Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Accomplices to the evil ( of Islam )

Subj: Accomplices to the evil ( of Islam )

1. Dear s.p. attri,

Your comments at danielpipes.org received a response, which can be seen at: http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/169948

Daniel Pipes' staff

Submitted by Kiel Hesselmann (Denmark), Mar 10, 2010 at 16:24

As s.p. attri rightly stated:
"Islam, as an ideology ( mis-construed as a religion ) is an expression of man's aggressive behavior."

I can follow up by saying, that nazism, as a religion (mis-contrued as an ideology) is an expression of man's aggressive behavior.
In many details one can see the overwhelming similarities between the two ideologies. If you read political analyst Michael A. Ledeen's "Accomplice to Evil" about fascism in the 20th. century and today, you see details on the verbal level (hate-speech, vulgar analogues, scatological utterances), and postures in outer behavior. Add to this terror, torture, and the one-eyed outlook. All this and much more comprise fascism in all its vulgar garment.

2. My Take: Mr. Hesselmann:I agree with you that, both Islam & Nazism, have un-concealed & un-mistakable resemblance. Both are dangerous & go to the top of barbarism-ladder.

3. Hazrat Mohammad preached that Islam is the only true way of life, the rest are all fake. Non-Moslems are not Believers, they are Infidels ( whom he identified as Kafirs ). They Must be murdered or enslaved. This may explain why so many Moslems take to Kafir-Slaughter. The evil of Islam is in its teachings.

4. I respect the views of Michael Ledeen. The world is simmering in the rhetoric of Phoney-Liberal leaders, especially those of Europe, USA, and India. These Phoneys refuse to see Islam as an evil, even though Islam is openly dedicated to the destruction of us Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). They refuse to recognize the evil of Islam and are, therefore, accomplices to the evil ( of Islam ).

5. The Phoney-L iberals accomplices to evil allege, that Islam has been misunderstood. This is Not true.

Islam has Never been mis-understood, Islam is the problem, mesmerizing & deadly. Islam is a gigantisized Kafir-Killer.

6. For the survival of the civilized Kafir world, Islam needs to be crushed.

Surinder Paul Attri

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