Tuesday, March 24, 2009


By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. Is Islam the religion of “ Shaitaan “ ? Answer: No doubt about it at all. There is no reason to have doubts or feel uncertain about this fair assessment. Islam is a chilling-chain of 1400 year old curse of barbarism & brutality upon Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), whom Islam wants to behead or stone to death. Nearly all acts of terrorism, suicidal bombings, all manner of crimes of hate are carried out by, followers of Islam, to reach their goal of Kufr ( and Kafir ) eradication from the world. To achieve this nefarious & nauseating objective, Moslems have appointed themselves, as God’s ( Allah’s ) police force on earth.
2. Islam has no use for the stupid system of democracy. Islam’s law ( the Sharia ) has fondness for inflicting pain & torture, upon the violators of Sharia:
Drinking one or two beers, can get you 100 lashes
Going out on a date, can get you torture or death or both
Expressing your opinion, can get you death or flogging.
And so on & on.
These kinds of social activities, displease Islam’s Allah, they are considered totally intolerable by practitioners of Islam. Is it any wonder why so many Kafirs in this world, consider the bizarre religion of Islam, as the religion of the Devil ( Shaitaan ) ?
3. There are no secular Moslems, the so-called moderate Moslems, is the most endangered species. Contrary to opinion of some misguided Kafirs, there are No secular-Sufis either. None.
One Sufi, named Amir Khusrau, who is considered a leading light of Islamic philosophy, denounced the idolatrous Kafir Hindu, in these words:
“ The whole country of Hindustan, by means of the sword of holy warriors ( of Islam ), has become like a forest, denuded of its thorns by fire. “
Amir Khusrau bewailed & bitterly-lamented the Islamic law, which granted the idolatrous Kafir Hindu, exemption from death, by payment of Jaziya ( poll tax ), otherwise says Amir Khusrau: “ The idolatrous Kafir Hindu & his Hinduism, would have been exterminated root & branch. “
4. Notice this that Amir Khusrau was a Sufi. Therefore, it is plain nonsense that Sufis are spiritual, peaceful, & peace-minded. They are nothing of the sort. Many among the Sufis were holy-warriors, and were witnesses to the destruction of Kafir-idols & Kafir-temples. They followed their creed of Islam, which directed them to Jihad, against the Kafirs and convert them to Islam, by persuasion or force ( Yanks humorously refer to this technique as “ use of strong-persuasions ,“ or using the “ business-end of Islam “).
5. About the laws of Stupid-Allah of Islam, the less said the better. Moslems keep watch on their neighbors regarding, how well they observe these laws. Among the Islamic punishments, cutting of hands & feet, stoning to death, and horse-whipping of women, for minor & sundry offenses, are practiced in “ nearly all “ Islamic countries. Some Moslems do not approve of these and other practices of Islam, but they keep their big mouth shut. If one in a million Moslems, speaks out, a Quick-Fatwa is issued forth against him, forcing him to run for his life, into hiding or exile. Consequently, no Moslem dares challenge the laws of Islam, none would risk his life, for believing or tasting the feel of freedom.
6. Therefore, the so-called reformation of Islam, so loudly ballyhoo-ed by the phoney-liberal politicians of India, is a stupid plug-in, because it will not work. It is a lost cause. It is not going to happen, and it cannot happen.
If Islam is reformed & Moslems are advised to be Non-Aggressive or Less-Aggressive towards Kafirs, then that would be the end of Islam. This is because then, there is no justification for the existence of Islam. Kufr & Kafir-Elimination are the raison de etre for the existence of Islam. Without this stringent objective, the justification of Islam’s presence in the world, is Zero or Almost-Zero. Islam’s Clergy ( Mullahs, Maulvies, Muftis, Kazis, and other accomplices ) are well aware of this, and because of this, they would never agree to, the retooling of Islam, they would never stand for this kind of outrage against their religion of Allah. They are not going to cut their own throat. They would continue to parcel out their utter nonsense & fiction that:
“ Nothing in this world, is as pure & as perfect, as the religion of Allah. “
This is a basket of horse-manure.
Surinder Paul Attri


ysaeed said...

Dear Surinder Attri, I read your comments with interest. I cannot change your opinion about Islam since you are so resolute about certain things. But most of your posting is full of adjectives and there is very little backing with facts and references why you hate Islam so much. I would like to ask you just one question: do you know any Muslim, even one person closely in whom you find all the bad characteristics of Islam that you describe? And I mean one Muslim who you know very closely and on long term? I will wait for your answer. My email is ysaeed7@yahoo.com
God bless you.

surinder attri said...

Subj: Response to message of Swamijyoti
1. For your comments
Hindu girl forced to marry Muslim rapist: Pink Chaddis missing
The pseudo-liberal, obnoxious, obscene pink chaddy sluts hide in their stinkin moth eaten chaddy closets when a muslim rapes a Hindu girl and the girl is subsequently forced by societal pressure to marry the rapist pig.
All ye, ‘forward, proudly loose women’ where are thee when truly innocent victims cry out for help? Or is your anger reserved for the toothless Muthaliks who you know are all bark and no bite? The prospect of a beardy coming after you a little too scary eh?
2. My Take:
I must tell it like it is. To tell it any other way, is beneath me.
Islam's greatest shame is women. Its Hijab ( veil ) for its women, is the veil of tears. Islam is deeply Anti-Woman, it represses women royally & considers them inferior ( to men ) in every way ( physically, mentally, & morally ). This specific vision is Allah-Sanctioned in both Quran & Hadis.
But Islam's treatment of Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) is even worse.
3.But reponsibility must be placed, where it properly belongs. With respect to India, the Hindu Community is entirely responsible for the rise to power in India, ( and the barbaric rule in India of 1200 years ), of this murderous gang of thugs ( barbarians ). Even now the Phoney-Liberal Hindu politicians, cower, appease, and kiss the A** of this crocodile of Islam, not realizing the least bit the gruesome reality that, they as well as the rest of us Hindus, will get eaten by this crocodile. I have said this before & I repeat:
These brutal & blood-thirsty savages ( of Islam ), must be crushed, not appeased nor negotiated with.
4. What exactly is the Hindu's problem ? Why is the Hindu not able to defend himself ?
Reason: We Hindus are Selfish, too damn selfish. Out highest priority is on our personal-welfare & on the welfare of our families. The welfare of the rest of the Hindu Community, does not even register among the list of our priorities. Because of this selfishness, we Hindus failed to devise appropriate methods, to eliminate the menace of Islam ( and of Christianity ). Whether we Hindus realize it or not, we are at war with both Islam & Christianity, both of which are barbaric & gospels of hate. Our war against these barbaric creeds, is not for conquest or plunder. Our war is for eliminating the tyranny, savagery, barbarism, and evil of these repulsive creeds.
5. Why are our Hindu boys not chasing the Moslem girls, and converting them to Hinduism ? Same reason. Our selfishness has made us Hindus passive & defensive against aggressive ideologies of both Islam & Christianity. Because of this defensiveness, the Hindu is unable to utilize his vastly superior strength.
Our Hindu boys are hell of a lot smarter than, coressponding Moslem boys. They have much better education, much better working skills, and much higher earning power. They have much more to offer to Moslem girls, than any Moslem boy could ever dream to offer. Hindu boys have in them, what it takes to take care of any girl, Hindu or Moslem, in terms of respect, security, and financial well-being.
Hindu boys are trapped inside their cocoon of defensiveness, a self-imposed prison. They need to get out of this prison, and go to it. Unfortunatley, our Hindu boys are Not getting any encouragement from their Hindu leaders, to pursue this social avenue.
6. What I am suggesting for our Hindu Boys, is:
The doctrine of reciprocity ( AKA Tit For Tat ).
What this means is that, if someone drops one bomb on you, you drop five on him. Imitation is the best kind of flattery, and it works like gang-busters. This is a tried & tested technique, and its efficiency is commendable. This technique was utilized & thorougly tested in the year of 1947.
In 1947, Pakistan sent a few trains, loaded with slaughtered Hindus & Sikhs, from Lahore to Amritsar. In retaliation, we sent one train loaded with slaughtered-Sullas to Lahore. Paki-Sullas immediately got the message. No further train loaded with slaughtered Hindus or Sikhs came to Amritsar ( from Lahore ). Words are inadequate to describe the speed & efficiency of this technique. In other words, this technique brings about a fundamental change, in the thinking of the savage-sulla.
7. There is plenty wrong with Islam & how it treats women ( and Kafirs ). Women are stoned to death, they also undergo cliterectomies. Gays hang from the gallows, under Sharia, which is the legal code of Islam. I am omitting the discussion of the barbaric laws of Islam, in the interest of brevity. I shall describe these in a separate article.
Surinder Paul Attri

surinder attri said...

Dr. Babu Suseelan
The Catholic Pope Benedict has issued a statement requesting Catholics around the world to pray for Catholics against persecution of Christians in India. As usual, the Pope loves to claim falsely that Christians are persecuted. Catholics generally suffer from "Martyrdom Complex" and persecution complex. Phobia of Christians is an irrational and persistent fear of non Christians and their pluralistic way of life. Since Catholicism is a closed, totalitarian, rigid and reductionist dogma, the persistent irrational phobia almost invariably provokes an immediate anxiety response. Pope Benedict's statement against Hindus and prayer services for Christians to highlight perceived irrational fear of persecution is a futile attempt to invigorate Catholics around the world. Catholics are under severe pressure around the world due to Nun Running, atrocious news about coercive religious conversion, and Clergy sex abuse. In the west, Catholics are abandoning the Church. Several Catholics diocese in the US were forced to declare bankruptcy. The Church was forced to pay millions of dollar as compensation for sex abuse victims by Catholics priests. Pope's statement is quite obviously an attempt to boost morale during this trying times. During the day of Via Crucis, the Pope was trying to make too many biased statements as a diversionary tactic.
In fact, Christians in India have been colluding with foreign Christian colonialists to obtain undue advantages for hundreds of years. Christians in India have more constitutional privileges, quota system and financial incentives than the majority Hindus. Most of the educational institutions, Banks and political institutions are managed and controlled by Christians. India, in fact is ruled by the Italian Catholic Sonia and her Vatican gang. Keep in mind, Christianity in India represents totalitarianism, tyranny, and autocratic tendencies. The Pope's false statement of Christian persecution in India is part of Christian psychological warfare to mentally misguide and misdirect gullible Hindus.
The Vatican and the Catholic Church has, over the past several decades, played an important role in promoting conversion, subversive activities, terrorism, psychological warfare and social crisis in non Christian nations. It would be correct to paint the Catholic Church as a negative influence on world events. The Vatican promotes "Martyrdom Complex" and "Persecution Complex" as a defense mechanism to divert attention from Christian subversive activities in Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Timur, and South America. The Pope's deliberate ignorance on Vatican's complicity on Holocaust, Witch hunt, slaughter of the Native Indians and Africans is part of the Vatican's anti Hindu political strategy.
2. My Take:
I cannot swallow up humbug, no matter what the source is.
3. Yes, it is a complex ( persecution-complex ) alright, but it is not terribly concerned with veracity. In fact, it is as phoney as a three-dollar bill. It is a model of lies & fiction, it is the very image of Islamic persecution-complex:
“ Islam Khatrey Mein Hai. “
Of course, Islam is always “ Khatrey Mein “ except when it is the ruling chief, and lording over hateful-Kafirs, pitilessly slaughtering & humiliating them Kafirs ( the enemies of lunatic-Allah ).
4. Now here comes the Vatican, stealing a leaf from Islam’s book, and aping the Moslems hysteria & uncontrolled-fear:
“ Christianity Khatrey Mein Hai .”
It is a lousy way of practicing religion. Vatican is making a mess of religion.
5. Hell with these two debauched creeds.
Surinder Paul Attri

ysaeed said...

Dear Surindar Attri. I had asked a very simple question: do you personally know any one Muslim in your vicinity who has all the bad and "shaitani" traits of Islam that you describe. I am waiting for your reply. Thanks

Sahodaran said...

@ yaseed
just look around you. watch the media. observe all islamic countries. are they at peace?
even different sections of muslims kill each other. don't dismiss it as isoloated event, because it happens in every islamic country.
even peacefull buddhists in thailand are getting murdered by muslims. quite exasperating and marvelling to watch thais not returning in the same coin.
if there's any religion deserving to be called demonic, its islam.
even hindu scriptures predict muhammad as a reincarnation of a demon

ysaeed said...

No Gautham, this still does not answer the question I had asked: do you know any Muslim personally in your vicinity or work place who is a demon. Are you making all your judgments based on what you read in the media - the news from distant places? Or do you know any one demon Muslim personally.