, then he must surrender & pay tribute
c. If he rejects both proposals, then fight him mercilessly
This is how Hazrat Mohammad unleashed the fury of Jihad on the world.
6. Quote: The civilized world must wake up and answar firmly to present days menace. An American general in Iraq said, that the U.S. warmachine is a mighty hammer - but not all problems are nails. - Well, I think, that the ShariaState Iran is such a nail.
COMMENT: Islam is an arrogant, exclusivist, and Imperialistic Ideology. It ardently desires to eliminate all Kafir beliefs from this world. We Kafirs need to take care of these savage beasts ( Moslems ), before they do more harm in this world. The most stupid thing to do is, to tolerate & appease them, to enable them to continue their barbaric & heinous crimes of Islamic Ideology.
Surinder Paul Attri
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Prophet Of Peace
Subj: Prophet Of Peace
1. Dear s.p. attri,
Your comments at danielpipes.org received a response, which can be seen at: http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/168823
Daniel Pipes' staff
2. All Prophets came to deliver true knowledge and peace, to remove hatred fights and worshipping worthless idols
Reader comment on item:
Submitted by Mohshin Uddin Anwar (Bangladesh), Feb 12, 2010 at 08:05
Including Prophet Mohammad (peace of Allah on him), every prophet tried to save this mankind from any wrongdoings.
The wrong-doers used to torture him and his companions, then only to establish peace and religion of the Creator, he had to demolish all the falsehood, all the bad people, all the torturers who came upon him. This he did only by the order of the Creator, Who created everyone including you people who are here in this blog.
3. My Take:
This is a ton of tommyrot, and best condidate for a fire-pit. Why ?
Because genocide committed in the name of this Prophet Of Peace ( Hazrat Mohammad ) & of his Allah, runs into hundreds of millions of innocent Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), whom the Moslems regard as the enemies of their Allah. Hazrat Mohammad's Islam, has devastated scores of civilizations, in the name of Islamic Jihad. The brutality & barbarism of Islam, is without parallel. From Day One of its existence, Islam has been raising Hell in the world, it is still up to NO Good.
4. Take a look at what this saint ( Hazrat Mohammad ) says about women:
Mohammed's High Regard For Women:
Note: Following quotes are from the "heavenly" Hadiths and the "ocean of knowledge", Koran.
1. (Al-Hadis, Vol. 3, p. 137) Abu Sayeed al-Khodri reported that Mohammed was talking to a group of women when he said, "... I see the majority of you will go to Hell." The women asked why, to which Mohammed responded, "You often curse and are ungrateful to your companions." He then told them they had a basic defect in their nature, to which they responded, "How?" Mohammed answered, "Is not the attestation (knowledge and witness) of a women only worth half of a man's? And that is on account of her short intelligence."
This quote really brings out Mohammed's "shining" views on women. He automatically condemns the majority of them to hell. According to him a woman's intellectual capacity is only half that of a man and that is why two women are required as witnesses as compared to one man.
He was so scared of women's intelligence that he said, "a man should not walk between two women" (Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 586) as that would mean that the man was taking a risk of being on equal turf according to Mohammed.
2. (Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 692) Ibn Ma`sud reported from the Messenger of Allah who said, "A woman is like a private part (sex organ). When she goes out (walking) the devil casts a glance at her (in lust)."
Well, this clearly gives us an insight into Mohammed's "pure" mind. To him women were nothing but walking vaginas to be used as objects for sexual fulfillment. No wonder he required women to be completely covered from head to toe. He had to have some way to control his lust!
3. (Koran, 4:34) ...Guard in (the husband's)absence what Allah would have them guard...
This verse is demanding that the women should guard their private parts for the sake of their husbands. Again, this tells us the low opinion that Mohammed held for women-- objects to be used for sexual fulfillment. Nowhere in the Koran or the Hadiths does it say that a man should guard his private parts or abstain from sex in the absence of their wives. A man can even engage in sexual intercourse with young boys/men without much rebuke from Allah. This is supported by the verses stated below:
4. (Koran 4:15) If two men among you commit indecency (sodomy) punish them both. If they repent and mend their ways, let them be. Allah is forgiving and merciful.
5. (Koran 4:16) If any one of your women is guilty of lewdness ...confine them until death claims them.
As you can see, for women any sort of sexual exploration is punishable by death. Whereas for a man, any form of perversion is pardoned by the all merciful Allah. Such fairness can only be found in the "holiest of the holiest books", the Koran.
6. (Koran 4:34) ...As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds and BEAT THEM...
Mohammed was an old perverted nutcase. He was so insecure about himself that he thought that showing physical prowess over women would serve as a reminder to him of his manliness. Thus, he encouraged wife beating! In Islam equality between a man and a woman is a far cry. A man needs only to be suspicious to justify the bestial act of beating his wife.
7. (Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 215) Omar reported from the Holy Prophet who said, "No man shall be questioned for beating his wife."
In the very next Hadith a woman complained to Mohammed that her husband beat her while she prayed. Mohammed told her to change her time of prayer or pray shorter prayers so that her husband could get on with the joy of beating her. (Reported by Abu Sayeed al-Kodri, Attest by Abu Daud)
Could Mohammed degrade women any further? If you are asking yourself this question then surprisingly you have not yet grasped the true nature of this "great Prophet" . He allowed the utterly inhuman practice of circumcision for females. In this type of circumcision a girl's clitoris is carved away, so that she may never experience climax during sexual intercourse and her vulva is sewn shut until it is cut open at the time of marriage! Such "great" practices can only be sactioned by Islam-- the religion for all women to embrace!
Simply Put: Islam is something evil, very evil. Islam & Hazrat Mohammad, pose a severe threat to the whole world.
Surinder Paul Attri
1. Dear s.p. attri,
Your comments at danielpipes.org received a response, which can be seen at: http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/168823
Daniel Pipes' staff
2. All Prophets came to deliver true knowledge and peace, to remove hatred fights and worshipping worthless idols
Reader comment on item:
Submitted by Mohshin Uddin Anwar (Bangladesh), Feb 12, 2010 at 08:05
Including Prophet Mohammad (peace of Allah on him), every prophet tried to save this mankind from any wrongdoings.
The wrong-doers used to torture him and his companions, then only to establish peace and religion of the Creator, he had to demolish all the falsehood, all the bad people, all the torturers who came upon him. This he did only by the order of the Creator, Who created everyone including you people who are here in this blog.
3. My Take:
This is a ton of tommyrot, and best condidate for a fire-pit. Why ?
Because genocide committed in the name of this Prophet Of Peace ( Hazrat Mohammad ) & of his Allah, runs into hundreds of millions of innocent Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), whom the Moslems regard as the enemies of their Allah. Hazrat Mohammad's Islam, has devastated scores of civilizations, in the name of Islamic Jihad. The brutality & barbarism of Islam, is without parallel. From Day One of its existence, Islam has been raising Hell in the world, it is still up to NO Good.
4. Take a look at what this saint ( Hazrat Mohammad ) says about women:
Mohammed's High Regard For Women:
Note: Following quotes are from the "heavenly" Hadiths and the "ocean of knowledge", Koran.
1. (Al-Hadis, Vol. 3, p. 137) Abu Sayeed al-Khodri reported that Mohammed was talking to a group of women when he said, "... I see the majority of you will go to Hell." The women asked why, to which Mohammed responded, "You often curse and are ungrateful to your companions." He then told them they had a basic defect in their nature, to which they responded, "How?" Mohammed answered, "Is not the attestation (knowledge and witness) of a women only worth half of a man's? And that is on account of her short intelligence."
This quote really brings out Mohammed's "shining" views on women. He automatically condemns the majority of them to hell. According to him a woman's intellectual capacity is only half that of a man and that is why two women are required as witnesses as compared to one man.
He was so scared of women's intelligence that he said, "a man should not walk between two women" (Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 586) as that would mean that the man was taking a risk of being on equal turf according to Mohammed.
2. (Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 692) Ibn Ma`sud reported from the Messenger of Allah who said, "A woman is like a private part (sex organ). When she goes out (walking) the devil casts a glance at her (in lust)."
Well, this clearly gives us an insight into Mohammed's "pure" mind. To him women were nothing but walking vaginas to be used as objects for sexual fulfillment. No wonder he required women to be completely covered from head to toe. He had to have some way to control his lust!
3. (Koran, 4:34) ...Guard in (the husband's)absence what Allah would have them guard...
This verse is demanding that the women should guard their private parts for the sake of their husbands. Again, this tells us the low opinion that Mohammed held for women-- objects to be used for sexual fulfillment. Nowhere in the Koran or the Hadiths does it say that a man should guard his private parts or abstain from sex in the absence of their wives. A man can even engage in sexual intercourse with young boys/men without much rebuke from Allah. This is supported by the verses stated below:
4. (Koran 4:15) If two men among you commit indecency (sodomy) punish them both. If they repent and mend their ways, let them be. Allah is forgiving and merciful.
5. (Koran 4:16) If any one of your women is guilty of lewdness ...confine them until death claims them.
As you can see, for women any sort of sexual exploration is punishable by death. Whereas for a man, any form of perversion is pardoned by the all merciful Allah. Such fairness can only be found in the "holiest of the holiest books", the Koran.
6. (Koran 4:34) ...As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds and BEAT THEM...
Mohammed was an old perverted nutcase. He was so insecure about himself that he thought that showing physical prowess over women would serve as a reminder to him of his manliness. Thus, he encouraged wife beating! In Islam equality between a man and a woman is a far cry. A man needs only to be suspicious to justify the bestial act of beating his wife.
7. (Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 215) Omar reported from the Holy Prophet who said, "No man shall be questioned for beating his wife."
In the very next Hadith a woman complained to Mohammed that her husband beat her while she prayed. Mohammed told her to change her time of prayer or pray shorter prayers so that her husband could get on with the joy of beating her. (Reported by Abu Sayeed al-Kodri, Attest by Abu Daud)
Could Mohammed degrade women any further? If you are asking yourself this question then surprisingly you have not yet grasped the true nature of this "great Prophet" . He allowed the utterly inhuman practice of circumcision for females. In this type of circumcision a girl's clitoris is carved away, so that she may never experience climax during sexual intercourse and her vulva is sewn shut until it is cut open at the time of marriage! Such "great" practices can only be sactioned by Islam-- the religion for all women to embrace!
Simply Put: Islam is something evil, very evil. Islam & Hazrat Mohammad, pose a severe threat to the whole world.
Surinder Paul Attri
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Six Million African Muslims Convert to Christianity Each Year Al-Jazeerah Website
Dear Hindus:
I fell down a flight of stairs and quoted a lower number. The actual number of African Moslem-Convertees is six million, and not 5 million, as I reported earlier. The report below explains what is happening to Mean-Moslems.
Surinder Paul Attri
Six Million African Muslims Convert to Christianity Each Year
Al-Jazeerah Website
Synopsis from The American Thinker by James M. Arlandson.
This translation of a televised conversation reveals a rare glimpse into the outlook of Muslim scholars who are concerned about Christianity’s growth. The invited guest is Sheikh Ahmad Al Katani; the president of The Companions Lighthouse for the Science of Islamic Law in Libya, which is an institution specializing in graduating imams and Islamic preachers.
Katani starts off describing the overall problem:
Islam used to represent, as you previously mentioned, Africa’s main religion and there were 30 African languages that used to be written in Arabic script. The number of Muslims in Africa has diminished to 316 million, half of whom are Arabs in North Africa. So in the section of Africa that we are talking about, the non Arab section, the number of Muslims does not exceed 150 million people. When we realize that the entire population of Africa is one billion people, we see that the number of Muslims has diminished greatly from what it was in the beginning of the last century. On the other hand, the number of Catholics has increased from one million in 1902 to 329 million 882 thousand (329,882,000). Let us round off that number to 330 million in the year 2000.
As to how that happened, well there are now 1.5 million churches whose congregations account for 46 million people. In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Ever year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity. These numbers are very large indeed.
From what I have heard from reliable sources, six million may be too low. Reliable accounts say that one hundred thousand Africans convert to Christianity per day, though not all of them come from Islam. Then Katani says Muslims should build schools before mosques, in order to build the worshipper (Muslim) before the building. Why? To stop the the dangerous “Christian missionary octopus”
This happens often! The wealthy Arab builds a mosque for himself or one of his parents of his friend, but my dear sir, building a mosque comes as a second stage. In America, the price of building an Islamic school is 5 million dollars. In Africa, 50 thousand dollars are enough to build a very reasonably sized school. I say this and I take full responsibility for it; building a school comes before building a mosque. Build the worshiper before you build the mosque. Take for example yourself; you go to the mosque five times a day and if you added all that time it would equal an hour or maybe two hours if you include the Friday prayer. However, if I ask you how long you stayed at school, you will reply that you spent years in middle school and years in high school. Likewise the African goes to the mosque, but if we built him a school where he could spend most of his time, and provided specialized educators we could at least stop this dangerous Christian missionary octopus.
Katani states the purpose of his school:
The truth is, the institution that I administer is considered pre-college. As for the subject of attracting and preparing specialized missionaries to bring them from their countries to Libya in order to train them and return them back to their countries, that is done through the Islamic Propagation Organization. This organization has graduated a number of classes, some of whose students had masters and doctorate degrees. These efforts were fruitful in that these graduates were able to attract people from their lands and countries because they spoke the language and understood the customs of the people they were proselytizing. This way, the missionary is not a foreigner to the community he is working with, contrast that to what would happen if I went to the Philippines for example. I can’t speak a single Philippino word; much less invite people to the faith.
By now other Muslim leaders have joined in. Abbas Hamid lives in Holland, and he deplores the un-Islamic way of life:
My brother may Allah reward you. We muslims in Holland suffer a lot when we see issues like this and we really suffer when we see a muslim, as the sheikh said, who spends millions in bars and entertainment while other muslims are lost and cannot find a translation of the Koran. Even their children who are able to learn cannot memorize the Koran, they can’t find a translated Koran or even any translated book. The first thing we must do is mend our selves; the Islamic countries must fix themselves first and then they can look at Africa. May Allah reward you and this issue is interesting.
Later, an Arabic-speaking Christian discusses how Islam must preach peace and love. No one denies, as none of the Muslim scholars do, that a religion has the right to spread his faith (except in hard line Islamic countries), but these leaders seem panicky. They express frustration at Islam’s disorganized efforts to maintain Africa. But this one idea eludes them: Islam itself is the problem because it is a burdensome and harsh religion. This is apparent when one Muslim scholar talks about implementing Shari’ah as if it is self-evident that it benefits society.
The whole conversation is fascinating. We must educate ourselves about Islam, and with the worldwide web, we have unprecedented opportunities.
I fell down a flight of stairs and quoted a lower number. The actual number of African Moslem-Convertees is six million, and not 5 million, as I reported earlier. The report below explains what is happening to Mean-Moslems.
Surinder Paul Attri
Six Million African Muslims Convert to Christianity Each Year
Al-Jazeerah Website
Synopsis from The American Thinker by James M. Arlandson.
This translation of a televised conversation reveals a rare glimpse into the outlook of Muslim scholars who are concerned about Christianity’s growth. The invited guest is Sheikh Ahmad Al Katani; the president of The Companions Lighthouse for the Science of Islamic Law in Libya, which is an institution specializing in graduating imams and Islamic preachers.
Katani starts off describing the overall problem:
Islam used to represent, as you previously mentioned, Africa’s main religion and there were 30 African languages that used to be written in Arabic script. The number of Muslims in Africa has diminished to 316 million, half of whom are Arabs in North Africa. So in the section of Africa that we are talking about, the non Arab section, the number of Muslims does not exceed 150 million people. When we realize that the entire population of Africa is one billion people, we see that the number of Muslims has diminished greatly from what it was in the beginning of the last century. On the other hand, the number of Catholics has increased from one million in 1902 to 329 million 882 thousand (329,882,000). Let us round off that number to 330 million in the year 2000.
As to how that happened, well there are now 1.5 million churches whose congregations account for 46 million people. In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Ever year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity. These numbers are very large indeed.
From what I have heard from reliable sources, six million may be too low. Reliable accounts say that one hundred thousand Africans convert to Christianity per day, though not all of them come from Islam. Then Katani says Muslims should build schools before mosques, in order to build the worshipper (Muslim) before the building. Why? To stop the the dangerous “Christian missionary octopus”
This happens often! The wealthy Arab builds a mosque for himself or one of his parents of his friend, but my dear sir, building a mosque comes as a second stage. In America, the price of building an Islamic school is 5 million dollars. In Africa, 50 thousand dollars are enough to build a very reasonably sized school. I say this and I take full responsibility for it; building a school comes before building a mosque. Build the worshiper before you build the mosque. Take for example yourself; you go to the mosque five times a day and if you added all that time it would equal an hour or maybe two hours if you include the Friday prayer. However, if I ask you how long you stayed at school, you will reply that you spent years in middle school and years in high school. Likewise the African goes to the mosque, but if we built him a school where he could spend most of his time, and provided specialized educators we could at least stop this dangerous Christian missionary octopus.
Katani states the purpose of his school:
The truth is, the institution that I administer is considered pre-college. As for the subject of attracting and preparing specialized missionaries to bring them from their countries to Libya in order to train them and return them back to their countries, that is done through the Islamic Propagation Organization. This organization has graduated a number of classes, some of whose students had masters and doctorate degrees. These efforts were fruitful in that these graduates were able to attract people from their lands and countries because they spoke the language and understood the customs of the people they were proselytizing. This way, the missionary is not a foreigner to the community he is working with, contrast that to what would happen if I went to the Philippines for example. I can’t speak a single Philippino word; much less invite people to the faith.
By now other Muslim leaders have joined in. Abbas Hamid lives in Holland, and he deplores the un-Islamic way of life:
My brother may Allah reward you. We muslims in Holland suffer a lot when we see issues like this and we really suffer when we see a muslim, as the sheikh said, who spends millions in bars and entertainment while other muslims are lost and cannot find a translation of the Koran. Even their children who are able to learn cannot memorize the Koran, they can’t find a translated Koran or even any translated book. The first thing we must do is mend our selves; the Islamic countries must fix themselves first and then they can look at Africa. May Allah reward you and this issue is interesting.
Later, an Arabic-speaking Christian discusses how Islam must preach peace and love. No one denies, as none of the Muslim scholars do, that a religion has the right to spread his faith (except in hard line Islamic countries), but these leaders seem panicky. They express frustration at Islam’s disorganized efforts to maintain Africa. But this one idea eludes them: Islam itself is the problem because it is a burdensome and harsh religion. This is apparent when one Muslim scholar talks about implementing Shari’ah as if it is self-evident that it benefits society.
The whole conversation is fascinating. We must educate ourselves about Islam, and with the worldwide web, we have unprecedented opportunities.
Monday, March 8, 2010
By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. Is Islam going to take over Europe in a few more decades, as predicted by Col. Gaddafi of Libya ? Is Islam going to steal this kind of quick march, all across Europe ? Is Europe going to be a blazing-wreck ? Does Europe have only a brief period more of rejoicing ?
The fear of this kind of potential " luck to be ," is stretching across Europe, and counter-forces have begun to kick in.
2. A Dutch politician, Geert Wilders released his film named FITNA ( Anti-Islamic movie ) about two years ago. Since that event, his popularity has been taking wings. There is no gimmick or catch in statements of Geert Wilders. He does not dodge but puts it straight out, that he wants to ban the Quran & Impose a tax on headscarves.
3. Some months ago, Geert was denied entry into Britain, stating that UK considers him a threat to the interests of the British society. As a consequence of this incident, however, his poll rating went up substantially. He still gets plenty of death-threats on a regular basis, from furious & fanatic Moslems, but a lot of Non-Moslem Dutch have begun to agree with him, and see lot of sense in what he is saying that:
" You see danger, before danger sees you. "
4. As it turned out, UK reversed its stand after a few months, & admitted Geert Wilders into Britain. As anticipated, a group of burnt-up Moslems were standing, in anticipation of his arrival, in front of the Parliament building. They shouted:
" Wilders, go to Hell."
They carried signs, saying:
" Islam will rule the world. "
5. Standing nearby, the reporters asked:
Mr. Wilders: Why do you want to ban the Quran ? Do you want to ban the Bible too ?
Wilders answered: Islam is Not a religion, but a fascist-ideology, and Quran is no different from Hitler's Mein Kampf. If Mein Kampf can be banned, then so can Quran, and it ought to be banned similarly. For good measure, Geert added Winston Churchill, who composed the same comparison.
6. Wilders says intrepidly that:
a. Dutch culture is better than that of the Moslems
b There is an Islamic invasion of Europe, unhidden & underway, at this time.
c. Moslems are spinning Europe into an Arab colony
d. Moslems pollute public space with their headscarves, their beards of hate, their burqas, & their mosques.
e. Wilders uses expressions such as " Moroccan Street Terrorists, " and " Islamization-Tsunami ."
f. Wilders says that he wants to " recapture " Netherland from the hands of Islamicists, street-by-street, and neighborhood-by-neighborhood.
7. Geert Wilders is a Dutch politician, but he wants to get a move on in Europe. He gets abundant death-threats. Any body who wants to meet with him, has to pass through X-Ray machines, as well as security check-points. He has been under police protection, for the last five years. He was the target of 303 death-threats out of a total of 424 death-threats, made against all Dutch politicians, last year.
FITNA, his Anti-Islamic film, was released in 2008, In 2009, he received the, Florida Security Council's Free Speech Award, and American Freedom Alliance's Hero Of Conscience Award.
8. This is Wilders success story. His party ( PVV ) has been leading in the polls for months, and he is featured on the cover page of several newspapers every day. On the Internet, every headline about Wilders, gets three times as many clicks, as other politicians. Wilders might well be un-stoppable. He certainly has a chance of becoming the Prime Minister of Netherland in 2011.
9. Geert Wilders: Keep the heat on !
Surinder Paul Attri
By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. Is Islam going to take over Europe in a few more decades, as predicted by Col. Gaddafi of Libya ? Is Islam going to steal this kind of quick march, all across Europe ? Is Europe going to be a blazing-wreck ? Does Europe have only a brief period more of rejoicing ?
The fear of this kind of potential " luck to be ," is stretching across Europe, and counter-forces have begun to kick in.
2. A Dutch politician, Geert Wilders released his film named FITNA ( Anti-Islamic movie ) about two years ago. Since that event, his popularity has been taking wings. There is no gimmick or catch in statements of Geert Wilders. He does not dodge but puts it straight out, that he wants to ban the Quran & Impose a tax on headscarves.
3. Some months ago, Geert was denied entry into Britain, stating that UK considers him a threat to the interests of the British society. As a consequence of this incident, however, his poll rating went up substantially. He still gets plenty of death-threats on a regular basis, from furious & fanatic Moslems, but a lot of Non-Moslem Dutch have begun to agree with him, and see lot of sense in what he is saying that:
" You see danger, before danger sees you. "
4. As it turned out, UK reversed its stand after a few months, & admitted Geert Wilders into Britain. As anticipated, a group of burnt-up Moslems were standing, in anticipation of his arrival, in front of the Parliament building. They shouted:
" Wilders, go to Hell."
They carried signs, saying:
" Islam will rule the world. "
5. Standing nearby, the reporters asked:
Mr. Wilders: Why do you want to ban the Quran ? Do you want to ban the Bible too ?
Wilders answered: Islam is Not a religion, but a fascist-ideology, and Quran is no different from Hitler's Mein Kampf. If Mein Kampf can be banned, then so can Quran, and it ought to be banned similarly. For good measure, Geert added Winston Churchill, who composed the same comparison.
6. Wilders says intrepidly that:
a. Dutch culture is better than that of the Moslems
b There is an Islamic invasion of Europe, unhidden & underway, at this time.
c. Moslems are spinning Europe into an Arab colony
d. Moslems pollute public space with their headscarves, their beards of hate, their burqas, & their mosques.
e. Wilders uses expressions such as " Moroccan Street Terrorists, " and " Islamization-Tsunami ."
f. Wilders says that he wants to " recapture " Netherland from the hands of Islamicists, street-by-street, and neighborhood-by-neighborhood.
7. Geert Wilders is a Dutch politician, but he wants to get a move on in Europe. He gets abundant death-threats. Any body who wants to meet with him, has to pass through X-Ray machines, as well as security check-points. He has been under police protection, for the last five years. He was the target of 303 death-threats out of a total of 424 death-threats, made against all Dutch politicians, last year.
FITNA, his Anti-Islamic film, was released in 2008, In 2009, he received the, Florida Security Council's Free Speech Award, and American Freedom Alliance's Hero Of Conscience Award.
8. This is Wilders success story. His party ( PVV ) has been leading in the polls for months, and he is featured on the cover page of several newspapers every day. On the Internet, every headline about Wilders, gets three times as many clicks, as other politicians. Wilders might well be un-stoppable. He certainly has a chance of becoming the Prime Minister of Netherland in 2011.
9. Geert Wilders: Keep the heat on !
Surinder Paul Attri
Friday, March 5, 2010
The violence and cruelty of Arabs often perplexes Westerners.
1. The violence and cruelty of Arabs often perplexes Westerners.
Not only does the leader of Hizbullah proclaim "We love death," but so too does, for example, a 24-year-old man who last month yelled "We love death more than you love life" as he crashed his car on the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge in New York City. As two parents in St. Louis honor-killed their teenage daughter with thirteen stabs of a butcher's knife, the Palestinian father shouted "Die! Die quickly! Die quickly! . . . Quiet, little one! Die, my daughter, die!" – and the local Arab community supported them against murder charges. A prince from Abu Dhabi recently tortured a grain dealer whom he accused of fraud; despite a video of the atrocity appearing on television internationally, the prince was acquitted while his accusers were convicted.
2. My Take:
It may be perplexing to Westerners, but it is Islam in the purest sense, ready to blast the hell out of Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). According to Quran, Islam is the only true way of life ( the rest is fake ), as it has been prescribed jointly by Allah & Hazrat Mohammad. This is the way of Allah, for which the Moslems kill & get killed.
3. Islam is the best religion, according to Quran. Those who ignore the loving approach of Islam, incur the apostolic-wrath & the wrath of Allh. The acquittal of the prince, and conviction of accusers, in the above story, is pure & just by Sharia. A person cannot be a Moslem, without believing in Allah, Mohammad, & Sharia.
4. Islam is the biggest calamity that has fallen, or could have fallen on Kafirs. Yet, the proponents of Islam believe, and they want Non-Moslem Kafirs to believe that:
" Islam is a religion of Peace, Love, and Brotherhood. "
This is a " cock-and-bull story " and a " bull-sh** claim " that has been presented as a fact, with un-paralleled skill & imaginative literary words. It is a myth of monstrous proportions, because Hatred of Kafirs, is the biggest-pillar of Islam. If Moslems are really honest, they must not conceal the salient point of Quran, that:
" Kafirs are the enemies of Allah & denizens of Hell. "
5. Islam, as an ideology ( mis-construed as a religion ) is an expression of man's aggressive behavior.
Islam claims that world has been created by Allah ( who loves to be worshipped ), who revealed his will through his messenger Hazrat Mohammad. It was Allah who made laws & gave Mohammad instructions regarding government & morality, how people should walk, talk, eat, drink etc etc. This is the only true way of life, all else is fake. These are the legal decisions of Allah & the cornerstone of Islam.
6. Actually, these are man-made ( Mohammad-Made ) decisions & laws,maintained masterfully by Mohammad, in the cloak of revelation. It is Mohammad who wants to be worshipped as Allah, without being called so.
Mohammad wanted to maintain his dominant position, and spread his name. As a prophet mediating between Allah ( God ) and man, he gave his fictional story a supernatural character, and used this device, as a tool of dominance. But this dominance is Not possible without warfare. So Mohammad subjected his Moslems to severe military discipline, toughened & trained them, to act in a certain way, as a gang of fanatics, as followers of Islam.
7. The concept of dominance governed the entire life of Mohammad. But he did not want his urge of dominance to die with him, but to continue beyond his grave. So he declared that, he was the last prophet and any one coming after him, and declaring himself to be God's apostle, would be an imposter. For the same and similar reasons, Mohammad declared that, worshipping others with Allah ( called " Shirk " in Islam ), is an unpardonable sin.
8. Mohammad was surely capable of imagining such stories, to convert his humanity ( a mortal being ) into divinity, to make himself grow stronger & dominant. And Quran declares Mohammad as the model of behavior.
Truly, this is the world of Islam.
Surinder Paul Attri
Not only does the leader of Hizbullah proclaim "We love death," but so too does, for example, a 24-year-old man who last month yelled "We love death more than you love life" as he crashed his car on the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge in New York City. As two parents in St. Louis honor-killed their teenage daughter with thirteen stabs of a butcher's knife, the Palestinian father shouted "Die! Die quickly! Die quickly! . . . Quiet, little one! Die, my daughter, die!" – and the local Arab community supported them against murder charges. A prince from Abu Dhabi recently tortured a grain dealer whom he accused of fraud; despite a video of the atrocity appearing on television internationally, the prince was acquitted while his accusers were convicted.
2. My Take:
It may be perplexing to Westerners, but it is Islam in the purest sense, ready to blast the hell out of Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). According to Quran, Islam is the only true way of life ( the rest is fake ), as it has been prescribed jointly by Allah & Hazrat Mohammad. This is the way of Allah, for which the Moslems kill & get killed.
3. Islam is the best religion, according to Quran. Those who ignore the loving approach of Islam, incur the apostolic-wrath & the wrath of Allh. The acquittal of the prince, and conviction of accusers, in the above story, is pure & just by Sharia. A person cannot be a Moslem, without believing in Allah, Mohammad, & Sharia.
4. Islam is the biggest calamity that has fallen, or could have fallen on Kafirs. Yet, the proponents of Islam believe, and they want Non-Moslem Kafirs to believe that:
" Islam is a religion of Peace, Love, and Brotherhood. "
This is a " cock-and-bull story " and a " bull-sh** claim " that has been presented as a fact, with un-paralleled skill & imaginative literary words. It is a myth of monstrous proportions, because Hatred of Kafirs, is the biggest-pillar of Islam. If Moslems are really honest, they must not conceal the salient point of Quran, that:
" Kafirs are the enemies of Allah & denizens of Hell. "
5. Islam, as an ideology ( mis-construed as a religion ) is an expression of man's aggressive behavior.
Islam claims that world has been created by Allah ( who loves to be worshipped ), who revealed his will through his messenger Hazrat Mohammad. It was Allah who made laws & gave Mohammad instructions regarding government & morality, how people should walk, talk, eat, drink etc etc. This is the only true way of life, all else is fake. These are the legal decisions of Allah & the cornerstone of Islam.
6. Actually, these are man-made ( Mohammad-Made ) decisions & laws,maintained masterfully by Mohammad, in the cloak of revelation. It is Mohammad who wants to be worshipped as Allah, without being called so.
Mohammad wanted to maintain his dominant position, and spread his name. As a prophet mediating between Allah ( God ) and man, he gave his fictional story a supernatural character, and used this device, as a tool of dominance. But this dominance is Not possible without warfare. So Mohammad subjected his Moslems to severe military discipline, toughened & trained them, to act in a certain way, as a gang of fanatics, as followers of Islam.
7. The concept of dominance governed the entire life of Mohammad. But he did not want his urge of dominance to die with him, but to continue beyond his grave. So he declared that, he was the last prophet and any one coming after him, and declaring himself to be God's apostle, would be an imposter. For the same and similar reasons, Mohammad declared that, worshipping others with Allah ( called " Shirk " in Islam ), is an unpardonable sin.
8. Mohammad was surely capable of imagining such stories, to convert his humanity ( a mortal being ) into divinity, to make himself grow stronger & dominant. And Quran declares Mohammad as the model of behavior.
Truly, this is the world of Islam.
Surinder Paul Attri
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Dear Surinder Ji
Shashi Tharoor could not have said all this entirely on his own because he was accompanying the P.M. to Saudi Arabia.
I suspect he was used as a tool to float this wonky idea as a trial baloon. Perhaps a sell out of Kashmir is on cards
2. My Take: Shri Ohri Jee:
I believe you are right.
Shashi Tharoor is Not the boss, he is a Flunkey, and was tagging along with the boss ( the PM ) to Saudi Arabia.
3. Regarding Sell-Out of Kashmir: Your are right again.
As a consequence of our obedience to Phoney-Liberalism, Pakistan may capture on the table, what it has failed to grab militarily in the field, for over 60 years.
4. Both Shashi Tharoor & Dr. Manmohan Singh, are masters of Phoney-LIberalism. Appeasement of Pakistan and showering of privileges on the minorities ( Moslems & Christians ) and none on the Majority-Hindu, are both Phoney-Liberalism.
5. In my book, this a lousy-principle. Reason: Moslem is a Parasite on the Hindu. Hindu earns & Moslem eats. It is a gargantuan-harvest of Phoney-Liberalism.
6. Hell with Phoney-Liberalism !
Surinder Paul Attri
Dear Surinder Ji
Shashi Tharoor could not have said all this entirely on his own because he was accompanying the P.M. to Saudi Arabia.
I suspect he was used as a tool to float this wonky idea as a trial baloon. Perhaps a sell out of Kashmir is on cards
2. My Take: Shri Ohri Jee:
I believe you are right.
Shashi Tharoor is Not the boss, he is a Flunkey, and was tagging along with the boss ( the PM ) to Saudi Arabia.
3. Regarding Sell-Out of Kashmir: Your are right again.
As a consequence of our obedience to Phoney-Liberalism, Pakistan may capture on the table, what it has failed to grab militarily in the field, for over 60 years.
4. Both Shashi Tharoor & Dr. Manmohan Singh, are masters of Phoney-LIberalism. Appeasement of Pakistan and showering of privileges on the minorities ( Moslems & Christians ) and none on the Majority-Hindu, are both Phoney-Liberalism.
5. In my book, this a lousy-principle. Reason: Moslem is a Parasite on the Hindu. Hindu earns & Moslem eats. It is a gargantuan-harvest of Phoney-Liberalism.
6. Hell with Phoney-Liberalism !
Surinder Paul Attri
Dear Surinder Ji
Shashi Tharoor could not have said all this entirely on his own because he was accompanying the P.M. to Saudi Arabia.
I suspect he was used as a tool to float this wonky idea as a trial baloon. Perhaps a sell out of Kashmir is on cards
2. My Take: Shri Ohri Jee:
I believe you are right.
Shashi Tharoor is Not the boss, he is a Flunkey, and was tagging along with the boss ( the PM ) to Saudi Arabia.
3. Regarding Sell-Out of Kashmir: Your are right again.
As a consequence of our obedience to Phoney-Liberalism, Pakistan may capture on the table, what it has failed to grab militarily in the field, for over 60 years.
4. Both Shashi Tharoor & Dr. Manmohan Singh, are masters of Phoney-LIberalism. Appeasement of Pakistan and showering of privileges on the minorities ( Moslems & Christians ) and none on the Majority-Hindu, are both Phoney-Liberalism.
5. In my book, this a lousy-principle. Reason: Moslem is a Parasite on the Hindu. Hindu earns & Moslem eats. It is a gargantuan-harvest of Phoney-Liberalism.
6. Hell with Phoney-Liberalism !
Surinder Paul Attri
Dear Surinder Ji
Shashi Tharoor could not have said all this entirely on his own because he was accompanying the P.M. to Saudi Arabia.
I suspect he was used as a tool to float this wonky idea as a trial baloon. Perhaps a sell out of Kashmir is on cards
2. My Take: Shri Ohri Jee:
I believe you are right.
Shashi Tharoor is Not the boss, he is a Flunkey, and was tagging along with the boss ( the PM ) to Saudi Arabia.
3. Regarding Sell-Out of Kashmir: Your are right again.
As a consequence of our obedience to Phoney-Liberalism, Pakistan may capture on the table, what it has failed to grab militarily in the field, for over 60 years.
4. Both Shashi Tharoor & Dr. Manmohan Singh, are masters of Phoney-LIberalism. Appeasement of Pakistan and showering of privileges on the minorities ( Moslems & Christians ) and none on the Majority-Hindu, are both Phoney-Liberalism.
5. In my book, this a lousy-principle. Reason: Moslem is a Parasite on the Hindu. Hindu earns & Moslem eats. It is a gargantuan-harvest of Phoney-Liberalism.
6. Hell with Phoney-Liberalism !
Surinder Paul Attri
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Pakistan can never be India’s friend
1. Pakistan can never be India’s friend
Ravinder Raj
Union Home Minister P Chidambaram’s disgust for Pakistan’s hypocritical ways requires supplementation. As one of the surviving member of an ever-diminishing generation with pre-partition experience, I recall those days in 1947 when a few Muslim children below 16 years of age repeatedly raised two slogans during street processions in Lahore: Hans ke liya Pakistan, ab ladh ke lenge Hindustan. I am pretty sure that those boys must have grown up to be important people within the Pakistani establishment. I am sure that they were behind the Kargil infiltrations and had a hand in all the terror attacks in India till date, including the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai.
The Indian security apparatus should become more efficient in tackling terrorism. This can be achieved through superior intelligence gathering and prompt remedial measures. Our leadership must follow Chanakya’s doctrine of ‘tit for tat’ in dealing with Pakistan. The Government must become more proactive in cracking down on extremists and their supporters. Simultaneously, it must pursue policies to internationally isolate Pakistan. Also, the Government will do well to win over members of the Muslim community to act as agents of the state to check the spread of the jihadi activities. They could promptly report suspicious events and thereby act as eyes and ears of the Government.
There is no denying that constant vigilance should be our credo. For, our enemy is constantly thinking of ways to ‘bleed us dry with a thousand cuts’. No matter how much it tries to deny it, the Pakistani state machinery continues to think of innovative ways to fund terrorism, and use its strategic assets in the form of jihadi terror groups to subvert India’s interests at every turn. We must be watchful of developments in Afghanistan as that country has great strategic significance for us. Islamabad will try its utmost best to use the Taliban against India.
But most important, we must guard ourselves against Pakistan’s dirty tricks to diplomatically corner us. We cannot let another Sharm el-Sheikh take place.
2. My Take:
Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) of the world have suffered more from Islam, than from any other calamity on earth. Hazrat Mohammad has divided humanity into two classes: Moslems & Non-Moslem Infidels ( Kafirs ). According to Mohammad's categorization, Moslems are the superior people and the rulers & Kafirs ( the inferior people ) are to be ruled by Moslems, through the yoke of Islam. Mohammad has raised the status of Moslems sky-high, because of what he calls the fundamental superiority of Islam. To the Moslems,Mohammad's categorization looks marvellous & mystifying, because it runs down the others, the Kafirs, and because they ( the Moslems ) would be rewarded in Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ), according to this categorization, by Allah & by Mohammad.
3. The superiority of Moslem, of his Islam, the rewards of Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ), and the intercessionary powers of the Prophet, promised by Islam, are illusory, delusive, and psychologically paralysing, to the Moslem as well as to the Kafirs. But the belief in them takes hold, and succeeds in brainwashing the Moslems, who go out to destroy the great nations & cultures of the Non-Moslem world, making Islam a barbaric cult of gigantic proportions. But an average Moslem is not terribly concerned with adherence to truth about Islam. He diligently believes the propaganda fed to him by Mullahs & Maulvies that, Islam is a religion of peace, love, and brotherhood.
4. But the Islamic love of mankind is a hypocrisy & myth, of even greater proportions. Kafir-Hatred ( hatred of Non-Moslems ) is at the very heart of Islam, and has been the biggest pillar of Islam's existence, from day one of Islam. Islam blatantly declares that Kafirs are denizens of Hell, and seeks to ignite a permanent war, between the Moslems & the Non-Moslems. The teachings of Islam have sparked a sense of Islamic superiority among Moslems, and set them on course to, bruise, batter, and brutalize Kafir nations of the world, to convert them to Islam.
5. Moslem has been brainwashed through the teachings of Islam, that salvation is not possible unless people follow the prophet of Islam, who is Allah's messenger. It was Allah who made the laws, who revealed these to Mohammad & gave him instructions regarding government & morality. It is Islamic principle that government belongs to Allah, and must be conducted according to His laws. This is the cornerstone of a Moslem's actions.
6. Note The Islamic teachings, attributes, and methods are Not even remotely similar to the tolerant, secular, and democratic culture of India. Islamic culture is the very anti-thesis of everything that India stands for. Moslems are firmly committed to Islam, and have no recourse other than to overthrow all governments that, do not rest on pure Islamic principles, and hence are corrupt. It is, therefore, the job of a Moslem to tear down the traitorous, rotten, and unjust culture of the Kafirs. This is the duty of every Moslem in the world. Moslems have no alternative but to engage in an armed holy war against the profane Kafir governments of the world.
7. With these kinds of fundamental beliefs of Moslems, who constitue the majority of people that inhabit Pakistan, how can there be ever any friendship between Pakistan & India ?
Surinder Paul Attri
Ravinder Raj
Union Home Minister P Chidambaram’s disgust for Pakistan’s hypocritical ways requires supplementation. As one of the surviving member of an ever-diminishing generation with pre-partition experience, I recall those days in 1947 when a few Muslim children below 16 years of age repeatedly raised two slogans during street processions in Lahore: Hans ke liya Pakistan, ab ladh ke lenge Hindustan. I am pretty sure that those boys must have grown up to be important people within the Pakistani establishment. I am sure that they were behind the Kargil infiltrations and had a hand in all the terror attacks in India till date, including the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai.
The Indian security apparatus should become more efficient in tackling terrorism. This can be achieved through superior intelligence gathering and prompt remedial measures. Our leadership must follow Chanakya’s doctrine of ‘tit for tat’ in dealing with Pakistan. The Government must become more proactive in cracking down on extremists and their supporters. Simultaneously, it must pursue policies to internationally isolate Pakistan. Also, the Government will do well to win over members of the Muslim community to act as agents of the state to check the spread of the jihadi activities. They could promptly report suspicious events and thereby act as eyes and ears of the Government.
There is no denying that constant vigilance should be our credo. For, our enemy is constantly thinking of ways to ‘bleed us dry with a thousand cuts’. No matter how much it tries to deny it, the Pakistani state machinery continues to think of innovative ways to fund terrorism, and use its strategic assets in the form of jihadi terror groups to subvert India’s interests at every turn. We must be watchful of developments in Afghanistan as that country has great strategic significance for us. Islamabad will try its utmost best to use the Taliban against India.
But most important, we must guard ourselves against Pakistan’s dirty tricks to diplomatically corner us. We cannot let another Sharm el-Sheikh take place.
2. My Take:
Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) of the world have suffered more from Islam, than from any other calamity on earth. Hazrat Mohammad has divided humanity into two classes: Moslems & Non-Moslem Infidels ( Kafirs ). According to Mohammad's categorization, Moslems are the superior people and the rulers & Kafirs ( the inferior people ) are to be ruled by Moslems, through the yoke of Islam. Mohammad has raised the status of Moslems sky-high, because of what he calls the fundamental superiority of Islam. To the Moslems,Mohammad's categorization looks marvellous & mystifying, because it runs down the others, the Kafirs, and because they ( the Moslems ) would be rewarded in Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ), according to this categorization, by Allah & by Mohammad.
3. The superiority of Moslem, of his Islam, the rewards of Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ), and the intercessionary powers of the Prophet, promised by Islam, are illusory, delusive, and psychologically paralysing, to the Moslem as well as to the Kafirs. But the belief in them takes hold, and succeeds in brainwashing the Moslems, who go out to destroy the great nations & cultures of the Non-Moslem world, making Islam a barbaric cult of gigantic proportions. But an average Moslem is not terribly concerned with adherence to truth about Islam. He diligently believes the propaganda fed to him by Mullahs & Maulvies that, Islam is a religion of peace, love, and brotherhood.
4. But the Islamic love of mankind is a hypocrisy & myth, of even greater proportions. Kafir-Hatred ( hatred of Non-Moslems ) is at the very heart of Islam, and has been the biggest pillar of Islam's existence, from day one of Islam. Islam blatantly declares that Kafirs are denizens of Hell, and seeks to ignite a permanent war, between the Moslems & the Non-Moslems. The teachings of Islam have sparked a sense of Islamic superiority among Moslems, and set them on course to, bruise, batter, and brutalize Kafir nations of the world, to convert them to Islam.
5. Moslem has been brainwashed through the teachings of Islam, that salvation is not possible unless people follow the prophet of Islam, who is Allah's messenger. It was Allah who made the laws, who revealed these to Mohammad & gave him instructions regarding government & morality. It is Islamic principle that government belongs to Allah, and must be conducted according to His laws. This is the cornerstone of a Moslem's actions.
6. Note The Islamic teachings, attributes, and methods are Not even remotely similar to the tolerant, secular, and democratic culture of India. Islamic culture is the very anti-thesis of everything that India stands for. Moslems are firmly committed to Islam, and have no recourse other than to overthrow all governments that, do not rest on pure Islamic principles, and hence are corrupt. It is, therefore, the job of a Moslem to tear down the traitorous, rotten, and unjust culture of the Kafirs. This is the duty of every Moslem in the world. Moslems have no alternative but to engage in an armed holy war against the profane Kafir governments of the world.
7. With these kinds of fundamental beliefs of Moslems, who constitue the majority of people that inhabit Pakistan, how can there be ever any friendship between Pakistan & India ?
Surinder Paul Attri
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Muslims need to introspect
1. Muslims need to introspect
Balbir K Punj
The beheading of two Sikh hostages by the Pakistani Taliban who, it is said, still hold three more Sikhs captive, represents a problem not just for India but for the entire civilised world. Meanwhile, Pakistan is in no mood to take responsibility for the crime and go after the perpetrators as it continues to maintain that the beheadings were carried out by those outside the Pakistani state apparatus. It is appalling that secular apologists and peaceniks in India as well as the Muslim leadership here are silent on this brutality.
According to reports, the brutal beheadings followed the refusal of the Sikh victims to accept the religion of their captors in lieu of failing to pay a religious tax or jizya. If this is true, then there is great urgency for the leaders of Islam to clarify their stand on non-Muslims.
The Constitution as well as the political practices in Pakistan and several other Muslim-majority countries treat non-Muslims as second-class citizens. The top political, civil and Army positions in these countries are reserved only for people belonging to the majority religion. Pakistan’s military dictatorships have built into the state system a close relationship between religion and policy-making. The bulk of the growing teenagers are exposed to a system of education — both in the madarsas and state run-institutions — wherein children are brainwashed to treat all religions except Islam as false and are told that it is perfectly normal to use violence to squeeze the minority out of their religious belief.
It was during the military dictatorship of Gen Zia-ul-Haq that the education and legal systems of Pakistan were totally Islamised. Even a full decade of civilian rule after that could not change the circumstances. Can the apologists in our country deny the fact that the Taliban who carry out brutal beheadings of those belonging to faiths other than Islam are the end products of a regime that legally prescribes death for the lightest slip of the tongue against any doctrine of the majority religion? Can they also deny that the very existence of such a state across the border is deeply influencing the Muslim orthodoxy here? Are we wrong in assuming that those young Muslims from this country who are sucked into joining the Pakistani Taliban and their ilk are motivated by the very same concepts that are hammered into them from childhood through madarsaeducation?
Political parties and leaders who talk of enacting laws to enable Islamic banking and Islamic personal laws, even though they do nothing to ensure gender quality enshrined in our Constitution, should examine whether their vote-bank politics is fuelling these separatist, Talibanistic attitudes among the Muslim population in this country.
Repeated exaggeration of past communal riots force the Muslim minority community to believe that the Indian state is against them when the fact is that the Muslim population in India has grown to over 15 crores from the time of partition while the religious minorities in Pakistan have shrunk to a mere marginal existence.
It would be suicidal for us to refuse to see the armed orthodoxy in Pakistan as different from the Pakistani state. The establishment in Islamabad often cites the fact that Pakistan is also a victim of terror attacks in order to earn the leniency of the international community. Yet it fails to come to terms with the growth of multiple armed Islamist groups or its hydra-headed consequences. Nor is Islamabad eager to take up the issue of cross-border terrorism emanating from its soil in discussions with New Delhi as is now evident from the recently-concluded Foreign Secretary-level talks between the two countries.
And this is Pakistan’s position not just with India; in talks with the Americans, Pakistan’s Army chief refused to re-start operations against the Taliban, let alone crack down on the safe heavens that the jihadis have made for themselves on the Pakistani side of the Durand Line. More dangerous for India is the other fact that the Army continues to be the real seat of power in Pakistan. Its use of the Islamic religious orthodoxy and jihadi terrorist groups against India is well documented. It would never agree to give up these strategic assets.
Pakistan’s real masters also derive strength from the fact that they have the support of other Islamic nations for using state power to sabotage the secular growth in countries that are not yet Islamic or sufficiently Islamic. The act of beheading is still part of the state power that many of these Islamic nations use to punish those considered to be deviants, who have strayed from the laws laid down by the holy books of Islam even by a centimetre. We regularly get reports from Saudi Arabia, Iran and other Islamic nations of publicly-conducted beheadings and incidents of stoning unto death as well as punishments that involve the amputation of the offender’s limbs — acts that all civilised countries throughout the world have long abolished.
The treatment meted out to the Pandits of the Kashmir Valley and the corresponding silence of the Muslim leadership on this injustice have not enabled the Muslim community to convince their Hindu neighbours that true secularism is inherent in the Islamic political doctrine. It is not only the condemnation of the beheadings of Sikhs in Pakistan that the international community is looking forward to. It is the total disavowal of the culture of violence that the civilised world would like to see emerge from the Muslim world. For this there needs to be a renaissance within the global Islamic community. There needs to be introspection and re-evaluation of Islamic values. Unless and until this happens, peace will remain elusive as the virus of jihad will continue to spread far and wide.
2. My Take:
It is not at all surprising that Paki-Talibans, went for the heads of three Kafir-Sikhs. It is not the first time that, such a thing has happened to a Kafir. Let us get down to the nuts & bolts of Islam. Islam. Islam teaches that Moslems must fight Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), Sikhs included. Islam states explicitly that Kafirs must be killed unless they, either convert to Islam or submit before the Islamic sword, and live as Zimmies, to acknowledge their inferiority & humiliation, through payment of Jaziyah. This approach appears grotesque & kooky to us Kafirs, but to a Moslem it becomes almost the joy of living. This ceremony of murder ( Kafir-Murder ), which Islam calls Jehad, is the fight in the way of Allah. A Moslem does not notice anything strange about this colossal-crime, because he is only eliminating the mortal enemies ( the hateful-Kafirs ) of Allah.
3. Jehad becomes obligatory on a Moslem, when Kafirs do not practice what Allah & Mohammad have prescribed as the proper way of life. From that point on, a Moslem has no sympathy for the Kafir, he expects only the worst for the Kafir, and makes the worst of things that should happen to a Kafir. And Jehad is all about massacre, Kafir-Massacre.
4. Jehad is also directly connected with Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ). A Moslem goes directly to Janat ( as a reward for engaging in Jehad ) where the Moslem gets the choicest-sex. Allah wouldn't dare refuse Janat-Entry to a Jehadi-Moslem. There is a binding contract between Allah & Moslems. Allah is bound by his Promise to offer Janat to a Moslem, provided he willingly kills & gets killed for Allah's pleasure. This promise is something very fundamental in Islam.
5. Because the three Sikhs described above, neither accepted Islam, nor did they agree to live as Zimmies by payment of Jaziyah, they ran out of the list of choices ( only two choices ), allowed to them by Islam. They are the casualty of Islam's Jehad, it is just that simple.
6. Yes, Moslems need to introspect, but Hindus also need to do some soul-searching. Are we Hindus going to play our centuries-old sucker game, of taking sh** from the Moslems, or devise some anti-jehad countermeasure, and kill the rattle-snake of Islam ?
7. Isn't it time for us Hindus, to use the Tit-For-Tat technique ?
Surinder Paul Attri
Balbir K Punj
The beheading of two Sikh hostages by the Pakistani Taliban who, it is said, still hold three more Sikhs captive, represents a problem not just for India but for the entire civilised world. Meanwhile, Pakistan is in no mood to take responsibility for the crime and go after the perpetrators as it continues to maintain that the beheadings were carried out by those outside the Pakistani state apparatus. It is appalling that secular apologists and peaceniks in India as well as the Muslim leadership here are silent on this brutality.
According to reports, the brutal beheadings followed the refusal of the Sikh victims to accept the religion of their captors in lieu of failing to pay a religious tax or jizya. If this is true, then there is great urgency for the leaders of Islam to clarify their stand on non-Muslims.
The Constitution as well as the political practices in Pakistan and several other Muslim-majority countries treat non-Muslims as second-class citizens. The top political, civil and Army positions in these countries are reserved only for people belonging to the majority religion. Pakistan’s military dictatorships have built into the state system a close relationship between religion and policy-making. The bulk of the growing teenagers are exposed to a system of education — both in the madarsas and state run-institutions — wherein children are brainwashed to treat all religions except Islam as false and are told that it is perfectly normal to use violence to squeeze the minority out of their religious belief.
It was during the military dictatorship of Gen Zia-ul-Haq that the education and legal systems of Pakistan were totally Islamised. Even a full decade of civilian rule after that could not change the circumstances. Can the apologists in our country deny the fact that the Taliban who carry out brutal beheadings of those belonging to faiths other than Islam are the end products of a regime that legally prescribes death for the lightest slip of the tongue against any doctrine of the majority religion? Can they also deny that the very existence of such a state across the border is deeply influencing the Muslim orthodoxy here? Are we wrong in assuming that those young Muslims from this country who are sucked into joining the Pakistani Taliban and their ilk are motivated by the very same concepts that are hammered into them from childhood through madarsaeducation?
Political parties and leaders who talk of enacting laws to enable Islamic banking and Islamic personal laws, even though they do nothing to ensure gender quality enshrined in our Constitution, should examine whether their vote-bank politics is fuelling these separatist, Talibanistic attitudes among the Muslim population in this country.
Repeated exaggeration of past communal riots force the Muslim minority community to believe that the Indian state is against them when the fact is that the Muslim population in India has grown to over 15 crores from the time of partition while the religious minorities in Pakistan have shrunk to a mere marginal existence.
It would be suicidal for us to refuse to see the armed orthodoxy in Pakistan as different from the Pakistani state. The establishment in Islamabad often cites the fact that Pakistan is also a victim of terror attacks in order to earn the leniency of the international community. Yet it fails to come to terms with the growth of multiple armed Islamist groups or its hydra-headed consequences. Nor is Islamabad eager to take up the issue of cross-border terrorism emanating from its soil in discussions with New Delhi as is now evident from the recently-concluded Foreign Secretary-level talks between the two countries.
And this is Pakistan’s position not just with India; in talks with the Americans, Pakistan’s Army chief refused to re-start operations against the Taliban, let alone crack down on the safe heavens that the jihadis have made for themselves on the Pakistani side of the Durand Line. More dangerous for India is the other fact that the Army continues to be the real seat of power in Pakistan. Its use of the Islamic religious orthodoxy and jihadi terrorist groups against India is well documented. It would never agree to give up these strategic assets.
Pakistan’s real masters also derive strength from the fact that they have the support of other Islamic nations for using state power to sabotage the secular growth in countries that are not yet Islamic or sufficiently Islamic. The act of beheading is still part of the state power that many of these Islamic nations use to punish those considered to be deviants, who have strayed from the laws laid down by the holy books of Islam even by a centimetre. We regularly get reports from Saudi Arabia, Iran and other Islamic nations of publicly-conducted beheadings and incidents of stoning unto death as well as punishments that involve the amputation of the offender’s limbs — acts that all civilised countries throughout the world have long abolished.
The treatment meted out to the Pandits of the Kashmir Valley and the corresponding silence of the Muslim leadership on this injustice have not enabled the Muslim community to convince their Hindu neighbours that true secularism is inherent in the Islamic political doctrine. It is not only the condemnation of the beheadings of Sikhs in Pakistan that the international community is looking forward to. It is the total disavowal of the culture of violence that the civilised world would like to see emerge from the Muslim world. For this there needs to be a renaissance within the global Islamic community. There needs to be introspection and re-evaluation of Islamic values. Unless and until this happens, peace will remain elusive as the virus of jihad will continue to spread far and wide.
2. My Take:
It is not at all surprising that Paki-Talibans, went for the heads of three Kafir-Sikhs. It is not the first time that, such a thing has happened to a Kafir. Let us get down to the nuts & bolts of Islam. Islam. Islam teaches that Moslems must fight Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), Sikhs included. Islam states explicitly that Kafirs must be killed unless they, either convert to Islam or submit before the Islamic sword, and live as Zimmies, to acknowledge their inferiority & humiliation, through payment of Jaziyah. This approach appears grotesque & kooky to us Kafirs, but to a Moslem it becomes almost the joy of living. This ceremony of murder ( Kafir-Murder ), which Islam calls Jehad, is the fight in the way of Allah. A Moslem does not notice anything strange about this colossal-crime, because he is only eliminating the mortal enemies ( the hateful-Kafirs ) of Allah.
3. Jehad becomes obligatory on a Moslem, when Kafirs do not practice what Allah & Mohammad have prescribed as the proper way of life. From that point on, a Moslem has no sympathy for the Kafir, he expects only the worst for the Kafir, and makes the worst of things that should happen to a Kafir. And Jehad is all about massacre, Kafir-Massacre.
4. Jehad is also directly connected with Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ). A Moslem goes directly to Janat ( as a reward for engaging in Jehad ) where the Moslem gets the choicest-sex. Allah wouldn't dare refuse Janat-Entry to a Jehadi-Moslem. There is a binding contract between Allah & Moslems. Allah is bound by his Promise to offer Janat to a Moslem, provided he willingly kills & gets killed for Allah's pleasure. This promise is something very fundamental in Islam.
5. Because the three Sikhs described above, neither accepted Islam, nor did they agree to live as Zimmies by payment of Jaziyah, they ran out of the list of choices ( only two choices ), allowed to them by Islam. They are the casualty of Islam's Jehad, it is just that simple.
6. Yes, Moslems need to introspect, but Hindus also need to do some soul-searching. Are we Hindus going to play our centuries-old sucker game, of taking sh** from the Moslems, or devise some anti-jehad countermeasure, and kill the rattle-snake of Islam ?
7. Isn't it time for us Hindus, to use the Tit-For-Tat technique ?
Surinder Paul Attri
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