Wednesday, March 31, 2010


By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. Jihad ( Holy War ) is the religious duty of Moslems, it appears frequently in Quran, and means fighting in Allah's way. From early age, through Quranic education, a Moslem gets taught that Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), refuse to obey Allah & acknowledge Mohammad as the last prophet of God ( Allah ). Because Islam does not recognize any God other than Allah any where, it conducts Jihad to eliminatede all Kafirs. Jihadic-Duty is " obligatory " on a Moslems, it is Islam's sixth pillar, and one of ten great Islamic duties.
Question: Is Islamic-Jihad defensive or offensive warfare ?
Neither Quran nor Sunna ( prophet's example ) answers this question. However in Islam, only form of warfare permitted is Jihadic-Warfare.
Still Islamic Clergy denies, that Jihad is war against Kafirs. This is a Lie, and ought to be taken, with a bucket of salt.
2. Quran explicitly states: Because Kafirs do not believe ( in Islam ), they are Infidels, and must be converted, murdered, or enslaved. That is why, Jihad aims at:
a. Extermination of Kufr, by converting Kafirs to Islam
b. Expansion of Islam
3. Excuses of Islamists are in abundance:
Some Islamists apologize for Islam by quoting some Hadiths, which talk about greater-Jihad ( spiritual-Jihad ) and lesser-Jihad ( physical-warfare ). But these Hadiths are considered un-authentic.
Other Islamists excuse Islam, by describing Jihad as struggle ( warfare ), to establish just & moral social order. Because in Islam, the only just & moral social order is Islam, all Kafir systems are on Islam's hit list, to be annihilated.
Hazrat Mohammad himself & his followers after him, conducted massive Jihadic wars, they forced Kafirs to convert to Islam. Because all Islamic-Jihad has been Jihad of the sword, excuses of Islamists do not pan out.
4. Hazrat Mohammad divided world into two groups :
a. Dar-Ul-Islam ( House of Peace: where Islam rules )
b. Dar-Ul-Harb ( House of War: where Kafirs rule )
Hazrat Mohammad proclaimed that, these two groups will war, until entire Dar-Ul-Harb converts to Islam. Jihadi-Moslems will receive rewards of both worlds---treasures in this one, and Janat ( Moslem's Paradise, with lots of Houris ) in the next.
These highly attractive rewards, have enabled Islam to recruit extremely large number of volunteers, ready to kill & get killed in the name of Allah.
5. Quran's specific admonitions to Moslems are:
a Fight in the name of Allah
b. Fight in the way of Allah
c. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah
d. Make it a Holy War
e Fight those who hold not-forbidden, which has been forbidden by Allah, and by the Messenger
f. Fight those who acknowledge not the religion of truth ( Islam )
g. Fight Kafirs, until they pay Jaziya with submission, and feel themselves subdued.
h. In war, a Moslem either becomes a Ghazi ( Soldier of Islam ) if he wins, or a Shaheed ( Martyr of Islam ) if he loses
6. To put it simply:
Jihad is all about murdering & mutilating Kafirs, and there is a Direct connection between Kafir murder and, provision of choicest after-death sex in Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ), in the most pleasurable settings. Jihad is guaranteed by Allah & Allah is honor-bound to offer Janat, as a gift to a Moslem. Since Jihad is a sure gateway to Janat, it is extremely popular amongst Moslems. It is supported by both Quran & Hadiths:
According to a Hadith in Sahih Al-Bukhari:
Jihad is the third best deed for a Moslem, after offering prayers at stated times, and being dutiful to parents.
Another Hadith in Sahih Al-Bukhari states:
Jihad is the second best deed for a Moslem, after belief in Allah & Mohammad
Another Hadith says:
No deed equals Jihad in reward, and that Mujahid ( a Moslem who does Jihad ) is rewarded even for the footsteps of his horse, while it wanders about.
7. Jihad has been prescribed for Moslems, by Mohammad and Allah, and not by Allah alone.
From Day One of its existence, Islam has been a Military-Ideology, and Kafirs have been on its SH**-List. It still is " An Implacable Foe Of The Kafirs. " Spirituality is non-existent in Islam & Islam does not qualify as a religion. But its Jihad is " Top Of The Line Barbarism. "
Surinder Paul Attri

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