Thursday, December 24, 2009



By S.P. Attri ( USA )


1. On New Year's Eve, a massive Ad, carefully organized by CAIR ( Council on American-Islamic Relations ), will appear on Time Square, New Year disposing that:

" Islam Is A Religion Of Peace. "

Alongside, there are going to be plenty of snapshots of prominent & highly successful Moslems, each one claiming:

" I am Muslim, I am American. "

CAIR has no remorse in sticking this Disgraceful-Jargon to New Yorkers, the same city where their co-religionists murdered over 3000 New Yorkers ( Twin-Towers Blast )..

2. Islam the religion of peace ? What horse-sh** ? Why ?

Because it covers the truth of the subject, particularly that this Peaceful religion of Islam & its high-voltage barbarian Sullas have sent hundreds of millions of Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) to Hell.

The first part of the statement " I am Muslim, who will enjoy damsels in Janat/Moslems Paradise " is true, but the latter saying " I am American " is false, because Moslems can never be part of Kafir-Americans, who shall burn in Hell-Fire. Moslems want to bring Jehad to these hateful Kafir-Americans.

3. Moslems are taught that:

Moslems are Allah's Party, and the Non-Moslems ( such as Non-Moslem Americans ) are Shaitaan's (Satan ) Party, and an Un-Ending war between these two groups, has been ordered by Hazrat Mohammad.

In Allah's battle, anything goes, and Moslems work over time to cover up the truth of this procedure, in order to keep the ignorance level of the Kafirs ( Kafir Americans included ) at the highest level. For Moslems, it is a game of bluffing the hateful Kafirs, which is accepted by Mohammad & Allah. There is no Geneva Convention in Allah's war against Kafirs.

4. A prominent Moslem lawyer ( chairman of society of Moslem lawyers & preacher ), 41 year old Anjem Choudhary, who praised Mumbai-Massacre as a glorious event, is telling Moslems that:

" Christmas is condemnable, its celebration is forbidden by Allah. Decorating house, buying Chrismas tree, or having Christmas turkey dinners, are completely prohibited by Allah, their observance will lead to Hell-Fire. "

5. This is the political temperature of Islam. Five years from now, the USA & the rest of the Kafir world, will be a much more dangerous place than it is today. The policy of phoney-liberalism in the USA, Europe, and India, will turn millions of Allah's Moslems, against the Kafirs of the world. This will be the Dark New World.

Islamic Hypocrisy as a religion of peace, will succeed not due to soundness or strength of Islam, but due to gaping ignorance of Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ).

Surinder Paul Attri

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