Sunday, October 2, 2011

The nature of Islam

Subj: The nature of Islam

1. Quote: you are 100 % right --------- not only ''the EXTINCTION of Hindus from Hindusthan.'' but ''the EXTINCTION of all non-muslims from the whole world.'' and FEEDING THE WOLF- ONE AT A TIME.

2. COMMENT: Is this assessment of Islam correct ?

Let us take a peek at Islam. Islamic clergy claims loftily & loudly that:
" Islam is a religion of peace, love, and brotherhood."

This is a serious misrepresentation of the fundamental doctrine of Islam. In fact, it is a mockery, it is designed to make people believe that, lamb is cruel but wolf is courteious. If Islam were really that peaceful, loving, and brotherly, then why would it engage in terrorism & Jihadic-Imperialism, then why would it seek conversion, through the most vitriolic means, then why does it regard Jihad as the most sacred-violence ?.

3. If you talk to a Moslem, he would deny all these allegations, claiming thunderingly that, Islam as a religion was Never involved in iconoclasm, that Jihad does not mean murder or mutilation of Kafirs, that Jihad only imples struggle against one's own lower instincts, to purify one's self, to qualify for entry into Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ).This is just a Big Fat Lie, designed to fool people.

Islam does have five basic cannons, that is, Kalma, Namaz,Roza, Zukat, and Hajj. Islam does not include Jihad in its Five Basic Cannons, The reason for this exclusion ( even though Jihad is a very important Cannon of Islam ) is to create ambiguity for believers, so that they can & should carry out acts of barbarity, without bothering to enquire into the nature of Islam. Further, even though the observing of the five basic cannons of Islam is good for a Moslem, they provide no guarantee of Janat for a Moslem. But the sixth cannon of Jihad, which invloves maiming & murdering of Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), guarantees.a way, that leads straight into Janat.

4. Since Jihad is a serious issue for a Moslem, and it involves the fundamental doctrine of Islam, to lie about it ought to be sinful for a Moslem. But it is no more dishonest for a Moslem than, the big lie technique that Islamic Clergy regularly employs.

Then what exactly is the truth about Islam ?

Answer: To Islam, terror is synonymous with power. That explains the desire of some Moslems, to establish a Caliphate on earth, under Allah's vicegerent. The Caliph, ruling by Islamic law ( Sharia ), would impose rigid subservience & sacrilized discrimination, against Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) and against Moslem women, without conscience.

5. That is why the assessment of the above quote, about the total eradication of all Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), Hindus included, as the fundamental aim of Islam, is absolutely correct.

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Castration of a Kafir

Subj: Castration of a Kafir

1. Bal Chaudhari to Rajinder, me, bal, balraj, D, David, Kailash, Ram, Shri, smdave1940, Sudhakarji, suruchiprakash.

A news item appears as below in the Tribune newspaper:




This is another method of serving Islam.

Breed yourself and yourself only!


2. COMMENT: Yes, it is definitely a technique of building-up Moslem numbers ( and abridging Kafir numbers ). Reciprocity of this technique is also a valid approach, that is, castrating ten Moslems for each castrated-Kafirs. This approach is a turn for the better for human species, it will augment ratio of desirable specimens ( Kafirs ), and diminish proportion of undesirable specimens ( Moslems ).

3. It will pass on a strong password/signal to Sullas that, their barbaric action, shall be paid back in full.

Surinder Paul Attri

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

France bans street prayers

Subj: France bans street prayers

1. PARIS (Reuters) - A French ban on praying in the street came into force on Friday, driving thousands of Muslim worshippers in northern Paris into a makeshift prayer site in a disused fire brigade barracks, angering a small but vocal minority.

The street-prayer ban has highlighted France's problems assimilating its 5-million-strong Muslim community, which lacks prayer space, and follows a long-running controversy, fanned by far-right leader Marine Le Pen, over Muslims forced to lay their prayer mats on the streets in big cities.

Interior Minister Claude Gueant directed Muslims in Paris to temporary spaces made available pending the building of a huge new prayer space and warned that force would be used if necessary as police end their tolerance of street prayers.

Seven months before a presidential election, the ban has struck some in France as an attempt to rally far-right sympathizers to President Nicolas Sarkozy's center-right camp.

At the barracks, Cheik Mohammed Salah Hamza oversaw prayers for Muslims who had migrated from around the city. Worshippers streamed in, spreading their woven prayer mats over the floor of the hangar-like building and out into the courtyard.

"It's the beginning of a solution," Hamza told Reuters before the start of the service. "The faithful are very pleased to be here. The space, which holds 2,000, is full."

Many worshippers were also upbeat. "This will be better than rue Mryha," said one man, referring to a Paris street renowned for hosting street prayers. "Apparently, it shocked people."

Le Pen has described the growing phenomenon of praying on the streets and sidewalks as an "invasion."

"It's Marine Le Pen who started all this," a woman who gave her name as Assya said on her way into the former barracks on the outskirts of Paris. "Now the government has banned street prayers and sent us here so they can gather votes from the (far-right) National Front (party) -- that's all."


In France, where a strict separation of church and state has been in force for a century, public displays of religious activity are frowned upon.

Yet efforts by Sarkozy's conservative government to restrict religious displays, such as a ban on full-face veils, have drawn criticism as empty measures that unfairly single out Muslims.

France counts the largest Muslim minority of any European country. But only a portion -- about 10 percent, or the same proportion as among Catholics -- are practicing, according to Muslim associations.

As a rule, radical Muslim voices in France are rare, but Friday's prayers in northern Paris drew a small but angry protest from a radical minority more often seen in online posts.

An hour before the first prayer young men with beards, green headbands and banners gathered on rue Myrha to discourage worshippers from moving to the new site.

"No system in the universe can control us aside from Allah," shouted one young man. "There is more dignity in praying in the grass than in their false mosque," said another.

As the prayers began, dozens of young men belonging to a group called Forsane Alizza disrupted the service with shouts of "Allahu akbar" -- "God is greatest" -- and jostled with security.


This is the Right way to deal with the problem. Other European & Asian countries, India included, ought to follow the French example. It is crazy behavior, it blocks roads, and meddles with traffic. Moslems also use loudspeakers for their prayers. It creates noise & nuisance for every Non-Moslem Infidels around. Moslems must Not be allowed to stick their nose in street traffic.

Surinder Paul Attri

Friday, September 16, 2011

Comments on I have a question on use of temple money

1..Subj: Comments on I have a question on use of temple money

Poonam Abbi to me

Aadarneey Attri Ji,

You said, "It is not state property. If the money came from taxes, then it is state property, and belongs to the state. But temple offerings & contributions are not tax money. They do not belong in the state treasury. The temple money came from the devotees. " There is also the issue that much of the money that comes from the devotees is in form of the daily chadhawas etc. & that is the money the devotees have alerady paid the tax on. Does the state have the right to first collect the tax on the money, & then go & grab the money too?


Quote: There is also the issue that much of the money that comes from the devotees is in form of the daily chadhawas etc. & that is the money the devotees have alerady paid the tax on.

COMMENT: Yes, it is Net Income of the devotees ( that is, income after payment of the taxes ).

3. Quote: Does the state have the right to first collect the tax on the money, & then go & grab the money too?

COMMENT: Poonam Jee: The government has no such right/rights.

It measures up to a massive piece of swindle job. That is how pickpickets operate.

4. To put it in plain-spoken language: Government has no business sticking its nose, in temple business or in temple's money. Any body who believes otherwise, is really gullible.

Surinder Paul Attri

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Comment on I have a question on the use of temple money

Subj: Comment on I have a question on the use of temple money

1. Poonam Abbi to me:

Use it to fud a very aggressive campaign against the Anti-Hindu propaganda machine at home & abroad...that machine is made up of muslims, christians & Hindus who are eager to pretend being "logical" One of the problems is that Hindus have moved away from the basic & fundamentals of the Sanatan Dharm. They have forgotten that they follow the Sanatan Dharm & try very hard to fit into the mold of Hondu as defined by criminals like muslims & christians. We need to get back to the basic foundations of our Dharm, which is not synonymous for religion.


Quote: We need to get back to the basic foundations of our Dharm, which is not synonymous for religion.

COMMENT: Yes, we need to get back to the fundamental principles of Vedic Dharma...Dealing with Evil and Standing Up to it.

3. Quote: Use it to fud a very aggressive campaign against the Anti-Hindu propaganda machine at home & abroad...that machine is made up of muslims, christians & Hindus who are eager to pretend being "logical"

COMMENT: Yes, This is a very pragmatic & businesslike use of temple money.

It has been expressed that pen is mightier than sword, which it is. But there is one thing that, is mightier than either the pen or the sword, and that is Nakad-Narain ( that is, money, money, money ).

Yes, we could start a very aggressive crusade for the practice & propagation of Hinduism, with the use of temple money. In the world of today, money is the glue that binds societies & religions, more than anything else. The temple money could give a new lease on life, to our Hinduism. In short, there are a million things that can be done, with temple money.

Surinder Paul Attri

Comment of I have a question ....

Subj: Comment of I have a question ....
1. bk chaudhari to me

I wholr-heartedly agree with you, Attriji.

The treasure belongs to the Temple and furthermore, it is our inheritance.

The precious images with artistic engravings are meant for guiidance for

future generations. They are inspirations and piece of continued history.

People who ignore history, are doomed.



Quote: The treasure belongs to the Temple and furthermore, it is our inheritance.

The precious images with artistic engravings are meant for guiidance for

future generations.

COMMENT: Yes indeed. Those are accepted & established signs & symbols of our religion, expressed by words & engravings. They are our legacy too,and are etched into the minds of us Hindus. .

The temple money must Not be allowed to fall, into the hands of, good-for-nothing phony-liberal bunch ( secularists & leftists ). Hinduism could go to Hell, for all they care.

3. Quote: People who ignore history, are doomed.

COMMENT: We must Not forget the Hindu-Killing power of Islam's mercants of Kafir-death. We have first hand knowledge of Islam's barbarism, in India on the Kafir-Hindu stretching over 1200 years. This could happen again, Don't believe it cannot happen again. JIhadis now have guns, in place of swords.

Surinder Paul Attri.

I have got a question about use of temple money?

Subj: I have got a question about use of temple money?

1. Quite a few people want to get hold of temple money, and use it for purposes that are disingenuous and dishonest. Every one of them seems to want to distribute money that, does not belong to them, especially the secular & the leftist bunches. They argue furiously that this money is state property. The implication of this argument is that, it can be expropriated. I would take issue with it, it is an act of commandeering some one else's property. This approach is Anti-Temple, Anti-Hindu, and is thoroughly immoral & un-ethical.

2. But it is not only a moral question, it is a sacred question, it is also a substantial issue. It is not state property. If the money came from taxes, then it is state property, and belongs to the state. But temple offerings & contributions are not tax money. They do not belong in the state treasury. The temple money came from the devotees. How can the state lay claim to this money ? The correct approach is to hand over this money to a temple-trust, and use it for the welfare of the devotees.

3. The argument of the secularists & leftists is wishy-washy at best. What would they say if the money had been found, not at a temple, but in a church or in a mosque ? Would we be debating & arguing that this money ought to be used by the state ? The why this argument against the Hindu money ( temple-money ).? Clearly, the leftist argument is two-faced & wily.

4. Secular ought not to over-whelm the sacred. Temple-Money belongs to the temple and to its devotees. Let us respect our temples first, then argue about the money in these. The money belongs to the temples, and ought to be preserved there.

5. For the Hell of it, keep the Leftist & and the Phoney-Liberals, out of the temple money.

Surinder Paul Attri

Monday, September 12, 2011

We are passing through a greatordeal today...What is the Solution?-- Swami Ramdev

We are passing through a greatordeal today...What is the Solution?-- Swami Ramdev

2. COMMENT: Yes, we are confronting at least two harsh experiences:

a. Terrorism ( Islamic-Terrorism )

b. Corruption

3. The corrective procedure for both is entirely & explicitly one & the same. What is that solution ?

Answer: We have got to get tough with the perpetrators of these crimes.

4. How did we get rid of piracy on the high seas ?

Answer: Piracy disappeared when civilized countries started sending their Navies ( after pleading with pirates for decades & centuries ), and Navy Captains started hanging the pirates, right on the decks of their ships, rather than bringing them to the judicial courts of Surat or Mumbai.

5. This Quick & Dirty Technique, did the trick.

Surinder Paul Attri

We are passing through a greatordeal today...What is the Solution?-- Swami Ramdev

We are passing through a greatordeal today...What is the Solution?-- Swami Ramdev

2. COMMENT: Yes, we are confronting at least two harsh experiences:

a. Terrorism ( Islamic-Terrorism )

b. Corruption

3. The corrective procedure for both is entirely & explicitly one & the same. What is that solution ?

Answer: We have got to get tough with the perpetrators of these crimes.

4. How did we get rid of piracy on the high seas ?

Answer: Piracy disappeared when civilized countries started sending their Navies ( after pleading with pirates for decades & centuries ), and Navy Captains started hanging the pirates, right on the decks of their ships, rather than bringing them to the judicial courts of Surat or Mumbai.

5. This Quick & Dirty Technique, did the trick.

Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Islamic terror - Subramanian Swamy

1. Subj: Islamic terror - Subramanian Swamy


I condemn the blast in the Delhi High Court campus today which has led to the death of at-least nine innocent persons and 45 persons injured. I demand that as a first step the Union Home Minister Mr. P. Chidambaram resign for his utter incompetence in dealing with the issue of terrorism. The UPA Government has failed to formulate a counter terrorist strategy.

I have presented a blue print of what should be our counter terror strategy in my article in the DNA newspaper of July 16th. Terrorists have goals and these goals have to be nullified. We therefore have to prepare the nation for appropriate retaliation which nullifies the goals of these terrorists. What these goals are I have already stated in my article in the DNA newspaper referred to above.

I also demand that the Prime Minister cancel his visit to Bangladesh forthwith.,_.___

2. COMMENT: All civilized people & societies, wherever they might be, must denounce the barbaric-savagery of Islamic-Jihadis, in carrying out blasts against the innocent citizens, in the city of Delhi. Yes, the incompetent government officials ought to be fired ( dismissed ). They are Not fit to do the job of defeating or controlling the terrorists. One must be fit enough for the job, to keep his job. In addition, the phony-liberal politicians, at the top, who appease the Jihadis, must be voted out of power. People have a responsibility to take steps to protect their interests. They must display un-flinching resolve, to get rid of phony-liberal politicians,who have brought such a calamity on innocent people. Suvh politicians have no business, holding positions of power. They must be shown the door.

3. Indians in general, and Hindus in particular, are victims of tragic mistakes of politics of phoney-liberalism. The vain hope of the phony-liberal politicians that, we are moving towards a period of reduced Jihadic violence, has not happened. Jihadic violence keeps on taking new & dark turns, again & again, and change for the better remains elusive. The blame lies ENTIRELY on our system of phony-liberalism. Our phony-libeal politicians are preachers of secualrism, multiculturalism, and minority appeasement. The leader of the phony-liberals, Handy-Andy ( Manmohan Singh ) is more or less resigned to the politics of phony-liberalism. He is not the man, designed to make tough decisions, and fire the incompetents.

4. Jihadic violence & barbarism cannot be controlled or eliminated. It has raged for 1400 years, it is built into the system of Islam & is Allah-Ordained. Hindus, Jews, and other Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) are Not crying wolf about the terrorism & barbarism of Islamic Jihad. This barbarism is real & dire, and blood-bath of the Hindu shall continue, if we surrender to Jihad & Jihadis.

Phony-Liberal politicians of India & of the West:
Take your bloody blind-folds off, and take a good look at Islam as it really is, and not as you would like it to be. Wishful & Wishy-Washy thinking will not cut the mustard.

5. Hell with phony-Liberalism.

Surinder Paul Attri

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Vande Mataram

Subj: Vande Mataram

1. Quote; Rishi Bankim Chandra Chattopadhya created Vande Mataram on 7th Sept. 1882.

HS Media Centre: Rishi Bankim Chandra Chattopadhya created Vande Mataram on 7th Sept. 1882. This was mostly influenced the Indian Freedom Struggle against British as a lightening spirit of all inspiration of Nationalism in modern India. Vande Mataram was finally set in Bankim's most revolutionary novel Anandamath

COMMENT: Yes indeed he did it. The poem is the national metaphor of India, as India battled its way towards freedom. Vande Mataram means:
I bow to thee Mother

It was first sung by Rabindranath Tagore in 1890, it was translated into prose by Aurobindo Ghose in 1909. Vande Mataram was the national cry for freedom from the British rule. It was later given the status of " National Song " of the Republic Of India.

2. Quote: Though it is mother source of all patriotism and Indian Nationalism in modern time, the hymn of Vande Mataram has been truncated by the Congress betrayers for the cause o Muslim appeasement.

COMMENT: The phony-liberal politicians always give in, when confronted with opposition from minorities.
Question: Is the appeasement of enemy better than war ?

Question: Has there been any opposition to Vande Mataram from minorities ?

Yes, there has been. Several Moslem organizations have issued FATWAS against singing of Vande Mataram. Even though Vande Mataram means worshipping Mother India, Moslems regard it as Shirk ( Idolatry).

But if you bow at the feet of your Mother, it is not Shirk, it is only Respect. Moslems sure have a Screwed-Up interpretation of Shirk.

Some Islamic scholars admit that they are not sure, about the meaning of the term " Vande ." Does it mean Salutation or Worship ?

Christians also object to Vande Mataram. They claim they are not sure whether it means Veneration or Worship.

What Moslems & Christians have done, is to make the song Controversial, giving a perfect excuse to the phony-liberal politicians of India, to exclude/ban this song. .

3. In spite of minority opposition, this song has been set to a large number of tunes. Versions of this song, have also been visualized in a number of movies.

4. Regardless of the controversy, this song is and has always been a battle cry for the freedom of India.

Surinder Paul Attri

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Anthropomorphology of Congress

Subj: Anthropomorphology of Congress

The English language has some wonderfully

anthropomorphic collective nouns

for various groups of animals

We are all familiar with a Herd of cows, a Flock of chickens, a School of fish and a Gaggle of geese.

However, less widely known is a Pride of lions, aMurder of crows (as well as their cousins the rooks and ravens), an Exaltation of doves and, presumably, because they look so wise, a Parliament of owls.

Now consider a gathering of Baboons. They are the loudest, most dangerous, most obnoxious, most viciously aggressive and least intelligent of all primates.

And what is the proper collective noun for a group of baboons?

Believe it or not ....... a Congress!

I guess that pretty much explains the things that come out of our present government led by a party by that name, which has ruled our country for most of the 64 years since the British left us in their hands!

1. Quote: And what is the proper collective noun for a group of baboons?

Believe it or not ....... a Congress!

2. COMMENT: Around the year 1944, the bulldog-faced Prime Minister of England, Winston Churchill, referred to Congressites of India, as a bunch of rogues, rascals, and racketeers.

3. The siblings of those Congressic Naked-Apes ( Naked-Baboons ) have not eschewed from similar alliterative-alignment, by being corrupt, crooked, and culprit. It is quite an act of baboonery.

4. To regurgitate a corny-expression:
Letter C in the name Congress, stands for corruption.

Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Handy-Andy Manmohan Singh

Subj: Handy-Andy Manmohan Singh

1. Kewal Ahluwalia kahluwalia@rogers.wrote

Jo bole so Nihal, Sub ko Sat siri akal.

Waha Guru Ji Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Fathe.


Sardaron ke ghar paida hokar

desh ka tu sardar bana

Madam ji ka naukar banke

desh ka kenu gardhar bana.

2. COMMENT: I am not the world's foremost expert on Indian politics, but let me tell you that you don't need to be one to notice a few things, such as, that:

Manmohan Singh may be Wahe Guru Jee Ka Sardar, but he is not uttering Wahe Guru Jee Ki Fateh. He is pronouncing:

Sonia Jee Ki Fateh

3. Let us face it: Manmohan Singh is not the boss. Sonia Jee is the boss. Manmohan Singh is just a flunkey, Madam Sonia's Side-Kick. To put it in Yankeez, he is Sonia Jee's:


4. As long as we are calling a spade a spade, how do we Hindus stack up ? Let us display our wares, and tell it like it is.

How do we consecrate our Rakhi ( in Raksha-Bandan ) ?

This is how we do it:

No purifying Hawan is put together, no Vedic Mantras are chanted. In fact, quite often, the Rakhi is shipped by mail, to a Brother, in a different city or even in a different country. Fancy-Rakhis are concocted, it has become quite a commercial pursuit. Some Hindus pay a visit to Sonia's residence, to procure her Darshan, and to touch her feet ( the feet of big sister Sonia ).

5. It is not an operation of deception, but who are we Hindus kidding ? It is not the sacred Raksha Bandan. It is:

Raksha ( protection ) of Madam Sonia Jee


Badan ( Bondage ) of HIndus ( of Hindustan ).

6. It ought to shock & awe all those Hindus, who do some critical thinking. To describe the theatrical-corn of this operation:

It is quite a TAMASHA ( Vaudeville-Show ) of slavery & servitude.

Surinder Paul Attri

Handy-Andy Manmohan Singh

Subj: Handy-Andy Manmohan Singh

1. Kewal Ahluwalia kahluwalia@rogers.wrote

Jo bole so Nihal, Sub ko Sat siri akal.

Waha Guru Ji Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Fathe.


Sardaron ke ghar paida hokar

desh ka tu sardar bana

Madam ji ka naukar banke

desh ka kenu gardhar bana.

2. COMMENT: I am not the world's foremost expert on Indian politics, but let me tell you that you don't need to be one to notice a few things, such as, that:

Manmohan Singh may be Wahe Guru Jee Ka Sardar, but he is not uttering Wahe Guru Jee Ki Fateh. He is pronouncing:

Sonia Jee Ki Fateh

3. Let us face it: Manmohan Singh is not the boss. Sonia Jee is the boss. Manmohan Singh is just a flunkey, Madam Sonia's Side-Kick. To put it in Yankeez, he is Sonia Jee's:


4. As long as we are calling a spade a spade, how do we Hindus stack up ? Let us display our wares, and tell it like it is.

How do we consecrate our Rakhi ( in Raksha-Bandan ) ?

This is how we do it:

No purifying Hawan is put together, no Vedic Mantras are chanted. In fact, quite often, the Rakhi is shipped by mail, to a Brother, in a different city or even in a different country. Fancy-Rakhis are concocted, it has become quite a commercial pursuit. Some Hindus pay a visit to Sonia's residence, to procure her Darshan, and to touch her feet ( the feet of big sister Sonia ).

5. It is not an operation of deception, but who are we Hindus kidding ? It is not the sacred Raksha Bandan. It is:

Raksha ( protection ) of Madam Sonia Jee


Badan ( Bondage ) of HIndus ( of Hindustan ).

6. It ought to shock & awe all those Hindus, who do some critical thinking. To describe the theatrical-corn of this operation:

It is quite a TAMASHA ( Vaudeville-Show ) of slavery & servitude.

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Comments on Anna Hazare

Subj: Comments on Anna Hazare

1. Sandhya Jain to me

Quote: So you are OK with NGOs funded by American corporates and god knows who else, and for what reason, making laws and forcing them on the nation without accountability or discussion, just be galvanising crowds through emotional manipulation.

God bless you

COMMENT: No Sandhya Jee, I am just the other way around. To me, all crooks are much the same, whether they are NGOs or Non-NGOs, whether they are this that or the other. They are birds of a feather.

2. I despise all rogues, rascals, and racketeers, regardless of their strain, breed, clan, or tribe. They are the worst animals, they are treating Indians like Kafirs, and handing them:

Hell In A Handbag.

3. I do not apologize for any of them. They are not models of innocense or moral piety. They have an uncanny ability to cheat, loot, & plunder. Indians seem to be waking up to their doctrine of corruption. That is why their opposition is being declared via crowds & vociferous slogans.

4. God bless you too.

Surinder Paul Attri

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Anna Hazare

1. Quote: Anna to continue his fast at Ramlila Ground on and from 19th August. War against Corruption not to end at all, till the goal of Jan Lokpal is reached.

2. COMMENT: Anti-corruption is a very serious issue, it deals with the well-being & social support of large sections of Indian population. It is not an internal matter of the Parliament, as some have alleged, it is an issue of the people at large. Large crowds gathered around Anne Hazare & Baba Ramdev, demonstrate clearly that, masses of India are in no mood to, meekly accept the racket ( a form of organized crime ) imposed against them, by racketeers. .

3. People want exposure & line-up of true stories of crimes committed by clumsy-crooks. The secret dirty system of the racketeers is not normal system or normal behavior. It is highly abnormal & will not go un-challenged.

4. The high-handed approach of GOI against protesters, shows what GOI,s intention & end-game is. But forces of GOI cannot silence, the forces of freedom and of just struggle of the masses, who want to free the multitude of populace, from the rapacious greed of the crooked bunch. Members of this bunch, have a league of their own, their rapacious desire of plunder of the common man, for the satisfaction of their greed, is no longer acceptable,to the India of today.

Surinder Paul Attri

Friday, August 12, 2011

Killing of farmers in Maharashtra

Subj: Killing of farmers in Maharashtra

1. Our farmers have been undergoing ordeals after ordeals. Their labour is not rewarded

proprerly, they are often subjected to being pushed around by our officialdom and like others

they too are facing the brunt of the cost of living. Sometimes their lands are grabbed under

throw-aw ay prices and are commiting suicides after suicides. They have sympathisers, but

these are mired with selectivities. In Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, Congress jumps on the wagon

and persons like Dig Vijay Singh and Rahul Gandhi immediately reach their to shed crocodile

tears. But in Pune, where three of the farmers have been killed and others bruitilised, but

Congress has no time for them, purely bercause they happen to be in a Congress governed State!

2. Quote; Our farmers have been undergoing ordeals after ordeals.....Sometimes their lands are grabbed under

throw-aw ay prices and are commiting suicides after suicides

COMMENT: Chaudhari Sahib: Our farmers are hostage to the verdicts & calamities of the Congress party. Farmers whose lands are acquired under Eminent-Domain powers of the government, are entitled to fair, just, and impartial compensatory-prices. Any price lower than that is, inequitable & unfair.

3. Quote: They have sympathisers, but these are mired with selectivities.

COMMENT: Sympathy is Not solution. Farmers can find sympathy even in the dictionary, between Sh** and syphilis. They cannot swallow sympathy, to assuage their hunger or hubbub of calamities, dished out to them, by the shady & wicked ways of the Congress regime.

4. Quote: In Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, Congress jumps on the wagon and persons like Dig Vijay Singh and Rahul Gandhi immediately reach their to shed crocodile tears.

COMMENT: These crocodile-gentlemen, sail under false colors, they play the hypocrite, but offer no solution to the terrible-plight of the farmers.

5. Quote: But in Pune, where three of the farmers have been killed and others bruitilised, but

Congress has no time for them, purely bercause they happen to be in a Congress governed State!

COMMENT: Congress is un-truthful & un-ethical, but they are not dumb. They are very good at putting on the mask. They are not going to cut their own throat, by criticizing a government, controlled by Congress. They are going to put on a good face upon the Congress-cohorts in these states.They are double-faced & double-tongued.

Surinder Paul Attri.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Taliban comes to India.

Subj: Taliban comes to India.



t least 2,500 terrorists are present in launching pads in Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK) and trying to contact with their links in the remotest corners of India as a whole to arrive and strike India significantly for a Talibani change within 15th August in this monsoon. 15th is the India’s 64th celebration day of Independence so far. High alerts have been issued to 12 major airports in India after getting terror threats in a very Talibani manner.

COMMENT: Yes, Taliban-Jihadis are itching to crawl & creep into Kafir-India. They are not coming to India with tea & donuts, to cheer & charm the Kafir-Hindu. That would harm the interests of Islam. That is completely off the chart of the Sulla & of his Islam.These Talibans have a different agenda, they take delight in committing barbaric cruelties on the Kafir-Hindu. They love to kill, murder, and drown all those Hindus who refuse to convert to Islam.

2. These Infiltrators have a reputation of being notoriously-bad. They murder all those who they know to be Kafirs, they let their swords slash through the limbs of Kafirs, until rivers overflow with Kafir-blood. We have plenty of noteworthy chronicles of Sulla's barbarism through 14 centuries of Islam's existence. This Taliban-Threat should Not be under-rated nor under-estimated.


3. Quote: Actually the uncontrolled (by Govt.) Mosques, Madrashas, Majars, Tabligues (preaching parties), Ijtemas (conferences), Local Shariat Courts, Muslim NGOs, Muslim Political Parties, Jihadi Groups like SIMI (Student Islamic Movement of India), IM (Indian Mujaheedin), Hijbul, Hurriyat, the ISI-DGFI network and obviously the presence of fifth column everywhere in India – all have drawn the deadline of the democracy in India. The Talibani countdown has begun. It is not difficult to find many foot prints of Talibans in the mini-pakistans or crescent mohallas (areas) through long beards, caps, long length kurthas, too short payzamas, multi layered black burqas, renovated mosques, make shift beef stalls, 24X7 clubs, carrying fire-arms, all parties (political) conference at Iftar and suddenly missing some young men for Allah’s most preferred job – JIHAD.

COMMENT: Muslim Havoc has existed in India for centuries. It is a damn-shame that, in spite of this havoc, we Hindus have not gotten our act together. It is a pity that GOI has not understood the Islamic-Theology, let alone eliminate the threat from this barbaric theology. Instead they have taken steps to propitiate the Moslems. This is highly dangerous to Hindu society, it plants Negationism in the Hindu society ( denial of Islamic threat ).


4. These barbaric Sullas are ashamed of their own ancestors ( Hindu ancestors ). They need to be liberated from the barbaric & monostrous theology of Islam. Hindu approach of peace & non-violence towards a cold-blooded barbaric Sulla, who is the scourge of the entire Kafir-World, has not worked.

We need to get to the business of defending Hinduism, in a resolute manner, not only to resist the Sulla but to demolish him & his barbaric ideology. This can be done. bit it is the job of determined & warrior Hindus. We must extend honor to such Hindus.


Surinder Paul Attri


Friday, August 5, 2011

Comment on Communal Rights Body

Subj: Comment on Communal Rights Body

1. They are the descendants of traitors like Jai Chand.

They are infested with inferiority complex and feel ashamed even to be called Hindus,

( even if they were born in a Hindu home) .

They are very fond of pig-sty mentality and would regard CHAMCHAGIRI as an asset.

They have no mind of theier own and get comfort in the pseudo secularism and

the disgusting glory and falsehood of being non-Communal under any banner.

They can sell off their motherland or any thing for the false pride.


2. Quote: They are the descendants of traitors like Jai Chand.

COMMENT: Chaudhari Sahib: That is also the label that I would put on them. They are Confirmed-Jai Chand descendants..

3. Quote: They are infested with inferiority complex and feel ashamed even to be called Hindus,

( even if they were born in a Hindu home) .

COMMENT: Yes they are. Their complexes are well-developed, they are terribly-ashamed of being Hindus. Their aggressiveness is from their desire to compensate, their lack of self-esteem.

4. Quote: They have no mind of theier own and get comfort in the pseudo secularism and

the disgusting glory and falsehood of being non-Communal under any banner.

COMMENT: That is why they have a constant desire to be accepted ( because of their sense of self-inadequacy ). No, they are not Non-Communal. They are messed-up. Yanke-Label for their type is Screwed-UP. Their screw-up is tied in with their nasty Inferiority-complex.

5. Quote: They are very fond of pig-sty mentality and would regard CHAMCHAGIRI as an asset.

COMMENT: Why else would they make out-house statements ? CHAMCHAGIRI itself is out-house type of living, it is nothing to be proud of.

6. Quote: They can sell off their motherland or any thing for the false pride.

COMMENT: Yes, they would. Their zeal in running down their country is cartoonish, but all to real. They regard their country as enemy soil. Hell with Neo Jai-Chands.

Surinder Paul Attri


Thursday, August 4, 2011

The communal Rights Body wants to hackle Dr. Subramanian Swamy for revealing Terror Truth and Duties of Hindus in India.

1. Quote: The communal Rights Body wants to hackle Dr. Subramanian Swamy for revealing Terror Truth and Duties of Hindus in India.
2. COMMENT: The loud-mouthed Reps of communal rights body ( CRB ) are confirmed Hindu-Haters. They cannot be expected to put in a good word for any Hindu, Dr. Swamy included. We Hindus don't want to be lectured on morality by those, whose religious record has been engraved on the pages of history, as nothing but evil. Their co-religionists have been piercing the bellies of Kafirs, Hindus included, with lances. Their unfair criticism of the Kafir-Hindu is very difficult to swallow.
3. The ideologies that these Reps represent, inspires them to utter ferocity against those, who do not practise their religion, and who have done nothing against them. They are treated as those who are headed for Hell, and deserve only to be slaughtered. Their barbaric and fanatical onslaughts against Kafirs ( Hindus included ), are regarded by their co-religionists as wonderful things.The CRBs refrain from noticing the intolerable cruelty of Islam & Christianity, and their unjustified criticism of Kafir-Hindu, is a whale of non-sense.
4. Instead of picking on the Hindu, and giving Hell to Dr. Swamy, they ought to plead for Hindu cause, and assist the authorities in the conviction of those of their co-religionists, who kill Hindus, who set fire to trains in which Hindu pilgrimages are travelling.
They ought to reflect that Hindus, even though they are the majority, cannot go to their pilgrimage-shrines in Jammu & Kashmir, without military protection, and the Hindu has to live under the constant threat of Minority-Muslim. What kind of minority is a Moslem ?
The CRBs support of this kind of Moslem, makes it an illegal lobby.
5. CRBs non-sense criticism of the peaceful-Hindu, has no footing. It is hollow & curved inward. Many examples can be cited of the abhorrent & self-righteous attitude & actions, of the religions that CRB represents.
What kind of life does Kafir-Hindu have in Pakistan? Kafir-Hindu of Pakistan is in a constant Fear-Mode. He has no rights, whatsoever. He is continuously on the Undesirable-End. His sacred shrines & ancient temples have been turned into, picnic spots, hotels, military barracks, auto-repair shops, public toilets et al. Hindu can protest, he can cry & weap, but it does not lessen the brutality inposed on him. He is an undesirable Kafir. Sullas of Pakistan have, an un-feeling & atrocious attitude towards all Kafir-Hindus of Pakistan.
6. CRB ought to look at the situation honestly, and speak the truth. Instead of criticizing the peaceful Hindu, it ought to expose the brutality of situation imposed by Sullas ( and Kharistas ), on the Kafir-Hindus. It ought to tell its co-religionists to quit their slave & savage religions, and re-convert to Hinduism, under the program of Ghar-Wapsi ( Return Home ).
Surinder Paul Attri

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Three Islamic IEDs defused. At least 45 Amarnath pilgrims saved from deadly blast

Subj: Three Islamic IEDs defused. At least 45 Amarnath pilgrims saved from deadly blast

1. Quote: Gary Rumain commented on Three Islamic IEDs defused. At least 45 Amarnath pilgrims saved from deadly blast.

Terror attack on Amarnath pilgrims foiled. Zeenews Bureau || Saturday, July 30, 2011 Jammu: The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) on Saturday foiled a terror plot to attack pilgrims undertaking Amarnath yatra. CRPF personnel defused three IEDs (improvised explosive devices) that were kept in a bus. The incident occurred in Kazikund on the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway [...]

Steve, glad you liked it. I use koranimal to describe the more violent arselifters. Arselifter, of course, is the more run-of-the-mill kind. It describes the way they prey. And I also use slaphead – but generally in reference to the Malaysian and Indonesian subspecies of arselifters.

2. COMMENT: Gary Rumain labels Sullas as Ass-Lifters, and not without reason either. Sullas use an assinine method of praying, they lift their asses. Sullas are trying to put themselves in the peacock-position, but Sulla in a peacock-position, does not look like a peacock, he looks like a pig, and a thorough-bred idiot.

Sullas have nothing in common with the peacock. The feathered peacock is a bird of sheer beauty & splendor, but Sulla in peacock-position looks like a perfidiou-swine. Sulla's swinish look is exceeded only by the voluptuous-swinishness of his mind.

3. Sulla prays while facing west, towards his Mecca, while his stinking-ass turns towards our most sacred-shrines. This is most agonizing & outrageous.This rough-ass Sulla deserves a kick-in-the-pants, from Hindu's jack-boots. That action would be the beginning of Hindu's Freedom.

Surinder Paul Attri

Monday, August 1, 2011

is hindu life cheap ?


is hindu life cheap ?

1. In answer to the subject question "

is hindu life cheap ?, " the truth is:

Hindu life is Not cheap, but we Hindus are making it cheap. Tens of thousands of our Hindu Brothers are being murdered, tortured, and brutalized, at a number of places, but the rest of us Hindus are sleeping.

2. Quote: hindus of the world should weep for our innocent brothers and sisters

killed all the time

COMMENT: If weeping could solve the problem of the Hindu, I would gleefully engage my lacrimal-glands. But Weeping would neither defeat nor deter the enemies of the Hindu. This does Not mean at all that, I am Insensitive to the plight of our Hindus, I am not. But I am Not prepared to climb the heights of hysteria, because that would be totally counter-productive. The problem is Much Much bigger, and needs to be confronted head-on.

3. Quote: or are we going to say--- it is not my mother, it is not my father, it is not my sister,son, daughter,wife,husband. it could be you tomorrow.

COMMENT: This is exactly the kind of thinking that, shakes the morality of the entire community ( the entire Hindu community ). Hinduism-Defense is a job to be discharged Collectively. In other words,

" Either we Hindus hang-together, or we shall surely be hanged-separately. "

4. What exactly is Hindu's problem ?

Hindus have a legacy of centuries of rule of Buddhist kings in India. Their Foul & Injudicious system of morality, has starved the Hindus to surrender, at the hands of the most Adharmic & Aggressive Exogenous Invaders.

Most Hindus do Not realize that Buddhism is something Evil, because it Multiplies Violence in the world. The objective of Hinduism, particularly of Vedic Dharma is & Always has been to reduce violence in the world.

Hindus also are totally illiterate about the Buddhist-Nonsense of Ahimsa Parmo Dharma.

5. Allow me to elaborate. There is Always evil in the world. Evil has to be confronted resolutely & defeated & destroyed. The teachings of Ramayana & Mahabharat make it Abundantly-Clear. Both Ramayana & Mahabharata are full of accounts of confronting evil with so-called Himsa ( force )..Use of Himsa ( force ) to confront crime & Un-Righteousness ( Adharma ) is Not Himsa but True-Ahimsa. That is exactly the reason why both Ramayana & Mahabharata are called Dharma-Granths, and are the Basis of our Vedic System. Buddhism has no understanding of the reality of life in this world, its understanding of the meaning of Himsa & Ahimsa, is full of crap. Buddhism is TotallyAnti-Vedic system. Buddhist teachings have multiplied violence in the world, on a humongous scale. Buddhism is something Evil.

6. Murder, torture, and humiliation of the Hindu shall continue, as long as Hindus follow the wrong teachings of Buddhism. When Hindus practise Ahimsa, they do not realize that what they are practising is Not Hinduism, but Buddhism, and no good can come out it. Hindus Must stop practising the wrong teachings of Buddhism.

7. In the economic society of today, Hindu has become selfish. His highest priority is on his Personal-Welfare, his lowest priority is on the rest of the Hindu community. This attitude is Not genetic, it is environmental, and Hindus have full control of their destiny. We Hindus have to learn to care about other Hindus ( that is, Hindus who are outside the circle of our near-kindreds ).

8. By Un-Learning the Wrong lessons of Buddhism, the Hindu has ample chance of licking the problem of Hinduism-Defense. Hindus Intellectual, Technical, and Monetary resources are vastly superior to corresponding resources of his ideological-adversaries, of Islam & Christianity.

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Islamic Al-Taquiea

Subj: Islamic Al-Taquiea

1. Quote:

The corrupt Congress government has been steadfastly trying to establish friendly relationship with Pakistan.

COMMENT: How foolish ! Can a Kafir-Hating Sulla be ever a friend of the Kafir-Hindu


2. Quote:

Pakistan's deep faith in Islam and Al-Taquiea prevents them from truthful, sincere, and establishing friendly relationship with Kafir India. These meaningless jesters such as "Trust Building Meeting", Foreign Minister's Conference", "India=Pak Friendship alliance" etc are meant only for mental misdirection. Remember: Kargill. While Musharaf was preparing infiltration of Jihadi soldiers into Cargill, Vajpayee was deluding himself to have lasting peace with deadly Islamic pakistan.

COMMENT: All attempts at friendship with Pakistan, are extravagant-foolishness. Moslems not only practise Al-Taquiea, they enjoy doing it. Moslems consider themselves guardians of Allah, and Allah has some nasty tendencies. Janat ( Moslem's Heaven ) is the Highest reward of Allah to Moslems. Moslems will do anything to get hold of Janat, they will kill any number of Kafir-Hindus ( whom they regard as embodiments of Shaitaan/Satan ) to take possession of covetable Janat.Moslems desire for Janat, is strong enough not only to hate Kafirs, but to commit the most-Cardinal crime against them.

3. Quote: Pakistan has been successfully employing Islamic Al-Taquiea with the USA, India and its foreign aid infidel countries.

COMMENT: Absolutely true. Islam is an equal-opportunity barbarism. Its Al-Taquiea inspires all Moslems towards crusade ( Jihad ), its purpose is to fool Kafirs, to encircle them, and to besiege them, to enable Moslems either to convert these hateful-Kafirs to Islam, or failing that to murder them, with the blessings of Allah. There is nothing more unsulting to a Kafir, than to fall for an Islamic Al-Taquiea lie, no matter how cheerfully and how convincingly it is offered to a Kafir.

4. Quote: If foreign policy experts are genuinely serious about India-Pakistan relationship, they must study Islamic concept of Al-Taquiea, Dar-ul Islam, and Jihad war.

COMMENT: Yes, that is a very wise & practical suggestion. Islam has murdered hundreds of millions of Kafirs, during 1400 years of its existence, but has not advanced one centimeter towards civility or modernism. It is Not possible for Islam to channel its energies towards decency or civilization, because its teachings motivate it toward the most cardinal-crimes and savagery. It is most stupid and most disgraceful for our foreign policy experts, not to grasp the basic nature of Islam.

5. Quote: Pakistani Jihadis make rules of contact based on rigorist Islamic moral formalism including al-Taquiea, an attempt to bring all their acts under very general islamic rules

COMMENT: True again. The consequences of ignorance of this basic reality of Islam, are indeed grim. They could & would result in epic-bloodbath of Kafirs, mass extermination of Kafir-Hindus, and forcible-conversion of millions of Kafir-Hindus to Barbaric-Islam.

6. Quote: Indian congress party is taking indian citizens to mass suicide or surrender to Islam. The corrupt congress party find this as a happy way out. We need mature minds capable of higher reflection and responsibility.

COMMENT; The stupidity, moral-laxity, and nightmare-naivety, of phoney-liberal politicians of Congress Party are totally artless. Nothing good can be expected from them. To expect them to be:

" mature minds capable of higher reflection and responsibility "

is expecting a lot.

7. Notic this: Islam calls itself as the religion of peace, love, and brotherhood. This also is Al-Taquiea Lie. In fact, it is:


Surinder Paul Attri


From: "Babu Suseelan"
To: "Sahani Sahani" , "sawantg chitranjan" <>
Cc: "stop corruption stop corruption"
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 7:40:05 PM
Subject: [VRI] ISLAMIC AL-TAQUIEA and INDIA-Pakistn Relations

.MsgBody-text, .MsgBody-text * { font: 10pt monospace; }

Dr. Babu Suseelan

The corrupt Congress government has been steadfastly trying to establish friendly relationship with Pakistan. Our phony secularists have also joined with our eternal enemy Pakistan asking our citizen to bear strain on India's development with friendly relationship with Jihadistan. Their claim has no universal validity among Islamists from Pakistan. Pakistan's deep faith in Islam and Al-Taquiea prevents them from truthful, sincere, and establishing friendly relationship with Kafir India. These meaningless jesters such as "Trust Building Meeting", Foreign Minister's Conference", "India=Pak Friendship alliance" etc are meant only for mental misdirection. Remember: Kargill. While Musharaf was preparing infiltration of Jihadi soldiers into Cargill, Vajpayee was deluding himself to have lasting peace with deadly Islamic pakistan.

It is time for Indian foreign policy experts to learn from Islam in dealing with Pakistan. Pakis are masters in Al-Taquiea (lying). It is approved, allowed and practiced in Islam to subdue, oppress and confuse Kafirs and infidels. Pakistan has been successfully employing Islamic Al-Taquiea with the USA, India and its foreign aid infidel countries. Instead of fighting against infidel confusion and illusion as well as the often unsuspected contradictions in our false assumptions about Islamic Al-Taquiea, India is engaged in meaningless exercise and empty verbiage with Islamic hardliners of Pakistan.

Indian Congress leaders who have undergone Islamic manipulation (Al-Taquiea), are creating techniques of degradation, perfecting it to prepare peace loving, passive Indians for the final surrender to Islamic Pakistan. Citizens with mature minds and clear thinking should not retreat into insignificance, impractical situation. it is time for us to think of solution for pakistan created islamic problems in terms of positive action.

If foreign policy experts are genuinely serious about India-Pakistan relationship, they must study Islamic concept of Al-Taquiea, Dar-ul Islam, and Jihad war. Instead of fancying themselves about friendship with Pakistan (an Impossibility with Jihadis) and creating unbreakable link and engage in spiritless abstract discussion, they should discuss concrete issues like Pakistan's Islamic warfare technique, Jihadi infiltration, Islamic atom bomb, biological warfare, distribution of counterfeit currency and instigating social unrest in India. Pakistan refuses to to address these issues. It may be objectionable that the mere mention of such horrible facts is itself dangerous almost criminal to pki Jiahdis.

Pakistani Jihadis make rules of contact based on rigorist Islamic moral formalism including al-Taquiea, an attempt to bring all their acts under very general islamic rules which are unacceptable to peace loving, tolerant Indians. Pluralistic, secular India and intolerant Islamic Pakistan are are not really commensurable with each other. To become aware of this fact is a sort of crisis for phony secularists and anti national congress rulers. But, with this crisis in our moral awareness is the starting point. If we are strong and morally clear of Islamic al-taquiea we can become clear, creative and a solution will emerge between India's relationship with Islamic beast Pakistan.

Indian congress party is taking indian citizens to mass suicide or surrender to Islam. The corrupt congress party find this as a happy way out. We need mature minds capable of higher reflection and responsibility. Mature minds mean India should strengthen its army against pakistan. What we have to recognize is: Shanti requires Shakthi. STRENGTH DETERMINES PEACE.

How to wipe out Islamic terror 1

Subj: How to wipe out Islamic terror

1. pakistan was not a creation of nehru or gandhi. pakistan was as jinnah said was formed the day the first hindu was converted to islam.




gradually but surely the hindus are on the final stage of extinction.




to protect our faith and way of life is not fundamentalism. do not let the blood shed by millions of hindus through the centuries to protect our dharm go in vain.




wake up Hindus and act. it is a concern of every Hindu. if Assam is in danger today, tomorrow it could be punjab or gujerat.




raksha aggarwal

2 Quote: pakistan was not a creation of nehru or gandhi. pakistan was as jinnah said was formed the day the first hindu was converted to islam.

COMMENT: Absolutely true. It was ENTIRELY Jinnah's idea. In fact, Jinnah had communicated this idea to Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak ( Congress-Chief before M.K. Gandhi ) approximately during the times of World War 1. But Tilak did not want to believe, that Islam is populated by deamons, and believed that Islam can be reformed, and that a compromise solution is the best solution, under the circumstances.

But Islam CANNOT be reformed. Islam can certainly be demolished, it must be demolished. A half-ass job will not do. Islam must be reduced to a blazing-wreck, from which it cannot arise again. Islam has murdered hundreds of millions of innocent Kafirs, during 14 centuries of its existence, and deserves no mercy.

3. Quote: to protect our faith and way of life is not fundamentalism. do not let the blood shed by millions of hindus through the centuries to protect our dharm go in vain.

COMMENT: This is certainlyt a fine idea, but to build up Hinduism Defense is not all that easy. Hindus do want to defend Hinduism, but they do not want to pay, the price of Hinduism Defense. Hindus want a Free-Lunch. But there is no free-lunch in life. That is where the problem is.

Surinder Paul Attri

Three Islamic IEDs defused. 45 Amarnath pilgrims saved from deadly blast

1.Quote: Three Islamic IEDs defused. 45 Amarnath pilgrims saved from deadly blast

COMMENT: This is a first-hand picture of an ideology, which calls itself the religion of peace, love, and brotherhood. It is a portrayal of horrors planned by the followers of peace, love, and brotherhood.

2. Islam plants IEDs, Kafirs defuse it. It is a picture of counter-action & counter-distinction between Kafir-ism & Islam, between civilization & chaos, between enlightenment & darkness, between civility & barbarism.

3. Let no body mis-calculate it or opt for wrong action of some kind. Islam cannot be reformed, but Islam can " certainly " be demolished, ti must be demolished.

Surinder Paul Attri

( A proud Kafir )

On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 3:02 AM, Struggle for Hindu Existence wrote:

Three Islamic IEDs defused. 45 Amarnath pilgrims saved from deadly blast

hinduexistence | July 30, 2011 at 3:32 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Terror attack on Amarnath pilgrims foiled

Zeenews Bureau || Saturday, July 30, 2011

Jammu: The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) on Saturday foiled a terror plot to attack pilgrims undertaking Amarnath yatra.

CRPF personnel defused three IEDs (improvised explosive devices) that were kept in a bus.

The incident occurred in Kazikund on the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway when a bus with around 45 Amarnath pilgrims was returning to Jammu.

The bus conductor noticed some suspicious bags and immediately alerted the security officials. The area was immediately cordoned off by CRPF personnel and a bomb squad was called in.

The IEDs were placed inside three pressure cookers and were remote controlled. It is suspected that RDX was used to make the three bombs.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jewish Boycott

Subj: Jewish Boycott

1. A short time ago, Iran 's Supreme Leader Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei urged the Muslim World to boycott anything and everything that originates with the Jewish people.

In response, Meyer M. Treinkman, a pharmacist, out of the kindness of his heart, offered to assist them in their boycott as follows:

"Any Muslim who has Syphilis must not be cured by Salvarsan discovered by a Jew, Dr. Ehrlich. He should not even try to find out whether he has Syphilis, because the Wasserman Test is the discovery of a Jew. If a Muslim suspects that he has Gonorrhea, he must not seek diagnosis, because he will be using the method of a Jew named Neissner.

"A Muslim who has heart disease must not use Digitalis, a discovery by a Jew, Ludwig Traube.

Should he suffer with a toothache, he must not use Novocaine, a discovery of the Jews, Widal and Weil.

If a Muslim has Diabetes, he must not use Insulin, the result of research by Minkowsky, a Jew. If one has a headache, he must shun Pyramidon and Antypyrin, due to the Jews, Spiro and Ellege.

Muslims with convulsions must put up with them because it was a Jew, Oscar Leibreich, who proposed the use of Chloral Hydrate.

Arabs must do likewise with their psych ic ailments because Freud, father of psychoanalysis, was a Jew.

Should a Muslim child get Diphtheria, he must refrain from the "Schick" reaction which was invented by the Jew, Bella Schick.

"Muslims should be ready to die in great numbers and must not permit treatment of ear and brain damage, work of Nobel Prize winner, Robert Baram.

They should continue to die or remain crippled by Infantile Paralysis because the discoverer of the anti-polio vaccine is a Jew, Jonas Salk.

"Muslims must refuse to use Streptomycin and continue to die of Tuberculosis because a Jew, Zalman Waxman, invented the wonder drug against this killing disease.

Muslim doctors must discard all discoveries and improvements by dermatologist Judas Sehn Benedict, or the lung specialist, Frawnkel, and of many other world renowned Jewish scientists and medical experts.

"In short, good and loyal Muslims properly and fittingly should remain afflicted with Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Heart Disease, Headaches, Typhus, Diabetes, Mental Disorders, Polio, Convulsions and Tuberculosis and be proud to obey the Islamic boycott."

2. Quote: "In short, good and loyal Muslims properly and fittingly should remain afflicted with Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Heart Disease, Headaches, Typhus, Diabetes, Mental Disorders, Polio, Convulsions and Tuberculosis and be proud to obey the Islamic boycott."

COMMENT: These afflictions & adversities are of less consequence to Sullas, than obedience to message of their Allah, which is the voice of doom. In fact, Jewish medicine, tonic, or balm, will not suit Sullas, it will only cause Takleef ( pain & pang ). Consequently, recommendations of the message titled " Jewish Boycott " make perfect sense.

3. Let us face it. Islam is a political ideology of high-intensity hate, fully charged with hatred of Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). Islam is a pestilence, and its delineation is sinister, dark, and dangerous. Islam came with a conversion mission, with Allah's sword, to convert damned-Kafirs to Islam.

4. Islam is something evil. Don't give any deference or break to Sullas. Send them straight away to Jhanam ( Hell ).

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Second US Tour of Tapan Ghosh, President, Hindu Samhati.

Subj: Second US Tour of Tapan Ghosh, President, Hindu Samhati.

1. Islam is barbarism, but Islam is also slavery, embodying slavish devotion to Allah & Hazrat Mohammad ( a Sicki who was hearing voices & did not really understand what they mean ). Islamic Doctrine frees up the worst in Sullas ( followers of Islam ). It labels Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) as the worst of beasts, and admonishes Sullas to go after them in real earnest, to slaughter them if they refuse to convert to Islam, the only true religion and the religion of Allah. No other religion is acceptible to Islam or to their Allah. Islamic clergy ( Mullahs, Maulvies et al ) claims that Islam is a religion of peace, love, and brotherhood. This is a Big Fat Lie. Islam is nothing of the sort. Islam is a religion of war, hate, disgust & detestation.

2. Jehad ( Islam's Holy War against Kafirst ) is the basic doctrine of Islam. But an average Hindu's knowledge of Jehad, is less than zero. To most Hindus, war is Dharamyuddha based on Dharamshastras, and fought according to rules laid down in Dharamshastras, such as:

a. Not attacking a person who does not have a weapon or has dropped it

b. Not hurting an adversary who has surrendered

c. Not pursuing a defeated enemy who has run away

d. Not attacking non-combatants in enemy's camp

e. Not harming women, holy men, holy places in enemy's territory

And so on & on.

3. Hindus have never known Religious-War or Holy-War, such as Jehad, which is characteristic of Islam. An average Hindu is Totally-Ignorant of the concept of Jehad, which is a Holy-War, and is a Total-War against Kafirs. He has no idea that Jehad could burst upon him suddenly, and offer him no choice other than to convert to Islam or die at the hands of a Jehadi-Sulla. Without this knowledge of Jehad, it is impossible or extremely-difficult for a Hindu, to take a stand against Jehadi soldiers of Islam, who are worse than hard-core criminals. Without a clear understanding of Jehad, Hindu does not have much a chance, to protect his life, property, or the honor of his women-folk.

4. Hindu needs to understand the consequences of Jehad, which are:

a. Forcible Expansion of Islam

b. Destruction of Kafirs

c. Imposition of Jiziyah ( Non-Moslem Tax ) upon Kafir populations

d. Plunder the properties of Kafirs

e. Plunder in the form of enslaved female & child populations, of defeated Kafirs

And so & on.

5. Hindus need to comprehend clearly that, Islam's war against Kafirs is Total-War, and the danger to the Kafir-Hindu is real. Hindu needs to abandon Immediately and once and for all, his colossal & collective non-sense of Individualism. Hindus ought to consider it criminal, if members of the Hindu-Society refuse, to participate in the collective-defense of the Entire Hindu-Society. That was the rule in the Russian-Army during World War 11. Cowardice was Not tolerated in the Russian-Army. Stalin once told Chuirchill that, you have to be pretty-brave to be a coward in the Russian-Army. This approach of Russian-Army broke the back of the technologically-superior German Army.

6. While discussing the problem of Jehad & Islam's barbarism, all components of the problem must be described. And responsibility must be placed where it properly belongs, particularly the question if we Hindus have brought Islam's barbarism, upon ourselves. Yes, we have, and it is futile to avoid our responsibility, and to look for ways to pin the blame entirely, on someone else. Reason: Sullas are barbarians, and like all other barbarians, they go where they can go real easily. They always back off where Kafirs stand up to them, and make them pay a high price, for their Jehad. Sullas are and have always been Testers. They indulge in probing attacks, and are always on the lookout for places where there are weaknesses in the local defense system. They do a Risk-Reward analhysis, before embarking upon a Jehadic adventure.

7. Sullas do not need nor deserve a Kid-Glove treatment. They need a Strong Kick-In-The-Pants. Dealing with Sullas does not require space-age technology. Hindu needs to get his head straight, and take care of his Dignity & Honor, with a Stout-Kick in Sullas A**. Hindus need to organize competently, to stand up as a Collective Hindu-Force ( just like the Russians of World War 11 ), and stand ready to use his gun, to cut the teet of the barbarian Sulla, and to teach him the lesson of his life. It can be done & must be done.

Surinder Paul Attri

Monday, July 18, 2011

Prevention​tion from holding celebratio​n in a gurdwara in Lahore

Subj: Prevention​tion from holding celebratio​n in a gurdwara in Lahore

Indrajit Saluja to me, arish

1. My dear Surinder Ji,

Please give further information on the incident.

1. Date when the incident took place

2. Mane of gurdwara where it happened

3. Name and contact of a responsible representative of Gurdwara

4 Any other information that you think can help a newspaper in making a credible story.

Thanks & regards.

Prof. saluja


Prof. Indrajit S. Saluja

Chief Editor, The Indian Panorama

89-07 Lefferts Boulevard,

Richmond Hill, NY 11418

Mailing address:

P.O. Box No. 190067

South Richmond Hill, New York 11419

Phone: 347-632-0001 Fax: 347-960-7211 Cell: 646-247-9458

2. My Take:

Prof Saluja Jee: This incident was reported in several Indian Newspapers, on 17 July 2011.

3. Quote: Date when the incident took place

COMMENT: Friday, 15 July 2011

4. Quote: Mane of gurdwara where it happened

COMMENT: Gurudwara SHAHEED Taru Singh. This Gurudwara is located in the famous Nau-Lakha Bazaar, in the city of Lahore, Pakistan.

5. Quote: Name and contact of a responsible representative of Gurdwara

COMMENT: Most Sikhs of Lahore do not want to be identified, for fear of recoil & repercussion, but Sardar Bishon Singh, who is President of Gurudwara Mission of Pakistan, either has or is planning on appealing to Supreme Court Justice, Ifthikar Chaudhary of Pakistan. Mr. Chaudhary is the same guy, who was Fired by the then Paki President, Pervez Musharraf.

6. Quote: Any other information that you think can help a newspaper in making a credible story.

COMMENT: Gurdwara Shaheed Bhai Taru Singh, in the Naulakha Bazaar of Lahore, was built to honour the memory of, and as a mark of recognition of the sacrifices of Bhai Taru Singh, who was executed in 1745, on the orders of the Rascal Mughal governor of Punjab, Zakaria Khan.

After partition, Paki government took over the Gurudwara, and the standing of the Sikh community of Lahore, has been going from bad to worse.

7. Worse may be in the making. Dawat-E-Islami, a proselytism group of Islam, claims that, this Gurudwara is located on the grave-site, of a fifteenth century Muslim saint, Pir Shah Kaku. They claim that the Gurudwara is Now a Mosque. The BIGOTRY of Dawat-E-Islami always comes through.

Surinder Paul Attri

Sikh community in Lahore prevented from celebrating festival

1. Sikh community in Lahore prevented from celebrating festival
The Sikh community in the eastern city of Lahore has been barred from organising a religious celebration at a disputed gurdwara after a religious group persuaded authorities that celebrating the Muslim holy day of 'Shab-e-Barat' is more important than the Sikh festival.

The musical equipment of the Sikhs was thrown out and their entry to the gurdwara barred due to the efforts of the Dawat-e-Islami, a Barelvi proselytising group, The Express Tribune newspaper reported today.

Police were deployed outside the gurdwara to prevent Sikhs from conducting a religious ceremony until after the end of Shab-e-Barat, which falls tomorrow.

The Sikh community wanted to commemorate an eighteenth-century saint at the gurdwara on Friday.

Gurdwara Shaheed Bhai Taru Singh at Naulakha Bazaar in Lahore was built to honour the memory of a Sikh saint who was executed in 1745 on the orders of the Mughal governor of Punjab, Zakaria Khan.

Every July, Sikhs have held religious ceremonies to commemorate his sacrifice.

Though the gudwara was taken over by the Evacuee Trust Property Board after Partition, Sikhs were allowed to continue using it with relatively few restrictions.

Four years ago, the Dawat-e-Islami claimed the gurdwara was located on the site of the grave of a 15th century Muslim saint, Pir Shah Kaku.

The group claimed Kaku was the grandson of Baba Fariduddin Ganjshakar, an "implausible claim" since Ganjshakar died in 1280 while it claims that Kaku died almost 200 years later, in 1477, the daily reported.

The Sikh community had approached ETPB, which allowed both communities to observe their religious rituals according to their own beliefs at the gurdwara.

The Dawat-e-Islami used it every Thursday for prayer services while Sikhs used it once a year for the anniversary of Taru Singh's martyrdom.

This year, when Sikh men went in to set up their musical instruments on July 13, they were thrown out by men from Dawat-e-Islami and prevented from re-entering the shrine.

Members of the Sikh community, many of whom fear to be identified, said the leader of the group of men, Sohail Butt, claimed that the gurdwara was now a mosque and Sikhs would not be allowed to bring in their musical instruments any longer.

Butt admitted he had prevented Sikhs from performing their ritual, claiming that the gurdwara was inside the courtyard of the mosque.

"Shab-e-Barat is more important than the Sikh ritual," Butt said, adding the ETPB had accepted his group's stance.

Officials from ETPB admit that they have asked the Sikh community to postpone their celebrations until after Shab-e-Barat.

ETPB Deputy Administrator Faraz Abbas, who deals with Sikh affairs across Pakistan, admitted that Sikhs had been denied entry into the gurdwara.

Gurunanak Mission president Sardar Bishon Singh said the ETPB's decision to bar Sikhs from entering their shrine was against the constitution.

He said that he approached the ETPB but was told to wait until after Shab-e-Barat.

"How can we postpone the rituals of our faith," he asked, adding that the government was not paying attention to their cause.

Singh appealed to Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry to take suo moto action over the violation of rights of minorities in Pakistan.

2. My Take:

The above article sketches life of Kafir-Sikhs, in the city of Lahore, Pakistan.

This manner of dealing with Kafir-Sikhs of Lahore, is more than an Islamic-Misdemeanor. It is a grim spectrum of religious-bigotry, practised by Sullas against Kafir-Sikhs, in the city of Lahore, Pakistan. Islam hates Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) royally. This is the kind of treatment that, Islam calls for, in dealing with all Kafirs. Islam is an ideology of Equal-Opportunity Barbarism. All Kafirs are accused of being controlled by Shaitaan ( Satan/Devil ), and are stamped as Enemies Of Allah.

3. Moslem Mullahs & Maulvies engineer countless atrocities & barbarism, in the name of Islam. Although the culture of the world has changed quite a bit, and is now more tolerant in general, the culture of Islam is now more savage, than ever before in the history of mankind. This is the definining qualification of Islam.

4. Islam claims itself to be, a religion of Peace, Love, & Brotherhood. Make no mistake about it. This claim is as Hollow as Bongo-Drums. Combat agaisnt Kafirs, has been part of Islam, from Day One Of Islam. Prophet Mohammad ( the Bedouin-Goonda ) conquered Mecca by Force. He dictated Quran, which sanctions Armed-Jehad against Kafirs, as a Tool Of Evangelism.

5. Waging Bloody Warfare against Hateful-Kafirs, has been Standard Technique Of Islam, to spread Islam every place on earth. There is no merit or justification in Islam's claim, as a religion of peace, love, and brotherhood. It is a Crock Of Baloney.

Surinder Paul Attri

Friday, July 15, 2011

Comments on Photograph​​s of Mumbai Blast - Allah's Attack On India

Subj: Comments on Photograph​​s of Mumbai Blast - Allah's Attack On India

1. Sh. Surrinderji,

Rahul is idiot and uneducated person. Due to his stupidness a time will come that he would flee Bhaarat and would never set his foot in Bhaarat. he is having Italian passport and on that basis he would rot some where in southern America.

he can show stupidness till congress party is ruling party. The day congress party loses power which may happen within one year, Sonia and Rahul and son in law Vadera will lose all power and wealth.


2. My Take:

Mohan Jee: It is not comprehensible what RG ( Rahul Gandhi ) is up to. His eventual fate may turn out to be consonant with your prediction. He seems to be trying some vote-getting stunts, and photo ops ( marketing-gimmicks ), stirring up farmers, supposedly to secure their rights. These are mixed with his sham comments about terrorism, which are particularly questionable.

3. Congress is in no position to help RG out, its own reputation is fragile, weighed down by storm of corruption-charges. Regarding the splendor of name " Gandhi, " all Gandhi geeses are not swans. The megalomania of name Gandhi, has been exaggerated & over-estimated.

4. One must be fit enogh for the job. So far, RG has not displayed any real intelligence. He may very well turn out to be a flop. Village people are simple, they are not terribly smart, but they are not perfect-pushovers either. They are going to be the judge of RG.

5. Regardless, we don't need flops, gaining an entry into the Indian political system.

Surinder Paul Attri

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Re Terrorist Attack in Mumbai

Subj: Re Terrorist Attack in Mumbai

1. Yet another terrorist attack in Mumbai. It is high time we stop
talking of the "spirit of Mumbai" and other meaningless words and
truly seek to put and end to such horrible terror attacks.

These attackers not just target Mumbai or India for that matter but
have targeted diverse places from Bali, to London, to Thailand, Spain,
Russia and many many places.

In this regard, it is high time we start questioning the very ideology
that supports and motivates such meaningless violence and attacks.
Remember for peace tomorrow prepare for war today.

You have to fight and earn it and only the courageous are destined to
live on earth. Not the weak and those offering excuses. Our jawans
are daily risking their lives
and limbs for the safety of the Indian masses. So there is no default peace.

Please play your part and stand up to and confront aggression and
terror. That is the least we can do for the in memory of the terror
victims. Let us stop talking of inane "spirit of Mumbai" and work
towards giving the dead and the victims justice! Dharma only protects you if you protect dharma.


2. Quote: These attackers not just target Mumbai or India for that matter

COMMENT: The Moslems have Cleraly identified their targets. Their targets are Not confined to any specific country or location. Their targets are " All " Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) of the world. Islam's hatred & barbarism are directed at All Kafirs.

3. Quote: You have to fight and earn it

COMMENT: That is Explicitly & Entirely correct. You have to load up your guns, and knock the Hell out of Sullas.

4. Quote: only the courageous are destined to live on earth. Not the weak and those offering excuses.

COMMENT: That is another way of saying " The survival of the fittest. " That is precisely what Charlie Darwin hypothesized & Darwin was a Very Smart cat.

5. Quote: Dharma only protects you if you protect dharma.

COMMENT: Right again !
Shaaster & Shuster go together. Your weapon ought to be your closest companion. Lord Ram was " Always " armed with his long range weapons ( Bow & Arrows ), and Lord Ram is Vedic-Dharma at its best.

If we don't stand up to the Sulla, the Sulla will keep thundering through us Kafirs, spitting his bombs & bullets on us Kafirs. For too long, we Hindus have watched Sullas, besiege & assault us Hindus. It is time to pay back, and knock the tar out of this good-for-nothing Sulla.

6. There is nothing else in the inventory of the Hindu, that will put an end to the barbarism of Islam, against the Kafir-Hindu.

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Police Report: All Assault Rapists in Oslo Follow Muhammad

Subj: Police Report: All Assault Rapists in Oslo Follow Muhammad

1. Police Report: All Assault Rapists in Oslo Follow Muhammad

by Gil Ronen

Defenders of Islam call it a "religion of peace" but many Norwegian women are learning that Islam is the religion of rape. According to an amazing police report released there this month, every single solved case of assault-rape in the country in 2010 was carried out by a Muslim immigrant.

The report was cited by an official Norwegian television station, which interviewed a victim who said that her rapist explained to her that his religion permits him to rape her.

According to the police report there was a total of 186 of known rape cases in 2010. These fall into various categories, the largest one of which is assault-rape, carried out by sheer physical force, of which there were 86 cases. In 83 of these cases the perpetrator could be identified by the victim. In all 83, the attacker was described as having "non-western appearance," a laundered euphemism for Muslim immigrants from Africa, the Middle East, or Asia.

In other categories of rape there were Norwegian attackers as well, but they were still in the minority (Note: the translation of the Norwegian TV report embedded here does not make a distiction between "assault rape" and other forms of rape, and appears to confuse the statistics for 2010 with those for 2006-2010).

A female police officer who commented on the report explained that "Many of the perpetrators who commit these rapes are on the edge of society often unemployed, arriving from traumatized countries. In the past five years it has often been asylum seekers."

The problem is not new. A report in Aftenposten in 2001 said: "While 65 percent of those charged with rape are classed as coming from a non-western background, this segment makes up only 14.3 percent of Oslo's population. Norwegian women were the victims in 80 percent of the cases."

"In other words," says the New American, "Muslims from Africa and other benighted Third World places are targeting Western women for rape." It elaborates:

"In 2005, the blogger Fjordman reported on a similar rape wave in Sweden. A crime prevention study that year reported that Algerians, Libyans, Moroccans, and Tunisians ‘dominate the group of rape suspects,’ he reported. The same year, the newspaper Aftonbladet reported that nearly half of all rapists were immigrants."

Yehuda Bello, an Israeli blogger who is well-acquainted with Norwegian culture, noted the report and claimed that Norwegians are a culture that suffers from "extreme boredom" due to the presence of huge oil reserves, and are thus inordinately interested in multiculturalism and assorted "human rights" campaigns.

They are also traditionally anti-Semitic, he believes. As a result their politicians and press are focused on Israel’s actions in Shechem (Nablus) and Hevron and choose to ignore Muslim misdeeds – be they in Iran, Syria, or in Norway itself.

Despite this, he reports, the Muslim rape campaign has become so terrible that even Norwegians have begun to recognize the reality around them, and in recent months there have been protests where the slogan was "Muslims out!".

2. My Take:

Quote: The report was cited by an official Norwegian television station, which interviewed a victim who said that her rapist explained to her that his religion permits him to rape her.

COMMENT: The Norwegian-Victim's reply was a statement of Absolute-Truth. Islam does help the progress of such villainous acts against Kafir ( Non-Moslem Infidel ) women. In fact, some Moslems regard such deeds as Strategic-Jehad against Kafirs.

3. Murdering, robbing, and raping of innocent people, is the greatest evil that there can be. But Allah calls such atrocities as Jehad ( Holy War ), declaring such pillage as " Lawful & Good, " and offers Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ) as reward for such obscenity.

4. In the eyes of Moslems, the Norwegian Non-Moslem girls, the victims of Moslem-rape, are Kafir girls, in front of which is Jhanam ( Islamic-Hell ). Islam advises its followers to fight Kafirs, Allah is with those who do this fighting.

5. Because of such teachings of Islam, Moslems have blessed the whole world with their loot, raid,plunderings, and inhuman rapes. As long as this loot, raid, and rape is against Kafirs, it is completely justified, it is Ghazzu, and the Operator-Moslem is a Ghazi ( Honorable Warrior Of Islam, who has killed/raped many Kafirs ).

Ghazi's reward for such nefarious acts: Janat Ki Houris ( Fairies Of Moslem's Paradise ).

6. Moslems have Never been accused of being particularly bright. To them, the Light-Skinned, Blue-Eyed, Blond Norwegian girls, might appear to them to be:


Allah's Cookie-Cutter promise to Moslems, makes a Moslem feel that, he can have as much sex as he desires. And Fair-Skinned Norwegian girls ( Janat-KI-Houris ) are considered by Moslems, to be Fair-Game, and sex with them to be " Lawful & Good. " In fact, that is exactly the kind of sex, that a Moslem hungers for

7. Thus Islamic-Rape of Norwegian Janat-Ki-Houris ( Norwegian girls ) is, propagation of Islam's Janat-Sex. And the Norwegian-Victim's ( of Islamic-Rape ), is a narration of Certain-Truth.

Surinder Paul Attri

Monday, June 27, 2011

Kafir Geert Wilders has been acquitted

Subj: Kafir Geert Wilders has been acquitted

1. Quote: Geert Wilders, the far-right Dutch Politician has been acquitted of all charges in his hate speech trial in Amsterdam. According to the Judge, comparing Islam to Nazism might be offensive, but it falls within the scope of free speech. Naturally, Geert stated, “It's not only an acquittal for me, but a victory for freedom of expression in the Netherlands”. The judge also pointed out that Geert Wilder’s comments are often “crude and denigrating”, however they are not illegal; they included racist remarks like “head rag tax”. Why the term “head rag”? It sounds like the pejorative racist term “rag-head”, frequently used by the Americans.

2. COMMENT: This news ought to be a heart-warming broadcast for every Kafir.

There is such a thing as " freedom of speech, " besides Geert is " telling it like it is. "

3. Of course, Sullas won't relish this verdict of the Dutch court, and we know why.
Islam has " Never " been accused of being tolerant or decent towards Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). Moslems have assigned to themselves the right to criticize/demonize Kafirs & Kafi-Religions, without limit. And they expect us Kafirs to accept this Islamic claim/right, as the claim of the " Only True Religion In The World. "

4. But it is difficult for a reasonable/logical guy to submit, to this kind of Unreasonable claim, and Islam's " Exclusive Right Of Kafir-Pounding. " of Exclusivity, A reasonable & logical guy would regard this submission, as a terrifying threat to human liberty.

But Islam thrives on this unreasonable & nonsensical claim. The bitter truth of Islam is that, a Moslem's devotion to Islam is judged, by how much he can insult Kafirs & Kafir-Religions.

5. Every logically person in the world must ask himself:

Why does Islam deserve special protection from criticism, while rest of the Kafir-Religions are fair-game ?

6. Note: This Dutch Has The Touch. We need more Kafir-guys like him ( like Geert Wilders ).

Surinder Paul Attri.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Comment on Dr. Poojari's presentation of modern-day Mahabharat

Subj: Comment on Dr. Poojari's presentation of modern-day Mahabharat

1. bhagavaandaas tyaagi to me
very good one ----

2. Tyaagi Jee: Thanks for the pat on the back.

3. Even though there is varaiability across centuries, a peek through Mahabaharat-Window of present time, reveals what is valued and what is not, in our culture which is based on the phoney-liberal politics of India. A concise review of this politics reveals, demonic-consequences of this evil politics.

4. The Mahabharat-Window reveals political actions & techniques that, the Phoneys ( phoney-liberals ) have employed in the last 64 years, to subvert representative government, and caused destruction of the capital structure of India, inevitable consequence of which is poverty of the people of India. This wicked state-craft practices vote-bank politics, placates minorities, dragoons majority, and promotes socialism. It is a dangerous precipice, upon which India finds itself, at this time in our history.

Surinder Paul Attri

Friday, June 24, 2011

Dr. Poojari's presentation of modern-day Mahabharat

Subj: Dr. Poojari's presentation of modern-day Mahabharat

1. COMMENT: I must admit I got a Big-Fat-Laugh when I looked at these pictures, they all tickled my funny-bone, to say the least.

2. Bill Shakespeare says this world is a stage, we are all mere actors in it. That being given, there is always something about an act that can't be explained in terms of the scene alone. I realize that this entire presentation is meant to be a satire, but even this take-off on parody has a skeleton of truth in it.

3. Specifically, Sonia Gandhi has a perfect-fit as Gandhari, but other Johnnies & Janes are Not too far behind. The entire proposal in this presentation has features, the interpretation of which enables a viewer, to uncover parallelisms & paradoxes, not normally open to view in the day-to-day workings, of the Phoney-Liberal Indian Politics.

4. Is there anything to be learned from this sarcasm ?
Answer: Plenty !

5. The questions that we must ask are:

a. Is there anything new in this act ?
b. Is there any declaration of truth in it ?
c. Is there anything promising in this scene ( political-scene ) ?
f. Is this ( phoney-liberal politics of India ) some kind of sophistry ?

Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, June 19, 2011



1. Mullahs of Islam, tout the highly fetching & seductive sex of Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ) to the followers of Islam. Their objective is to mold the minds of Moslems, towards the attainment of Janat, through the practice of Islam's teachings. This teaching is part of Islam's Jehad, which is the arsenal of Islam & is deadly. It makes the Moslem willing to kill ( kill Kafirs ) & get killed. An average Moslem is not aware at all that, this description of Janat-Sex, is patriarchal dominance of Moslem men over women, because this description goes hand-in-hand with the traditional teachings of Islam. In reality, this Janat-Sex of Islam, is based on Satanic-Social-Ethics of Islam, and is a total anti-theses of normal & standard sex. It makes the Moslem think like the lowest organism, such as the amoeba, that has desire but lacks the ability to make choices.

2. Signor Rushdie ( Salman Rushdie ) would probably label this kind of sex as Satanic-Sex ( IN PROSE ). Mullahs, who are essentially A**-Holes, have enshrined this Janat-Sex as normal-sexuality, which it certainly not. Islam is packed with lots of anti-women doctrines, which crush, hamper, and encumber the women of Islam. These shameful doctrines have been ignored & forgotten by Moslems, and by Phoney-Liberal Non-Moslems. But these doctrines are horrible subjugation & serfdom. Mullahs of Islam, make the Houris Of Janat, look like Satanic-Witches, shedding any pretense of gender-equality or of gender-bias.

Note: This wild sex of Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ), together with all its fetish, flavors, and kinks, are planned & arranged for the benefit of Moslems, by Allah-Mian himself. This sex is symbolic of the religion of Islam, and has the authority of Allah-Mian.

3. This Janat-Sex is a Cookie-Cutter for every Moslem. It makes the Moslem feel that, he can have as much sex as he desires, it also means the kind of sex that he hungers for. It works because it makes a Moslem willing to kill & get killed. It motivates & drives the Moslems towards Janat, more than any other factor.

However, Mullahs propagation of Janat-Sex, is a tool of Lies. Rather than treating their statements of Janat-Sex as amusing, they should be treated as serious accounts of stupidity. They turn the logic on its head. Stupidity of Mullahs is a disease, but it is Not a curable disease.

4. When we talk about curing the disease of Mullahs stupidity, we are talking about altering something that, most Moslems regard as part of their normal Islamic teaching & of Moslem's future. Mullahs thinking cannot be psychologically altered, because it is subjective.

Regardless, however, Mullahs teaching of Janat-Sex has done more harm than good.

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Shah Rukh Khan

Subj: Shah Rukh Khan
SRK is a perfect example of hypocrisy. His comments on Baba Ram Dev, are not only illegitimate, but hypocritical as well. When contrasted against his own record of comments, on topics of advertisement, his bluster & barrage against Ram Dev, sound terribly bogus, vain, and hollow. SRK would be well advised to keep his big mouth shut..

Film star Raj Kumar, in a Bollywwod movie, states:

" Those who live in glass houses, should not throw stones at others. "
Though SRK is lying with utter sincerity, he ceases to perceive deception in his hypocrisy.

2. To be completely fair to SRK, he is not the only cat, who is playing this distortion/hypocrisy play. Distortion & Hypocrisy are the qualities, that gain the palm, in the cloister & character of phoney-liberalism, that abounds in India.

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Comments on Pakistan's Bad Kismet

Subj: Comments on Pakistan's Bad Kismet

1. bk chaudhari to me

You have indeed put the nail in the Head of Manhoos(Massive Manhoos) Paksitan.



2. COMMENT: Thanks Chaudhari Sahib.

I tried to put a finishing-touch to the Pyari-Surat ( Beauty ) of Pakistan, but the moral-ugliness of Pakistan is too great. It is not easy to put Pakistani head in place, by driving a few nails ( by telling it like it is ).

3. Pakis are accusing us Yanks of playing dirty. To me, it is a case of sour-grapes.

Pakis have been playing the game of stealth, against us Yanks for five years ( hiding Osama Bin Laden, right in the heart of Pakistan ). But what is " Sauce For Goose, is Sauce For Gander. "

Us Yanks, with our superior technology of stealth, considered it Do-Able, and we did it.

4. Let us face it properly. Imitation is the best kind of flattery. I have heard it many times that:
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

A real down-to-earth guy told me that:

If some guy drops one bomb on you, you ought to drop two on him. Imitation is the best kind of flattery. This guy sure has his ducks in row.

Instead of flattery, Pakis find it frustrating when we Yanks copy their stealth, and put a different twist on it. Pakis have a problem, their thinking is neither correct nor smart.

5. Pakis real problem is that, they are married to Jihad, figuratively speaking. Their Mujahid-Sipahis ( Jihadi-Soldiers ), are wearing patches & badges, which are earned not through sacrifice, but by shedding innocent Kafir ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) blood

Pakis reward is that upon them, is the curse of Allah. God does not curse people. It is the Moslems who fight God ( by killing innocent Kafirs ) and bring the curse of Allah upon themselves.

6. Thanks for drawing my attention to the Manhusiat of Pakistan.

Surinder Paul Attri

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pakistan's Bad Kismet

Subj: Pakistan's Bad Kismet
bk chaudhari to Acharyaji, Amit, Anjali, Atulji, Balbir, Bal, Bal, Balraj.

1 Quote: Teri Piyari Piyari Surat ko Teri Manhoosiat ki hi Nazar lage
Wah re Paksitan!

COMMENT: Chaudhari Sahib: Pakistan may have Pyari-Surat, but has Now taken on Massive-Manhusiat. It is the murder of Pakistan's Pyari-Surat. Pakistan is Now on Yank's SH**-List ( Some Senators & some Congressmen want to stop " All " aid to Pakistan ). Let there be no point in dispute, in anybody's mind. This is one particular list, that no body wants to be on.


COMMENT: Let us not be silly. The proper approach is Not to smile/laugh with the Pakistanis. The proper approach is to laugh At the Pakistanis.

Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Comment on CCTV, A Chinese Television shown India’s map after truncating Kashmir on May 13, 2011

Subj: Comment on CCTV, A Chinese Television shown India’s map after truncating Kashmir on May 13, 2011
1. Attriji, Jab apna hi sikka khota ho to kiya karna chahiye.

Ham us desh ke vaasi hain, jahan Nehru jaise gaddar huay hain.

(Nehru said that our land foricibly occupied by China does not grow even a grass of blade Hoow devoted he was to every inch of Bharat!

Ab aankh ke andhey uski jagah par hain.Aur Andher Nagri Chopat Raja ka Daur hai.



Quote: Jab apna hi sikka khota ho to kiya karna chahiye.

Ham us desh ke vaasi hain, jahan Nehru jaise gaddar huay hain.

COMMENT: Chaudhari Sahib: Khotey-Sikkey ( Counterfeit Coins: Phoney-Liberals ) have always been around in the world, they continue to be dynamic in the world of today. Some people bury their heads in sand, and refuse to or try to avoid thinking about them. Some politicians prefer that people not talk about them at all, it may scare off voters.

3. Quote: (Nehru said that our land foricibly occupied by China does not grow even a grass of blade Hoow devoted he was to every inch of Bharat!

COMMENT: Nehru was Not thinking strategically. His tactical-retreat on this serious item, is not very prudent. I have dealt with this issue in sufficient detail ( as item 3 ), in my reaction to Shri Hanuman Singh Chodhry's message. The items of consequence here are not blades of grass, but Dragon's mighty leap across Central Asia, and across Indian Sub-Continent. The military-complexity & threat to both India & the US, from the juggernaut of the Dragon, are really serious.

4. Our biggest mistake is in underestimating the evils of Phoney-Liberalism ( Khotey-Sikkey ).

Surinder Paul Attri