Monday, December 20, 2010

Woman's position in Islam

Subj: Woman's position in Islam
1. Quote: Harry Potter actress was 'beaten and branded a prostitute by her family after dating man who was not a Muslim'

Read more:

COMMENT: This is a perfect example of Islam's treatment of its women. This treatment has been part of Islam for 1400 years. Look into the face of Islam, and you are looking into the face of evil. Most Moslems accept the teachings of Islam, without questioning, but Islam's teachings are out & out bizarre & brutal. Islam is full of barbarism.

2. What was the crime of Harry Potter actress, Afshan Azad, a 22 year old Moslem girl ?
Answer: She dated a Hindu boy, a Kafir, and her Brother Ashraf & her Father Abdul Azad did not like it. They beat the tar out of her, and threatened to kill her.

Afshan fled through ther bed-room window, little did she realize that this was her window of opportunity, because her Brother & Father had threatened actually, to kill her.

4. Afshan stayed with friends in London, and reported to Police. But despite her harrowing experience, she would not voluntarily come to court. Strange but dumb. Islam tears into, not only the body but also into the soul of its victim. It is not only lethally-effective, but also psychologically-successful. It blocks the cognitive powers of the victim.

5. Islam's treatment of its women is pitiful & doleful. After Islam took over Arabia, the position of women became much worse. The old rituals & practices of Un-Civilized Bedouins, became the revealed commands of Allah.

In the world of today, the social position of Islamic women, is depressed. The source of this dejection & deprivation, is the depressed theological position of women in Islam. Women in Islam can neither receive any honor nor any justice, from Islamic Sharia law. Quran talks again & again, about man's unquestioned superiority over women. Under the compulsions & impulses of Islam's theology & its Sharia law, the fate of Islamic women is sealed.

Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, December 19, 2010

US Embassy cable on MUSLIMS IN BRITAIN

Subj: US Embassy cable on MUSLIMS IN BRITAIN

Embassy Row


By James Morrison
The Washington Times
Sunday, December 19, 2010


Nearly one-third of Muslim college students in Britain support killing in the name of religion, while 40 percent want to live under Islamic law, according to a secret cable from the U.S. Embassy in London that reviewed public polling data and government population predictions.

A survey of 600 Islamic and 800 non-Islamic students at 30 universities found that 32 percent of the Muslims believed in religious killing, while only 2 percent of non-Muslim students felt religious murder was justified, the cable said, referring to a poll conducted by the Center for Social Cohesion.

The embassy cable, released by the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks, said the same survey revealed that 54 percent of Muslim students want to be represented by an Islamic-based political party.

The poll also showed that 40 percent of Muslim students endorse Islamic, or Shariah, law, which can impose the death penalty for religious heresy and adultery, often by stoning, or the amputation of hands for theft. Since 2008, Britain has allowed Muslims to follow Shariah law in civil cases, but not in criminal trials.

The embassy report, written in February, also noted that Muslims represent the largest non-Christian religious community in Britain. Although Muslims comprise only 3 percent of the British population of nearly 60 million, they have grown to 2 million from 1.6 million in seven years. The government projects the Muslim population will reach 2.2 million in the next census in 2011, the cable said.

Citing various government data, the cable painted a bleak picture of British Muslims, who tend to be poor, uneducated and unskilled and who live in overcrowded apartments.

The unemployment rate was 13 percent for Muslim men and 18 percent for Muslim women in 2004. The jobless rate was even worse for Muslims between the ages of 16 and 24, with 28 percent unemployed. More than two-thirds of Muslim households have more than five people.

Although 74 percent of Muslims were of Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian or other Asian backgrounds, 70 percent identified themselves as British in the last census in 2001.

2. My Take:

Here we have a cable from the US Embassy in London, on the Muslims of U.K.

Quote: Nearly one-third of Muslim college students in Britain support killing in the name of religion, while 40 percent want to live under Islamic law, according to a secret cable from the U.S. Embassy in London that reviewed public polling data and government population predictions.

COMMENT: If the Moslem students of U.K. did not support the killing of Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), they would be breaking the golden rule of Islam. Their religion ( Islam ) is influencing their conscience, and controlling their jealous rage against the hateful Kafirs.

3. Quote: A survey of 600 Islamic and 800 non-Islamic students at 30 universities found that 32 percent of the Muslims believed in religious killing, while only 2 percent of non-Muslim students felt religious murder was justified, the cable said, referring to a poll conducted by the Center for Social Cohesion.

COMMENT: The numbers speak for themselves. Here is a difference of epic-proportions ( 40% for Moslems versus 2% for Non-Moslem Kafirs ). No wonder the Kafirs live in virtual Hell & in constant terror of Islam, in every Islamic country. Moslems call a country controlled by Islam as, Dar-Ul-Islam or the land of peace. What a Joke ?

Moslems wash their hands of gun powder, and play out a carefully-controlled farce, by describing Islam as:

" A religion of peace, love, and brotherhood. "


But no make-believe story, negates the history of Islam. The 1400 year inglorious history of Islam, puts to rest any doubts about the reality that, Kafir-Murder is part of the plan of Islam.

4. Quote: The embassy cable, released by the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks, said the same survey revealed that 54 percent of Muslim students want to be represented by an Islamic-based political party.

COMMENT: This is because Islam is Not a religion at all, it is an Ideology. Moslems desire an Islamic -based political party, because such a party would be tailored to the needs of Islamic-Imperialism. The Islamic political party would be the main plank, in the platform of Islamic-Imperialism.

5. Quote: The poll also showed that 40 percent of Muslim students endorse Islamic, or Shariah, law, which can impose the death penalty for religious heresy and adultery, often by stoning, or the amputation of hands for theft. Since 2008, Britain has allowed Muslims to follow Shariah law in civil cases, but not in criminal trials.

COMMENT: Shariah law, is the Penal Code of Islam. It is a weird, monostrous, crime-code, designed to make Kafirs & Jack-Moslems ( and heretics ) pay monumental price for non-adnerence to the principles of Islam, as revealed by Allah in the Quran, practised, perfected, and prescribed by the Prophet, in his own life time. The enforcers of Shaiah are Imperialist-Marauders, inspried by the Barbaric code of Islam.

6. Quote: The embassy report, written in February, also noted that Muslims represent the largest non-Christian religious community in Britain. Although Muslims comprise only 3 percent of the British population of nearly 60 million, they have grown to 2 million from 1.6 million in seven years. The government projects the Muslim population will reach 2.2 million in the next census in 2011, the cable said.

COMMENT: This is demographic-aggression of Islam against the U.K. and is the gravest of threats to the very existence of the British society. Any attempt to push this problem under the carpet, is minimizing the enormity of this crisis.

7. Quote: Citing various government data, the cable painted a bleak picture of British Muslims, who tend to be poor, uneducated and unskilled and who live in overcrowded apartments.

COMMENT: It is Islamic theology that is responsible for the poverty of the Moslems, as well as for their lack of education & poor work skills. All knowledge is in the Quran, any knowledge outside of Quran, is incompatible with Islam. The medium of faith-in-Mohammad, does not quality the Moslems for any skilled job, in the modern world. Page after page of Quran, even of Hadis, tells Moslems how they are superior to Kafirs, that they should not make friends with Kafirs, and they should build houses only in those places, where even the smoke from the house of a Kafir will not be seen. Is it any wonder that, Moslems live in Ghettos ?

8. Quote: The unemployment rate was 13 percent for Muslim men and 18 percent for Muslim women in 2004. The jobless rate was even worse for Muslims between the ages of 16 and 24, with 28 percent unemployed. More than two-thirds of Muslim households have more than five people.

COMMENT; The disaster caused by the migration of millions of Moslems from Moslem lands to U.K. is an un-forgiveable crime. These Moslems do not have the education or work skills, to earn their livlihood in the country of England. The nation of U.K. is burdened with the responsibility of feeding millions of Moslems from Moslem lands, who have entrenched themselves in Britain.

9. The non-challant & soft attitude of the British population, especially of their Phoney-Liberal politicians, towards this massive problem, is contributing to a calamity in the making, in the U.K, in the too distant future.

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Response to Shri bhagavaandaas tyaagi

Subj: Response to Shri bhagavaandaas tyaagi
1. bhagavaandaas tyaagi to me

very true --- and well said --- islaam is cancer of human race --- hinduism is medicine of this islaamic cancer --- all non muslims get to gather and fight this islaamic cancer ---

2. COMMENT: Thanks for the observation.

Islam is something evil, and Hazrat Mohammad is a messenger of sheer evil. He is imposing his own Godhead ( Allah ) upon innocent Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), who have done him no harm, and is depriving them of their own spirituality & dignity. Fourteen hundred years of hell-raising, of Islamic murder & mutilation of Kafirs, are disgusting & distasteful to civilized nations, but these very disgusting acts are pretty & pleasing to Allah, so much so that a Moslem is rewarded with seventy-two houris in Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ), to satisfy his wildest sexual urges.

3. These tenets of evil, are continuously being propagated by Moslems, and taught in Madrasas. Every Moslem child is being brain-washed into this evil psyche, and taught to establish Dar-Ul-Islam. They are specifically told that, every Non-Moslem land in the world is Kafiristan, grab it by any means, whatsoever.

4. Hinduism may be medicine, but Hindus are complaisant. Most of the Hindus are phoney-liberal to one degree or another, and their pseudo-secular leaders, are wooing the Moslem votes, as if the history of the last 1400 years, is no guide. Moslems are demanding concessions, and our phoney-liberal Hindu ( actually they are not Hindus, they are Buddhists & cowards ) leaders are giving it to them. Their phoney-liberalism is born out of ignorance of history & of known facts.

Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Giving Jerusalem over to the Moslems

Subj: Giving Jerusalem over to the Moslems
Dr. Babu Suseelan
For thousands of years, JERUSALEM, the city on a hilly landscape captured the imagination of millions of people worldwide.
JERUSALEM was the city of DAVID who was born before Christ and Mohammad. He was instrumental in unifying the grand city of Jerusalem. The magnificent city of Jerusalem was also the city of King Solomon, where prophets such as Isaiah, and Jeremiah preached, justice, fairness, and moral values.
The city of Jerusalem is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible 669 times, while not once in the Koran. Jerusalem was the scene of Jesus and Al Aqua Mosque also is in Jerusalem.
Later Jerusalem was taken over by invading Arab Muslims. Arab Muslims have slaughtered thousands of Jews and Christians. One of the reasons for Crusades was to liberate Jerusalem from Muslims. In 1947, the UN made Jerusalem an international City. In 1948, the Arab Muslim nations invaded Jerusalem and seized part of Jerusalem and Jordanian Muslims expelled all Jews from East Jerusalem. The ancient western wall holy to Jews was made off limits to Jews. Islamic Pakistan immediately recognized seizure of East Jerusalem by Arab Muslims.
In the sixth day war of 1967, Israel captured all of Jerusalem and the West Bank (Judea and Samaria). Israel made Jerusalem as the capital of the state. The American Congress recognized it through the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995. Now Arab Muslims and their liberal/Marxist cohorts want to recapture Jerusalem and desire to make it as the capital of an Islamic Palestine state.
Under Israel’s sovereignty all religious places of Jerusalem are managed by their religious authorities and access to places of worship is guaranteed by the Israeli government. Muslims, Christians, atheists, Marxists, secularists, Hindus or Buddhists can live anywhere in Jerusalem. No Muslim country in the world allows Jews, Christians, Hindus or Buddhists to freely live or operate their religious institutions in their country. On the other hand, Israeli law absolutely guarantees freedom of religion, coexistence, and liberty to follow any thought system. Israel guarantees free access to all religious sites where Muslims denied access Jews to western wall. Under Israeli law, honor killing, limb amputation, public beheading, female genital mutilation, stoning and oppression of women under Islamic sharia is not allowed.
Under Jordanian Islamic rule from 1948 to 1967 in Jerusalem, Jewish synagogues were destroyed or vandalized and Jewish cemetery was desecrated. Muslims used tombstones for construction of Islamic latrines. Islamic law allows Muslims to destroy infidel places of worship, looting their property and abduction of infidel women and children as sex slaves. Islamic history is replete with mass murder of Jews and infidels and destruction of their places of worship.
Now Muslims around the world, Marxists, pseudo liberals and few Israeli secularists have joined together to demand a separate Palestine state as Jerusalem as its capital. The proposal is dangerous and may lead to unintended consequences. IS there any solution? JERUSALEM must remain the world’s Jewish spiritual capital. Why? There are reasons.
Marxists, phony liberals and rich Arab Muslims have made an unholy nexus to sway world public opinion to propose land for peace. Are they forgetting Islamic history? Muslim’s eternal hatred against Jews and other infidels not known around the world. When will phony secular-liberal politicians regain a sense of social responsibility? What we really need is to reexamine their proclivity for supporting Islamic Jihad war against Israel. Everywhere we turn today, we are bombarded by Jihadis and Marxist politicians with slogans that extort us to keep an open mind on Palestine and not to be judgmental. In the middle of all this is an underlying attitude that prevents any discussion of past Islamic terrorism against Israel in the name of Islam.
Saudi Arabia’s King Ibn Saud once said “Muslim’s hatred of Jews is based on the Koran. For a Muslim to kill a Jew ensures him an immediate entry into heaven.” Muslim’s hatred against Jews is permanent. Islam forbids coexistence, freedom of choice and tolerance of infidels. After years of war against Israel and Jews around the world, Muslims are still carrying their dysfunctional thoughts, dogmatism, and hatred anchored in their wrong values in Islamic trilogy (Koran, Sira and Hadith)
Those who propose “Land for Peace” must properly understand Islamic history and its theology. The problem is not Jerusalem or Israel. The root cause is Islamic hatred against Jews and other infidels.
The goal of all Muslims is not to help Palestine Arab Muslims. If proper settlement is their goal, there are vast empty lands in all oil rich Arab countries. They could easily absorb Palestinians in their land. Their aim is to keep Middle East boiling and to annihilate Israel and push all Jews in to the Mediterranean Sea.
If Jerusalem is under Islamic government, Muslims will establish Islamic Sharia Law. Here is few Sharia law:
08.1 When a person who has reached puberty and is sane, voluntarily apostatizes deserves to be killed.
Muslims consider Islam as a complete and completed religion. Those who criticize Islam will be beheaded under Sharia law.
Under Islamic rule, all Jews, Christians and secularists in Jerusalem will be excommunicated or beheaded and as Islam dictates, Muslims will “make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them” (Koran. 8.9.)
“Fight with them (Jews and Infidels) until there is no more disturbances and Islamic religion should be only open for Allah” (8:30)
“Fight the leaders of unbelief (9.12) Fight them and Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace, and assist you against them and heal the heart of a believing people.”(9.14.)
Muslims consider that Jews and infidels are their enemy and the Koran supports it, “They are the enemy, therefore beware of them, may Allah destroy them.”
Israel was established, Jerusalem was united and freedom was bought by blood and sweat of thousands of Jews. To preserve religious freedom, to protect democracy and peace is the responsibility of all peace loving people around the world. Today, Israel face an even more cruel and unrelenting enemy. Islam is a political ideology clocked as a religion, fanatically determined to destroy Israel, Jews and all infidels and impose sharia law in Jerusalem and around the world. Under Islamic rule, all residents in Jerusalem will be forced to convert to Islam, abject submission to Islamic government or to be killed.
Thos who have faith in freedom, democracy, peace and coexistence must work together to keep Jerusalem as the capital of Israel where freedom, democracy and religious tolerance can prevail.
Freedom loving people around the world must compel Muslims that the power has shifted from those who follow rigid, non-compromising, fundamentalist Arab imperialist dogma that promotes Jihadi terrorism and Islamic mayhem. It is time for all peace loving people to join with the winning Israeli team for freedom and peace and religious tolerance. Rather than joining with Jihadis, phony liberals, Marxists, and bogus intellectuals and secularists who are loyal to repressive Islam should stop motivating Muslims against Israel. LET US KEEP JERUSALEM, THE CITY ON HILL PERMENENTLY UNITED.
2. My Take:
Yes, Jerusalem is the city of the Jews. Jewish ties to Jerusalem go back to the time of Abraham, the father of Judaism. It is a city of the Jews by history, theology, and places of worship. Jerusalem is bound to the Jews, by veneration & love. This would be made impossible, if Moslems take over the city of Jerusalem. Even though thousands of Jews were expelled from Jerusalem, by the Roman, the Jews never forgot Jerusalem. The Jews settled abroad, all over the world, and always had a desire to return to their Holy city of Jerusalem.

3. Without Jerusalem, the Jews are again a scattered people, with no link to the past, and only a fragile hope for the future. If Jerusalem is given over to the Moslems, it will assure the imposition of Sharia in Jerusalem, on everybody living there, Jews included. Moslems will cast terror in the heart of those who disbelieve Sharia. Moslem's murder of a Jew, assures him a place in Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ). It is part of Islam's hatred of all Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), Jews included.

4. Nothing can prepare the Jews for what is going to happen to them, when ( and if ) the Moslems take over the city of Jerusalem. Moslems will not stop until they have ambushed & killed all the Jews of Jerusalem. Moslems Jihad against the Hateful-Jews shall continue, until the world is totally without Jews, and the Moslems want this job done as fast as they can manage.

5. Giving Jerusalem over to Moslems is a Dangerous-Proposition.

Surinder Paul Attri

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Response to Signor Dylan Thomas

Subj: Response to Signor Dylan Thomas

from dylan thomas to me:

If the bible is so great why the need to replace the old testament with the new testament?

Becuase the old testament is no different to the koran. How else would a camel chasing illiterate nomad leaving in the shithole of arabia have written his koran?

" PREVIOUS " quoted text -

2. My Take: Let us Not get carried away with this piece of garbage.


COMMENT: What neat ?
Bible is a book of fiction, falsehood, and fabrication ( forgery ). It is a narrative prose of " cock-and-bull " stories.
To give credence to it, by calling it neat, is to say that there are no differences, between fact & fiction, between right & wrong.

b. Bible is neither neat nor tidy, it is messy and untidy, awful, terrible, and lousy.

To quote Randy ( Randolph ) Churchill: Randy calls this no-good Bible ( God of Bible included ) as SHI**y.

c. That Randy boy is not BASHFUL at all. He tells it like it is and wants to do no business with falsehood. Nor should we !

Surinder Paul Attri


3. My COMMENT on observations of Signor Dylan Thomas:
Signor Thomas: Both Old & New Testaments are something inferior to sh**, they are very mean & contemptible. Both have the signage to silhouette of Quran, the book of Uncivilized-Bedouins. The degree of offensiveness of their followers, is incredible, disgusting, and detestable, it is etched into the pages of history.

4. Stories like the story of Adam & Eve, have made the rounds of Arabia, for thousands of years. They are Arabian Night Stories, they have entertained the Un-Civilized Bedouins for thousands of years.
Note: Hazrat Mohammad was a Bedouin, he listened to a whole slew of these fables & farces, while munching dates of Arabia.

5. Just because some crack-pot puts these fanciful-tales in a book, and gives them a theological-twist, does not make them any more reliable or credible. They are still the fanciful Arabian Night Stories, they convey the same sense of entertainment & fantastic imagination. The important thing to remember is that, Bedouin-Arabia is the ammunition-house of these Arabian tales, fables, and farces. These were composed & told by those, who revel in the art of story-telling. But they are fiction in double-quantity, they have no factual-roots. Belief in them, belongs to the SH**-Kickers of Bedouin-Arabia, they have no spot or niche among, the rational and logical-minded individuals, who are tuned to discovering the secrets of nature, via science.

6. To give credence to these tales of damn-fiction, is downright-dumb.

Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bible, the book of fiction

Subj: Bible, the book of fiction
1. Bharat J. Gajjar
to english, English, English

show details 10:56 AM (7 hours ago)

----- Original Message -----
To: Woodson Farrar ; Ram & Ganga ; BHARAT GAJJAR ; Karen Foley
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 6:29 AM
Subject: Fw: The Bible on one sheet of paper

Enjoy, Gregg


The Bible (on one sheet of paper)

THIS IS REALLY NEAT, SOMEONE SURE WAS DEDICATED TO THIS..(God Bless all those who contributed).
The Bible at your fingertips................ Click on any chapter........
I have never seen anything like this. It must have taken a long time to mastermind something like it. This is
worthy of sending to everyone on your e-list. The bottom one really sends a message to all.
This is by far the best email I have received and the best one that I will ever forward.
You can now read the Bible at the click of a button.....
See special bonus below.
Just click on the chapter number you want to read opposite the Book name in
the column on the left side.

New International Version (NIV)


Genesis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Exodus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Leviticus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Deuteronomy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Joshua 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Judges 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Ruth 1 2 3 4
1 Samuel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
2 Samuel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. My Take: Let us Not get carried away with this piece of garbage.


COMMENT: What neat ?
Bible is a book of fiction, falsehood, and fabrication ( forgery ). It is a narrative prose of " cock-and-bull " stories.
To give credence to it, by calling it neat, is to say that there are no differences, between fact & fiction, between right & wrong.

b. Bible is neither neat nor tidy, it is messy and untidy, awful, terrible, and lousy.

To quote Randy ( Randolph ) Churchill: Randy calls this no-good Bible ( God of Bible included ) as SHI**y.

c. That Randy boy is not BASHFUL at all. He tells it like it is and wants to do no business with falsehood. Nor should we !

Surinder Paul Attri

Friday, December 3, 2010

Islam's peace or peaces ( pieces )

Subj: Islam's peace or peaces ( pieces )

1. A tree is known by its fruit. So far, is there any evidence of regional (never mind global) peace
in any part of the world inhabitated by the Muslims? And/or within the Islamic countries?


2. Quote: So far, is there any evidence of regional (never mind global) peace
in any part of the world inhabitated by the Muslims? And/or within the Islamic countries?

COMMENT: Very good question.
Answer: No, there isn't nor has ever been any " peace," in any part of the world controlled or inhabited by Islam. But there have been plenty of " peaces ( pieces ), " in every place dominated or reigned by Islam... pieces of broken Kafir heads.

3. Hazrat Mohammed ordered that Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) be demolished & sunk, and his orders have been sedulously complied with, by the Islamic faithfuls, cheered on their way, by the wild & uncivilized verses of Quran, uttered by Ignoramus Mullahs & Maulvies ( Grease-Monkeys of Islam ) of Islam.

4. Islam was born in blood, it succeeds through blood ( blood-letting ), and it shall surely die by way of blood. Islam was born to raise Hell, and it shall been doing a good job of it, for 1400 years.

5. Islam does not spare its own Moslem women either. It beats the Hell out of its women. In deference to the commands of Allah ( to discipline women ), Moslem men smack, smite, and punch their women, to get promotion to Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ), but Moslem men perform this practice with proper Islamic behavior & ettiquete. While doing a beat-up job on their women, the Moslem men utter verses of Holy-Quran.

6. The amount of shame & chagrin inflicted on helpless Moslem women ( the victims of Islam ) is colossal. But this ruthless-savagery does not bother the Grease-Monkeys of Islam at all. Shame is Not felt by them !

7. When will the Liberation Of Islamic Women begin ?

Surinder Paul Attri

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri speaks at US Institute of Peace

1. Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri speaks at US Institute of Peace
The Washington DC audiance get to know the true view of Islam about terrorism

Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri delivered a detailed lecture on "Islamic Concept of Jihad" at the US Institute of Peace on November 10, a prestigious Washington DC based think-tank. The audience comprised senior scholars, doctors, professors, engineers, policy makers and opinion leaders etc.

Speaking on the subject which is misunderstood in the West, Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri unflinchingly declared that the Islamic concept of Jihad offers guarantee for the establishment of global peace and a welfare-oriented commonwealth of nations. It is unfortunate, he denounced, that the so-called Jihadi groups misinterpret this concept and use it for their nefarious agenda. He said that these groups misinterpret the verses that particularly deal with the concept of Jihad in the Holy Quran in order to suit their evil objectives. Consequently, the concept of Jihad gets confined to killing, which is not the case in reality.


Dr. Qadri's statements are swarming with imaginative-fiction. He is upset with media and with those, who misrepresent the true image of Islam. He knows or ought to know that, the true approach of Islam, has a barbaric hatred of Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). You cannot make an exception to this reality, by lying about Islam & Quran. His wildly-dramatic statements denying the truth about Islam, are a bunch of fabrication & deception.

3. Islam is vibrating with barbarism & brutality, not only against Kafirs, but also against its own Moslem women, who are drudging under the rotten-slavery of Islam. Islam has a stunning 1400 year record of barbarism, against the cultured & cultivated societies of the world. Rather than apologizing & expressing sorrow & grief, he has chosen to lie about the nature of Islam, and its ignoramus & barbarous approach to life.

4. No matter how loud he shouts about Islam, he will not find many Kafirs, buying his phoney thesis.

Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Evil Islam & Evil Buddhism

Subj: Evil Islam & Evil Buddhism



2. COMMENT: Islam certainly is a Vulture, it is a cut-throat ruffian, rapaciously-plunderous, it is a scourge of the earth. But use of the term " Islamic Culture " is Not appropriate, because Islam has no culture, no enlightenment, no civilization, nor any state of refinement. Islam is low-bred, crass & coarse. To put it fittingly:

" Islam is a piece of SH**. "

3. In materiality, Islam is an aphorism of way of life of uncivilized Bedouin Arabs, who practiced plunder, robbery, & murder, in order to survive, except that permission for their plunder, robbery, & barbarism, is now found in both Quran & Sunnah of the Prophet ( a Bedouin-Goonda ).

4. But Moslems were Not alone in their plunder, they had company. Historians like Arnold Toynbe, who have studied modus operanda of barbarians, have detected that:
" Barbarians go where they can go easily, where there is already some weakness in the system."

Such conditions existed in Buddhist Central Asia & India ( dominated for centuries by Buddhist kings, who had destroyed the Kashatriya-Shield of the Hindu ). Confronted by Islamic invaders, Buddhist disappeared from India, in less than 6 months. Hinduism, with a broken Kashatriya-Shield, was badly-battered, but managed to survive by the skin of its teeth.

5. Gautam Buddha & Emperor Ashoka ( both of them totally unfit to be kings ) were not the first Anti-Kashatriya ( Anti-Military ). Arjuna of Mahabharat had turned Anti-Kashatriya & Anti-Vedic, before he was straightened out by Lord Krishna.
Buddhism is the Most Anti-Vedic, Anti-Kashatriya, & Anti-Hindu system in the world, but does not appear so, because it is Highly Deceptive. It appears noble, but is something Evil.

6.Many examples of Buddhist-Evil, can be cited from elsewhere. Many people in Europe acquired Buddhist thinking after World War I, as a result of their experience of the war. They refused to confront the Japanese, Italians ( Benito Mussolini ), and Adolf Hitler for at least ten years. Their Anti-Military thinking forced World War II on humanity, with a casualty of 55 million dead, proving beyond doubt that:
" Buddhism is something Evil. "

7. Why do so many people get trapped in Buddhism ? Because Buddhism is Very Very Deceptive, it is a Deadly-Infection, but appears noble. It is a poison that tastes like honey. It preaches Non-Violence ( Ahimsa Parmo Dharma ) but multiplies Violence in the world.

Many Phoney-Liberals of India, including lots of Hindu Holy Men, claim to be Hindus, but are in reality practicing Buddhism.

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Subj: Bakri-Eid’
1. Kolkata, Nov 12 (IBNS): The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on Friday welcomed a judgement by the Calcutta High Court banning the slaughter of cows for religious purposes.
The weighty judgement comes days ahead of Eid Al-Adhha (Feast of Sacrifice) also known as ‘Bakri-Eid’ being observed by Muslims across India by sacrificing goats and even cows in some places.
The division bench of Chief Justice J N Patel and Justice Asim Ray of the Calcutta High Court on Friday declared the practice of sacrificing cow and its progeny for religious purpose as ‘unlawful’, the RSS statement said.
The Hindu volunteer organisation added that it expected the judgment to have “far reaching ramifications in the minority-centric domestic politics of West Bengal”.

2. COMMENT: Moslems observe their festival of Eid Al-Adbba ( Feast of Sacrifice ), also known as " Bakri-Eid ," by wholesale butchering of animals, goats & even cows, without showing the least bit of pity or concern for these innocent creatures of the Lord.

3. Moslems call this grossly-offensive, brutal, & despicable act, as an act of sacrifice. What a Joke ? Moslems are making no sacrifice, What are sacrificed are the blameless & guiltless creatures, who have done no harm to these beastly-barbaric Sullas.

4. This brutal & barbaric act, performed at the time of " Bakir-Eid, " has no connection with sacrifice, but has all the defining characteristics of Moslem's aggressiveness, and his cruelty on inculpable & innocent beasts, who have given no offense to either the Moslems or their Islam.

5. What is most wicked & nefarious is the method of slaughtering, that is used by Moslems. It is called Halal, which is a procedure of Very Slow Slaughter of the poor animal, slitting the throat, slowly incising & slashing the organs of these poor innocent animal, to cause maximum pain on these poor creatures. It is so horrid & nauseating, that is beyond description.

6. Society For The Prevention Of Cuelty To Animals:
Where are you ? Are you sleeping ?
Are you going to do anything about stopping this hideous cruelty, inflicted on these unfortunate creatures of this earth ? Isn't man responsible for the safety & humane treatment of all, man as well as the beast ?

Surinder Paul Attri

The Jesus Question: Will He Ever Return?

1. The Jesus Question: Will He Ever Return?

2 COMMENT: Superstitious-Christians who are victims of blind reasoning, take on trust in things that are false. They go hog-wild chanting, putting faith in the tale that Jesus Christ is returning. For them, the story is something very important, but you don't have to take their word for it, however touching the story might be, because it is something very false.

3. The story is no more true than the story of Santa Claus, that plump, jolly, white-bearded man, wearing a red-coat with while collar & cuffs. Both stories are phoney, as phoney as a three dollar bill.
Big mouths like Rush Limbaugh & Glenn Beck can shout their mouths off & rend the air, but they cannot cause a change of impossible into possible.

4. Make no mistake about it. Jesus Christ is Not returning, he cannot return any more than Harry Houdini can. This is the most famous spectacle of non-reality in this world ( Note: Harry Houdini also told his admirers that he is returning, but he is Not returning.

5. Jesus Christ's return is a statement of fiction. It is embellished with deception & falsehood, just like the untruth of Harry Houdini's return.

Surinder Paul Attri

Monday, November 1, 2010

Bushy-Faced Islamist Dick-Head

Subj: Bushy-Faced Islamist Dick-Head
1. Anjem Choudhary, is a bushy-faced Islamist spokesman in UK, he is said to have founded Al-Mahajiroun, an Islamist group. His specialty is Hell-Raising and organizing pro-Islamist demonstrations, including banned protest marches, for which he has been summoned to appear in court.

2. He is a loud critic of UK ( and USA ) for their involvement in wars of Iraq & Afghanistan. He advocated the imposition of Sharia law in UK & USA.

3 He used to be quite a party man before he became an Islamist, he used to blow out lot of sessions of wine & brandy. He is spreading hate & nuisance. Pat Condell calls him an Islamist Dick-Head, and dismisses him as an extremist nut-case..

4. But it is the media that broadcasts his revolting speeches, and in the process builds him up.

Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Deporting Millions Of Muslims May Be Necessary - Geert Wild...

1. Subj: Deporting Millions Of Muslims May Be Necessary - Geert Wild...

2. COMMENT: Deporting millions of Moslems ( out of Europe, USA, and India ) is Not a " may be necessary " item, it is Imperative.

3. Neither Europe, nor USA, nor India, are the habitat of Islam. Islam is an imposition, a barbaric-thrust on all these places, and needs to be resolutely-booted out.

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Comment on Guy Fawkes Day

Subj: Comment on Guy Fawkes Day
1. Very thoughtful and interestingly explained, Attriji!

Hope you are keeping well.



2. My Take:

Thanks Chaudhari Sahib.

3. An average Tommy ( Englishman ) says he does not care too much about political questions ( fear & distrust of politicians perhaps ). That may be true. But he loves to Shish-Kabbab Guy Fawkes.

Surinder Paul Attri

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri's Powerful Speech at GPU | Minhaj-ul-Quran International

Subj: Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri's Powerful Speech at GPU | Minhaj-ul-Quran International

1. Sent By: On: Oct 10/30/10 3:09 AM

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri's Powerful Speech at GPU 2010
Jihad: Perception and Reality - Global Peace and Unity Conference 2010

Islam stands for peace, love and human dignity and there is no room for terrorism in Islam. This was stated by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, in a powerful speech to a gathering of thousands of British Muslims at the Global Peace & Unity event on 24 October 2010.
Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri started his passionate and powerful speech by declaring that Islam stands for peace, love, compassion, human dignity and mercy. He said “Islam does not stand for any kind of violence, militancy, terrorism, and brutality.”
He said “This is Islam which came at a time when the dignity of mankind was lost, there was brutality, violence and people were cutting their necks. At that time there was racial, religious and tribal discrimination and there was no respect for slaves. At that time Islam stood up for the poor and oppressed people, orphans, and women and gave respect and dignity to the mankind irrespective of their race, religion and culture. This is Islam which came for promotion of global peace and mercy and dignity.”
He said “I want to communicate this message of Islam to the whole mankind. People have misled the youth by wrong perceptions and interpretations of Islam.”
“Jihad: Perception and reality”
Speaking about “Jihad: Perception and reality”, Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said that the perception that Jihad is a holy war is completely wrong and younger generation has been misled on this count. It is due to various reasons. Jihad is seen as an act of violence which is against the concept of jihad.
Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri clarified that “the literal meaning of jihad is exertion, struggling, striving, and putting extreme efforts according to extreme abilities, to counter evil, to achieve good for sake of Allah.”
He added that “The defensive struggle against your enemy, defensive struggle against your lower-self, hatred, arrogance, corruption is one dimension of Jihad. And this is for the Safety of the mankind, not for killing of mankind."
Dr Qadri said “he wants to address the Muslim audience who are misguided or mislead and to the western world that there is NO verse which advocates killing, brutality and terrorism.”
“There are two ways of determining the meaning of a verse, either through its actual text or context (a verse which comes before or after). There are in total 35 verses in the Holy Qur’an which mention the word ‘jihad’. There is no single verse in the Holy Qur’an which has both words i.e. jihad and ‘qitaal’ (fighting) in the text of the same verse. There are only 4 verses which mention jihad (in the sense of lawful defensive fighting) in the context of qitaal; qitaal is mentioned in some verses either before or after, but not in the same verse. This means that jihad and qital (fighting) have not been mentioned together in the whole of the Quran from Al-Fatiha (first chapter) to An-Nas (last chapter). This means that Jihad does not necessarily mean fighting”.
Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said "Let me make it very clear and sound, let me remove any ambiguity that no leader or a group has any authority to declare Jihad. If any leader or a group does that, it is terrorism and not jihad."
He also made it clear that “it is solely the prerogative of a state authority to declare Jihad and only as a matter of last resort when diplomacy and all other efforts to make peace have failed.”
Declaration against terrorism

Finally he asked the audience to support a declaration against terrorism and to raise their hands and stand up against the suicide bombing and terrorism. The whole crowd stood up and agreed with Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri.
Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has been promoting the anti-extremism message in the UK since he issued his 600-page fatwa on terrorism. Last summer he spoke at the 3-day residential anti-terror camp. He will be speaking to a Washington DC audience next month.

2. COMMENT: Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri is lying about Islam, as well as about Quran.
4. Islam directs death & viiolence on a daily basis.
5. His double-entendre ( gobbledygook mumbo-jumbo ) is utter non-sense.
Surinder Paul Attri

Guy Fawkes Day

Subj: Guy Fawkes Day:
1.Quote: At this time of the year, those of us living in England hear loud fireworks going off in the evening and see children coming round to collect "penny for the Guy". They are about to celebrate the "Guy Fawkes" Day on 5th of November when bonfires are lit everywhere. Who was Guy Fawkes?

2. COMMENT: Guy Fawkes Day:
It ought to be called Guy Fawkes Night, because during the day, the English do next to nothing for Guy Fawkes, but at night the scene & setting significantly changes. The twang & reverberation of bonfires all over, carries the celebration of Guy Fawkes, to mad heights. Guy Fawkes plot was discovered & Guy Fawkes was made Guy Fakes.

2. Regardless, however, Guy Fawkes was not dissuaded by incessant empty words, he took the matter into his own hands, and did his best to slaughter, what he regarded as the Protestant-Animals, for the common good of the Catholics.

Surinder Paul Attri

Monday, October 11, 2010

Comments on Pakistani break-up

Subj: Comments on Pakistani break-up
1. Surinder ji:

I salute you for your clear and concise view. Regards.

Narain Kataria

2. My Take:
Kataria Jee: Thanks for your awesome compliment.

3. I am glad you consider my description clear & concise. This should help people understand the true nature of the problem.
I do not know where Pakistanis ( who die on the streets of Pakistan ) go, to Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ) or to Jhanam ( Islam's Hell ), the land of the Shaitaan ( Satan/Devil )... a totally-imaginary object, a creature of no-existence.

4. I do know this that, Islam " Does Not Confront Evil at all. " It blames all evil on a Totally-Imaginary creature, the Shaitaan. Hinduism on the other hannd, confronts evil head-on. Hinduism places man in the Driver's Seat, and holds him responsible for all his actions, good as well as bad. Hindu rises by good actions ( good Karma ) and drops by bad actions ( bad Karma ). There is Complete accountability in Hinduism. There is no accountability in Islam, none whatsoever.

5. Islam's failure to deal with evil, and its utterly-absurd approach, robs it of any claim to call itself a moral, logical, or rational postulate. Still Islam wants to look important, and resorts to violent-Jehad to gain imperial power.

Rather than being Bossy, Islam needs to be put out on the spot.

Surinder Paul Attri

Friday, October 8, 2010

Break Up Of Pakistan

Subj: Break Up Of Pakistan

1. Mohan Gupta

to me

show details Sep 29 (8 days ago)

Sh. Surrinder attriji,

Since the formation of Pakistan I keep hearing that Pakistan will break up any time after 50 years of it's formation. Arvind Ghosh predicted it on 15 August 1947.

I recently read two different newspapers. in one newspaper it was mentioned that by year 2015 Pakistan will break up in 4 parts while in other it was written it will happen by year 2016.

The question is when Pakistan breaks up and eventually merge with Bhaarat, then will Hindus encourage Muslims to reconvert to Hinduism and would Hindus accept converted Muslims in Hindu Samaj. is there any Yojna for reconversion of Muslims and adoption of reconverted Muslim?

All man made religions like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism etc. are called TIME RELIGIONS. These religions have got limited life and would die down eventually. Any religion which is associated with one man or based only on book cannot survive.

It is said that most of the religions will die down or their followers will reduce to a great extent by year 2020 and only Hinduism and Jew religion would survive.

By year 2020 there would be great change in religious matters

It is only up to Hindus to make use of the predicted change by proper planning and devotion.


2. My Take:

Shri Mohan Gupta Jee:

What lies in the womb of time, requires eyes of doom to figure out. It is a daunting task.


3. President Obama's expert, Bruce Riedel, describes Pakistan as a complex & combustible society. He elaborates:

" If we don't help Pakistan now, we may have to deal with a Jihadist-Pakistan. "

These two Johnnies have no clue on Pakistan nor on how it will steer in future. Pakistan is seething with massive heterogenous ethnic strife. Pakistan is falling apart but no Pakistani politician has a key or clue on, how to " keep Pakistan from blowing apart. " Separatism, " a chip of Islam itself., has a commanding presence in Pakistan, it is pushing Pakistan to the limit, but Pakistani breakup date, is a big conjecture.


4. Quote: Since the formation of Pakistan I keep hearing that Pakistan will break up any time after 50 years of it's formation. Arvind Ghosh predicted it on 15 August 1947.

COMMENT: Shri Rajagopal Achari, the first governor-general of India, after Lord Louis Mountainbatten, stated that:

" Union of West & East Pakistan ( Bangladesh now ) is an artificial-amalgam, it won't last beyond 25 years. "

It actually lasted 24 1/2 years.


Taking Shri Rajagopal's number & multiplying it by two, to come out with 50 years hence, as the date of Pakistani breakup, satisfies our postulates based on commonsense, and they sound good. But commonsense can lead you to wrong conclusions. Pakistan did not break-up in the year of 1997. It is a perfect example of the " washout " of commonsense pre-suppositions.


5. Quote: I recently read two different newspapers. in one newspaper it was mentioned that by year 2015 Pakistan will break up in 4 parts while in other it was written it will happen by year 2016.

COMMENT: These two dates are just as speculative, not very trustworthy.


6. Quote: The question is when Pakistan breaks up and eventually merge with Bhaarat, then will Hindus encourage Muslims to reconvert to Hinduism and would Hindus accept converted Muslims in Hindu Samaj. is there any Yojna for reconversion of Muslims and adoption of reconverted Muslim?

COMMENT: Pakistan may breakup, but Islam will likely continue to be around. The Moslems of Pakistani-Panjab will still keep the Kafir-Hindu within their cross-hairs. They will still regard Kafir-Hindu as " Islam's Enemy Number One. " The breakup of Pakistan does not mean merger with Bharat nor the end of permanent anti-Kafir malevolence of Islam.


Regarding the re-conversion of Moslems to Hinduism, subsequent to Pakistani breakup: This is Certainly possible, but Not likely. Reason: Our Rotten Hindu Leadership & our worm-eaten Hindu Holy Men ( HHMs ), the hornet's nest of Hindu stupidity. Neither of these two groups have in them, what it takes to either defend or propagate Hinduism....And Hindus will not kick these two rotten groups out of the way.


7. Regarding Man-Made Religions:

Quote: All man made religions like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism etc. are called TIME RELIGIONS. These religions have got limited life and would die down eventually. Any religion which is associated with one man or based only on book cannot survive.

COMMENT: Man-Made religions come into being & continue to exist and endure because of certain factors of human life. Human life is not free from all worry. Humans are plenty scared of the unknown ( that is what is going to happen in furute, what is going to happen after death ), there is plenty of insecurity in life, plenty of worry regarding where your breakfast & lunch tomorrow will come from.

Man-Made religions are pushing the limits of logic, they pack a bundle of promises ( albeit absurd in the extreme ), and their deliverables are ALWAYS in the future. That is why their absurdity cannot be challenged in the present. Thus even though Man-Made religions are Time-Dependent ( and Not Timeless ), they continue to have existence not because of their exactness, but because of the inexactness of human life, because of man's fear of the unknown, and because of the insecurity that is prevalent in all life.


8. Quote: It is said that most of the religions will die down or their followers will reduce to a great extent by year 2020 and only Hinduism and Jew religion would survive.

By year 2020 there would be great change in religious matters

COMMENT: Why 2020 ? There are Enormous changes relating to religious matters, taking place in the world, right now.

Islam is on its onward-march in the democracies of Europe & North America, also in places like India. Christianity has a high-speed march in the continent of Africa, six million Moslems are leaving Islam & embracing Christianity, every year. A few thousand Moslems are leaving Islam & embracing Hinduism every month, in the country of Indonesia.

More than abundant conversion opportunities of the same type, are available to Hindus as well. Unfortunatley, Hindus are unable to take advantage of these enormous opportunities, because of the rotten-ness of Hindu Leadership, and because of Worse-Than-Useless Hindu Holy Men, These two Incompetent groups, do not have in them, what it takes to do the job of either Hinduism-Defense or of Hinduism-Propagation. They are Hinduism-Killers par-excellence.

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, October 2, 2010


1. Without question, Islam is an imposition on the entire Kafir ( Non-Moslem Infidel ) world. But Islam is also a Wacko, a show-case of death. Its leader Hazrat Mohammad, a Bedouin-Goonda, was a pitiless-butcher. His believers have been sabre-rattling for 1400 years, murdering hundreds of millions of innocent-Kafirs,who refused to accept Islam. This refusal is a high-crime in Islam. LIke Adolf Hitler, Islam prefers peaceful-victories and ardently desires that Kafirs peacefully convert to Islam, but does not hesitate to employ violence, if war is foisted upon it, by Kafir's refusal to accept Islam. This war is Islam's Jehad ( holy war against Kafirs ). labelled by Allah as lawful & good. Allah offers Janat ( Moslem's paradise ), as a reward for Jehad. Because of Islam's preference for peaceful conversion to Islam, Islam passionately believes that it is the religion of peace.
2. Because of Islam's calamitous terror & barbarism, to preserve his religious & cultural identity, Hindu must be prepared to fight Islam, and defy death, in defense of his culture & dharma. To do this, Hindu must cope with his own situation, which is Not particularly good, in fact it is pretty damn-bad. The entire Hindu society of India, is in the grip of phoney-liberal politicians, who are taking the Hindu to the cleaners, while the Hindu engages in a long drawn-out struggle against Islamic imperialism in India.

3. The basic assumption of phoney-liberalism is secularism/multiculturism, as well as Hindu-Muslim unity, as the governing principle of Indian society. Those who propagate this principle, are totally ignorant of the real nature of Islam, or about the behavior pattern of followers of Islam, towards those whom they denounce as Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ). Idea of Hindu-Muslim unity is not new. It was attempted before the partition, and ever since then. In fact for 1200 years, we have been seeking to achieve Hindu-Muslim unity, with totally calamitous results. All such attempts have made Hindu-Muslim unity, dependent on the mercy of Muslims, and to the Muslims, Hindus are their " enemy number one. " As a consequence, Hindus are finding it more difficult to co-exist in peace with Moslems, whose aim is the destruction of Kafir-Hindu. And the Hindu-Muslim unity remains as elusive as ever before.

4. The attempt at Hindu-Muslim unity has always met with disastrous results, it has always been an endless chase for water, in the sandy deserts of Arabia or elsewhere. It is about time, that we stop chasing this absurd concept of Hindu-Muslim unity. Moslems claim that Islam believes in the universal brotherhood of mankind. Islam does not believe in any such universal brotherhood. Islam divides mankind into two enemy camps viz Moslems who are Allah's party & the Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) who are the party of Shaitaan ( Satan's Party ). Moslems are the privileged children of Allah, and entitled to all his blessings. Kafirs are not Allah's children, they are a wretched lot in this world, and doomed to be thrown into hell fire after death. Thus Islam is Not for unity, but is for disunity.

5. Allah commands Moslems not to befriend followers of any other religion. He directs Moslems to make war agaisnt all Kafirs, be they be Christians, Jews, Hindus, or any other Kafir group, and this war is to continue till doom's day. But the phoney-liberal politicians of India ( and of elsewhere as well ) ignore all this Kafir hatred of Islam, and practise toleration & non-discrimination, in a queer way. They also practise what is known as vote-bank politics. To get Islamic votes, they put less-skilled Moslem ( belonging to minority community ) workers ahead of more-skilled Hindu ( belonging to majority community ) workers. This approach of unsound economics, must eventually attenuate the economic growth of India. The phoney-liberal politicians justify this foolish economic approach by stating:
" We must not discriminate against the beliefs & culture of Muslim minority. "
They are quite comfortable punishing the majority Hindu, while trying to protect the minority Muslim community. All this fiddle-faddle is being done in the name of Hindu-Muslim unity, which in fact is a giant fraud against the Hindu.

6. Every secular politician in India is expected to follow this principle. It is called the principle of political correctness. Thus though the Moslems have plenty of compulsive aggression & anti-Kafir profanity, they are not alone in their game. They have friends in the phoney-liberal bunch of India.Thus Islam's Imposition & Imperialism is being emboldened, they are walking away with precious parts of Hindu's wealth, consolidating their aggression. Wherever in India, the Moslems are in majority, the life of the Kafir-Hindu is horribly-miserable like hell. Islam regards these brutal acts as acts of piety, for letting the Kafir-Hindu live, and fully justifying calling Islam the religion of peace.

Surinder Paul Attri

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The elimination of illegitimate Islam

Subj: The elimination of illegitimate Islam
1. Dear Indians
Lets encourage all converts in India first to reconvert to their original culture
and way of life or show them do you want life for
your your wife and children like in Afghanistan Pakistan
and Saudi Arabia. Its time Islamic life of Islamic nation should be projected.
Let converts decide what is good for them and for their generation.
Compare living or death too soon and let them decide
arish sahani ,usa

2. My Take:
The notion of re-converting the Moslems of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, with reversal back to Hinduism, is an applicable notion, and you do not want to leave home without this notion.

3. Islam is Not the actual ( truthful ) religion of either Afghanistan, or of Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, or of Indonesia. The real & legitimate religion of all these places is Hinduism, and Islam is an IMPOSITION on all these locations.

4. Having expressed the above, I want to mention that, reconversion to Hinduism is Not a sophisticated job. It is a simple job but it is Not easy.
Also reconversion job is a job of the heads, not of the hands. It does Not require dropping of J-DAMS on Islamic lands.

5. As long as we are calling a spade a spade, Islam is NOT the legitimate religion of Saudi Arabia either. The legitimate religion of Saudi Arabia is Paganism, and Islam is an IMPOSITION on Saudi Arabia as well. The elimination of Islam from Saudi Arabia, is also a job of the heads, not of the hands. It certainly does not require, the dropping of Bunker-Busters on Saudi Arabia.

Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Islam's barbarism

Subj: Islam's barbarism
2. My Take:
Thanks for the compliment.

COMMENT: Yes it has, over & over again.

A deadly example of the wrack & ruin of Hateful-Kafirs, brought about by the soldiers of Allah for over a thousand years, can be found n in the country of India. This Islamic Havoc fits Islam's deadly ideology to a T, because no leniency was shown to the Kafir-Hindu. Islam cannot stomach any leniency, softness, or moderation towards Kafirs, whom it finds foul & obnoxious, meriting only eradication & erasure from this planet. All earthly land is Allah's land, and belongs to Allah's followers, there is no place of residence for any Kafir, any where on this planet. Kafirs are in illegal possession of land, every where on this earth, they must be dislodged & eliminated.

4. Islam really went to town against Kafir-Hindu, to evict him from his Bharat Varsha, conducted untold amount of savagery, against Hindu society, plundered Hindu wealth, pulverised Hindu shrines, and poured undisguised contempt on the Hindu. The magnitude of centuries of Islamic barbarism against the Hindu, defies description. To add insult to injury, after assaulting, brutalizing, and disgracing the Hindu for more than a thousand years, in 1947 Islam walked away with precious parts of Bharat Varsha.

5. Islam is the architect of barbarism, and Quran is its prime mover. It needs to be discerned, however, that, Islam is an equal-opportunity barbarism. Whether the Kafir is a Jew or a Christian, or an idolatrous Hindu, makes no difference to a soldier of Allah, a Kafir is a Kafir, All Kafirs are enemies of Allah, and must be speedily dispatched to hell. Never & no where in the entire history of Islam, has any Kafir ever been tolerated.

In our own times, Moslems are having a go at, speedily disposing of Kafirs. Islam;s greatest wish is to quickly bump off all enemies of Allah, from every place on this earth. They are assisted in this depraved effort by the phoney-liberal politicians, of the West as well as of the East.

6. Terrifying-tides of Islamic inhumanity are swelling in & around Bharat Varsha, while the suffering Hindu watches & waits. But waiting is a chancy tactic. Islam & its gang of savage holy-warriors, are not about to undergo behavior change. Things are not going to get any better for the Hindu, while the Hindu spends better part of the day, hoping for a change for the better. How much shame & degradation can the Hindu take ? Where is the limit ? How much more Islamic humiliation has the Kafir-Hindu to suffer, before he becomes angry enough & determined enough, to crush the Uncivilized-Sulla, in the Hindu's homeland ?

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, September 25, 2010

" CORDOBA HOUSE " mosque, near ground zero, in New York

Subj: " CORDOBA HOUSE " mosque, near ground zero, in New York

1. " Cordoba House " mosque symbolizes the victory of Moslem invaders, over Christian Spaniards. These Moslem invaders had converted the Spanish Christian church into, the third largest mosque in the world. Islam carries out this sort of conversion/usurpation, as a matter of course, as an inevitable result. Islam regards this inevitable-result as a logical outcome of victory of Allah's religion ( Islam ) over Kafir ( Non-Moslem Infidel ) religions of the world. Islam's hatred of all other faiths, and destruction of all Kafir shrines, is its fundamental tenet. To annihilate Kafirs, and destroy their places of worship, is Islam's Jehad or Holy War against Kafirs. These Islamic tenets are being propagated continuously by Moslems. Islam is out to grab Kafir lands & property by any means whatsoever. Islam is determined to carry out its mission of Kafir-Annihilation, to the bitter end.

2. The phoney-liberal politicians of USA ( and of elsewhere ) do not grasp this make-up of Islamic mind at all. They have no understanding of Islam at all. They earn the distinction of Ignorance. They are suffering from some kind of cognitive disorder, and are representing " Cordoba House " mosque, near ground zero, as a gesture of peace & interfaith dialogue. What non-sense ? This nonsense must be exposed.

Cordoba-House mosque is not a symbol of interfaith peace or dialogue, it is a symbol of Islamic war against the USA.
3. For any self-respecting Kafir, it is a hard-hell to swallow the kind of non-sense explanation, that is being put out by the phoney-liberal politicians. What the phoney-liberals ought to be asking is this:

Is it the New-Face Of USA or an Islamic-Slap in the Existing-Face of USA ?

Surinder Paul Attri

Friday, September 24, 2010

Pictures From London - This is Beyond Scary

Subj: Pictures From London - This is Beyond Scary
1. Pictures From London - This is Beyond Scary
by Wes Penre, March 02, 2008
2. What do the announcements on the placards say ?:

Behead those who insult Islam.
Islam will dominate the world.
Slay those who insult Islam.
Europe you will pay.
Europe is the cancer. Islam is the answer.
Exterminate those who slander Islam.
Freedom go to hell.
Europe take some lessons from 9/11.
Europe you will pay. Your 9/11 is on its way.
Massacre those who insult Islam.
Europe: Be prepared for the real holocaust.
And so on & on.
3. My Take:
This is how peaceful Islam ( Allah's religion ), claimed by Moslems to be the most perfect religion, takes Moslems as well as Non-Moslems ( the Kafirs ) to their doom. This is Islam's idea of peace. Islam teaches its followers that, all religions except Islam are false & darkness ( Jahaliyat ). Islam has its own definitions of good & bad. In Islam, fair is foul, and foul is fair. Islam has been systematically & successfully practising this nomenclature for 1400 years. Why should it change its modus operanda now, particularly when so many phoney-liberal politicians of the democracies, are ready to buy this phoney-baloney of Islam ?
4. There are so many horror stories of Islam, the horror stories of Islam are beyond description, in ferocity, brutality, and barbarism.
5. To put it succinctly:
Gar Jhanum Bruey Zamin Ast, Islam Ast, Islam Ast, Islam Ast
( If there is hell on earth, Islam is that, Islam is that, Islam is that )
Surinder Paul Attri
Subj: Pictures From London - This is Beyond Scary
1. Pictures From London - This is Beyond Scary
by Wes Penre, March 02, 2008
2. What do the announcements on the placards say ?:

Behead those who insult Islam.
Islam will dominate the world.
Slay those who insult Islam.
Europe you will pay.
Europe is the cancer. Islam is the answer.
Exterminate those who slander Islam.
Freedom go to hell.
Europe take some lessons from 9/11.
Europe you will pay. Your 9/11 is on its way.
Massacre those who insult Islam.
Europe: Be prepared for the real holocaust.
And so on & on.
3. My Take:
This is how peaceful Islam ( Allah's religion ), claimed by Moslems to be the most perfect religion, takes Moslems as well as Non-Moslems ( the Kafirs ) to their doom. This is Islam's idea of peace. Islam teaches its followers that, all religions except Islam are false & darkness ( Jahaliyat ). Islam has its own definitions of good & bad. In Islam, fair is foul, and foul is fair. Islam has been systematically & successfully practising this nomenclature for 1400 years. Why should it change its modus operanda now, particularly when so many phoney-liberal politicians of the democracies, are ready to buy this phoney-baloney of Islam ?
4. There are so many horror stories of Islam, the horror stories of Islam are beyond description, in ferocity, brutality, and barbarism.
5. To put it succinctly:
Gar Jhanum Bruey Zamin Ast, Islam Ast, Islam Ast, Islam Ast
( If there is hell on earth, Islam is that, Islam is that, Islam is that )
Surinder Paul Attri

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Criminal Jats

Subj: Criminal Jats
1. reader comment: Criminal Jats
Submitted by LAKHWINDER MOMI (Canada), Sep 21, 2010 at 17:42
Now jats are in main stream and are not criminal, they are literate and civilised.
Kambojs are more genuine, hard working and most trusted people.

2. My Take:
As in nearly everything else, there also statistics in Jats & Kambojs. But you don't need statistics to grasp that problem is not Jats or Kambojs but their Islam, and the combination of Jats plus Islam. It is the imposition of Islam on the Jat, which is the problem, which alienates him from his native culture, and drives him towards a culture of uncivilized Bedouins ( Islam ).

4. It is the duty of smart Jats to recognize this usurpation of their native culture, and that under false colors, Islam does violence to their native customs & beliefs. It is also the duty of Non-Jats to let the Pakistani Jats know, how false & diabolical is the creed of Mohammad, how this evil creed is holding them ( as prisoners ), how it does not deserve their loyalty, but merits their utmost contempt & disgust.

Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Islam is not bad.

Subj: Islam is not bad.

1. Submitted by ahmed (Pakistan), Sep 13, 2010 at 07:51

Islam is not very bad relgion.It is very take us away from path of sin to the path of virtue.Islam not fight with others without any reason.there is a big reason to fight with others.and the terrerist are not muslim they show themselves muslim so muslim have very bad name in the world .muslims does not kill their brother because every muslim is brother of other muslim.and islam loves humanity.

2. My Take:

Quote: Islam is not very bad relgion.

COMMENT: This assessment is suffering from a crippling flaw, it is apocryphal. The 1400 year evidence of Islamic history speaks totally against this statement.

Quote; It is very take us away from path of sin to the path of virtue.

COMMENT: This opinion is neither true nor in keeping with the basic spirit of Islam. Whenever Moslems try to defend their Islam, they couch their remarks within a bunch of prevarication & fiction. The surest means of Janat ( Moslem's paradise ), which every Moslem desires, is via Jihad.

Note: Janat is the abode of choicest carnal-delights-after-death ( for a Moslem ). Jihad is obligatory on a Moslem. Moslems must fight Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), who are the enemies of their Allah. Thus sex & violence combine to become the basic approach of Islam.

3. Quote: Islam not fight with others without any reason.there is a big reason to fight with others

COMMENT: Sure there is a big FAT reason for Moslems, to fight with others ( Non-Moslem Infidels/Kafirs ). Kafirs do not believe in Islam, the only religion of truth ( according to Islam ). All Kafir religions are fake & foul. Islam is the only true religion. All those who do not believe in Islam, are Kafirs, they are the enemies of Allah. They must be murdered or enslaved. This has been Islam's approach, from Day One of Islam.

4. Quote: the terrerist are not muslim they show themselves muslim so muslim have very bad name in the world .muslims does not kill their brother because every muslim is brother of other muslim

COMMENT: This is an excuse, and a lousy one at that. Terrorists are Moslems alright, they are followers of Islam & Allah. Terrorism follows directly from the teachings of Islam itself, which dictates that believers ( Moslems ) are Allah's favorite children, and the rest of humanity ( the Kafirs ) are an abomination, deserving annihilation. Jihad is all about murdering & mutilating Kafirs ( Allah's enemies ), it is not about any moral, social, or humanitarian reason, that Moslems always pretend.


5. Quote: and islam loves humanity.

COMMENT: What a Joke !

Islam has been hastening Kafirs to their doom. If Islam loves humanity, it sure has a bizarre & barbaric way of demonstrating its love for humanity.

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Burning of Quran on 11 September 2010

Subj: Burning of Quran on 11 September 2010
in response to reader comment: Burning of Quran on 11 September 2010
Submitted by Haina McUna (Mozambique), Sep 3, 2010 at 06:11
This commentary denotes your lack of responsibility. First of all, it shows how far distance you have became from religion and its knowledge, your analysis are rooted out to make any sense in a normal world, it is purely devilsh and devil inspired, sound more like another 11th September attach that you and your fellow men are antecipating, after terrorizing more people, it is not worth a respectful comment whatsoever. -... WHAT ARE YOUR TRUE INTENTIONS? WOE TO YOU!!!
2. My Take:
This sham counterattack, intended to defend Islam is fraudulent. Actions speak louder than words. That is why it is so very important, to be aware of the actions of Islam, in word & deed. And Islam's actions, etched on the pages of history, stink in the nostrils. Early Christians considered Islam as a " spurious creed " and a " baneful superstition ", and its author as a false prophet. Islam ordains Jihad, teaches its followers to kill un-believers, whom it labels as Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), and to destroy their shrines, and sanctions converting free citizens into Zimmies.
3. Violence against Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) is a permanent feature of Islam, all over the world. In fact, killing of Kafirs is sanctioned by Quran & the Sunnah of the prophet. The magnitude of crime credited to Islam, is beyond measure. Islamic kings & commanders were monsters, who stopped at no crime, when it came to their Kafir subjects. What is most significant, is the fact that this is exactly the design, revealed by Allah in the Quran, practised & prescribed by the Prophet in his lifetime, and followed by pious Khalifas of Islam. The record of Islam leaves no doubt that, Islam is barbaric and KKK ( Kafir Killing Klan/Kaum ).
4. To tell it like it is:
Islam's followrs are imperialist marauders, inspired by a criminal creed, which they are trying to impose on Kafirs of the world, by means of force.
Surinder Paul Attri

Friday, September 3, 2010

Comment on Burning Of Quran

Subj: Comment on Burning Of Quran

1. burning of quran Reader comment on item: Why I Stand with Geert Wilders in response to reader comment: Burning of Quran on 11 September 2010 Submitted by muslim 4 life (United Kingdom), Aug 27, 2010 at 11:55

Islam is the name of peace but unforunately some muslims dont follow the true image of islam and just because of those people every muslim have to suffer. burning the quran on 11th september is not going to make things better but it will make it worse and will erupt many tensions and rage which will affect every one.

2. My Take: Quote: Islam is the name of peace COMMENT: This is the biggest joke in the Universe. Islam is the anti-thesis of peace, just as " Good " is the anti-thesis of " Bad ."

Is Islam the name of peace ? That is what the Muslims want you to believe Islam is. But that is Not what Islam is.

Islam is conflict, belligerence, tumult, turmoil, war, tailor-made for a perfect-follower of Islam.

3. Quote: but unforunately some muslims dont follow the true image of islam and just because of those people every muslim have to suffer.

COMMENT: That is Exactly the same excuse that, Christians use for the crusaders of Christianity, labelling them as misguided-Christians. who are bringing a bad name to Christianity. This Islamo-Christian resemblance is Remarkable. Instead of making excuses, it is better to: TELL IT LIKE IT IS...and let the chips fall where they may.

4. Quote: burning the quran on 11th september is not going to make things better but it will make it worse and will erupt many tensions and rage which will affect every one.

COMMENT: True, True, True.Burning Of Quran is not going to make an iota of difference. Burning of Quran is Not going to stop Moslems from killing Kafirs, to gain entry into Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ), with 72 Houries for each Moslem, and where milk, honey, wine & whiskey abound. No Moslem is going to give up his dream of ever-fragrant Janat.

Surinder Paul Attri

Donations collected from UK

1. Subj: Donations collected from UK

Signor Asif Ali Zardari ( husband of assassinated Benazir Bhutto ), who is now the President of Pakistan, who has the appearance of a Bollywood-comedian, and is the owner of a dazzling smile, is also the holder of many other natural gifts. Several years ago, in the country of Pakistan, he enjoyed esteem as Ten Percent Guy ( to forward & facilitate etc etc ). With the espirit & flair that Allah has dealt out to him, who knows at what other formularities, he may make a three-point landing in his future career ?

2. In the photo, he is shown sitting in front of a throng of shoes: I am a man of tender-sensitivites, and like the angry-spectator, I am not going to fling a shoe at Signor Zardari. Instead, I would utter this:
Signor Zardari: If shoe fits, wear it.

Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bharat Mata

Subj: Bharat Mata
1. Dear Mr. Atrri,
Thank you so much for your reply. Your information is very informative, and now I will be able to quote you, together with a small introduction, in my work.
The thing that struke me was, that you call yourselve a pagan.
Is that 'pagan' as in 'non believer' ? Does that mean that your interest and protection is for the cultur of India in general, en not Hinduism?
Thank you again,
Irene Veldman
2. My Take:
Quote: Your information is very informative, and now I will be able to quote you, together with a small introduction, in my work.
COMMENT: Signora Irene Veldman: I am pleased that you find my information helpful. Please feel free to make use of it, any way you please.
3. During my last attempt at " Bharat ", I neglected to spell out " Mata ." The two go together as Bharat Mata.
Mata means Mother & Bharat Mata means Mother Bharat. It is the ancient ( Sanskrit ) name of India or Hindustan. Hindustan is the name that Bactrians ( AKA Persians/AKA Iranians ) gave to our country. It is said that Iranians could not pronounce the word Sindh ( referring to river Sindh in Pakistan ), and instead of Sindhustan, started calling it Hindustan. The suffix of " Stan " comes from the Sanskrit word Isthan, which means a place to live.
Thus Hindustan or Sindhustan is a place, where Hindus or Sindhus live.
4. Further " Mata " is a metaphor of many connotations, such as Bharat Mata, Gau ( Cow ) Mata, meaning Mother Cow, Mata Bhasha or Matri Bhasha, meaning Mother Tongue. In fact, India/Hindustan itself is referred to as Mother India, and never as Father India, as is the custom in places like Germany.

5. Quote: The thing that struke me was, that you call yourselve a pagan.
Is that 'pagan' as in 'non believer' ?

COMMENT: I am a Pagan alright, but I am not an unbeliever per se, I am an unbeliever in the Christian God. Similarly, I am also an unbeliever in Stupid-Allah, the Islamic God.

7. Quote: Does that mean that your interest and protection is for the cultur of India in general, en not Hinduism?
COMMENT: There are differences in the values of various religions, that inhabit India. But Hinduism alone is the bearer of Indian civilization. Despite thousand years of slavery, of credal religions of Islam & Christianity ( first Moslems and then the British ), neither Hindus nor Hindu civilization have been swept away.

But, even though, there is no Indian civilization, without or outside of Hinduism, and even though there is colossal threat from credal religions ( Islam & Christianity ), Hindu society has not imbibed a military spirit. How long is Bharat Mata going to last in India, with this defensive attitude of the Hindu.

Surinder Paul Attri

Friday, August 6, 2010

Response to Irene Veldman's message

Subj: Response to Irene Veldman's message
1. From:
Subject: some questions
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 20:29:44 +0200

Dear Mr. Attri,

With great interest I have read your article 'How the heck did we Hindoes get trapped?'. I would like to quote some of your statements in my thesis.
At the moment I am writing my master thesis, the main questions in it are: how and why is it that more and more India is being referred to as Bharat Mata in Indian (Hindutva) politics?

I have a genuine interest in hindu-culture en hindu-religion. After two visits to India, and a lot of reading, I am now able to use all of this in my studies as well.

Because I would like to quote you in my work, I am also interested in you as a person. I have seen you are active on many websites and forums. But all I have been able to trace is that you are a USA resident. It would be helpfull for me to know where this passion for hinduism and India's future is coming from. Are you a politician? Or are you affiliated with a culturally-based hinduorganisation? Are you born in the USA, or did you move there later in live? I suppose you are a very religious person. Can you tell my anything on that?

If you could spare the time to help me with my question, your help is very much appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

miss Irene Veldman
masterstudent Religious Studies
Radboud Universty, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

2. My Take:
Quote: With great interest I have read your article 'How the heck did we Hindoes get trapped?'. I would like to quote some of your statements in my thesis.

COMMENT: Signora Irene Veldman: I am glad that you wanted to know, what I wrote in " How the heck did we Hindus get trapped ? " Please feel free to quote or use any of my statements, in your thesis.

3. Quote: At the moment I am writing my master thesis, the main questions in it are: how and why is it that more and more India is being referred to as Bharat Mata in Indian (Hindutva) politics?

COMMENT: Hindutva-type Hindus use the term Bharat Mata to protest ( and cry out ) against the repression, suppresion,subjugation, slaughter, and plunder of Hindu people & Hindu culture, by Moslem rulers ( and also British rulers ), But " Bharat " is used by Non-Hindutva types also. The usual reference is:
" India that is Bharat "

Bharata is an ancient Sanskrit word. There are several theories about the origin of the term Bharata. The most popular theiry is that:
" Bharata is the son of king Dushyanta & his beautiful wife Shakuntla, who became the First Emperor of Greater India. "
India has been known Always as Bharata, after that event, until the Moslems came over, and started demolishing ( and levelling to the ground ) everything about the Kafir (Non-Moslem Infidel ) Hindu.

4. Quote: I have a genuine interest in hindu-culture en hindu-religion. After two visits to India, and a lot of reading, I am now able to use all of this in my studies as well.

COMMENT: I am delighted that you have a " true-blue " interest in Hindu Culture & Hindu Religion. Also that you are putting it to good use.

5. Quote: Because I would like to quote you in my work, I am also interested in you as a person.

COMMENT: Please feel free to use any of my write-ups.
Regarding me as a person: I am a Pagan & a Kafir. I like the Dutch people & know a few Dutch-Pagans. Unfortunately, due to crash of my hard-drive, I lost their phone-numbers as well as their E-Mail addresses.

6. Quote: I have seen you are active on many websites and forums. But all I have been able to trace is that you are a USA resident.
COMMENT: Absolutely true.

7. Quote: It would be helpfull for me to know where this passion for hinduism and India's future is coming from
COMMENT: Signora Irene: No body has asked this question from me before. It is a legitimate question, but I am going to answer your question, in a round-about way.
Once I was at a dinner table, next to an American friend, amongst a group of Americans. My American friend took a serving of beef from the table and then said to me, " You don't eat this stuff." I replied, " No, I don't. " My friend then said, " Cows are sacred to Hindus. " I replied, " They sure are. "
I told my American friend that this probably appears outlandish to you, and you laugh at us Hindus because we worship our cows. My American friend replied, " No, we don't "
I said, " Oh yes, you do. " My friend again replied, " No, we don't. "
I then told my friend, " Don't deny, I know you do. " Finally, my friend replied, " I guess we do, but it is only cultural, we have nothing against the Hindu people. "

I told my American friend, " You know something. Everytime I realize that your religion blames everthing that is evil, on a totally imaginary creature, which you call Devil, I have Hell of a time, controlling my laughter. "
My American friend then said, " This whole thing about religion is crazy. "
I said to him, " Not only the religion, but all of us humans are a little bit crazy, but don't know about it. "
My Yanke friedn & I totally agreed with the last statement.

8. Now I can answer your question. Neither Christianity nor Islam, deal with evil at all. Both blame all evil on a totally-imaginary creature, which they call the Devil. They are:
" Passing the Buck. "
Hinduism is not perfect, but Hinduism confronts evil Head-On. Hinduism puts man in the Driver's Seat, and holds him responsible for all his actions, good as well as bad ( known as good-Karma & bad-Karma ). There is Total-Accountability in Hinduism. In Islam & Christianity, the Acountability is Absolute-Zero.

My passion for Hinduism, comes from this far-flung difference, between Islam/Christianity & Hinduism,..

9. Quote: Are you a politician? Or are you affiliated with a culturally-based hinduorganisation? Are you born in the USA, or did you move there later in live? I suppose you are a very religious person. Can you tell my anything on that?
COMMENT: Negative on all counts.
I was born in India, but now live in the USA. You might call me a Yanke ( this is a joke ).

10. Finally, I like the Dutch people, especially the Dutch-Pagans. They are my-type of people.

:" These Dutch have the Touch. "


Surinder Paul Attri

Thursday, August 5, 2010


1. bhagavaandaas tyaagi
to me

VERY SCARY----- forwarded to 70 people -----

2. My Take: Scary yes !
But this scare ought not to spook us or creep us Hindus out, but make us resolve to pay the Sulla back in his own coin. Force is what Sulla respects, and force is what Sulla is going to get. It is only a matter of time, before Hindu becomes angry enough, and makes the Sulla reap the whirl-winds.

3. This is not to under-estimate the threat of Tahir Ali ( of Islamabad ) or of Azam Tariq ( of Tehreek-E-Taliban/TET ). Both of them want to shoot the core out of Kafir-Hindu Their threats of decisive battles against Hindus of Hindustan, are for real. We Hindus have seen violent waves of Islamic-Imperialism, surging all around our Bharat-Varsha, for twelve centuries.

4. This threat is bad enough, as it is. On top of it, the ruling class of India, consisting mostly of Phoney-Liberal Hindus ( Hell with these Phoney-Liberals ! ) is wearing blind-folds. This class cannot see the blood-thirsty monster of Islam. This monster has cleaned up its separate state of Pakistan, from the curse of Kafir-Hindu, and is now trying to capture the whole of India, by the right of conquest, in the name of Allah. This is happening right under the nose of the Phoney-LIberal Hindu politicians.

5. Smart Hindus, who are alert & awake, know very well that they cannot rely upon their politicians ( Phoney-Liberal politicians ) to defend them & their Hindu interests. Hindu shall have to rely entirely on his own resources.

For 1200 years, this class of smart & alert Hindus, had to struggle ceaselessly, to defend Hindu interests, against horde after horde of Barbaric Islamic invaders, who slaughtered hundereds of millions of our Hindus, burnt, pillaged, demolished 64,000 plus of our Hindu shrines, enslave millions of Hindus, and foisted by force, their own brand of Bedouin-Barbarism.

6. Let this be made clear to everybody, Hindu & Non-Hindu alike that:
We Hindus will Never accept the Un-civilized Bedouin-Barbarians, on par with Dharmic-Hindu, whose values are based on Sanatam Dharma. We Hindus will Never allow the Bedouin-Barbarians, to bring their Era Of Darkness, again into our Bharat-Varsha.

7. At the present time, our Hindu Society is not organized. But sooner or later, we Hindus shall have our problems figured out. and line ourselves up Smartly, to Kick Sulla's A**, route his Islamic-Imperialism, Totally out of India, once & for all.

Surinder Paul Attri

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


August 2, 2010

Dear Hindu, Sikh, Jain and Buddhists
Sisters and Brothers:
I got the following news item from someone in the mail.
Hence I do not have any URL for this item.
Some of you must have already be aware of this news items.

This is a little bit worrisome news. We should change our mindset and strategy, and formulate our plans to handle these fanatic brutes in an appropriate manner.
Narain Kataria
(718) 478-5735

2. My Take: Shri Kataria Jee: Thanks for bringing this disquieting-threat to our attention.

Reg: 3000 ISLAMIC SUICIDE BOMBERS, PLANNING TO CAPTURE INDIA - : This is a highly-depraved threat of Islam, but it goes with the territory, with the nature of the beast, the beast of Islam. Islam is a beast, and it cannot connect itself with anything clean or honorable.

Do the Sullas want to capture India ?
Answer: Not only do they want to capture India, they want to make hunting-trophies out of Kafir-Hindu.

3. Reg: Are we ready to handle them ?
Answer: Not at the moment. But when we get going ( if we ever ), then we shall Knock the Hell out of Islamic Degenrate Ideology. Then the Sulla will feel the Sting of Hindu-Power, for sure. That is as real as it can get.

Surinder Paul Attri

Monday, August 2, 2010

Freedom And Islam

1. Freedom And Islam
Babu Suseelan
to vedi
Apocalyptic Jihadi Terrorists in Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Palestine say they are fighting for Freedom. What Freedom? Islam forbids Freedom, Secularism, Pluralism, Democracy, coexistence and religious tolerance. Muslims are running away from freedom. Infidels fight for liberty, democracy, peace and coexistence. Muslims all over the world fight for imposing Islamic tyranny. The word freedom frequently used by Muslims connote a paradox. How could we say that they are Freedom Fighters in Kashmir while Muslims are killing infidel Hindus, sikhs, Jains, Buddhists and Christians. Jihadis want Islamic tyranny and Koran slavery. Islamic slavery and tyranny is not freedom. Muslims are afraid of freedom and liberal thinking. They escape from freedom and love Islamic slavery and Allah's tyranny. Freedom means responsible and civilized behavior. Muslims not only escape from freedom but impose, promote and practice evil.

2. My Take:
Islam & Freedom: This is the Biggest-Joke in the Universe. There is No freedom in Islam, nor can there ever be.
By claiming that they are fighting for freedom, the Sullas are exploiting Kafir-Hindu's gullibility, throwing dust in the eyes of the idolatrous Hindu.Smart Hindus ought to disregard this Islamic poppy-cock. In fact, Hindus ought to push the Sullas back into Mecca & Medina, the original home of Bedouin-Barbarians.

4. To sum up the Sulla approach:
Pakistan & Bangladesh are the Fixed-Deposits of Islam. Both are Islamic states, no one can lay a claim on either one. But India is a Joint-Account. Plunder it as much as you can.

5. What are the Mullas & Maulvies of Islam saying:
They are both borrowing Karl Marx's metaphor:
We, the Mullahs & Maulvies of Islam, disdain to hide our aim. We stand for a full & final conquest of India by Islam. Muslmaans Of India, Unite.
You have nothing to lose but your minority status & complex, but a whole subcontinent to gain.

6. What are the Sullas of UK saying ( on Al-Jazeers TV ):
The British public is bigoted, they should expect more attacks ( suicidal blow-ups ) from his Moslem brothers.
This Hill-Billy Sulla has forgotten that his Father left his run-down, rickety country,hungry & came as a beggar to UK, which allowed him to stay with dignity & pride. Now he wants to destroy the same country, he is cutting off the hand that feeds him.This guy is a Sicky, like his Sick-Islam, and he has the audacity to threaten UK. It is a shame that, democracies are allowing such savages to threaten innocent lives. Sullas & their Islam, are a cancer. They need to be eradicated with spunk & resolve.

Surinder Paul Attri

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Comments on “Baby drowned during Baptism” 1

Subj: Comments on “Baby drowned during Baptism”

1. Namaste Surinder ji,

DhanyavAdah for your clarifications.
Would be interested some time to learn more about your argument on Baptism as an exorcist ritual.
If you have any article on it, I would be very happy to go through it if it would be possible for you to send it via mail.

I had a different understanding of the ritual but if your explanation can throw new light on the subject will be very happy to know more about it.

Regarding the similarities between Pagan Myths, I have a problem with the word pagan because it seems to have a derogatory connotation to it as primitive and uncivilised, a word employed by early Christians to denigrate the native belief-systems of those they had come to convert.
It was interesting to learn about the similarities between the Icelandic Myths and those of the Sanatana Dharma. Would be uttamam to explore this connection further.


2. My Take: Namaste to you, Anuradha Choudry Jee.

3. Quote: DhanyavAdah for your clarifications.

COMMENT: You are welcome.

4. Quote: Would be interested some time to learn more about your argument on Baptism as an exorcist ritual.
If you have any article on it, I would be very happy to go through it if it would be possible for you to send it via mail.

COMMENT: Sorry! I do not have any article, nor am aware of the existence of any article on this subject.


5. Quote: I had a different understanding of the ritual but if your explanation can throw new light on the subject will be very happy to know more about it.

COMMENT: This does not surprise me at all. Many Christian Priests are also totally amazed & wonder how this inter-marriage between baptism & exorcism is possible.

But this linkage is not only possible, but has a strong presence in Christianity.In fact, it is fundamental to Christianity. Consequently, I oppose humbug and separate fact from fiction.

You tell me what is your understanding of baptism, and I will explain mine, and I will put Exorcism on top of Baptism.

I would say this, in the interim, that Devil ( a totally imaginary creature ) is very real to Christianity. Diabolical-Possession is also extremely real to Christians. Christianity tries to confine the Devil ( a creature of no-existence ) to Hell. That is what Exorcism is all about.

6. Quote: Regarding the similarities between Pagan Myths, I have a problem with the word pagan because it seems to have a derogatory connotation to it as primitive and uncivilised, a word employed by early Christians to denigrate the native belief-systems of those they had come to convert.

COMMENT: This does Not shock me at all.

The Pagans of Europe also have a problem with the term Pagan, because this is a term of abuse that, Christians use for Non-Christian Infidels. The Pagans of Europe want to damn the term that represents them. But I call myself a Pagan ( A Proud Pagan ) and have suggested that they use it too. First, Pagan is a standard term, well-understood by nearly everybody. Secondly, I use the term Pagan ( Paganism ) to expose the heinous crimes that Christianity represents.

For the same reason, I call myself a Kafir, even though some Hindus don't like it, because it is a term of abuse that Moslems have chosen for Non-Moslem Infidels. Hindus prefer to use their own term. Suffice it to say, that for reasons of my own, I call myself a Kafir ( A Proud Kafir ). I use this term, to give Hell to Islam.

Surinder Paul Attri

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Comments on Baby drowned during Baptism

Subj: Comments on Baby drowned during Baptism
2. My Take: Namaste to you also Anuradha Choudry Jee.
3. Quote: I believe one has to be careful about how one labels practices in other religions/traditions until one knows for certain that it is the case just as we would not appreciate people from other faiths branding customs of the Sanatana Dharma or any other related tradition as rituals of the devil without understanding the deeper symbolism/significance behind them.
COMMENT: Anuradha Jee: Thank you. I stand behind my statements.
I have been tested on this issue several times before, at least once in a public meeting.
In one public meeting, a Christian Missionary fought battles with me for at least 15 minutes, on this very issue, insisting confidently & conceitedly that, ritual of baptism is not a ritual of exorcism. In front of the whole crowd, I knocked every one his arguments, into a cocked hat, forcing him to admit finally that:
" Yes, ritual of baptism is a ritual of exorcism. "
4. Not only that, at the end of his lecture, he came over to my seat, and shook my hand furiously, again & again ( he had Not been challenged before, and enjoyed debating with me ).
5. Now note this: The Hindus in the crowd who were sitting subdued so far, now came over to my seat, and also congratulated me for my good arguments.
6. If in future, any body wants to challenge me on this issue, I am ready .
7. Regarding rest of the statements in your message: I am trying to keep my reply short. But I have taken Bible apart, line by line, and exposed the Devil out of them, to the utter delight of Pagans of Europe. Suffice it to say that:
Christianity is Not what it is made out to be.
8. Quote: On a more philosophical note - in the course of my travels, I find more and more that, we as a human race, share much more in common with each other as human beings once we get to know the 'Other'
COMMENT: I concur with you, Anuradha Choudry Jee. There are lots of factors of commonalities amongst us humans.
Mr. Jorimunder Ingi ( Head of the Pagans of Iceland ) told us in a public meeting that, the Pagans of Iceland compared the Pagan Mythology of Iceland with the Pagan Mythologies of every place on earth. The Pagan Mythology that came closest to the Pagan My thology of Iceland is:
9. When I heard this assessment, it shook the wind out of my ears. But there is lot of Hindu at other places in Europe too, this reality is generally unknown to Hindus.
Surinder Paul Attri