Sunday, December 6, 2009


Subj: Sarvadharamsambhvay
1. Attriji

Sarvadharamsambhvay, I think you are referring too.

Those, who recite this precious Mantra have indeed taken a leave of their senses. I couldn't disagree with
you. This pious Mantra has no room for ADHARMA in it, but penny does not drop in some of us.

BK Chaudhari

2. My Take:
Chaudhari Sahib: Thanks for your comments.

3. Reg: Sarvadharamsambhvay: Yes, that is the term that they use.
Frankly, I don't think much of this term, because it is phoney.

Sarvadharamsambhvay or Equal Respect ( or Equal Consideration ) for all religions, can exist ONLY among those religions who, have goodwill towards each other, and wish each other well. It CANNOT exist amongst followers of Hostile religions. Do Moslems or Christians wish us Hindus well, or are they working for total destruction of our Hindu faith ?

4. Quote: Those, who recite this precious Mantra have indeed taken a leave of their senses
COMMENT: Very much so, Chaudhari Sahib. Their logic has gone to pieces.

That is why, no matter what label you put on this bull-sh**, it stinks. It is an Out-House Expression ( Please pardon my French or my Portuguese ! ).

5. This term also does a double or triple mischief. Phoney-Liberal politicians of Congress, CPI, Janata Dal et al, who tout this BS day in & day out, are keeping the Hindus completely in the dark, about the condition of their Hindu society. It conceals the heinous conspiracy that, Moslems & Christians are hatching for the total liquidation of Hinduism from India. By putting Hindus to sleep, they keep them from taking steps, to confront the hostile ideologies of Islam & Christianity.

6. To put it simply & succinctly, this expression is a GIANT fraud on the Hindu. It destroys his cultural ( Hindu ) identity, and makes him turn his back on his Hinduism ( and its Vedic roots ).
A rational & alert Hindu, should see through this deceit & deception, and recognize that:
" The Phoney-Liberals are up to No Good. "

Surinder Paul Attri

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